[3.5 Monster Class] Roving Mauler

Post on 24-Oct-2015

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[3.5 Monster Class] Roving Mauler

Transcript of [3.5 Monster Class] Roving Mauler

[3.5 Monster Class] Roving MaulerLevelBABFortRefWillFeature1+1+1+1+0Roving body, Lesser tumbling attack, +1 Str, +1 Dex2+2+2+2+1Fast Healing, powerful rotations, +1 Str, +1 Dex3+3+3+3+1Spell Resistance, Tumbling attack, +1 Str, +1 DexHD: d10Skill points: 2 + Int modifierClass skills: Balance, Climb, Jump, Listen, Search, Spot, and Tumble.Class Features:Roving Body: The roving mauler loses all racial bonuses and becomes a Medium Magical Beast.Despite its unusual shape, the roving mauler has access to all magic item slots, but cannot wield manufactured weapons (with the exception of mouthpick weapons) or shields.It gains darkvision 60 ft, low-light vision, immunity to poison and disease, and the scent ability.It has a base land speed of 30 feet and a climb speed of 10 feet.It has a primary claw attack that deals 1d8+Strength modifier damage.A roving mauler has two faces, granting it all-around vision (unable to be flanked) and a +4 bonus to Spot, Search, and Listen checks.It has a natural armor bonus equal to its Constitution modifier.Ability boosts: The roving mauler gains a +1 bonus to Strength and Dexterity at each level.Lesser Tumbling Attack (Ex): The primary strategy for a roving mauler is to run over opponents rather than stand still. As a full-round action, the roving mauler can move its speed and move through the space of any creature its size or smaller, making a single claw attack against each enemy. Any creature whose space the roving mauler passes through can make an opportunity attack, which can be negated with a DC 25 Tumble check. A successful attack of opportunity or a failed Tumble check does not stop the mauler's attack or movement unless it is brought down to 0 HP or lower.No matter how many times the roving mauler moves through a creature's space, it can only make one claw attack per round per creature.Fast Healing (Ex): At 2nd level, the roving mauler's high metabolism kicks into overdrive, granting it fast healing equal to 1/2 its HD.Powerful Rotations (Ex): Also at 2nd level, the roving mauler starts moving at an even faster rate. Its land and climb speeds both increase by 10 feet, and again at every three levels (5th, 8th, 11th, 14th, 17th, and 20th) . In addition, it gains a racial bonus to Tumble checks equal to 1/2 its HD.Spell Resistance (Su): At 3rd level, the roving mauler can rotate with such velocity that magic sometimes bounces right off it. It gains spell resistance equal to 7+HD.Tumbling Attack (Ex): The roving mauler can use its tumbling attack against enemies of any size.Double the damage dice of any claw attack made during a tumbling attack.(Ex: 1d8+4 becomes 2d8+4)Attacks of opportunity made against the roving mauler during a tumbling attack are made at a -4 penalty.