2nd Novel (Original Copy)1

Post on 12-Jan-2016

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Transcript of 2nd Novel (Original Copy)1

Hey, Nits get up, it’s already 3pm…..how much you will sleep, and you have to leave for Bangalore today at 5pm. Ajith was shouting on me to wake up and I was in a deep sleep. After sometime he kicked me on my back, then I woke up.

Hey at 5pm bus is there na, still time is there…let me sleep, I said.

Idiot last time also you said the same thing and missed your bus, at least this time go early and catch your bus, it’s an important meeting for you. Ajith said.

Ehhh, stop your advice, I am going, I said.

Yesterday I told you not to sleep so late or else you won’t wake up at time….Ajith said.

Ohh! God, just stop it man, I am going, let me take a bath. I shouted. Ajith is a good friend of mine but sometime he is too much, giving advices.

Today I am going to Bangalore for an interview at Info solutions, one of the leading IT companies.

Ok, call me when you reach there. My friend is there, his name is Ravi, and he will come and pick you from the bus stand. I have given him your number, he will call you tomorrow. Ajith said.

Hmmm….ok, bye, I will call you after reaching there. I said.


I reached at Ernakulum bus stand, near to that my bus will come. Many people were waiting for their buses. Actually, I don’t want to leave Kerala because it is one of the best places to live but I didn’t find any job here that’s why I am going to Bangalore, to see whether some opportunities are there for me or not. There are many IT companies in Kochi but there is less job availability. At 5:30pm, my bus is supposed to come but it’s already 5:40pm, still bus didn’t come. I hate when someone makes me wait, according to me everything should be done in time or else we may miss many things but today nothing is going according to time as bus is late but on that day something interesting happened. I saw a girl there in the bus stand, when I saw her sitting next to me; I prayed that the bus should be late little more time. I was sitting on a long bench and on the other end that girl was sitting.

She was looking beautiful, curly hair on one side, Froggy eyes; she was talking with someone on her mobile. She was smiling, when she was talking, that smile took me to some other world. I want to talk with her, do friendship with her but how can i? I don’t know her, at least name also I don’t know, what to do?

I was thinking some ways to talk with her but that guts was not coming from me. After few minutes she left. Ohh! God, what a girl, I said when she left. I have missed her, I wanted to talk with her but she left, so it’s better not to think about her more, or else the Devdas inside me will get up and will search the “Unknown paaroo…”

At 7pm, my bus came, almost one and a half hour late. After getting in to the bus, my journey started towards Bangalore. The seat next to me was empty, maybe he will come from any other stop. I was totally hungry, didn’t eat anything in the afternoon and was waiting for the bus to stop anywhere. We reached Ernakulum at 8:30 pm, where other passengers will come, bus stopped at KSRTC (Kerala State Road Transport Corporation) bus stand for 10 minutes, by that time I went out to have some tea and buy some chips. When I came back to bus after having tea, I saw some bags were there lying on the seat next to me. I thought someone came to that seat from this stop, still 6min left for the bus to go. I was listening songs on my mobile; I was playing one of my favourite songs “Shyamambaram” from the movie “thattathin marayathu”. While listening to songs, I just looked out, I saw one girl hugging a guy and after that she is coming inside the bus. I saw her face, when she came inside the bus; she was the same girl whom I saw at the bus stand (my unknown paaroo) and her seat is next to mine. I was sitting near the window seat, and she was sitting next to me. I am very happy that, the girl whom I saw at the bus stand and wanted to talk with her is sitting next to me in the same bus. I want to talk with her but I don’t know how to start, suddenly if I start then she will think that I am a flirt, what actually I am. So I was waiting for the moment where she will ask something.

Almost 2hours passed and we reached Shornur but still we didn’t talk anything. After sometime I felt like sleeping, so I have taken a nap and closed my eyes for an hour. I was in a good sleep at that time in between someone was calling me and when I opened my eyes, I saw the girl sitting next to me was calling me.

Hey, sorry to wake you up from your sleep but do you have lemon? She asked.

Sorry! I don’t have, why, what happened? I said.

Nothing feeling like vomiting….she told.

Vomiting? Now, at this age but she seems to be young, may be her age will be 24….i was thinking in a negative way.

As I said no to her, she slept. She was sleeping and I tried to touch her hand, her temperature was very high. I was not having any medicines or else I would have given it to her. This much high temperature is there, I thought she is pregnant and the responsible person is the same guy whom she hugged in the bus stand. During the first sight I was really impressed with this girl, the way she talks, her looks but now I came to know how she is, so I have decided to keep distance with her. I was totally disturbed when I came to know that my “Unknown Paroo” is pregnant.


Our bus reached Palakkad at 1:30am, I was talking with Ajith in mobile, he asked me about that girl, I said what he asked and what I was thinking about her. While I was talking with him, suddenly she vomited on my lap and it smelled very bad, I shouted “oh! Shit”. Other passengers travelling in the bus saw this and then Bus conductor came to my seat, at that time also she was vomiting a little and she was totally unconscious. Conductor told me that take your sister to some hospital and get down from the bus. I said, she is not my sister and I don’t know her.

Then why she vomited on your lap, Conductor asked.

I said, how could I know, maybe she felt like vomiting and can’t control it, so she vomited here and by the way she is totally unconscious. Tell the driver to stop the bus in front of some hospital. Then the driver took the bus to nearby hospital, near to the highway one hospital was there. I told the bus conductor to help me to take her to the hospital…..he helped me to take her to the hospital….while taking her to the hospital in between also she was vomiting, I don’t know why I am doing all these but I think she is pregnant, so I should help her in this situation.

After checking her Doctor told me to admit her for one day, and someone should be with her all the time.

I told the doctor that, she is a passenger in the bus that we are travelling and I don’t know who she is; let her be here, we are going. When she will be fine, she will go.

No, we can’t take the responsibility of the patient; any one should be there with her, or else we won’t allow the patient to admit, Doctor said.

I don’t know what to do, I don’t want to stay there, and anyway I have escape from that hospital room. So, I have decided to leave from there when no one will be there but when I turned back, the bus conductor was not there. I looked out to see where he went but at that time the hospital watchman came to me and told that the bus left and the conductor had kept both of us luggage’s there in front of the hospital gate.

I totally got angry on that bus conductor, how can he leave the passengers in such a situation where there is no way of transportation or communication and too with an unknown girl. Anyhow I have decided to stay there in the hospital and will leave for Bangalore in another bus from Palakkad city in the morning.

I slept in the visitor’s room at night. I informed Ajith what has happened with me, and he told me to stay there with that girl and help her as I can. I asked him why I should help her.

Ajith told that if you are sure that she is pregnant and alone then you should help her, if something happens to her then you will be responsible as the doctor and other nurse in the hospital have seen you with her. I called Ajith to ask some ways to get rid of this situation but after talking with him he made me more confused. So, I have decided to be with her until she gets well.


At morning 7:30am, one nurse came and woke me up and told that she is fine now, you can meet her. I went to meet her, she was sitting on the bed, hairs were not tied, and smoky eyes but she was looking very beautiful.

Good Morning! I said to her.

What you doing here and which place is this? She asked.

This is the hospital near Palakkad highway, yesterday after asking lemon to me in bus you vomited on me, then I took you here for check up, you were totally unconscious, so doctor told me to be with you in case any emergency is there. Bus also left, I have explained everything what has happened yesterday night.

Ohh! Sorry, because of me you have missed the bus and have to take this much trouble. She said.

It ok, how is you now? I asked.

I am feeling better now. She said.

Actually, what happened? I asked.

Nothing, it’s all because of him, I told him I don’t want but he forced me. She said.

When she said that I was confirmed that she is pregnant then I said, look it may happen in this age it’s normal, it’s not a crime also but you should have used some safety measures then you would not have been here. Now the situation is getting worst, you are pregnant, how will you inform your parents about this, think on that……I was supposed to say more but in between, she interrupted, Hey hello, what you are saying.

Who said, I am pregnant, and what you are talking about safety measures? She asked.

You vomited, right? I said.

Ya, so what, if I vomited it doesn’t mean that I am pregnant, you helped me it doesn’t mean that you will say anything and listen to it. She said angrily.

But just now you only told me that it’s all because of him, he forced and all? I said.

Ohh! God, I mean to say that, he forced me to eat crab and it was the first time I am eating crab, so I told my brother that I don’t want to eat crab specially while travelling. She said.

That guy is your brother? I asked.

Yaa, she said.

Ohh! Sorry, I thought something else and …….i said.

It’s enough, what you guys think of yourself, you can say anything about girls and we will listen to it, thank you for your help and whatever money that you have spend just tell, I will pay you, I don’t need your help anymore, I am going, thanks and Good Bye…She shouted me and left from there.

I didn’t say anything; my mouth was fully closed and was watching what she was saying. She said many things to me and she left from the hospital paying the remaining bills. She went from the hospital like a cyclone, within few second it came and gone.


I reached at Palakkad private bus stand in the morning 9:30am. After a big fight in the hospital with that girl, I was not in a mood to go to Bangalore but have to go anyhow because it’s my career. I was thinking how she can behave with me like this, not only me any guy in that situation will think the same. I have helped her, taken her to the hospital, I have missed my bus for her, spend money, and didn’t sleep well also. Whatever happened with me few hours back, I am trying to forget it or else I will find that girl and will kill her.

There were many buses going to Bangalore from Palakkad, I have booked my ticket in Kallada Travels which is said to be one of the finest bus services, so I have booked my ticket to Bangalore and my bus is scheduled to arrive at 11am, which means that still I have 2hours left. Near to that bus stand one private Lodge was there, I have decided to take a room for an hour, so that I can fresh up and have my breakfast before travel. It was a small Lodge named Subramaniyam Lodge owned by an old Brahmin guy and the rates were also cheap for an hour. Mostly Palakkad is full of Brahmins and whatever business they run, it has some Hindu God name touch in it, especially in their names. After taking a bath, I had breakfast then I vacated the lodge. Bus has already arrived when I reached the bus stand, I went inside the bus and my seat number was H4. I was sitting at my seat and the seat next to me was empty, I thought this time a guy should come and sit next to me but no girl should come here. Bus will depart after 15minutes, I was reading one magazine, before entering the bus passengers should show their tickets to the conductor and then he will guide where our seat is, I heard that conductor is

guiding one passenger towards seat number H3 and that seat is next to me. I was not at all interested to see who is going to sit next to me, I have hided my face with a magazine that I was reading, someone sat next to me and that was a girl. She was talking with the conductor and she asked for an Rs.1000 change but the conductor was not having change then she asked me. When I moved the magazine from my face I saw her and I was shocked to see the same girl sitting next to me whom I fought in the hospital. She was also shocked to see me in the bus and that too next to her seat.

What the hell you are doing here, she shouted.

What the hell you are doing here, I repeated her question.

I have booked the ticket first in this bus, she said.

So what, you have booked first it doesn’t mean that others cannot travel in this bus, I countered her.

She told, others can travel but you cannot.

Why? These bus yours or what. I asked.

Bus conductor interrupted in between as other passengers started noticing us, both of us were shouting on each other.

Conductor asked us what happened. Why both of you are fighting?

She said, I don’t want to sit next to this guy. Change my seat or else I will get down and file a complaint against this travels.

Who the hell you think you are, I don’t want to sit next to her. I shouted.

The conductor was confused, he said that I cannot change your place because the bus is full now and if I change your place then other passengers will have problem as many of them are families. You may have some problem but please don’t show it here, both of you have to sit here till we reach Bangalore.

I said, ok, I will adjust but tell her not to disturb me by asking lemon and other things.

She sat next to me after we agreed for a settlement. We started our journey towards Bangalore. She was sitting next to me and she was taking utmost care that her body parts should not be in touch with mine.

At morning 4:30am we reached Bangalore, near Madiwala Bus depot. As passengers were stepping down from the bus, I asked that girl her name but she replied me in a different way. She has shown me the middle finger and went away but I too was eager to reply her, so I had shown two middle fingers to her and left. I can’t forget this journey ever which has given me many bad moments, from this journey I came to know one thing; never ever try to help a “GIRL” in difficult situation.

After reaching to Bangalore, I met Ravi friend of Ajith. He is living in a flat near Rajajinagar. My interview was scheduled on Friday at Info solutions; I have informed them that I will be there on time. Ravi came to drop me at Info solutions. I reached there before 15 minutes. Around 50-70 candidates were there to attend the interview, by seeing them I was not tensed whether I can crack out or not because I know I won’t get this job but I came here to show them what I am. After an hour they called my name for interview, I went inside and given my best. Ravi came to receive me, he asked how was the interview; I said it was good. Bangalore is one of the big cities in India and people living here is very busy in their work, this was my first visit to Bangalore and I was expecting a lot from this city but when I came here I came to know that this city is good for rich people who have big business set up, IT’s, MNC’s etc. I think compared to Bangalore, Kerala is much better.


Bangalore is such a place where people love to celebrate each and every moment. So we also have decided to celebrate; me, Ravi and some of his friends have decided to go to Pub. I have never gone to a pub before, so I was excited to go. We reached at Zero Gravity pub at Residency road, which is one of the famous pub’s in Bangalore because many people come here including Bachelor’s, girls, Couples and can get a chance to flirt with someone. Ravi has ordered a drink named “Screw Driver” which is considered to be the one of the favourite drinks; it contains Vodka + Orange juice. As we were having our drinks, Ravi’s friends came to us and invited me to join them in Disco, I said I am very bad in that section, so just leave me and you guys carry on. Ravi and Me was sitting on one side and was looking around at that time Ravi told me “hey, just look there, one girl is sitting alone there.”

I looked there; one girl was sitting there alone and was having some drinks. I asked Ravi, “Yaa, she is good looking.”

So what are you waiting for, Ravi said.

I didn’t get you? I asked.

Just go and have fun man!! You are in Bangalore now….not in Kerala. Ravi said.

No, I like to do flirting but I don’t know how she will behave and that too unknown place for me. I said.

See, Nits there are two types of Girls. One who likes flirting and the second one who don’t like but what is our duty is to try that’s why we are called “Males” with extra hormones of Guts. Ravi said.

After delivering an awesome dialogue by Ravi, I thought I should give a try. So I went and sat next to that girl. I was looking at that girl, the girl was little disturbed as she saw me watching her carefully. After sometime she asked me, “hey you have any problem?”

I said, no….why you asked?

Then why are you staring at me? She said.

I am not staring at you; I was looking at your way of drinking. I said.

What? You are mad or what? You don’t know how to drink….she asked.

I know how to drink but can you teach me your style of drinking? I said.

Hmmm…what’s your name? She asked.

I am Nitin and you? I said.

I am Meghana, so you flirt like this with all girls or for just timepaas. She told.

Normally I don’t like to flirt with girls but when I saw you, sitting here alone, I thought I should give a try……I replied.

Nice try, so what you do? She asked.

I am a software guy, looking for a job in IT in Bangalore. I said.

Ohh…Software guy, so usually you install software’s in Computers or somewhere else also. She also started flirting by asking this question.

My duty is to install software’s in Computers and laptops, but if you want I can try once, tell which software I should install in you. I asked.

I don’t need any software and please don’t try to install anything in me, I am already engaged. She said.

You are already engaged, so I think your better half will remove all the viruses in you and then install better software. I said.

Hmmm…ok then, bye….will see somewhere. She said.

Ok, bye. I told.


It has been a great night, had lots of fun, drinks and Meghana too. Ravi was asking me about that girl, what I spoke with her; she is of what type and other things. I said, she is good but good to flirt. We reached our home late night @2am. My head was little paining may be because of that drink “screw driver”, so without changing my clothes I went to sleep.

Next morning I woke up late, Ravi has taken an off from his office. At evening Ravi and me went out for an outing, I have not taken the lunch because of the crazy drink, so I told him we can go to McDonalds. We reached at Central Mall near J.P nagar. I was standing in the queue to give my order, after getting my order, when I turned back I hit with a girl and whatever I ordered including the soft serve and burgers fell on her hairs, everyone was looking at me and I was looking at the soft serve and burgers that I have ordered. I was looking at the girl’s structure and it was awesome but after dumping all those things at her, I don’t know how she will react. After some time she looked at me, I was shocked when I saw her face; it was the same girl, I met in bus. For some time we were looking at each other, as both of us were shocked.

“You idiot, what’s your problem? You are following me or what?” She asked.

Shut up, I don’t know what your problem is; I think you are following me. I replied.

I am not mad to follow you, the moment I saw you, you are creating unnecessary troubles, she said.

As both of us were going to start a big fight, at that time Meghana came in between. Hey! Guys cool. It’s not your home others are watching you. Leave it, why you are taking it seriously, he has done a mistake, Meghana told to that girl.

No, intensionally he has done it. Girl said.

Hey you both are friends. I asked to Meghana.

Ya, she is my friend. You have problem in that. Girl said angrily.

I don’t have any problem, Meghana is my friend too. I said.

How she can be your friend. She is my friend. Meghana you know this Idiot? Girl asked Meghana surprisingly.

Ya, I know him, last night I met him at the club. Meghana said.

Ohh! Don’t be friend with him, this insipid has a habit of making girls pregnant. Girl said.

Hey you are crossing your limit, talk with respect, I don’t have a job of making girls pregnant. There are some girl’s who do some kind of “ding-dong’ with guys and after that vomits on innocent guys. I said.

When I said that she got angry and she was about to slap me but by that time Meghana stopped her. Ravi was also holding me from the back thinking that if I would have lost my control. Almost an hour our group discussion continued, the people who came there had a great time seeing both of us arguing including the Mc Donald’s staff members. Meghana had taken that girl out from there. If she could have not come there then that girl would have slapped me. Ravi has taken me from there as everyone was watching us.

After a horrible last day, finally the day I was waiting for has come. Today is my joining day at Info Solutions. Ravi has given his bike key and told that today is my first day so go in bike will give a nice look and can reach in time, better than going in bus. Though I don’t know much about Ravi but then also he has become a good friend of mine, all thanks goes to Ajith.

My joining time is 10am but I reached an hour before. I entered my office, after completing some remaining procedures of filling form and submitting the documents and signing of bonds, the secretary told me to wait for some time. Info Solutions has a great working environment inside the company as it is necessary for an IT firm. After waiting for 15 minutes, the secretary told me to go to Software department where the software department head is waiting for me. When I reached the software department, a guy little aged and tall heighted came to me an introduced him, his name is Veer Rajendra Chinna Gowda, I have never met a guy having such a long name. He is the software department head of Info Solutions; he introduced me to everyone with some rules and regulations of the company and the working timings. Everyone calls Veer Rajendra Chinna Gowda as Veer in short as to pronounce his full name without any mistake will consume more time and employees’ working in an IT firm doesn’t want to waste their time. From the first day itself Veer has given me lot of work to do as he has kept it for me from a month. While I was working Veer came to my desk many times, I thought he is coming to see whether I am working well or not but he came repeatedly to ask whether I have a girlfriend or not. I said, I don’t have a girlfriend then he suggested me to look around in the office where I can find good hot girls and if I am interested I can select anyone from them. I just said “yes” to veer to avoid him because I have never expected my head to be like this, from his tall physic initially I thought he will be a strict and adamant kind of guy but he turned out totally opposite of that.

In an IT industry you can find most of the employees are habitual to smoking because of their stressful work, they choose to prefer smoke rather than to do some other stress free things. At info solutions also I have observed the same thing but here the only difference I have seen is that, girls prefer to smoke more than boys. During lunch break, Veer invited me to join him for lunch. The mess area of Info solutions gives the look of another KFC or Dominos, with availability of western

foods. While having lunch, Veer was explaining about each employee working at the software department specially girls.

You know Nitin, as I am the head of the software department, company has allotted a secretary for me, her name is Jennie, and she is damn hot. Veer said.

Where is she, I didn’t see her? I asked.

She will come tomorrow, today she is on leave, Veer said.

She looks like a Kashmiri Apple, when you see her; you will have only one desire in your mind for her. Veer said.

What is that? I asked.

Just to have a bite….Veer said.

I just gave a small smile on Veer’s crazy reply. I thought Veer will only describe about the positivity of his secretary but then he started to say the beauty and sexy looks of other girls in the office.

After having lunch, Veer introduced me to each and every girl in our department as he wanted to have a chance of shaking the hands with them. He was introducing me to every girls but the process of hand shake was done by Veer. Veer is 36 years old and he is married too, his wife is an interior designer. He showed me the photos of his wife and she is really pretty and good looking. I asked him you have such a good looking wife, then why you are looking for other girls.

Veer said, See I agree that my wife is good looking and smart but she doesn’t have time to care for me and be with me all the time because we both are busy in our own jobs, it’s been almost 8years that we both have been married to each other but still…..you know what I am saying. Even though we spent less time with each other we have strong bonding of love. You know one thing, our parents were against our love marriage, and then also we left everything -family, friends, relatives…just because we want to be together. I look for other girls, it doesn’t mean that I am fed of my family life, just for fun and timepaas I do all this and my wife also knows this.

Talking with Veer has been good for me, as I came to know about this person more closely. Veer is a good leader to work with who encourages, supports not in the form of words or sentences but in a very different aspect (“Girls”).

First day in the office went good for me; met my crazy and cool head, had done some work on the first day itself, had an introduction with hot girls in the office because of Veer, had great feeling from the first day itself and was excited to work for the coming days.


Coconut Grove at M.G Road, one of the best Kerala restuarent in Bangalore, according to Ravi. So we came here to have our dinner today. The restuarent was full packed with customers (especially keralites), anyhow we got one table and we have ordered Kozhi Porichathu (Fried Chicken), Fish molly, Kozhi naadan curry with rice, the dish names are difficult to pronounce but it tastes very spicy. After a long time I am going to have something good to eat, although Bangalore is one of the big and costliest cities in India but one thing it lacks behind is in the area of “Food”. We were having our dinner at that time, the waiter came to us and asked Ravi, whether he has any problem if 2 more persons share the table with us because the other tables are not empty and the table where we are sitting can have 2 more persons extra.”

Ravi said, it’s ok, we don’t have any problem, and you can adjust two persons with us.

Hey hai Guys……someone said loudly, and I looked up to see who the person was, it was Meghana with the same accident girl.

As Meghana was coming towards us, from behind the girl was saying something to Meghana. I think she might have told that she don’t want to have dinner with those guys. But Meghana have said something to her and both of them sat with us in the same table for dinner, as we were already in process with our dinner, we have offered them to join with us but they said “no” and ordered food for them. Meghana was talking with both of us but the (accident) girl was busy in eating her food.

I asked Meghana, normally she is silent or while fighting only she opens he mouth.

Meghana smiled and said, she is not at all silent, she is very open and frank but you know what happened between you guys. So for time being she is silent.

I don’t have any problem with her, if you want I can apologies to her, tell her to speak something, feels very odd. I said.

Ok, wait. Meghana said.

So guys, let me introduce to you, my friend. Her name is Meera; she has completed her MBA from Coimbatore, now she is working at Mytrah Energy Ltd, and Meera this is Ravi and you know this guy better Nitin.

When Meghana was introducing her at that time I came to know her name “Meera”. But she was looking at me very angrily.

Meghana was making her understand that whatever happened neither she or me has done anything intentionally, accidentally all those things happened. From her facial expression I can make out that she is very angry on me but later on she calm down and she smiled a bit. In between I saw Meghana is giving some promise to Meera and after that both of them started laughing loudly, I asked them what happened. Meghana said, nothing girl’s talk.

I was thinking if girl’s talk is like this, what about boy’s talk. As we were carrying on with our dinner, Meera started talking with all except me; she was talking with Ravi and Meghana but not with me. I asked Meghana, why she is not talking with me, still she is angry with me? Meghana didn’t reply me, she ignored me completely.

After having our dinner we paid our bill and we were just sitting having a juice, at that time Meera came near to our table and I saw Meghana was standing near to the “exit” door. Meera came near to us and called the waiter; she pointed her hand towards me and told the waiter that I’m going to pay their bill.

Ravi was looking at me in such a gesture that he has escaped from paying the bill, I asked her in a loud voice, “what are you saying, why should I pay your bill?”

Everyone at the restuarent was looking both of us, as usual whenever we meet something crazy happens and the people at surrounding looks at both of us with a

glimpse. For one moment the restuarent become totally silent but Meera was smiling.

“Poda pattii” (get lost you dog) Meera said this to me in Malayalam and she ran away from there. First I thought she might have forgotten that we all had dinner at a malayali restuarent, where most of the people are from Kerala and they know Malayalam well. People sitting there were staring at me as they have seen “Osama Bin Laden” alive again between them. I was angry and ashamed too. Angry on her and ashamed to sit in the restuarent. I was in such a condition that, I don’t know what to do, whether to walk out from there or sit in that restuarent forever and then anyhow Ravi managed me to get me out from there. By looking in to my face Ravi came to know that I can burst out my anger at any time, so he did not speak anything with me. As we reached our flat, I closed my room and shouted loudly, hitting the walls of my room, Ravi came and asked me what happened?

You don’t know what happened, how she can call me like that in front of everyone. You have seen there, everyone was looking at me as if I have raped their sister or wife, I shouted on Ravi.

Cool man….she has not said anything wrong; maybe she has taken a small revenge. Ravi said.

How can you say that she has not said anything wrong, she has abused me in front of all, if she really want to take revenge then she would have taken it in some other way. I said.

Ok, I agree that she has done wrong but what the use of shouting now be cool. Ravi was making me to calm down.

I can’t be cool, I will take revenge, such revenge that she will remember her whole life, not only she her family too, see what I am going to do, I said.

Hey Nits, just calm down man...That matter is over now. Don’t do anything wrong, she is a girl. Ravi said.

If she is a girl then I am a boy with one extra bone, I will show her what I am. I said.

When I said this, Ravi thought that I am going to do something wrong with her but he was wrong, my intention was something else.


After a horrible night back to work. It feels good, when you are alone riding your bike between the heavy traffic of Bangalore. When I reached at a signal point at Brigade Road, I saw Meera there standing on the road side, she was waiting for someone there. As the signal turned green, I did not move forward, I took my bike on one corner as I wanted to see for whom she is waiting. After 15minutes one guy came in Avenger, Meera sat behind him and both of them went, I couldn’t see the guy’s face because he was wearing a helmet. If signal was not there, I would have followed them. All the way, I was thinking about the guy who was there with her and one question was just coming from my mind,

Why she sat behind him on the bike?

What is the relation between both of them?

When I saw her first, at that time also I saw one guy with her and she hugged him too. Is it the same guy?

Many questions were coming from my mind continuously, I don’t know, it’s her life why should I bother but something was making me uncomfortable.

What makes you uncomfortable or disturbed if one girl goes with some guy, it’s a normal thing that is happening all around, Veer said.

I have shared everything with Veer, what has happened last night, how I met that girl and what all things happened. I think he can give a better solution than anyone else as he has taken a Doctorate in Girl’s matter.

Actually what is the matter, tell me that first. Veer said.

Whenever I think of her, she comes in front of me and the moment we see each other something will happen, either to her or me. But when I saw her today with one guy, felt little bad but still I don’t know why I am feeling bad. I said.

It’s not at all a complicated matter; I know what your problem is. Veer said.

Tell….what is that? I asked.

Instead of telling, I will show you practically. Veer said.

Already I am confused, Veer was making me more confused, and how he can show practically. I asked him.

Wait! First tell, from our office which girl has a good friendship with you. Veer asked.

From our office, I was thinking for a minute then I said Catherine. Catherine and I work in the same department and we both have a good friendship from the first day itself.

Good, I was expecting this name, thank you. Let me call her. He was making me more confused and then he called Catherine on her mobile, “hey Catherine if you are free now then please come to the terrace, I am waiting for you.”

Why you called her on the terrace, can’t we meet here at the office? I asked him.

Just come with me, don’t ask unnecessary questions. Veer said.

I followed him what he said and where he went. We reached at the terrace and after 10 minutes Catherine also came.

She asked Veer, what happened.

Veer asked Catherine, You know this guy, are you both good friends?

Catherine said, yes I know him and we both are good friends, why you are asking all these?

Listen Catherine this guy is facing some psychological problem, so as a good friend you should help him to come out of that, Veer said.

Ok, so what should I do? Catherine asked.

I will do something with you, not to worry, I won’t do anything wrong and if he reacts to that then I will get a solution to his problem. Are you ready for that? Veer said.

Catherine said, yes to him.

Come closer to me, Veer said to Catherine.

I don’t know what actually he is going to do with her. Catherine came closer to him and Veer suddenly hugged her and gave her a Kiss. Neither Catherine can do anything nor me; both of us were helpless, as I have never expected that Veer will go to such extent.

After kissing her Veer asked, how you are feeling now.

Damn, you kissed her and asking me how I am feeling, gone nuts? I said.

Thank you, Catherine, I am honored. Veer said.

It’s ok Sir, it’s my pleasure. You can call me at anytime. Catherine said and she left from there.

What kind of girl she is, someone kissed her without any permission and she is not at all ashamed of. I said.

Leave that, first of all, I want to thank you. Veer said.

Thank you, for what. I asked.

Because of you, I got a chance to kiss Catherine, I have done that in my dreams but now I have done it in reality. Thank you Nits. Veer said.

Damn with you, you told that, you will be calling her for the solution of my problem, and what you did. Get lost. I am going. I said.

Hey! Wait….wait…who said your problem is not solved. It is solved. Veer said.

Were you got the time to solve my issue? You were busy in kissing that girl, I said.

If I would have not kissed that girl then it will be difficult for me to solve your problem, Veer said.

Ok, if the problem is solved then tell what is actually happening with me, I asked.

I will tell, before that answer me to some of the questions. Veer said.

Ok, ask. I replied.

You said, Catherine and you are good friends and you have very few interactions with Meera. Veer asked.

Ya, I replied.

But when I kissed Catherine, you didn’t react. You have not tried to stop me kissing her. Veer said.

So, what is the point in that? I asked.

Point is there, I will tell you. If in place of Catherine, I would have kissed Meera then what will be your reaction? Veer asked.

That question made me somewhat angry and I gave a scary look to veer. I told him, if you tried to kiss Meera then I will do “Sunnath with you.”

Ha ha…good, Veer laughed then he said now the answer is there in front of you.

Can you just tell, what the actual matter is, I am not getting anything. I shouted.

Ok, you are in Love my friend. Veer said excitingly.

I laughed and said...What, Love? Are you mad, go and kiss her once then you will be fine. That is the only thing which is not written in my life. I mean, I myself feel yak when I see my face in mirror, just look at me not a single girl will like me and it’s my mistake that I asked you to give a solution, you are completely mad…please, leave me.

Hey...wait. What I said to you and what you are saying to me. I said you are in love, for that why you are saying I look bad, whether any girl will like me or not. If she likes you at that time you should think about this point. So, it is clear that from inside your heart you are liking that girl knowingly or unknowingly and what is making you nervous is whether that girl will like you or not. Let me clear you one thing and listen carefully. This all craps are secondary thing and according to me it is not secondary also, this type of thinking should not come when you love someone, face doesn’t matters, what matters is this thing what is there on your left hand side- “your heart”. You know one thing Love is the only thing in the whole world where Brain doesn’t works. When you fall in love with someone, your heart takes the final decision whether that girl is good for you or not then you heart gets

connected with that person’s heart and then finally it becomes “one beautiful heart” which doesn’t have any kind of waste or negativity. You said that you are not good looking, who said that, according to me you look really good not up to Ranbir Kapoor but can be compared with Rajpal Yadav but I think you can beat Rajpal Yadav. Go and tell her what is there inside you, what you feel for her, just go…Veer said.

Ok, I agree with you but why the hell you are making fun of me. I look better than Rajpal Yadav, you and your idiotic examples. I said.

See, minutes ago you told that you look bad and now you are saying you look better than Rajpal Yadav. You fix any one thing Rajpal Yadav or Ranbir Kapoor. Veer said.

Ehhh…seriously I will kill you. I feel ashamed to say that you are my head. I am going … bye. I said.

I was not having any mood to work; I was thinking what Veer has said to me. If something is disturbing me about Meera then maybe I am in love with her. I don’t think so I am in love with her may be it’s just a kind of attraction. I should keep myself busy in some work then only this kind of thoughts will not come in my mind. As I was thinking more about her, I got one point that she told me when I was with her in the hospital. She told me that guy was her brother not her boyfriend. I forget this thing that she told me and after that I feel more relaxed. Still I was not getting why I was being so unnerving about her. Whole day in the office I was thinking about this but did not find any result and then I have decided to ask Ravi.

Your Boss is mad, why you took his help on this matter, Ravi said.

I know he is mad but he is an experienced guy in this topic that is the reason I asked him first, I said.

You should have asked me first, see it’s not love neither it is an attraction, Ravi said.

Then what it is, I asked him.

Meera has disturbed you a lot at many situations, which is the main reason you are disturbed and that too after when she abused you in the restuarent, Ravi said.

I think Ravi was right; seriously I was a fool, who asked Veer and his stupid solution. Thank you Ravi, you are right, I wasted my whole day thinking on this stupid thing and Veer’s solution that I am in love.

Ha ha ha….you and love, seriously I think your boss is mad. I mean just look at you…ha ha ha. I think Rajpal Yadav looks better than you. Ravi started laughing on me.

Hey enough, you have solved my matter it doesn’t mean that you can say anything to me, I said.

I am not saying anything, just telling the facts. I also don’t feel exciting when I see you, Ravi said.

Why the hell you should feel excited, you are a gay or what? Just get out from here you asshole, I shouted.

Today was such a bad day for me, nothing went good. All of them were making fun of me and on the other side I was little disturbed. I think I should take a leave from the office, so I can relax and just be fresh as I was.

At night I was unable to sleep, how these idiots can compare me with Rajpal Yadav. I was looking my face at the mirror, although I am little black and some hairs are not their on my head, it doesn’t mean that Rajpal Yadav looks better than me. At some point I look better than him. Let it be, whatever other says it doesn’t matters, according to me I am cool, simple and good looking for me that is enough.

Next day morning I called Veer and told him that I am taking a leave for today. He asked me the reason but I told him that I am not well.

Ravi said that he will come from the office early and then we can go out. I said, it’s a good idea come as early as possible.

I was just hanging on my facebook account and I saw one new friend request notification. It was Meghana who send me the friend request. I accepted the request after that I was looking at her profile and friends list. When I was looking at Meghana’s friends list I saw name Meera Raj. The girl who made me Rajpal Yadav in front of others, as I saw her profile I send her a friend request. I couldn’t see more information from her profile as her personal information was fully secured. I was not sure whether she will accept my friend request or not but I think she will accept.

After few minutes my brother came online on Facebook. His name is Nimesh Nair and he is doing his graduation in BCA from Kerala; he is not at all like me, good in everything. I was chatting with him……

Nits: Dint went to college today?

Nimesh: No, union strike so off for today.

Nits: Hows everyone there at home?

Nimesh: All r fine here.

Nits: hmmm….So what else.

Nimesh: You know everyone here is searching girl for you...

Nits: y?

Nimesh: For your marriage.

Nits: Who mom or dad?

Nimesh: Both of them.

Nits: tell them, when time will come I will only tell.

Nimesh: They are not gonna listen u.

Nits: hmmm…ok. If they find good one will think on that.

Hey what you doing, Ravi came asked me after coming back from the office.

Nothing, chatting with my bro. I said.

Ok, come let’s go out. Ravi said.

Nits: ok da, bye going out, Tc.

Nimesh: Ok bye.


We reached Forum Mall at Koramangala, which is one of the biggest malls in Bangalore. I told Ravi we can go somewhere else but he took me here. Roaming inside the mall is one of the boring things. As we were walking throughout the mall, at second floor I saw one sign. The sign was representing one of the important things that every human needs to do – “toilet”.

There was ladies and gents toilet both. When I reach there I told Ravi that just wait here and see if someone comes or not and if someone comes just make a whistle sound, so that I can hide somewhere or can exit.

But you are going to toilet for that why should I see whether someone is coming or not and make a whistle sound if someone comes, Ravi asked me.

You are right you should not see but here there is a small change, I am going to ladies toilet, I said.

Gone nuts, you can’t do it in gent’s toilet? Ravi asked.

I can but I need something exciting to do and can’t get better than this, I have never ever seen a girl’s toilet. Now I have a wish to see it and want to do it there only. I said.

Hey fool, are you mad? Don’t go there, it is a public mall you idiot. If someone will see then everyone will come and will get nice beats, this Karnataka people are expert in kicking and beating. So I won’t allow you to go. Ravi said.

Nothing will happen; I am going inside so you won’t get anything from these people. Just be here, see and alert me if someone comes. I said and then went inside.

Ravi was not allowing me to get inside but I had a wish to go so I went. I don’t know from where this wish came but I really wanted to go inside girl’s bathroom.

I went inside and it was neat and clean not like gents toilet and it has some extra facilities too. As I was seeing each and every corner, I heard some sounds. I thought there may be some girl inside the toilet. So I decided to have to look all around once and leave from here, before anyone comes.

After few seconds I heard some other sound and it was whistle sound. I thought someone is coming and Ravi might be making this whistle sound. I was searching for some place to hide but all of sudden I couldn’t find any place and I hide myself behind the toilet door. Someone was coming inside, I got little scared; then someone came and opened the door, two girls were there but they saw me from the mirror that was there at the hand wash part. Meghana and Meera were the two girls who came inside. Both of them were shocked to see me their inside the girl’s toilet.

You idiot...what are you doing here? Meera asked

Nothing just came for a hangout. I replied.

Are you nuts? Hangout…inside the girl’s toilet. Meera asked.

Ya got a mood to try something different and interesting and can’t get interesting better than this. I said.

I will kill you, Meera said but in between Meghana interrupted and said Nits just go from here before anyone come and see you or else it will be a big problem.

Ok, then bye. See you later. I said.

Don’t show me your face you *&#@, Meera said.

I left from there before she says something else. When I came out Ravi was not there, he might have scared and went out. When I came out few people saw me coming out of girl’s toilet but I was not scared, I was feeling like I have conquered the whole world. Today I am really proud of myself.

After a challenging incident I went to my room, I thought Ravi will be there waiting for me. The room was locked and he was not there, were he went then?

I called him on his mobile, mobile was ringing but he was not receiving the call. I tried to call him one more time...Hello, Ravi said.

Hello, Nits here, were you man? I asked.

First tell me where are you? Ravi asked.

Hey I am here at room, waiting for you. I said.

What? You are in room. Ravi asked.

Ya, why you are shocked, where are you? I asked.

Ravi said, I thought, Meera have called the cops to catch you for being inside the girl’s toilet and you might be in the police station. So, I am waiting for you in front of koramangala Police station.

You idiot come here fast, no cops came I am safe here. I said.

Ok, I am coming. Ravi said.


Next day I went early in the office, only few of them came; others will come by 10Am. I was just thinking about what I did yesterday, at one point I thought what I done was cheap but on the other side I thought it was not that much cheap. Then I thought what Meghana and Meera was thinking about me, if I saw a girl in boy’s toilet then I will take that girl in a wrong way. Meghana and Meera have taken me in a wrong way I think, I should make it right, will call Meghana now itself.

Hai, Good morning, I greeted Meghana.

Hmmm…Good morning, what happened? Meghana replied.

Listening to her voice I was confirmed that she is angry on me.

Nothing just simply called you, I said.

In which Girl’s toilet you are now? Meghana asked.

No, I am not in toilet, I am at office. I said.

There also girl’s toilet is there, you can go there. Meghana said.

I laughed and said hey don’t take me wrong, I just went inside the girl’s toilet to see how it is not with any wrong intension. I am really sorry. From many days I was bit disturbed and suddenly thought to do something interesting and as I said can’t get interesting better than this but please don’t take me in a wrong way.

Hmmm….it’s ok dear, I know you. When I saw you there first I have taken you completely wrong but after I thought this all kind of fun should be done. When you went inside no one was there so there was not any point to take you wrong. Be cool dude. Meghana said.

I was totally relieved when Meghana said this.

But Nits, Meera is angry with you. Meghana said.

I know she is angry on me. It’s not her fault but I don’t know how to make her understand. I said.

Hmmm…you do one thing, today at evening if you are free just come to my home; I will call Meera also and we can’t sort out what is going on between you guys. Meghana said.

Ok, it is a good idea but where you stay? I asked.

I live at mantri elite near Koramangala, flat no- 2C, come by 5pm, Meghana said.

Ok, will reach there by 5pm, bye. I said and hung up the call.

I called Ravi and told him to come by 4pm near my office so that we can go to Meghana room and can solve out the misunderstanding between me and Meera.


We reached Meghana’s room at 5pm. Meera will be here soon, Meghana said.

You want to go to toilet? Meghana asked funnily.

Hey, leave it yaar, I told you; it was just fun….I said.

Seriously I am asking, from your facial expression I think that you have not gone to toilet from many days, Meghana said.

Nothing like that dear, I don’t know how to start the conversation with Meera, by seeing me she will start shouting, I said.

Take it easy man! I spoke with her, nothing to worry, she won’t shout on you. Meghana said.So, where your fiancé is and when he will be coming to tie a knot with you, I asked.

Actually, he is Sharjah, working in Quadra InfoTech as an IT Engineer, he will be here by the year end and then we will get married, Meghana said.

What is his name? I asked.

His name is Manu….Manu Nair, Meghana said.

Manu Nair..? Does he is like Nitin Nair, Ravi asked in between.

Not at all…if he is like Nits then surely I would have killed him. Meghana said.

Should I take it as a compliment or something else…..I asked her.

Take it as a compliment…Meghana said.

Compliment… How? I asked her but in between a call on her mobile.

Meghana was busy in talking on phone; I asked Ravi- why you asked such a stupid question?

Which question, Ravi asked? “Does he is like Nitin Nair”. This question, I said.

Nothing, just simply asked whether to know is there is any other Rajpal Yadav like you, Ravi said.

You just come out I will show you, I said angrily.

After talking on mobile, Meghana said, guys I am sorry; Meera cannot come as she is living to Kerala to her hometown.

Why? What happened suddenly, I asked.

Meghana said, her grandmother is not well and she is admitted, her parents told her to be there soon. She said after coming back we all can talk and she is not at all angry on you. So, chill….bye then I has to go to drop her.

Ok, then bye. Me and Ravi left from there.

I was upset; I thought today I can clear out the problems and misunderstanding between Meera and me but in between her grandmother has spoiled my plan.


@night 11:30, Ravi and Me were having a glass of beer standing on the terrace of our building. Drinking glass of beer, looking at the stars in the sky with the beautiful city in front gives a different feeling. Today I am very upset Ravi that is the reason I am having a glass of beer with you.

What happened? Ravi asked.

The same thing man, I thought today I can resolve all the disputes between me and Meera but it didn’t happen, I said.

Can I ask you something? Ravi said.

Hmmm… ask, I said.

Before Ravi could ask anything, my dad’s call came.

Yes dad, how are you, I asked.

I am fine, you need to come back to home as soon as possible, dad said.

Why any problem? I asked.

Everything is fine here, you just come here, we have seen one girl for you, and so you just come and meet that girl. If you like her then we can proceed with it, Dad said.

Ok, dad tomorrow I will leave from here, I said.

Ok, then good night.

What happened? Ravi asked.

Nothing, have to go to Kerala tomorrow itself, my parents have seen a girl for me, they want me to get married, I said.

Good, go and see. If you like the girl, then go for it. Ravi said.

Hmm….let’s see, you were asking something, what is that? I asked.

Will ask you later, this is not the right time to ask. First you go then will ask you, Ravi said.

Ok, then I am going to sleep, you just book my tickets from Bangalore to kottayam for tomorrow morning. So that I can leave soon and reach soon, I said.

Ok, I will book, good night, Ravi said.


According to me Kerala can be said as the one of the best places in the world. Reached home at 3pm after a long journey from Bangalore started from morning 7am. My parents were eagerly waiting for me, after having a bath I went to temple with my parents. Temples in Kerala gives a different feeling, your mind will become calm and cool.

Before having dinner at night my parents called me to have a look at the girl’s photo that they have searched for me. My parents were sitting at the hall, I came there sat on sofa and my mom was praising about the girl. She is good looking, educated, job and other things but I was least interested to know about the girl. My dad was saying her family is good and from every side this alliance is good for me and my family. My parents were giving the details about the girl and her family and on the other side my brother was giving me a killing smile

I woke up at 6am to get myself in a good look