500 miles

Post on 07-Aug-2015

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Transcript of 500 miles



Balter to dance with abandon

I winced and waddled my way into the wavepool, grateful for the cool water and a gleaming florida sun. White-knuckling my bright red rescue tube, I waded through my zone if responsibility. Mind-over-mattering with all I had, I grinned reassuringly at the Guests while vigilantly roaming my water with a steady, practiced stride--nobody wants to see a limping lifeguard.

(Envuronmental descriptors) in the lovely morning at Disney's Typhoon Lagoon, pictured the brass medal sitting in a place of honor apartment kit Ch en countrr--grin got wider. A handful of hours ago I'd been balsting past the finish line of the Tower of Terror ten miler--my longest race yet. A night of fun and triumph--I'd followed my running plan precicely and absolutely SHATTERED my expected time. Half an hour faster than expected! So the soreness and well earned. 3am and I made it to my apartment at the same time, but here I was chipper and (excited) at 10am.

Test run, thinking of the chalenge. The soreness was uncofortable, but not unbearable.

One step at a time. First, I had to actually run a marathon. That 10 miler was exhilarating but a marathon was more than doubke the distance.

What I liked about it--having markers and clocks every mile. A roommate who'd completed st george marathon looked at me crazy--of course they had that. Run 3 miles, walk one, run two, walk one, then take the last tree run, walk, run a mile each. Since it h and been a Disney race the course featured a number of character photo ips--knew I couldn't stop if I wanted to stick to th e plan (lazy, undriven) instead of stopping to stret Ch, I used my walking miles. Looked rediculous, lunging or high knee marching, even gentle high kicks. All I knew is I had to keep moving forward.

Back at Typhoon Lagoon, floating in the shark rerf.cooler water for the live animals. I was a fraid of cramping in the cold water but it actually felt good. One toe especiall had been hot and swollen (two days later, that toenail woild come right off--now I always clip my nails short before a race.) When our guests were gone I very proudly told my fellow guards about he race, waving my arms, grinning, describing thr mrdal, tge run, the racers.then someone said it--the prase I, in my head termed the "death sentance" I could never do something like that.

World of comparisons, if HE cant, of course I cant. A total of 18 marathons in a year from someone whose favorite pastime is something called Netflixing?

I could never believe something like that.

One stpe at a time--the first 500 miles.

Year One: 500 Miles of Running

HERE WE GO, my first run following the tot10. Gotten my results back and I was perfectly average--5/10000 total 3/6 women. A giid placeto start from

A day iff from work I wanted time away to charge I like having music while I run. When Pandora station in particular volved to be the perfect blend for brainstorming my double edged Crown Point. In my t shirt and knee shorts (boys bball shorts) lounged around on my toommates flior flupping yhrough a fashion mag. Thats photoshop. Airbrush airbrush, manip manip. I knew exactly what tools to make stuff look like this. Went oit looked in the nirror. I lijed what I saw. Constant acne curse but not too bad. Great color from lifrguarding. No makeup--hardly ever since it would just get washed off. I did things, wasnt for kooking at was for activity. Had a roommate on my back syart of my college program, slighting me, vasting doubts on myability to deepguard. Swim twst I was dead last ( both times) but I completed. Did outstanding in the reat of class as well getting a perfect score in my fonal eval. Dream job depwater guard at typhoon. Have this image of lifeguards and tall thin baywatch billowy but oir deep guards had more body diversity than the shallow ones. Sometimes my co workersnwould catch e beaming at them, gibve me weird looks.

That roommate laid off when I told her I swam competitively for triathlon (didn't elaborate sprint tri and less than ) . Made me angry.

A week of beong sore, a week of period and work and no time. Going for a run, 5 miles at least an hour. Netflix or music. It's a way to pass the time when im running inside on a treadmill and there is no scenery. There were only 12 weeks until the race. This would NOT be a last minute thing. If I was going to undertake this challenge I was determined it would be a well researched/prepared, earnest endeavor.

20 min 1.68

5:30 .32

10:30 1

25:40 walk/run

Total 1:01:10 5 miles//florida was running away, no matter how I lokked at it/what name I put to it running away from humiliation from shame from my mistakes. Wanted to change wanted a metamorphosis. Gave up on my dream. Didnt have to graduate I had walked thr walk and wore the silly hat--close enough. Passage in scripture jesus grew in wisdom and stature, in favor with god and his felloe man. You may be a different denomination, agnostic or atheist. Simplofied road map of the areas of what I always saw as a well balanced life

Reinvent my body, my work ethic. Going on a "digital diet". Working without diatraction. Classical music. I could only watch netflix while running. I was allowednon ttumbkr only afyer the CH 'workday'was over. Talk about overeating and feeling bloated. Mind overexposurebtobtumbkr. Again not cuttingnout the thinysni love but structuring, balancing.

It was not about losing wieght to look a certain way. The focuz was not on cutting things, out, taking things away, shrinking myself. My focus had to be on BUILDING, building muscle, building endurance. I liked to imagine myself as some kind of android or robot that was being

repurposed for a new directive--a running machine! Food was now a kind of fuel--so I had to be mindful of what I put in my engine and I had to accept my tank could only get so full before I felt sick.

Also, if I could choose between carrying 30 pounds on the track or leaving it behind, I was all for shedding it right there. I was mindful though that I would probably gain much of it back after racing--by body is pretty comfortable being in the 160’s. That’s the thing, for me the happy ending would be the medals, not ht ebody. Entropy!

Now I didn’t cut out sugar. or candy. dessert deepfried stuff--I enjoyed my holidays and ate through them just the same but instead I listened to the cues my personal inner dashboard was giving me. Tnak full. Take a break. As I continued to excercise more found myself craving different foods and was more aware of feeling sick after eating too much or not getting enough of something.

SCIENCE! The building molocues--Protein, Fat, and Carbohydrates. Two of these we like to cast as the evil villians in our diets. False, we need ‘em folks. They are energy, energy storage. The trick is in the balance.!

Year Two: 500 Miles of Racing.

Telling mom about choosing a different race--pragmatic negativity. What about the weather, the elevation. You were the one who wantes me to rethink the dlorida. I am running this race in january--convinced beyond shadow of doubt to keep the challenge to myself.

Jan 1 2015: racquetball with family. Fun times. Had made it down to 160 over the year but from taking time off from surgery, entering the Halloween food corridor, right back up to 170. To be fair, a lot of that 170 is new muscle. Been doing strength exercises, 30 day challenges and a jumping challenge. Really into sports anime. I think if I'd bee not that instead of fantasy my high school would have been very different--Korra too.

Written out workout plan for first 6 months of year. If I stick to that, we see what happens next.

Jan 2: up, finishes first whole week of 30 day challenge! And back below 170, just barely. Did just Dance with Rosie for at least an hour. Waited on jump challenge till late at night but finish it I did! Feeling warmth in knees--hopefully they are strengthening instead of wearing down. Successful completion! Day 2/183 let's keep it going. Maybe will try 3 miler tomorrow. Need my watch charger. Chose box of healthy cereal for snacks over cookies at store tonight! Cereal literally tasted like dog food but (and that is how I can tell you this literally etc) but tasty.