315 presentation

Post on 22-Apr-2015

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Transcript of 315 presentation

Families and Technology:

Can they exist together?

When you think about the word ‘family’ what do you picture?

In the past, it might have been something like this.

But in today’s society…

This is probably a better representation.

The role of technology in everyday life has been on the rise for decades now.

But more recently, technology’s toll on families has been detrimental.

Though its convenience doesn’t need to be pondered, technology’s effects on family life can be construed as negative.

Quality family time is being replaced with other activities– most of which revolve around technology and its incessant use.

Parents and children alike are lost in the magical world technology creates.

In today’s workforce,

it’s impossible to do anything without technology

Smartphones are one of the leading sources of technology that employees rely on.

More and more iPhones are being used at work.

By the end of 2010, 53% of companies had used iPhones as their primary means of communication.

-Sybase Inc, The Growth of Mobile – Sept. 2010

Blackberry is also an unforgettable leader in the domination of smartphones.

Known as a “business phone”, Blackberry owners have the ability to read documents, check e-mails, and sync calendars, among many other of its appealing features.

It’s no wonder why mobile phones – especially smartphones– are being pushed more in society.

Their capabilities are endless!

In the third quarter of 2010, worldwide mobile phone sales totaled 417 million units….

…this is a 35% increase from the year

before! -Press release, Gartner Newsroom – Nov. 2010

Smartphone sales increased by 96%.

And by the first quarter of 2011, accounted for 19.3% of all overall mobile phone sales.

-Relax News, The Independent – May 15, 2011

But with all this

What happens to your valuable family time?

Families and familial values are getting lost in the hustle and bustle of the hectic and thriving business and economic world.

Children are growing up learning how to download and use apps, but not learning how to read.

In a study, 47% of US teens said their social life would decline without their cellphone.

57% credit their cell phone with improving their life.-Harris Interactive, Marketing Charts – Sept. 2008

Many businesses provide their employees with smartphones so they can constantly be tied to their work.

But with all this preoccupation in his or her own technological world, how well are families really communicating?

Time needs to be put aside for techno-less living.

So families can remember what it feels like to spend quality time with each other.

While our use of technology as a society may never decline…

…we can and should find ways to not let it interfere with the other important parts of our lives.