7 Things About Millennials Your Boss Wants To Know

Post on 21-Aug-2015

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Transcript of 7 Things About Millennials Your Boss Wants To Know

7 Things About Millennials Your Boss Wants To Know

#1 Culture is key. Millennials prefer a workplace that’s open, laid-back and operates with a flexible schedule.


They’re looking for purpose. They want their work to mean something. Therefore, things like money and perks aren’t as important.


Millennials prefer a 40-hour workweek. Life outside the office takes priority over “climbing up the ladder.”


Gen Y favors a salary over commission. Having some form of stability is significant for them. Plus, it encourages comradery.

#5They see themselves as individuals, but prefer to work in a team environment.


Recognition is big with this generation. Encouragement is key, rather than giving orders or managing directly upfront.


And of course, Millennials prefer a casual dress code, but who doesn’t?