621 Mx Install Bea814 Win [RexonaVn.com]

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  • 7/31/2019 621 Mx Install Bea814 Win [RexonaVn.com]


    Release 6.2.1

    Installation Guide

    Microsoft Windows | BEA Weblogic

    IBM Maximo

  • 7/31/2019 621 Mx Install Bea814 Win [RexonaVn.com]


    S e c o n d E d i t i on ( J a n u a r y , 20 08 )This edition ap plies to version 6, release 2, modification 1 of IBM Maximo and t o all subsequ ent relea ses an d

    modifications until otherwise indicated in new editions. This edition replaces any previous edition of this


    C o p y r i g h t I n t e r n a t i o n a l B u s i n e s s M a c h i n e s C o r p o r a t i o n 2 0 08 . Al l r i gh t s r e s e r v e d .

    US Government Users Restr icted Rights - Use, duplication or disclosure restr icted by GSA ADP Schedule

    Contr act with IBM Corp.

    N o t e Before usin g this inform at ion an d th e product it support s, read th e inform at ion in Notices on page Notices-1.

  • 7/31/2019 621 Mx Install Bea814 Win [RexonaVn.com]


    Copyright IBM Corp. 2008 ii i

    Abo u t Th is Gu id e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .v

    Audien ce . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . v

    Rela ted Docum entat ion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . v

    IBM S up port . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . vi

    Ch a p t er 1: In t r od u cin g I BM M a xim o . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-1

    Over view of Inst alla t ion. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-1

    In terne t Conn ectivit y . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-2

    Over view of Concept s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-2

    How Does Ma ximo Ru n in an Applicat ion Ser ver ?. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-3

    Single Ma ximo Applicat ion Deployed in a Single Application S erver . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 -4

    Maximo Comp onen ts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-5

    Applicat ion Se rver . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-5

    Actu at e Ser ver . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 -5

    Da ta base Server . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-5

    Typical Ma ximo Configurat ion Dia gra m . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1-6

    Ha rd war e an d Softwar e Consider at ions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-6

    Th ird -Pa r ty P roduct Upda te s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-8

    J ava Virt ua l Machin e (J VM). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-8

    Ch a p t er 2: In st a llin g B E A Web Lo gic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-1

    In st allin g BE A WebLogic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-1

    Configurin g th e Ma ximo Applica tion Ser ver . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-6

    In st alling t he L icense Upd at e P rogra m . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-14

    Post I ns ta llat ion t as ks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-17Ed it t he commE nv F ile (Oracle Only) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-17

    In creas ing t he J ava Hea p P ar am eter s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-18

    Verify Settin gs by Run nin g sta rt WebLogic.cmd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-19

    Sta rt ing the Ser ver Without Being Pr ompt ed for Usern am e and P assword . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-20

    Ch a p t er 3: Ins ta llin g T h e Act u a t e Ap p lica ti on . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-1

    Pre -Inst alla t ion P rocedu res . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3 -1

    Oracle Connectivit y . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-1

    MS SQL Se rver Conn ectivit y . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-1

    In st allin g Actu at e8 iSer ver . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-2

    Ch a p t e r 4: In st a lli n g M a xi m o . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-1St ar tin g th e Maxim o Inst alla tion P rogra m . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4-2

    Post In st alla t ion Ta sks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-5

    How to In clude t he or acleth in.jar File . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-5

    How t o ena ble t he Applicat ion Des igne r . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-5

    How to Modify Lan guage-specific J DBC Settin gs in Maximo for SQL Server Data base . . . . . . 4-6

    In st alling t he L an gua ge Ut ilities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4-8

    In st alling t he Pr oduct E na blers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-9

    Ch a p te r 5: Cr ea ti n g t h e Ma xim o S ch em a . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-1

    Pr epa rin g Microsoft SQL Ser ver I ns ta nce . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-1

    Set tin g up a S QL Ser ver Da ta base for Ma ximo. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-3

    Prepa r ing Oracle Ins tan ce . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-6


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    iv IBM Maximo: Installation Guide

    Data base Ch ar act er Set . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-6

    Verifying t he Ora cle In st an ce Requirem ent s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5-6

    Ora cle In itia lization Pa ra met ers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5-7

    Crea t ing Ma ximo Ta blesp ace(s) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-7

    Crea tin g the Maxim o User . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-8

    Crea te t he Maxim o Data base Objects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-10

    Ch a p t er 6: Dep loy in g t h e E AR F ile s. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-1

    Ch ap te r 7: In st all in g Th e Actu at e E n cyclop ed ia for Max im o . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-1

    Removing Corr up t Ch ar acter s from t he a cserverconfig.xml F ile . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-1

    St ar tin g th e Actu at e iSer ver for Ma ximo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-2

    In st alling t he Actu at e In tegr at ion for Maxim o . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-3

    Post In st alla t ion Ta sks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-4

    Im por tin g th e E ncyclopedia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-7

    Ch a p t er 8: Log gin g In t o Ma xim o St a r t Ce n t er . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-1

    Maximo E nt erpr ise Adapt er User s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8-2

    App en d ix A: Syst em Se r ve r Adm in ist r a t ion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-1

    Crea tin g a Windows Ser vice for th e MAXIMOSE RVER Ser ver . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-1

    St ar tin g an d St opping th e MAXIMOSE RVER Ser ver . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-3

    St ar tin g an d St opping th e MAXIMOSE RVER Ser vice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-3

    Rem oving the App licat ion Ser ver as a S ervice. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-4

    St ar tin g th e Application Ser ver F rom a Comma nd P romp t . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-4

    St oppin g the MAXIMOS ERVER Ser ver . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-5

    App en d ix B : Con figu r in g J MS Op ti on s for ME A . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B-1

    Configur e J MS Opt ions for ME A. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B-1

    App en d ix C: En ab lin g J MS Con n ect ion Fa cto r y for MEA. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C-1

    E na ble J MS Connection F act ory for ME A . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C-1

    App en d ix D: Add in g Add it ion a l P r od u ct En a ble r s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .D-1Add Addit iona l Pr oduct En abler s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . D-1

    App en d ix E : En a b lin g R ep or t s t o R u n . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . E -1

    E na ble Report s t o Run . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . E -1

    Not ices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . No t ic e s-1

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    Copyright IBM Corp. 2008 v

    About This Guide

    This section explains h ow th is guide can help you t o use IBM


    . I talso provides informat ion a bout oth er IBM Corporation resour ces available to

    you, such as additional documentation and support.


    This guide is intended for implementation analysts, support personnel, and

    system administrators who are installing Maximo for the first time.

    Related Documentation

    For more inform at ion about Max im o, refer to the following documentation:.

    Document Description

    IBM Maxim o Fi nan ce Man agers


    Describes how IBM Maximo

    completes finan cial tr an sactions

    an d how to set u p general ledger


    IBM Maxim o Mult is it eAdm in is tra tors Gu id e

    Describes h ow to configur e IBMMaximo for a Multisite


    IBM Ma xim o On lin e H elp P rovides st ep-by-st ep pr ocedu res for

    Maximo a pplicat ions.

    IBM Max im o Reconcil ia tion Module

    Im pl em enta tion Gu id e

    Describes how to use t he IBM

    Maximo Reconciliation module to

    reconcile th e two types of

    informa tion t hat IBM Maximo

    maint ains a bout information

    technology (IT) assets: IT a sset da ta

    and deployed asset data .

    IBM M axim o Repor t Adm in is tra tion

    and Developm ent Gu ideDescribes how to use Actu at e to

    design an d adm inister IBM Maximo


    IBM Maxim o S ys tem

    Adm in is tra tors Gu id e

    Describes dat abas e configura tion,

    security, and other administra tive

    level applicat ions an d ta sks.

  • 7/31/2019 621 Mx Install Bea814 Win [RexonaVn.com]


    IBM Support

    vi IBM Maximo: Installation Guide

    IBM Support

    IBM Software Su pport pr ovides assista nce with product defects.

    Before contacting IBM Softwa re Su pport, your compa ny mu st h ave an active

    IBM software maint enance contr act, and you mu st be a uth orized to submit

    problems to IBM. For informat ion about t he types of ma inten an ce cont ra cts

    available, see "En ha nced Support," in th e S oftware Su pport Han dbooka t

    techsupport.services.ibm.com/guides/services.html .

    Complete t he following steps t o cont act IBM Softwar e Support with a


    1 Define the problem, gather background information, and determine theseverity of th e problem. For h elp, see "Cont acting IBM" in th e SoftwareSupport Handbooka t techsupport.services.ibm.com/guides/


    2 Gather diagnostic information.

    3 Subm it your problem to IBM Softwar e Sup port in one of the followingways:

    a Online: Click t he R e p o r t p r o b le m s ta b on th e IBM Softwa re Supp ortsite: www.ibm.com/softwa re/support/probsub.htm l.

    b By telephone: For t he t elephone n um ber to call in your coun tr y, go toth e Cont acts page of the Software Support Handbook:

    techsupport .services.ibm.com/guides/cont acts.ht ml.

    If the pr oblem you su bmit is for a softwa re defect or for missing or inaccurat e

    docum ent at ion, IBM Support creat es an Auth orized Program Analysis Report

    (APAR). The APAR describes the problem in detail. Whenever possible, IBM

    Support provides a workaround tha t you can implement unt il the APAR is

    resolved a nd a fix is delivered. IBM pu blishes resolved APARs on th e IBM

    Support web site daily, so th at oth er user s who experience the sam e problem

    can benefit from th e same r esolution.

    IBM Maxim o Users Gu id e Pr ovides an overview of the Ma ximo

    end user a pplicat ions. It also

    describes how th e IBM Maximo

    applications int era ct with ea ch


    IBM Maxim o Work flowIm pl em enta tion Gu id e

    Pr ovides informat ion a bout h ow touse IBM Maximo to plan, design,

    build, test, implement, an d ma nage

    Work flow p rocesses.

    IBM Max im o E nterprise Adap ter

    (MEA) System Adm inistrator's


    Describes h ow to configure a nd use

    th e IBM MEA.

    Document Description

  • 7/31/2019 621 Mx Install Bea814 Win [RexonaVn.com]


    Copyright IBM Corp. 2008 1-1

    Maximo is a compr ehensive suit e of products a ll built on a single, common

    platform. It combines enhanced Enterprise Asset Management functionality

    with new service ma nagement capabilities tha t together improve th e

    effectiveness of asset m an agement str at egies.

    Maximo includes advanced IT a sset ma nagement, service man agement, an d a

    full-featu red service desk, all based on t he IT Infra str uctur e Librar y (ITIL)

    guidelines. Each product can be implemented separately as a stand-alone

    solut ion or r eadily deployed togeth er. The solution enh an ces asset

    ma na gement a nd en sur es service perform an ce of production, facility,

    tra nsportation and IT assets.

    Maximo consists of mu ltiple software ser vers th at you can eit her in sta ll on

    separ at e servers or th e same ph ysical server. Pr efera bly, use th e following

    dedicat ed servers: Applicat ion Ser ver, Actu at e Report Server a nd Dat abase


    Overview of Installation

    Use t his guide t o inst all Maximo. Dur ing th is process you will complete th e

    following tasks in t he order th at they appear :

    1 Install BEA WebLogic application ser ver.

    2 Install the Actuate application server.

    3 Insta ll the Maximo system.

    4 Insta ll the language utilities program.

    5 Insta ll the Pr oduct Enabler program .

    6 Create t he Maximo schema.

    7 Deploy the Enterprise Application Archive (EAR) files.

    8 Inst all th e Actu at e En cyclopedia for Maximo.

    9 Log in to the Maximo Start Center.

    The following diagram illust ra tes th e software component s an d th e order in

    which you m ust insta ll these component s to obtain a su ccessful Maximo

    system inst allation:

    Introducing IBM Maximo


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    Internet Connectivi ty

    1-2 IBM Maximo: Installation Guide

    Installation Flow

    Internet Connectivity

    The inst allat ion of Maximo and its var ious component s requir e a valid and

    active connection t o the In ter net . Open port 8000 to ena ble the download of

    th e latest Maximo files.

    Overview of Concepts

    Maxim o appl ica ti on refers t o an inst an ce of Maximo. En ter prise Application

    Archive (EAR) files define what constitutes a Maximo application. You can

    ha ve mult iple Maximo applicat ions, in oth er words, mu ltiple deployed EAR

    files on one application server.

    An E AR file represent s a J ava 2 Ent erprise Edition (J2EE ) application

    th at you deploy in an application server. EAR files ar e stan dar d J ava ar chive

    files and ha ve the file extension . ear .

    An E AR file can cons ist of:

    Web Application Archive (WAR) files th at cont ain for exa mp le, JS P or

    HTML pages

    J ava E nt erpr ise Applicat ion (JAR) files tha t cont ain class files and oth er

    program ming code modules

    En ter prise J ava Bean (EJ B) files that cont ain class files

    IBM Corpora tion uses the ter m appli cation serverto refer to a J 2EE conta iner

    tha t pr ovides the infrastr ucture t o run business applications such as Maximo.

    BEA WebLogic is a commercial application server supported by Maximo.

    When you inst all Maximo, you creat e a new application server (in th e

    contain er sen se) for th e Maximo applicat ion itera tion with in BE A WebLogic.

    Install BEA WebLogic

    Configure the Maximo Application ServerInsta ll the Actuate 8

    iServer application

    Insta ll Maximo and

    Create the Maximo

    En cyclopedia for


    Log into Maximo

    Star t Center

    Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4

    Chapter 5Chapter 6Chapter 7Chapter 8

    Perform post-installation task srelated software


    Install the ActuateDeploy th e EAR


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    How Does Maximo Run in an Application Server?

    Introducing IBM Maximo 1-3

    Contextis th e na me t hr ough which you access a specific web applicat ion, su ch

    as Maximo deployed on an Applicat ion Server. Ma ximo has th e following


    /maximo Maxim o u se r in ter face

    /mbo Maximo busin es s objects

    /maximohelp Maximo h elp

    /a cweb Act uate

    /mea web ME A

    You access Maximo from t he br owser using t he /ma ximo context.

    For example, htt p://:/maximo. The char acter

    string ma ximo that appears a fter the port nu mber, is the Maximo context.

    How Does Maximo Run in an Application Server?

    The following points su mm ar ize how Maximo is set up t o ru n in a n a pplicat ion


    The E AR files are creat ed from th e cont ents placed on your local dr ive as

    par t of th e insta llation process

    The Ma ximo applicat ion consist s of th e following E AR files:

    ma ximo.ear for the Maximo application

    ma ximohelp.ear for th e Maximo Help applicat ion

    acweb.ear for th e IBM Actu at e Active Port al Integra tion applicat ion

    In order to ru n Maximo, you must deploy the Maximo applicat ion E AR

    files in th e application server.

    When Maximo applicat ion EAR files ar e deployed in th e Application

    Server, th e server m aint ains a copy of the EAR files int ern ally.

    The Maximo insta llation builds the E AR files based on the informa tion

    you pr ovided dur ing th e insta llation. Any configur at ion chan ges require

    you to rebu ild and redeploy the E AR files.

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    Single Maximo Appli cation Deployed in a Single Application Server

    1-4 IBM Maximo: Installation Guide

    Single Maximo Application Deployed in a SingleApplication Server

    You use your a pplicat ion ser ver softwa re t o deploy the E AR files that the

    Maximo installat ion p rogram builds. All thr ee EAR filesma ximo.ear,

    ma ximohelp.ear, a cweb.ear , compr ise a single Maximo applicat ion


    After you deploy the E AR files, a copy of each E AR file is saved in th e

    applicat ion server software folder str uctur e. The applicat ion server u ses this

    copy when ru nn ing an d does not access th e EAR files from th e Maximo root


    The following diagra m depicts th e Applicat ion Server MAXIMOSERVER

    ru nn ing Maximo in BEA WebLogic on a single physical ser ver.

    Appl ication Server MAXIMOSERVER running Maximo in BEA WebLogic on a single physical server

    JSP Technology Maximo applications use JS P technology. An a pplicat ion ser ver, such as th eBEA WebLogic server, is used for accepting HTTP requests from client

    program s (web browsers) an d for r esponding in HTML cont ent .

    When a client requests a J SP page, the application server processes the J SP

    page, and the web server sends the r esult of the J SP pa ge in H TML content

    back to th e client. Refer t o the

    ht tp://java.sun.com/products/jsp/ index.html link for m ore inform at ion about

    J SP Techn ology.

    XML Technology Maximo applicat ions u ses XML files to render th e layout an d creat ion of theuser interface.

    EJB Technology EJ B technology ena bles rapid an d simplified developmen t of distr ibuted,tr an sactiona l, secur e and port able applicat ions based on J ava t echn ology.

    Additional Information If you have an a ctive Ann ua l Customer Ser vice Plan (ACSP) agreemen t withIBM Corpora tion, you can access th e IBM Tivoli Software Supp ort Online

    (eSupport ) website:


    eSupport in cludes inform at ion on product releases, softwar e pat ches, an d

    docum enta tion upda tes. To crea te/access your support online a ccount , you will

    need your IBM Customer Nu mber (ICN).

    WAR files

    JAR files

    EJB Files

    WAR files

    WAR files

    J AR files




    The Maximo installation programbuilds the necessary EAR files


    The deployed EAR files are now

    accessed by BE A WebLogicDatabase

    Actua te iServer

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    Maximo Components

    Introducing IBM Maximo 1-5

    Maximo Components

    The following section describes t he ser ver component s in a typical Maximo


    Application Server

    Maximo is built u sing J 2EE (Ja va 2 En terp rise Edit ion) technology, which

    requir es us ing a comm ercial applicat ion ser ver. Maximo uses BEA WebLogic

    8.1.4 as it s application server.

    The Applicat ion Server consists of Maximo Applicat ions using J avaSer ver

    Pa ges (JSP ), XML, an d Ma ximo applicat ion specific business component s.

    The Maximo Application also insta lls th e Active Port al, which ena bles you to

    use t he Web to access report s in your En cyclopedia volume a nd t he

    Mana gement Console. This web-based capability fur th er ena bles you to

    deploy an d t est r eports on a n En cyclopedia volum e. You access report s by

    using a Web browser (Int ern et E xplorer ) to access th e En cyclopedia volum e

    th rough Active Porta l.

    Actuate Server

    As pa rt of Maximo, Actuat e is offered as t he em bedded report ing tool.

    Actu at es Informa tion Delivery Solut ion en ables you t o crea te, ma na ge, and

    deliver in ter active, actionable cont ent .

    However, it is your option wh eth er or not t o use Actu at e as your Maximo

    Report ing tool. As you perform th e Maximo insta llation (Cha pter 4), if you do

    not choose to use Actu at e, you simply skip th e Actu at e references and

    continu e completing the Maximo insta llation program.

    If you do choose to u se Actu at e, preferably, inst all th e Actu at e iServer on a

    separat e server on th e network. It generat es and m ana ges report document s

    an d provides:

    A server-based system to gener at e, ma na ge, an d deliver intera ctive,

    actionable electr onic report s

    Informat ion in m ultiple form at s including DHTML, PDF , XLS

    Open securit y folder int egrat ion t o leverage existing e-business plat formsecur ity service

    Database Server

    Maximo for BE A WebLogic su pport s:

    Ora cle (9i), or (Stan dar d or E nt erpr ise Edit ion)

    Microsoft SQL Server 2000 SP3

    Microsoft SQL Server 2005

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    Hardware and Software Considerations

    Introducing IBM Maximo 1-7

    Table 1 lists h ardwar e an d software recommenda tions (server and workst ation)

    For addit iona l tun ing and configur at ion inform at ion, refer to th e IB M Max im o

    S ystem Adm inistrators Guide.

    D e d ica t e d Se r ve r s H a r d w a r e Soft w a r e

    Appl ica t ion

    S e r v e r : where you

    install BE AWebLogic Server

    24 dedicat ed, Intel Pentium


    2GB RAM per p rocessor

    1.5GB of disk spa ce

    Microsoft Windows 2000 Ser ver

    Microsoft Server 2003

    BE A WebLogic 8.1.4

    D a t a b a s e S e r v e r : Refer to vendor sp ecifications, or server softwa re

    (either Ora cle Standar d or Ent erprise)

    MS SQL Server 2000 SP3

    MS SQL Server 2005

    Ac t u a t e i S e r v e r :

    the server you plan to

    use for generating


    12 dedicated, Intel Pentium


    1GB RAM per p rocessor

    610MB of disk sp ace

    Microsoft Windows 2000 Ser ver

    Microsoft Server 2003

    Actu at e 8 iServer

    Database client software:

    Ora cle Client Softwa re (Oracle J DBC

    drivers, SQL*Plus, Ora cle


    MS SQL S erver 2000/2005 Client


    A d m i n i s t r a t i v e

    W o r k s t a t i o n where you install


    Used for application

    buildin g, work flow

    designer, Application

    designer, and other

    high-level functions

    Intel Pentium processor

    512 MB RAM

    SVGA 1024 x 768 resolut ion; if

    used for Application Designer

    1280 x 1024 resolut ion

    Microsoft Windows 2000/XP


    Inter net E xplorer 6.0


    C li e n t Wo r k s t a t i o n Intel P entium processors

    512 MB RAM

    SVGA 1024 x 768 r esolution

    Microsoft Windows 2000/XP Pr ofessiona l

    Inter net E xplorer 6.0

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    Hardware and Software Considerations

    1-8 IBM Maximo: Installation Guide

    Third-Party Product Updates

    IBM Corporation supports Maximo with later pr oduct updat es as t hey are

    released by thir d-part y vendors. Our policy is to validate products with t he

    latest t hird-par ty product upda tes at t ime of release cert ificat ion. IBM

    Corpora tion has certified the following third-par ty product upda tes:

    Windows 2000 Ser ver/Advanced Server Service P ack 4

    Windows XP Professional Service Pack 2

    Windows 2000 Professional Service Pack 4

    Int ern et E xplorer 6.0: Service Pa ck 1

    BE A WebLogic 8.1.4

    Ora cle (Oracle Stan dar d or En ter prise)

    Ora cle (Oracle Stan dar d or E nt erpr ise)

    Microsoft SQL Server 2000: SP3

    Microsoft SQL Server 2005

    Java Virtual Machine (JVM)

    The Maximo aut omat ic updat e program used in t he product installation

    requires a J a v a V ir t u a l Ma c h i n e (JVM) be inst alled and presen t on the

    Maximo server. If no JVM is present, th e install appears t o start and the load

    scroll bar climbs to 100% but t he inst all does not lau nch. You can download a

    tested JVM from the following location:


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    Copyright IBM Corp. 2008 2-1

    This chapt er explains h ow to perform th e following task s:

    In st all BE A WebLogic

    Configure t he Maximo Applicat ion Server

    Inst all th e BEA WebLogic License Upd at e program

    Post Installation ta sks

    Installing BEA WebLogic

    Complete t he following steps t o ins ta ll BEA WebLogic For bes t

    perform an ce, insta ll BEA WebLogic Server on a dedicat ed app licat ion ser ver.

    1 Inser t th e BEA WebLogic Applicat ion CD-ROM in your CD drive an d fromth e root CD dir ectory, double clickserver814_win32.exe .

    2 The Pr epar ing t he insta ller dialog box opens, followed by th e Welcomedia log box. ClickNext .

    Installing BEA WebLogic


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    Installing BEA WebLogic

    2-2 IBM Maximo: Installation Guide

    3 Select Ye s an d clickNext .

    4 Select C r e a t e a n e w B E A H o m e option a nd a ccept t he default BEA

    Home Dir ectory (c:\ bea). ClickNext

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    Installing BEA WebLogic

    Installing BEA WebLogic 2-3

    5 Select C u s t o m , as th e Inst all Type and clickNext .

    6Select only WebL ogic Se r ve r (includes Server an d Server examples) and

    deselect WebLogic Work shop. ClickNext .

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    Installing BEA WebLogic

    2-4 IBM Maximo: Installation Guide

    7 Accept th e default (c:\ bea\ weblogic81) inst allat ion locat ion an d clickNext .

    8 Select No to insta ll the Node Mana ger as a Service an d clickNext .

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    Installing BEA WebLogic

    Installing BEA WebLogic 2-5

    Allow th e insta llation progress bar to complete.

    9 Check the R u n Q u i c k s t a r t check-box. ClickD o n e .

    In a few seconds the Qu ickSt ar t window opens. Cont inue with th e next section

    to configur e t he Maximo Applicat ion Server.

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    Configuring the Maximo Application Server

    2-6 IBM Maximo: Installation Guide

    Configuring the Maximo Application Server

    You can also invoke the Configura tion Wizar d from t he Windows Sta rt men u:

    Sta rt > All Pr ogra ms > BE A WebLogic Plat form 8.1 > Configur at ion Wizar d.

    Complete the following steps.

    1 Click t he C r e a t e a n e w d o m a i n c o n f ig u r a t i o n link.

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    Configuring the Maximo Application Server

    Installing BEA WebLogic 2-7

    2 Select C r e a t e a n e w W e b L o gi c c on f i g u r a t i o n an d clickNext .

    3 Fr om th e Configurat ion Tem plate wind ow, select only Basic WebL ogicS e r v e r D o m a i n an d clickNext .

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    Configuring the Maximo Application Server

    2-8 IBM Maximo: Installation Guide

    4 Select C u s t o m an d clickNext .

    5 Type MAXIMOSERVER in th e Nam e field an d accept all other defaultvalues a nd clickNext .

    By defau lt, th e Listen P ort n um ber is 7001. You can specify a different

    port num ber or accept t he default value.

    Record this port n um ber on page 4-1. You will need it d ur ing Maximo


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    Configuring the Maximo Application Server

    Installing BEA WebLogic 2-9

    6 Select No in t he Man aged Server s dialog box an d clickNext .

    Refer to th e IB M Max im o S ys tem Adm in is tra tors Gu id e if you wan t t o

    distr ibute your WebLogic configur at ion a cross ma na ged servers.

    7 Select No in t he Da ta base (JDBC) Options dialog box and clickNext .

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    Configuring the Maximo Application Server

    2-10 IBM Maximo: Installation Guide

    8 Consider th e following options before continu ing with th is step:

    If you h ave received the MEA Product Ena bler and plan t o implement t he

    MEA, you need to define th e requir ed J ava Message Service (J MS)

    Options at t his tim e. Select Yes , clickNext , and cont inue with

    Configur ing J MS Opt ions for ME A, on p age B-1. Details on th e MEA can

    be found within t he IBM Max im o E nterprise Adapt er S ys tem

    Adm in is tra tor' s Gu id e.

    However, If you have not r eceived th e MEA Product En abler or ar e not

    plann ing to implemen t t he MEA, select No an d clickNext to continu e

    with the next step.

    If you a re using t he MEA option,

    select Yes and continue with

    Appendix B.

    If you are n ot planning on u sing

    the MEA option, select N O

    and continue with the next step.

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    Configuring the Maximo Application Server

    Installing BEA WebLogic 2-11

    9 Specify a userna me an d a password. The userna me an d password m ust be8 char acters long. ClickNext .

    10 Select Ye s to create a St art Menu, and No to install th e server(MAXIMOSERVER) as a Windows Ser vice. ClickNext .

    See Appendix A about crea ting a nd r un ning MAXIMOSERVER as a

    Windows Ser vice.


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    Configuring the Maximo Application Server

    2-12 IBM Maximo: Installation Guide

    11 Accept the default values that appear in t he Build Star t Menu E ntr ies andclickNext .

    12 Select P r o d u c t i on M o d e and the Su n SDK 1.4.2_05 an d clickNext .

    Start Server

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    Configuring the Maximo Application Server

    Installing BEA WebLogic 2-13

    13 Select MAXIMOSERVER as your t emplat e and clickC r e a t e .

    You can specify a d ifferen t configur at ion n am e inst ead of the defau lt

    mydomain . However, th is nam e cannotbe the sa me as t he Application

    Server na me (MAXIMOSERVER).

    14 Once the program has completed configuring MAXIMOSERVER, clickD o n e . Do notcheck th e Star t Admin Server check-box at t his tim e.

    15 Close the Qu ickSt ar t window.

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    Installing the License Update Program

    2-14 IBM Maximo: Installation Guide

    Congra tu lations, you ha ve insta lled and configur ed your Maximo Applicat ion

    Server. Continu e with t he n ext section t o inst all th e BEA WebLogic License

    Update program .

    Installing the License Update Program

    This pr ogra m creat es a valid license file so you can ru n Ma ximo with BE A

    WebLogic To do so, comp lete th e following st eps:

    1 Fr om t he BEA WebLogic CD r oot director y, double clickBEA814LicUpd56.exe.

    2 ClickNext in th e Int roduction dia log box.

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    Installing the License Update Program

    Installing BEA WebLogic 2-15

    3 Accept th e default WebLogic inst alla tion folder (c:\ bea) an d clickNext .

    4 ClickI n s t a l l in the Pre-Installation summary dialog box.

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    Installing the License Update Program

    2-16 IBM Maximo: Installation Guide

    5 ClickD o n e in t he In sta ll Complete dia log box.

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    Post Installation tasks

    Installing BEA WebLogic 2-17

    Post Installation tasks

    Complete th e following ta sks:

    Edit th e comm En v.cmd file (Ora cle Only)

    Increase the J ava heap param eters .

    Verify settings by r un ning st ar tWeblogic.cmd.

    Include user nam e and password t o start the MAXIMOSERVER


    Edit the commEnv File (Oracle Only)

    You must use th e Oracle th in drivers from the Maximo installat ion t o conn ect

    to Oracle 9i and 10g dat abases. In th is section, you edit t he comm En v.cmd file

    in the /bea folder, where you installed BEA WebLogic. later, in Post

    Inst allation Ta sks, on p age 4-5., after installing Maximo, you will copy the

    o r a c l e t h i n . j a r file from th e \ lib folder in Ma ximo to th e \ lib folder in BE A.

    Complete the following steps:

    1 Using Windows Explorer na vigat e to:

    :\ \ weblogic81\ comm on\ bin

    For example: C:\ bea\ weblogic81\ common\ bin

    2 Right -click a nd edit (do not d ouble-click) th e c o m m E n v . c m d file a sfollows:

    3 Using your t ext editor, search for c la s spa th=%java_home%

    4 Type th e following after th e equa l (=) sign:

    %WL_HOME%\server \lib\oraclethin.j ar;

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    Post Installation tasks

    2-18 IBM Maximo: Installation Guide

    commEnv.cmd File

    This comm an d is case-sensitive

    5 Save a nd close the file.

    Increasing the Java Heap Parameters

    Complete th e following steps to set th e Ja va Heap pa ra meter s to impr ove


    1 Using Windows Explorer na vigat e to:

    \bea\user_proj ects\domains\mydomain

    2 Open and edit the s t a r t w e b l o g i c . c m d file as follows:

    a Place your cursor at th e end of th e file

    b Search up for s e t se r v e r _n a m e

    c Ent er t he following paramet er exactly as st ated below un der t heSERVER_NAME para meter:

    set MEM_ARGS=-Xms512m -Xmx1024m -XX:MaxPermSize=256m

    These par am eters a re case sensitive. Include the m inus () sign before

    each param eter and the m after each value.

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    Post Installation tasks

    Installing BEA WebLogic 2-19

    startWeblogic.cmd File

    3 Save a nd close the file.

    Verify Settings by Running startWebLogic.cmd

    To ensur e tha t t he edits th at you m ade t o the above ment ioned WebLogic files

    were a ccurat e, complete th e following st eps:

    1 Fr om a comma nd pr ompt, change directory path to:

    \bea\user_proj ects\domains\mydomain

    2 Type s ta r tWebL ogic . cmd and press Enter.

    3 When prompted, type the u ser na me a nd pa ssword tha t you specified inStep 9 on page 2-11.

    Once the ph rase:""

    displays, the WebLogic Server is r un ning.

    Type this param eter exactly256m as it appears

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    Post Installation tasks

    2-20 IBM Maximo: Installation Guide

    Starting the Server Without Being Prompted for Username andPassword

    If you are working in Pr oduction mode and do not want to be prompted for t he

    WebLogic user na me an d password, crea te a b o o t . p r o p e r t i e s file. Th is will

    store the usern ame a nd password in a n encrypted forma t.

    Pla ce the following t wo lines in a text file:



    The userna me an d password values must mat ch a n existing user account in

    th e Aut hent icat ion provider for th e defau lt secur ity realm, an d must belong to

    a role tha t ha s permission to start and st op a server.

    These ar e the sa me values th at you specified in Step 9 on page 2-11.

    If you sa ve th e file as b o o t . p r o p e r t i e s and locate it in th e mydomain folder(for example: c:\ bea\ user_projects\ domains\ mydomain), the server

    au tomat ically uses this file dur ing its subsequent s ta rt up cycles.

    The first time you use t his file to star t a ser ver, the server rea ds th e file an d

    then overwrites it with an encrypted version of the userna me an d password.

    For m ore informat ion, refer to BEA's docum ent web site at:



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    Copyright IBM Corp. 2008 3-1

    If you ar e using Actu at e for r eport ing in Maximo, th is cha pter explains how toinsta ll the Actu at e 8 iServer applicat ion. If you ar e not going to use Actu at e,skip to Chapt er 4.

    Pre-Installation Procedures

    The following sections describe t he pre-insta llation pr ocedur es.

    Oracle Connectivity

    You mu st in sta ll the following Ora cle Client Softwa re on your Actu at e Server

    before inst alling Actu at e:

    Ora cle JDBC Drivers


    Ora cle Net workin g (in Ora cle 9i or 10g)

    You must setu p an d test Or acle Networking conn ectivity to the Maximo


    You mus t a lso create a TNS na me for your Ma ximo conn ect st ring a s you will

    need th is informat ion in Step 10 on pa ge 4-2.

    Please review Oracle insta llation document at ion for fur th er deta ils. Ora cle

    docum ent at ion is available online a t ht tp://otn.ora cle.com/docum ent at ion/


    MS SQL Server Connectivity

    If your Actu at e application conn ects to Microsoft SQL Ser ver, you mu st insta ll

    Microsoft SQL S erver client software before inst alling Actu at e.

    You mu st a lso crea te a DSN n am e for your Ma ximo connect str ing as you will

    need th is informat ion in Step 10 on pa ge 4-2.

    Inst all th e following products:

    Microsoft SQL Server ODBC Drivers

    SQL Server Client N etwork Ut ility.

    Installing The ActuateApplication 3

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    Installing Actuate8 iServer

    3-2 IBM Maximo: Installation Guide

    Installing Actuate8 iServer

    This section describes how to install Actu at e 8 iServer. For best perform an ce,

    insta ll Actuat e iServer on a dedicated ser ver.

    1 Log in to Windows as a us er with Administ ra tive rights.

    2 Inser t t he Actu at e 8 iServer for Windows CD-ROM int o the CD drive.Fr om t he \ iserver folder on your CD double-click t he s e t u p . e x e .

    3 ClickNext in t he Welcome dialog box.

    4 Accept th e ter ms of the License Agreement an d clickN e x t .

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    Installing Actuate8 iServer

    Installing The Actuate Application 3-3

    5 Select C u s t o m an d r ead th e following war ning before clicking Next .

    WARNING Defau lt value for t he Destina tion Folder is\ P r ogr a mF i le s \ Ac t u a t e 8 \ i se r v e r ; however, you m ust ensure t hat the Destinat ion

    Folder pat h does not h ave any spaces in the path nam e. For example

    c :\ Ac t u a t e 8 \ i se r v e r . ClickB r o w s e to select t he new pat h.

    6 Select all component s exceptSam ple Volume an d clickNext .

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    Installing Actuate8 iServer

    3-4 IBM Maximo: Installation Guide

    7 Select S t a n d - a l o n e an d clickNext .

    8 Click t he br owse but ton an d na vigat e to the locat ion of the xml file, in thisexample: Actuate_key_18802.xml. This file resides under t he r oot CD

    folder on your Actu at e R elea se 8 iS erver f or Win dows CD-ROM. Click

    Next .


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    Installing Actuate8 iServer

    Installing The Actuate Application 3-5

    9 Accept t he default valu es tha t a ppear in your Locale Informat ion dialogbox and clickNext .

    10 Enter a user that isin the Adm in is tra tor Grou p and ensure that bothcheck-boxes in t he Services P rofile fra me ar e checked. ClickNext .

    11 En ter th e following values in t he Ser ver Configura tion dialog box.

    P M D Co n f ig u r a t i o n . The Process Mana gement Da emon enables you to

    perform Administ ra tive tasks with in iServer, but does not conn ect to the

    Maxim o Encyclopedia Volum e.

    a The host nam e or t he IP address of the m achine where you ar einstalling Actuate iServer.

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    Installing Actuate8 iServer

    3-6 IBM Maximo: Installation Guide

    b Accept t he default port n um ber 8100.

    c i S e r v e r C o n f ig u r a t i o n . The iServer Configurat ion ena bles you t oconnect to the Maximo Encyclopedia Volume.

    d The host nam e or t he IP address of the m achine where you ar einsta lling Actu at e iServer (same as a bove).

    e Accept t he default port n um ber 8000.

    f ClickNext .

    12 Specify a pa ssword for your Actuat e adm inistr at or an d clickNext .

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    Installing Actuate8 iServer

    Installing The Actuate Application 3-7

    13 Select U s e t h e d e f a u l t v o lu m e and t ype the comput er na me or IPaddr ess. ClickNext .

    14 Select U s e t h e A ct u a t e E n c y cl op e d i a v o l u m e an d clickNext .


    host name host name

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    Installing Actuate8 iServer

    3-8 IBM Maximo: Installation Guide

    15 En ter t he comput er na me where requested and accept th e default portnu mbers. ClickNext .

    16 Accept t he default HTTP port n um ber (8900), or specify an other p ortnu mber a nd clickNext .

    You open t he Actu at e Administr at ive console via a browser, using t his

    port number. For example: http://:8900/acadmin .

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    Installing Actuate8 iServer

    Installing The Actuate Application 3-9

    17 Accept th e default cont ext pa th (/acadmin ) or specify an other cont extna me an d clickNext . You open th e Actu at e Administr at ive Console via a

    browser, using th is context.

    For example: ht tp://:8900/a c a d m i n

    Record the port n um ber an d th e context pat h th at you crea ted. You will

    need t hese t o access th e Web-based Actu at e Administr at ive Console

    Step 12 on pa ge 7-8.

    The above two steps enable system a dmin istra tors to access, genera te, and

    ma na ge report s u sing Actu at es web-based console.

    18 Accept th e default values for th e program folder a nd clickNext .

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    Installing Actuate8 iServer

    3-10 IBM Maximo: Installation Guide

    19 ClickNext in th e Summ ar y dialog box.

    20 Allow for th e inst allation pr ogra m to copy all t he files.

    21 Close th e setu p.txt file.

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    Installing Actuate8 iServer

    Installing The Actuate Application 3-11

    22 Un check th e ReadMe check-box an d clickF i n i s h .

    23 Restart t he comput er.

    You ar e now ready t o inst all Maximo.

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    Installing Actuate8 iServer

    3-12 IBM Maximo: Installation Guide

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    Copyright IBM Corp. 2008 4-1

    This cha pter explains h ow to inst all the Maximo applicat ion, the La ngua ge

    Utilities, and th e Product Ena blers pr ogram.

    Complete t he following worksh eet by recording cert ain n am es and va lues th at

    will help you during insta llation. The page and step nu mbers in t he r ight

    colum n of th e work sheet indicate wher e you n eed the r equested informa tion.

    Installing Maximo


    Record the information here... Use the information here...


    Serial number Step 7 on pa ge 4-2

    Maximo install folder Step 8 on pa ge 4-2

    SMTP host nam e Step 11 on page 4-3

    Work flow administrator email Step 12 on pa ge 4-3

    Maximo administra tor email Step 12 on page 4-3

    Applicat ion server n am e Step 13 on pa ge 4-3

    Listen Port n umber Step 13 on page 4-3


    Database server nam e Step 10 on pa ge 4-2

    Database port n umber Step 10 on page 4-2

    Database Name Step 10 on pa ge 4-2

    Database/Schema owner Step 10 on page 4-2

    Database owner nam e and


    Step 10 on page 4-2


    Actua te iServer nam e Step 16 on pa ge 4-3

    iServer port n umber Step 16 on page 4-3

    TNS (Or acle) or DSN (MS SQL

    Server) on t he Actu at e iServer

    Step 16 on page 4-3

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    Starting the Maximo Installation Program

    4-2 IBM Maximo: Installation Guide

    Starting the Maximo Installation Program

    You insta ll Maximo ont o a Windows work sta tion designated a s th e Maximo

    Admin istra tion Work sta tion. This is where t he E nt erpr ise Archive (EAR) files

    ar e built and su bsequent ly deployed to th e applicat ion server.

    You use the Administr at ion Works ta tion to inst all progra m pat ches, product

    upgrades, or just ru nning Configure Database a nd similar u tilities in which

    case you mu st stop the ap plicat ion server from run ning.

    To install the Maximo Application, complete the following steps:

    1 Log in to Windows as Administrat or or a s a user with adm inistrativerights.

    2 Inser t t he Maximo inst allat ion CD-ROM int o th e CD drive.

    3 Fr om th e root CD drive, double-clickmaximo62 .exe .

    4 Select t he desired lan guage from th e drop-down list. Selecting a langua geonly changes th e insta llation screens int o th at la ngua ge but does not affect

    the underlying files tha t get installed.

    If your langua ge is not ava ilable from t he list, select E ngl i sh , an d click

    OK .

    If it is J apa nese or Chinese you m ust ha ve those fonts inst alled on your


    For an y selected langu age othertha n En glish, that you are installing

    on a S Q L S e r v e r dat aba se, you mu st perform certa in post-insta llation

    ta sks as described in Cha pter 9. This procedur e does not ap ply if you

    are u sing Oracle database.

    5 ClickNext in t he Welcome dialog box.

    6 Select t he a ppropriat e application server, in th is case, BEA WebLogic.

    7 Ent er th e serial num ber included in your Maximo license agreement a ndclickNext .

    8 Ent er th e nam e of the folder wh ere the installation pr ogram will insta llMaximo. The default value is C:\ Maximo. ClickNext .

    9 Select the appropriate database and clickNext .

    10 Depending on your dat abase t ype, ent er th e following data base-relatedinform at ion, a nd clickNext .

    O r a c le SQ L Se r ve r

    Database server name Enter the Oracle host name Enter the SQL Server host name

    Port number 1521 (Default) 1433 (default)

    Database name Enter the Oracle system identifier Enter the SQL Server database name

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    Starting the Maximo Installation Program

    Installing Maximo 4-3

    11 En ter t he host nam e of the machine runn ing the SMTP server. ClickNext .

    You m ust enter t his in order to run reports. Conta ct your Network

    Administra tor if you dont kn ow th e host nam e of th e machine ru nn ing the

    SMTP server.

    12 En ter th e following e-mail notificat ion inform at ion.

    a If you a re u sing Work flow, enter th e e-mail addr ess of th e Work flowAdministra tor, oth erwise, leave it blank .

    b Ent er th e e-mail address of the Maximo administrat or.

    c ClickNext .

    13 En ter th e host nam e or IP addr ess and the port n umber of the ma chinewhere your BEA WebLogic Server is installed. ClickNext .

    Use th e port n um ber th at you specified in Step 5 on pa ge 2-8 (default


    14 If you h ave purchased th e MEA Product E nabler, then check t he En ableMaximo Ent erpr ise Adapt er check-box, otherwise accept default

    (unche cked) and clickNext .

    15 Accept th e default Maximo Server n am e (MXServer) an d clickNext .

    16 If you a re u sing Actu at e as your Report ing tool in Maximo, specify th efollowing inform at ion; other wise, click Next th rough th e following t hr ee

    steps an d complete installing the pr oduct.

    a iServer Nam e: enter t he Actua te iServer IP address or server n ame.

    b iServer Port Number: accept default, 8000.

    c Enter th e database name.

    d ClickNext .

    17 En ter t he host na me of th e Actu at e iServer. ClickNext .

    18 Accept t he default valu e tha t a ppear s in th e Actuat e Encyclopedia rootna me t ext box (rpt) an d clickNext .

    19 ClickI n s t a l l in th e Pr e-Insta llation Sum mar y dialog box.

    Database owner Maximo (default) Maximo (default)

    Database ownerspassword

    Maximo (default) Maximo (default)

    O r a c le SQ L Se r ve r

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    Starting the Maximo Installation Program

    4-4 IBM Maximo: Installation Guide

    20 Once th e inst allat ion is complete, clickNext in th e Insta ll Complete dialogbox.

    21 Ensu re th at a J VM is present on t he Maximo server. If a J VM is notpresen t, download a nd ins ta ll it n ow, as described in J ava Virt ual

    Machin e (J VM), on pa ge 1-8

    22 En sur e th at port 8000 is open to su pport t he following process of checking

    for a nd downloading a ny available Maximo updat es.

    23 In the U p d a t e M a x i m o E n t e r p r i s e S u i t e R e l e a s e 6.2 .1 dialog box,verify that the C h e c k fo r U p d a t e s t o Ma x i m o E n t e r p r i s e S u i t e

    Release 6.2.1 check box is selected (wh ich it sh ould be, by defau lt), and

    clickNext .

    24 If a Maximo upda te is ava ilable (as in dicat ed by the dia log box message),clickNext in th e Updat e Available dialog box and continu e to Step 25 on

    pa ge 4-4.


    If your softwar e is alrea dy up t o date, (as indicated by th e dialog box

    mes sage) clickE xi t an d proceed to Step 28 on page 4-4.

    25 ClickNext in th e Upda ter Retr ieved dialog box to download th e latest filesfrom t he Power Update server.

    26 Choose t he Maximo insta llation locat ion (defau lt c:\ MAXIMO) and clickI n s t a l l .

    27 ClickD o n e .

    28 ClickC r e a t e a S u p p o r t O n l in e Ac c o u n t to de-select it, and then clickD o n e . IBM no longer r equires th at you create a Support Online account in

    th is step becau se you ha ve already established an I BM Online ID.

    29 Remove the CD-ROM from its drive.

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    Starting the Maximo Installation Program

    Installing Maximo 4-5

    Post Installation Tasks

    In t his section you perform t he following general t ask s:

    Copy th e oraclethin.jar file from th e Maximo folder t o the BEA folder.

    En able the Application Designer a nd t he new Help files.

    Modify langu age-specific J DBC sett ings in Ma ximo for SQL Ser ver

    database users.

    How to Include the oraclethin.jar File

    Ea rlier in Chapt er 2, you edited th e comm En v file in WebLogic. Now tha t you

    ha ve insta lled Maximo, you must copy th e o r a c l e t h i n . j a r file to th e /lib folder

    in BEA. Complete the following steps:

    1 Navigate to::\ \ applications\ maximo\ li


    for example: c:\ maximo\ applications\ maximo\ lib

    2 Copy th e o r a c l e t h i n . j a r file to::\ bea_installation_location>\ weblogic81\ server\ lib

    for example: c:\ bea\ weblogic81\ server\ lib

    How to enable the Application Designer

    You must n ow ma nu ally ena ble the Applicat ion Designer an d the n ew Help

    files to ta ke advan ta ge of the new upda tes th at you downloaded. Complete th e

    following ste ps.

    1 Enable the Application Designer by running pkg ins ta l l . ba t from th e\ tools\ maximo directory.

    2 To updat e your online h elp files, download th e en.z ip file from thefollowing location to the Maximo application server.



    a Unzip t he en .zip file.

    b Copy the en folder t o the following locat ion:

    \ a p p l i ca t i o n s \ m a x i m o h e l p \ h e l p w e b \ w e b m o d u le

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    Starting the Maximo Installation Program

    4-6 IBM Maximo: Installation Guide

    How to Modify Language-specific JDBC Settings in Maximo for SQL Server Database

    NOTE Per form t he ta sks outlined in th is section only if you a re inst alling a non-En glish lan guage, and you ar e using SQL Server da ta base; otherwise, ignore

    this section a nd the post-insta llation ta sks outlined in Chapter 9.

    You mus t m odify the J DBC settings in order for Maximo and Actu at e

    Reporting t o work properly with tra nslated dat abases th at conta in special

    cha ra cter s. For example: French, Swedish, or double-byte langua ges such asChinese, Ja panese and Korean.

    There a re a t ota l of four files tha t you must edit. In th is section you edit t he

    ma ximo.properties file. If are u sing Actu at e as your Report ing tool, then you

    must edit the remaining t hree Actua te-related files as described at the end of

    Chapter 9.

    Complete the following steps to modify the maximo.properties file.

    1 Using Windows Explorer , navigate t o\ applications\ maximo\ properties

    2 Using a text editor, open th e m a x i m o . p r o p e r t i e s file.

    NOTE If you h ave m ult iple inst an ces of Maxim o, you mu st m odify all Maximo (or

    Actu at e) properties files.

    3 Sear ch for th e following str ing: mxe .db .u r l= jdbc : ine tdae7a

    Example of the mxe.db.url setting before making any changes.

    4 Remove t he last a from i n e t d a e 7 a , leaving i n e t d a e 7 .

    Remove the a

    Add & c h a r s e t = af ter t rue

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    Starting the Maximo Installation Program

    Installing Maximo 4-7

    5 Add & c h a r s e t = immediately after th en o w a r n i n g s = t r u e .

    is the chara cter set code and depends on th e language

    tha t you ar e using.

    Use th e following cha ra cter set codes in th e JDBC sett ing for the pr imar y

    languages supported in Maximo:

    Chin ese (Simplified) : GBK

    Dut ch : 8859_1

    Fr ench : 8859_1

    Germa n : 8859_1

    Ita lian : 8859_1

    J apan ese : Shift_JIS

    Korean : euc-kr

    Port uguese : 8859_1

    Span ish : 8859_1

    Swedish : 8859_1

    For example if you h ave a J apan ese database, type Shi f t_J IS for t hechar acter set.

    6 Save a nd close the file.

    Example of the mxe.db.url setting after making the changes.

    Generally, modifying the maximo.properites file (or any *.properties files)

    requir es th at you r ebuild and r e-deploy the E AR files.

    In t his case, you do not n eed to rebuild an d r edeploy the m aximo.ear file. ThePr oduct E na blers program bu ilds all th e necessar y EAR files for you a nd so

    th e cha nges tha t you made to the ma ximo.properties page in this section is

    incorporat ed in the r esulting EAR files. Lat er in t his guide, you ar e instr ucted

    on how to deploy th e EAR files.

    However, you must ma nu ally rebuild and re-deploy the a cweb.ear file becau se

    you m odify this file after ha ving built an d Deployed it. Therefore, any chan ges

    tha t you ma ke to th e actuat e-related pr operties file in Post In sta llation

    Tas ks, on pa ge 7-4 requir es you to man ua lly rebuild an d re-deploy the

    acweb.ear file.

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    Installing the Language Utilities

    4-8 IBM Maximo: Installation Guide

    Installing the Language Utilities

    This pr ogra m in sta lls langua ge-specific Help files and dat abase scripts. You

    insta ll th e Langua ge Utilities after inst alling Maximo applicat ion.

    1 Inser t t he Maximo Langua ge Utilities CD-ROM int o th e CD drive.

    2 Fr om th e root CD drive, double-clickm a x l a n g e n . e x e (or maxlang.exe).

    3 Select t he desired lan guage from th e drop-down list. Selecting a langua geonly changes th e insta llation screens int o th at la ngua ge but does not affect

    the underlying files tha t get installed.

    If your langua ge is not ava ilable from t he list, select E ngl i sh , an d click

    OK .

    If it is J apa nese or Chinese you m ust ha ve those fonts inst alled on your


    For an y selected langu age othertha n En glish, that you are installing

    on a S Q L S e r v e r dat aba se, you mu st perform certa in post-insta llation

    ta sks as described in Cha pter 9. This procedur e does not ap ply if you

    are u sing Oracle database.

    4 ClickNext in th e Int roduction dia log box.

    5 Verify th at t he default value (c:\ Maximo) is the M a x i m o Home Directoryan d clickNext .

    6 ClickI n s t a l l in th e Pr e-Insta llation Sum mar y dialog box.

    Allow th e insta llation progress bar to complete.

    7 If you are performing t he steps in this Cha pter because you ar e addingaddit iona l langua ges to an existin g Maximo insta llation, check the Build

    m axim ohelp.ear file check-box and click Next, otherwise accept default

    (unche cked) and clickNext .

    8 ClickD o n e .

    You are now ready to install the P roduct Ena blers pr ogram .

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    Installing the Product Enablers

    Installing Maximo 4-9

    Installing the Product Enablers

    Pr oduct E na blers allow you t o access to applicat ions t ha t you are ent itled to

    use deter mined by your Maximo license pu rchase.

    The E AR files ar e built a t t his t ime. Complete t he following steps:

    1 Insert the Product Ena blers CD-ROM into th e CD drive.

    2 Fr om th e root CD drive, double-clickse tup .exe .

    3 Select t he desired lan guage from th e drop-down list. Selecting a langua geonly changes th e insta llation screens int o th at la ngua ge but does not affect

    the underlying files tha t get installed.

    If your langua ge is not ava ilable from t he list, select E ngl i sh , an d click

    OK .

    If it is J apa nese or Chinese you m ust ha ve those fonts inst alled on your


    For an y selected langu age othertha n En glish, that you are installing

    on a S Q L S e r v e r dat aba se, you mu st perform certa in post-insta llation

    ta sks as described in Cha pter 9. This procedur e does not ap ply if you

    are u sing Oracle database.

    4 ClickNext in t he Welcome dialog box.

    5 Verify th at t he default value (c:\ Maximo) is the M a x i m o Home Directoryan d clickNext .

    6 ClickI n s t a l l in th e Pr e-Configur at ion Message box.

    Allow th e insta llation progress bar to complete.

    7 If you a re inst alling additional pa ckages, you must at t his time select Ye s an d th e program will exit allowing you to add th e oth er Pr oduct E na blers.

    See Adding Additional Product Enablers, on page D-1

    Once all packages ar e insta lled select No an d clickD o n e .

    Thr ee message boxes appear in dicat ing tha t th e EAR files are being built.

    ClickD o n e .

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    Installing the Product Enablers

    4-10 IBM Maximo: Installation Guide

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    Copyright IBM Corp. 2008 5-1

    In t his chapt er, you pr epar e an Or acle insta nce or a Microsoft SQL Server

    insta nce on t he ser ver to hold your da ta . The following comman ds ar e

    guidelines for configur at ion cha nges. For more det ails on th ese comman ds,

    refer to your Ora cle or SQL Server docum ent at ion. The par am eter s are only

    suggestions; you might need to adjust t hem d epending on server disk space

    and site requirement s.

    Preparing Microsoft SQL Server Instance

    Full-text Search is a sett ings that you m ust install during th e installation of

    Microsoft SQL Ser ver 2000. To determine if Full-text S ear ch is insta lled on

    your existing MS SQL Server da ta base, perform th e following steps:

    1 Open SQL Quer y Ana lyzer from th e Tools menu .

    2 Type the following command:

    select FULLTEXTSERVICEPROPERTY ( 'IsFulltext Instal led' )

    Creating the MaximoSchema 5

    0 = Full-text is not installed (in this example)1 = Full-text is installed

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    Preparing Microsoft SQL Server Instance

    5-2 IBM Maximo: Installation Guide

    In t he event th at you did not insta ll Full-text Sear ch (the r esulting value is

    zero), you mu st do so at t his t ime. The following steps p rovide a general

    guideline describing how you can chan ge this an d oth er sett ings after ha ving

    installed SQL Server.

    1 Inser t t he Microsoft S QL Server 2000 CD-ROM onto the ser ver wher e youha d it insta lled originally.

    2 Navigate t hr ough the inst allat ion dialog boxes and from the Setu p Typedialog box, select C u s t o m .

    3 Check t he Fu l l-T ex t Sea r ch option.

    4 Step thr ough th e remainder of the steps and F inish the installationprocess by selecting t o rest ar t t he server.

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    Preparing Microsoft SQL Server Instance

    Creating the Maximo Schema 5-3

    Setting up a SQL Server Database for Maximo

    Complete t he following steps to create a SQL Server Da ta base.

    1 Open SQL Server En ter prise Man ager (from P rogram Files >> MicrosoftSQL Server).

    2 Right Click t he D a t a b a s e s folder from t he t ree view, and select NewDatabase.

    3 In t he Dat abase P roperties dialog box, in th e Genera l tab, specify a uniqu edat abase n am e (for exam ple max602db).

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    Preparing Microsoft SQL Server Instance

    5-4 IBM Maximo: Installation Guide

    4 Fr om the Dat a Files tab, cha nge the Spa ce allocated size to 50 0 (MB) an dcheck th e Aut oma t ica l ly gr ow f i le check box.

    5 If you pr efer, from t he Tr an saction Log tab m odify th e settin gs toaccommodate your production environm ent.

    6 ClickOK .

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    Preparing Microsoft SQL Server Instance

    Creating the Maximo Schema 5-5

    7 Fr om th e Tools menu , select SQL Server Ana lyzer

    8 Select th e correct data base na me from th e drop-down men u. This is th evalue you ent ered in Step 3 on pa ge 5-3.

    9 Run th e following scripts:

    a To create the MAXIMO user , run th e following script:

    sp_addlogin MAXIMO,MAXIMOgo

    If th e maximo account is alrea dy present in t he SQL Server

    insta llation, then you will get a n er ror m essage login MAXIMO

    alrea dy exists. You can ignore th is error messa ge.

    b Change m a x i m o to be the dat abas e owner by ru nn ing the followingscript:

    sp_changedbowner MAXIMOgo

    c If you int end to use th e Users app t o add nat ive data base logins an duser s, then r un th e following script :

    sp_addsrvrol emember MAXIMO, securityadmingo

    10 You can n ow run the m axinst script from the\ tools\ Maximo folder from th e machine where you

    insta lled Maximo.

    See Creat e t he Ma ximo Data base Objects, on pa ge 5-10.


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    Preparing Oracle Instance

    5-6 IBM Maximo: Installation Guide

    Preparing Oracle Instance

    In th is section, you p erform th e following ta sks:

    Verify the Oracle instance requirements.

    Creat e Maximo Ta blespace(s).

    Create t he Maximo user.

    Creat e the Maximo data base objects.

    Database Character Set

    Maximo support s mult iple langu ages within a single schem a. The Oracle

    instance must be created with th e char acter set tha t will support all the

    langua ges which you will be using. For example, English, Fr ench, Germa n,

    Spanish, Dutch, Portu guese, and Italian a ll use the Oracle char acter set


    If you plan to use a mix of langu ages tha t cann ot all use a single cha ra cter set,

    such as E nglish, Chinese, and Polish, then you m ust create t he dat abase with

    th e Unicode chara cter set AL32UTF8. The AL32UTF8 chara cter set is the

    only Unicode chara cter set t ha t can be u sed with MAXIMO.

    If you create t he dat abase with AL32UTF8 or an y multi-byte cha ra cter set

    you must also set the initialization parameter nls_length_semantics=CHAR.

    Verifying the Oracle Instance Requirements

    The Ora cle instan ce for Maximo mu st h ave Ora cle Text insta lled. Maximo

    uses Ora cle Text for indexes on description fields. You can verify th at Ora cle

    Text is inst alled by checking for th e CTXSYS u serid.

    Fr om SQL Plus, run th e following comman d:

    select username from dba_users where username = CTXSYS;

    If Ora cle Text is insta lled, th is comman d will retu rn th e nam e CTXSYS.

    NOTE The inst an ce for Maximo will need at least 100MB of tem porar y tablespace

    an d 100MB of un do tablespace.

    If Oracle Text is not in sta lled, refer to Ora cle insta llation docum ent at ion for

    more detail.

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    Preparing Oracle Instance

    Creating the Maximo Schema 5-7

    Oracle Init ialization Parameters

    IBM Corpora tion does not pr ovide deta iled per form an ce settings for MAXIMO

    becau se ther e are a n infinite nu mber of combina tions of data sizes, user

    counts , module usages, add-on m odule usages, system configur at ions, an d

    cust omizat ions possible in an Maximo system. Tak e advan ta ge of all the

    feat ur es of Ora cle 9.2 and 10g tu ning, such as:

    Use locally ma na ged ta blespaces for MAXIMO ta bles an d indexes.

    Use the n ew method of PGA man agement by setting


    PGA_AGGREGATE_TARGET=memory value.

    Use the new method of SGA man agement by setting

    SGA_TARGET = memory value.

    Control I/O cache via DB_CACHE_SIZE instead of


    Reduce libra ry lat ch content ion by sett ing CURSOR_SHARING=


    Make sur e OPTIMIZER_FE ATURES_ENABLE is set to your curr ent

    Ora cle version a nd n ot an older one.

    OPE N_CURSORS = 1000 estimat ed; you may n eed more.

    DBMS_J OBS_PROCESSE S = 2 required for job tha t u pdat es Oracle Text


    Beyond th e above, sizing for SGA, PGA, and so forth , is best det ermin ed by

    using Oracle Ent erprise Manager or a Third-party dat abase monitoring andadministra tion tool to ana lyze the dat abase under load and mak e tun ing


    CAUTION If you ha ve crea ted th e data base with AL32UTF8 or an y multi-byte char acterset, you must also set the initialization para meter


    Creating Maximo Tablespace(s)

    Complete th e following steps to creat e th e Maximo ta blespaces. Maximo offers

    a m ulti-schem a option. This featur e enables th e applicat ion t ables to be ownedby a user other tha n Maximo, permitting m ultiple Maximo schemas to reside

    in a sin gle Ora cle instan ce.

    Maximo tablespaces should be locally man aged an d not dictiona ry ma na ged.

    These inst ru ctions will crea te a locally man aged ta blespace by defau lt.

    If you do not include a schema owner, t he default is Maximo. The expected

    size of your da ta base det erm ines th e size of a Maximo tablespace.

    If you plan to insta ll the MAXDEMO schema, creat e a Ma ximo ta blespace

    of size 600MB.

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    Preparing Oracle Instance

    5-8 IBM Maximo: Installation Guide

    If you plan to crea te an empt y Maximo schema , use the est imat ed size of

    th e dat abase. Refer t o Table 7-1: Dat abase Size Guidelines.

    To permit growth, you can a dd another data file later or use t he

    AUTOEXTEND option of th e CREATE TABLESPACE comm an d.

    Use relat ed nam es for Maximo schem as a nd t ablespaces. For example, to set

    up a MAXDEMO dat abase, a pr oduction dat aba se, and a t est copy of th e

    production database, you might choose MAXDEMO, MAXPROD, andMAXTES T a s schem a owners an d MAXDEMO_DATA, MAXPROD_DATA,


    ta blespace na mes (MAXDEMO ha s only one tablespace nam e as splitt ing a

    sma ll demo data base ha s no real advan ta ge). Use the following guidelines to

    estima te initial ta blespace size:

    To creat e a ta blespace, use t he following comm an d:




    is th e Maximo tablespaces na me.

    is t he d at a files n am e.

    is the d at afiles init ial size from ta ble.

    MAXSIZE is the ma ximum size allott ed to th e data

    file from th e above table.

    You can express both filesize and m aximum as a n um ber of megabytes when

    you follow it with th e letter M (for exam ple, 1000M). You can cus tomize t he

    storage parameter s for th e particular data base.

    The file na me is t he full pat h of the ser ver. It includes t he local dr ive of the

    server a nd pa th location t o the dat a file, and sh ould be placed inside singlequotes. For example: C:\ oracle\ orada ta\ maximo\ MAXIMO01.DBF

    Creating the Maximo User

    This section des cribes how to modify c r e a t e M a x i m o E S . s q l file. The m ulti-

    schem a featu re ena bles the application t ables to be owned by a user oth er

    th an MAXIMO, th us per mitt ing multiple schema s to reside in a single Oracle


    Size of Database Tablespace Estimate (MB)

    Initial Maximum

    Small (12 users) 500 2000

    Medium (20100 users) 1000 5000

    Large (100+ users) 5000+ 20000+

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    Preparing Oracle Instance

    Creating the Maximo Schema 5-9

    To use different schema or ta blespace na mes, you m ust edit th e following

    para meters in creat eMaximoES.sql.

    schema the schema (user id) to own th e tables (same value th at you

    specified in Step 10 on page 4-2)

    dat a_ts th e nam e of th e table space to hold the Maximo tables (an d

    indexes if th e optiona l index table spa ce is not us ed)

    index_ts the n am e of the ta ble space to hold the Maximo tables

    An example ofc r e a t e M a x i m o E S . s q l is sh own below:

    NOTE Ensure tha t the a l t e r u s e r s c h e m a t e m p o r a r y t a b le s p a c e t em p linereflects your temporary tablespace name.

    Add t he following line if you use a separ at e index t ablespace:

    alter user quota unlimited on ;

    To crea te t he Ma ximo user, complete th e following steps:

    1 Open SQL Plus.

    2 Login a s system adm inistrator.

    3 At the pr ompt, t ype:



    4 Press E n t e r .

    5Exit SQL Plus.

    create user maximo identified by ma ximo;

    alter u ser m aximo default tablespace ma ximo quota unlimited on ma ximo;

    alter user maximo temporary tablespace temp;

    grant create trigger t o maximo;

    grant create session to maximo;

    grant create sequence to maximo;

    grant create synonym t o maximo;

    grant create table to maximo;

    grant create view to maximo;

    grant create procedure t o maximo;

    grant alter session to maximo;

    gran t execute on ctxsys.ctx_ddl to maximo;

    --To allow Maximo to give Data base Access to Maximo User s in Sig. Security, r un these:

    --gran t creat e user to MAXIMO;

    --gran t dr op user t o MAXIMO;

    --gran t crea te session t o MAXIMO with ADMIN OP TION;

    --gran t a lter u ser to MAXIMO;

    schema namepassword

    data _ts tablespace

    replace with your tem porar y

    tablespace nam e

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    Create the Maximo Database Objects

    5-10 IBM Maximo: Installation Guide

    Create the Maximo Database Objects

    You crea te t he Maximo data base after creat ing the Maximo user. Complete

    the following steps:

    1 Open a comma nd prompt.

    2 Change directory path to: \ maximo\ tools\ maximo

    3 At t he prompt, type m a x i n s t

    By defau lt, Maxinst will look in th e ma ximo.properties file (In th is example,

    c:\ Maximo\ applications\ maximo\ properties) for connectivity inform ation to

    th e data base. It will conn ect u sing JDBC conn ection and st ar t t he pr ocess of

    creating a Ma xdemo dat abase. If you would like to creat e an em pty dat aba se,

    use the - imax imo flag.

    For example, at the comm an d prompt, instea d of just ma xinst, type: m a x i n s t

    - imax imo

    The following depicts t he var ious flags tha t you can use with ma xinst.

    F la g De scr ip t io n

    -a d at aba se a lia s Da ta ba se a lia s. If n ot sp ecified, u ses mxe.db.u rl pr op er ty.

    -c la ngu age cod e Dir ect or y n am e of in pu t file (for exa mp le en for En glish ).

    -d log file directory If using the -l param eter, i t will output logfile to the Maximo directory.Typically: tools > maximo > log.

    -e none Causes Sql to be execu ted. Required. Alrea dy present in maxinst .ba t .

    -f file n a m e F ile na m e for p rop er t ie s file . I f n ot s pe cifie d, u se s m a xim o.p rop er t ie s.

    -i file n a me F ilen a me of in pu t file (wit h ou t p at h or ext en sion ). Th e d efa u lt filen a meis Unlcvt if the -i para m is not provided.

    -k pr op. filedirectory

    Directory for propert ies file.

    -l none Outpu ts a deta iled log file. St rongly recommended. Already inmaxinst.bat.

    -o file n am e If u sin g t he -l pa ra met er , t he filen am e for t he logfile.

    If not specified, logfile is "Maxinst" + timestamp + ".log".

    -p p as swor d P a ss wor d for d at a ba se con n ect ion . If n ot s pecified , u sesmxe.db.pass word pr operty, or "MAXIMO".

    -s index stora gearea

    Oracle: tablespace for index storage (defaults to default tablespace forschema owner)

    SQL Ser ver: filegroup for in dex st orage (defaults to PRIMARY).

    -t table storage area Oracle: tablespace for table storage (defaults to default tablespace forschema owner)

    SQL Ser ver: filegroup for t able st orage (defaults to PRIMARY).

    -u u se r n a m e U se r n a m e for d a ta ba se con n ect ion . I f n ot s pe cifie d, u se s m xe .d b.u s erproperty, or "MAXIMO".

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    Create the Maximo Database Objects

    Creating the Maximo Schema 5-11

    CAUTION -S and -T PARAMETE RS: Maxinst does n ot provide a default value fortablespace.

    The -S and th e -T PARAMETERS a re r equired. You must always specify the

    data and index tablespace names. There is no default value.

    CAUTION If MAXINST fails for an y reas on, you m ust drop an d r e-crea te t he MAXIMO

    schema before re-run ning MAXINST.

    NOTE Ea ch flag must be followed by th e par am eters with out a spa ce,for exam ple: -uMAXIMO.

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    Create the Maximo Database Objects

    5-12 IBM Maximo: Installation Guide

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    Copyright IBM Corp. 2008 6-1

    You ar e now r ead y to deploy the E AR files via th e BEA WebLogic Console.

    Deploying th e EAR files star ts th e Maximo Applicat ion Server. If

    MAXIMOSERVER is not ru nn ing, sta rt it from a comm an d prompt .

    You also need to inst all a J ava Virtu al Machine (JVM) in order t o view the

    BEA WebLogic Console. Newer versions of Windows ma y not sh ip with J VM.

    1 Fr om a comma nd pr ompt, change directory path to:



    2 Type s ta r tWebL ogic . cmd and press Enter.

    3 When prompted, type the u ser na me a nd pa ssword tha t you specified inStep 9 on page 2-11.

    Once the ph rase:""

    displays, the WebLogic Server is r un ning.

    4 Sta rt th e MAXIMOSERVER Admin Console by typing th e following URL

    in your browsers addr ess bar: http:/ /:7001/console

    Deploying the EAR Files 6

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    6-2 IBM Maximo: Installation Guide

    5 Replace th e defau lt U s e r n a m e and P a s s w o r d with t he values youspecified in Step 9 on page 2-11. ClickS i gn I n .

    MEA Only If you a re a Maximo Ent erprise Adapter customer, and you have set up theJ MS queu es dur ing th e WebLogic configur at ion (Appendix B), you mu st

    now enable the JMS connection factory before deploying the EAR files.

    Please refer to En ablin g J MS Conn ection F actory for MEA, on pa ge C-1

    at th is t ime and return to Step 1 on pa ge 6-1 after completin g the steps

    outlined in Appendix C.

    6 ClickD e p l o y m e n t s from t he tr ee view in the left pa ne, and t hen clickAppl ica t ions .



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    Deploying the EAR Files 6-3

    7 Fr om th e ma in window, clickDeploy a new Appl ica t ion