4 rs of nutrient stewardship A Lecture by Mr Allah Dad Khan Former DG Agri Extension KPK/Visiting...

Post on 15-Apr-2017

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Transcript of 4 rs of nutrient stewardship A Lecture by Mr Allah Dad Khan Former DG Agri Extension KPK/Visiting...

4 RS Nutrients Stewadship By

Allah Dad Khan

4Rs stewardship

4R nutrient stewardship provides a framework to achieve cropping system goals, such as increased production, increased farmer profitability, enhanced environmental protection and improved sustainability.

To achieve those goals, the 4R concept incorporates the:

Right fertilizer source at theRight rate, at theRight time and in theRight place

4R nutrient stewardship requires the implementation of best management practices (BMPs) that optimize the efficiency of fertilizer use. The goal of fertilizer BMPs is to match nutrient supply with crop requirements and to minimize nutrient losses from fields. Selection of BMPs varies by location, and those chosen for a given farm are dependent on local soil and climatic conditions, crop, management conditions and other site specific factors.


Fertilizer is a component of sustainable crop production systems, and the fertilizer industry recognizes the need to efficiently utilize these nutrients. This site provides science-based information for stakeholders to utilize for education, advocacy, and implementation of crop nutrient stewardship. It provides information on fertilizer best management practices that benefit the environment and the producer’s bottom line. The site is a collaborative effort of the fertilizer industry.