5 use adverbs of duration in sentences

Post on 15-Jul-2015

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Transcript of 5 use adverbs of duration in sentences

Use adverbs of manner and frequency.

Read the story. Pick out the adverbs of manner and frequency. The Proud King

There was once a king who ruled harshly over the lands. One night after he was crowned as emperor, he thought of himself as the greatest on earth and in heaven.

He often went hunting. Early morning, while in the deep woods, he swam to cool himself in the lake. He proudly swam away from the shore. Suddenly there came from the bottom of the lake someone who had the same face and form as he. This man quickly put on the king’s clothes and drove away with the king’s horse. When the proud king finished cooling himself he found his clothes and his horse already gone.

With some woven reeds covering his body, he walked to the castle. He beat loudly at the gate but he was driven away. He went to the duke’s hall but he was put to prison. Working hard, he loosened the chains that bound his feet and fled away. He went to his own palace but no one recognized him. Instead, he was beaten up and was thrown outside the palace.

The proud king fled away. He wished he was dead. Reaching the lake where he had bathed, he cried aloud. He asked forgiveness for his pride.

Review/ Drill

What are adverbs? What do they modify?

Give sample sentence using adverbs?

Adverbs of Manner Adverb of Frequencythoroughly always

quickly seldom

gently after

cheerfully never

smoothly everyday

gracefully occasionally

orderly rarely





Analysis and DiscussionUse each adverb above in their own sentences.What is an adverb of manner?

•An adverb of manner is a word that modifiesa verb, an adjective and another adverb. Ittells how an action is done. Generally, adverbsof manner make use of –ly that is added to anadjective.


•If an adjective ends in l, keep the l and add –ly.


casual – casually global – globally

•If the adjective ends in y with a consonant before it, change y to i and add –ly.


busy – busily ready – readily

What is the adverb of frequency?

An adverb of frequency tells how often an action is done.


An adverb is a word that modifies a verb, an adjective or another adverb.

Adverbs may indicate frequency and manner.

An adverb of manner tells how an action is done while an adverb of frequency tells how often an action is done.

Read each sentence and identify the adverb. Tell if it is an adverb of manner or frequency.

________1. How I wish he would drive carefully.________2. It gets very dangerous.________3. He runs down the hall occasionally.________4. She recites in class daily.________5. Say your prayers religiously.________6. Spend your money wisely.________7. Always talk to your parents politely.________8. Never forget to deal with people humbly.________9. Sleep soundly.________10. Approach life positively

Read each sentence and identify the adverb. Tell if it is an adverb of manner or frequency.

________6. Spend your money wisely.________7. Always talk to your parents politely.________8. Never forget to deal with people humbly.________9. Sleep soundly.________10. Approach life positively

Evaluation Write an adverb in the blank to make each sentence correct.

1. A child who dresses __________ is a pleasant sight.2. She __________ cries.3. Father would ___________ buy books for his son.4. Nikka has __________ wanted to be a writer.5. She would __________ tell about her dream to her family.


Write a five-sentence paragraph about your classmates’ habit in doing their assignment. Make comparisons among them using adverbs of manner and of frequency. (never, seldom, occasionally, often, always)