5 tips to prevent osteoarthritis

Post on 16-Jul-2015

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Transcript of 5 tips to prevent osteoarthritis

Osteoarthritis, also known as

degenerative arthritis

degenerative joint disease, OA,

or osteoarthrosis, is a form of

arthritis caused

by inflammation, breakdown,

and the eventual loss of

cartilage in the joints - the

cartilage wears down over



Some risk factors that might lead to it include:

*Being overweight.

*Getting older.

*Joint injury.

*Joints that are not properly formed.

*A genetic defect in joint cartilage.

*Stresses on the joints from certain jobs and playing



*OA onset at where joints occur, most

commonly affecting the hands and

finger-ends, neck, lower back, knees,

and hips

*It is painful and can negatively influence

lifestyle, bringing on depression and a

sense of helplessness, and finances, as

treatment options can be expensive.

* It is also a very common cause for fallsin the elderly. It leads to weakened bone

and muscle strength, and this can

severely worsen the effects of a fall on

an elderly person.www.apnacare.in

Stiffness in a joint after getting out of

bed or sitting for a long time

Swelling and pain in one or more


A Crunching feeling or the sound of

bone rubbing on bone

**If your skin turns red or you feel hot,

you may not have OA;

it could be of another cause, such as

rheumatoid arthritis



If you are at a healthy weight,

maintaining that weight may be the

most important thing you can do to

prevent osteoarthritis. If you are

overweight, losing weight may be

your best hedge against the disease.

Being overweight strains the joints,

particularly those that bear the

body's weight such as the knees,

hips, and joints of the feet, causing

the cartilage to wear away.


For optimal joint health, it's recommended that people perform 30 minutes of moderately strenuous exercise at least 5 days a week. It's an established fact that regular exercise has health benefits. Lower levels of exercise can also be beneficial, according to study results. It's better to get some exercise as opposed to no exercise.


There are several joint protection

principles, which if followed, will

help to conserve energy and

preserve joint function. The

advice is quite simple, but you

must be mindful of proper

movements and recognize body

signals (e.g., pain). Good

posture and proper body

mechanics are important because

protecting your joints is a factor

in osteoarthritis prevention.


Suffering a joint injury when you are young predisposes you to osteoarthritis in the same joint when you are older. Injuring a joint as an adult may put the joint at even

*Avoid bending knees past 90 degrees when doing half knee bends.

*Keep feet as flat as possible during stretches to avoid twisting knees.

*When jumping, land with knees bent.

*Do warm-up exercises before sports, even less vigorous ones such as golf.

greater risk.


Although there is no specific diet that

prevents osteoarthritis, eating a well-

balanced diet can help maintain an

ideal weight, which is beneficial for

your joints. It’s always best to get

your vitamin intake through diet

instead of supplements. So far, there

is no compelling evidence that

omega-3 or any other supplements

(including glucosamine, chondroitin,

MSM, etc.) or vitamins can help

people with osteoarthritis.
