4 Main Causes Of Teeth Irregularities

Post on 12-Jul-2015

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Transcript of 4 Main Causes Of Teeth Irregularities

Orthodontics is a special field of dentistry that diagnoses andtreats certain teeth irregularities among them the crookedteeth condition. It involves the use of various appliances toachieve ideal results. The appliances used usually containremovable and non removable braces.

the most common form of orthodontics is the use of invisalign.The best part is some of the removable appliances can beworn by the patient with minimal supervision from thedentist. Some of the uses of an orthodontic device mayinclude realignment of the teeth. Achieving a perfect jawbonedevelopment, and correcting irregular bites.

And while we may just love the results of this form dentistry we should take our time to note the causes of these teeth irregularities.

GeneticsTeeth irregularities have bitten into our lifestyles for a longtime. And while the length of time may indeed be long,genetics have been one of its major causes. Crooked teethirregularity for instance has been attributed to the genes thatare usually passed through generations. Keep tabs withHouston orthodontics and you would not be surprised.

The number of cases in which a lineage may havecrooked teeth cases can sometimes beoverwhelming. Cases such as the overbite havebeen witnessed through this cause. Butregardless of the kind of irregularity that youmay suffer from, worry not since orthodonticbraces will work for you.

Dental Trauma

Sometimes we get out teeth knockedoff thus leaving their positioning.With time however the teeth thathave fallen out its alignment may fusewith the jawbone around it. Whenthis happens they will take thatdifferent position permanently andhence force developing teeth to forcetheir position. This is what is called adental trauma.

It is also called ankylosis or abnormal root fusion. If it happensto a child for instance the teeth will not line up properly. It alsohappens to people who have the phobia of teeth removal. Inthis case dental trauma may lead to overly crowded teeth oran irregular bite.

Infinite HabitsHabits such as too much thumb, finger, or pacifier sucking fallin this category. In fact houston orthodontics states that theseinfinitely habits can be so addictive. When they persist theywill lead to the misalignment in the development of thejawbone.

In this case prolonged thumbsucking will lead to vivid biteproblems. It can force your upperteeth to protrude or simple lead toan open bite. So be careful to trainyour child in order for them not toover suck on their pacifiers orthumbs.

Premature Loss Of Milk Teeth

You may have witnessedthat pal or sibling that losttheir baby teeth a littletoo early. Or better still ifyour child loses the milkteeth earlier thanexpected. This usuallyleads to irregularities intheir teeth bite.

Usually what happens is that when the permanent toothprotrudes it may just lose its guide and finally alignment. It candrift into their mouth or simply erupt in the wrong way. Whenthis happen your child may develop overly crowded teeth, oran irregular bite.


Treating or correcting such teeth irregularitiesis indeed great. The use of orthodontic bracesor implants as we have seen is advisable.However it’s also important to know theircauses in order to treat them on time.