5th five year plan by SURESH AADI8888

Post on 28-Nov-2014

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Transcript of 5th five year plan by SURESH AADI8888


“Five Year Plans of India”

Presented by:-Mr. Suresh Kumar Sharma



• Proposed Plan Outlay: Rs.53410 Crores• Situation: high inflation, hike in oil prices and

failure of Government take-over of the wholesale trade in wheat.

• Terminated by Janata party in 1978• The strategies relate to growth in the three

leading sectors, viz., agriculture, energy and critical intermediates and the creation of additional employment opportunities.


Fifth Five Year Plan (1974 to 1979)

Objectives: To reduce social, regional, and economic

disparities Reduce poverty and to attain self sufficiency in

agriculture and defense Reducing rate of Unemployment both in Urban &

Rural sectors Encourage Self-employment Encourage growth of Small scale industries Prevent over population


Demographic Profile

The National Population Policy lays down a target- for birth rate of 25 per thousand and a population growth rate of 1.4 per cent by the end of the Sixth Plan


The policy describe a series of fundamental measures including – raising of minimum age for marriage, female education, spread of population values and the small family norm, strengthening of research in reproductive biology and

contraception. groups and communities and permitting State Legislatures to

enact legislation for compulsory sterilization.


Plan Outlays

The Draft Fifth Five Year Plan envisaged an outlay of Rs. 37250 crores in the public sector.

The revised Plan outlay is now estimated at Rs 39303 crores excluding provision for inventories.


20-Point Economic Programme

announced by the Prime Minister on 1st July, 1975.

The various constituents especially those which require financial investment, have been identified.

The outlays of the Centre, States and Union Territories for the remaining two years of the plan—1977-79 and the Fifth Plan are indicated below :


Outlays ofFifth five year Plan

1975-76 anticipated

1976-77 approved outlay

1977-79 proposed outlay

Total(Rs. crores)

centre 119.01 163.71 757.06 1039.78

states and U.Ts. 1850.68 2173.97 5334.67 9359.32

Total 1969.69 2337.68 6091.73 10399.10


Drugs and Pharmaceuticals

The drug industry which was mainly confined to formulation activities and the manufacture of bulk drugs.

Public sector has been given a prominent role in the overall development of drug industry.

A significant step up in production

in the area of antibiotics, synthetic

drugs and formulations in public

sector is envisaged.


 Health, Family Welfare Planning and Nutrition

Health Central Sector an amount of Rs. 252.79 crores was provided

for this sector. The expenditure during the first three years is

likely to be Rs. 152-93 crores. An outlay of Rs. 182.90 crores has been

recommended for the last two years after assessing the performance of various major on-going programmes and after keeping in view the broad aspects of health strategy.



National Malaria Eradication Programme has been allocated Rs. 196-44 crores as against the original provision of Rs 96-71 crores in the Draft Fifth Plan.

Provision has also been made for more effective implementation of National Leprosy Control Programme and the National Scheme for prevention of impairment of vision and control of blindness.

A pilot research project to develop a strategy for control of filaria in rural areas has also been included.

Adequate provision has been made during 1977-79 for establishing combined food and drug testing laboratories and for giving Central assistance to existing food laboratories in the States.


State Sector

An outlay of Rs. 543.21 crores was provided in the draft Plan for various health programmes under the States and Union Territories.

The total likely expenditure for- the first three years Rs. 159.92 crores. For the remaining two years- Rs. 185.91 crores These provisions include reasonable expansion, extension

and development of rural health services. It has been ensured that all the primary health centres and

sub-centres in the country would get drugs at the enhanced level of Rs.1 2,000/-per PHC and Rs. 2,000/- per sub-centre per annum..



The revised total Fifth Plan outlay for the Health Sector thus works out to Rs. 681.66 crores--

scheme 1974-77 anticipated expenditure

1977-79 proposed outlay

revised fifth plan outlay

1. central 28.60 39.06 67.66

2. centrally sponsored 124.33 143.84 268.17

3. states/U.Ts 159.92 185.91 345.83

4. Total 372.85 368.87 681.66


Family Welfare Planning Programmes

In the draft Plan an amount of Rs. 516.00 crores was provided for programmes relating to family welfare planning.

The likely expenditure during the first three years of the Fifth Plan is expected to be of the order of Rs. 237.65 crores

 An outlay of Rs. 259.71 crores

has been recommended for the

period 1977-79.


Family Welfare Planning Programmes

Focus on Health, Maternity and Child Health Care and Nutrition services.

To cope with the increasing demand for sterilisation, facilities will be expanded at 1000 selected Primary Health Centres and 325 Taluka level hospitals during 1976-79.

Two hundred additional post-partum centres beyond the original targets in the draft Fifth Plan are also proposed to be opened.


Family Welfare Planning Programmes

Another unit of the Hindustan Latex Ltd. will be set up at Farakka to meet the increased demand of condom.

Special multi-media motivation campaigns on family planning pilot basis will be launched in Uttar Pradesh, Andhra Pradesh, and West Bengal.

Maternity and child health programmes will be vigorously pursued and funds for this purpose will be made available on the basis of performance.


Family Welfare Planning Programmes

Research and evaluation facilities will be strengthened. Funds for completion of incomplete buildings and for construction of essential buildings for Rural Family Welfare Planning Centres have been provided.

288 New Rural Family Welfare Planning Centres will be opened in a phased manner.

A total provision of Rs. 497.36 crores has been envisaged in the revised Fifth Plan.


Nutrition Central Sector

an amount of Rs. 70 crores was provided in the Central Sector--

Rs. 50 crores- Food and a Nutrition Scheme of the Department of Food,

Rs. 20 crores- for the Applied Nutrition Programme of the

Department of Rural Development.


Nutrition Schemes of the Department of Food

The likely expenditure during the first three years of the Fifth Plan is placed at Rs. 6.53 crores.

Rs. 6.70 crores has been provided during 1977-79 for production of nutrition foods.

An amount of Rs. 1.27 crores has also been recommended during 1977-79 for other schemes like fortification of Food Stuffs, nutrition education through mass media, Pilot Research Projects etc.

An outlay of Rs. 7.97 crores has thus been recommended for 1977-79 making up a Fifth Plan provision of Rs. 14.50 crores.


Applied Nutrition Programme (Dept. of Rural Development)

The outlay of Rs. 20 crores for providing Central assistance to the on going Applied Nutrition Blocks, opening of 700 new blocks and maintenance of post operational blocks for one year after existence for a period of five years.

Due to constraint of resources in the social Services Sector only 192 blocks were set up in the first two years (1974-76) of the Plan.

The likely expenditure during the first three years of the Plan is Rs. 4.48 crores.

A sum of Rs. 8.51 crores has been recommended for 1977-79. The total outlay under the revised Fifth Plan works out to Rs. 1

2.99 crores.


In State Sector

an amount of Rs. 330.00 crores was provided for the States and Union Territories, for the supplementary Feeding programmes,

i. e.. Mid-day Meals Programme for the School going children and Special Nutrition Programme for the children in the age group of 0-6 years and expectant and lactating mothers.

the first three years of the Plan is Rs. 44.24 crores. The slow progress in the initial years of the Fifth Plan was mainly due to the financial constraint and non-availability of funds in the non-Plan budgets of the State Governments for meeting cost of food, administration and transport for the beneficiaries.



 For the remaining years of the Fifth Plan adequate provision has been made from the non-Plan resources of the State for beneficiaries of special nutrition programme at the end of the Fourth Plan.

Rs. 43.94 crores for 1977-79 The revised outlay under the Fifth Plan thus

works out to Rs. 88.18 crores



Food grain production was above 118 million tons due to the improvement of infrastructural facilities

Bombay High had shot up the commercial production of oil in India.



Had few backdrops …. Food & energy prices skyrocketed -ve impact on Indian Economy

So?? - Inflation becomes Inevitable & hence priority towards food & energy took place.

Several inflationary pressures.

Thank You!


Sixth Five Year Plan (1980 to 1985)

6th Five Yr Plan -- Known as Janata Govt. Plan

It’s Existence – Tourism industry increased, I.T sector develops!!!!!The issues – Rajiv Gandhi being the PM, & hence emphasized on Industrial DevelopmentSome agreed, but the communist groups protested

Objectives:Aimed for rapid Industrial Development

Improve the Tourism Industry


Objectives: (Cont…)

Family Planning concept introduced, but not forcibly

To introduce min Needs Program for the poor

Achievements:Planned GDP growth - 5.1% a year, achieved 5.4%

Speedy Industrial development

The transport and communication system also improved

Government investments in the Indian healthcare sector