6 Top Secret Stops to a Successful PPC Campaign

Post on 31-Mar-2016

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If you have ever gone on a long trip, then you know the importance of having a map. You will want to study which towns you need to pass through along the way, and know what you can accomplish in each of those towns. It is no different when planning a PPC campaign. You need to understand the roadmap so that you can get to your final destination of the best campaign ever. 1. Set Your Objective 2. Find Your Customer’s Pain 3. Create A Story 4. Create Your PPC Ad 5. Run Congruence 6. Arrival

Transcript of 6 Top Secret Stops to a Successful PPC Campaign

6 Top Secret Stops to A Successful PPC Campaign


• If you have ever gone on a long trip, then you know the importance of having a map.

• You will want to study which towns you need to pass through along the way, and know what you can accomplish in each of those towns.

• It is no different when planning a PPC campaign. You need to understand the roadmap so that you can get to your final destination of the best campaign ever.

Set Your Objective

• Just like when you are leaving on a road trip, you need to know where you are going.

• Most people head either to gathering leads or getting sales, however, you may have a different goal.

• The most important thing is to know where you are headed or you may drive around in circles and get know where.

Find Your Customer’s Pain

• The most successful products are created to solve a problem that the customer has at the moment.

• Stop and figure this out. It is important to identify this point before proceeding down the road.

Create A Story

• The next step is to create your landing page. The landing page should show the customer exactly how the product solves the customer’s problem.

• It should have an introduction that grabs the audience’s attention.

• It should have some building action. Most importantly it should have a strong call-to-action.

Create Your PPC Ad

• Now that you have identified the purpose of the ad, how your product solves the problem, and the landing page, you are ready to create the ad.

• Remember that you need to use powerful words in the headline and the image on the ad should speak volumes.

• Try to show your customer the benefits of your programme in your ad.

Run Congruence

• Congruence is a simple element, but one that is often overlooked.

• Every element of your PPC campaign should support the other elements.

• Make sure that they go together, including words, logos, and colours.

• You want to build the trust of the customer and one way to do that is to keep everything congruent to help ensure them that they have arrived at the right place.


• You are now almost ready to arrive at your final destination, a successful PPC campaign.

• Never rest on your laurels, but continually be testing to see if there are minor tweaks that you can do to improve your campaign.

• You always need to be testing new ads in the hopes that one will top your current top ad.

• The truth of the matter is that the PPC marketer never truly arrives at their destination.

• By following this roadmap you are ready to begin the journey that has no end.