7. media evaluation question 7

Post on 16-Apr-2017

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Transcript of 7. media evaluation question 7

Janalou Cruz


7.Looking back at your

preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the

progression from it to the full product?

Continuity During our preliminary task, we had to reshoot a few scenes but

we hadn’t really thought about the issue of continuity of our video. The result is that we had a considerably bright background in the opening scene, but the next shot you can see it’s more darker.


So we kept that in mind we filmed DUEFALL. Even though the two shots below were filmed on different days, we had to wait for the weather to match the first shooting we did.

Next shot

Organisation One of the things that we would work on the next time we do

this, is organisation. we definitely have to be more organised and responsible.


We had a lot of problem with casting the actors because we have four main characters in the film. So we needed to have four different actors and it was very hard to find a time where they were all available to go and shoot. We had to cancel maybe three dates just because one couldn’t do it on the day. Unfortunately, we were running out of time so we had no choice but to film with just two actors on one day and the other two the following week. I had to be one of the actors and we filmed the shots and scenes with the characters that we had.

Originally, you can see from our script and first storyboard ideas that we were planning to feature teenagers: two boys, two girls. Since we had to change a lot of our plans – our script was re-drafted and I had to become one of the characters – we ended up with three girls and just one guy.

We had learned our lesson and next time we will be more responsible and try to get people who we can actually trust to be there on the day because we just couldn’t afford it happening again.


Storytelling From our prelim, what we really lacked was

the storytelling aspect. We forgot to illustrate why the characters act a certain way and our plot wasn’t clear. In this scene for example, we didn’t show why he dropped the books. We could have included a close up shot of


of him with a scared expression to let the audience know why he dropped the books. However, on our final film, we wanted to convey all the characters’ body language and expression. In the bottom left image, you can see a close up shot of one of the characters, his expression clearly worried and anxious. Also, we wanted to reveal why characters act the way they do, so we used dialogue and non-verbal aspects of speech to


During our preliminary task, we didn’t really assign ourselves specific roles and that didn’t go well because everyone was quite unsure of what they were doing.

So we assigned ourselves specific roles and titles that we would take on individually. Maddy was the director and writer. I was the artist and graphics/titles designer and Amy was the music composer and cinematographer. This then mean it was easier for us to work around with since everyone has now got specific tasks they could do.