6 Video Marketing Secrets For Web

Post on 13-Apr-2017

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Transcript of 6 Video Marketing Secrets For Web


6 Video Marketing Secrets That Powerful Brands Are Using To Win Business

Whether you’re pitching for new business or trying to reconnect with your existing customers, video is a powerful tool to engage your customers and build a relationship with them. Successful brands are already using video in incredible ways to build brand awareness, connect with their audience and drive revenue, here we share with you 6 video marketing secrets that you can learn from straight away to win more business.

1. Big brands know and understand their audience.Successful businesses know their audience inside and out, and they use this knowledge to speak their audience’s language. Whether it’s toning down your assertiveness when talking to someone who is shy or cranking it up for the aggressive, high-energy type, everyone is different, and catching on to these subtleties goes a long way toward getting them to hear your point of view. It’s exactly the same when using video, who are your audience and what do they care about watching? Too often, businesses use video that might appeal to themselves without thinking of the customer, some questions you should be asking:

Who are my target audience?What do they actually care about?How do I help them?

A retrospective video that focuses solely on your workforce and what they do won’t drive engagement within the viewer, whereas a tutorial video that keeps the viewers interests in the forefront will make sure they aren’t clicking off the video. A strong video marketing campaign begins with a strong strategy, and knowing your audience is the first absolutely critical step.



2. Big brands know and understand their goals.Knowing your audience is the first step, knowing your goals is the next key stage. Of course, the end goal is usually always ‘win more business, make more money’ but its very rare that a single watch of a video without any other intervention will convert directly into a sale. Big brands know that video is just one step in the sales process and whilst there is always the ‘super objective’ the journey consists of smaller, specific goals. Your process might look something like this:

Attract attention and increase brand awarenessEducate the viewer into why our product/service is important to themDemonstrate value to the prospectShow thought leadershipGenerate leadsGenerate appointmentsShow credibilityOvercome objections at the point of saleThank the customer for their purchase

Big brands know that prospective clients are at different stages of the sale pipeline, and different stages require a different approach. This is why John Lewis launch a heartwarming video advert in the first instance to attract the maximum number of viewers, but then further down the line, use video testimonials and customer reviews just before the point of sale. Knowing your goals in the beginning means your videos will have a strong purpose through-out the production process and prevent you from making costly mistakes, it also means that when you come to analysing the success of your videos and campaign, you’ll know what you’re looking for.




3. Big brands focus on story, not the sale.There are so many videos out there that are actively repelling your customers, we’ve all seen those annoying corpo-rate videos that sell, sell sell! Clever businesses focus on the story and not the sale, they focus on giving value to their customers. By not being pushy you are already raising your game against your competition. It’s no secret that emotion is what drives us all as human, but a lot of businesses are creating content that doesn’t appeal to the senses. Big brands regularly create videos that have absolutely nothing to do with their product or service, take this advert by Sainsburys for example. By creating a powerful emotional connection through the story, the viewer is moved, engaged, inspired, and ready for more.



4. Big brands play hard to get. Big brands tease their viewer, they create a buzz which then draws the viewer in rather than going to them. They know that when they create compelling content people will talk. Underneath every video on Youtube is a comments section. Create videos that will cause a conversation, that stirs debate and just see how many of those viewers then start commenting, liking and sharing it with their friends. Don’t forget that Youtube is not only a search engine and video hosting platform, but a powerful social media platform. Be inspired by this Marmite campaign which got people talking.




5. Big brands understand our tendencies, habits and behaviours.Knowing your target customer is one thing, but understanding the psychology of people is another. Big brands understand how people work both online and offline, one of the big things we like to do as humans is share, another is that we subconsciously look for cues - we are more likely to watch a video that has a lot of views already as it shows credibility, if a friend or family shares with us a video and recommends it, we are more likely to want to view it. People will share content they find exciting or interesting, because it makes them feel like they are giving people value and putting themselves in a position of influence. A genius example of how ASDA used subliminal cues to create direct sales is in this video. In the video, ASDA used Zoella - an internet sensation, who already has over a million subscrib-ers to talk about baking cupcakes, along with ASDAs ingredients which were on show was some product placement completely unrelated to the cooking topic, but nonetheless, the viewers eye is drawn throughout the video to a ‘casually’ placed Bunny lamp. Sure enough, in the description below the video is a link to the bunny rabbit product page on ASDAs website, along with all the other hidden products in the video. Understanding how people tick often inspires powerful ideas for your video campaigns. ASDA reported sales of 17,000 bunny lamps, from this video alone.



6. Big brands are teachers. Big brands know the value of education, one of the most popular forms of video online are ‘how-to’ videos and tutorials. When people learn something, they feel rewarded and if a brand is seen to be educational and helpful in this way, the viewer will keep coming back for more. There’s nothing more powerful than showing thought leader-ship and giving value in the form of education. But a word of warning, teach them something about themselves and life, not the product or service you offer. If you think that’s too risky, then you can still add a call-to-action under or next to the video.

Thank you for reading, we hope you found this little eGuide helpful! For more on how video can help your business, visit us at www.adamandevie.com
