6 Tips To Ace Your Interview

Post on 22-Jan-2017

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Transcript of 6 Tips To Ace Your Interview

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6 Tips To Ace Your InterviewThese 6 interview

techniques should help boost your chances of

passing a job interview.

The 3 P’s

Prepare, Prepare, PreparePreparation is a key part of the interview. Almost all interviewers will prepare similar questions, and it is, therefore, necessary to have the answers with you

before the interview. Beware of cramming answers, though, since the questions could be conveniently

twisted and leave you tensed and in-confident. Rehearse a short bio, including all your relevant strong


Know the Company

Do your background research on the company to know what it is all about. Know what they stand for

and have a rough idea of why you would want to work for the enterprise, and how you can help them

achieve their long-term goals.

Don’t mention a specific salary

At some point in the interview, you will likely be asked what amount of money you want for a salary. Most people make the mistake of mentioning a specific

figure. Instead, you should respond with a question of what the company can afford to pay for your skill. This

is because you could easily mention a figure that is too high or too low for the company. Also, you should never be the one to bring up queries about the salary or bonuses. Holiday time should be out of your mind

if you want to get the job.

Dress appropriately

Usually, you will want to be officially dressed. However, this depends on the industry. Your clothes should always be spotless, clean and well ironed as

you will otherwise look sloppy.

Arrive on time

Getting late for an interview signals disrespect and indicates that you are not ready to be cooperative in the company. It is best to arrive a few minutes before

the scheduled time for the interview.

Be confident!

From the moment you walk into the interview room, you should demonstrate confidence. Your walking,

your handshake, and your head should all be manipulated effectively to show or even fake

confidence. Keeping your head up and maintaining frequent eye contact are great ways of showing your potential employer that you are confident in yourself.

With all these, you also need to be careful not to come off as rude or arrogant as this will immediately

disqualify you.

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