7 Tricks to Study More Effectively

Post on 16-Feb-2017

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Transcript of 7 Tricks to Study More Effectively

When you're trying to focus on studying, it can feel like the whole world is out to distract you...

Texts from friendsBuzzfeed quizzesFacebook notificationsThat person next to you breathing really hard

Thats a lot of multitasking

did you knowOnly 5% of people can multitask successfully?

That's why it's important to learn how to cut through distractions and get the most out of your study time.

Heres how:

1. Change the way you think about studying

Research shows that how you approach a task is just as important as how you do it. If you can flip that switch in your brain that takes you from ugh, studying to hey, look at all this stuff I get to learn! youll set yourself up for studying success.

2. Seek out good study vibes

Where you study is extremely important. Dont sabotage your study time by trying to do it in a place thats not conducive to focusing (a.k.a. in front of the TV). Find a quiet area like a nook in a library or quiet cafe. Try out a few different spots until you find something that works. Come back to this place often to be able to jump back into good concentration flow.

3. Stick to a schedule that works for you

Be deliberate and work significant chunks of study time into your daily or weekly routine. Then repeat. Eventually, youll reach a point where it feels natural to study at a certain time and unnatural if you skip it. With a regular and frequent study time, youll find its actually easier to learn in the moment and recall memorized information later on.

4. Turn off your phone

This seems like an obvious one, right? But honestly, how how many times have any of us actually turned our phones off to study? Well, its time to start! Your friends and family will understand if you go AWOL for a couple hours. (Just make sure you let them know beforehand so they dont freak out when youre not responding.)

5. Close out the tabs on your browser

Yes, even Facebook. Resisting the urge to check social media and email is really difficult, so dont even try. Instead, close out all your open tabs before you start studying. Youll be amazed at how much easier it is to think about one thing at a time and get tasks done.

6. Study using a variety of methods

Dont be afraid to spice up your study life. If your eyes start to glaze over as you stare at practice questions on your screen, mix it up! Make some flashcards to help you memorize or have your friends quiz you on important information.

7. Take breaks often and reward yourself

Your brain can only take so much. Give yourself time to relax and refresh every so often to come back to your study material with fresh eyes. While youre breaking, eat a healthy snack (like nuts and dried fruits!) and watch that funny cat video your friend sent you earlier. Dont feel guilty about it taking brief breaks will actually help you in the long run.

http://www.facultyfocus.com/articles/teaching-professor-blog/multitasking-confronting-students-with-the-facts/Happy studying!Learn more at magoosh.com