30 Radical Things I want my Daughter to know by Heart and by Spirit

Post on 09-Apr-2017

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Transcript of 30 Radical Things I want my Daughter to know by Heart and by Spirit

30 Radical things I want my

daughter to know by heart &

by spirit.facebook.com/charnitaarora


1.Design your life

We are born in a ready-made world.

It is your delightful task to redesign it to as per your bliss.

Decide on how you will use your space, mind, energy, time and money.

Choose to be the agent of your destiny - it is scary, but then nothing else is as fun

and fulfilling as working towards your destiny is!


2.Leave it Incomplete

Not all journeys need to be completed.

When the journey as well as the destination do not feel worth their while, it is alright to quit/resign/leave and follow your bliss.

Your greatest responsibility is the one towards yourself.

Your life is what is truly and most rightfully yours.


3.Write your Intense Emotions

Strong emotions have a whirlpool-like momentum.

Write them down before you decide to speak out.

Writing is one of the fastest ways to identify, understand and regulate emotions.

It is a wise way to gain insight, clarity and personal power.


4.Pause: Sew a Time-Pocket

In our world, the pressure of making it fast is more than that of making it happy.

Before making choices, it is wise to pause.

Ask yourself:

What do I feel & need in this moment? How can I honour my needs?

Take out guilt-free time for frequent check-ins.


5.No Device

Let no device come between you and you.


6.Allow self-expression

Overcome self-doubt and let yourself flow.

Authenticity, self-expression and living your truth are crucial for a joyous life.

Sing your song and in your own language.


7.Make Mistakes

Allow yourself to make mistakes. PLEASE.

All life is experiment after all.


8.Do it for Fun

Burst the ‘life-is-serious’ myth and do it for fun.

If you don’t enjoy it, then it is not worth your time.

Amusement, humour and playfulness are seriously important for a happy life.


9.Manage your Emotions

Emotions are temporary messengers. Simply, receive their message.

Understand that it’s a choice to let things affect you.



Learn to love the indefinable/invisible part of you.

The one that is beyond all social-labels of worth and performance.

Practice self-love without this no other love is truly possible.

Learn how to take care of yourself every single day.

It is a skill. It takes self-awareness, self-knowledge and practice.


11.Switch-off the time button from your life

Time is a fiction created by those who want to sell their watches.

Life is a continuum.

Use time only for administrative tasks.


12.Invest on yourself

This is a pursuit of a lifetime. Seek your greatest self.

Run, lead, read, do, see, create, learn and grow. Experience life!

Restlessness for growth is one of the most powerful kinds of restlessness.


13.Reflection & Self-Inquiry

Life is a continuum which requires direction and inspiration. Cultivate ‘Daily Rituals’ to create a choice-filled living-experience.

Every day pause to ask yourself the following:

1. What do I celebrate today?2. What do I mourn today?3. What did I learn today?4. Was today fun? 5. What is that one thing that I did for myself to make myself feel loved/happy?


14.Remember to do the Basics well






Sharing (self/family)



Let the physical space around you facilitate inner-space and freedom.

Every now and then look around and sense how your room makes you feel.

Let go of things that do not serve you anymore.



The face behind the mask is more beautiful than the mask.

Allow vulnerability.



Notice how you speak with yourself.

This single factor determines your every-day moods, happiness, self-esteem and enthusiasm.


18.Inherit Selectively

Being born in our world is an inheritance of loss.

Fear, prejudice and violence pervades.

They would make you feel ashamed of your body, ideas, beliefs, age, shape, language, colour and everything that you might have.

You can choose to deflect this inheritance.

Inherit the ideas that serve you and let go of those that do not.



What makes you happy?

Gather enthusiasm and creativity to generate your own happiness.

If you know how to take care of your happiness, your life will work out for you.


20.Personal Power

Learn how to manage your thoughts, emotions, time and space.

When you can’t, ask for help. If you still can’t, then learn to surrender.

This is personal powerful.

This is the kind of power that will serve you and your world.

Everything else is a cheap escape from fear.



What actions do you want from self/others to meet your need for love?

Quality time? Touch? Humour? Gifts? Encouraging words?




22.Move your Body

Move your body to reset your mind

This is one of the secrets of everyday alchemy.


23.Spend time in Nature

This is the safest and the most effective way of healing yourself from the everyday wear and tear of existence.


24. Create

Bring colours, patterns, sounds, texture, taste and richness in the way you live.

Let it feel beautiful.



Feed yourself with the care, wonder and joy that you would have as you feed a baby.

A healthy body takes care of a lot of things.



Notice what you feed your mind.

The images, music and movies leave zillions of impressions. They take time, space and energy to get digested. They get stored in your consciousness to become a part

of the way you look at yourself and your world.

Fear, pessimism, anger, guilt, shame and violence are being fed most of the time.

Eat only what serves you.


27.Create Assets

You are here to live life and not just to earn a livelihood. Create ways to make money that do not require your full-time commitment.

Identify a problem and then, offer your resourcefulness to find its solution. Innovate products and services around that.

Passive Income = An active experience of living life

Financial security takes care of one of the most primal fears of the modern man. This helps one make better life-choices without feeling pulled by monetary fears.


28.Allow Sadness

Sadness is natural.

Welcome it, when it comes.

Sit with it. Spend time with it. It will bring lightness of heart and playfulness of spirit.



Celebrate your journey so far, everyday!

Create fun rituals to do that!



Practice ten minutes of silence every day.

“Mind is like a jar full of water. It has suspended dust particles (thoughts). When we practice silence, these particles settle down at the bottom of the container.

This brings clarity” (Pg 9, Mindfulness for Beginners in Plain English, Charnita Arora)


Remember:You will forget all of

this, unless you refer to this every

day till you know it by heart & by spirit.
