4 20 14 Easter bulletin - Clover Sitesstorage.cloversites.com/firstpresbyterianchurch11...Communion...

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Transcript of 4 20 14 Easter bulletin - Clover Sitesstorage.cloversites.com/firstpresbyterianchurch11...Communion...


the Lord is risen!

Easter Sunday Services

April 20, 2014

8:30 and 11:00 a.m. First Presbyterian Church

Stillwater, Oklahoma




Eight-thirty & Eleven O'clock - Sunday, April 20, 2014

- Gathering Around the Word -

The Prelude is a veil dropped between everyday life and the Sanctuary. When you enter the Sanctuary, the music should separate the world without from the world within.

If you must whisper, let it be into the ear of God.

PRELUDE ................ Trumpet Voluntary - W. Goodwin; Toccata in F major, BWV 540 - J.S. Bach; Trumpet Tune - J. Stanley

GATHERING THE COMMUNITY EASTER CHORAL MEDITATION .......................... “Woman, Weeping in the Garden” - V. E. Copes

� Warm greetings and love in Christ are extended to each gathered in this house of worship.

� A double asterisk (**) indicates you may rise in body or in spirit as you are able.

� Large print hymnals and bulletins and hearing assist devices are available from an usher.

� Please respectfully allow others to worship by keeping all cell phones/pagers silent or off.

� Please record your name and address on the Ministry of Friendship (red folder at the end of the row).

Pass it to the end of the row and back to see with whom you worship.

� Children are always welcome in worship services. If parents prefer, a nursery for infants and toddlers

is available in the North Wing.

� A Children’s Bible is located on the wooden tree at the rear of the Sanctuary. Use this Bible to

engage your children in scripture. You will find this Sunday’s reading on page 98, Easter Sunday.

Please return the Bible to the tree following worship.

� Children's Worship bags are located on the wooden tree for children through 5th grade. Take the

bulletin and activity sheets home, but please return the bag with all other materials after worship.

� Children 3 years through 3rd grade invited to the Westminster Room (south end 1st floor main

building) for Children and Worship following Time with Children in the 11:00 a.m. service.



**CALL TO WORSHIP Leader: We come to this place seeking Jesus in the familiar story of our faith. People: Do not meet us only here, O Living Christ, but surprise us with Resurrection power in all the places of our lives! Leader: We gather together to sing and pray the story we know by heart, a story of loving triumph and powerful grace. People: This story of “Alleluia!” means great joy for the One who lives and the ones who witness to this new life in all the places of our lives! Leader: We rejoice and thank you for the life of your son, resurrected by the power of your loving, vibrant Spirit. People: Let this same Spirit fill all the places of our lives, that we may know the truth of resurrection for the rest of our lives! Leader: We join our hearts in song and sing “Alleluia! Gracious Jesus!” for Christ is living and so are we! People: Alleluia indeed!

**EASTER PROCESSIONAL 232 ................................................... “Jesus Christ Is Risen Today”

**PRAYER OF ADORATION PRAYER OF CONFESSION..............................................................................................………(in unison)

God, we confess to you that while we know well the story of your victory over the grave, it is not a story we always live. We are dragged down by all manner of death – Fear may suffocate us: the loss of dreams and hopes for ourselves, our families, our communities and our nation. Sorrow may wall us off like a grave, isolating us with anger, frustration, and grief. So on this Easter morning, we pray that you will fill us with “fear and great joy” so that, like those women who came to the tomb expecting death, we may instead find the radiant new life that is ever before us in your Resurrection! Amen.

(Moments for personal confession)

KYRIE ................................................................................................................................................. 551 Lord, have mercy; Christ, have mercy; Lord, have mercy upon us. Lord, have mercy; Christ, have mercy; Lord, have mercy upon us.

ASSURANCE OF PARDON Leader: Just as Christ did… All is made new on this Resurrection morning! People: Alleluia and amen!


**EASTER GLORIA ............................................................................................................... #587

Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia!

**PASSING THE PEACE - EXTENDING THE EASTER NEWS Greet one another: "Alleluia! The Lord is risen." Response to one another: "He is risen, indeed! Alleluia!"

- Proclaiming the Word -

PRAYER FOR ILLUMINATION NEW TESTAMENT LESSON ......................................................... Acts 10:34-43 (NT pg. 123) TIME WITH CHILDREN

If parents desire, following this time, infants and toddlers may go to the north wing for extended care.. At the 11:00 a.m. service Children and Worship, for children 3 yrs. old-3rd grade, meets after

Time with Children in the Westminster Room (south of the Sanctuary). Today’s story is “Jesus Appears to Mary Magdalene.”

ANTHEM ..................................... Gloria in excelsis Deo (“Glory to God in the highest”) - A. Vivaldi

GOSPEL LESSON ................................................................................ Matthew 28:1-10 (NT pg. 31) SERMON .........................................................................................................................................

- Responding to the Word -

**AFFIRMATION OF FAITH ............................................................................. The Apostles’ Creed

I believe in God the Father Almighty, Maker of heaven and earth; and in Jesus Christ, his only Son our Lord; who was conceived by the Holy Ghost, born of the Virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, dead, and buried; he descended into hell; the third day he rose again from the dead; he ascended into heaven, and sitteth on the right hand of God the Father Almighty; from thence he shall come to judge the quick and the dead.


I believe in the Holy Ghost, the holy catholic church; the communion of saints, the forgiveness of sins; the resurrection of the body; and the life everlasting. Amen.


Leader: Lord, in your mercy

Community: Hear our prayer. INVITATION TO DISCIPLESHIP


OFFERTORY ..................................... “My heart ever faithful, sing praises,” BWV 68 - J. S. Bach

**EASTER DOXOLOGY ................................................................. #609 (tune: Lasst uns erfreuen)

Praise God, from whom all blessings flow; Praise God, all creatures high and low; Alleluia, Alleluia! Praise God in Jesus fully known: Creator, Word, and Spirit one. Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia!


The Sacrament of the Lord’s Supper

Everyone, sharing God’s love, is invited to participate in this Sacrament, whether a member of this congregation or not. We rejoice and demonstrate God’s love for all people in Christ’s resurrection.


Leader: May the God of Easter be with you! Community: And also with you! Leader: Our hearts, broken with the grief of Friday, Community: are now healed by the grace of Easter. Leader: We will not keep silent on this day, Community: but sing songs of glad thanksgiving to our God.


Leader: On the first day of creation . . . we lift our voices in glad songs of victory: Community: Holy, holy, holy are you, God of every morning. All creation turns handsprings of joy. Hosanna in the highest! Blessed is the One you raise from the dead. Hosanna in the highest! Leader: Holiness is the cornerstone. . . joy in our heart called faith: Community: God wept, as Jesus died on the cross; God raised Jesus, so all creation might live; God will send Christ again, to reveal our hidden lives to us. Leader: On this first day of the week . . .forever singing our praises to you as we pray: Community: Our Father, who art in heaven. . .


The community partakes of the Elements as they are served. White wine is offered in the center rings; grape juice is in the outer rings.

Gluten-free wafers are available in the center of each cup tray.

Music during distribution: COMMUNION HYMN 521 - “In Remembrance of Me”

“Alleluia! Christ Is Risen” - A Kopolyoff / arr. H. Gaul


- Bearing and Following the Word into the World - **HYMN OF EASTER 248 ................................................. “Christ is Risen! Shout Hosanna!” COMMISSION AND BENEDICTION ORGAN POSTLUDE ...................................... Toccata (Symphony No. 5 for Organ) - Ch.-M. Widor

(The Organ Postlude is offered as an instrumental prayer. You are invited to join

in meditation and reflection. As you depart, please do so quietly remembering those

who remain are listening and praying.)


Preaching: Sue Trei-Conrad, Interim Pastor Liturgist: (8:30) Leah Hrachovec, Associate Pastor (11:00) Aaron Herndon Music Director: Heather Lanners Organist: Rebecca Groom te Velde Trumpet: Alexandria Miller, soloist; Bennett Frohock Soprano soloist: Lucy Newlin Communion servers: (8:30) Dorothy Akin, Jana Ainsworth, Julie Bills, Cynthia Gedra, Nick Gedra, Kelly & Brenda Nipp, Kay Stewart, Steve Stone, Bettie Todd, Karsten Wilkinson (11:00) Tracy Carter & Jim Shaw, Nancy Franklin, Susie Glasscock,

Tim Krehbiel, Kelly McGaw, Mary McKinley, Denise & Rusty Rex, Laura & Ted Smith

Greeters: (8:30) Gerrit Cuperus, Dorothy Akin (11:00) Jim & MJ Seals ,Bill & Nedra Segall Ushers: (8:30) Kelly and Katharine Nipp, Bettie Todd (11:00) Mike & Mary Woods, Betsy Showalter, Connie Stiegler Hosts: (8:30) Gary Simpson (11:00) Ted Smith Counters: Jim Shaw, Jim Showalter Children and Worship: Leah Hrachovec, worship leader Carolyn Caldwell, K. Cohlmia, Katie Burgoon, greeters Communion Bread: Annette Preston, Connie Shelton, Donna Koeppe, Mary Williams, Betsy Showalter


It’s not too late to register for the 2014 Mission Trip to Tokio, North Dakota.

Registration forms are available at the Information Desk, in the

Youth Suite, in the Church Office and at the website www.stillwaterfpc.org.

Registration Deadline is Sunday, April 27. $25 deposit is due with registration forms.



Prelude: Two trumpet tunes frame this morning’s prelude music. Little is known about 18th-century composer William Goodwin. His piece and that of John Stanley (1712-1786) feature dialogue and echoes between the trumpet and organ. J.S. Bach’s vivacious Toccata is a testament to his prowess as both performer and composer (1685-1750). The opening section consists of a canon between the hands (one hand copies the other at a two-measure interval) over a pedal point (long-held tone), followed by an extended pedal solo. This material is then repeated in a new key, but with the hands reversed. A second pedal solo leads to a lengthy discourse between manuals and pedals with block chords, broken chords, sequences, chromatic harmony, and almost constant imitation between voices. Mounting tension finally gives way in the final section, where another extended pedal point brings symmetry to the work and anticipates its dramatic conclusion. A devout Protestant Christian, Bach routinely wrote “S.D.G.” on his manuscripts: “Soli Deo Gloria” (“To God Alone Be Glory”). Anthem: This is the first of twelve movements that comprise the famous Gloria by Italian composer Antonio Vivaldi (1678-1741). Though best known for his hundreds of instrumental concertos, Vivaldi also wrote much sacred choral music. Offertory: This virtuosic soprano aria is the second movement in Bach’s cantata “God So Loved the World.” Communion anthem: This beautiful and exciting piece is subtitled “Easter Song of Little Russia.” The composer paints a descriptive text quite vividly through dynamic contrasts and the use of portemento, a smooth glide from one tone to the next. Postlude: Charles-Marie Widor (1844-1937) was a world-renowned organ virtuoso and titular organist of St.-Sulpice in Paris for 65 years. He concertized extensively, including tours to the U.S., and was professor of organ at the Paris Conservatory (succeeding Cesar Franck), and later professor of composition (succeeding Dubois). He wrote many organ works, including ten “symphonies” for organ—works that use the organ in an orchestral manner and are in multi-movement, symphonic form. This famous Toccata, easily his best-known work, is the final movement from his fifth organ symphony.

“How Presbyterians Do Things”

specifically how do we search for and select pastors

Sunday, April 27 - 9:45 a.m. in Fellowship Hall

Rev. Deb Meinke, Cimarron Presbytery Stated Clerk, will lead this class which should answer your questions on what, how and when do Presbyterians seek and find new pastoral leadership. If you wonder why it takes us so long, come and find out how we “decently and in order” do things.





The offering is divided among the Presbyterian Hunger Program (36%), Presbyterian

Disaster Assistance (32%) and Self-Development of People (32%). In thankfulness, let us

share our blessings with people throughout the world to feed Jesus’ sheep. Envelopes are

provided in the pews. Please give generously. Thank you.

• HOMEBOUND COMMUNION The Board of Deacons are able to take Communion to members

of the congregation who are homebound. Contact the Church Office with the name of

someone who would appreciate having Communion brought to their home.

• THE FPC FAIR TRADE STORE is open Sunday mornings in the Hospitality Area.

Stop by and check out the new items.

• FIRST QUARTER GIVING STATEMENTS are available to pick up in the Narthex. Due to

recent personnel changes, you are encouraged to carefully review your statement and

contact the Church Office if you have questions or problems (372-5580). The Session

recently appointed Arletta Webster as FPC Treasurer; you can contact her through the

Church Office (372-5580).


launder, please return them no later than noon Wednesday, April 23. Thank you for

your assistance.


• EASTER SUNDAY WORSHIP: 8:30 and 11:00 a.m.

• CHURCH SCHOOL CLASSES for all ages at 9:45 a.m.

• EASTER CELEBRATION for children of all ages 9:45 a.m. in the Multipurpose Room. Includes the Easter Story, Easter Egg Hunt, crafts, and much more.


This Week:


• SEASONED ADULT EVENT Monday 6:00 p.m. in Fellowship Hall. Dinner followed by Julie

Bills’ program on our Fair Trade Store and her trip to the coffee plantations of Nicaragua.

Cost is $10/person. Call Margy Knox (707-0808) to see if reservations are still available.

(Do not call the Church Office; it is closed Monday and no one will receive your reservation.)

Announcements continued.....


• CHILDREN’S MINISTRY Tuesday 5:30 p.m. in Hospitality Area.

• TRUSTEES Tuesday 5:30 p.m. in Youth Suite.

• PW CIRCLES Wednesday 9:15 a.m. Circle 1 - Hospitality Area; Circle 2 - Small Dining Room.

• UNIVERSITY FELLOWSHIP BIBLE STUDY Wednesday 11:00 a.m. at the OSU Student Union

near Caribou Coffee. All students are invited to join the study. .

• PYG SMALL GROUPS Wednesday 7-8:30 p.m. in the Youth Suite.

• THURSDAY MORNING BIBLE STUDY meets 10:00-11:00 a.m. in the Library.

• MISSION TRIP PLANNING TEAM Thursday 5:30 p.m. in the Multipurpose Room.

• CHURCH WOMEN UNITED FRIENDSHIP LUNCHEON Friday 12:00 p.m. in FPC Fellowship Hall.

Reservations are due Monday to Sydney Reding (372-6894). Cost is $8. Natalie Watkins

will present a program on Turning Point.

Next Sunday, April 27

• LECTIONARY READINGS: Acts 2:14a, 22-32; Psalm 16; 1 Peter 1:3-9; John 20:19-31

• TWO SERVICES OF WORSHIP: 8:30 and 11:00 a.m.


• ADULT EDUCATION OPPORTUNITY: “How Presbyterians do things” - specifically how do we search for and select pastors. Sunday, April 27 9:45 a.m. in Fellowship Hall. Rev. Deb Meinke, Cimarron Presbytery Stated Clerk, will lead this class which should answer your questions on what, how and when do Presbyterians seek and find new pastoral leadership. If you wonder why it takes us so long, come and find out how we “decently and in order” do things.

• PYG (PRESBYTERIAN YOUTH GROUP) 5:00 p.m. Youth Suite for Youth Sunday planning.

• BINGO, BANANA SPLITS AND BARBECUE - Sunday, April 27th - Fundraiser for Team Claire, American Cancer Society Relay for Life. 5:00 p.m. - Purdy Q Mobile Smoke Pit will be set up in our parking lot; a portion of sales will go to Team Claire. 6-7:30 p.m. Bingo and Banana Splits in Fellowship Hall. $30/family or $10/person for banana splits and a fun night of bingo with prizes for all ages.

Looking Ahead:

• EARTH CARE CHALLENGE ~ SUNDAY, MAY 4TH The Family Ministry Committee invites you to

take the challenge. How can you help keep God’s wonderful creation healthy and thriving.

Some ideas are: ride your bike, carpool, or walk to church; “Just say no to Electronics” - no

TV, computers, smart phones, or kitchen gadgets; keep lights OFF during the day. **This will

be a casual worship service day so no need to pedal to church in your dress clothes.**




Leah’s home co-hosted by the University Outreach Committee. All students are invited for a

grill feast and sharing summer and graduation plans.




• Larger Church: The Synod of Alaska-Northwest (AK, WA, ID); Africa • Joy: April 8 birth of Hadley Elizabeth Keys, daughter of Matthew & Allison, sister of Cooper, granddaughter of Kay Keys April 12 birth of Charlotte Katherine Reavis, daughter of Dustin & Melody • Thanksgiving: safe return from deployment of CPT Laura Kerns • Joy: April 12 marriage of Kristen McGaw and Matt Goodson • Members, family members, and friends of our church family who are activated and/or deployed in

service to our country: MAJ Charley Fairbanks (Fairbanks)

Sarah Sturzenbecker Carl Swanson Amber Teeman Gayle Thomas Paige Weitkamp Arvilla West Nona Wilhm Lynn Witzen Betty Woods Jacquie Adair

Louree Alexander Jean Ames

Gene Anderson Noel Bagwell


Carol Bischoff Jeff Black

D. E. Bourne LeNell Bowen Laura Bradley Wanda Bradley Ken Breuninger Kirby Brock

Charles Bruce Vivian Burgoon



Wally Christian

Allison Christy Abby Clapp Lisa Cook Don Cooper Dona Cooper Joyce Cox Anita Davis

Beth Delametter Missy Detwiler Lori Fagan

Carol Fairbanks Al Farmer Ralph Fox Walt Freese

Adam Frohling Ed Gallegos

Alice Giacobbe Robert Gibson Al Goodbary Ann Govek Norma Hall

Adelia Hanson Kendall Harvey Woody Hedrick

Nelda Hershberger Kathy Holliday Chuck Hopkins Ann Houck

Winfrey Houston Sandra Ives Patty Jacobs

Janice Jadlow Marjorie James Lou Ann Jensen

Christopher Johnson Steve Johnson Cindy Johnston

Carl Jones Nelma Karnes Sandy Keller Tara Kerr Tom Koehn Tom Kunz

Phyllis Leaghty Pam Leslie Kathy Lisi

James Lodrigue Wendy Long Donna Lowry Tom Lutjens John Martin


A. J. Mason Ray Matoy

Jim McConnell Lydia McNeal


Joe Myers Bob Neal

Hugh Nichols Noel Nichols Tom Nixon

Christine Parson Sterling Powell Wayne Prater Pat Razook Leslie Roark

Virginia Rogers Joe Roscoe Sophie Rowe Julie Rozman Phil Rutledge Neil Sandvold

Jensen Scoggins Regina Sharp

Hunter Shedrick Steve Shedrick Beverly Smith David Smith Grace Smith MMMMILESILESILESILES SSSSMITHMITHMITHMITH

Linda Stangl Mattie Stanley

Ophellia Steptoe Andy Stone

Bold means recently added

We need your help in maintaining current Prayer List information. Contact the Church Office (372-5580 or fpchurch1889@swbell.net) to have a name added or removed. Bulletin information is due noon Thursday.



Today’s Easter lilies are given

to the Glory of God by:

… Craig & Jana Ainsworth in celebration of family … The Arquitt family in memory of Mr. & Mrs. George Arquitt, Sr. and Dr. & Mrs. C.R. Bender … Jim & Nancy Beckstrom in memory of Bob Beckstrom … in celebration of the life of Jean Berry … Carl & Betty Jo Bierbaum in memory of Alta Fliginger … Charlie & Elizabeth Bruce in honor of our children and grandchildren … Jerry & Mary Burson in memory of Barbara & Maurice Burson and Louise & Wilbur Tanner … Thelma Burton in memory of Clifford Burton … The Chancel Choir in celebration of the musical leadership of Heather Lanners and Becky te Velde … Sandy & K. Cohlmia in memory of Mae & Mitch Cohlmia and Margaret & Ned Stuart … Don & Dona Cooper in honor of long-time friends Jackie & Jim Plaxico … Don & Dona Cooper in celebration of their children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren

and in gratitude to them and also to their church family for their gifts of love and prayers … Nat Cooper & Leah Hrachovec in celebration of the congregation … Nat Cooper & Leah Hrachovec in honor of Don & Dona Cooper … Steve & Cathy Fairbanks in memory of Perk & Billie Powers and Gus Fairbanks and in celebration of Helen Fairbanks … Steve & Cathy Fairbanks in celebration of Zoey Fairbanks and Steven Cornelius and their parents … Veta Jo Fenimore, Beth & Jo Ellen in memory of Bob Fenimore … The Garoffolo family in celebration of our church family … Peggy Gibbs in memory of Lawrence Gibbs … Bob & Madaline Harding in memory of Cecil & Maureen Hawkins, Madaline’s parents … Bob & Madaline Harding in memory of Percy & Elizabeth Harding … The Houston family in memory of Barbara and Lillian Houston … Pat Jaynes in celebration of the season of new life and growth … Paula Kendrick in celebration of the Brooks and Bowman families … Kay Keys in celebration of her grandchildren Cooper and his new baby sister, Hadley Elizabeth … Edwin & Donna Koeppe in memory of Doyle Cartwright and Roger & Norma Koeppe … Margy Knox in celebration of granddaughter Sarah Carpenter’s 18th birthday and her graduation from high school


… Samuel & Dorothy Kraemer in memory or Daisy Ivey, mother of Samuel … Michael & Maxine Mulvey in celebration of our children Chris & Stephanie and grandsons Cale and Tristan … Ken & Mary McKinley in honor of our Stephen Ministry leaders … Iris McPherson in memory of Jim McPherson … Larry & Beverly Perkins in memory of Palmer & Pauline Robson and Harold & Iva Perkins … Lisa McGaw & John Gelder in memory of Bob & Sue McGaw, Waurine Nixon, and Harvey & Stella Gelder … Bob Norris in memory of Kay Norris and Ron Moore … Gwen Piersall in celebration of my four grandsons … Jim Shaw & Tracy Carter in honor of Glen and Betty Bays for their service as missionaries … Betsy Showalter … Steve & Cheryl Stone in memory of Max & Lois Stone, Steve’s parents, and Sid & Joni Smith, Cheryl’s parents … K. Kay Stewart in memory of Mary Leidigh and Ray & Mae Walker … Jim & Connie Stiegler in celebration of our loving family Stephanie & Scott Neill and Spencer, Addison, Preston and Emily … Jim & Connie Stiegler in memory of Harold & Julie Stiegler … Jim & Connie Stiegler in memory of Dr. & Mrs. F.P. Staff … Jim & Connie Stiegler in memory of Chris & Jenny Stiegler … Phyllis Taylor & Helen Brake in memory of Margaret Meyer and Sharon Kelly … John & Rebecca te Velde in honor of Vera and Brent … Bettie Todd in memory of Ray & Perle Sissons, Ruth Ann Sissons, Beulah Cox and Rae Mae Hudson … Sue Trei-Conrad in memory of Peter & Janet Zimmerman … Sue Trei-Conrad in honor of the First Presbyterian Church … Jim & Becky Walker in memory of John & Betty Brewer and in celebration of Frank & Frances Walker … Jim & Arletta Webster in memory of their daughter, Jennifer, and their fathers, G.T. Webster and George Visser … Mary Williams and family in memory of Eric … Tom & Emily Williams in memory of Eric Williams and James & Virginia Taff

Later today, the lilies will be delivered to many members of our church family.

Donations beyond what was needed to purchase the lilies

were given to the One Great Hour of Sharing Offering.



405-372-5580 372-2089 (FAX) www.stillwaterfpc.org

EASTER SUNDAY 8:30 a.m. Worship & Communion............... SAN 9:45 a.m. Church School Classes 9:45 a.m. Easter Celebration ...................... MPR 11:00 a.m. Worship & Communion............... SAN 2:00 p.m. Iglesia De Dios Pentecostes ............................................ WC,MPR

PYG does not meet. Happy Easter!

MONDAY Church Office is closed.

6:00 p.m. Seasoned Adult Event ................ FH

TUESDAY 8:45 a.m. Morning Prayers ........................... WC 5:30 p.m. Children’s Ministry ......................... HA 5:30 p.m. Trustees ........................................ YS

WEDNESDAY 8:30 a.m. Communion .................................. WC 9:15 a.m. Circle 1 .......................................... HA 9:15 a.m. Circle 2 ....................................... SDR 11:00 a.m. Staff Meeting ................................. YS 12:00 p.m. Personnel Committee .................... BR 5:30 p.m. Fellowship Committee ................... HA 7:00 p.m. PYG Small Groups ........................ YS 7:30 p.m. Chancel Choir Rehearsal ............. WR

THURSDAY 8:45 a.m. Morning Prayers ........................ WC 10:00 a.m. Bible Study ................................. HA 5:30 p.m. Mission Trip Planning Team ...... HA

FRIDAY 8:45 a.m. Morning Prayers ........................ WC 12:00 p.m. CWU Friendship Luncheon ......... FH 6:30 p.m. Iglesia De Dios Pentecostes ........... ................................. HA, WC, MPR

SATURDAY 9:00 a.m. 7th Day Adventist ...................... WC 11:00 a.m. Saturday Brunch ......................... FH

NEXT SUNDAY (APRIL 27) 8:30 a.m. Worship & Communion ............ SAN 9:45 a.m. Church School Classes 11:00 a.m. Worship ................................... SAN 2:00 p.m. Iglesia De Dios Pentecostes WC,MPR

5:0 0 p.m. PYG ............................................ YS


Location Key: Main Building: BR = Blue Room (Youth Suite) LIB = Library HA = Hospitality Area HAK = Hospitality Area Kitchen MPR = Multi Purpose Room NA = Narthex

PL = Parking Lot PRE = Preschool SAN = Sanctuary VES = Vestibule WC = Worship Center WR = Westminster Room YS = Youth Suite

Fellowship Hall: FH = Fellowship Hall NFH = NORTH Fellowship Hall SFH = SOUTH Fellowship Hall KIT = Kitchen SDR = Small Dining Room

*Calendar reflects only church events and does not include non-church related events and meetings. Please remember to schedule all meetings and events through

the Church Office.