4.110 2006 with ans

Post on 23-Jun-2015

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Transcript of 4.110 2006 with ans


1. The number of bytes required to store the variable ‘stan’ when it is defined as int stan[10] is

a. 80 b. 2560c. 360d. None of these

2. The true meaning of the expression x*=y+1

a. x=x*(y+1)

b. x=x*y+1

c. Both of these

d. None of these

3. The total number of elements in the array x[3][4][5] is

a. 120

b. 60

c. 160

d. None of these

4. The statements char c[]=”there!”; putchar(c); will result in

a. There

b. there.

c. there!

d. “there”!

5. The statements x=”K”; islower(x) will result in

a. 2

b. 1.

c. K

d. 0

6. Number of interconnections in a star network with N nodes is

a. 2N

b. N*N.

c. 5N

d. N

7. Total number of nodes in a 3-stage ternary tree will be

a. 12

b. 5

c. 13

d. 15

8.The power ratio of 1 in dBs will be

a. 10



d. 100

9.The unit for telephone traffic is:

a. Erlangs


c. Belis

d. None

10. The number of AL operations incorporated in a 4-bit ALU is:

a. 8

b. 20

c. 16

d. 256

11. The number of full adders needed to implement one bit serial adder is

a. 2



d. 1

12. The supply voltage of ECL gate is:

a. -5.2V

b. +5.2V

c. -3.3V

d. +1.5V

13. Which of the following is not a standard size of floppy disk

a. 5.25in

b. 10in

c. 3.5in

d. 8in

14. The Moores law is applicable to:

a. Automobile industry

b. Computer industry

c. Cement industry

d. Semiconductor industry

15. DVD

a. Digital Video Disc

b. Digital Vital Disc

c. Digital Verstile Disc

d. None

16. Internet was first used by

a. Paul Allen

b. Vint Cerf and Bob Kahn

c. Paul Baran

d. Tim Berners Lee

17. The turing test is to test

a. A computer’s intelligence as close to human beings

b. Speed of a computer network

c. Processing power of the CPU

d. None

18. The AM Radio with near FM quality is called

a. Digital Radio Mondiale

b. Digital Audio Broadcast

c. Digital AM

d. None

19. Which of the following is the next generation memory?





20. The data rate of the Ultra Wide Band (UWB) is

a. 0.1Mbps

b. 10Mbps

c. 100Mbps

d. 1000Mbps

21. India’s largest cellular operator is

a. Reliance Mobile

b. BPL Mobile

c. Bharti Telecom

d. Cell One

22. The language for writing Web pages you interact with by listening to spoken prompts and jingles

a. XML



d. VoiceXML 2.0

23. The 2 standards of the Semantic Web that enables sharing and reuse of data is:

a. XML and HTML

b. XML and SHTML

c. RDF and OWL


24. Which of the following is used for terrestrial navigation?

a. GPS



d. None

25. The first commercially available DRAM receiver is:

a. Mayah’s DRM2010

b. DRM2011

c. Both of them

d. None

26. Which of the following is not a browser

a. Google

b. Netscape

c. Mozilla

d. All

27. The primary function of a firewall

a. To protect the network from unauthorised access

b. To prevent IP address being revealed to an unauthorised user

c. To check packet traffic

d. None

28. CP/M is a control program used in

a. UNIX systems

b. CRAY/XMP supercomputers

c. First generation microcomputers

d. None

29. GATEWAY used

a. to interconnect two or more LANs

b. To interconnect two or more WANs

c. All

d. None

30. The total number of connections(links) in a one to all network with N nodes

a. 2N

b. N(N-1)/2

c. N

d. None

31. The number of values returned by a PASCAL procedure

a. 8

b. 0

c. many

d. none

32. The language used for array processing



c. Pascal


33. FIFO buffer is

a. single entry multi exit queue

b. multiple entry single queue

c. single entry single exit queue

d. none

34. The most inexpensive (price/GB ratio) storage solution is



c. HD

d. None

35. Which the super computer developed by CDAC




d. None

36. The decimal 12 in ternary logic is

a. 104

b. 210

c. 110

d. None

37. Which of the following is a true type setter program

a. MS Word

b. CHI-Writer

c. WordStar


38. The protocol standard used to implement WiFi

a. IEEE 802.11

b. IEEE 802.11b

c. Both

d. None

39. Which of the following is a real time operating system



c. Pearl

d. None

40. OCTAVE and SCILAB are clones of



c. Math Works

d. None

41. The expression x=mod(15,2) will fetch

a. 7

b. 11

c. 8

d. 1

42. Which of the following is not an SCM type software

a. Supply chain planning software

b. Supply chain execution software

c. Sourcing and planning software

d. Supply lead software

43. DSL stands for

a. Digital Subsriber Line

b. Digital Spatial Lens

c. Both

d. None

44. The most popular email service provider is

a. Hotmail

b. Gmail

c. Yahoo

d. None

45. The purpose of the twists in a twisted pair wire transmission media

a. To prevent electrical short circuit

b. To minimize interference

c. Both

d. None

46. The function of the repeater is

a. To connect two maximum-size Ethernets

b. To increase the S/N ratio at the receiver end.

c. Both

d. None

47. The cable connecting a NIC to a transceiver is

a. NIC cable

b. Firebus cable

c. Firewire cable

d. Attachment Unit Interface

48. Which is true?

a. Thinnet attaches directly yo the back of computer

b. The bit rate of T3 standard is 1.55Mbps

c. E1 and T1 standards have more or less same bit rates

d. None

49.The bit rate of the T3 standard is:

a. 1.544Mbps

b. 44.736Mbps

c. 51.840Mbps

d. None

50. The High Rate DSL (HDSL) provides:

a. 1.544 Mbps bit rate in duplex mode

b. ADSL capabilities at identical bit rates

c. Both

d. None

51. The most attractive feature of a cable modem is

a. suitable for fast internet access

b. provides higher rates downstream than upstream

c. inexpensive internet access media

d. none

52. The HL language created by Ritchie and popularized by Kernighan

a. C


c. Small C

d. None

53. Color system used by computer graphics

a. HSV

b. RGB



54. XGA

a. Enhanced Graphics Array

b. Extended Graphics Array

c. Pin Grid Array

d. Extended Graphics Adapter

55. A non-profit organisation that sets standard for displays




d. None

56. In a Wi-Fi world, WPA stands for

a. Wirefree Protection Act

b. Wireleft Protection and Accounting

c. Wi-Fi Protected Access

d. None

57. Gmail

a. A chunk of Google search engine

b. The grand mail offered by rediffmail

c. Gnu mail

d. Google’s Free mail

58. Copyleft

a. Inadvertently opened file

b. Beta version of a software

c. A part of the GNU linux

d. A policy under the Linux GPL

59. The standard used in video compression is formulated by




d. None

60. The number of fields in a typical IP address

a. 16

b. 256

c. 4

d. None

61. RFID

a. Radio Frequency Interference Detection

b. Range-detection by Frequency Identification

c. Radiation Fidelity Identification

d. Radio Frequency Identification

62. Which of the following TTL ICs is a Schmit Trigger

a. 7414

b. 5400

c. 7404

d. 7440

63. A function hazard

a. any input changes too rapidly

b. more than one input change at the same time

c. one input is stuck at one/zero

d. none

64. The typical propagation delay of a standard TTL gate

a. 25ns

b. 50ns

c. 10ns

d. none

65. The most dense logic device family

a. TTL




66. Which is wrong?

a. (A’)’=A

b. A+0=A’

c. A.0=0

d. A*1=A

67. The number of Boolean functions that can be realized by n variables

a. 2 to the power of 2n

b. 2N

c. N

d. 256N

68. The most striking function of a transmission gate

a. It is a passive voice

b. It acts as an analog switch

c. It is a high speed logic devices

d. None

69. The function of White Hat Hacker is

a. merely hostile and to destroy the network system

b. is to incriminate other Block Hat Hacker

c. to discover the vulnerability in a system and alert the vendor

d. none

70. The extension used to denote a C# file is

a. .cshar

b. .csh

c. .csr

d. .cs

71. Port

a. Specific place for being physically connected to other devices

b. a virtual pipe through which information flows

c. both

d. none

72. The maximum segment length that can be covered by a 100 Base FX

a. 2000m

b. 100m

c. 200m

d. none

73. The cable used in 1000Base T

a. FO

b. 2 pairs of STP

c. 3 pairs of STP

d. 4 pairs of UTP

74. The different between an un managed device and a managed switch

a. difference in BW

b. in allocation of BW

c. both of the above

d. none

75. The V.90 standard provides:

a. 33.6kbps upstream

b. 56kbps downstream

c. both

d. none

76. The logic function f=ab+a’b’ can be realized by

a. a two input XOR gates

b. a two input NOR gate

c. a two input AOI gate

d. a two input XNOR gate

77. C program

Int trym (int a, int b, int c)


If ((a>=b) && (c<b)) return b;

Else if (a>=b) return trym(a,c,b);

Else return trym(b,a,c);


a. find the median of a,b,c

b. find the maximum of a,b,c

c. find the minimum of a,b,c

d. none

78. A program that is equivalent to MS Word in Debian Linux Distribution

a. Kword

b. Open Office Writer

c. Both

d. None

79. A software bundle with any distribution of Linux suitable for handling pictures in various formats. Its name is

a. Gimp

b. Xfig

c. Both

d. None

80. Value of variable of t?

Int multy(int t)


Int m=1;






Return m;


a. t2

b. t!

c. 0

d. None

81. A structured language may not include

a. Loops

b. Nested loops

c. GOTO constructs

d. None

82. The stack is a realization of

a. FIFO buffer

b. LIFO buffer

c. Both

d. None

83. In C language which of the following operators have the top most priority

a. unary

b. &&

c. ||

d. >=

84. Which of the following media is most suited for storage of video and audio




d. None

85. In C, a bit wise operator can be applied to which of the following:

a. char

b. short, long

c. int

d. all

86. Not element of Petri Net

a. FSM

b. Places

c. Arcs

d. Tokens

87. function of Petri Net

a. To represent the status of FSM

b. to model and detect faults in protocols

c. protocol verification

d. none

88. Wireless and Mobile application

a. Desktop

b. Notebook

c. PDA

d. Wireless Network

89. Not as a remote login:

a. telnet

b. rlogin

c. ssh

d. ftp

90. not Inidan ISP company

a. Sify

b. Rediff mail

c. India Times

d. Mail max

91. IAB

a. Internet Application Board

b. Internet Activities Board

c. Internet Architecture Board

d. None

92. disbanded

a. 802.7

b. 802.8

c. 802.13

d. 802.11

93. The time required to send an image of 1024*768 pixels (with 3 bytes/pixel) over a 56kbps modem channel is

a. 329.14s

b. 329.01s

c. 5.28min

d. None

94. Knoppix is:

a. CDROM bootable Linux flavour

b. Unix kernel

c. Both

d. None

95. POP3 email client

a. Seamail

b. Carmail

c. Kmail

d. None

96. MAC in RED HAT Linux

a. Media Access Code

b. Mandatory Access Code

c. Mandatory Access Control

d. None

97. GIMP

a. GNU Image Program

b. GNU Image Editor

c. GNU Image Processor

d. GNU Image Manipulation Program

98. fan out of 74ALS00

a. 10

b. 40

c. 20

d. 12

99. Propagation delay of 74F00 gate in nano seconds

a. 3

b. 1

c. 2

d. 12

100. Power dissipation of 74VHCT00 gate in milli watts

a. 0.01

b. 0.02

c. 0.001

d. 0.0125