6370 LBJ Freeway Suite 170 Dallas, TX 75240 (972) 620-7600 ...cleaning and laundry business for...

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Transcript of 6370 LBJ Freeway Suite 170 Dallas, TX 75240 (972) 620-7600 ...cleaning and laundry business for...

Exercise, the Miracle Drugby Margaret B. Schroeder



“We were born to exercise,” said Dr. Kenneth Cooper to a packed house at Edgemere Retirement Community in Dallas. Cooper’s legacy began in 1966 when he coined the term “aerobics.” In the five decades since the opening of the Cooper Aerobics Center in Dallas, he has become the world’s leading authority on fitness research and education. “DAPS is doing it right when it comes to dancing,” he said. In a study1 entitled, “Better Balance for Parkinson’s Patients,” dancing the tango improved balance and functional mobility in Parkinson’s patients who took twice-weekly classes for 12 weeks. Dancers also reported better cognitive function and less fatigue. “Why?” he said, “Because the rhythmic forward and backward steps of the tango stimulate cognitive functioning and promote better balance.”

According to a study2 published in 2012, tai chi also reduces balance impairments in patients with mild to moderate Parkinson’s disease (PD). Resistance training is the use of rubber tubing to perform strength building exercises, and has been shown3 to improve PD patients’ ability to move through a full range of motion. Neurologists refer to this as “improvement in mobility.” Another benefit of resistance training is motor improvement, which is the body’s ability to take information from the environment and execute the proper muscle coordination response. One study4 even calls exercise “The Secret Weapon for Fighting Parkinson’s Disease.”

It doesn’t matter if you’re 7 or 70, exercise is fertilizer for the brain. After just 20 minutes of walking, brain scans show increased blood flow, creating an environment in which the brain is ready, willing, and able to learn. A positive link has been found in numerous studies between exercise and academic achievement in children. Similar benefits are found in mid-life and later-life dementia patients. One study5 showed that the higher the fitness level, the lower one’s chances are for developing dementia. “My main message for today is just to avoid inactivity,” Cooper said. “Walk for 30 minutes a day, most days of the week, and you will increase your longevity,” he said.

Exercise has a positive impact on all kinds of health conditions, including heart disease, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), diabetes, multiple sclerosis, Parkinsonism, and Alzheimer’s. It also improves the outcomes of


Next General Membership


MondaySeptember 11, 2017

1:00 p.m.(No meeting in August)

speakers:Dr. Aashoo Mentreddi

Dr. Nirav Pavasia Neurology Consultants

of Dallas

topic:Parkinson’s Q & A

An ice cream social will follow the meeting.

6370 LBJ Freeway Suite 170

Dallas, TX 75240(972) 620-7600


september kickoff info 2thank you 2

kroger community rewards 3

member profile 4executive director’s message 4-5

honors, memorials, donations 5

coming this fall 6group schedules 7

calendar of events 8

University ParkUnited Methodist Church

4024 Caruth Blvd (at Preston)Dallas, TX 75225Exercise continues on pg 3


Mark your calendar now for the kickoff of another year of great speakers at DAPS

General Membership Meetings!September 11, 2017

at 1:00 p.m.

Following the meeting, instead of the usual snack food, there will be ice

cream with all the fixings for sundaes! We look forward to seeing you

in September!

SEPTEMBER KICKOFF SPEAKERS:Dr. Aashoo Mentreddi and Dr. Nirav Pavasia

Dedicated to impacting and improving the lives of those affected by

Parkinson’s disease

Executive DirectorMike Miles

Board of DirectorsChad Swank, Ph.D., PresidentBarbara Glass, Vice President

Ann Heidger, SecretaryGreg Wood, Treasurer

Jim Struble, Advisory Council LiaisonDusty Berry Chick MartinChris Clausen Fred RansdellBentley Foster Terry SpearHarold Kellogg Heather StevensJo Klein Marilyn StewartMary Ellen Malone Bob Vlach

Advisory CouncilSarah Atwood Charlene NoeBen Casey Sandi PautlerCarlie Dorshaw-Moe Joyce SusmanPat Goukler Barbara TaylorShirley Hand Cindy WeatherallGavin Mogan

Medical Advisory BoardShilpa Chitnis, MD, Ph.D.

Richard B. Dewey, Jr., M.D.Richard L. Fulbright, Ph.D.Dwight C. German, Ph.D.R. Malcolm Stewart, M.D.

Gary L. Tunell, M.D.

NewsletterJill Dominguez, Managing EditorPam Michel, Production Editor

The DAPS newsletter is published monthly as an information guide only, and does not serve as legal

or medical advice. We welcome your feedback, contributions or requests. Please send to or contact:

Jill DominguezPhone: 972-620-7600


All submissions must be received by the first of the month preceding publication date

and are subject to editing.

The July Jubilee barbecue luncheon

was generously sponsored by

We appreciate their support!

DAPS wishes to express great

appreciation to

for sponsoring the printing of our August newsletter!

Thank you very much!

people with depression, chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS), and osteoarthritis of the knee. Exercise can prevent cancer and lessens fatigue in patients undergoing chemotherapy. It can prevent death from strokes, and it is equally as good as drugs in preventing mortality from coronary artery disease.

“If you can walk a mile in 17 minutes, there’s an 84% chance you’ll live another 10 years, 86% if you’re a woman. Obesity is the most common manifestation of stress. But it’s not the stress that kills you, it’s how you handle your stress that kills,” he said. “We spend way too much money on healthcare procedures that prolong death rather than increase life.”

Back in the 1960s we were told that no one over 40 should exercise. Heart attack patients were told they should lay in bed for six weeks, and their wives were asked to carry the groceries. In the 40 years between 1968 and 2008, cardiovascular deaths have decreased 48%. In 1968, fewer than 24% of Americans exercised; in 2008 that number increased to 35%. Treadmills were originally used in prisons as torture devices, but after Dr. Cooper demonstrated the benefits of aerobic exercise in the 60s, they made a comeback. “Now well-paid personal trainers have happily taken the place of prison wardens!” he laughed.

When Dr. Cooper coined the term “aerobics” in 1966, he set out to change the world. It was an extension of his wish as a high school senior. “From the time I was 18, I wanted to be a medical missionary to China,” he said. A recent article by The Dallas Morning News6 reports on the opening of the first Cooper Aerobics Center in the world outside of the US. “I was honored to be in Nanjing, China, on the 19th of April to sign a contract with them to improve the health of their people by 2030. I’m 87 now. I won’t

be around by then but my son will be,” he said. “It’s an amazing facility on 40 acres of land in the national forest. There are 129 million people with diagnosed diabetes in China and 450 million prediabetics. Almost half of their 1.3 billion people are suffering from either diabetes or prediabetes.” Cooper has traveled to China 10 times over the last 30 years. “I’ve seen this develop in front of my eyes,” he said. “The fact is, it’s not your longevity that’s a result of what the government or insurance does for you, it’s what you do for yourself,” he said.

At the June 2017 General Membership Meeting, DAPS acknowledged Dr. Cooper’s contributions to the field of exercise, especially for people with Parkinson’s, by presenting him with a framed photograph of his Parkinson’s exercise group at the Cooper Clinic. DAPS will continue to honor him by presenting the Dr. Kenneth H. Cooper Lifetime Achievement Award to a worthy individual each year (presented this year to Dr. Cooper’s colleague Dr. Charles Sterling).

DAPS has been providing exercise classes to the public free of charge or for a reduced rate since 1978. We now have more than 15 locations offering over 20 weekly exercise classes plus speech therapy and support groups. See page 7 of our newsletter for times and locations.

References: 1. http://bit.ly/1z9VPRD 2. http://bit.ly/2cGH4Cf 3. http://bit.ly/2tFOsbd 4. http://bit.ly/2tFTh4x 5. http://bit.ly/2tFZwp26. http://bit.ly/2sI2YNh


Exercise continued from front page

REMINDER:If you’d like to participate in the Kroger Community Rewards Program, it’s time to re-enroll. Please call the DAPS office if you need assistance: 972-620-7600.

If you bring your card to the General Membership Meeting on September 11, Jill will assist you with enrollment. You can also sign up on the spot without a card!

So far in 2017, DAPS has received $413 from the Tom Thumb Good Neighbor Program, $250 from Kroger Community Rewards and $58 from AmazonSmile. These donations help fund the 30+ hours of classes and programming provided by DAPS each week.

It is our hope that you will continue to participate in these donation programs, and that you will encourage your friends and family to do so as well. It costs you nothing, but means everything to DAPS and the people we serve!


Terry Spear is a member of DAPS and serves on the DAPS Board of Directors. He and his wife, Janis, have been married for 54 years. They have been in the dry cleaning and laundry business for almost 40 years. The Spears opened their first Dry Cleaning and Laundry location in 1978, later expanding to multiple locations which they sold in 2000.

During the 1980s, Terry served on the board of the Dallas Laundry and Dry Cleaning Association (now disbanded) and in 1984 served as its president. Terry also spent 10 years on the 50-member multi-state Board of Directors for the Southwest Drycleaning Association, chairing various committees and serving in 1994 as president of the association.

From 2005 to present, Terry and his wife have been in residential real estate with Nu Home Source Realty.

Terry was diagnosed in May of 2014 with Parkinson’s disease. Wanting to be aggressive in fighting the disease, he decided to have Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS) surgery in December 2015. DBS has truly changed his life, Terry says.

For the last three years Terry has been involved with the McKinney chapter of DAPS. His goal is to help DAPS McKinney grow and spread the word of what DAPS offers in the areas of far north Dallas, McKinney, Frisco and Prosper.

Six months ago, Terry joined the DAPS Board of Directors. His experience on the board has already given him a much greater understanding of the many things that DAPS has to offer people with Parkinson’s, and DAPS is glad to have him on board!

“A Good Time Was Had by All”

By all accounts everyone at the July DAPS General Membership Meeting had a good time. The food was delicious and the entertainment by “Me & Pooch” was outstanding. John Phillips and Pooch Amy did an excellent job of taking us down memory lane with songs that we all recognized. As I looked around the room, I saw lots of toe tapping, swaying with the music, and people quietly singing along. One of the highlights was to see one of our members take his sweetheart for a spin around the dance floor. The two comments I heard most that day were... “Where did you find these guys?” and “Let’s do this again!”

I hear often what a great job we are doing at our General Membership Meetings. So, what is the key to the success of our meetings? I could talk about the variety and quality of the programs that provide education, information, entertainment, and often inspiring motivation. But, as great as the programs are, the real key behind the success of our general meetings—and for that matter, so much of what DAPS does—is volunteers. It is the behind-the-scenes work to find the speakers, work with the caterer, set up the decorations, help with registration, serve at the food line, and help with cleanup afterwards that makes these events so successful. It is easy to see that without the help of some very dedicated volunteers, there is no way that Jill and I could get it all done.

At the July meeting, we had a first-time volunteer, Paul Miles. As you can probably imagine, I have known Paul all his life. With that said, he and many of you had a good time at my expense, commenting on what a good-looking “son” I have. Well, I do have a good-looking son, but Paul is my brother. Appearances can be deceiving. I really am not old enough to be his dad.

After the meeting, Paul texted me saying what a great time he had and what a great group of people we have. I was not surprised by either of those comments. It was obvious that Paul jumped in and fit right in with our crowd. I am proud that he volunteered and proud of the job that he did. But then, I am proud of all of our volunteers! And it is not unusual to hear that they have a great time and feel good about volunteering.

A message from Mike Miles

Executive Director


Terry Spear

by Fred Ransdell


There is so much more that DAPS could do or could do even better if we had more volunteers. Here are some areas in which we can use your help:

General Membership Meetings: Registration; decorations; serving food; and greeting guests

DAPS Office: Filing; bulk mailings; data entry; answering phones; and general clerical help

Exercise Groups: We need facilitators at each one of our exercise locations. Facilitators set up the room (if needed), greet attendees, take attendance, process paperwork, and accept donations.

Specialized skills: Video production; computer technology; graphic design; photography

With your help, there is so much more that we can do. Please consider joining the DAPS team of volunteers! Give us call or go to http://bit.ly/daps-volunteer and get plugged in. You’ll never know the difference you can make until you take that first step.

Our GEMs are very valuable! Sign up on the DAPS website.

Ian Andersen Sarah Atwood Larry & Jana Barker Dusty & Angela Berry Laura Boyle Shirley Brouillette Edna Buentipo John & Wanda Call Larry Christensen Christian Clausen Bruce & Janiece Crozier Gene & Linda Dieringer Jill Dominguez Raul Dominguez Liza Farrow-Gillespie Bentley & Iris Foster Barbara Glass Barry & Pat Goukler Ann Heidger Geri & Harold Kellogg Jo & Bert Klein Leon & Marilyn Levin Chip & Ginny Melara

Pam & Matt Michel Donna Miles Mike Miles Carlie Moe Susan Norvell Tom & Ceil Pajda Sandi Pautler Jon Peacock Fred Ransdell Sandra Rodriguez Holly Scott Janis & Terry Spear Marilyn Stewart Jim Struble Joyce Susman Chad Swank Linda & Mike Swanson Leslie & Brad Tarkington Kyle Wayne Thomason John & Ruth Walker Cindy Weatherall Diana & Bill Winkelmann Sharon & Greg Wood

Memorials • Honors • DonationsJune 2017

In memory of Kaye RichardsonFrom: Sarah Atwood Paula Davidson Mike & Donna Miles Jack & Evelyn Pool Dottie Watts

In memory of Cecil CouchFrom: Delores J. Brasher

In memory of C. L. “Happy” OdomFrom: Deborah Class of Lake Pointe Church @ White Rock Campus Lake Pointe Baptist Church (Rockwall)

In memory of John HoneycuttFrom: Jill Dominguez Mike & Donna Miles

In memory of Frank MurphyFrom: Mike & Donna Miles

In memory of Rosemary KosteFrom: Sandi Pautler

In memory of Jackie ReisFrom: Dorothy Rewerts

Support for Dance for PD® ClassesFrom: Larry & Jana Barker John & Wanda Call David & Pat McElwain Mr. & Mrs. Charles Reed Sadie Tellez

Kudos to Donna BursonFrom: DAPS Board of Directors and Staff

In honor of the Harlan Crow Reception TeamFrom: Mike Miles Diana & Bill Winkelman

2017 Non-Event FundraiserFrom: Barbara Mack Bob & Dottie Vlach Akiko Walker Susan Wilder

Donation to DAPSFrom: Anonymous attendees at June General Membership Meeting Parkinson Voice Project, Inc. Shakers and Movers LLC DAPS @ Lake Pointe at White Rock (Dallas) DAPS @ Preston Hollow (Dallas) DAPS @ Trinity (Duncanville) DAPS McKinney support group


DAPS 2017 July JubileeFor those attending the July Jubilee, the entertainment was a huge hit! Me & Pooch performed all kinds of old favorite soft rock songs that made everyone want to tap their toes, sing along or even get up and dance! Thanks to Sandi Pautler for finding them and asking them to come play for us!

Of course the barbecue, side dishes and desserts were delicious as always! If you weren’t there, you missed a treat!


Coming This FallFall will be a busy season! Make sure these events are on your calendar

and watch for more information in the newsletter.

October November

First annual DAPS “Keep Moving!” Symposium October 7, 2017 8:30 AM to 3:00 PM

Texas Woman’s University - Dallas Campus Find more information at bit.ly/KeepMovingDAPS.

Community Day

Tuesday, October 17, from 11:30 AM to 3:00 PM DAPS will host a community awareness day

about Parkinson’s disease. Space available for 60 attendees. Register: https://daps.us/vizient Contact Jo Klein for info: Jklein7@swbell.net

You are invited to a Kendra Gives Back party!

Thursday, November 2, 5-6 PM20% of proceeds donated to DAPS

November 4, 2017 at Globe Life Park


Email Debbie Nathan for info:


2nd Annual DFW Walk

Join us online for this event that has become

our 2nd biggest fundraiser!Learn more at


Dallas Area Parkinsonism Society exercise • speech therapy • support groups

Title Boxing Club of Allen:300 N Greenville Ave*Boxing for PD:Tue/Thu...10:30–11:30 amWed…8:15–9:15 pmSat…10:15–11:15 am*DAPS member discountInfo: 214-644-2640 or FreeMotionPD.com

Grace Lutheran Church1200 E Hebron Pkwy, CarrolltonGroup Exercise:Wednesday...10:00–11:00 amSpeech Therapy:Wednesday…11:00 am–12:00 noon

Edgemere8523 Thackery St, DallasMove & Stretch:2nd & 4th Tuesday...2:00–3:00 pm

Finley Ewing Cardiovascular & Fitness Center, Studio 35721 Phoenix Dr, Dallas Dance for Movement Disorders:Tue/Thu…2:00–3:15 pm

Grace Presbyterian Village550 E. Ann Arbor Ave, Dallas—at the Hillcrest Spa poolSwim Class:2nd & 4th Friday...10:00–11:00 amInfo: 214-376-1701

Lake Pointe Church at White Rock9150 Garland Rd, Dallas Dance for PD®: Wednesday…9:30–10:30 amSpeech Therapy:Wednesday...10:30–11:15 amPartners-in-Care Group:Wednesday...10:15–11:15 am

Preston Hollow UMC6315 Walnut Hill Ln, DallasGroup Exercise:Tue/Thu...10:30–11:30 amSpeech Therapy:Tuesday...11:30 am–12:30 pm

Preston Hollow UMC/Tribe Wellness*South Paws Boxing:Mon/Wed...1:30–2:30 pm*DAPS member discountInfo: 214-702-6559 or TribeWellnessLLC@gmail.com

Trinity United Methodist Church1302 S Clark Rd, Duncanville Group Exercise:Monday...12:00–1:00 pmNo class last Monday of the monthThursday...2:00–3:00 pmDance for PD®: August 14 & 21...10:30–11:30 amSpeech Therapy:Thursday...1:00–1:45 pmPartners-in-Care Group: 3rd Thursday...1:00–2:00 pmSupport Meeting:Last Monday...6:00–8:00 pm

South Garland Baptist Church1330 E Centerville Rd, Garland Group Exercise:Mon/Thu...10:30–11:30 amSpeech Group: Mon/Thu… 9:30–10:15 amPartners-in-Care Group:Thursday...10:30–11:30 am

MacArthur Hills Sr. Living1295 Kinwest Pkwy, Irving/Las ColinasGroup Exercise:Tue/Fri...10:00–11:00 am

Cyclone Indoor Cycling1724 Broad St, Suite 100, Mansfield*WWAP Spin ClassTue/Thu…10:30–11:15 am*Cyclone membership required DAPS member discountInfo: 817-769-2723 or www.cycloneindoorcycling.com

Mesquite Rehabilitation Institute1023 North Belt Line Rd, MesquiteGroup Exercise:Tuesday...10:00–11:00 amSpeech Therapy: Tuesday...9:30–10:00 am

Hunters Glen Baptist Church4001 Custer Rd, Plano Group Exercise:Mon/Thu...9:45–10:45 amSpeech Therapy:Thursday...11:00–11:45 amPartners-in-Care Group:Monday...9:45–10:45 am

Arapaho United Methodist Church1400 W Arapaho Rd, Richardson Group Exercise:Tuesday...10:00–11:00 amFriday...9:45–10:45 am

To order the activity book ($25 each) for the Move.Laugh.Connect. classes, call 972-620-7600.

Town North Family YMCARoom MP2 4332 Northaven Rd, Dallas TX 75229Move.Laugh.Connect.:Tue/Thu…1:00–2:00 pmFREE for YMCA and DAPS members

Belmont Village Turtle Creek3535 N. Hall Street, DallasMove.Laugh.Connect.:Friday…1:15 –2:15 pmFREE for DAPS members and Belmont residents

Move.Laugh.Connect.…extending the functional years


All groups and classes are free of charge to participants unless noted. Dates/times subject to change. See daps.us/groups or call 972-620-7600 for more information.

Dallas Area Parkinsonism Society6370 LBJ Freeway, Suite 170Dallas, Texas 75240(972) 620-7600



Dallas, TXPermit No. 3255


daps mckinneyNO MCKINNEY MEETING in August.

daps duncanvilleMonday, August 28 – 6:00 - 8:00 p.m.Speaker: John CallTopic: Fifteen Disciplines for Persons with Parkinson’s

Call 972-298-4556 to RSVP.


open board meetingMonday, August 21 – 11:00 a.m.Please call the DAPS office for details.

september annual kickoff meeting and ice cream socialMonday, September 11 – 1:00 p.m.Speaker: Dr. Aashoo Mentreddi & Dr. Nirav PavasiaTopic: Parkinson’s Q & A

For change of address or corrections, please mark changes on this page and mail to DAPS, or email: daps@daps.us.

facebook.com/daps.us @daps.info

disclaimer: The contents or opinions expressed in this Newsletter are those of the individual writers or presenters and do not constitute an endorsement or approval by DAPS staff. Please consult your personal physician regarding your individual medical problems.

DAPS McKinney meets the 3rd Tuesday of each month at St. Gabriel the Archangel Church, 110 St. Gabriel Way, McKinney, TX 75070. Email mckinney@daps.us or call 972-347-5342 for more information.

DAPS Duncanville meets the last Monday of each month at Trinity United Methodist Church, 1302 S. Clark Rd., Duncanville, TX. A snack supper begins at 6 pm & a program follows at 7 pm.

Unless noted, General Membership Meetings are held at Fellowship Hall–University Park United Methodist Church, 4024 Caruth Blvd., Dallas, TX 75225. For more information, call 972-620-7600.