7 easy steps to make your bedroom shout Romance!

Post on 17-Jul-2015

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Transcript of 7 easy steps to make your bedroom shout Romance!

This one is goanna be a little more risqué than the previous blogs! The topic warrants that!

Color Me Love

The first thing that popped into your head when you read the title was the colour red right??

You are on the right track but lets get a little less clichéd?

Red is the obvious colour of passion and all things lusty, but the correct shade of pink (not too girly, but deeper and more solid) can work just as well!

Have you tried black? Works brilliantly in making the bed the focal point of the room. And that is the aim right?

Feels So Good

The fabric of the sheets is also absolutely important.

Imagine a matt black sheet as against a satin or silk black sheet?

Whereas, a cotton silk or cotton sheet of high quality in red or fuschia pink would nail it!

Satin would just not work in a non-ac room in summer!

Try an inviting summery pastel shade. Basically, mix and match the season with the colours and the preferences of your partner!

Add to the mix with an interesting array of pillows and cushions wrapped in fun covers! (Psst: Loom has it all!)

Romance Inducing Lighting

Throw away all white bulbs and tube lights!

No, really, I mean it!

Mood killers!

Soft yellow light works well, if the wattage is high.

Drape some fabric over the light fixtures to temper the throw of light.

Remember to coordinate the colour of the drape to the sheets!

Also, don’t keep the lights on for toooolong, the fabric might get too hot handle, among other things!

(Candles are an alternative to electrical mood lighting!

They come in amazing shapes, sizes, colors and fragrances!

Remember, you need to smell better than the room does!)

Feast in Bed

Have a bed table ready with the food of the gods and lovers!

Strawberries, champagne, rich, dark chocolate, a bucket of ice, the works!

Just seeing these things in the room can bring out innovative romantic ideas in your partner.

And we are all love creativity!

You won’t need to pause to get out of bed to find these if the idea strikes!

Flower Power

Fresh flowers add a touch of class and elegance to the room.

Be subtle! Rose petals strewn all over are a mess to clean up after!

Preferably go with subtle but focal spots of flower bursts.

Make sure the fragrances of the candles and flowers are not overpowering.

Sometimes a single stem of the best quality or favorite flower works better than a whole bouquet of flowers your partner does not identify with!

Bedside Manner

The most important one for the last!

The above are all frills.

All that matters is the two of you.

Believe you are beautiful, and attractive and a goddess or god of love!

Then enjoy the magic unfurl!

Write back to let us know if it worked or if you have some other sure shot romance inducing secrets!

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