7000 Subject Lines Later

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Transcript of 7000 Subject Lines Later

7,000 Subject Line Tests Later

February 8, 2017


Presented by….

Chris ScavoProduct Marketer

Vivian SwertinskiStrategic Services Manager


Informz - Sophistication Made Easy

1,500+ clients

11,000 users

Database Integrations

Headquartered in Saratoga Springs, NY

Email Marketing

Marketing Automation


Strategic Services

Webinar Agenda

Data Analysis

Subject Lines & Deliverability

Winning Subject Line Trends

Testing Best Practices

Benchmark Key Performance Metrics


Data Analysis

7,000 Subject Line Tests

104 Million Test Emails Sent

20,000 Top Performing Subject Lines


Audience Poll – Barriers to Testing

Lack of Time

Don’t know what to test

Testing hasn’t worked

Deliverability Concerns







Important: Sender Reputation


Be aware of spam traps

• Email address set as a trap for catching spammers

• Data quality is paramount

• Grow your list organically

• Subscriber permission


Spam filters score incoming messages

• Impact Inbox placement

• Subscriber complaints

• Questionable words

• Emails that are all images

• Exposed hyperlinks

• Excessive punctuation


Deliverability – Know before you go send

Virtual Inbox: Predictive Analytics:


Winning Subject Line Trends

Traditional Personalization

A. Hey “First Name”, sorry about the technical difficulty 37% B. Oops. We had a technical difficulty 33%

A. “Company Name”, Just 4 Days Left to Become a Trial Member! 28% B. Trial Membership Deadline 23%


Trendy Personalization

A. “Informal Name”, Let's Brunch! 50%B. RSVP Today: Brunch 41%


A. Hey, “Informal Name”! 👋👋 60%B. See Who's Coming To Reunion! 🎉🎉 42%

Professional Personalization

A. Dr. “Last Name”, Invitation to Engage 45% B. AOA Member: Invitation to Engage 40%

A. Dr. “Last Name”, don't miss this webinar! 32% B. Last Call: Hiring and Firing in PA Webinar 27%


Banking on Dollars

A. $500 Off First-Time COE Applications 34% B. Save $500 on Your COE Application 26%

A. Your early renewal offer ends today 30%B. Last day to save $15 22%

A. Never Attended? 30% B. Never Attended? Save $100! 23%


Subject Line Length Matters

You're In! We did it! Be Aware! Thank You! Interested? Don't Forget! Need Your Help Urgent Notice!

Open Rate95% 69%54% 81%66% 65% 73% 73%



LEADERSHIP | Eyer Returns to the Line 73%

SAFETY | ATC & Pilot Deviations 72%

TRAINING | eLearning Modules & Classroom Training 74%

BENEFITS | Understanding the HSA Plan 70%

SECURITY & TRAVEL | Protests & Pilot Accommodations 70%


Celebrate Special Dates

Happy Anniversary “First Name” 63%

Your CPNP Anniversary 53%

Happy 50th Birthday AILA! 42%

Congratulations on Xi Chapter's 115th Anniversary! 49%



A. RSVP Today: Lawrence in New York 2/24 36%B. Join Us: Lawrence in New York 2/24 30%

A. Less than 48 hours to get your 2016 tax receipt! 42%B. Make your donation by midnight tomorrow! 35%

A. Renew by Feb. 5 to Win 44%B. Increase Your Chapter Membership & Win 38%


Abandoned Online Transactions

A. Oops, you did not finish. You Can Still Register & Save 38%B. Come Back and Save! (We Saw You Looking ) 33%


Subject Line: “Informal Name”, will I see you? 55%(Registration is up 27% over last year)

Step up to Testing

Testing Best Practices

1. Be clear – Know what you want to test

• Dollars Off vs. Save • Complimentary vs. Free • Statement vs. Question


A. Your membership has expired!B. Did you know your membership is expired?

Testing Best Practices

2. Be consistent

• Easier test management• Easier analysis of results

Monthly NewsA Version B Version

Our Monthly NewsletterOur Monthly NewsletterIAMAP NewsIAMAP News

John, here is your monthly update

Monthly News

March Newsletter


Testing Best Practices

3. Be challenging

• The goal is to learn

• Structure tests over a period of time

• Don’t be afraid of change


Testing Best Practices4. Be creative

• Challenge yourself

• Emotion encourages engagement

• Give them a reason to open

• Have fun with your tests


Traditional Testing StrategyA Group B Group


Sample Size Testing10% Group 10% Group 80% Group


Example of Sample Size Testing Option

Test Results:

A. Come Back and Save! (We Saw You Looking ) (20%)

B. Oops, you did not finish. You Can Still Register & Save (24%)

Final Results

A. Come Back and Save! (We Saw You Looking ) (33%)

B. Oops, you did not finish. You Can Still Register & Save (38%)


Subject line test ideas!


Deadline Dates


Dollars Off

Capital Letters






Takeaway Items

Benchmark your metrics

Make a test plan – pick 3 ideas

Try sample size testing

Test, Measure, Repeat

There’s no smarter solution

Stay in Touch!
