4rth summary rise slideshare

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Transcript of 4rth summary rise slideshare

4rth Summary- Water Sampling and Testing and Dr. Javier Arce February 28, 2014

Coliphages are bacteriophages that infect coliforms (E. coli). They are microbiological indicators, namely

microorganisms whose presence determine whether or not pathogens are present. They are commonly

used to indicate if water is polluted by fecal coliforms. The objective of this investigation is to examine

water samples for pollution due to animal fecal matter brought from different areas. There are different

common water sampling procedures to indicate pollution such as indicator organisms, fecal indicators

and molecular identification of indicator organisms. Nonetheless, these procedures have their faults and

disadvantages, which is why the coliphage method is used. This method is more efficient since it is fast,

there is no need for confirmation tests, it is cost-effective and it is a simple procedure. The purpose of

this research is to compare distilled water with non-treated water to confirm the efficiency of water

treatments using the coliphage methodThis method will prove whether or not these water treatments

are efficiently reducing or eliminating animal fecal matter from water. In this method, E.coli are used

since they are ideal for indicating the presence of coliphages. To perform this method, a tryptic soy

broth (TSB), used as a growth media for the culturing of bacteria, and an agar flask are removed from

the water bath at 60°C. Using aseptic technique, 2 mL of E. coli and 100mLof the water sample are

added to the 100 mL of TSB and agar flask when the temperature drops slightly. Finally, 8 empty labeled

petri dishes are filled with the solution before it solidifies and until the bottom of each dish is completely

filled. Next they are incubated at 36° C. After 24 hours of incubation, there were no microbiological

indictors in the dishes, meaning that the water samples showed no fecal contamination, hence there

were no phages, and results were negative. Coliphages are used to reveal water quality by detecting

bacteria and viruses in water that can cause illnesses. By using these bacteriophages, water quality can

be identified in water sources, and it can prevent diseases caused by water pollution.