7 Steps to Maximize Your Full Potential n

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Transcript of 7 Steps to Maximize Your Full Potential n

  • 8/3/2019 7 Steps to Maximize Your Full Potential n






    Stress WorryLow self-esteem


    RELEASE anxiety .STOP procrastination .ELIMINATE stres

    LET GO of fear & uncertainty

    DECREASE low self-esteem . REDUCE doubt & worry

    7 Proven Brain-Based Steps You Can Take Right Now

    to Maximize Your Focus, Confdence & Certainty

  • 8/3/2019 7 Steps to Maximize Your Full Potential n



    Welcome o he world o neuroscience and he laes proven discoveries o help you

    overcome doubs, ear, anxiey, procrasinaion and any oher negaive emoion or

    behavior ha may be holding you back rom maximizing your rue poenial. I iswell known ha you have deep reservoirs o unapped poenial and abiliies ha are

    currenly unused. Tis mini course will reveal o you seven o he mos well documened

    mehods o insure ha you live up o your ull poenial and maximize your brainpower.

    In addiion, weve have included a bonus 8h secion in he even you seek o acceleraeyour brain raining and achieve your inancial, business and lies goals even aser.

    he use o cuing edge echnology in addiion o scieniically proven mehodologies

    is now believed o accelerae he rue power o your brain.

    So, wha are he mos essenial and eecive ways o improve neural uncioning in heshores period o ime? According o he worlds leading neuroscience researchers here

    are 7 brain-based exercises and seps ha you can do righ now ha will maximize your

    poenial o achieve your inancial, business, and personal goals.

    Follow hese seps and you will be well on your way o achieving even more han ever beore!

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    Step 1: Intention

    Intention reers o he goal ha you wan o manies in your lie.Everyhing we do has an underlying inenion, wheher we are

    conscious o i or no, and we use i o deermine wha we really

    wan o ocus on: money, inancial success, power, peace, romance,ec. So he irs sep in achieving personal and inancial success

    is o clariy wha your inenion is, in wriing. Wriing helps o

    organize he language ceners in your ronal lobe, which primes your moor corex ocarry ou your goal-direced sraegy in he world. Wihou a clear inenion, your mind

    is likely o muli-ask by rying o solve oo many problems oo as. Inenion also

    suppresses brains propensiy o worr y abou possible ailure.

    Le me show you how i works right now. ake a shee o paper and wrie down hree

    poenial goals ha you would like o achieve omorrow. Make hem simple, and makehem achievable, but write it down! his is essenial, because youre going o use his

    inenion hroughou he six remaining seps.

    Now ask yoursel he ollowing quesion: What is your deepest, innermost value? Wriedown a single word ha capures he essence o your value. I nohing comes o mindrigh away, jus rus your inuiion. In a minue or wo somehing will emerge ino

    your consciousness.

    Nex, compare your value o he hree goals you wroe down. Circle he goal ha

    comes closes o relecing some aspec o your inner value. I your inenion or goalviolaes your personal values, a conlic may be creaed in your brain. Bu or he

    purpose o his exercise, jus be aware o your inenion, value, and goal. his exercise,

    by he way, is a required assignmen given o corporae execuives in he MBA programa Loyola Marymoun Universiy.

    Now you are ready o proceed o he nex seps, which will rain your brain o say

    ocused on your inenion and goal.

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    Step 2: Relaxation

    A ense body or preoccupied mind inerrups he cogniive processes necessary oraccomplishing any ask, and relaxaion is he easies way o reduce sress. Deep relaxaion

    promoes neurological and cardiovascular healh, bu i also improves ateniveness,

    alerness, memory uncioning, and social awareness. I urns down he aciviy in heemoional brain, where anxiey, doubs, and uncerainy are always on he verge o derailing

    youre your inenion and goals. Deep relaxaion simulaes he precuneus, which many

    scieniss believe is par o he core circui ha governs human consciousness. In oherwords, relaxaion wakes you up and gives you more energy o pursue your goals. Sress

    wears you down.

    Whas he ases way o relax? here are hree hings ha neuroscience has ound ha

    will ake you ino a conscious sae o sereniy in less han a minue or wo: slow deep

    breahing hrough your nose, slow conscious sreching o your body, and believe ior no yawning. here are, o dae, 43 published sudies showing ha yawning is he

    ases way o emporarily alleviae neurological sympoms like headaches, exhausion,

    anxiey, and anger.

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    Research has shown ha genle orms o breahing lowers sress and anxiey, improves

    coping skills, helps people deal wih subsance abuse, improves ones general sense

    well being, and improves sel-eseem. Breahing exercises also help people dealwih problems such as panic disorder, hear disease, and lung disease. Slow ocused

    breahing also increases dopamine levels in dieren pars o he brain, which explains

    why he experience is pleasurable.1

    So ake a momen righ now yawn a ew imes and breahe in slowly hrough your nose.hen, slowly roll your head around, sreching he muscles o your neck. Now, ake

    a deep breah in and ighen all he muscles in your arms, hands, shoulders, legs, and

    ee, and hold hem igh or as long as you can. hen, breahe ou, relaxing all yourmuscles. Finally, shake ou our arms and legs, and noice how relaxed you eel.

    Youll probably noice ha youre no longer hinking abou evens rom he pas, or

    concerns abou he uure. his is he perec sae in which o ener he nex sep.

    Step 3: Concentration

    I you are no ully relaxed, you wil l no be able o ully concenrae on your inenionor your goal. Bu once you learn how o consciously relax, you have o rain your brain

    o say ocused on your goal. Is really an exraordinary process: you begin wih a goal-

    oriened hough, and he more you ocus on i , he more your brain begins o plo ousraegies o carry ha hough ino he world. Oher animals, even primaes,

    can barely do his because hey have ar ewer neural connecions ha run

    rom he ronal lobe o he oher pars o he brain.

    You can rain your brain o ocus on virually anyhing, bu researchshows ha cerain mediaion pracices improve your concenraion

    skills. Im going o guide you hrough wo radiional

    concenraion exercises, each o which have been documened oenhance your physical, emoional and cogniive skil ls. Wel l begin

    wih he oldes mediaion pracice in he world breahing.

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    1) Si down in a comorable chair, in a quie place where nohing will disurb you or

    nex ew minues. Res your hands in your lap, and uncross your legs, placing your

    ee la on he loor.

    2) Now, do nohing more han pay aenion o your breah. Breahe in slowlyhrough your nose, and noice he cool emperaure o he air. hen slowly exhale

    hrough your nose. Noice he emperaure as you breahe ou. How warm or cold

    does i eel?

    3) Coninue o slowly breahe in an ou hrough your nose en imes, and noicehow he sensaions change. ake slow, deep breahs, in and ou, and i you mind

    wanders, jus bring your aenion back o your breah.

    4) Now, shi your ocus o your ches, and eel how i rises and alls wih each breah

    you ake. Slowly breahe in o he coun o ive, hen slowly breahe ou o hecoun o ive. Do his en imes and hen reurn o your normal breahing. Noice

    how your breahing has changed. Are you breahing slower? Or deeper? How ar

    down ino your lungs can you eel he coolness o your breah?

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    5) Pu one hand on your ches, and he oher on

    your belly. ake a deep breah in and wach how

    your ches and belly moves. hen slowly breaheou. Which moves irs? Your ches, or your

    belly? ake ive more breahs and wach how he

    sensaions in your body change.

    6) Now reurn o your normal breahing, and liseno he sounds in he room. Wha do you hear? Do

    hey seem more inense?

    7) Nex, shi your ocus and lisen o he sounds o

    your breahing. Immerse yoursel in he sounds asdeeply as you possibly can.

    8) Now, reurn your awareness o your body. Does

    i eel more ense or relaxed? Does i eel more

    warm or cool? Are here any pars o your body ha seem ense or uncomorable?

    Jus noice he ension, and ake anoher deep breah hrough your nose.

    9) Finally, o bring his exercise o a close, slowly look around he room, urning yourhead rom one side o he oher. hen slowly rise rom your chair. ake a momen

    o see how you eel sanding up, and consciously breahe in and ou. See how long

    you can say in ouch wih his deep sense o ocused relaxaion.

    his nex concenraion exercise was creaed by Dr. Herber Benson a Harvard. odayi is used in hundreds o sress reducion programs hroughou he counry, generaing

    neurological and psychological saes o sereniy and healh.2 You simply ocus on a

    word or phrase ha has deep personal meaning o you, and you repea i as you slowly

    breahe in and ou. Research shows ha he repeiion o any posiive word or phrasewill reduce sress, anxiey, and anger while simulaneously improving ones qualiy o

    lie.3 And is paricularly eecive when brough ino he business communiy.4

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    Wha I wan you o do now is o repea, eiher silenly or ou loud, he word you chose

    in Sep 1 ha represened your deepes innermos value. Coninue o repea i or as

    long as you eel comorable, and noice how i aecs your enire sense o sel. In moso he research sudies, his exercise is perormed or 12 o 20 minues.

    Finally, I wan you o do he same exercise wih he simple goal you waned o achieve

    by omorrow evening. urn i ino a shor phrase and repea i over and over o

    yoursel as you slowly and deeply breahe in and ou.

    When you learn o say inensely ocused on your goal, you will lierally be driven osucceed, and when you apply he nex sep, your brain has no choice bu o propel you

    ino successully achieving your goal.

    Step 4: Visualization, Guided Imagery, and


    Even i you don hink youre good a visualizaion, your brain is buil o envision

    virually everyhing in he universe. Even absrac noions like peace are processed

    unconsciously wihin he visual ceners o he corex. In ac, he more you visualize

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    surgeons hands move more precisely. In ac, jus imagining your movemens becoming

    more exible will signicanly increase he exibiliy and coordinaion in ha par o he

    body you are ocusing on.10 Why? Because he moor corex is highly inerconneced wihhe imaginaion-processing ceners in he ronal, occipial and parieal lobes.11 In oher

    words, our houghs and behavior are inseparably inerwined.

    Heres one inal exercise ha wil l help you rerain your brain o uncion a is bes. Ask

    yoursel, as you did earlier, wha is your deepes value? Perhaps, his ime, a dierenvalue will pop ino consciousness. Now, ake a momen and visualize ha value and

    noice how i makes you eel. Are you eeling happy? Excied? Add he emoion o

    living his highes value al l he ime. How does ha make you eel? Finally, visualizeyoursel 10 years rom now and imagine ha you succeeded a everyhing ruly desired.

    Enjoy ha eeling now, because i wil l prime your brain o seek ou everyhing in your

    surrounding ha will bring you closer o ha goal. And remember: imaginaion is wha

    he ronal lobes do bes. hey can generae sel-doub and uncerainy, or hey cangenerae a eeling o ulimae success. You now have he basic ool ki o change he

    srucure and uncion o your brain.

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    Step 5: Mindulness

    Mindulness is one o he mos powerul ways o rerainyour brain. When you ener a sae o mindul awareness,

    you bring your aenion ino he presen momen as

    you observe each hough, eeling, and sensaion as ilows hrough your sream o consciousness. Bu heres

    one essenial rule: you learn o observe yoursel wihou

    judgmen. his urns ou o be he mos eecive way oinerrup any disurbing eeling or mood. Mindulness

    allows you o suspend habiuaed biases, and in his unique

    sae o awareness, ineecive belies all away as newneural circuis are ormed ha will moivae you oward

    greaer produciviy and success.

    Mindulness, as he enclosed sudies demonsrae,

    has shown i o be eecive or enhancing mood, sel-

    awareness, and overall healh. Is also one o he mospowerul ways o work hrough desrucive emoions such as anger, depression and

    ear.12 When hese emoions are acivaed, hey will immediaely undermine your

    abiliy o work , make money, and achieve inancial success.

    ry his exercise he nex ime a disrupive mood occurs: Immediaely ocus on your

    innermos value and goal. Breahe deeply and relax or 60 seconds. Now, si back inyour chair and allow your anger or anxiey o low hrough your mind. Don reac o

    i, jus wach, wihou judgmen, how i unolds and changes. In less han ive minues,

    i will dissipae and lose is power over you. In ha momen o mindulness, youwill discover ha your emoions no longer have power over you. Is one o he mos

    amazing experiences a person can have.

    How does mindulness aec he brain? Is a orm o ronal lobe consciousness.

    he more srongly you ocus on jus being aware o he momen-o-momen shis in

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    eelings, houghs, and sensaions, aciviy in he emoional ceners o your brain shu

    down. his has a prooundly beneicial eec on every aspec o neural uncioning.

    Mindully waching your houghs and eelings is one o he easies exercises o do,

    because you jus si here and observe he consan inner dialogue ha is par o hebiological process o he brain. And ye is one o he hardes exercises o maser,

    requiring weeks o menal pracice.

    Heres an easy way o begin. I wan you o imagine ha you are siing on a hillside in

    he ores nex o a beauiul mounain sream. Can you see and eel he sun ileringhrough he rees? Can you hear he gurgling o he sream? Can you smell he

    reshness o he waer? Wha abou he air on your skin?

    As you si nex o he imaginary sream, I wan you o pay atenion o any houghs or

    eelings ha are currenly owing hrough your mind. ake each one o hose houghs oreelings and place hem on an imaginary lea, hen wach ha lea oa down he sream.

    ake a deep breah and reurn o he awareness o your body. I your mind says quie,

    has wonderul, bu he mind has a way o generaing an endless sream o houghs.

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    For example, you migh be hinking, righ now: How silly his is. So, you jus noice

    ha hough, wihou judgmen, and you le i loa away.

    Oen, youll be disraced by an ich. Or youll suddenly ge annoyed by an ouside

    noise. Jus noice i, pu i on a lea, and le i go, reurning o your breahing as yousimply wach wha happens nex. You are, in essence, living in he presen momen.

    Anoher disracing hough may occur: Ive go o ge going because I have so many

    hings I should do. I you have such houghs, jus pu hem on anoher lea and wach

    hem loa down he sream. Yawn, breahe deeply, and come back o ha momenaryplace o quie and peaceulness, and wach he nex hough or eeling ha comes up.

    Coninue o do his or he nex ew minues o silence.

    How long should you pracice mindulness? Is really up o you. Research shows ha i

    akes beween 12 o 40 minues per day, or abou eigh weeks, beore a brainscan cannoice deep changes in neural uncioning. Bu i you only eel comorable pracicing

    mindulness or ive or en minues, hen rus your inuiion. Obviously, he more ime

    invesed, he greaer he resuls you will achieve.

    ry o se aside a speci ic ime o day, like he irs hing in he morning aer you

    awake, or shorly aer work, or he las hing in he evening righ beore bed. A regularime rains your brain o ge ino he habi o being mindully relaxed, and he more

    oen you do i, he more quickly youll be able o reach your goals wih he leas

    amoun o resisance and sress.

    Remember: Mindulness-based exercises have been widely sudied andhave been ound o help people wih depression, anxiey, high blood

    pressure, psoriasis, rauma, eaing disorders, subsance abuse, and a

    variey o psychopahological behaviors.13 Terapiss who pracice

    mindulness-based exercises have beter resuls wih heir paiens,and paiens who use hem no longer need o see heir herapiss.14

    Mindulness also osers relaionship empahy, a home and a work.15

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    Step 6: Cognitive Priming

    When you are in a neurological sae o deep relaxaion and aeniveness, your mindwill respond o any menal suggesion ha you generae, see or hear. his inormaion

    is sen o he halamus, which relays his inormaion o he moivaional ceners o

    he brain. However, in order o improve neural perormance, youll need o overrideold memory circuis ha are embedded w ih negaive, unproducive, and ineicien

    belies and habis rom he pas. Forunaely, he neocorex is exraordinarily lexible,

    and his neuroplasiciy allows us o use our posiive houghs and imaginaion odeacivae ineecive memories and habis. Brainscan sudies can acually show how

    our houghs cause neurons o ire and rewire ino dieren paerns o aciviy.

    For example, you can use he 3-o-1 posiiviy raio ha has been proven o be he bes

    predicor o a successul business venure and a successul. And is very easy o use.

    Jus keep a wrien log o every posiive and negaive eeling, hough, and commenyou make. I you have less han hree posiive aciviies o every negaive one, your

    business, inancial resuls and personal relaionships are likely o ail. he mos

    successul people and businesses have a posiiviy raio o 5-o-1.

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    For he nex hree days, ry his experimen. Keep a posiiviy and negaiviy journal.

    Youll discover ha as each day goes by, your raio will improve. And i you wan o boos

    he power o his exercise, deliberae repea a series o posiive armaions, using heconcenraion exercise given above. Heres anoher cogniive priming exercise ha you can

    do or a week. Is been proven ha your lie and work saisacion will increase for the next

    six months! Each nigh, wrie down hree hings you did well a, and briey explain why.

    Youll also ge proound improvemen in boh work and cogniive skills i you keep agraiude journal. Wha makes his work? Wriing! I you jus hink abou posiive

    goals and eelings o graiude, measureable improvemens in work saisacion and

    personal saisacion are much smaller. So wrie hem down. A new sudy, soon o bepublished, shows ha i you creae a wrie ou a comprehensive plan o achieve your

    inancial goals, youll increase your success by 50%.

    Tere are dozens o oher cogniive priming ools ha can help you gain personal and

    nancial success. Tese include using daily precision armaions, visualizaionechniques, posiive sel alk and a commimen shee o ideniy saboage

    behaviors and develop couner-sraegies. Bu he mos imporan sep or

    creaing permanen and lasing change is accounabiliy.

    Step 7: Accountability

    Tis, surprisingly, is he mos overlooked sep in he world. A home, our parens hold us

    accounable. When were in school, were held accounable by our eachers. Tey gradeus, and we eiher do he work or we ail. And ye, as aduls, when we choose o improve

    our nancial, buisness or emoional condiion, we rarely apply accounabiliy. We can

    use ourselves. Why no? Because he well-documened dynamics o cogniive bias are

    unconsciously operaing in our minds. We simply do no see ourselves as accuraely as weneed o i we wan o maximize our poenial and succeed a reaching our dreams.

    And ye accounabiliy is he easies hing o arrange. All you need is a menor or a good

    riend, or beter ye, a small eam o skilled colleagues who agree o hold each oher

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    accounable or achieving daily, weekly, monhly, and yearly goals. Make a promise o

    yoursel, righ now, o nd 2 or 3 people who will hold you accounable or achieving

    your personal, business and nancial goals. And draw up a writen conracual agreemen.

    In Conclusion

    Tere you have i: 7 seps o guaranee personal and nancial success. You are now

    on your way o achieving anyhing you desire, and all you have o do is expand yourawareness and abiliy o ocus, one day a a ime, o include more and more o he world:

    your riends, colleagues, and he endless opporuniies ha awai you. Everyhing youneed is in reach, as long as you say relaxed and ocused on your deepes values and goals.

    You can hese sraegies o shine a ligh on any aspec o your inner and ouer lie, andyou can change any limiing habi or oudaed belie ha you urn your aenion o.

    All you have o do is pracice hese seps, reining hem as you apply your own inner

    genius and creaiviy o creaing he lie you wan. When you rus your inner wisdomand inuiion, all remnans o sel-doub wil l permanenly all away.

    Yes, is ha easy, and i all begins wih your conscious inenion o succeed.

  • 8/3/2019 7 Steps to Maximize Your Full Potential n




    In he las wo years, a quie revoluion has aken place in he ield o neuroscience

    and neuropsychology. I began many years ago wih he invenion o bioeedbackand neuroeedback echnology when researchers discovered ha we can learn how o

    manipulae brainwave requencies in dieren pars o he brain. We now know ha

    he above 7 seps aler brainwaves in ways ha are correlaed wih increasing aenion,alerness, and aenion oward ohers.

    he old brainwave models and echnologies are oudaed hanks o he advancemeno new neuroimaging echnology. PraxisNow is a he oreron o incorporaing his

    research ino sound and visual enrainmen sraegies. When hese new discoveries

    and echnologies are inegraed wih he 7 seps described above, an exraordinaryexperience akes place. he exercises come alive, and you will be ranspored more

    quickly, and more deeply, ino saes o consciousness ha wil l urher enhance he

    neural perormance o your brain. Over 5000 o our cliens are beneiing rom ourNeuroraining programs which incorporae he bes proven mehodologies wih

    he laes in echnology o help change neurology. In essence, we are helping people

    worldwide change heir belies and habis around earning more money, growing heircompanies and doing i all wih less sress and eor. We have coined and rademarked

    a new erm Innercise o express he ac ha we now can on purpose change our

    neural circuis wihin our brains by doing a simple daily riual ha ocuses on rewiringour brains o higher levels o perormance

    o nd ou more abou our programsclick here or go ohtp://www.praxisnow.com/7sn

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