4 Tips For Hiring The Right SEO Firm

Post on 28-Jul-2015

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Transcript of 4 Tips For Hiring The Right SEO Firm


4 tips for hiring the right SEO Firm.

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In 2013 I wrote this…

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It has been read almost 70,000 times.

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This is the updated version.

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The problem: Finding an SEO firm you can trust.

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The solution: Follow the 4 tips I’ll give you.

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But first…let’s clear up some misconceptions about SEO firms.

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“This SEO firm has a nice website, I bet they’d be good to work with.”

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Not necessarily. Good web design skills do not always translate to great SEO skills.

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“These guys rank #1 for searches related to SEO in my city, they must know what they’re doing.”

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Maybe, maybe not. MWI was able to rank #1 for “utah seo” for years with little effort. (shhh, don’t tell anyone)

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“This company has hundreds of employees and is making millions, I can trust them to do good SEO work.”

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Perhaps. Or they might just be good at forming partnerships and locking clients into long-term contracts.

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Would you hire an account based on his good looks?

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4 tips to help you see beyond the superficial when hiring an SEO firm.

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Tip 1: Decide what you need.

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Do you need certain services? - Link removal - Link building - Content marketing - Conversion rate optimization - PPC management - Retargeting - Social media management

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Do you need certain results? - Grow sales by 20% within 6 months - Increase newsletter signups by 10,000 - Generate 3x more leads for enterprise sales division - Double conversions - Get the boss off my back about SEO

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Tip 2: Get multiple consultations. (but keep it secret)

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The best SEO firms are less likely to fight for your business if they know you’re shopping around.

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Tip 3: Get case studies and references.

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Nothing predicts future success like past success.

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Tip 4: Make the SEO firm tell you stories.

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Case studies and references are like someone’s LinkedIn profile—valuable, but you wouldn’t hire based on that alone.

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The stories you want: - How did you get started? - What is one of your best client experiences? - What is one of your worst client

experiences, and how did you handle it? - How have you improved over the years? - What tips can you give me for working well

with an SEO firm? - Who are your best people and why are they

so good?

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Bonus tip: Get educated. Best place to start? Search for “Moz beginner’s guide to SEO” on Google.