7 Conscious Breathing Techniques

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Transcript of 7 Conscious Breathing Techniques

  • 8/7/2019 7 Conscious Breathing Techniques


    7 Breathflow Conscious Breathing TechniquesBy R. Christian Minson

    2008 Breathflow Wellness. All Rights Reserved.


    Conscious Breathing Techniques are extremely effective at helping one to cope, heal,

    and prosper on all dimensions of life. They have been employed by sages and wisemen/women of ancient and modern times for millennia. By focusing full attention on the

    breathing process while using different patterns of inhaling and exhaling, one can achieve

    transformative effects that lead to optimum heart/mind-body-spirit health. The ultimate

    goal of the highest breathing techniques is liberation from all worldly suffering.

    Here are some simple Conscious Breathing Techniques to use any time there is a need:

    The Cleansing Breath (body)

    Exhale completely through pursed lips. Inhale to full capacity through the nose. Then

    swiftly exhale, making an aspirated hah sound and drawing in your belly quickly.Repeat 2 or 3 times.

    This breath is excellent for keeping you in prime physical health by ridding the lungs of

    toxic materials that may not come out through regular breathing.

    The Expansion Breath (spirit)

    Exhale through the mouth to begin. Inhale slowly and consistently through the nose,

    filling your body with oxygen from the very bottom of your belly all the way up to full

    capacity where you can no longer take in any more air. Then exhale through the nose the

    same way, allowing every bit of air out of your being that you can possibly let go. Repeat

    3 or 4 times or more.

    Focus on the nooks and crannies of your body as you fill with air and marvel at how full

    you can make yourself. You may wish to move your arms and body to open up areas to

    allow even more air in. A great breath for becoming aware of your body and the energy

    within it and ultimately beyond it.

    The Compassion Breath (heart/mind)

    Whenever you are feeling a painful emotion, inhale through the nose and feel that you are

    taking in all of that particular distress for the world. Exhale through the mouth/nose and

    feel that with your breath you are giving back love and compassion to the world.

    The breath is especially effective for bringing you relief when you are feeling painful

    emotions. By focusing on taking away the pain of the world by adding it to yours, and

    then giving back only love and compassion, you are able to step outside yourself where

    an amazing transformation can take place. Often your pain will completely dissipate.

  • 8/7/2019 7 Conscious Breathing Techniques


    7 Breathflow Conscious Breathing TechniquesBy R. Christian Minson

    2008 Breathflow Wellness. All Rights Reserved.

    The Receiving Breath

    Opposite of the compassion breath, Inhale through the nose and feel yourself receiving all

    that is good in life through your breath. Exhale and consciously feel that you are letting

    go of any thoughts, emotions, or circumstances that are no longer supporting your highest

    purpose in lifeto be truly happy.

    The Awareness BreathBreathe in through the nose slow and steady. Notice any little sparks of sensation, aches

    and pains, or emotions that arise as you breathe. Allow the breath to enter those

    areas/sensations even more and expand them. Exhale through the mouth and feel the

    energy drain out of those areas/sensations, neutralizing them. Remain acutely aware of

    anything going on in your being and just breathing deeper into it as you repeat this breath

    a number of times.

    Excellent for bringing you to awareness of your presence in the here and now. Also goodfor quickly eliminating any small issues of discomfort.

    The Joy BreathInhaling through the mouth, fill your belly like a big balloon. Exhaling through the

    mouth, allow the breath to come out on its own, do not force it to come out. The pace

    should be such as if you were breathing during moderate exercise, slightly faster than

    breathing while at rest.

    Practice this breath 100 times morning or night and experience the wavelets of joy that

    begin to emerge from your being.

    The Satisfaction BreathInhale briskly and deeply thru the nose into the diaphragm and chest and when full

    immediately release with an exhale accompanied by making the sound Ahhh Pay

    particular attention to allowing the sound to vibrate in the abdomen and heart regions (3rd

    and 4th

    chakras). Feel the deep sense of satisfaction and attunement to the smooth flow of

    the Universe and your part in it. Repeat. At first allow the exhale to naturally come out.

    When you feel the deep satisfaction this way, then if you desire, you can play with the

    length of the exhale to guide the quality of your experience.

    This breath is great to instantly transform your attitude into one of a very pleasantly

    satisfied feeling. Opens the heart chakra and helps you to relax in your present

    circumstances. One of my favorite breaths!

    For more information on deeper Conscious Breathing Techniques, facilitated breath

    sessions and workshops check out Breathflow Wellness at www.breathflow.com, or

    contact R. Christian Minson at christian@breathflow.com; 760.445.4264