3 Tools for communicating with culturally diverse communities for healthcare

Post on 01-Dec-2014

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A short, visual resource providing a brief overview of three important linguistic tools and how they can help you evaluate and navigate the challenges of communicating with culturally diverse communities.

Transcript of 3 Tools for communicating with culturally diverse communities for healthcare

For the Healthcare Industry

3 tools for


with culturally



Increase healthcare translation

consistency and speed-up delivery.

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3 tools for communicating with culturally diverse communities

Work with your translation team to develop healthcare specific

language tools for every language pair where content will be translated.

• Style Guides

• Terminology Guides (glossaries)

• Translation Memory

Every hour spent establishing your guides at the beginning

of a project, will save five to ten hours during the

subsequent review processes by reducing revisions and


3 tools for communicating with culturally diverse communities

Terminology Guides prevent issues

related to vocabulary.

Particularly useful when dealing with specialized terms found in

industries like healthcare, terminology guides or glossaries

provide a collection of frequently standardized terms and

definitions to help your translator to determine the appropriate

expression of words and ideas for your specific audience and

ensure that they are used consistently.

• Keeps everyone on the same page

• Avoids inconsistencies

• Eliminates subjective or late changes

• Serves as an excellent way to involve your

internal resources

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Style Guides maintain consistency.

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3 tools for communicating with culturally diverse communities

Style Guides define the standards for tense and literacy level

for each language to guide linguists when translating to

convey the organization’s message effectively.

• Identifies specific language treatments (names, titles,

grammar and spelling rules and more)

• Provides direction on cultural specific preferences by

business unit or document type

• Supports “new translation” requirements

• Specifies key terms, phrases, use and deviation

• Serves as the check point on all projects

Healthcare specific Translation

Memory decreases cost, as well as

improves quality and consistency.

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3 tools for communicating with culturally diverse communities

• Significant reduction in translation costs: 20-50% savings.

• Faster translation times: your multi-language content is

completed 30-70% faster.

• Improved consistency: approved translations are re-used

improving quality and customer satisfaction.

Translation Memory takes previous translations and stores and

recycles them for future re-use, so the same sentence never

needs to be translated, or paid for, twice.

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Work with internal stakeholders to

keep them up-to-date.

3 tools for communicating with culturally diverse communities

• Establish a process for updating the guides, managing

revisions, approvals and releasing new versions

• Decide on what intervals the updates should occur

• Consider feedback from both internal reviewers and data from

your language service provider’s issue tracking system

Need accurate, quality

translation now?

We can help. As dedicated healthcare

specialists, the VIA team serves over 400

healthcare clients nationwide and has a network

of over 5,000 hand-picked specialized translators

and reviewers available 24x7.

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3 tools for communicating with culturally diverse communities