5/8 Days Beijing/Chengde/Tianjin Classic TourWall and be a true fine man” inscribed on a stone....

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Transcript of 5/8 Days Beijing/Chengde/Tianjin Classic TourWall and be a true fine man” inscribed on a stone....

5/8 Days Beijing/Chengde/Tianjin Classic Tour

Validity Date:01 Mar 2016 – 31 Aug 2016 Tour Code: CHN- PEKA5 / PEKA8 / PEKB5 / PEKB8

Special Gourmet Delight: (5/8Days Gourmet Delight): Beijing toasted Duck Old Beijing Cuisines Dumplings Cuisines

Exquisite Cantonese Cuisine Mutton Hot pot

(8Days Gourmet Delight): Chengde Local Food Tianjin “Goubuli” Steam Bun

(CHN-PEKA5 / PEKB5 Itinerary): Day 01:Singapore Beijing (MOB / Dinner)

Upon Arrival in Beijing, meet our local tour guide and transfer to city. We will visit the Capitol Museum. The Capital

Museum today contains over 200,000 cultural relics in its collection, only a small fraction of it are exhibited, and a

significant percentage of the museum's art collection came from artifacts unearthed in Beijing. After dinner, proceed

back to Hotel.

Day 02:Beijing (Breakfast / Lunch / Dinner)

After Breakfast, we proceed to Tiananmen Square and the Imperial Forbidden City

Museum- where once the emperors and empresses live. Continue to visit Beihai

Park; both of these two parks are the resort of emperors in Ming and Qing Dynasty.

After that, we enjoy the Chinese Kungfu Tea show and Fantastic Acrobatic show.

Day 03:Beijing (Breakfast / Lunch / Dinner)

After breakfast, en-route for the Silk Factory before we start visits the Summer Palace (started from 20 Apr 2016

complementary Kunming Lake boat excursion). The most favorite’s imperial garden of Empress Dowager Cixi that finely

decorated with a long corridor depicts historical and legendary figures. After to experiences Hutong Alley

Trishaw Ride, to explore the Shichahai Pub Street laded with the most intact Siheyuan settlements in Beijing,

century-old prominent TongRenTang Health Centre, and follow by Nanluoguxiang Alley which is the one of the

best preserved Hutong in Beijing.

Day 04:Beijing (Breakfast / Lunch / Dinner)

After breakfast, en-route for the Jade Museum before challenge the Juyongguan

Great Wall of China with the famous quote by Mao Zedong – “Ascend the Great

Wall and be a true fine man” inscribed on a stone. Ming Tombs in which 13 out of 16

of the Ming Dynasty’s Emperors were buried here. Enjoy the Fruits Picking in fruit

farm (depend on the season) and free foot massage. After that, transfer back to

Beijing. Night Excursion and tour the Wangfujing Street & Donghuamen Snack


Day 05:Beijing Singapore (Breakfast / Lunch)

Explore the Temple of Heaven Garden after breakfast. Once the sacred building for the emperors to offer their

prayers to the Heaven, the hemispherical geomantic masterpiece is a study piece wonders which have amazed many

architectures. Follow by Pearl Factory then continue proceed to view the 2008 Olympic Stadium - Bird Net and

Water Cube from outside. After lunch transfer to airport for a pleasant flight back home. Home Sweet Home –


((CHN-PEKA8 / PEKB8 Itinerary): Itinerary Day 1 – Day 4 same as PEKA5 / PEKB5

Day 05:Beijing (Breakfast / Lunch / Dinner)

Explore the Temple of Heaven Garden after breakfast. Once the sacred building for the emperors to offer their

prayers to the Heaven, the hemispherical geomantic masterpiece is a study piece wonders which have amazed many

architectures. Follow by Pearl Factory then continue proceed to view the 2008 Olympic Stadium - Bird Net and

Water Cube from outside. After dinner transfer back to Hotel.

Day 06: Beijing – Chengde – Beijing (Breakfast / Lunch / Dinner)

Depart for Chengde after breakfast, to explore the Mountain Resort served as the

Summer Palace for several Qing Dynasty emperors, which have spent a month to

travel here for recreation and hunting. Preserving with the quaint view of extensive

wooden paddock fence, the Mountain Resort is also the filming site for the famous

drama series-《My Fair Princess》. Subsequently, transfer back to Beijing.

Day 07:Beijing – Tianjin – Beijing (Breakfast / Lunch / Dinner)

After Breakfast, visit the Jewelry Factory and proceed to Tianjin by High Speed Train. Continue visit Foods Street

and Culture Street, and enjoy the beautiful European Style Building. After, transfer back to Beijing by coach.

Day 08:Beijing Singapore (Breakfast)

After breakfast, proceed to Yaxiu Market for shopping until transfer to airport for a pleasant flight back home. Home

Sweet Home – Singapore.


Silk, Jade Crafts, Jewelry, Pearls, Tea Leaves, TongRenTang medical hall, Foot Massage

Additional Tour (Compulsory): RMB 500 per person (Paid in China)

Shaolin Kungfu + World Trade Sky Screen + Jingshan Park + Silk Street + Night View Chang’an Street

备注(Remark):导游/司机小费 (人民币 25/人/天). Local guide/Driver Tipping (RMB 25/day/person). 导游全程以中文讲解/ 2.行程游览顺序将会根据具体实践,路况,酒店安排做出调整/

3.不同航班的团体将可能合拼成一团/4.若中英文行程版本出现不符之处,将以中文版本为依据. 1. Chinese Speaking Guide Throughout Tour/2.Sequence in Tour itinerary subject to Changes/

3. Groups on different flights can merge together/4.In any case of discrepancy, please refer Chinese Itinerary.

Special Fruits Plucking: Below date, if there is a change in accordance with the prevailing picking weather conditions. Mar 01 - May 30 Strawberry Plucking (Complementary 6 pieces)

May 31 - Jun 30 Cherries Plucking (Complementary 20 pieces) Jun 01 - Aug 31 Peaches Plucking (Complementary 5 pieces)

Special Flowering season: YuYuantan - Sakura (Apr 10th- 25th), Jingshan Park - Peonies (Apr 25th- May 30th),

Great Walls Area – Peach Blossoms (Mar 15th- Apr 20th)

5/8天 北京/承德/天津经典游 有效期:2016 年 3 月 1 日- 8 月 31 日 团号: CHN- PEKA5 / PEKA8 / PEKB5 / PEKB8

赠送特色风味: (5/8天风味): √北京烤鸭 √老北京风味√特色饺子宴√精品粤菜√涮羊肉火锅 +

(8天: √承德效莼菜风味 √天津狗不理包子)

(CHN-PEKA5 / PEKB5 行程): 第一天:新加坡/北京(机上用餐/晚餐)





场。故宫—旧称为紫禁城,位于北京中轴线的中心,是中国明、清两代 24 位皇




综合性和代表性的皇家园林之一,1925 年开放为公园。观赏中国功夫茶,后观

赏神话金沙杂技表演—神话金沙现已在北京工人俱乐部连续演出 10 多年了,杂技主要以古蜀金沙文化为主题,再



早餐后参观丝绸加工厂游览颐和园(4 月 20 日以后赠送昆明湖游船)—以昆明湖、万寿山为基址,以杭州




是最赋有老北京风情的街巷。后参观百年老店-同仁堂创建于 1669 年(清康熙八年),自 1723 年开始供奉御药,

历经八代皇帝 188年。



15 公里的山谷间,两旁山峦重叠,树木葱郁,山花烂漫,景色瑰丽,远在 800


于北京西北约 40 多公里处的一个著名的陵墓区,在天寿山主峰前,是明朝第三

位皇帝成祖朱棣(公元 1360-1424 年)和皇后徐氏的合葬陵。免费享受足底按摩,夜游王府井大街—南起东长安

街,北至中国美术馆,全长约 1600 米,是北京最有名的商业街。东华门小吃街—那里是真正的小吃一条街,不管




早餐后游览天坛公园—始建于明永乐十八年(1420 年),清乾隆、光绪时



淡水珍珠养殖馆,2008 年奥运主场地—鸟巢及水立方(外观),午餐后将客人送

至机场, 返新加坡

(CHN-PEKA8 / PEKB8 行程): 行程第一至第四天与 PEKA5 / PEKB5 相同


早餐后游览天坛公园—始建于明永乐十八年(1420 年),清乾隆、光绪时曾重修改建。为明、清两代帝王祭


圆地方。参观淡水珍珠养殖馆,2008 年奥运主场地—鸟巢及水立方(外观),晚餐后客人回酒店休息



代皇帝避暑和处理政务的场所。始建于 1703 年,历经清康熙、雍正、乾隆三朝,

耗时 89 年建成。后当天乘车返北京


早餐后参观珠宝连锁店,后乘城际高速火车赴天津—京津高速铁路是中国第一条时速 300 公里以上城际高

速铁路,是中国首条高速铁路客运专线。抵达后游览食品街—建成于 1984 年。高约数丈的灰色围墙,把食品街围





统称为意大利风情区,目前保存完整的欧洲建筑近 200余栋。后乘车返北京



区和旅游工艺品专营区,五层荟萃了全国 20 多家风味食档自由购物,午餐自理乘车赴机场,返新加坡

购物店:丝绸、 玉器、宝石、 珍珠、茶叶、 同仁堂、足底

附加行程 (必需参加) - RMB500/每人(大/小同价):

北京三大表演之一(少林功夫) + 世贸天阶 + 景山公园 + 秀水街 + 长安街夜景

备注(Remark):导游/司机小费 (人民币 25/人/天). Local guide/Driver Tipping (RMB 25/day/person). 导游全程以中文讲解/ 2.行程游览顺序将会根据具体实践,路况,酒店安排做出调整/ 3.不同航班的团体将可能

合拼成一团/4.若中英文行程版本出现不符之处,将以中文版本为依据.1.Chinese Speaking Guide Throughout

Tour/2.Sequence in Tour itinerary subject to Changes/3.Groups on different flights can merge

together/4.In any case of discrepancy, please refer Chinese Itinerary.

特别赠送采摘水果 -以上为预计日期,如果采摘有变化按照当时的天气情况而定 3 月 01 日-5 月 30 日采摘草莓 (赠送 6 粒)

5 月 31 日-6 月 30 日采摘樱桃 (赠送 20 粒) 7 月 01 日-8 月 31 日采摘水蜜桃 (赠送 5 粒)

特别花期: 玉渊潭樱花(4 月 10 日-4 月 25 日)、 景山公园牡丹花(4 月 25 日-5 月 30 日)、 长城附近桃花(3 月 15 日-04 月 20 日)