5 More Tests And Driverless Cars Will Be On The Roads

Post on 11-Jan-2017

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Transcript of 5 More Tests And Driverless Cars Will Be On The Roads

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5 More Tests And Driverless Cars Will Be On The RoadsIt is obvious that driverless cars are inevitable, but first they have to pass five more tests to get a go into the mainstream car marketwww.globalengines.co.uk

www.globalengines.co.ukWhy Are They Inevitable? It is not just the amount of money thrown into this project, but there are several other reasons that add up to strengthen the argument.The technology developed by Google has totted up 1.2 million miles in California since the testing phase started in 2009.Now, it is very important to test these vehicles under real life environment such as, under the more challenging urban scenarios and on the highways.

www.globalengines.co.ukWill We Have Fully Capable Self-Driving Vehicles Then?It is very obvious that the world will see fully-capable autonomous vehicles, It will be still some time before driverless cars become a reality.They must pass several other tests to master reliability and prove that we are safe without steering.

www.globalengines.co.ukReaction To First Driverless DeathAt the moment, driverless cars can be described as actively sceptical.The first test will be, how the public will react to the first major accident. The University of Michigan Transport Research has conducted a study regarding this situation and found that 96 percent public wants a steering wheel and pedals as a backup.Since 2009, a dozen of Google self-driving cars had an accident but every time human error was held responsible.

www.globalengines.co.ukEthical Choices If Accident Is IrretrievableSpeaking to the accidents, if the car faces a life or death scenario on the road, will it choose to save the pedestrian or passengers on board?In both cases, it is a matter of a serious debate.If it decides to save passengers, it will be appraised among buyers, but otherwise, its ethical programming is a big question mark. Who will decide on these issues?

www.globalengines.co.ukHow Secure Are Autonomous Vehicles?It is based on software programming which is highly vulnerable and can easily be trapped or hacked as being very basic in automation.As todays cars are big targets for hackers, so security will be another test to clear.

Used Engineswww.globalengines.co.uk
