7 Scary Truths That Kill Corporate Innovation

Post on 13-Jan-2017

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Transcript of 7 Scary Truths That Kill Corporate Innovation

7 Scary Truths That Kill Corporate


@ecconicco econic.co

Truth #1

You’ve Got The Wrong People Working On It

Truth #1: You’ve Got The Wrong People Working On It

Identifying and deploying the right people — internally and externally — will make or break your innovation

efforts. Do you have the right people working on your innovation team? Are you sure? Would you be willing to bet

your future on it?

It shouldn’t be a perk or a rotating post or someone’s 20%-part-time job.

Truth #1: You’ve Got The Wrong People Working On It

Truth #1: You’ve Got The Wrong People Working On ItLook for the employees you’ve seen

taking calculated risks and who aren’t afraid to experiment.

If you’ve hired well, you’ll find these game-changers at all levels of your

organization. They are inquisitive, pick up new skills quickly and aren’t afraid

to rock the boat.

Truth #2

You’re Stuck In Your Own Bubble

Truth #2: You’re Stuck In Your Own BubbleYou have to shake up the gene pool and bring in smart people from the outside.

To do this you need to drink a little “startup juice.” These startup outsiders don’t have baggage, don’t know what’s

been tried before, will see your blind spots and aren’t beholden to the status

quo. They’ll come with fresh perspectives and observations that never would have

occurred to you.

Another misstep is soliciting outside expertise from within the bubble of the

same industry. Many corporations’ networks are weak and industry-dependent. Smart

problem-solvers from a completely different field can bring valuable insight.

If your company is open to this but doesn’t know where to look, a matchmaker can find

startups to partner with you.

Truth #2: You’re Stuck In Your Own Bubble

Truth #3

You’re Moving Too Slowly

Truth #3: You’re Moving Too Slowly

A lot of corporations do a great job collecting new ideas from employees or

other sources, but move too slowly, lacking the ability to experiment, iterate and

execute quickly. There are many reasons for this, such as the complexity of running a

huge company, but even large companies can imitate the rhythm of a startup.

Many corporate executives say things just can’t move very fast in their

organization, mostly because of the need for consensus. If you’re in this boat, the way decisions are made at

your company needs to change.

Truth #3: You’re Moving Too Slowly

Truth #4

You’re Incentivizing People All Wrong

Truth #4: You’re Incentivizing People All Wrong

The larger and more public the company, the more it’s probably focused on short-term or quarterly results. Executives and other leaders are expected to deliver on these cycles and press their employees

to do the same. Thus compensation tends to be based on what best serves

that rhythm.

The problem is that short-term incentives lead to short-term thinking and short-

term risk taking.

Truth #4: You’re Incentivizing People All Wrong


Truth #4: You’re Incentivizing People All Wrong

Innovation, on the other hand, requires longer-term patience — and a lot of risk and failure. Innovations will not return a profit

next quarter, next year or maybe ever, but when they do hit, it can be game changing.

Companies have found a couple of ways to deal with this challenge.

Carve off their innovation teams and protect them from short-term

business cycles.1

Companies have created internal venture capital arms, buying or

partnering with startups instead of spending money on their own R&D.


Truth #5

You’re Using The Wrong Tools

Truth #5: You’re Using The Wrong ToolsHow do you experiment quickly, when

it takes forever to build the technology? The answer: Don’t build all the

technology yourself (or don’t build technology at all — test and iterate with

a minimal viable product process).

Look for the tools that offer fast ways to launch and learn quickly and worry

about the technology scaling only after you’ve determined the parts you really

need to scale.

Truth #5: You’re Using The Wrong Tools

Many corporations are hesitant to play with hacked-together, off-the-shelf-

software, opting instead to stop and build internal proprietary systems or wait until all of the features are “just right” before launching. In the time it takes to do that,

a thousand startups will have bought, built, or hacked together software,

launched, experimented, and repeated the cycle with real customers in the real


Know which measurements matter at which stage of your project.

Truth #6

You’re Expecting A Silver Bullet. By Next Quarter.

Truth #6: You’re Expecting A Silver Bullet. By Next QuarterWhile corporations can be as slow to

turn as the Titanic, in other ways they are impatient, probably due to those

quarterly financial demands (see above). There is unfortunately no

silver bullet.

It’s not enough to only hold innovation training and expect everyone to suddenly become

“Intrapreneurs” with instant results. It’s not enough to try a single solution

and give up when it doesn’t work.

Truth #6: You’re Expecting A Silver Bullet.By Next Quarter

Corporations need to get into the habit of long-term thinking with short-term execution. It takes time and patience to launch, measure, iterate, launch, measure, iterate. Over and over and over. This “slow down to move fast”

methodology requires time, patience, and the talent to execute.

Truth #7

Your Company’s Proud Legacy Is A Blessing And A Curse

Truth #7: Your Company’s Proud Legacy Is A Blessing And A Curse

Your decades-old company may have enjoyed incredible success. It may have

defined a generation, monopolized a lucrative industry — changed the world

even. That’s the blessing part.

The dark side of legacy is when it becomes baggage, and baggage is something start-ups do not have.

Truth #7: Your Company’s Proud Legacy Is A Blessing And A Curse

Disrupting what you’ve been so good at for so many years can be

extremely hard to do. Setting out to transform it may seem sacrilegious,

but a necessity. Use your size, resources, and relationships to act

quickly and execute.

In the end, the path to disruptive innovation can be scary, but it’s

even scarier when you’re unprepared or slow to respond.

Don’t let those ravenous, rule-breaking startups make you

another statistic in the long line of those who acted a little too late.

The choice is yours.Read More About The 7 Truths Here

Thanks for reading — We’re Econic and we give companies the spaces, skills and strategies to

accelerate innovation.

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