30-5.Positive Instead of Negative

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  • 8/13/2019 30-5.Positive Instead of Negative


    Positive Instead Of Negative

    Posted on January 30th, 2014 at 10:39 am

    Question:How can a person open his desires before the friends on thecorporeal leel as well as on the spiritual leel!

    Answer:"eryone should feel that they are in their own family where you can besure that no matter what happens, it is all yours# $ll the problems, the outbursts, thedisa%reements with the children or the spouse are all yours and you hae to fi& thin%sno matter how difficult it is# 'o try to treat the friends that way and see( chec) yourheart to see whether it is really inclined to respond that way, whether it has thisinclination, and whether it is ready for that#

    *e must deelop our connection until we reach the leel of mutual %uarantee# +utual%uarantee is when am ready to respond this way to eerythin% for the sa)e ofeeryone, li)e a mother with re%ard to her children# 'he is ready to be responsible andto proide her children with eerythin% that they need# -his is natural and eeryoneunderstands this in our ordinary life# -his is why we lie in the corporeal world# .aterthis world will disappear and we will see forces instead of bodies# -his world is calledfictitious because instead of forces and /ualities, we feel the body as the still,

    e%etatie, animate nature, and people, which are all matter# ut later we will see thatthese are forces of receiin% and bestowin%#

    -his world is %ien to us so that we will be able to ascend from this lowest pointwithout bein% forced to or pressured to from $boe# f we could see the spiritualworld, we would lose our freewill# *e would want to do eerythin% accordin% to whatwe see# 'o the concealment helps us to be free and puts us in a state where we can%row freely#

    $dults moe away from children in order to allow them to do thin%s independently# tis the same here as the reator conceals Himself to a certain e&tent and helps us in

    different ways behind the scenes# He %ies us clues by showin% us e&actly what iswron% and what needs to be corrected# ur 5ob is to remember that we are constantlyshown our deficiencies in a ne%atie manner and to constantly try to chan%e thene%atie to positie#

    -hen we will be %rateful to the reator for treatin% us this way and teachin% us indifferent ways, showin% us the picture of all our attributes in an opposite manner, intheir ne%atie form# *e want to connect this ne%atie picture with our attributes,desires, and thou%hts and ma)e them positie# -his is why we are in a constant search#

    -his is called the wor) of the reator, which is done on top of eerythin% that

    surrounds us# f we re%ard all these thin%s spiritually, it will be spiritual and it willbecome our spiritual world# t is said that the reator did not chan%e its ori%inal

  • 8/13/2019 30-5.Positive Instead of Negative


    action of creation#6127378rom the Preparation to the;aily iti ?n .oc ;e @e%ati

    Postat pe data de 30 anuarie 2014 la data de 10:39

    ?ntrebare: um poate o persoanA sA BCi deschidA dorinDele sale Bn faDa prietenilor, atEtla niel fi>ic cEt Ci la niel spiritual!

    FAspuns: iecare ar trebui sA simtA cA se aflA Bn propria familie, indiferent ce se aBntEmpla sunt cu toDii ai tAi# -oate problemele, toate i>bucnirile, neBnDele%erile cucopiii, cu soDia, soDul, sunt toate ale tale Ci trebuie sA le re>oli indiferent cEt de %reu

    este# ;eci BncercaDi sA A trataDi prietenii aCa( erificaDiA inima Ci edeDi dacA estedispusA sA reacDione>e Bn felul acesta#

    -rebuie sA de>oltAm cone&iunea dintre noi pEnA cEnd om a5un%e la nielul de%aranDie reciprocA# GaranDia reciprocA este atunci cEnd sunt %ata sA reacDione> Bn felulacesta la orice sar BntEmpla, ca Ci o mamA cu copiii sAi# "ste %ata sA fie responsabilACi sA le asi%ure tot ce au neoie# "ste natural Ci toatA lumea BnDele%e asta Bn iaDa de >icu >i# ;e aceea trAim Bn lumea materialA, fi>icA# +ai tEr>iu aceastA lume a dispArea Ciom edea forDe Bn loc de corpuri fi>ice# $ceastA lume este numitA ilu>ie deoarece Bnloc de forDe Ci calitADi, simDim corpul fi>ic ca mineral, e%etal, animal Ci oameni(adicAmaterie# +ai tEr>iu om edea cA acestea sunt forDe ale primirii Ci ale dAruirii#

    $ceastA lume ne este datA pentru a putea sA ne ridicAm din acest punct cel mai de 5osfArA a fi forDaDi Ci presaDi de 'us# ;acA am putea sA edem lumea spiritualA, neam

    pierde liberul arbitru# $m rea sA facem totul Bn funcDie de ceea ce edem# $Cadarascunderile ne a5utA sA fim liberi, Bntro stare Bn care putem creCte liber#

    $dulDii se BndepArtea>A de copii pentru ai lAsa sA facA lucruri independenDi# "ste la felCi aici, reatorul se ascunde pe "l Bntro anumitA mAsurA Ci ne a5utA din spatelescenei# @e dA indicii prin care ne aratA e&act ce este %reCit Ci ce trebuie corectat#+unca noastrA constA Bn a ne aminti cA ne este arAtat constant ce deficienDe aem Bntr

    un mod ne%ati, Ci sA transformAm acest ne%ati Bn po>iti#

    $tunci om fi recunoscAtori reatorului pentru cA ne tratea>A Bn felul acesta,arAtEndune ima%inea atributelor noastre din partea opusA, Bn foma lor ne%atiA# IremsA conectAm aceastA ima%ine ne%atiA cu dorinDele, %Endurile, atributele noastre Ci sAle transfomam Bn po>itie# ;e aceea suntem Bntro continuA cAutare#

    $sta se numeCte munca reatorului, care este fAcutA deasupra a tot ceea ce neBncon5oarA# ;acA priim toate acestea din punct de edere spiritual, a fi aCa Ci adeeni lumea noastrA spiritualA# 'e spune: reatorul nu Cia schimbat acDiuneainiDialA de creaDie#

    "&tras din Pre%Atire pentru .ecDia ilnicA de abala 1=24=14

  • 8/13/2019 30-5.Positive Instead of Negative
