7/03/2017 Chalk Dust Chatter 7th March 2017 Page 1 ... · Room T3 Rollins Moore Room T4 Taj...

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Transcript of 7/03/2017 Chalk Dust Chatter 7th March 2017 Page 1 ... · Room T3 Rollins Moore Room T4 Taj...

7/03/2017 Chalk Dust Chatter Page 1

Phone 9757 2666 Fax 9757 2863

Margaretriver.ps@education.wa.edu.au www.mriverps.wa.edu.au

CHALK DUST CHATTER 7th March 2017 Newsletter issue: 3

Uniform Shop

Tuesday & Thursday


9270 4688


Special thanks to Robert

from Lifecycle Bikes who

visited our school and did a

safety check on all of the

students bikes before they

set off on camp

On Wednesday our year 4 students set off on their much anticipated bike

camp adventure to Wharncillfe Mill. They stayed overnight and participated in

a range of fun activities, informative sessions and team building exercises. A

great time was had by all and a huge thanks goes to all involved: the organis-

ing staff, the parent volunteers, the ever-accommodating Wharncliffe Mill

team and the students for their great behaviour and enthusiastic participation.

On Bike Camp we rode to Wharncliffe Mill. At bike camp we did lots of

activities. Some aboriginal people came and taught us about their culture

and plants and animals. We got to watch the movie Ice Age, it was lots of

fun. On the way back to school , we went to Gloucester Park and had a

sausage sizzle. We played games and Mr Yates sprayed us with a hose when

it was really hot. Written by Kaya Edwards Room T13

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Kitchen Garden Fundraiser

On Sunday 12th March, from 4pm – 8pm, we will be holding our Kitchen Garden Fundraiser at Colonial Brewery. The ‘Formidable Vegetable Sound System’ is a band that might be well known to many of you and they will be providing the tunes for you to dance along to. There will be face painting, seed bomb making and a gourmet sausage sizzle to go along with the other attractions at Colonial. We are raising money to build a permanent shelter in the Kitchen Garden to keep students out and active during hot days and raining days alike. We received an initial grant to set up the Kitchen Garden, however we maintain this excellent facility along with the kitchen, garden and kitchen staff and all of the plantings through school funds. Your support of this event will ensure the ongoing success of the program. See you there!

Sports Carnival

We can’t wait to see you all at the Year 3 – 6 sports carnival on Friday 17th March, with the first event at 9.30am. Students will take part in a variety of rotational events throughout the day including sprints with everybody cheering them along. Come down and enjoy the festivities and acknowledge the hard work and training that students have been doing every week.

Lost Property

The school year is only five weeks old and we have already filled both of our lost property boxes. One is located next to the canteen entrance and the other on the corridor next to Room 3. Make sure that you take some time to check the boxes if you have lost a hat or jumper this year.

Year 4 Bike Camp

A very big thank you goes out to all of the parents who gave up their time to help out with the Bike Camp last week. We had over 100 students sleep out at Wharncliffe Mill on Wednesday evening after exhausting themselves riding around the Rails to Trails and the Pines. Parents assisted in driving bags and swags out to the site, riding with the group, preparing meals and packing up before we left. Without your generous support an event like this just can’t happen – thank you! Thank you also to all of the staff members who spent the night away from their families for the time and effort they put into the camp. I enjoyed spending the night out their too and especially watching our students challenge themselves, make new friends and take the opportunity to develop their independence.

School Board Vacancies

We have two vacancies on our School Board that have arisen at the start of this year. Further details about how to nominate will be sent home to families along with an outline of the role of a Board member. To nominate, please complete the slip attached to the bottom of the details sheet and return it to the school office. The Board meets twice each term on a Wednesday evening from 5pm.

Aaron Thomas, Principal

Merit Certificates

Room 2 Rayan Amedi

Room 4 Tyler Voight-Jackman

Room 5 Matisse Thomas

Room 6 Isabelle Forté

Room 7 Caspian McAuliffe

Room 8 Zoe Clemson

Room 9 Darcy Hall

Room 10 Ana Dimalanta

Room 10 Daniel Graham

Room 12 Eliza Turner

Room 12 Jerry Barr

Room 14 Lewis Goddard

Room 14 Nicholas Temby

Room 15 Isla Targett

Room 16 Fearne Twyman

Room 17 Lincoln Smith

Room 22 Sam Harwood

Room T1 Oliver Glorie

Room T2 Scarlett Wenman

Room T3 Rollins Moore

Room T4 Taj Prendergast

Room T5 James Tangney

Room T6 Holly Tearney

Room T7 Jaiden Scott

Room T8 Lorena Bailey

Room T9 Coby English

Room T11 Eden Schaafsma

Room T12 Faiza Pieren

Room T13 Thomas Host

Room T14 Sonny Bridges

Bee-Bop-A-Lula Year 5 — Room T10

Golden Broom Award Junior Room 8

Senior Room T7

7/03/2017 Chalk Dust Chatter Page 3

Year 6 students from rooms 11 and 12 will participate in the 2017 Cape Catchment Program. The aim is to

study the river system and assess its health in a variety of ways. Areas of interest will include impacts from

Farming, Wineries, Introduced Species, Planting Programs, Orchards and Tourism. This year the students will

map their journeys via the medium of film.

Last week teachers organised for local film maker Mike

Dunn to visit school. Mike is a professional visual effects

and animator director. Over the last 10 years he has

helped produce over 30 films and has taught widely. He

came to the school to instruct the Year 6's in how to film

and record audio to make documentaries and has kindly

agreed to share his expertise and equipment.

Using these devices, students will map their journey

through film, record what they find out and discuss how

they will try to resolve any issues, etc. Mike will also be

hands on with all the editing and cutting aspects of the


A special film night will be held in October where the community will be invited to view what the students from

around the area have produced.

With the focus still on the same project, Cape to Cape Catch-

ments Project Manager Tracey Muir brought a 3D model of

our river system to school. Using water and food colouring,

she demonstrated to the students how quickly and environ-

mental hazard can move through our waterways.

7/03/2017 Chalk Dust Chatter Page 4

The P & C AGM was held on Tuesday 21st February with an excellent turnout from parents. The meeting was a chance to welcome new members, welcome back members from last year and enjoy a glass of wine and chat to kick off the year. The role of the P & C is not just to raise funds to assist the school, but to also create and support community events that bring us all together for some fun.

Planning commenced for discos, a cyber-safety information night and a fundraiser for the Kitchen Garden Program on Sunday 12th March at Colonial Brewery.

You don’t need to attend every P &C meeting to make a contribution. We always welcome your skills, time and interest in all of our activities and look forward to seeing you throughout the year.

Thank you to all of the members who have stepped forward to fill office position for 2017.

We would to introduce you to:

President - Josh Wostear

Vice-President - Emily Lang

Secretary - Miriam Lochore

Vice –Secretary - Lynette Wallis

Treasurer - Bec Archer

Canteen - Dione Mottershead

Public Relations - Cate Worsley

Projects Co-ordinator - Nicole Fletcher

Fundraising Co-ordinator (Public) - Danelle Dowding

Fundraising Co-ordinator (School) - Tennille Ross

The next P & C meeting is on Tuesday 7th March 6.30pm MRPS Staffroom—All welcome

Make either a savoury or sweet muffin using seasonal ingredients

Deliver to The Colonial between 4-5pm on Sunday March 12th

Please enter one muffin only

Please give any extras to the cake stall to be sold at the event - all proceeds to the Kitchen Garden

List the seasonal ingredients you used, your name and year group

Mr Thomas, Sarah, Ange & Mr McLeod to judge the winners

Gold coin to enter the competition with the chance to win prizes!

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BE IN IT TO WIN IT! Make sure you get your raffle tickets to be in the running to win some of fabulous prizes on

offer including a two night accommodation voucher, lunch at Voyager Estate, local wines,

and much more….

Tickets will be available on the day, but if you are unable to make it to the event, you can still show your

support by purchasing tickets prior to the event from the front office.


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Burgers on the Menu

Our year six students cooked up a storm last

week at school when they enjoyed their

Burger Day Celebration. The students come

together with their peers to build positive

connections and friendships as a whole year

group. Skills are developed as students

collaborate in groups, organise their ingredients

and delegate roles. Utilising their creative license,

students managed to serve up some gourmet

delights to enjoy for lunch.


Last week we had a guest speaker from Rotary

come and address our students at assembly about

one of their programs call Shelter Box.

The box is designed to deliver the essentials people

need to begin rebuilding their lives in the aftermath

of a disaster. When boxes are sent, each one is tai-

lored to the specific disaster but typically contains a

disaster relief tent for a family, thermal blankets

and groundsheets, water storage and purification

equipment, solar lamps, cooking utensils, a basic

tool kit, mosquito nets and children’s activity pack.'

We asked students for a gold coin donation , and

through this very generous contribution we were

able to raise over $1000. Thank you and well done

to everyone who contributed to this very worthy

cause. Once purchased, we will track it’s journey.

Special thanks to the coordinating teachers, Clare

Dallimore and Carey Jose.

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More photos from the Year 4

Bike Camp ...

Student Health and Wellbeing MRPS Code of Conduct incorporates six core values:

Cooperation, Empathy, Enthusiasm, Flexibility, Honesty and Respect

(SDERA) School Drug Education & Road Aware

Tips for Safer Road Use—Unfortunately each year we hear of

incidents where a student has been seriously injured as they

make their way to or from school. These incidents may be

avoided through road safety education from parents, school

staff and students. Here are some key road safety messages for

students and parents.

Think of the safest roads to walk or ride around your local area.

Where are the safest places to cross the road? Talk to your

children about what would be the safest way for you to travel

to some of your favourite places e.g. travelling to school, to

sport, to your friend's house. What are some risks and hazards

you can avoid when planning a journey in your local area? As a

family plan some safe travel routes to your favourite places.

Crossing Roads - Students should learn the correct road

crossing procedure.

STOP – A safe distance from the edge of the road.

LOOK – In all directions for approaching traffic.

LISTEN - For approaching traffic.

THINK – Is it safe to cross the road?

Children up to 10 years of age should be supervised by an adult

when crossing the road.

Driveway Safety

On average, one child is seriously injured by a motor vehicle

each week in a family driveway in Australia. Talk to your

children about moving to a “safety spot” whenever cars are

being reversed out of driveways. Especially being aware of

driveways when riding their bikes to and from school. Thank

you for playing a vital role in your child’s road safety education.

For more information visit www.sdera .wa.edu.au

Value Flexibility - Easy to change or adapt.

At Margaret River Primary School, one of our core values is

flexibility—the ability to adapt, change, and rise to new

challenges set forth by learning experiences. At this school we

help students to become flexible thinkers who are able to

question existing thinking, adapt and creatively meet the

demands of the future. Flexibility means being able to make

changes like meeting new friends, not getting upset if there are

changes and things don’t go our way. Remember that a tree

that isn’t flexible or won’t bend is easily broken.

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Out There - MRPS cannot assume responsibility for students attending non-school activities.

Piano lessons for Beginners with Lucy Taylor

Simply Music is a revolutionary playing based piano method. Students can, on average, confidently play between 30-50 songs within the first 12 months of lessons.

Enquiries and bookings call or text Lucy on 0448 491 795

Margaret River Netball Association Registrations Open March 1st for the 2017 Season

Under 9’s (2009 & 2008) - Play Saturday 9:30am, Train Wednesday 4pm Under 11’s (2007 & 2006) - Play Saturday 10.45am, Train Wednesday 5pm Under 13’s (2005 & 2004) - Play Thursday 4:45pm, Train Mondays Under 15’s (2003 - 2000) - Play Thursday 6pm, Train Tuesdays

We are super excited to see you all this coming season. Please register as soon as possible so we can get things organised for you. Go to my.netball.com.au (google my netball) On the right side - Find a club with the post code 6285 Login to register. User name is your email and you can reset your password at this point if you have for-

gotten it or set up a new account if new. Payment is due after registration by direct debit or cash/cheque at the beginning of the season. Payment

is not made online at registration. If you are eligible for Kidsport this is now done online. Google kidsport and follow the links

Registrations close 22nd March. For help with MyNetball registrations contact Belinda on 0488 066 140 or margaretrivernetball@gmail.com

For questions regarding the season contact Linda on 0439 151 560 Umpires from last year and new aspiring umpires please text Linda your interest.

Hockey Season 2017 is on the way… Registrations are now open.

Go to -Www.margaretriverhockey.org.au and hover over on CLUB SHOP tab in the top menu, click on member-

ship in the drop down menu. Click on the desired team and proceed through registration.

-Busselton Hockey Stadium- -Season begins end of March 2017-

Year 3—5 Mixed Team / Year 6-8 Boys and Year 6-8 Girls / Year 9-12 Boys and Year 9_ 12 Girls

For more information Email—admin@margaretriverhockey.org.au

Web—www.margaretriverhockey.org.au Facebook—Margaret River Hockey Club



Men, Women, Masters and Juniors

Register online at—www.myfootballclub.com.au

For registration assistance contact Club Registrar

Ange Longmore 0448 815 646

info@footballmargaretriver.org www.footballmargaretriver.org