3-6-1 Antahkarana Visualization Meditation Points Pattern ... · PDF fileAntahkarana...

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Transcript of 3-6-1 Antahkarana Visualization Meditation Points Pattern ... · PDF fileAntahkarana...

“Happiness has its seat in the emotions, and is a personality reaction. Joy is a quality of the soul and is realized in the mind, when alignment takes place.” Djwhal Khul. Alice Bailey. A Treatise on White Magic

3-6-1 Antahkarana

Visualization Meditation Points, Pattern & Practice

Friday 26th Sept 2014

3-6-1Antahkarana Visualization Meditation Points Pattern & Practicewith Dr. Mikio Sankey, Ph.D., L.Ac.

EXPANDING CONSCIOUSNESSThis mediation connects through visualization a pattern and sequences of 37 gateways or acupuncture points. 3-6-1 has a relation to Numerology and Sacred Geometry.

If you add 36 and 1 you get 37 which is the esoteric number for Elohim which means Gods. Elhim is the plural while El is the singular for God. The 3-6-1- Visualization Meditation Pattern is designed to reawaken the god within each of us and to assist in our reconnection to Prime Creator/Prime source.

One of the basic keys of the 3-6-1 Visualisation Meditation Pattern is to understand that acupuncture points are gateways and when sequenced in a particular order can be used to access consciousness at levels higher than the physical, emotional, or mental. If you do not have prior knowledge of the location of acupuncture points or gateways do not worry. You will be able to connect with each point as it relates to you and the “correct alignment”.

This meditation can assist in the rise of kundalini, bring finely tuned clarity, awareness, and a higher level of consciousness into one’s life plus an understanding of Inner Plane Work and Being Still. The key is correct alignment. Anthakarana is the name of an esoteric bridge of consciousness. Anthakarana can be translated to mean ‘ Inner Instrument’ and is often referred to as a Rainbow Bridge. It is built of mental matter in order to connect the head centers for the specific purpose of reaching higher levels of Consciousness.

“Truly awakened consciousness is even more fundamental than the M-Theory of string (superstring) of theoretical physics. Some people call the awakened state of consciousness cosmic realization, Christ-consciousness, the transcendent state, soul realization, satori, nirvana, Samadhi, Buddha nature, or a number of other names. Reaching the highest level of consciousness that is possible is to me the highest form of healing. The key is alignment.” Dr Mikio Sankey Chapter 9 Sea of Fire Cosmic Fire.

During this AFTERNOON Dr Sankey will:• Introducethethirtysevenpoints• Discussthepatternsequences

of 3-6-1 Meditation.• Leadapracticeofthecomplete


”The focus of 3-6-1 Antahkarana Visualization Meditation Pattern is to understand the nature of the inner world of consciousness, and how opening up to the higher levels of consciousness is The Journey of Healing. We are interested in the world of Universal Spirit Consciousness or Cosmic Consciousness. This higher realm of consciousness requires that we tap into a portal or gateway to enter the realities above the five-sensorial three dimensional realms of everyday existence of personality consciousness.” Dr. Mikio Sankey


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‘’Those who are studying along these lines should realize that in time they will arrive at understanding, but that at present all that they can do is depend upon the unalterable tendency of the subconscious nature to penetrate to the surface of consciousness as a reflex activity in the establishing of continuity of consciousness.” The Rays and Initiations Djwhal Khul. Alice Bailey

Prerequisite recommended reading: • GatewaytoExpandedHealing,

Esoteric Acupuncture Volume I• SeaofFireCosmicFire,Esoteric

Acupuncture Volume IV.

Venue: Australian Shiatsu College, 103 Evans Street BrunswickDate: Friday 26th September 2014, 1pm – 7pm

Available RatesFull Rate (After 17th August 2014): $200 Earlybird Rates (Before17thAug2014):•Full $189 Repeat $140 $100 deposit secures your place, payment plans accepted

q I wish to register for 3-6-2 Antahkarana Meditation

Registration Form 3-6-1 Antahkarana Visualization Meditation Points, Pattern & Practice

This workshop is OPEN TO ALL who are interested in the ExpansionofConsciousness

Ask Alison about:• FOUNDATIONLevel 1• Level 2 INTENSIVE• Level 3

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Direct Debit: IntoFreedom BSB 633-000 Account 134144187 Please include your name on the deposit.

FormoreinformationcallAlisonClarkeatIntoFreedomP: 03 9761 1509 M: 0422 845 105 E: alison@intofreedom.com.au

12 Ronald Cres, Boronia VIC 3155


CallCHINABOOKSforBooks&DVD’S • Gateway to Expanded Healing Esoteric Acupuncture, Vol. I

• Discern the Whisper, Esoteric Acupuncture Vol. II

• ClimbingJacob’sLadder Esoteric Acupuncture Vol. III

• Sea of Fire-Cosmic Fire, Esoteric Acupuncture Vol. IV

• Support the Mountain - Nutrition for Higher Consciousness Esoteric Acupuncture V

About the presenterDr. Sankey received a masters degree in Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine from Samra University of Oriental Medicine inLosAngeles,California.HereceivedaPh.D. degree in Oriental Medicine from AmericanLibertyUniversityinOrange,California. Dr. Sankey also has a Ph.D. degree in Health Sciences from Honolulu University specialising in

nutrition and iridology. Dr. Sankey is a licensedAcupuncturist(L.Ac.)inthestateof California and is in private practice in theLosAngeles.Dr.MikioSankeyhassixpublishedbooks in the Esoteric Acupuncture series and was recognized as the 2006 Acupuncture Author of the Year by the National Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine

Organization known as AAOM for the book Sea of Fire - Cosmic Fire, Esoteric Acupuncture Vol. IV.

Dr.Sankey’snew book will be available during the workshops: Antahkarana Celestial Fullness Esoteric Acupuncture VI