4 Social and environmental impact assessment

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2 Social and environmental impact assessment The project objective is to establish a pyrolysis plant in Ukraine.

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Limited liability company "Investment company" EnergoTechnoPark” 409, Shevchenko, Cherkassy, 18006, Ukraine Registration number of the Project: 059-12

Registration Date: 7.9.2012 Type of Project: Other long-term partnership, Pilot project related to Finnish environmental technology. Project Country: Ukraine Business partnership entity in the Project Country ("Partnership Entity"): Peatec Oy Description of the Project: The project objective is to establish a pyrolysis plant in


3 Social and environmental impact assessment The project objective is to establish a pyrolysis plant in Ukraine.

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Table of Contents SUMMARY..................................................................................................................................................... 4

1. General provisions. ............................................................................................................................... 6

2. Description of the location of the object. ............................................................................................ 7

3. Natural and climatic characteristics near the town of Smela. ............................................................ 9

3.1. Climatic characteristics. ................................................................................................................ 9

3.2. Characteristics of the soil. .......................................................................................................... 11

3.3. Hydrography ............................................................................................................................... 11

3.4. Flora. ........................................................................................................................................... 11

3.5. Fauna. .......................................................................................................................................... 11

4. The life cycle of car tires and their impact on the environment. ...................................................... 12

5. The impact of the proposed waste tire recycling technology on the environment and employees.


5.1. Waste tire collection and transport to the place of processing. ............................................... 16

5.2. Warehouse of used tires. ........................................................................................................... 18

5.3. Fragmentation of used tires. ...................................................................................................... 21

5.4. Pyrolysis of shredded tires. ........................................................................................................ 22

5.5. Liquid phase condensation and cooling of solid residue. ......................................................... 24

5.6. Sewerage System ........................................................................................................................ 24

6. Measures to combat noise and vibration .......................................................................................... 25

7. Protection from possible emergencies. ............................................................................................. 26

8. Assessing the impact on the land (including land cover) .................................................................. 27

9. Assessing the impact on flora and fauna ........................................................................................... 28

10. The social impact of the implementation of the pilot project. ..................................................... 29

Conclusions. ................................................................................................................................................ 30

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SUMMARY The project envisages construction of a pilot plant for the recycling of used tires and plastic waste using

the technology of the Finnish company Peatec Oy in Smila Cherkasy region, Ukraine.

In general, the climate of the region is moderately continental. Winters are mild, with frequent thaws,

which bring some wet weight-cyclones from the Baltic Sea and the Atlantic (and then drop in rainfall) that

anticyclones from the south of the Black Sea and the Mediterranean. Snow cover is too late - in early

December, shallow and unstable. Relatively early spring. Summer is dry, rather hot and often dry. The

average July temperature of +21 ° C, in January -5,5 ° C. Precipitation in the form of frequent autumn

rains. Their average annual number of 450-525 mm.

The average annual temperature is 7,7 ° C, the lowest it in January (minus 5,9 ° C), the highest - in July

(19,8 ° C).

Released from service worn tires are a source of long-term pollution: • Tires are not biodegradable; • They are flammable and in case of fire, extinguish them hard enough, and the combustion of the

air emitted harmful products of combustion, including carcinogens; • during storage, they are the perfect breeding place for rodents and mosquitoes, vectors of

infectious diseases; Dispose of used tires is one of the most urgent environmental problems of our time. Burning tires produced a wide range of toxic compounds, in addition formed pollutants such as carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide, sulfur and nitrogen oxides, soot and others. Thrown in a landfill or buried tires degraded in vivo at least a hundred years. Contact tires with rainfall and groundwater leads to leaching of a number of toxic organic compounds: diphenylamine, dibutyl phthalate, phenanthrene and other carcinogenic compounds. The number of multi-million used tires, only 23% of tires are used on burning for energy, mechanical and cryogenic grinding, pyrolysis, and so on. The remaining 77% did not utilized due to lack of cost-effective method of disposal. Worn tires are formed and accumulate in the fleets, industrial enterprises, tire and auto service, as well as in the private sector. In many industrialized countries, there are methods and programs to support the collection and recycling of used tires. In most cases, the mere fact paid disposal of tires at the rate of 50 - 400 € per ton. In our country, this practice has not found distribution, and the problem of disposal of used tires in Ukraine, aggravated by the lack of organized collection. Spent the tire is a valuable secondary raw materials containing rubber, carbon black and high-quality metal. Cost-effective recycling tires will not only solve environmental problems, but also to ensure high profitability of processing industries. To date, the pyrolysis of tires - the most eco-friendly and cost-effective method of disposal. The low-temperature pyrolysis is that the worn tires and other rubber goods are cut and fed to the reactor where they are heated to a temperature of 500-600 ° C without access of air. Thus there is a decomposition of rubber with the release of gas, liquid and solid phases. Flue gases from the pyrolysis reactor pass a condenser where the liquid phase is released. The gaseous products of the condenser fed into the boiler, where burned. The resulting combustion gases thermal energy is used to heat the reactor. Excess thermal energy is used in a steam turbine plant for electric power generation. Combustion products after purification released into the environment. As discussed in detail in terms of the entire business process includes the following steps:

• The collection and storage of used tires in stock of raw materials; • Crushing of waste tires; • The process of pyrolysis of crushed tires; • Cooling of the pyrolysis products; • Packing and storage elements processed at the warehouse.

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As part of the project, activities are designed to protect the environment at every stage of the process. Also developed measures to prevent the negative consequences in the event of an accident at work or in the event of natural disasters. Performed analysis of the social and environmental impact of the project leads to the following conclusions:

I. Generally pyrolysis technology used tires is the most environmentally clean and cost-effective in comparison with other embodiments.

II. A slight discharge into the environment of the combustion products of a gas fraction of the pyrolysis products have a much smaller negative impact on the environment compared to the burning of tires or tire decomposition in landfills.

III. Developed in the project activities to protect the environment in the event of an emergency or natural disaster eliminates negative consequences.

IV. This project will create in additional jobs that will improve the social situation in the city.

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1. General provisions. This document was developed in accordance with the rules, regulations, guidelines, standards and laws

in force in the territory of Ukraine, specifications and raw data issued by the state supervision (control)

and organizations concerned with approval of the location of the construction site and provides for

measures to ensure the health and environmental safety in the construction and operation of the facility


The project envisages construction of a pilot plant for the recycling of used tires and plastic waste using

the technology of the Finnish company Peatec Oy in Smela Cherkasy region, Ukraine.

Environmental impact assessment (EIA) of the project is carried out in order to identify the negative

consequences that may arise during construction and operation of the proposed facility, ensuring

environmental safety requirements, as well as the development of measures that reduce the

environmental hazard of the proposed facility.

Development of materials was carried out, guided by the Law of Ukraine "On Air Protection", "On

Environmental Impact Assessment", the standard of Ukraine DSTU ISO-14001-97, the applicable state

building, sanitary and fire codes and other regulations.

Sources of potential impacts of the proposed activity on the environment are:

a) The air environment:

• Air pollution emission sources of pollutants;

b) Sources of noise and vibration.

c) The aquatic environment:

• Industrial waste water;

• Domestic waste water;

• Rain and snowmelt waste water.

d) Soil:

• Contamination of soils and soil disturbance to vegetation.

e) Flora and fauna:

• Violation of the grass cover.

f) Climate:

• Significant emissions of greenhouse gases.

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2. Description of the location of the object. The place is located in Smela Cherkassy region, Ukraine. Address of the construction site: street Litvinov,

72. Coordinates construction site 49.241110, 31.927723.

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Distance from the construction site to the nearest houses.

1. The construction site for the plant for recycling of used tires and plastic waste. 2. Urban sewage treatment plant. 3. Municipal landfill solid waste. 4. City cemetery. 5. Paragraph reception recycled materials, including plastic, used tires, scrap paper, scrap metal and

so on. The advantages of this area to accommodate a pilot plant for the recycling of waste tires and waste

plastics are:

The absence in the vicinity of residential buildings (over 1 km); The proximity of the landfill for the disposal of domestic waste and receiving station for recycled

materials; The site is located on a hill that dominates the city.


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3. Natural and climatic characteristics near the town of Smela.

3.1. Climatic characteristics.

City Smela Cherkassy region is located almost in the center of Ukraine on the right bank of the Dnieper (or Kremenchug reservoir).

In general, the climate of the region is moderately continental. Winters are mild, with frequent thaws, which bring some wet weight-cyclones from the Baltic Sea and the Atlantic (and then drop in rainfall) that anticyclones from the south of the Black Sea and the Mediterranean. Snow cover is too late - in early December, shallow and unstable. Relatively early spring. Summer is dry, rather hot and often dry. The average July temperature of +21 ° C, in January -5,5 ° C. Precipitation in the form of frequent autumn rains. Their average annual number of 450-525 mm.

The average annual temperature is 7,7 ° C, the lowest it in January (minus 5,9 ° C), the highest - in July (19,8 ° C).

Air temperature by month, (°С)


Average -5,9 -4,6 0,4 8,7 15,3 18,4 19,8 19,1 14,2 7,8 2,1 -2,5 7,7

Daily maximum -3 -1 3 12 20 23 25 24 19 12 5 0 11

Night minimum -8 -6 -2 5 10 13 15 14 10 4 0 -5 4

The lowest average monthly temperature in January (minus 16,6 ° C) recorded in 1963, the highest (1,6 ° C) - in 2007

The lowest average monthly temperature in July (17,6 ° C) was observed in 1978 and 1979., The highest (25,8 ° C) - 1936

The absolute minimum temperature (minus 35,3 ° C) was recorded in January 1935, the absolute maximum (37,4 ° C) - July 30, 1936

In recent years, 100-120 Cherkassy temperature, as well as in general in the world, has a tendency to increase. During this period, the average annual temperature has increased by at least 1,0 ° C. The warmest for the entire period of observation proved in 2007 the greatest rise in temperature occurred in the first half of the year.

In an average year in Cherkassy falls 517 mm rainfall, less of them in March and October, most of all - in July.

Average rainfall, (mm)


36 33 29 38 37 63 76 53 36 31 41 44 517

Minimum annual rainfall (303 mm) was observed in 1975, the maximum (948 mm) - 1952

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The maximum daily rainfall (121 mm) recorded August 3, 1959

In an average year in the city observed 135 days with precipitation; less than a total of (8) in September and October, most (15) - in December.

Annually in bold formed snow cover, but its height is negligible.

Relative humidity annual average is 76%, the lowest it in May (64%), the highest - in December (87%).

Relative humidity of air, (%)


85 84 80 70 64 69 70 69 71 79 86 87 76

Clear smallest observed in August, the highest - in December.

Total cloudiness (sky coverage), (points)


7,3 7,4 7,1 6,6 5,7 5,4 5,1 4,6 5,0 6,0 7,9 8,1 6,4

• 0 points - clear. • Less than 5 points lower tier, or translucent clouds middle tier, or any number of

top-tier cloud - a little cloudy. • From 1-3 to 6-9 points 3-8 points or low clouds and dense clouds of middle tier -

partly cloudy. • From 8-10 to 0-3 score low clouds - partly sunny. • 7-10 points of low clouds - cloudy. • 10 points of low clouds - overcast.

The greatest frequency of occurrence in the city are the winds from the northwest, the smallest - from the southeast.

Frequency of wind directions, (%)


14,3 9,1 14,4 8,1 12,2 13,6 13,6 14,7 20,4

The highest wind speed - in January and February, the lowest - in the summer. In January it is approximately equal to 4.5 m / s in July - 3.1 m / s.

Wind speed by month, (m/s)


4,5 4,6 4,4 4,3 3,8 3,2 3,1 3,2 3,3 3,6 4,1 4,3 3,9

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3.2. Characteristics of the soil. Soil area is quite fertile. The soil cover is typical of the transition zone from the southern to the northern

forest steppe. In the northern part of the region is dominated by black soils: humus with a humus

content of 5.0% and a humus-moderate somewhat more than 5.5%. Considerable areas are occupied by

black soil and chernozem podzolized, dark gray-ashed and gray ashed soils.

To the south-eastern regions are characterized by ordinary chernozems medium- and low-humus, and in

the southern part - ordinary chernozems thin humus.

The texture of the soil of the northern districts - loamy, southern - loamy, and in the Dnieper - low- and


3.3. Hydrography River area belong to the basins of the Dnieper and the Southern Bug. In the Dnieper rivers flow into the

Tyasmin, Ingulec and Tsibulnik; South Bug - Ingul, cyanosis and tits. Natural lakes in the region is not

present, with the exception of ponds, popular in rural areas. Region has access to the Dnieper

(Kremenchug reservoir).

3.4. Flora. The flora of the area reflects the typical steppe ecosystem, although most of it has been plowed and is

currently represented by arable land. Among the trees in the area is dominated by: Ailanthus altissima,

Apricot, Cherry, Ulmus minor, honey locust trehkolyuchkovaya, European Pear, Oak pedunculate or

ordinary, Salix alba, horse chestnut, maple or American box elder, Acer platanoides, Acer tataricum Lipa

macrophylla, Lipa ordinary, walnut, locust Robinia or black locust, Sorbus aucuparia, Plum, Pine, Poplar,

black, mulberry, apple, European ash.

3.5. Fauna. The fauna of the area reflects the typical steppe ecosystem, though much of it has suffered from

agricultural activities (for example, bustard). Live: gopher, hare, fox, wolf, ferret, weasel, wild boar, a


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4. The life cycle of car tires and their impact on the environment. In assessing the environmental impact of car tires in their full life cycle are taken into account all the stages

of the cycle: extraction of raw materials, processing of raw materials and obtaining materials,

manufacturing of components, manufacture of tires, operation when the vehicle works disposal after use.

At all stages of the evaluation is made on consumption of energy and natural resources, as well as harmful

effects on the environment and human health.

Table. 1. a list of the standards included in the ISO14000 series and determining product evaluation by

the method of full life cycle.

Table 1.

ISO Standards

ISO 14040 Life cycle assessment-principles and framework

ISO 14041 Life cycle assessment-determine the purpose and the scope and inventory

ISO 14042 Life cycle assessment-environmental impact assessment

ISO 14043 Life cycle assessment-interpretation of results

In accordance with the ISO 14040 life cycle assessment methodology are defined as methods of

assessment of environmental impacts of products on the environment by:

• Collection and inventory data on the input and output streams (materials and

energy) production system within the product life cycle;

• Assessment of the potential environmental impacts associated with these inputs

and outputs;

• Interpreting the results of the inventory and impact assessment.

The result of the analysis of the environmental impact of tires on the environment and humans

throughout the life cycle of tires (ISO 14040) should be environmental certification tires (ISO 14060) and

environmental control (ISO 14010) on the road and tire-repair companies, as well as manufacturing plants

tires (ISO 14001).

The main types of environmental impacts are depletion of non-renewable natural resources, ecosystem

degradation, and deterioration of health.

Stages of the life cycle of a car tire, and individual processes substantially differ from each other by their

physical nature, are presented in Table 2.

Table 2.

Stage in the life cycle of car tyres

Stage name The name of a single process


Processes of structural materials Processes raw materials

The processes of generating fuels

Energy production Manufacturing of parts and components of automotive tires Manufacturing of automotive tires


The work of automotive tires

Service and maintenance

The overhaul Disassembly of automotive tires

Processing Recycling materials

Recycling of tyres

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At all stages of production and processing of raw materials, as well as in the manufacture of tires is a

significant impact on the environment, introducing a variety of pollution, most of which are toxic, polluting

the air, water and soil pools.

The problem of environmental safety in the operation of the tire is very similar to the problem of

environmental protection in the rubber industry, the manufacture of tires, but has significant features.

Released from the tires chemicals, solids abrasion protector adversely affect the environment, human


High environmental hazard caused by the tires on the one hand, the toxic properties used in the

manufacture of materials and impurities contained therein, on the other hand - the properties of more

than one hundred types of chemicals released to air and water temperature during operation,

maintenance, repair and storage of tires .

Table. 3 provides a list of main groups of compounds, each group includes more than ten different

compounds, including their isomers and derivatives. Among the chemicals released from tire rubber

products rubber degradation is extremely reactive and toxic chemicals; Aromatic hydrocarbons - benzene,

xylene, styrene, toluene; carcinogens - aliphatic amines; carcinogens - carbon disulfide, formaldehyde and

phenols; nitrogen and sulfur dioxides, hydrocarbons, non-aromatic hydrocarbons similar number

contained in the exhaust gases of the engine as the products of incomplete combustion. Toxic properties

exhibit all of the chemicals that are included in the list of priority toxicants, approved by the International

Organization for Research on Cancer (IARC).

Table 3.

Toxic compounds resulting from the operation of the tire

Name of group Amount of substance Hazard class

Benzpyrene 14-15 1-3

Nitro amines 3-4 1-3

Aliphatic and aromatic amines 5-8 2-3

Hydrocarbons alkilaromatičeskie 20-25 2-3

Hydrocarbons containing sulphur 5-8 2-3

Hydrocarbons, halogenated 3-5 2-3

Phenols 1-3 2

Aldehydes, aliphatic ketones 10-15 2-4

Aliphatic acids alcohols 3-6 2-4

Esters alkilaromatičeskie 3-6 2-4

Oligomers 1-3 2-4

Hydrocarbons cikloalifatičeskie 15-20 3-4

Aliphatic saturated 25-30 4

Other connections 5-10 2-4

As the results of the chemical analysis of the contribution of the tires in the selection of polycyclic aromatic

hydrocarbons (PAHs), even more significant (55-60%) than the exhaust gases. PAHs are not highly volatile,

or soluble in water, but their migration to the environment contributes to elevated temperatures

encountered in the tire material during operation. In addition, PAH can interact with other substances to

form stand out nitro PAH chloro-PAHs (dioxins), hydro-PAHs.

Besides the manufacture of tires and waste fuels are used for the technological needs. Combustion of

liquid, solid and gaseous fuels in the preparation of energy into the air in large quantities distinguished

carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, sulfur compounds, nitrogen oxides, hydrocarbons, etc. From the

combustion of fuels in the last half-century concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere has

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increased by almost 288 billion. T, and spent more than $ 300 billion. Tons of oxygen. Thus, since the

beginning of man-made environment of human activity lost about 0.02% oxygen, and acquired about 12%

of carbon dioxide. Reducing the amount of oxygen and increase in carbon dioxide impact on climate

change. The molecules of carbon dioxide allow short-wave solar radiation to penetrate the Earth's

atmosphere and block infrared radiation emitted by the earth's surface, can cause warming of the World.

In addition, air pollution carbon dioxide initiates the formation of smog in cities.

Tire dust from the tread wear, when released into the lungs causes allergic reactions, asthma, and in

contact with mucous membranes and skin - conjunctivitis, rhinitis, urticarial.

The result of the analysis of the environmental impact of tires on the environment and humans

throughout the life cycle of tires (ISO 14040) should be environmental certification tires (ISO 14060) and

environmental control (ISO 14010) on the road and tire-repair companies, as well as factories for the

production and utilization tires (ISO 14001).

Released from service worn tires are a source of long-term pollution:

• Tires are not biodegradable;

• They are flammable and in case of fire, extinguish them hard enough, and the

combustion of the air emitted harmful products of combustion, including


• during storage, they are the perfect breeding place for rodents and mosquitoes,

vectors of infectious diseases;

• Dispose of used tires is one of the most urgent environmental problems of our time.

Burning tires produced a wide range of toxic compounds, and presented in Table. 3,

formed such moreover harmful substances such as carbon monoxide and carbon

dioxide, oxides of sulfur and nitrogen, carbon and others.

Thrown in a landfill or buried tires degraded in vivo at least a hundred years. Contact tires with rainfall

and groundwater leads to leaching of a number of toxic organic compounds: diphenylamine, dibutyl

phthalate, phenanthrene and other carcinogenic compounds.

The number of multi-million used tires, only 23% of tires are used on burning for energy, mechanical and

cryogenic grinding, pyrolysis, and so on. E., The remaining 77% did not utilized due to lack of cost-effective

method of disposal. Worn tires are formed and accumulate in the fleets, industrial enterprises, tire and

auto service, as well as in the private sector. In many industrialized countries, there are methods and

programs to support the collection and recycling of used tires. In most cases, the mere fact paid disposal

of tires at the rate of 50 - 400 € per tonne. In our country, this practice has not found distribution, and the

problem of disposal of used tires in Ukraine, aggravated by the lack of organized collection.

Spent the tire is a valuable secondary raw materials containing rubber, carbon black and high-quality

metal. Cost-effective recycling tires will not only solve environmental problems, but also to ensure high

profitability of processing industries.

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5. The impact of the proposed waste tire recycling technology on the

environment and employees. As discussed in detail in terms of the entire business process includes the following steps:

• The collection and storage of used tires in stock of raw materials;

• Crushing of waste tires;

• The process of pyrolysis of crushed tires;

• Cooling of the pyrolysis products;

• Packing and storage elements processed at the warehouse.

The environmental impact of each stage of processing will be discussed separately.

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5.1. Waste tire collection and transport to the place of processing. By working with the Hazard Class 4, allowed a person 18 years of age who have been trained and have

a certificate of admission to work on hazardous waste management, passed a medical examination, an

introductory briefing on labor protection, instruction in the workplace who have mastered the practical

skills of safe work performance Authenticated and knowledge of health and safety in the scope of this

manual. Staff working with waste tires, should be fully aware of the impact of waste components and

their compounds on the human body and the environment. This instruction should be issued to all

persons engaged in work on the treatment of Hazard Class 4 "Pneumatic Tires automobile exhaust" on

receipt. Trained and qualified employees are fully responsible for the violation of the requirements of

this manual under applicable law.

Transfer of waste tires for disposal in accordance with the agreement concluded with specialized

enterprise having license for neutralization and disposal of waste I-IV classes of danger.

As a specialized company with whom the contract is preparing a written application to send a separate

subdivision (branch) of LLC "Company name" account for the disposal of tires indicating the number

and type (size) of the tires to be disposed of, signed by the head of the branch and transferred to a

specialized company fax.

When you receive a bill for the disposal of tires made his payment, then a specialized firm the telephone

number listed in the contract agreed date, time and conditions of reception and transmission of waste

tires and receiving / delivery of documents (invoice, certificate of completion, act / Help reception and

transmission of waste, etc.).

Upon receipt of documents on the transfer of waste for disposal by a specialized company, the person

responsible for the control of hazardous waste management in the territory of a separate division of

LLC "Company name" compulsorily transferred to a copy of the act (certificate) reception and

transmission of waste pneumatic tires for an application to the annual statistical report form 2-tp

(wastes) (as a document confirming the transfer of waste). All original documents are sent to the

accounting department of a separate division (branch) of the enterprise.

When loading and unloading of waste tires must take into account weather conditions. Prohibited from

loading / unloading of waste tires in the rain or thunderstorms. At ice loading / unloading must be


Work on the loading / unloading of waste tires shall be carried out in the presence of the person

responsible for the control of hazardous waste management, appointed by order of the head of a

separate subdivision (branch).

Crowd of people is not permitted in areas designated for loading / unloading of waste tires. Overload

area should be equipped with fire fighting and emergency response. At the same time may be loading

/ unloading is not more than one vehicle.

The vehicle body must be cleaned from the remnants of previously transported goods, a variety of

packaging materials and combustible residues (sawdust, straw, shavings, hay, paper, etc.). When

transporting waste tires under the tarpaulin is prevented from direct contact with the load.

During loading / unloading the vehicle's engine must be turned off and the driver must be installed

outside the zone of loading and unloading.

Before loading / unloading of waste tires by hand, the person responsible for the control of hazardous

waste management conducts special instructions movers in the volume of this manual.

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Performing loading and unloading operations with waste tires, loaders should be guided by the

following provisions:

• Do not drag or turn over used tires;

• Waste pneumatic tire fastened in the vehicle body so that they can not move during

transportation, and only with a tool, not authorizing sparks during operation;

• Smoke only in designated areas.

Loading / unloading of waste tires should be carried out carefully, cautiously.

In vehicle waste pneumatic tires placed in regular rows, close to each other and secured in such a way

that during transport to avoid losses of cargo movement in his body and ensure maximum safety of the

driver and the forwarder in case of emergency.


• Placed on the waste pneumatic tires, other types of cargo;

• Smoking during loading / unloading of waste tires.

Transportation of waste tires for disposal to a specialized company performed transport separate

subdivision (branch) or company with whom a contract for the transportation of the waste, under the

following conditions:

• Availability of documentation for the transport and transfer of waste, indicating the

number of transported waste, place and purpose of their transportation;

• Have a copy of the passport withdrawal, duly executed.

Pneumatic Tires waste transported by road at ambient temperature not lower than -50 ° C without

packaging, any type of vehicle that protects them from dirt and precipitation. Construction vehicles and

transportation conditions of used tires should exclude the possibility of accidents, loss, and pollution

from the vehicle and the environment along the way.

When transporting the Hazard Class 4 "pneumatic tires for automobiles waste", the driver must have:

• a certificate of special approved training program for persons admitted to the

treatment of waste;

• vehicle registration document;

• copy of the passport of waste;

• Documents for transportation and transfer of waste, indicating the number of

transported waste, place and purpose of their transportation (waybill, the contract

for transporting and receiving waste management, payment order for waste

disposal, power of attorney to obtain documents, waybill, etc. etc.);

In the absence of the driver's certificate of special training for persons admitted to the waste

management, transportation of waste and / or reject mercury-containing lamps should be carried out

in the presence of a person having such a certificate.

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5.2. Warehouse of used tires. For stable operation of the company stock should be kept for at least one month supply of raw material,

which is not less than 1,000 tons of waste tires. For this purpose, plan to use the open paved area

adjacent to the building of the enterprise.

Worn tires are delivered by truck and weighed in the entrance area. The pre-sorted for freight and

passenger and stored in open storage of raw materials. With the help of truck, tires are supplied to the

feed conveyor section crushing.

During storage, worn tires have no significant impact on the environment. Firstly, their shelf life is

insignificant, less than a month. During this period, worn tires do not have time to decompose naturally.

Secondly, during storage conditions do not differ from their impact on the environment during operation.

The only danger - a tire fire during storage.

During uncontrolled burning of tires per ton

released into the atmosphere 270, and 450 kg

carbon black toxic gases. Temperature

fluctuations in the combustion process

leading to incomplete combustion of the tire.

Thus at temperatures below 1.100 ° C

produced toxins such as chlorinated dioxin

and furan. Stay in the centers of the

combustion of tires is very harmful to human


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Requirements of the Ukrainian legislation to the storage of used tires.

Temporary storage and accumulation of Hazard Class 4 "Pneumatic Tires automobile exhaust" is

allowed no more than 6 months:

• in a well ventilated (natural or artificial ventilation) having locking storage room,

located separately from industrial or domestic premises, or in a separate section of

the warehouse (according to the number of images within 6 months of used tires).

Section should have a separate entrance and be separated from other storage

locations of inventory deaf solid wall of non-combustible materials. Warehouse

must be equipped with a means of dealing with emergencies (fire fighting). Access

by unauthorized persons should be excluded.

• on-site with a hard surface (asphalt, concrete), located on the leeward side of the

housing development, which has fenced and equipped canopy. On the fence area

must be set plate or paint applied to the inscription: "Storage of waste tires.

Responsible for warehouse - Name ". If the canopy is missing, diked area should be

on the perimeter and have a separate network of storm drains. The site must be

equipped with means of dealing with emergencies (fire fighting). Access by

unauthorized persons should be excluded.

Waste pneumatic tires are not packed.

When storing used tires should be divided into the following groups: cars, trucks, ripped and studded,

with passenger considered used tires on R15 inclusive.

Studded tires should be exempt from thorns, used tires must be clean, dry and free from contamination.

Worn tires camera should be exempt from the valves, packed in bales weighing 15-30kg and firmly

linked synthetic cord.

In warehouses waste pneumatic tires stored in designated areas over which should be fixed signs or

paint applied to the inscription "Hazard Class 4" pneumatic tires for automobiles waste. Responsible

for warehouse - Name ". Used tires are stored grouped and stacked on racks or in stacks in height no

more than 2 m, or in special devices. When stored in a heated warehouse (site) used tires is not closer

than 1m from heating devices. Heating devices stored in the warehouse should be screened. In

warehouses (rooms) are not allowed musty air and the appearance of mold on the walls.

The fenced area with a paved and roofed waste pneumatic tires stored as grouped and stacked on racks

or in stacks in height no more than 2m.

Close to places of temporary storage and accumulation of waste tires is forbidden to use open fire and

produce welding.


• storage and accumulation in one section of the warehouse or in the open area of

waste tires in conjunction with any other inventory values;

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• storage and food intake, smoking in places of temporary storage and accumulation

of waste tires;

• accumulation of waste tires in temporary storage in excess of the norm;

• storage of waste tires in temporary storage and accumulation of more than 6


In spent pneumatic tires, under emergency understood their fire.

Tires ignite at a temperature of 270 ° C to burn vigorously allocation dense black smoke when burning

occurs high temperature reaching 1200 ° C.

At fire, waste pneumatic tires notify staff with an automatic fire protection system or voice announce

the immediate supervisor, manager of the enterprise, to call the emergency services by phone. 01. In

case of fire, use sand, foam, dry chemical, carbon dioxide, water with a wetting agent or other

authorized for this purpose extinguishing media.

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5.3. Fragmentation of used tires. Shredding of used tires produced in mechanical crushers. After grinding, the feedstock is accumulated in

the buffer tank. Equipment for crushing hopper and housed in a separate room.

During crushing tire environment allocated fairly large amount of dust. This small fraction of crumb rubber, and various impurities, which remained on the surface of the tire. Any dust adversely affects the person as to the lungs and deposited there.

In order to prevent the negative

impact on employees in the

room for crushing tires (over

crushing equipment) has a

powerful ventilation. On the

street, next to the dust collector

set, in which all the dust settles.

Thus, this completely prevents

dust from entering the


In addition, all employees of the

crushing compartment must

necessarily work in masks to

prevent dust from entering the


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5.4. Pyrolysis of shredded tires. To date, the pyrolysis of tires - the most eco-friendly and cost-effective method of disposal.

The low-temperature pyrolysis is that the worn tires and other rubber goods are cut and fed to the reactor

where they are heated to a temperature of 500-600 ° C without access of air. Thus there is a

decomposition of rubber with the release of gas, liquid and solid phases. Flue gases from the pyrolysis

reactor pass a condenser where the liquid phase is released. The gaseous products of the condenser fed

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into the boiler, where burned. The resulting combustion gases thermal energy is used to heat the reactor.

Excess thermal energy is used in a steam turbine plant for electric power generation. Combustion

products after purification released into the environment.

Pyrolysis products examined by gas chromatography with a flame ionization detector, gas

chromatography and liquid chromatograph-mass spectrometer. Found that in the gas phase contains the

following components,%: Methane - 40; ethane -15.5; Propane - 6; n-butane - 2; and 2,5-butane;

propylene - 1.8; ethylene - 2; butene - 1.2; hydrogen - 18.5; carbon monoxide - 5; carbon dioxide - 5.5. By

liquid chromatography on a detected liquid product alkenes (2%), cycloalkanes (2.5%), alkanes (19%),

aromatic hydrocarbons (29%). On hromatorgamme identified 52.5% of the peaks. Dominated by the

peaks of carbon atoms 15, 16, 17, 19. The gas chromatography-mass spectrometry method were more

than 10% limonene.

The liquid fraction of the pyrolysis results fed into the storage tank and is completely insulated from the

environment. Subsequently, after cleaning, they are used as furnace fuel. According to its characteristics

is the fuel does not differ from heating oil resulting from oil refining. Synthetic fuel remaining after

pyrolysis RTI has a pungent smell due to the presence of a large number of percentage of aromatic

hydrocarbons and soot (up to 1.5-3%) and black with shades of brown color. Viscosity comparable to

kerosene tractor. We can assume that some specifications of this product are similar to the bunker oil

M5. Indicators point of ignition in oil of different brands for example 120 ° C and above, our sample does

not exceed 65 ° C. Synthetic fuel freezes at 47 ° C -27-. The use of synthetic fuels most varied from simple

combustion in furnaces of various furnaces to distillation into fractions (gasoline, diesel fuel, fuel oil).

The gaseous fraction of the pyrolysis products, as stated earlier, is burned in the boiler. Naturally, because

of this process produced products of combustion before discharge to the atmosphere must be extremely

clean. In the composition of the combustion products as well as any boiler system, there are oxides of

carbon, nitrogen, sulfur, and so on. Besides, together with the gases from the pyrolysis zone to make a

determination of soot.

Flue gas cleaning project envisages a special setting

that reduces harmful emissions into the

atmosphere. The unit is equipped with special bag

filters and the absorber plate. Thus, the combustion

parameters on emissions well below the maximum

allowable limits.

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5.5. Liquid phase condensation and cooling of solid residue. Condensation products of pyrolysis liquid phase occurs in the condenser. As a coolant water used in a

condenser. Closed system, cold water enters the condenser and removes heat from the pyrolysis products

than cause’s condensation of vapor. As a result, the water is heated. Hot water enters the air cooler,

where it gives up its heat to the surrounding air. Thus, water has no influence on the environment.

Discharge of water also occurs.

5.6. Sewerage System On the territory of farm complex plant for waste tires are designed following sewerage network:

• a network of domestic and industrial sewage;

• rainwater drainage network.

The system of economic and industrial sewage system includes:

• internal networks of economic and industrial sewage;

• external networks.

Domestic waste water from the industrial area will be removed to intra sewage system, followed by

diverting to the receiving tank sewage pumping station (SPS), which will take them to pressure collector

to the treatment plant complete biological treatment.

Contaminated industrial waste water from the tanks will be sent to the local sewage treatment plant

complex for pre-treatment to the required level. Pre-treated industrial waste water will be discharged

from the territory of the industrial site, together with domestic waste waters intra-network drift to the

CND, and further pressure collector to the BOSS.

Rain and melt water stock with the complex internal network will be collected rainwater drainage and will

be discharged to the treatment plant rainwater. Purified rainwater partially used for irrigation within the

complex, and the rest, as they gain are discharged into the sump.

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6. Measures to combat noise and vibration Constant noise sources that determine the sound pressure level is a technological equipment, vehicles, air handling units exhaust systems and equipment water and heating system. Protection against noise made set of volume planning, technological and design solutions to meet the requirements of SNIP II-12-77 «Protection against noise" and GOST12.01.003-83 "noise. General requirements for safety. " In accordance with the requirements of "State sanitary rules of planning and development of human settlements", section 8, to ensure acceptable levels of sound pressure in the industrial area, as well as in the housing area of the village, provides for measures to reduce the production of noise and vibration, which will be at work thermal equipment, ventilation systems, water and heat supply:

• The level of noise in the premises does not exceed 80 dB - noise characteristics of the

project provided technological equipment meet the requirements;

• Carrying out certain operations in some isolated boxes;

• Air-selected to improve the acoustic performance;

• The optimum speed of air and water in the ducts and pipes;

• Ventilating equipment is installed on vibration isolators, in protected sections;

• Connect piping and air equipment is provided through flexible connectors;

• Inlet air equipment is located in the soundproofed rooms and a noise protection,

insulated coats;

• Exhaust fans are designed with low noise;

• Ventilation units and exhaust fans are designed with silencers;

• Landscaping around the perimeter and maintaining green spaces in good condition,

use them as a sound-absorbing natural element.

In the process of commissioning and operation of production equipment necessary too periodically,

monitor the noise levels on the permanent workplace in accordance of DSN3, 3.6.037-99 "Health

standards of industrial noise, ultrasound and infrasound and, if necessary, develop appropriate measures,

replacement of worn nodes equipment resumption noise protection coatings and others.

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7. Protection from possible emergencies. Emergency situations that may affect the natural environment, are possible in the case of a natural

disaster, explosion, during a power outage or a fire occurs.

At the enterprise automated process control systems, remote monitoring and control system and

automatic regulation.

Project to build a plant for tire recycling provides for measures against possible accidents.

A separate section of the project provides for a system of automatic fire alarm and fire alarm system. The

system is designed to detect a fire, generating control signals for automatic equipment, turn the fire

warning system and the transmission of signals to the central security post.

Above the entrance to the building and in dusty environments provides light and sound opovestiteli.

To reduce fire hazard production halls project has the following preventive measures:

• Remove dust from industrial premises (cleaning);

• Aspiration of all operating equipment;

• Periodic cleaning of air ducts from the accumulation of dust inside;

• Upkeep The technology, transport and aspiration equipment, electrical equipment;

• At least once to replace the need to work to clean magnetic separators;

• Training of workers and technicians.

All process, transport, and air suction equipment placed in rooms with explosive production are grounded.

There is also a common ground loop.

Provided blocking of technological and transport equipment with suction plant, as well as self-locking

occasions groups of equipment that eliminates the possibility of debris and head of product at the start

and stop.

In places where the air ducts through building construction is necessary to lay the holes and cracks with

non-combustible material thickness, which provides fire normative structures.

Ventilation systems are connected to a fire alarm and automatically shut off for her team.

On the industrial area of economic system is designed with a fire main water storage tanks, pumping

stations and household fire ring network.

The project includes the following fire-extinguishing system: internal - from fire hydrants and external -

from hydrants.

The project provides for equipment grounding and electrical protective measures.

Electrical networks of all kinds of industrial premises are protected against short circuits and overloads.

All motors provided protection against short circuits.

All production facilities have emergency lighting required for evacuation of people connected to the

network, which is independent of the network working lights.

Lightning protection is performed by means of lightning.

Production processes should be in accordance with safety regulations and industrial hygiene in the


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8. Assessing the impact on the land (including land cover) The projected plant is located within the existing site of the former asphalt plant. Installation for recycling

of waste tires does not affect the character of the existing topography industrial site.

Natural vegetation to the industrial area of the company is not. Construction of disposal of waste tires

does not require cutting down the existing plants, nor does it affect grass greened territory.

The plant operator may indirectly impact on soil-related emissions of pollutants into the atmosphere and

their subsequent deposition.

In general, the expected level of impact of the emissions projected plant on soil surrounding areas can be

assessed as acceptable.

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9. Assessing the impact on flora and fauna Direct impact on the flora and fauna in the construction of the installation will not be rendered. During

operation designed equipment can be observed indirect impact on vegetation associated with the

emission of pollutants into the air.

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10. The social impact of the implementation of the pilot project.

Smela - a city of regional subordination. The district center.

The distance to the regional center: railway - 23 kilometers,

Highway - 30 kilometers.

The vast majority of the territory Smela plain area, north-

eastern part - hilly, cut by ravines and gullies.

The city has two types of transport connections (rail and

road) with other regions of the area and Ukraine.

In the city there are two railway stations: Taras Shevchenko

and st.Smela.

The station is named Taras Shevchenko - an important railway junction, from which branch railways in

four directions: to Moscow, Odessa, Dnepropetrovsk, Lviv.

The city is swept away a number of large industrial enterprises, products and whose work is known outside

the Cherkassy region and Ukraine, it is of "Smelyanskiy Machine-Building Plant", JSC "NPF SEMP"

(Electromechanical Plant), Furniture Factory "LIVS" enterprise production association "Horizon "(of which

the best known SPC" Orizon-Navigation "- the release of navigation technology, the SPC" Orizon-SKTB "-

production of medical equipment, the SPC" Orizon-Repair "- Issue / agricultural machinery).

In addition, the city houses a number of companies that due to various economic reasons or to suspend

its work, or work at a reduced force. These enterprises include garment factory, brewery, radiopriborny

plant "Horizon".

As for the region as a whole for the brave characteristic decrease in population. So in 1990 the population

was about 85,000, while according to the 2001 census, is 67 thousand. Pers., Including:

• Ukrainians - 83%;

• Russians - 15%

• Other nationalities - about 2%.

Working-age population is 47% of the total population, under the able-bodied - 22%, older - 31%. The

unemployment rate - 14%.

The average salary in the city is 2000 - 2500 hryvnia.

A very large percentage of the working population of the city can not find work in the city and forced to

seek employment in other Ukrainian cities such as Cherkasy, Kiev, Kirovograd and so on. A large number

of people go for seasonal work in Russia.

This project will create new jobs for the residents of the city, which is a positive factor.

Tangible impact on the environment of the city this project will not. First, as noted earlier, this project

uses the most modern and environmentally friendly technologies. Secondly, the site for the plant is

located near the landfill and waste treatment facilities of the city, which are much more harmful objects.

Distance to the closest dwelling houses (outskirts) is about 1 kilometer.

Given this construction of the plant for waste tire, pyrolysis will not cause a negative reaction of the

population of the city.

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Conclusions. The above analysis of the social and environmental impact of the project leads to the following


I. Generally pyrolysis technology used tires is the most environmentally clean and cost-effective in

comparison with other embodiments.

II. A slight discharge into the environment of the combustion products of a gas fraction of the

pyrolysis products have a much smaller negative impact on the environment compared to the

burning of tires or tire decomposition in landfills.

III. Developed in the project activities to protect the environment in the event of an emergency or

natural disaster eliminates negative consequences.

IV. This project will create in additional jobs that will improve the social situation in the city.