40-Year Cycle: Date of Aggression - INSIIDE Track Trading€¦ · March 29--31, 2010 - Moscow Metro...

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© ITTC - April 2016 40-Year Cycle: Date of Aggression INSIIDE Track EXCERPT

by Eric S. Hadik

Natural Year Opening Range... March 20--April 20 ‘Aggressiveness’

April 2016 - There are a few topics of discussion - involv-

ing annual cycles - that demand a review each year. One of

those involves DUPE (Date of Unifying Plans & Events).

Another involves the uncanny April/October (180-degree)

sequence of earth disturbances, particularly in the Pacific Rim.

However, the one that really piques my curiosity - each year -

is the Date of Aggression.

As discussed for almost 20 years, the Date of Aggres-

sion (previously referred to as Date of Infamy) is April 19th…

and the days immediately surrounding it. In the NE United States, it is also known as „Patriots‟ Day‟… which

dovetails with one of the dozens of reasons for naming it the Date of Aggression. „Patriots‟ Day‟ com-

memorates the shooting of the first shot in the Revolutionary War/War for Independence on April 19, 1775.

April 19th also represents the first shot in America’s Civil War.

However, the true significance of that particular day predates the Revolutionary & Civil Wars by many

centuries… even millennia. It incorporates everything from the ‘birth’ of the Roman Empire to the Passover

and the corresponding astrological calendar transition involving the bull & ram (sacrificial animals). It is also

linked to occult practices as well. It is not the distinctions among these many events that give the Date of

Aggression its significance, but rather their similarities and overlap.

And, similar to yin & yang (though sometimes more similar than contrasting), the start of the period -

that culminates on April 19th/20th - is just as important… if not more so. Let me explain…

On an astronomical calendar, the Vernal Equinox (March 20/21st) represents the beginning of Spring

and the start of the Natural Year. [Note: In 2016, we experienced the earliest start to Spring since 1896 -

another powerful validation to the 40-Year Cycle & its over-arching 120-Year Cycle. It actually arrived late

on March 19th, for those of us in the Central Time Zone.]

“...Let us run with patience the race that is set before us.” Hebrews 12:1

40-Year Cycle: Date of Aggression Natural Year Ushers in ‘Aggressive’ Times

An INSIIDE Track Special Report [EXCERPT ONLY]

40-Year Cycle: Date of Aggression



Natural Year Opening Range...1

Cyber-Attacks (2013)……….....3

Bring on the Bear (2007)….5-14

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This first ‘month’ of the new Natural Year -

from March 20/21st to April 19/20th - sets the tone

for the remainder of the Natural Year to follow… just

as the first month of the trading year reveals critical

clues about the 11 months to follow.

As described in the March 2007 analysis re-

printed later in this report (and quoted in the inset

on this page), that period is related to an extremely

diverse set of time measurements - dating back

thousands of years - many of which are related to

the sacrifice of human life (literally or symbolically).

As noted in many of these related articles, this

time of year is described in the Old Testament as

the time when „kings went off to war‟.

That general practice

carried through into the

Roman empire and their

celebration of Tubilustrium

- preparing troops for war

(March 23rd). It was held

on the final day of their

Quinquatria festival, dedi-

cated to Mars - the god of

war. Quinquatria was a 5-

day festival that began on

March 19th. On the first

day, no blood was shed.

But on the next 4 days

(March 20--23), gladiator contests were the fea-

tured contest - providing no shortage of bloodshed.

The month of March - named after that god of

war (Mars) - has certainly proven itself pertinent in

recent times, as well. Consider the following March

events of this millennium (including one from the

last century), particularly in Europe:

[March 1965 - Ground troops in Vietnam.]

March 20, 2003 - Invasion of Iraq.

March 11, 2004 - Train attacks in Spain.

March 23, 2007 - Iran seizes British sailors.

March 29--31, 2010 - Moscow Metro bomb-ings, coordinated suicide bombings that killed 40

followed by twin bombings in Dagestan, killing 12.

March 15, 2011 - Syria Civil War (leading to rise of ISIS) begins with protests in Deraa.

March 19, 2011 - Bombing of Libya.

March 20, 2012 - Iraq attacks (coordinated

attacks in 10 cities) - 50 killed.

March 19, 2013 - Iraq attacks II (coordinated attacks/bombings in multiple cities killing about 100

- ISIS).

March 18, 2015 Tunis attacks (ISIS) - killing 21 people, mostly European tourists.

March 22, 2016 - Brussels bombings.

In recent years, a

series of coordinated at-

tacks has occurred every

March. Prior to these

more recent events, Amer-

ica saw an eerie & un-

canny 8-Year Cycle of At-

tacks ushered in, in March

1977. That is when the

Hanafi Siege took place in

Washington DC - when 12

Muslim gunmen seized

three buildings - taking 149

hostages and ultimately

killing a journalist.

Since that time, a new wave of attacks has hit America or Americans every 8 years (NOT isolated

to months of March/April), including:

1985 - New wave of terrorist attacks begin. 2 bombings and an assassination of American targets in Germany, attacks at Rome & Vienna airports - where 5 Americans were killed - the hijacking of an Egypt Air flight with Americans and Israelis shot & killed and the hijacking & killing of American Naval diver in Beirut, Lebanon.

In each case, Americans (and in one case, Israelis) were singled out and executed - making the intent of the attacks very clear. These were attacks against America, even if they did not penetrate our borders.

March 2007 - “The period between March 20/21 - April 19/20th marks a very important transition period in each year. It is linked to various means of measuring time and has physical (natural), celestial (astronomy), metaphysical (astrology) & supernatural (Jewish & Christian commemorations) implications.

So, at the very least, it is a time to watch each year for signs of ‘change’. In many ways, April 19th acts like a deadline for determining what to expect in the coming year. As such, the days immediately preceding (and sometimes following) it show the greatest amount of activity and volatility.” (See page 8)

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© ITTC - April 2016 40-Year Cycle: Date of Aggression INSIIDE Track EXCERPT

1993 - 8 years later, attackers brought the siege back to the American homeland, when a new phase was ushered in with the bomb attack on the World Trade Center (truck bomb detonated in park-ing garage). That ushered in an 8-year period of truck (and boat) bombs - aimed at American targets, embassies & a Naval vessel.

2001 - 8 years later, a new tactic of attack was initiated with 4 airplane-based bombs/missiles aimed at American buildings & landmarks (and re-lated airline-based attacks thwarted in the ensuing months & years). The ‘shoe-bomb’ attack was thwarted, but would have brought a commercial jet-liner down over the Atlantic Ocean.

2009 - 8-years later, tactics change as attacks are targeted with a more far-reaching potential. Whereas a plane, truck or boat bomb can only im-pact lives in a very small & concentrated region, 2009 ushered in attempts to take down large entities (corporations, government offices, utilities, etc.) with cyber-attacks that would spread the area in which the damage would be directly felt.

[Veteran readers might recall the accompany-ing quotes (below) included in the March 2013 issue of INSIIDE Track - detailing these attacks. Re-cently, Iran has been implicated in similar attacks.]

2017 is the next phase and the time when, cy-

clically, these attacks are likely to escalate and tran-sition again… [See complete 40-Year Cycle: Date of Aggression Report for discussion on what the likely target(s) could be… and what other critical

technology is poised for a seismic shift in 2017.]

...As China surrogates are repeatedly launch-ing these attacks - and barrages of attacks - China is taking repeated steps to undermine America’s global economic superiority.

Much of this has been repeatedly discussed (BRICS New Development Bank, Asian Infrastruc-ture Investment Bank, proposals for currency bas-kets to replace US Dollar hegemony, etc.).

If speculated reports are accurate, the next step could arrive in perfect sync with the Date of

Aggression - on April 19, 2016!

That is the rumored start date for the Shanghai Gold Exchange to launch a yuan-denominated gold fix as China seeks to take its place at the table of global Gold leaders.

A test run was conducted in April 2015, rein-forcing the cyclic significance of April 2016 (and

ultimately, April 2017).

(Continued on page 4)

Cyber-Attacks Against America (Reprint from 2/28/13)

Chinese Cyber Attacks on West are Widespread, Experts Say (CNN.com - Feb. 1, 2013)

US looking at Action Against China Cyberattacks (NBCNews.com - Feb. 1, 2013)

Sophisticated Cyber-Attack Hits Energy Department, China Possible Suspect (FoxNews.com - Feb. 4, 2013)

House Intel Chair Mike Rogers Calls Chinese Cyber Attacks 'Unprecedented' (Yahoo.com - Feb. 24, 2013)

“Operation Aurora was a cyber attack conducted by an advanced persistent threat called the Elderwood Gang (among other names) based in Beijing, China, with ties to the People's Liberation Army...the attack began in mid-2009 and continued through December 2009. The attack has been aimed at dozens of other organiza-tions...Adobe Systems, Juniper Networks and Rackspace...Yahoo, Symantec, Northrop Grumman, Morgan Stanley and Dow Chemical were also among the targets.

...the primary goal of the attack was to gain access to and potentially modify source code repositories at these high tech, security and defense contractor companies. “[The SCMs] were wide open,” says Alperovitch. “No one ever thought about securing them, yet these were the crown jewels of most of these companies in many ways — much more valuable than any financial or personally identifiable data..." (Wikipedia.org)

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While current observations are that this would be primarily a domestic fix - and that it would take years to rival London & New York gold operations - those ‘years’ could quickly shrink if another banking crisis - or something similar - hits the U.S. (or U.K.) in the interim. That could be similar to 2008 OR perhaps the result of a successful cyber-attack.

Keep in mind that China is now the world’s largest producer AND consumer of Gold, so it is not unrealistic for them to be pursuing this goal.

And isn’t it intriguing that the 2016 U.S. Elec-tion Cycle is poised to pit one entity perpetually linked with Chinese & PLA-related influence ped-dlers (dating back to the 1990’s) with another who thinks he can magically ‘renegotiate’ every trade agreement with China… at the drop of the hat.

In either case, the U.S. is entering an ex-tremely-vulnerable period with one of our greatest competitors. The point is that China keeps rising in power & influence and appears headed for a MA-JOR confrontation with the U.S….

[See complete 40-Year Cycle: Date of Ag-gression Report & related Weekly Re-Lay publica-tions for details on why China’s April 19th gold fix could trigger a quick - but culminating - rally into

late-April… when weekly cycles peak in Gold.]

Date of Aggression Global Impact

To repeat from March 30, 2009:

On many levels, April 19/20th - the culmination of that period - represents events connected to revolt and/or liberation (although this ‘liberation’ for one group sometimes means ‘captivity’ for another). It is a time of ‘new beginnings’...

To a Jew, April 19th often encompasses the cele-bration of Passover/Pesach, the liberation from Egypt and a ‘new beginning’ in the life of Israel. In many ways, it is the beginning of Israel’s history as a nation (as op-posed to just tribes).

To a Christian, April 19th often encompasses the celebration of Easter (it falls on this date more than any other) - the commemoration of Jesus’ resurrection from the dead. It represents a liberation from spiritual death (the ‘second death’) and a spiritual ‘new beginning’.

To a Muslim, this date commemorates the birth of

Mohammed - on April 20, 570. It is the origin of their religion.

So, it is a time to watch each year for signs of ‘change’... on many different levels. Throughout Amer-ica’s history, the period has culminated - on or around April 19th - with all types of battles...

April 19/20th has also seen key events related to Rome/Europe (birth of Rome) and the Middle East.

Not only does it represent one of the most liberat-ing dates in the history of Israel (Passover), it is also the origin of some of Israel’s greatest antagonists (a date when different individuals, groups of nations sought to ‘liberate’ the earth from all Jews)...

As a result, it would not be surprising to see an-other April 19th impact the Middle East...

April 19, 1971 was also the ‘first shot’ in the race to build a space station - a modern-day ‘Tower of Babel’ - with the launching of Salyut I.”

As this March 2009 analysis - as well as re-lated March 2007 analysis (see back page) - con-vey, seminal events have taken place around the globe on/near April 19th… with that process accel-erating & intensifying in the 20th century.

While my primary focus is on 2017 - and on

April 2017 - for another attack on…

[See complete 40-Year Cycle: Date of Ag-gression Report for add’l analysis on potential at-tacks and why & how Gold & Stock Index analysis corroborates the potential for an important shift in

late-April… soon after the Date of Aggression]...

INSIIDE Track publications will continue to

update this overall scenario while Weekly Re-Lay

publications will stay on top of the intervening trends

& trading opportunities on a short-term & intermedi-

ate-term basis. April 2016 should be an intriguing

time in the markets & world. Stay tuned... IT

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America’s April Wars (Originally published in March 2007)

April 19, 1775 - Start of Revolutionary War: American militia returned fire from British gov’t troops in Lexington, Massachusettes.

This date was the first shot of the Revolutionary War.

April 20/21, 1836 - Battle of San Jacinto; End of Texas Revolution; Independence of Texas.

This date was the final shot of this War.

April 24, 1846 - Thornton Affair when Mexican cavalry attacked and captured an American detachment near the Rio Grande.

This date was the first shot of the Mexican-American War.

The results of the Mexican-American War, the ensuing Wilmot Proviso (to ban slavery in captured territories) & the Republican Platform under which Abraham Lincoln campaigned (against slavery) led to:

April 19, 1861 - First bloodshed of Civil War in the Baltimore Riot of 1861. (April 12 - 17, 1861 was official beginning of Civil War.)

This date was the first shot of the Civil War.

April 19/20, 1898 - Spanish/American War (resolution passed by Congress & ... President McKinley).

April 18, 1942 - Doolittle Raid on Japan. First air raid to strike the Japanese home islands.

Just as the Dec. 1941 strike on the US homeland triggered events leading up to 1945,

...this raid was the first shot that hit the Japanese homeland...

...and turned the morale of the entire war... the raid was originally schedule for April 19th...

April 18, 1946 - League of Nations dissolved.

This date was the final shot in the first coordinated attempt at a global government of the modern era.

April 19, 1961 - Bay of Pigs invasion fails.

April 21 - 30, 1975 - End of Viet Nam War; Fall of Saigon.

This date marked the final shots fired in the Viet Nam War...

April 18, 1988 - Operation Praying Mantis in the Persian Gulf - between the US and Iran; The largest battle of surface warships since World War II...


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April 19th: A Day of Revolts & Rebellions

April 2006 - March 2007 - For several years, I have discussed the significance of the April 19th date in

US history. Among many other events, the following all occurred on - or within a few days of - April 19th:

— Start of Revolutionary War

— Start of Civil War

— Start of Mexican-American War

— Start of Spanish-American War

— America abandoning the Gold Standard

— Failure of Bay of Pigs Invasion

— End of Viet Nam War

— Largest battle of warships since WW II

And, several more recent, tragic events...

— Suicide bombing of American Embassy in Beirut, Lebanon.

— Waco/Branch Davidian debacle

— Oklahoma City Bombing (and coinciding execution of someone allegedly connected to it)

— Columbine High School massacre

All these combined, however, are just the tip of the iceberg.

...It is interesting that the April 19th tragedies of the past 15 years have been prescient omens to the type of war America is now waging. This war is against stealthy individuals & groups who are much more difficult to battle than a clearly-defined nation or group of nations.

If America is not very careful, we could end up like the British soldiers in the early battles of the French and Indian War. These soldiers - accustomed to only one kind of warfare and one form of battle - marched in meticulous columns through the woods of a new world.

Little did they recognize the dangers that were surrounding them - in the form of French & Indians who had adapted their fighting style to the most practical way to defeat an enemy. These warriors hid among the trees and picked off the British soldiers like sitting ducks.

Similarly, America is used to waging war with an enemy and (naively) expecting everyone involved to adhere to a set standard of what is appropriate and what is not. Blowing up women & children, or using them as human shields, or setting them up as suicide bombers does NOT fit into that code of war-making. However, our enemies operate much differently and believe in one standard of protocal for battle:

All’s fair in... war!

The following (pages 6--14) is a reprint of the March 2007 ‘Bring on the Bear’ analysis, describing April 19th events & the potential for precursor events before Stock Indices entered a projected 1--3 year/35--50% collapse, expected & forecast to take hold in late-2007...

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© ITTC - April 2016 40-Year Cycle: Date of Aggression INSIIDE Track EXCERPT

This is not to say that America should stoop to this level. But, we do need to recognize the vast divide between our own standards… and what others believe is appropriate. Perhaps nowhere is this principle better described than in... ‘The Art of War‟ by Sun Tzu:

“So it is said that if you know your enemies and know yourself, you will win hundred times in hundred battles. If you only know yourself, but not your opponent, you win one and lose the next. If you do not know yourself or your enemy, you will always lose.”

In contrast, Americans sometimes forget the lessons of wars that were fought only 60 - 70 years ago and try to ‘will’ a different reality into being...Unfortunately, this is hinting that we misperceive some of our enemies... and possibly ourselves. There are some other principles that our enemy employs, about which we appear to be ignorant... or at least apathetic. These can also be found in ‘The Art of War‟. For instance:

“All warfare is based on deception.”

“He who is prudent and lies in wait for an enemy who is not, will be victorious.”

“Hence to fight and conquer in all your battles is not supreme excellence; supreme excellence consists in breaking the enemy’s resistance without fighting.”

And a critical strategy in warfare...best expressed in this axiom:

“Secret operations are essential in war; upon them the army relies to make its every move.”

Unfortunately, the battle between freedom of speech and essential military strategy can have a devastating outcome. This dichotomy is increasing in intensity and complicated by the confusion of whether it is more important to battle a political party or battle a mortal enemy… This time frame fits PERFECTLY with ongoing analysis for a tumultuous time during ‘5768’ (Sept. 2007 - Sept. 2008). The stock market is likely to give some early indications of this. As America gets defeated from within, investors could begin to flee.

One of the first transitions - from blissful ignorance to subtle signs of worry - could come around or just after April 19, 2007. It would be easy to speculate at various factors that could fulfill this expectation, but this type of cycle is NOT that precise. However, there is a recent precedent that might provide a little bit of a roadmap...

When a myriad of diverse cycles pointed to August - October 2001 for the start of a new war and the published speculation for a ‘surprise attack on America‟s shores‟, the specifics were unknown. However, from 1999 - August 2001, INSIIDE Track continued to focus readers’ attention on this time frame, ultimately honing it down to September 2001.

Well before this ‘War Cycle‟, however, stock market cycles topped in mid-January & late-March 2000 (see Decade Bubble Effect and late-1999 issues of INSIIDE Track). As the indices began to roll over to the downside (3 Q & 4Q 2000), cycles forecast a drop into September 2001.

All of a sudden, market cycles and war cycles converged.

...The date of April 19th has pinpointed a majority of America’s wars (see page 3)... and some prescient omens related to these wars. But there is more than just anniversary significance to April 19th. And, it pinpoints more than just a transition from peace to war or from tyranny to freedom. On many levels, it represents the passing from life to death… and from death to life…

Reprint of March 2007 ‘Bring on the Bear’

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Happy New (Natural) Year

April 19th holds great significance with regard to the natural year. If one were to begin a calendar on the vernal equinox (start of Spring and the start of the ‘natural year’), the first month of that year would end on

April 19/20th. It is when the earth - in the N. Hemisphere - passes from seasonal ‘death’ to ‘life’.

From a trading standpoint, the action in that first 30 days would represent a type of ‘opening range‟ that would influence the trading of the rest of the year. Just as we determine the intra-week, intra-month and intra-year trends with respect to their opening ranges, the intra-(natural) year trend would be the same. Once that first 30 days are complete, you have resistance and support for the entire period - both when the market is trading in that range AND once it has broken out of it. But, it is not just trading that is impacted...

The period between March 20/21 - April 19/20th marks a very important transition period in each year. It is linked to various means of measuring time and has physical (natural), celestial (astronomy), metaphysical (astrology) & supernatural (Jewish & Christian commemorations) implications.

So, at the very least, it is a time to watch each year for signs of ‘change’. In many ways, April 19th acts like a deadline for determining what to expect in the coming year. As such, the days immediately preceding (and sometimes following) it show the greatest amount of activity and volatility.

While the first few days or weeks - of the natural year - might unfold with little fanfare, there is often something smoldering beneath the surface. Consequently, it bubbles to the surface as this deadline nears… and usually influences events for the rest of that natural year.

It is almost as if something in nature says “if there is going to be war or revolt this year, you need to show your hand by April 19th”.

So, even though the natural year begins on March 20/21st, the most overt events - that will influence the rest of that natural year - often wait until April 19th… give or take 1-2 days. It is the culmination of this decisive period...

Happy New (Celestial) Year Cycles are a measurement of time. As such, diverse ways of calculating and recording time should be examined when studying cycles. So, here is another intriguing correlation...

Although I do not follow the belief-system of astrology, this is worth discussing since many others do and since it has influenced the beliefs, philosophies and even governments of many peoples...

1 - The zodiac begins with the sun moving into the astrological sign of Aries (Ram) on March 20/21st.

This first sign extends until... April 19/20th.

2 - However, the sun does not actually enter the astronomical constellation of Aries until April 19th.

3 - So, April 19th

is a critical time of transition on a celestial basis.

4 - The zodiac completes its first ‘month’ on April 19th/20th and then enters Taurus - the Bull - just as the Sun is entering Aries - the Ram.

A Ram and a Bull have had symbolic significance for thousands of years. Here again, the fact that this has influenced others means it should at least be acknowledged in this discussion. It is important to ‘understand’ others to see what drives them, whether it be a friend or foe.

An interesting correlation that involves a Ram and a Bull involves the sacrifices required in the Old

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Testament (to ‘free’ the guilty party from the consequences or penalties for sin)... The ram was the sacrifice that substituted for Isaac (Genesis 22). In many ways, it was a precursor to future temple sacrifices for the Jews. The ram was both a guilt offering and a fellowship or peace offering in the Jewish Temple.

The bull is another sacrifice that was very prominent in the Old Testament. In each case, this sacrifice was to bring freedom to others… just as so many battles & wars have done. Similarly, brave Americans have often sacrificed their lives so the rest of us could live in freedom. This should never be downplayed or taken for granted...

The bottom line is that this time of year is represented by two ancient sacrificial animals... sacrifices that brought freedom to others. Coincidence? There is more...

From Ram to Bull...

Returning to the topic of the ancient symbolic nature of the bull and the ram...

In Greek mythology, the bull is the form that Zeus took in order to win Europa. You do not have to go far in today’s Europe to find sculptures, pictures, postage stamps, paintings, etc. showing Europa riding a bull (a strange ‘coincidence‟ when you consider the Biblical prophecies in Revelation that repeatedly identify ‘a woman riding a beast‟).

In many ways, the bull is the symbol of Europe - both in ancient times and in the prophetic future. And, in many ways, the ancient Roman & Greek Empires are blended together in today’s Europe (even though the Greek Empire was given the symbol of a goat in the book of Daniel).

April 19/20th is when „time‟ enters the bull...

...and exits the ram...

You can take what you want from these observations (although I would warn against over-emphasizing any one fact). There is actually a lot more to this discussion. My point is mainly to reiterate that March 20/21 - April 19/20th is the first month of the natural, Persian & celestial year… a time represented by a ram and a bull… and a period that has historically seen many forms of ‘sacrifice’.

Happy New (Sacred) Year This period - leading into April 19th each year - also coincides with - or overlaps - the start of the YHWH-ordained Jewish Year following the Jewish Exodus from Egypt (what Jews call their ‘sacred year’ as opposed to the ‘civil year’ that begins in the Julian/Gregorian month of September). See ...Exodus 12:1-3 & 11-12.

Although modern-day attention is directed to the Jewish civil year - beginning with Rosh Hashana - the year that God ordained to Moses begins just days before Passover… 10 days, to be exact. So, for the past 3,500 years, this time (surrounding our current April 19th date) frame has been linked to a historical and supernatural liberation from slavery & tyranny… passing from social & spiritual death to life.

Is it just coincidence that America - the nation founded on and proclaiming “liberty and justice for all” - has experienced so many watershed events on this momentous anniversary (many of which are directly related to freedom)? As is often the case, this time

“The Lord said to Moses, “This month is to be for you the first month, the first month of your year. Tell the whole community of Israel that on the tenth day of this month, each man is to take a lamb for his family, one for each household...

Eat it in haste; it is the Lord‟s Passover. On that same night I will pass through Egypt and strike down every firstborn - both men and animals - and I will bring judgement on all the gods of Egypt.”

Exodus 12:1-3, 11-12

(New Int‟l Vers. ©1986)

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frame is bittersweet as ‘freedom’ often comes at great cost of life. One life is ‘sacrificed’ so that other lives can be freed… just as in the example of 3,500 years ago… and the example of 2,000 years ago...

Shaking Things Up… In many ways, the month of April - or the period from March 20/21 - April 19/20 - represents various examples of instability - from a physical (earthquakes, etc.), financial and emotional (war, revolution, emancipation) perspective.

It is not surprising that one of the most notorious earthquakes in US history occurred at this time. April

18, 1906 is the date of the San Francisco earthquake.

One of the biggest economic earthquakes also took place on this date...

On April 19, 1933, America abandoned the Gold Standard. This date was the second shot of the war against the US Dollar. (The first came in 1913 with the establishment of the Federal Reserve.)...

Not only has the period around April 19th played into unsettling events in and on the earth, it has also pinpointed unsettling events above the earth… in ‘the heavens’.

April 14 - 17, 1970 is the date of the Apollo 13 near-disaster.

Until the two space shuttle explosions, this was the most ‘shaky’ event in NASA’s space program. However, the following year held an event of even greater significance (a greater ‘shake-up‟) that ushered in a new era and which is still having a profound impact on the world…

April 19, 1971 was the launching of Salyut I - the first space station. This was the first shot in the race to build a modern-day Tower of Babel.

40 years of testing - after this first installment - comes into play during the 2011/2012 time frame (see Focus 5768 Reports). 2011/2012 could be the crescendo of the space race...

Interestingly, China recently fired a different kind of shot at the space race, obliterating an old weather satellite with a missile in January. This test was interpreted/intended as a not-so-veiled warning to the U.S. of what might occur if America ever went to the aid of an attacked Taiwan. With this new twist, the soaring eagle could become a sitting duck in times of war.

It is equally intriguing that this potential threat was first identified in the April 26, 1994 & April 17, 1995 GAO Reports regarding the transfer of previously-forbidden missile technology to China. It is ironic that the proverbial ‘handwriting on the wall‟ was seen during this decisive period...

The bottom line is that April 19, 1971 began a contest that will probably come to at least one chaotic climax in the next few years. With America’s entire military and financial structure dependent on satellite technology, the ramifications of new trouble in space... can not even begin to be calculated.

Space-based information transmission is one of America’s greatest strengths… and our Achilles‟ Heel. America knows this. So, too, does China (who has grown exponentially closer to Iran in recent years)...


As cited before, this time frame coincides with the Jewish celebration of Passover (Pesach) - an event that commemorated Israel’s freedom & looked ahead to their Liberator...

In addition, the Christian celebration of Easter (the resurrection of the ‘Lamb of God‟ who had been

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sacrificed on the day before Passover, just as in Egypt) occurs on April 19th more than it does on any other day. Coincidence?? [Isaiah 52-53 & Psalm 22 provide a detailed description of the prophesied events that were fulfilled at this exact time/dates in ‘April’, 30 AD.]

To a Jew, no other day/date represents a greater ‘liberation’ from slavery (the Exodus) than does Passover, often occurring on April


To a Christian, no other day/date represents a greater ‘liberation’ than does Easter Sunday, most commonly occurring on

April 19th.

To an American, no other day/date represents a greater liberation than does the Revolutionary War (and our resulting

Declaration of Independence), which began on April 19th.

Similarly, no other day/date represents a greater liberation to American slaves than does the Civil War,

which began on April 12th and saw its ‘first shot fired‟ on April 19th.

April 19th has an intriguing correlation to freedom on many levels.

Global Warning… So, one might ask if April 19th has had any impact on the rest of the world. One stifled attempt at freedom began on April 15--21, 1989… in Tiananmen Square (evoking memories of a similar protest in April

1976… April = freedom). The ramifications of that are still playing out...

More intriguing, however, are the events that are pulling Europe and the Middle East together… and that have been unfolding for almost 3,000 years (See April 19th: Rome/Europe & the Middle East on page 10).

April 19th - and/or the dates immediately surrounding it - represent the birth of Rome and the ‘birth’ of Islam. While many of these events might appear unrelated, look at them from Israel’s perspective (and therefore from the perspective of the Middle East... and therefore from the perspective of oil) and see if that is still the case…

Rome? (Roman Empire, Crusades, etc.)… Muhammad??… Hitler???… League of Nations/United Nations???? (count how many UN Resolutions are targeted solely at Israel). Each one has represented a major threat to Israel, in the past and/or present...

Taking Stock…

It has been exactly 1 ‘week’ (a 7-year period) since a major top occurred in the stock indices in 2000. This was “the first „shot‟ fired” against the most salient gauge of American prosperity and wealth. Many indices are still trading below the highs set in January - March 2000 (Nasdaq 100, S+P 500, OEX)… leaving open the possibility that we are transitioning away from the ‘Bull’.

“It has been exactly 1 ‘week’ (a 7-year period) since a major top occurred in the stock indices in 2000. This was “the first ‘shot’ fired” against the most salient gauge of American prosperity and wealth.… leaving open the possibility that we are transitioning away from the ‘Bull’.

These markets are about to enter a 2nd ‘week’ of time that extends through the most cyclically significant period in our era… 2007--2011...Is a second ‘shot’ about to ring out?…

The month of October is known for momentous lows in the stock market. October 1984, 1987, 1990, 2002, etc. So, what is the opposite of this?”

Reprint of March 2007 ‘Bring on the Bear’

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These markets are about to enter a 2nd ‘week’ of time that extends through the most cyclically significant period in our era… 2007--2011… and into 2014. Could this be a type of ‘7 Years of Famine‟ following ‘7 Years of Feast‟... as in ancient Egypt?

Is a second „shot‟ about to ring out?…

The month of October is known for

America’s April Attacks (Reprint from March 2007)

April 20, 1985 - ATF raid on CSA (The Covenant, The Sword and the Arm of the Lord) in Arkansas. Though not many people are aware of this event, it played a direct role in the events of 10 years later (see below) and occurred on almost the exact same date. This raid was precipitated by Richard W. Snell’s killing of an African American Police officer (see 2

nd April 19, 1995 event below)...a precursor to

the April 19, 1993 Waco standoff and is linked to the April 19, 1995 Oklahoma City Bombing.

April 19, 1993 - Waco debacle between Branch Davidians and the FBI/BATF.

April 19, 1995 - Oklahoma City bombing, allegedly in retaliation/sympathy for Waco.

April 19, 1995 - Execution - by lethal injection - of Richard W. Snell - approximately 6 hours after the Oklahoma City Bombing (see April 20, 1985). Allegedly, Snell bragged for 4 days prior to his execution that a bombing would take place on that day. Coincidence? In 1983, Richard Snell had sought to bomb the exact same Murrah building - that was bombed in Oklahoma City on the date of his execution - after a run-in with the IRS...Another coincidence??

April 29, 1992 = L.A. Riots (April 22 - trial ends, goes to jury for 7 days). Though this anniversary is off by a few days, it deserved mention and is corroborated by the following anniversary that culminated a 3-year period of civil unrest and upheaval in S. California...

April 19, 1994 - Jury awards $3.8 million to Rodney King, culminating 3 years since arrest. This was the final shot fired in one of the most unsettling events in modern-day America... and a possible precursor to something still future.

April 20, 1999 - Massacre at Columbine High School in Colorado. www.insiidetrack.com

Hadik‟s Cycle Progression

...End of reprint of March 2007 ‘Bring on the Bear’ ex-

cerpt. Additional tables & chart - from that March 2007 publi-cation - are included on following pages.

As history would ultimately reveal, April 16, 2007 DID

time another America-based shooting - the Virginia Tech Shooting - and Oct. 2007 DID produce the opposite of what

had been seen so many times before - a Major Stock Market high instead of a low. Also...

Sept. 2007--Sept. 2008 (5768) DID produce a tumul-

tuous period and a collapse in the stock market. And, 2011 DID time the crescendo of the Space Race as America shut

down her shuttle program, leaving Russia alone in control. 2016--2017 could produce related events. IT

Reprint of March 2007 ‘Bring on the Bear’

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© ITTC - April 2016 40-Year Cycle: Date of Aggression INSIIDE Track EXCERPT

April 2016 Note - All of this 2007 analysis - discussing April 19th - came at the same time as the 17-Year Cycle articles & Reports were being published in 2007. Those 17-Year Cycle Reports detailed an uncanny 17-Year Cycle in the markets that was projecting a multi-year top in Stock Indices for Oct. 2007 (17 years from the Oct. 11, 1990, post-Kuwaiti invasion low, 34 years from the 1973 peak and subsequent 50% crash, 68 years from the onset of the 1939--1942 drop, etc.) and a 1--3 year, 35--50% crash to follow.

Before that October 2007 peak could take hold, however, the DJIA still had one more impulse wave to complete. The following chart was published in the March 2007 ’Bring on the Bear’ Report (which in-cluded all this Date of Aggression/April 19th analysis) - detailing the wave structure of the DJIA and identi-

fying the final upside target (V) - around 14,000/DJIA.

As it turned out, the DJIA ultimately peaked on Oct. 11, 2007 (EXACTLY 17 years from the Oct. 11, 1990 low) - at 14,198 - fulfilling that ’5 of V’ wave objective and setting the stage for the projected crash to follow. The October 2007 peak was also ‘the opposite’ of the October lows described at the culmination of

that Report (see Taking Stock section on page 11). As always, price was the ultimate filter. IT

Reprint from March 2007: DJIA Chart Projecting Final Rally to

~14,000 before MAJOR Top & Projected ‘1--3 Year Drop of 35--50%’ to follow.

Reprint of March 2007 ‘Bring on the Bear’















DJIA ...was projected (in 2006) to surge to new record highs

before bear market takes hold. It is has done this and is now rallying

in what could be a 5 of 5 of 5 of 5 of 5 of... wave advance on so many

levels. [Nasdaq was forecast to peak at much lower levels - than its

2000 Major top, so the wave structure has been much different.]

Will April 19th, 2007 reveal anything? www.insiidetrack.com

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April 19th

: Rome/Europe & the Middle East (Reprint from March 2007)

April 21, 753 BC - Founding of Rome by Romulus.

The Roman Empire, the Roman Catholic Church and the modern day European Union (based on the Treaty of Rome from 1957) all emerged from this foundation.

April 20, 570 AD - Birth of Muhammad (some cite this date as April 27th and/or 571 AD).

April 19, 1839 - Independence of Belgium… now the hub of the European Union (Treaty of London). This treaty had a large impact on the start of World War I, in which Britain experienced its lowest point in

April 1917 (‘Bloody April’) and its biggest turning point on April 21, 1918 (downing of the ‘Red Baron’).

April 20, 1889 - Birth of Adolph Hitler. (No need to elaborate on the impact this had on World War II.)

April 19, 1936 - ‘Great Uprising’ in Palestine (AKA ‘Great Arab Revolt‟).

April 19, 1943 - Warsaw Ghetto Uprising.

April 18, 1954 - Gamal Abdal Nasser seizes control in Egypt. His takeover and rule directly led to the 1956 Suez Canal War, the 1967 Six Days War and the 1968 - 1970 War of Attrition… each against Israel. Once again, just as 3,500 years ago, Israel was forced to ‘free’ herself from - or defend herself against - Egypt. Nasser’s rule also included the founding of the first pan-Arab state with Syria - the United Arab Republic - which dissolved 3 1/2 years later (1958 - 1961)...a precursor to a future ‘United Arab States‟...
