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  • Dear readers,

    This dictionary is a final product realized for the Maths and Science

    for Better Understanding the World We Live in Comenius project.

    Teams from 7 European schools have contribued in realizing this book:

    Colegiul Auto "Traian Vuia", Romania

    Liceum Oglnoksztacce Nr XVII im. Agnieszki Osieckiej, Poland

    IES Miguel Romero Esteo, Spain

    10 Gymnasio Larisas, Greece

    Liceo Classico "Leopardi", Italy

    College Du Raizet, France

    Prof.Dr.Fuat Sezgin Fen Lisesi, Turkey

    The Dictionary with words and expressions that are used for

    Mathematics and Science provides comprehensive support to

    secondary school students in scientific terminology. With over 1000 key

    scientific concepts and additional related words on different topics such

    as mathematics, physics, chemistry and biology this is a key dictionary

    for students preparing for exams.

  • Maths

    Definition The first coordinate in an ordered pair. For the point (8, 2) the abscissa is 8.English Abscissa

    Romanian Abscisa

    Polish Odcita

    Spanish Abscisa


    Italian Ascissa

    French Abscisse

    Turkish Apsis

    Definition The distance between the number and the origin, is written |x|.English Absolute value of a number

    Romanian Valoarea absolut a unui nu

    Polish Warto bezwzgldna

    Spanish Valor absoluto de un nmer


    Italian Valore assoluto di un numero

    French Valeur absolue dun nombre

    Turkish Mutlak Deer

    Definition The rate of change of velocity over time. For motion along the number line, acceleration is a scalar. For motion on a plane or through space, acceleration is a vector.

    English Acceleration

    Romanian Acceleraia

    Polish Przypieszenie

    Spanish Aceleracin


    Italian Accelerazione

    French Acclration

    Turkish vme

    Definition How close an approximation is to an actual value.English Accuracy

    Romanian Acuratee

    Polish Dokadno

    Spanish Precisin


    Italian Accuratezza

    French Exactitude, prcision

    Turkish Kesinlik

    Page1 of 130

  • Definition An angle that has measure less than 90.English Acute Angle

    Romanian Unghi ascuit

    Polish Kt ostry

    Spanish ngulo agudo


    Italian Angolo acuto

    French Angle aigu

    Turkish Dar A

    Definition A triangle for which all interior angles are acute.English Acute Triangle

    Romanian Triunghi ascuit

    Polish Trjkt rwnoboczny

    Spanish Tringulo acutngulo


    Italian Triangolo acuto

    French Triangle acutangle

    Turkish Dar Al gen

    Definition Two angles in a plane which share a common vertex and a common side but do not overlap.

    English Adjacent Angles

    Romanian Unghiuri adiacente

    Polish Kty przylege

    Spanish ngulos adyacentes


    Italian Angoli adiacenti

    French Angles adjacents

    Turkish Komu Alar

    Definition A set of instructions used to solve a problem or obtain a desired result.English Algorithm

    Romanian Algoritm

    Polish Algorytm

    Spanish Algortmo


    Italian Algoritmo

    French Algorithme

    Turkish Algdritma

    Page2 of 130

  • Definition Two exterior angles on opposite sides of a transversal which lie on different parallel lines.English Alternate Exterior Angles

    Romanian Unghiuri alterne externe

    Polish Kty naprzemianlege zewn

    Spanish ngulos alternos externos


    Italian Angoli alterni esterni

    French Angles alterne-externes

    Turkish Alternatif D Alar

    Definition Two interior angles which lie on different parallel lines and on opposite sides of a transversal.

    English Alternate Interior Angles

    Romanian Unghiuri alterne interne

    Polish Kty naprzemianlege wewn

    Spanish ngulos alternos internos


    Italian Angoli alterni interni

    French Angles alternes internes

    Turkish Alternatif Alar

    Definition The shortest distance between the base of a geometric figure and its top, whether that top is an opposite vertex, an apex, or another base.

    English Altitude / Height

    Romanian nlime/ Adncime

    Polish Wysoko

    Spanish Altura


    Italian Altezza

    French Hauteur

    Turkish Ykseklik

    Definition Two rays sharing a common endpoint. Angles are typically measured in degrees or radians.

    English Angle

    Romanian Unghi

    Polish Kt

    Spanish ngulo


    Italian Angolo

    French Angles

    Turkish A

    Page3 of 130

  • Definition Opposite the direction that the hands of a clock move.English Anticlockwise

    Romanian Invers acelor de ceas

    Polish Przeciwny do kierunku ruch

    Spanish Sentido opuesto a las aguja


    Italian Antiorario

    French Sens inverse des aiguilles dune montre

    Turkish Saat Ynnn Tersi

    Definition A function that has a given function as its derivative.English Antiderivative of a Function

    Romanian Primitiva unei funcii

    Polish Funkcja pierwotna

    Spanish Antiderivada de una Funci


    Italian Primitiva di una funzione

    French Primitive dune fonction

    Turkish Bir Fonksiyonun Ters Trev

    Definition The line segment from the center of a regular polygon to the midpoint of a side, or the length of this segment.

    English Apothem

    Romanian Apotema

    Polish Apotema

    Spanish Apotema


    Italian Apotema

    French Apothme

    Turkish teet emberin Yarap

    Definition A connected section of the circumference of a circle.English Arc of a Circle

    Romanian Arc de cerc

    Polish uk koa

    Spanish Arco circular


    Italian Arco di cerchio

    French Arc de cercle

    Turkish Daire Yay

    Page4 of 130

  • Definition The number of square units that covers a closed figure.Formulas are defined to calculate the area of regular geometric figures like square, rectangle, circle, etc.

    English Area of a figure

    Romanian Aria unei figuri

    Polish Pole figury

    Spanish Area de una figura


    Italian Area di una figura

    French Aire dune figure

    Turkish Bir eklin Alan

    Definition The most commonly used type of average. To find the arithmetic mean of a set of n numbers, add the numbers in the set and divide the sum by n.

    English Arithmetic Mean

    Romanian Media aritmetic

    Polish rednia arytmetyczna

    Spanish Media aritmtica


    Italian Media aritmetica

    French Moyenne arithmtique

    Turkish Aritmatik Ortalama

    Definition A sequence such as 1, 5, 9, 13, which has a constant difference between terms. English Arithmetic Progression

    Romanian Progresie aritmetic

    Polish Cig arytmetyczny

    Spanish Progresin aritmtica


    Italian Aritmetica

    French Progression arithmtique.

    Turkish Aritmetik Dizi

    Definition Any operation * for which (a*b)*c=a*(b*c) for all values of a, b, and c.English Associative Operation

    Romanian Operaie asociativ

    Polish czno dziaa

    Spanish Propiedad asociativa


    Italian Associativa

    French Associativit

    Turkish Birleme zellii

    Page5 of 130

  • Definition A line or curve that the graph of a relation approaches more and more closely the further the graph is followed.

    English Asymptote

    Romanian Asimptot

    Polish Asymptota

    Spanish Asntota


    Italian Asintoto

    French Asymptote

    Turkish Asimptot

    Definition The bottom of a figure. If the top is parallel to the bottom (as in a trapezoid or prism), both the top and bottom are called bases.

    English Base

    Romanian Baza

    Polish Podstawa

    Spanish Base


    Italian Base

    French Base

    Turkish Taban

    Definition A line segment, line, or plane that divides a geometric figure into two congruent halves.English Bisector

    Romanian Bisectoarea

    Polish Dwusieczna

    Spanish Bisectriz


    Italian Bisettrice

    French Bissectrice

    Turkish A Ortay

    Definition The symbols [ and ].English Brackets

    Romanian Paranteze drepte

    Polish Nawiasy

    Spanish Corchetes


    Italian Parentesi (quadre)

    French Crochets

    Turkish Keli Parantez

    Page6 of 130

  • Definition The symbols { and } which are used to indicate sets.English Braces

    Romanian Acolade

    Polish Klamry

    Spanish Llaves


    Italian Parentesi graffe

    French Accolade

    Turkish Kme Parantezi

    Definition The numbers 1, 2, 3, . . . as well as some types of infinity. Cardinal numbers are used to describe the number of elements in either finite or infinite sets.

    English Cardinal Numbers

    Romanian Numere cardinale

    Polish Liczebniki gwne

    Spanish Nmeros Cardinales


    Italian Numeri cardinali

    French Nombres cardinaux

    Turkish Sayma Sayla

    Definition The number of elements in a set, whether the set is finite or infinite.English Cardinality of a Set

    Romanian Cardinalul unuei mulimi

    Polish Moc zbioru

    Spanish Cardinalidad de una conjunt


    Italian Cardinalit di un insieme

    French Cardinal dun ensemble

    Turkish Bir dizinin eleman says

    Definition An angle in a circle with vertex at the circle's center.English Central Angle

    Romanian Unghi la centru

    Polish Kt rodkowy

    Spanish ngulo central


    Italian Angolo al centro

    French Angle au centre

    Turkish Merkez A

    Page7 of 130

  • Definition For a triangle, this is the point at which the three medians intersect. In general, the centroid is the center of mass of a figure of uniform (constant) density.

    English Centroid

    Romanian Centrul de greutate

    Polish rodek cikoci figury geo

    Spanish Baricentro

    Greek -

    Italian Baricentro

    French Centre de gravit

    Turkish Arlk Merkezi

    Definition A line segment, ray, or line that extends from a vertex of a triangle to the opposite side.English Cevian

    Romanian Ceviana

    Polish Prosta Cevy


    Italian Cevian

    French Cevian

    Turkish Kenarortay

    Definition A line segment on the interior of a circle.English Chord

    Romanian Coarda

    Polish Ciciwa

    Spanish Cuerda


    Italian Corda

    French Corde

    Turkish Kri

    Definition The locus of all points that are a fixed distance from a given point.English Circle

    Romanian Cercul

    Polish Okrg

    Spanish Crculo


    Italian Circonferenza

    French Cercle

    Turkish ember

    Page8 of 130

  • Definition The center of a circumcircle. For any circumscribable polygon, the circumcenter is found at the point of intersection of the perpendicular bisectors of the sides.

    English Circumcenter

    Romanian Centrul cercului circumscris

    Polish rodek okrgu opisango

    Spanish Circuncentro


    Italian Circocentro

    French Centre du cercle circonscrit

    Turkish evrel emberin Merkezi

    Definition A circle that passes through all vertices of a plane figure and contains the entire figure in its interior.

    English Circumcircle

    Romanian Cercul circumscris

    Polish Okrg opsiany

    Spanish Circunferencia circunscrita


    Italian Circonferenza circoscritta

    French Cercle circonscrit

    Turkish Daire

    Definition A complete circular arc. Circumference also means the distance around the the outside of a circle.

    English Circumference

    Romanian Circumferina

    Polish Obwd

    Spanish Circunferencia


    Italian Circonferenza

    French Circonfrence

    Turkish evre

    Definition Describes a plane figure that has a circumcircle.English Circumscribable

    Romanian Inscriptibil

    Polish Wpisany

    Spanish Circunscribible


    Italian Inscrittibile

    French Inscriptible


    Page9 of 130

  • Definition Surrounded by a circle that is as small as possible.English Circumscribed

    Romanian Circumscris

    Polish Opisany

    Spanish Circunscrita


    Italian Circoscritto

    French Circonscrit

    Turkish Yuvar

    Definition The direction that the hands of a clock move.English Clockwise

    Romanian n sensul acelor de ceas

    Polish Zgodnie z kierunkiem ruchu

    Spanish Sentido positivo


    Italian Orario

    French Sens des aiguilles dune montre

    Turkish Saat Yn

    Definition An interval that contains its endpoints.English Closed Interval

    Romanian Interval nchis

    Polish Przedzia domknity

    Spanish Intervalo cerrado


    Italian Intervallo chiuso

    French Segment.

    Turkish Kapal Aralk

    Definition The number multiplied times a product of variables or powers of variables in a term.English Coefficient

    Romanian Coeficient

    Polish Wspczynnik

    Spanish Coeficiente


    Italian Coefficiente

    French Coefficient

    Turkish Katsay

    Page10 of 130

  • Definition Identical, one superimposed on the other. That is, two or more geometric figures that share all points.

    English Coincident

    Romanian Coincidente

    Polish Zgodne

    Spanish Coincidente


    Italian Coincidente

    French Superposable


    Definition Lying on the same line.English Collinear

    Romanian Colineare

    Polish Wspliniowy

    Spanish Colineal


    Italian Allineati

    French Colinaire

    Turkish E Dorusal

    Definition A vertical set of numbers in a matrix.English Column of a Matrix

    Romanian Coloana unei matrice

    Polish Wektor kolumnowy/ Wktor

    Spanish Columna de una matriz


    Italian Colonna di una matrice

    French Colonne dune matrice

    Turkish Bir Matrisin Stnu

    Definition A selection of objects from a collection. Order is irrelevant.English Combination

    Romanian Combinaie

    Polish czenie

    Spanish Combinacin


    Italian Combinazione

    French Combinaison

    Turkish Kombinasyon

    Page11 of 130

  • Definition Any operation * for which a*b=b*a for all values of a and b. English Commutative Operation

    Romanian Comutativ

    Polish Dziaanie przemienne

    Spanish Propiedad conmutativa


    Italian Commutativa

    French Commutativit

    Turkish Deime zellii

    Definition Two matrices with dimensions arranged so that they may be multiplied. The number of columns of the first matrix must equal the number of rows of the second.

    English Compatible Matrices

    Romanian Matrice compatibile

    Polish Zgodne macierze

    Spanish Matrices compatibles


    Italian Matrici compatibili

    French Matrices compatibles

    Turkish Uyumlu Matrisler

    Definition The complement of an acute angle A is the angle 90 A.English Complement of an Angle

    Romanian Complementul unui unghi

    Polish Kt dopeniajcy

    Spanish ngulo complementario


    Italian Angolo complementare

    French Complmentaire dun angle

    Turkish Tmleyen A

    Definition The opposite of an event. That is, the set of all outcomes of an experiment that are not included in an event. The complement of event A is written AC.

    English Complement of an Event

    Romanian Complementul unui evenim

    Polish Zdarzenie dopelniajce

    Spanish Suceso complementario


    Italian Evento complementare

    French Evnement complmentaire

    Turkish Btnleyen A

    Page12 of 130

  • Definition The elements not contained in a given set.English Complement of a Set

    Romanian Complementul unei mulimi

    Polish Dopenienie zbioru

    Spanish Conjunto complementario


    Italian Insieme complmentare

    French Complmentaire dun ensemble

    Turkish ermeyen

    Definition Numbers that can be written as the sum or difference of a real number and an imaginary number. Complex numbers are indicated by the symbol C.

    English Complex Numbers

    Romanian Numere complexe

    Polish Liczby zespolone

    Spanish Nmeros complejos


    Italian Numeri complessi

    French Nombres complexes

    Turkish Karmk Saylar

    Definition A positive integer that has factors other than just 1 and the number itself. For example, 4, 6, 8, 9, 10, 12, etc. are all composite numbers. The number 1 is not composite.

    English Composite Number

    Romanian Numere compuse

    Polish Liczba zoona

    Spanish Nmeros compuestos


    Italian Numero composto

    French Nombre compos

    Turkish Bileik Say

    Definition Combining two functions by substituting one function's formula in place of each x in the other function's formula. The composition of functions f and g is written f g.

    English Composition

    Romanian Compunerea

    Polish Skadanie

    Spanish Composicin


    Italian Composizione

    French Composition

    Turkish Bileke

    Page13 of 130

  • Definition A fraction which has, as part of its numerator and/or denominator, at least one other fraction.

    English Compound Fraction

    Romanian Fracii compuse

    Polish Uamek pitrowy

    Spanish Fraccin compleja


    Italian Frazione composta

    French Fraction compose

    Turkish Bileik Kesir

    Definition Two or more inequalities taken together.English Compound Inequality

    Romanian Inegalitate compus

    Polish Nierwno zoona

    Spanish Composicin de inecuacion


    Italian Disuguaglianze composte

    French Ingalits composes

    Turkish Eitsizlik Sistemi

    Definition A transformation in which a figure grows smaller. Compressions may be with respect to a point (compression of a geometric figure) or with respect to the axis of a graph

    English Compression

    Romanian Contracie

    Polish Kompresja

    Spanish Contraccin


    Italian Contrazione

    French Contraction

    Turkish Sktrma, Daralma

    Definition To figure out or evaluate.English Compute

    Romanian A calcula

    Polish Oblicza

    Spanish Resolver


    Italian Calcolare

    French Rsoudre

    Turkish Hesaplamak

    Page14 of 130

  • Definition A shape or solid which has an indentation or "cave". Formally, a geometric figure is concave if there is at least one line segment connecting interior points which passes

    English Concave/

    Romanian Concav

    Polish Wklsy

    Spanish Cncavo. No convexo


    Italian Concavo

    French Concave

    Turkish bkey

    Definition Similar geometric figures that share a common center.English Concentric

    Romanian Concentric

    Polish Wsprodkowy

    Spanish Concentrico


    Italian Concentrico

    French Concentrique

    Turkish Emerkezli

    Definition Lines or curves that all intersect at a single point.English Concurrent

    Romanian Concurente

    Polish Rwnolegy

    Spanish Concurrente


    Italian Concorrenti

    French Concourant

    Turkish Kesien

    Definition A statement which connects two words or statements using the word and.English Conjunction

    Romanian Conjuncie

    Polish Koniunkcja

    Spanish Interseccin


    Italian Congiunzione

    French Conjonction

    Turkish Kesiim

    Page15 of 130

  • Definition A function with a connected graph. English Continuous Function

    Romanian Funcie continu

    Polish Funkcja ciga

    Spanish Contradiccin


    Italian Continua

    French Fonction continue

    Turkish Srekli Fonksiyon

    Definition To approach a finite limit. There are convergent limits, convergent series, convergent sequences, and convergent improper integrals.

    English Converge

    Romanian A converge

    Polish Zbiega si

    Spanish Converger


    Italian Convergente

    French Convergence

    Turkish Yaknsamamak

    Definition Exactly equal in size and shape. Congruent sides or segments have the exact same length. Congruent angles have the exact same measure. For any set of congruent

    English Congruent

    Romanian Congruent

    Polish Przystajcy

    Spanish Opuesto


    Italian Congruente

    French Congruence

    Turkish Eleik

    Definition A geometric figure with no indentations. Formally, a geometric figure is convex if every line segment connecting interior points is entirely contained within the figure's interior.

    English Convex

    Romanian Convex

    Polish Wypuky

    Spanish Convexo


    Italian Convessa

    French Convexe

    Turkish Dbkey

    Page16 of 130

  • Definition On the coordinate plane, the pair of numbers giving the location of a point (ordered pair). In three-dimensional coordinates, the triple of numbers giving the location of a point

    English Coordinates

    Romanian Coordonate

    Polish Para uporzdkowana

    Spanish Coordenadas.


    Italian Coordinate

    French Coordonnes

    Turkish Koordinat

    Definition Lying in the same plane. English Coplanar

    Romanian Coplanar

    Polish Wsppaszczyznowy

    Spanish Coplanario


    Italian Complanare

    French Coplanaire

    Turkish Dzlemsel

    Definition A special case of a more general theorem which is worth noting separately.English Corollary

    Romanian Corolar

    Polish Wniosek

    Spanish Corolario


    Italian Corollario

    French Corollaire

    Turkish Teoremin Sonucu

    Definition The degree to which two variables are associated.English Correlation

    Romanian Corelaie

    Polish Wzajemno

    Spanish Correlacin


    Italian Correlazione

    French Correlation

    Turkish Korelasyon

    Page17 of 130

  • Definition Two features that are situated the same way in different objects.English Corresponding

    Romanian Corespondent

    Polish Odpowiadajcy

    Spanish Correspondientes


    Italian Corrispondenti

    French Correspondant


    Definition Describes the cardinality of a countably infinite set. Aleph null ( 0) is the symbol for this.English Countable

    Romanian Cardinalul

    Polish Policzalny

    Spanish Contables


    Italian Numerabile

    French Dnombrable

    Turkish Saylabilir

    Definition Describes a set which contains the same number of elements as the set of natural numbers. Formally, a countably infinite set can have its elements put into one-to-one

    English Countably Infinite

    Romanian Infinit numrabil

    Polish Przeliczalny nieskoczony

    Spanish Conjunto infinito


    Italian Infinit numerabile

    French Infini dnombrable

    Turkish Saylabilir sonsuz kme

    Definition Opposite the direction that the hands of a clock move.English Counterclockwise

    Romanian Invers acelor de ceas

    Polish Przeciwny do kierunku ruch

    Spanish Sentido opuesto a las aguja


    Italian Orario e antiorario

    French Sens rtrograde

    Turkish Saat ynnde

    Page18 of 130

  • Definition An example which disproves a proposition.English Counterexample

    Romanian Contraexemplu

    Polish Kontrprzyklad

    Spanish Contraejemplo


    Italian Controesempio

    French Contre exemple

    Turkish Kart nerme

    Definition A way of multiplying two vectors, written u v, in which the product is another vector. The cross product of two vectors results in a vector which is orthogonal to both the vectors

    English Cross Product

    Romanian Produs vectorial

    Polish Iloczyn wektorowy

    Spanish Producto vectorial


    Italian Prodotto vettoriale

    French Produit vectoriel

    Turkish Vektrel arpm

    Definition A regular polyhedron for which all faces are squares.English Cube

    Romanian Cub

    Polish Szecian

    Spanish Cubo o Hexaedro


    Italian Cubo

    French Cube

    Turkish Kp

    Definition A number that must be multiplied times itself three times to equal a given number. The cube root of x is written

    English Cube Root

    Romanian Rdcina cubic

    Polish Pierwiastek szecienny

    Spanish Raz cbica


    Italian Radice cubica

    French Racine cubique

    Turkish Kpkk

    Page19 of 130

  • Definition A polyhedron for which all faces are rectangles.English Cuboid

    Romanian Paralelipiped

    Polish Prostopadocian prawidow

    Spanish Paralelepipedo o prisma rec


    Italian Parallelepipedo

    French Paralllpipde rectangle

    Turkish Dzgn okgen

    Definition The symbol used in the notation for partial derivatives.English Curly d

    Romanian Delta

    Polish Delta

    Spanish Delta


    Italian Delta

    French Delta

    Turkish Delta

    Definition A word used to indicate any path, whether actually curved or straight, closed or open. A curve can be on a plane or in three-dimensional space (or n-dimensional space, for that

    English Curve

    Romanian Curb

    Polish Krzywa

    Spanish Curva


    Italian Curva

    French Courbe

    Turkish Eri

    Definition Sharp point on a curve. Note: Cusps are points at which functions and relations are not differentiable.

    English Cusp

    Romanian Punct de ntoarcere

    Polish Ostrze krzywej

    Spanish Punto singular


    Italian Cuspide

    French Point Singulier

    Turkish Tepe noktas

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  • Definition A three-dimensional geometric figure with parallel congruent bases. The bases can be shaped like any closed plane figure (not necessarily a circle) and must be oriented

    English Cylinder

    Romanian Cilindru

    Polish Walec

    Spanish Cilindro


    Italian Cilindro

    French Cylindre

    Turkish Silindir

    Definition A polygon with ten sides.English Decagon

    Romanian Decagon

    Polish Dziesiciokt

    Spanish Decgono


    Italian Decagono

    French Dcagone

    Turkish Ongen

    Definition A function with a graph that moves downward as it is followed from left to right.English Decreasing Function

    Romanian Funcie descresctoare

    Polish Funkcja malejca

    Spanish Funcin decreciente


    Italian Funzione decrescente

    French Fonction dcroissante

    Turkish Azalan Fonksiyon

    Definition A unit of angle measure equal to of a complete revolution. There are 360 degrees in a circle. Degrees are indicated by the symbol.

    English Degree

    Romanian Grad

    Polish Stopie

    Spanish Grado


    Italian Grado

    French Degr

    Turkish Derece

    Page21 of 130

  • Definition A line segment between two points on the circle or sphere which passes through the center.

    English Diameter of a Circle or Sphere

    Romanian Diametru

    Polish rednica

    Spanish Diametro de un circulo o un


    Italian Diametro

    French Diamtre

    Turkish ember ap

    Definition Two points directly opposite each other on a circle or sphere.English Diametrically Opposed

    Romanian Diametral opuse

    Polish Diametralnie przeciwstawny

    Spanish Diametralmente opuesto


    Italian Diametralmente opposte

    French Diamtralement oppos

    Turkish Simetrik noktalar

    Definition The result of subtracting two numbers or expressions.English Difference

    Romanian Diferena

    Polish Rnica

    Spanish Diferencia


    Italian Differenza

    French Diffrence

    Turkish Fark

    Definition A curve that is smooth and contains no discontinuities or cusps. Formally, a curve is differentiable at all values of the domain variable(s) for which the derivative exists.

    English Differentiable

    Romanian Difereniabil

    Polish Rniczkowalny

    Spanish Diferenciable


    Italian Differenziabile

    French Diffrentiable

    Turkish Trevlenebilir

    Page22 of 130

  • Definition The process of finding a derivative.English Differentiation

    Romanian Derivare

    Polish Rniczkowanie

    Spanish Diferenciacin o derivacin


    Italian Differenziazione

    French Drivation

    Turkish Trev alma

    Definition Any of the symbols 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9 used to write numbers.English Digit

    Romanian Cifr

    Polish Cyfra

    Spanish Dgito


    Italian Cifra

    French Chiffre

    Turkish Rakam

    Definition An angle formed by intersecting planes.English Dihedral Angle

    Romanian Unghi diedru

    Polish Kt dwucienny

    Spanish ngulo diedro


    Italian Angolo diedro

    French Angle didral


    Definition On the most basic level, this term refers to the measurements describing the size of an object.

    English Dimensions

    Romanian Dimensiuni

    Polish Wielko

    Spanish Dilatacin de una figura geo


    Italian Dimensioni

    French Dimensions


    Page23 of 130

  • Definition A relationship between two variables in which one is a constant multiple of the other. In particular, when one variable changes the other changes in proportion to the first.

    English Direct Proportion

    Romanian Direct proporionalitate

    Polish Proporcjonalno prostej

    Spanish Proporcin directa.


    Italian Proporzionalit diretta

    French Proportionnalit


    Definition A point at which the graph of a relation or function is not connected.English Discontinuity

    Romanian Discontinuitate

    Polish Niecigo

    Spanish Discontinuidad


    Italian Discontinuit

    French Discontinuit


    Definition A set with elements that are disconnected. The set of integers is discrete. The set of real numbers is not discrete; it is continuous.

    English Discrete

    Romanian Discret

    Polish Niecigy

    Spanish Discreto


    Italian Discreto

    French Discrt


    Definition Events that have no outcomes in common.English Disjoint Events

    Romanian Evenimente disjuncte

    Polish Zdarzenie rozczne

    Spanish Sucesos disjuntos


    Italian Eventi disgiunti

    French Evnement disjoint


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  • Definition Two or more sets which have no elements in common.English Disjoint Sets

    Romanian Mulimi disjuncte

    Polish Zbiory rozczne

    Spanish Conjuntos disjuntos


    Italian Insiemi disgiunti

    French Ensembles disjoints


    Definition A statement which connects two other statements using the word or.English Disjunction

    Romanian Disjuncie

    Polish Suma logiczna

    Spanish Unin


    Italian Disgiunzione

    French Disjonction


    Definition The union of a circle and its interior.English Disk

    Romanian Disc

    Polish Koo

    Spanish Disco. Circulo


    Italian Disco

    French Disque


    Definition Different, not identical.English Distinct

    Romanian Distinct

    Polish Rny

    Spanish Distinto


    Italian Distinti

    French Distinct


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  • Definition To multiply out the parts of an expression. Distributing is the opposite of factoring.English Distribute/

    Romanian A distribui

    Polish Rozwija

    Spanish Dividir

    Greek /

    Italian Distribuire

    French Distributivit


    Definition To fail to approach a finite limit. There are divergent limits, divergent series, divergent sequences, and divergent improper integrals.

    English Diverge

    Romanian Divergen

    Polish Odbiega

    Spanish Diverger


    Italian Divergente

    French Divergence


    Definition A polygon with 12 sides.English Dodecagon

    Romanian Dodecagon

    Polish Dwuastokt

    Spanish dodecgono


    Italian Dodecagono

    French Dodcagone


    Definition A polyhedron with 12 faces. A regular dodecahedron has faces that are all regular pentagons.

    English Dodecahedron

    Romanian Dodecaedru

    Polish Dwunastocian

    Spanish Dodecaedro


    Italian Dodecaedro

    French Dodcahdron


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  • Definition The set of values of the independent variable(s) for which a function or relation is defined. Typically, this is the set of x-values that give rise to real y-values.

    English Domain

    Romanian Domeniu

    Polish Dziedzina

    Spanish Dominio


    Italian Dominio

    French Domaine


    Definition Alternate terms for domain used to make it clear that the domain being referred to is not a restricted domain.

    English Domain of Definition

    Romanian Domeniu de definiie

    Polish Okrelenie dziedziny

    Spanish Dominio de definicin


    Italian Dominio di definizione

    French Domaine de dfinition


    Definition In two dimensions, (ai + bj)(ci + dj) = ac + bd. English Dot Product

    Romanian Produs scalar

    Polish Iloczyn skalarny

    Spanish Producto escalar


    Italian Prodotto scalare

    French Produit scalaire


    Definition A root of a polynomial equation with multiplicity 2.English Double Root

    Romanian Rdcina dubl

    Polish Pierwiastek podwjny

    Spanish Raz doble


    Italian Radice doppia

    French Racine double


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  • Definition e 2.7182818284.... is a transcendental number commonly encountered when working with exponential models (growth, decay,and logistic models, and continuously

    English e

    Romanian e

    Polish e

    Spanish e

    Greek e

    Italian e

    French e


    Definition A number that indicates how drawn out or attenuated a conic section is.English Eccentricity of a Conic Section

    Romanian Excentricitatea unei conice

    Polish Krzywa stokowa

    Spanish Excentricidad de una secci


    Italian Eccentricit di una sezione conica

    French Excentricit dune conique


    Definition One of the line segments making up the framework of a polyhedron. The edges are where the faces intersect each other.

    English Edge of a Polyhedron

    Romanian Muchia unui poliedru

    Polish Krawd wielocianu

    Spanish Arista de un poliedro


    Italian Spigolo di un poligono

    French Arte dun polyhedron


    Definition A conic section which is essentially a stretched circle.English Ellipse

    Romanian Elipsa

    Polish Elipsa

    Spanish Elipse


    Italian Ellisse

    French Ellipse


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  • Definition The set with no elements. The empty set can be written f or {}.English Empty Set/Null Set

    Romanian Mulimea vid

    Polish Zbir pusty

    Spanish Conjunto vacio


    Italian Insieme vuoto

    French Ensemble vide


    Definition Is the state of being quantitatively the same.English Equality

    Romanian Egalitate

    Polish Rwno

    Spanish Rama infinita


    Italian Eguaglianza

    French Egalit


    Definition A mathematical sentence built from expressions using one or more equal signs (=).English Equation

    Romanian Ecuaie

    Polish Rwnanie

    Spanish Ecuacin


    Italian Equazione

    French Equation


    Definition A triangle with three congruent angles.English Equiangular Triangle

    Romanian Triunghi echiunghiular

    Polish Trjkt rwnoktny

    Spanish Tringulo equiltero


    Italian Triangolo equilangolo

    French Triangle quiangle


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  • Definition Equally distant. For example, any two points on a circle are equidistant from the center.English Equidistant

    Romanian Echidistant

    Polish Rwnoodlegy

    Spanish Equidistante


    Italian Equidistante

    French Equidistant


    Definition A triangle with three congruent sides.English Equilateral Triangle

    Romanian Triunghi echilateral

    Polish Trjkt rwnoboczny

    Spanish Tringulo equilatero


    Italian Triangolo equilater

    French Triangle quilatral


    Definition Any relation that satisfies the reflexive, symmetric, and transitive properties.English Equivalence Relation

    Romanian Relaie de echivalen

    Polish Relacja rwnowanoci

    Spanish Relacin de equivalencia


    Italian Relazione di equivalenza

    French Relation dquivalence


    Definition The line segment that passes through a triangles orthocenter, centroid, and circumcenter.English Euler Line

    Romanian Dreapta lui Euler

    Polish Prosta Eulera

    Spanish Segmento de euler

    Greek Euler

    Italian Retta di Eulero

    French Droite dEuler


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  • Definition To figure out or compute.English Evaluate

    Romanian A evalua

    Polish Oszacowa

    Spanish Evaluar


    Italian Calcolare

    French Calculer


    Definition A function with a graph that is symmetric with respect to the y-axis. A function is even if and only if f(x) = f(x).

    English Even Function

    Romanian Funcii pare

    Polish Funkcja parzysta

    Spanish Funcin par


    Italian Funzione pari

    French Fonction paire


    Definition An integer that is a multiple of 2.English Even Number

    Romanian Numere pare

    Polish Liczba parzysta

    Spanish Nmero par


    Italian Numero pari

    French Nombre pair


    Definition A set of possible outcomes resulting from a particular experiment.English Event

    Romanian Eveniment

    Polish Zdarzenie

    Spanish Resultado. Solucin


    Italian Evento

    French Evnement


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  • Definition To multiply out the parts of an expression. Distributing is the opposite of factoring.English Distribute/Expand

    Romanian A distribui

    Polish Rozdziela

    Spanish Dividir

    Greek /

    Italian Distribuire

    French Distribuer


    Definition In the study of probability, the name given to any controlled, repeatable process.English Experiment

    Romanian Experiment

    Polish Dowiadczenie

    Spanish Experimento


    Italian Esperimento

    French Exprience


    Definition Exponents are a shorthand way to show how many times a number, called the base, is multiplied times itself. Ex: 2 in the expression x2 .

    English Exponent

    Romanian Exponent

    Polish Wykadnik

    Spanish Exponente


    Italian Esponente

    French Exposant


    Definition Any mathematical calculation or formula combining numbers and/or variables using sums, differences, products, quotients (including fractions), exponents, roots, logarithms,

    English Expression

    Romanian Expresie

    Polish Wyraenie

    Spanish Expresin


    Italian Espressione

    French Expression


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  • Definition An angle between one side of a polygon and the extension of an adjacent side.English Exterior Angle of a Polygon

    Romanian Unghi exterior al unui poligo

    Polish Kt zewntrzny wielokta

    Spanish ngulo exterior de un polgo


    Italian Angolo esterno di un poligono

    French Angle extrieur dun polygone


    Definition A solution of a simplified version of an equation that does not satisfy the original equation.English Extraneous Solution/ Spurious Solution

    Romanian Soluia unei versiuni simplifi

    Polish Faszywe rozwizanie

    Spanish Solucin no vlida


    Italian Soluzione estranea


    Definition An extreme value of a function. In other words, the minima and maxima of a function. Extrema may be either relative (local) or absolute (global).

    English Extremum

    Romanian Extremum

    Polish Extremum

    Spanish Extremo


    Italian Estremo

    French Extremum


    Definition Any integer which divides evenly into a given integer.English Factor of an Integer

    Romanian Divizorul unui ntreg

    Polish Dzielnik liczby cakowitej

    Spanish Factor de una integral


    Italian Fattore di un intero

    French Facteur dun entier


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  • Definition A structure used to find the prime factorization of a positive integer.English Factor Tree

    Romanian Descompunerea n factori p

    Polish Matoda drzewa

    Spanish Factorizacin


    Italian Fattorizzazione

    French Arbre des facteurs premiers.


    Definition The product of a given integer and all smaller positive integers. The factorial of n is written n! and is read aloud "n factorial".

    English Factorial

    Romanian Factorial

    Polish Silnia

    Spanish Factorial


    Italian Fattoriale

    French Factoriel


    Definition A truncated cone or pyramid in which the plane cutting off the apex is parallel to the base.English Frustum of a Cone or Pyramid

    Romanian Trunchi de con sau piramid

    Polish Sotek city

    Spanish Caida de los cuerpos


    Italian Tronco di cono o di piramide

    French Tronc de cone ou de Pyramide


    Definition The sequence of numbers 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, . . . for which the next term is found by adding the previous two terms. This sequence is encountered in many settings, from

    English Fibonacci Sequence

    Romanian irul lui Fibonacci

    Polish Cig Fibonacciego

    Spanish Sucesin de Fibonacci

    Greek Fibonacci

    Italian Successione di Fibonacci

    French Suite de Fibonacci


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  • Definition Describes a set which does not have an infinite number of elements.English Finite

    Romanian Finit

    Polish Skoczony

    Spanish Finito


    Italian Finito

    French Fini


    Definition Constant. Not changing or moving.English Fixed

    Romanian Fixat

    Polish Stay

    Spanish Fijo. Constante


    Italian Fisso

    French Fixe


    Definition A transformation in which a geometric figure is reflected across a line, creating a mirror image. That line is called the axis of reflection.

    English Flip/Reflection

    Romanian Reflexia

    Polish Odbicie

    Spanish Simetra


    Italian Simmetria

    French Reflexion


    Definition A step function of x which is the greatest integer less than or equal to x. The floor function is written a number of different ways: by using either boldface brackets [x] or plain

    English Floor Function

    Romanian Funcia parte ntreag

    Polish Cz cakowita z liczby

    Spanish Funcin integral de una fun


    Italian Parte intera

    French Partie entire


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  • Definition Two fixed points on the interior of an ellipse used in the formal definition of the curve. An ellipse is defined as follows: For two given points, the foci, an ellipse is the locus of points

    English Foci of an Ellipse

    Romanian Focarele unei elipse

    Polish Ogniska elipsy

    Spanish Focos de la elipse


    Italian Fuochi di un ellisse

    French Foyer dune ellipse


    Definition A special point used to construct and define a conic section. A parabola has one focus. An ellipse has two, and so does a hyperbola. A circle can be thought of as having one

    English Focus (conic section)

    Romanian Focar

    Polish Epicentrum

    Spanish Focos


    Italian Epicentro (fuoco)

    French Foyer


    Definition An expression used to calculate a desired result, such as a formula to find volume or a formula to count combinations. Formulas can also be equations involving numbers and/or

    English Formula

    Romanian Formul

    Polish Wzr

    Spanish Frmula


    Italian Formula

    French Formule


    Definition A figure that is self-similar. That is, no matter how far you zoom in on the figure, the portion you look at is similar to the original figure.

    English Fractal

    Romanian Fractal

    Polish Fraktal

    Spanish Fractal

    Greek Fractal

    Italian Frattale

    French Fractale


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  • Definition A ratio of numbers or variables. Fractions may not have denominator 0.English Fraction

    Romanian Fracie

    Polish Uamek

    Spanish Fraccin


    Italian Frazione

    French Fraction


    Definition A relation for which each element of the domain corresponds to exactly one element of the range.

    English Function

    Romanian Funcie

    Polish Funkcja

    Spanish Funcin


    Italian Funzione

    French Fonction


    Definition A complex number of the form a + bi for which both a and b are integers.English Gaussian Integer

    Romanian ntreg Gaussian

    Polish Zespolona liczba cakowita

    Spanish Nmero Complejo en forma

    Greek Gauss

    Italian Intero Gaussiano

    French Entier de Gauss


    Definition The largest integer that divides evenly into each of a given set of numbers. Often abbreviated GCF or gcf. For example, 6 is the gcf of 30 and 18. Sometimes GCF is

    English Greatest Common Factor

    Romanian Cel mai mare divizor comun

    Polish Najwikszy wsplny dzielnik

    Spanish Maximo comn divisor


    Italian Massimo Comun Divisore

    French Plus grand diviseur commun PGCD


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  • Definition Any point, line, segment, ray, angle, polygon, curve, region, plane, surface, solid, etc. Formally, a geometric figure is any set of points on a plane or in space.

    English Geometric Figure

    Romanian Figur geometric

    Polish Figura geometryczna

    Spanish Figuras geomtricas


    Italian Figura geometrica

    French Figure gomtrique


    Definition A kind of average. To find the geometric mean of a set of n numbers, multiply the numbers and then take the nth root of the product.

    English Geometric Mean

    Romanian Medie Geometric

    Polish rednia geometryczna

    Spanish Media geomtrica


    Italian Media geometrica

    French Moyenne gomtrique


    Definition A sequence such as 2, 6, 18, 54, 162 which has a constant ratio between terms.English Geometric Progression

    Romanian Progresie geometric

    Polish Cig geometryczny

    Spanish Progresin geomtrica


    Italian Progressione geometrica

    French Progression gomtrique


    Definition The greatest of all lower bounds of a set of numbers. For example, the greatest lower bound of (5, 7) is 5. The greatest lower bound of the interval [5, 7] is also 5.

    English Greatest Lower Bound of a Set/GLB

    Romanian Marginea inferioar

    Polish Ograniczenie dolne zbioru

    Spanish Extremo inferior de un inter


    Italian Estremo inferiore di un intervallo di numeri

    French Borne infrieure dun ensemble de nombres


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  • Definition The number English Golden Mean/Golden Ratio

    Romanian Numrul de aur

    Polish Zota proporcja

    Spanish Nmero aureo. Nmero de


    Italian Numero aureo

    French Nombre dor


    Definition A rectangle which has its ratio of length to width equal to the Golden Mean.English Golden Rectangle

    Romanian Patrulaterul de aur

    Polish Zoty prostokt

    Spanish Rectngulo aureo


    Italian Rettangolo aureo

    French Rectangle dor


    Definition A spiral that can be drawn in a golden rectangle as shown below. The figure forming the structure for the spiral is made up entirely of squares and golden rectangles.

    English Golden Spiral

    Romanian Spirala de aur

    Polish Zota spirala

    Spanish Espiral aurea.


    Italian Spirale aurea

    French Spirale dor


    Definition The picture obtained by plotting all the points of an equation or inequality.English Graph of an Equation or Inequality

    Romanian Grafic

    Polish Wykres

    Spanish Grfica de una ecuacin o


    Italian Grafico

    French Graphe


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  • Definition The use of graphs and/or pictures as the main technique for solving a math problem. When a problem is solved graphically, it is common to use a graphing calculator.

    English Graphic Methods

    Romanian Metoda grafic

    Polish Metoda graficzna

    Spanish Mtodo grfico.


    Italian Metodo grafico

    French Mthodes graphiques


    Definition The force which pulls masses towards each other. In high school math, we see this most often as the force which pulls objects downwards.

    English Gravity

    Romanian Gravitate

    Polish Grawitacja

    Spanish Gravedad


    Italian Gravit

    French Gravit


    Definition A circle on the surface of the sphere that shares its center with the center of the sphere. A great circle divides the sphere in two equal hemispheres.

    English Great Circle

    Romanian Cercul Riemann

    Polish Koo wielkie

    Spanish Circulo mximo


    Italian Cerchio massimo

    French Grand cercle


    Definition An interval that contains one endpoint but not the other.English Half-Closed Interval

    Romanian Interval seminchis sau sem

    Polish Przedzia jednostronnie zam

    Spanish Intervalo semi-cerrado/semi


    Italian Intervallo semi-chiuso/ intervallo semi-aperto

    French Intervalle semi-ferm ou semi-ouvert


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  • Definition A kind of average. To find the harmonic mean of a set of n numbers, add the reciprocals of the numbers in the set, divide the sum by n, then take the reciprocal of the result.

    English Harmonic Mean

    Romanian Media armonic

    Polish rednia harmoniczna

    Spanish Media armnica.


    Italian Media Armonica

    French Moyenne harmonique


    Definition The sequence English Harmonic Progression

    Romanian Progresie armonic

    Polish Cig harmoniczny

    Spanish Progresin armnica


    Italian Progressione Armonica

    French Progression harmonique


    Definition The shortest distance between the base of a geometric figure and its top, whether that top is an opposite vertex, an apex, or another base.

    English Height/Altitude

    Romanian nlime/

    Polish Wysoko

    Spanish Altura


    Italian Altezza

    French Hauteur, altitude


    Definition A curve shaped like a spring. A helix can be made by coiling a wire around the outside of a right circular cylinder.

    English Helix

    Romanian Elice

    Polish Helisa

    Spanish Hlice


    Italian Elica

    French Hlice


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  • Definition A polygon with seven sides. Some authors also use the name septagon instead of heptagon.

    English Heptagon

    Romanian Heptagon

    Polish Siedmiokt

    Spanish Heptgono


    Italian Ettagono

    French Heptagone


    Definition A polygon with six sides.English Hexagon

    Romanian Hexagon

    Polish Szeciokt

    Spanish Hexgono


    Italian Esagono

    French Hexagone


    Definition Any polyhedron with six faces, all of which are quadrilaterals. Note: A regular hexahedron is a cube.

    English Hexahedron

    Romanian Hexaedru

    Polish Szecian

    Spanish Hexaedro


    Italian Esaedro

    French Hexahdron


    Definition Perfectly flat and level.English Horizontal

    Romanian Orizontal

    Polish Poziomy

    Spanish Horizontal


    Italian Orizzontale

    French Horizontal


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  • Definition A conic section that can be thought of as an inside-out ellipse.English Hyperbola

    Romanian Hiperbola

    Polish Hiperbola

    Spanish Hiprbola


    Italian Iperbole

    French Hyperbole


    Definition The side of a right triangle opposite the right angle.English Hypotenuse

    Romanian Ipotenuz

    Polish Przeciwprostoktna

    Spanish Hipotenusa


    Italian Ipotenusa

    French Hypotnuse


    Definition The part of a conditional after If and before then.English Hypothesis

    Romanian Ipotez

    Polish Hipoteza

    Spanish Hiptesis


    Italian Ipotesi

    French Hypothse


    Definition An equation which is true regardless of what values are substituted for any variables (if there are any variables at all).

    English Identity (Equation or Inequality)

    Romanian Identitate

    Polish Tosamo

    Spanish Identidad


    Italian Identit

    French Identit


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  • Definition The function f(x) = x. More generally, an identity function is one which does not change the domain values at all.

    English Identity Function

    Romanian Funcia identitate

    Polish Tosamo funkcji

    Spanish Funcin identidad.


    Italian Funzione Identit

    French Fonction identit


    Definition A square matrix which has a 1 for each element on the main diagonal and 0 for all other elements.

    English Identity Matrix

    Romanian Matricea unitate

    Polish Macierz jednostkowa

    Spanish Matriz identidad


    Italian Matrice identit

    French Matrice identit


    Definition A way of writing two conditionals at once: both a conditional and its converse.English If and only if/Biconditional

    Romanian Dac i numai dac

    Polish Wtedy i tylko wtedy

    Spanish Si y solo si


    Italian Se e solo se

    French Si et seulement si


    Definition The coefficient of i in a complex number. For a complex number a + bi, the imaginary part is b.

    English Imaginary Part

    Romanian Partea imaginar

    Polish Cz urojona

    Spanish Parte imaginaria


    Italian Parte Immaginaria

    French Partie imaginaire


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  • Definition A fraction which has a larger numerator than denominator. English Improper Fraction

    Romanian Fracie supraunitar

    Polish Uamek niewciwy

    Spanish Fraccin impropia


    Italian Frazione Impropria

    French Fraction suprieur un


    Definition A definite integral for which the integrand has a discontinuity between the bounds of integration, or which has and/or as a bound. Improper integrals are evaluated using

    English Improper Integral

    Romanian Integrala improprie

    Polish Caka niewaciwa

    Spanish Integral impropia


    Italian Integrale Improprio

    French Intgrale impropre


    Definition The center a polygons inscribed circle. The incenter is located at the point of intersection of the polygon's angle bisectors.

    English Incenter

    Romanian Centrul cercului nscris

    Polish rodek okrgu wpisanego

    Spanish Incentro


    Italian Incentro

    French Centre du cercle inscrit


    Definition The largest possible circle that can be drawn interior to a plane figure. For a polygon, a circle is not actually inscribed unless each side of the polygon is tangent to the circle.

    English Incircle

    Romanian Cercul nscris

    Polish Okrg wpisany

    Spanish Crculo inscrito


    Italian Cerchio Inscritto

    French Cercle inscrit


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  • Definition A system of equations which has no solutions.English Inconsistent System of Equations

    Romanian Sistem incompatibil

    Polish Sprzeczny ukad rwna

    Spanish Sistema incompatible


    Italian Sistema Impossibile

    French Systme impossible


    Definition A function with a graph that goes up as it is followed from left to right.English Increasing Function

    Romanian Funcie cresctoare

    Polish Funkcja rosnca

    Spanish Funcin creciente


    Italian Funzione crescente

    French Fonction croissante


    Definition The family of functions that have a given function as a common derivative.English Indefinite Integral

    Romanian Primitiva

    Polish Caka nieoznaczona

    Spanish Integral indefinida


    Italian Primitiva

    French Primitive


    Definition Events for which the probability of any one event occurring is unaffected by the occurrence or non-occurrence of any of the other events. Formally, A and B are

    English Independent Events

    Romanian Evenimente independente

    Polish Zdarzenie niezalene

    Spanish Sucesos independientes


    Italian Evento Indipendente

    French Evnements indpendants


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  • Definition An undefined expression which can have a value if arrived at as a limit.English Indeterminate Expression

    Romanian Expresie nedeterminat

    Polish Wyraenie nieokrelone

    Spanish Expresin indeterminada


    Italian Espressione Indeterminata

    French Indtermine


    Definition Proving a conjecture by assuming that the conjecture is false. If this assumption leads to a contradiction, the original conjecture must have been true. This technique employs the

    English Indirect Proof

    Romanian Demonstraie indirect

    Polish Dowdnie wprost

    Spanish Reduccin al absurdo


    Italian Dimostrazione per assurdo

    French Dmonstration par labsurde


    Definition A method for proving a proposition that is valid for infinitely many different values of a variable.

    English Induction

    Romanian Inducie

    Polish Indukcja

    Spanish Induccin


    Italian Induzione

    French Induction


    Definition A mathematical sentence built from expressions using one or more of the symbols , , or .

    English Inequality

    Romanian Inegalitate

    Polish Nierwno

    Spanish Desigualdad


    Italian Disugualianza

    French Ingalit


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  • Definition Describes a set which is not finite. Formally, a set is infinite if it can be placed in one-to-one correspondence with a proper subset of itself.

    English Infinite

    Romanian Infinit

    Polish Nieskoczony

    Spanish Conjunto Infinito


    Italian Infinito

    French Infinie


    Definition A limit that has an infinite result (either or ), or a limit taken as the variable approaches (infinity) or (minus infinity). The limit can be one-sided.

    English Infinite Limit

    Romanian Limit infinit

    Polish Granica nieskoczonoci

    Spanish Lmite infinito


    Italian Limite Infinito

    French Limite infinie


    Definition A hypothetical number that is larger than zero but smaller than any positive real number. Although the existence of such numbers makes no sense in the real number system,

    English Infinitesimal

    Romanian Infinitezimal

    Polish Nieskoczenie may

    Spanish Infinitesimal


    Italian Infinitesimale

    French Infinitsimal


    Definition A "number" which indicates a quantity, size, or magnitude that is larger than any real number. The number infinity is written as a sideways eight: . Negative infinity is written

    English Infinity

    Romanian Infinit

    Polish Nieskoczono

    Spanish Infinito


    Italian Infinito

    French Infinit


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  • Definition A point at which a curve changes from concave up to concave down, or vice-versa.English Inflection Point

    Romanian Punct de inflexiune

    Polish Punkt przegicia

    Spanish Punto de inflexin


    Italian Punto di flesso

    French Point dinflexion


    Definition The general name for a vector product resulting in a scalar. The dot product is a simple example.

    English Inner Product

    Romanian Produs scalar

    Polish Iloczyn skalarny

    Spanish Producto escalar

    Greek /

    Italian Prodotto Scalare

    French Produit scalaire


    Definition The radius of a plane figure's inscribed circle. For a regular polygon, this is the same as the apothem.

    English Inradius

    Romanian Raza cercului nscris

    Polish Promie okrgu wpisanego

    Spanish Radio inscrito


    Italian Inraggio

    French Rayon du cercle inscrit


    Definition The rate at which an object's instantaneous velocity is changing at a particular moment. This is found by taking the derivative of the velocity function.

    English Instantaneous Acceleration

    Romanian Acceleraie instantanee

    Polish Przyspieszenie chwilowe

    Spanish Aceleracin instantnea


    Italian Accellerazione istantanea

    French Acclration instantane


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  • Definition The rate at which an object is moving at a particular moment. Same as the derivative of the function describing the position of the object at a particular time.

    English Instantaneous Velocity

    Romanian Vitez instasntanee

    Polish Prdko chwilowa

    Spanish Velicidad instantnea


    Italian Velocit istantanea

    French Vitesse instantane


    Definition All positive and negative whole numbers (including zero). That is, the set {... , 3, 2, 1, 0, 1, 2, 3, ...}.

    English Integers

    Romanian ntregi

    Polish Liczby cakowite

    Spanish Nmeros Enteros


    Italian Numeri interi

    French Entiers


    Definition A function for which the definite integral exists. Piecewise continuous functions are integrable, and so are many functions that are not piecewise continuous.

    English Integrable Function

    Romanian Funcie integrabil

    Polish Funkcja cakowalna

    Spanish Funcin integrable


    Italian Funzione integrabile

    French Fonction intgrable


    Definition As a noun, it means the integral of a function.English Integral

    Romanian Integrala

    Polish Caka

    Spanish Integral


    Italian Integrale

    French Intgrale


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  • Definition The function being integrated in either a definite or indefinite integral.English Integrand

    Romanian Integrant

    Polish Wyraenie podcakowe

    Spanish Integrando


    Italian Funzione integranda

    French Fonction intgrer


    Definition The process of finding an integral, either a definite integral or an indefinite integral.English Integration

    Romanian A integra

    Polish Cakowanie

    Spanish Integracin


    Italian Integrazione

    French Intgration


    Definition A formula used to integrate the product of two functions.English Integration by Parts

    Romanian A integra prin pri

    Polish Cakowanie przez czci

    Spanish Integracin por partes


    Italian Integrazione per parti

    French Intgration par parties


    Definition An integration method that essentially involves using the chain rule in reverse.English Integration by Substitution

    Romanian A integra prin substituie

    Polish Cakowanie przez podstawi

    Spanish Integracin por sustitucin


    Italian Integrazione per sostituzione

    French Intgration par substitution


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  • Definition The points enclosed by a geometric figure.English Interior

    Romanian Interior

    Polish Wewntrzny

    Spanish Punto interior


    Italian Punto interno

    French Intrieur


    Definition An angle on the interior of a plane figure.English Interior Angle

    Romanian Unghi interior

    Polish Kt wewntrzny

    Spanish ngulo interior


    Italian Angolo interno

    French Angle intrieur


    Definition The elements two or more sets have in common. Intersection is indicated by the (cap) symbol.

    English Intersection of Sets

    Romanian Intersecia mulimilor

    Polish Iloczyn zbiorw

    Spanish Interseccin de conjuntos


    Italian Intersezione di insiemi

    French Intersection densembles


    Definition The set of all real numbers between two given numbers. The two numbers on the ends are the endpoints. The endpoints might or might not be included in the interval depending

    English Interval

    Romanian Interval

    Polish Przedzia

    Spanish Intervalo


    Italian Intervallo

    French Intervalle


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  • Definition The function obtained by switching the x- and y-variables in a function. The inverse of function f is written f -1.

    English Inverse Function

    Romanian Funcie invers

    Polish Funkcja odwrotna

    Spanish Funcin inversa


    Italian Funzione inversa

    French Fonction inverse


    Definition For a square matrix A, the inverse is written A-1. When A is multiplied by A-1 the result is the identity matrix I. Non-square matrices do not have inverses.

    English Inverse of a Matrix/Matrix Inverse

    Romanian Matrice invers

    Polish Macierz odwrotna

    Spanish Matriz inversa de un a matri


    Italian Matrice inversa

    French Matrice inverse


    Definition A relationship between two variables in which the product is a constant. When one variable increases the other decreases in proportion so that the product is unchanged.

    English Inverse Variation/Inverse Proportion

    Romanian Invers proporionale

    Polish Zmienno odwrotna

    Spanish Proporcionalidad inversa


    Italian Proporzione inversa

    French Variation inverse,


    Definition A square matrix which has an inverse. A matrix is nonsingular if and only if its determinant does not equal zero

    English Invertible Matrix/Nonsingular Matrix

    Romanian Matrice inversabil

    Polish Macierz odwracalna

    Spanish Matriz invertible/ Matriz no s


    Italian Matrice invertibile

    French Matrice inversible, matrice non-singulire


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  • Definition An algorithm which involves repeated use of the same formula or steps. Typically, the process begins with a starting value which is plugged into the formula. The result is then

    English Iterative Process

    Romanian Proces iterativ

    Polish Proces iteracyjny

    Spanish Proceso iterativo


    Italian Processo interativo

    French Algorithme procdure itrative


    Definition A triangle with two sides that are the same length. Formally, an isosceles triangle is a triangle with at least two congruent sides.

    English Isosceles Triangle

    Romanian Triunghi isoscel

    Polish Trjkt rwnoramienny

    Spanish Tringulo isosceles


    Italian Triangolo isoscele

    French Triangle isocle


    Definition The surface area of the lateral surfaces of a solid. Lateral surface area does not include the area of the base(s).

    English Lateral Area

    Romanian Aria lateral

    Polish Pole powierzchni bocznej

    Spanish rea lateral


    Italian Area laterale

    French Aire latrale


    Definition A technique used to evaluate limits of fractions that evaluate to the indeterminate expressions and . This is done by finding the limit of the derivatives of the numerator and

    English L'Hospital's Rule

    Romanian Regula lui L'Hospital

    Polish Zasada L'Hospital

    Spanish Regla de LHopital

    Greek L' Hospital

    Italian Regola di de l'Hpital

    French Rgle de lHospital


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  • Definition Equations relating the sines of the interior angles of a triangle and the corresponding opposite sides.

    English Law of Sines

    Romanian Legea sinusurilor

    Polish Twierdzenie sinusw

    Spanish Teorema de los senos


    Italian Teorema del seno

    French Loi des sinus


    Definition An equation relating the cosine of an interior angle and the lengths of the sides of a triangle.

    English Law of Cosines

    Romanian Legea cosinusurilor

    Polish Twierdzenie cosinusw

    Spanish Teorema de los cosenos


    Italian Teorema del coseno

    French Loi des cosinus


    Definition The smallest positive integer into which two or more integers divide evenly. For example, 24 is the LCM of 8 and 12. Sometimes the LCM is written using brackets: [8, 12] = 24.

    English Least Common Multiple

    Romanian Cel mai mic multiplu comun

    Polish Najmniejsza wsplna wielok

    Spanish Mnimo comn mltiplo


    Italian Minimo comune multiplo

    French Plus petit commun multiple


    Definition The coefficient of a polynomial's leading term. For example, 5 is the leading coefficient of 5x4 6x3 + 4x 12.

    English Leading Coefficient

    Romanian Coeficient dominant

    Polish Wspczynnik przy najwys

    Spanish Coeficiente principal


    Italian Coefficente principale

    French Coefficient du monme de plus haut degr


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  • Definition The term in a polynomial which contains the highest power of the variable. For example, 5x4 is the leading term of 5x4 6x3 + 4x 12.

    English Leading Term

    Romanian Termenul dominant

    Polish Glowny termin

    Spanish Trmino principal


    Italian Termine principale

    French Terme de plus haut degr dun polynme


    Definition The smallest whole number that can be used as a denominator for two or more fractions. The least common denominator is the least common multiple of the original denominators.

    English Least Common Denominator

    Romanian Cel mai mic numitor comun

    Polish Najmniejszy wsplny miano

    Spanish Mnimo comn denominado


    Italian Minimo comune denominatore

    French Plus petit dnominateur commun


    Definition The smallest of all upper bounds of a set of numbers.English Least Upper Bound of a Set

    Romanian Marginea inferioar a unei

    Polish Ograniczenie grne zbioru

    Spanish Cota superior


    Italian Estremo superiore di un insieme

    French Borne infrieure dun ensemble


    Definition Either of the two congruent sides of an isosceles triangle.English Leg of an Isosceles Triangle

    Romanian Latura triunghiului isoscel

    Polish Rami trjkta rwnoramie

    Spanish Lados iguales de un tringu


    Italian Lati congruenti di un triangolo isoscele

    French Ct latral dun triangle isocle


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  • Definition Either of the sides in a right triangle opposite an acute angle. The legs are the two shorter sides of the triangle.

    English Leg of a Right Triangle

    Romanian Cateta

    Polish Rami trjkta prostoktne

    Spanish Catetos


    Italian Cateti

    French Cts de langle droit dun triangle rectangle


    Definition A helping theorem. A lemma is proven true, just like a theorem, but is not interesting or important enough to be a theorem. It is of interest only because it is a stepping stone

    English Lemma

    Romanian Lema

    Polish Lemat

    Spanish Lema


    Italian Lemma

    French Lemme


    Definition The value that a function or expression approaches as the domain variable(s) approach a specific value. Limits are written in the form .

    English Limit

    Romanian Limita

    Polish Limit

    Spanish Lmite


    Italian Limite

    French Limite


    Definition The geometric figure formed by two points. A line is the straight path connecting two points and extending beyond the points in both directions.

    English Line

    Romanian Dreapt

    Polish Prosta

    Spanish Recta


    Italian Retta

    French Ligne


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  • Definition All points between two given points (including the given points themselves).English Line Segment/

    Romanian Segment

    Polish Odcinek

    Spanish Segmento


    Italian Segmento

    French Segment


    Definition An equation that can be written in the form "linear polynomial = linear polynomial" or "linear polynomial = constant".

    English Linear Equation

    Romanian Ecuaie liniar

    Polish Rwnanie liniowe

    Spanish Ecuacin lineal


    Italian Equazione lineare

    French Equation linaire


    Definition A system of equations in which each equation is linear.English Linear System of Equations

    Romanian Sistem de ecuaii liniare

    Polish Ukad rwna liniowych

    Spanish Sistema de ecuaciones line


    Italian Sistema Lineare d'equazione

    French Systme linaire dquations


    Definition A pair of adjacent angles formed by intersecting lines. Linear pairs of angles are supplementary.

    English Linear Pair of Angles

    Romanian Unghiuri adiacente supleme

    Polish Kty przylege


    Italian Angoli adiacenti supplementari

    French Angles adjacents-supplmentaires


    Page58 of 130

  • Definition A word for a set of points that forms a geometric figure or graph. For example, a circle can be defined as the locus of points that are all the same distance from a given point.

    English Locus

    Romanian Loc geometric

    Polish Miejsce geometryczne

    Spanish Lugar geomtrico


    Italian Luogo Geometrico

    French Lieu gomtrique


    Definition The logarithm base b of a number x is the power to which b must be raised in order to equal x. This is written logb x.

    English Logarithm

    Romanian Logaritm

    Polish Logarytm

    Spanish Logartmo


    Italian Logaritmo

    French Logarithme


    Definition The amount of a quantity. Magnitude is never negative.English Magnitude

    Romanian Norma

    Polish Modu

    Spanish Magnitud


    Italian Ordine di grandezza

    French Norme


    Definition The elements of a matrix starting in the upper left corner and proceeding down and to the right.

    English Main Diagonal of a Matrix

    Romanian Diagonala principal

    Polish Macierz diagonalna

    Spanish Diagonal principal de una m


    Italian Diagonale principale

    French Diagonale principale dune matrice


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  • Definition The length of a vector.English Magnitude of a Vector/Norm of a Vector

    Romanian Norma unui vector

    Polish Warto bezwzgldna wekt

    Spanish Medida/norma de un vector


    Italian Norma/modulo di un vettore

    French Norme dun vecteur


    Definition The longer of the two arcs between two points on a circle.English Major Arc

    Romanian Arcul mare

    Polish uk wikszy

    Spanish Arco mayor


    Italian Arco maggiore


    Definition An equation or a system of equations representing real-world phenomena. Models also represent patterns found in graphs and/or data. Usually models are not exact matches the

    English Mathematical Model

    Romanian Model matematic

    Polish Model matematyczny

    Spanish Modelo matemtico


    Italian Modello matematico

    French Modle mathmatique


    Definition A rectangular (or square) array of numbers. Matrices can be written using brackets or parentheses.

    English Matrix

    Romanian Matrice

    Polish Macierz

    Spanish Matriz


    Italian Matrice

    French Matrice


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  • Definition Either a relative (local) maximum or an absolute (global) maximum.English Maximum of a Function

    Romanian Maximum-ul unei funcii

    Polish Najwiksza warto funkcji

    Spanish Mximo de una funcin


    Italian Massimo di una funzione

    French Maximum dune fonction


    Definition Another word for average. Mean almost always refers to arithmetic mean. In certain contexts, however, it could refer to the geometric mean, harmonic mean, or root mean

    English Mean

    Romanian Media

    Polish rednia

    Spanish Media


    Italian Media

    French Moyenne


    Definition The size of an angle. Angles are measured in degrees or radians.English Measure of an Angle

    Romanian Msura unui unghi

    Polish Miara kta

    Spanish Medida de un ngulo


    Italian Misura di un angolo

    French Mesure dun angle


    Definition The process of assigning a number to a physical property. Examples of measurement include length, size of an angle, area, volume, mass, time, etc.

    English Measurement

    Romanian Msurarea

    Polish Pomiar

    Spanish Medicin


    Italian Misura

    French Mesure


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  • Definition A line segment connecting the midpoints of the legs of a trapezoid. The median is parallel to the bases. Note: Its length equals the arithmetic mean of the lengths of the bases.

    English Median of a Trapezoid

    Romanian Linia mijlocie a trapezului

    Polish rodkowa trapezu

    Spanish Mediana de un trapezoide


    Italian Mediana di un trapezoide

    French Mdiane dun trapze


    Definition A line segment drawn from one vertex to the midpoint of the opposite side. Note: The three medians of a triangle are concurrent, intersecting at the centroid.

    English Median of a Triangle

    Romanian Linia mijlocie a triunghiului

    Polish rodkowa trjkta

    Spanish Mediana de un tringulo


    Italian Mediana di un triangolo

    French Mdiane dun triangle


    Definition The two expressions on either side of an equation.English Member of an Equation

    Romanian Membrul unei ecuaii

    Polish Element rnania

    Spanish Miembros de una ecuacin


    Italian Membro di un equazione

    French Membre dune quation


    Definition Measurement of geometric figures. Includes length, angle measure, area, volume.English Mensuration

    Romanian Msuri

    Polish Mierzenie

    Spanish Medicin


    Italian Misurazione

    French Mesurage


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  • Definition The width of the largest sub-interval in a partition.English Mesh of a Partition/Norm of a Partition

    Romanian Norma unei partiii

    Polish Dugo najduszego podpr

    Spanish Medida/norma de una partic


    Italian Norma di una partizione


    Definition The point halfway between two given points.English Midpoint

    Romanian Mijlocul

    Polish rodek

    Spanish Punto medio


    Italian Punto medio

    French Milieu


    Definition The shorter of the two arcs between two points on a circle.English Minor Arc

    Romanian Arcul mic

    Polish uk okrgu mniejszy od p

    Spanish Arco menor


    Italian Arco minore


    Definition A unit of angle measure equal to of a degree. There are 60 minutes in one degree. Minutes are indicated using the ' symbol.

    English Minute

    Romanian Minutul

    Polish Minuta ktowa

    Spanish Minuto


    Italian Minuto

    French Minute


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  • Definition A one-sided surface . A model of a Mbius strip model can be made by taking a strip of paper and taping the two ends together with a half-turn in the middle.

    English Moebius Strip

    Romanian Banda lui Moebius

    Polish Wstga Mbiusa

    Spanish Cinta de Moebius


    Italian Nastro di Mobius

    French Bande de Mobius


    Definition Regular addition, subtraction, and multiplication, but with the answer given modulo n.English Modular Arithmetic

    Romanian Aritmetic modular

    Polish Modu arytmetyczny

    Spanish Aritmtica modulo n


    Italian Aritmetica modulare

    French Arithmtique modulaire


    Definition Two integers are equivalent mod n if they leave the same remainder when divided by n.English Modular Equivalence

    Romanian Echivalente in modulo

    Polish Rwnowano moduowa

    Spanish Equivalencia mdulo n


    Italian Equivalenza in modulo

    French Congruence


    Definition The distance between a complex number and the origin on the complex plane. The absolute value of a + bi is written |a + bi|, and the formula for |a + bi| is

    English Absolute Value of a Complex Number

    Romanian Modulul unui numr comple

    Polish Warto bezwzgldna (mod

    Spanish Mdulo de un nmero comp


    Italian Modulo di un numero complesso

    French Module dun nombre complexe


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  • Definition A number indicating the degree to which a figure tends to balance on a given line (axis). A moment of zero indicates perfect balance, and a large moment indicates a strong

    English Moment

    Romanian Moment

    Polish Moment

    Spanish Momento


    Italian Momento

    French Moment


    Definition A polynomial with one term.English Monomial

    Romanian Monom

    Polish Jednomian

    Spanish Monomio


    Italian Monomio

    French Monme


    Definition How many times a particular number is a zero for a given polynomial.English Multiplicity

    Romanian Multiplicitate

    Polish Krotno

    Spanish Multiplicidad


    Italian Molteplicit

    French Multiplicit


    Definition An adjective describing any problem that uses more than one variable.English Multivariable/Multivariate

    Romanian Mai multe variabile

    Polish Wielowymiarowy

    Spanish Multivariable


    Italian Multivariabile

    French Multivariable


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  • Definition The logarithm base e of a number. That is, the power of e necessary to equal a given number. The natural logarithm of x is written ln x.

    English Natural Logarithm

    Romanian Logaritm natural

    Polish Logarytm naturalny

    Spanish Logartmo natural o neperia


    Italian Logaritmo naturale

    French Logarithme nprien


    Definition A neighborhood of a number a is any open interval containing a. One common notation for a neighborhood of a is {x: |x a| < }. Using interval notation this would be (a , a +

    English Neighborhood

    Romanian Vecintate

    Polish Otoczenie liczby

    Spanish Entorno


    Italian Intorno

    French Voisinage


    Definition A polygon with n sides.English n-gon

    Romanian n-gon

    Polish n-kt

    Spanish n-agono

    Greek -

    Italian N-agono

    French n-gons


    Definition The "slope" of a vertical line. A vertical line has undefined slope because all points on the line have the same x-coordinate.

    English No Slope/Undefined Slope

    Romanian Pant nedefinit

    Polish Nachylenie niokrelone

    Spanish Pendiente


    Italian Pendenza infinita

    French Pente infinie


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  • Definition A polygon with nine sides.English Nonagon

    Romanian Eneagon

    Polish Dziewiciokt

    Spanish Eneagono


    Italian Ennagono

    French Nonagone


    Definition Points that do not all lie on a single line.English Noncollinear

    Romanian Necolinear

    Polish Niewspliniowy

    Spanish No colineales, no alineados


    Italian Non allineati

    French Non colinaire


    Definition A shape or solid which has an indentation or "cave". Formally, a geometric figure is concave if there is at least one line segment connecting interior points which passes

    English Non-Convex

    Romanian Neconvex

    Polish Niewypuky

    Spanish Cncavo


    Italian Concavo

    French Non convexe


    Definition A square matrix which does not have an inverse. A matrix is singular if and only if its determinant is zero.

    English Noninvertible Matrix/Singular Matrix

    Romanian Matrice neinversabil

    Polish Macierz osobliwa

    Spanish Matriz singular


    Italian Matrice singolare

    French Matrice non inversible


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  • Definition A solution or example that is not trivial. Often, solutions or examples involving the number zero are considered trivial. Nonzero solutions or examples are considered nontrivial.

    English Nontrivial

    Romanian Netrivial

    Polish Nie trywialny

    Spanish No trivial


    Italian Non banale

    French Non triviale


    Definition At a 90 angle. Note: Perpendicular lines have slopes that are negative reciprocals.English Normal/Perpendicular/Orthogonal

    Romanian Normala/ Perpendiculara/ O

    Polish Prostopada

    Spanish Normal/ perpendicular/ orto


    Italian Normale/perpendicolare/ortogonale

    French Droite normale, perpendiculaire, orthogonale


    Definition For a given vector, the process of finding a unit vector which is parallel to it. This is done by dividing the given vector by its magnitude.

    English Normalize a Vector/Normalizing a Vector

    Romanian Normarea unui vector

    Polish Wektor jednostkowy

    Spanish Vector normalizado/vector o


    Italian Normalizzazione di un vettore

    French Normalisation dun vecteur


    Definition The sum of the first n terms of an infinite series.English nth Partial Sum

    Romanian Suma primilor n termeni

    Polish Suma pocztkowych wyraz

    Spanish Suma parcial de n trminos


    Italian N-esima somma parziale

    French Nme somme partielle


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  • Definition The number that must be multiplied times itself n times to equal a given value. The nth root of x is written

    English nth Root

    Romanian Radical de ordin n

    Polish Pierwiastek

    Spanish Raiz n-sima


    Italian Radice n-esima

    French Racine n-ime


    Definition An approximation of a function using terms from the function's Taylor series. An nth degree Taylor polynomial uses all the Taylor series terms up to and including the term

    English nth Degree Taylor Polynomial

    Romanian Polinomul lui Taylor

    Polish Stopie wielomian Taylora

    Spanish P