5 Unthinkable Feats of Creativity in Business

Post on 06-Jan-2017

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Transcript of 5 Unthinkable Feats of Creativity in Business



Jay Acunzo @jayacunzo


Let’s rip the Band-Aid right off…

Let’s rip the Band-Aid right off…

A lot of us are sick and tired of hearing about .

Don’t get me wrong: is amazing. is creative.

But is…

…NOT our reality.

…NOT our reality. ( is.)

…NOT our reality. ( is.)

Did we do it? Did we go viral, guys? ….Guys?

We’re tricked into thinking creativity means BIG.

We’re tricked into thinking creativity means BIG. But it doesn’t.

We’re tricked into thinking creativity means BIG. But it doesn’t. It means DIFFERENT.

We’re tricked into thinking creativity means BIG. But it doesn’t. It means DIFFERENT. EXCITING.

We’re tricked into thinking creativity means BIG. But it doesn’t. It means DIFFERENT. EXCITING.

We’re tricked into thinking creativity means BIG. But it doesn’t. It means DIFFERENT. EXCITING.

Come at me, bro.

So how do you move from average to exceptional?


So how do you move from average to exceptional?

You gotta do the


So how do you move from average to exceptional?

Stop following

the listicle.

So how do you move from average to exceptional?

Ditch the outdated routine.

So how do you move from average to exceptional?

Stop looking for “the secret.”

So how do you move from average to exceptional?

Don’t blame your


So how do you move from average to exceptional?

(Or time, team,

boss, or client.)

So how do you move from average to exceptional?

And start trusting

your intuition.

So how do you move from average to exceptional?

And start trusting

your intuition.

That’s what makes you

exceptional. (Literally: An exception.)

So who has done that?

Here are some examples…

So who has done that?

Here are some examples… ^ Very not-Red Bull

1 Chase Jarvis Photographer, Director, CEO of CreativeLive

“We’ve been trained to think about creativity as reserved for a few people. Like you’re anointed at birth. But we know that not to be true.” - @chasejarvis

Chase was working his way through med school, when, unfortunately, his grandfather passed away. And he left him something that would change Chase’s life forever…

His photography equipment. Chase wound up dropping med school on a whim to take pictures of skiers & snowboarders.

Today, he’s one of the best-known photographers on the planet. He’s shot for big brands and celebs alike. And he’s the CEO of the world’s largest live-streaming education company, CreativeLive.

Hear His Story >>

Today, he’s one of the best-known photographers on the planet. He’s shot for big brands and celebs alike. And he’s the CEO of the world’s largest live-streaming education company, CreativeLive.

2 Finn Dowling Writer/Marketer, Humane Society of Silicon Valley

“Most other shelter blogs make me want to stick my head in an oven.” - @hsvv

For 2 years, Finn and her team struggled to find a home for a fiesty dog they’d nicknamed “Eddie the Terrible.” One day, Finn decided to write a different kind of article than her industry normally writes … and that’s when everything changed for this pup.

The article was so atypical and counter to the industry “best practice” that it stood out. It reached an estimated 7 MILLION people! Here’s a taste of the article…

Like to go for walks in dog infested areas? Enjoy the dog park? Keep walking. He goes zero to

Cujo in 0.5 seconds.

Want your kids to grow up with a full complement of fingers and toes? Not the dog for you.

32,000 6,300

The article reached people and appeared in places that no shelter blog post had before.

(No budget. No “growth hacking.” No problem.)

Best of all, after 2 years of being overlooked by potential new parents, little Eddie found a home just days later.

Best of all, after 2 years of being overlooked by potential new parents, little Eddie found a home just days later.

Best of all, after 2 years of being overlooked by potential new parents, little Eddie found a home just days later.

Best of all, after 2 years of being overlooked by potential new parents, little Eddie found a home just days later.

Hear the Story >>

Best of all, after 2 years of being overlooked by potential new parents, little Eddie found a home just days later.

3 Alec Brownstein VP of Creative, Dollar Shave Club

“There’s always a reason why NOT to make something. You can look for it, or you can look for the reason TO make something and just go do it.” - @jusfonzin

Alec wanted a job on Madison Avenue, working for a top creative agency. Unfortunately, he had no connections to land an interview at any of them. But he DID have 6 bucks and a crazy idea…

Alec ran a few Google AdWords for the names of 5 top creative directors. When they searched their own names, they’d see an ad like this.

Out of the 5 people he targeted, Alec got interviews with 4. He got job offers from 2. And he accepted a job working for Y&R. Today, he’s the VP of Creative for Dollar Shave Club (acquired by Unilever for $1 billion).

Alec’s story spread like crazy. For just $6, not only did he land his dream job, but he generated over 5 BILLION impressions from both traditional and social media.

BTW…that’s 2,550% more reach than the average Super Bowl ad for 0.00012% the cost.

BTW…that’s 2,550% more reach than the average Super Bowl ad for 0.00012% the cost.

BTW…that’s 2,550% more reach than the average Super Bowl ad for 0.00012% the cost.

Hear His Story >>

4 Mike Brown Founder, Death Wish Coffee

“What would be my worst-case scenario? I’d sell my house and car and move in with my mom. And that’s EXACTLY what happened. It was worse than that too.” - @MikeBrownDWC

Several years ago, Mike Brown quit his accounting job to open a coffee shop, and he was struggling. So he did what many of us do: Look for best practices from other veterans in the same industry. They all told him the same thing…

“You gotta stop using robusta beans. That crap is only found in instant coffee. You’ll never build

a successful business with that!”

Robusta   Arabica  

But Mike LIKED those beans, and he decided to stick with them. And his worst-case scenario came true: He sold his house and car and moved in with his mom. But he never did stop liking robusta beans…

In the end, Mike combined his own taste in coffee with a surprising request from his customers and created Death Wish Coffee. They’re now earning multiple millions in revenue every year!

…all thanks to ignoring the industry’s “best practice.”

In the end, Mike combined his own taste in coffee with a surprising request from his customers and created Death Wish Coffee. They’re now earning multiple millions in revenue every year!

Their fans are so passionate that they helped Death Wish Coffee win a free Super Bowl ad. Some fans even have DWC tattoos!

Their fans are so passionate that they helped Death Wish Coffee win a free Super Bowl ad. Some fans even have DWC tattoos! Hear the Story >>

5 Sarah Cooper Comedian & Writer Ex-Googler

“Even after I made the decision to leave, I woke up in the middle of the night wondering if I did the right thing.” - @sarahcpr

Sarah Cooper was working at a dream employer: Google. Except it wasn’t her dream. So she decided to leave to write for a living. Just one problem…

She didn’t have a book deal yet.

She didn’t have a book deal yet.

But then she wrote a piece that acted like a slingshot…

Oh, and as for that book deal, well…



Hear Her Story >>

These 5 amazing individuals didn’t hurl themselves from space to be

creative. But they DO probably hurl at the prospect of simply copying what

everyone else says is the “best practice” in a given situation.

Instead, they trusted their intuition.

They did the Unthinkable.

And they did exceptionally creative things.


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