3. afghanistan war

Post on 09-May-2015

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Transcript of 3. afghanistan war


• Explain why the Soviet Union invaded Afghanistan

• Describe the problems this invasion caused the Soviet Union

Not everyone in Afghanistan supported the revolution and Communist control.

Many people wanted an Islamic government.

This group was called the Mujahedeen. This divide caused a civil war in Afghanistan.

The Soviet soldiers did not have the

resources they needed to fight this type of


Army boots lasted only a few days in the

Afghan mountains. And Russian tanks were of use in such terrain.

Again like the USA, the Soviet used mass bombing as a tactic.

As they bombed poor rural areas, millions of Afghans fled the country, moving to Pakistan and Iran.

Many people argue the USA’s actions ultimately hurt


It was been claimed – although the USA

disputes this – that one rebel trained and funded by the USA was Osama Bin


Just like the US in Vietnam, the Soviets ultimately had to

withdraw from Afghanistan.

It became clear they could not win, they

could not afford it and in 1989 Soviet leader

Mikhail Gorbachev ended the invasion.