26 March 13 Darryl Greer Author/Lawyer 2 April 13 t.b.a. March 13 Darryl Greer Author/Lawyer 2 April...

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Transcript of 26 March 13 Darryl Greer Author/Lawyer 2 April 13 t.b.a. March 13 Darryl Greer Author/Lawyer 2 April...

Week 34 12th March 2013

Date Speaker Subject Speaker Host

19 March 13 Dr. Gay Armando Serving 25,000

26 March 13 Darryl Greer Author/Lawyer

2 April 13 t.b.a.

9 April 13 t.b.a.

Door Duty Roster

Date Attendance 1 Attendance 2 Greeter 19

th March Noel Hodges Grahame Werrell Bob Jordan


March Noel Hodges Malcolm Daviess Peter Tomlinson


April Noel Hodges Chris Thomsen Neil Jones


April Tony Lewis John Monks Russ Hutchison

Please note: No.1 Doorkeeper will now hold the position for 4 weeks to simplify the handover proceedings – please check how this affects you.Please

note your inclusion in any of the Duty Rosters implies your duty to attend – if you cannot for any reason, the responsibility for finding your replacement lies with you.

Sausage Sizzle Roster

Bunnings 8:00 – 11:00 11:00-2:00 Domayne Sea FM

15 March Cec McPaul Peter Tomlinson


Neil Jones John Bee

17 March Jill Kidd Ros Byrne Bill Waller

22 March Noel Hodges Brian Pearson

Pauline Armstrong

Helen Busch 24 March Hope Island Hope Island Hope Island

29 March


Birthdays Anniversaries Inductions

Ian Cowen Bob Jordan Harold Busch

Last Week’s Meeting

Attendance Apologies Meeting Income

Rotarians Hon. Members (Uwe & LSyd)

Visiting Rotarians Partners/Family

Guest speaker(s) Club Guests



16 1 5


John Harding Peter Sutton

Hermann Rogers Paul Taylor Ian Cowen

Michelle Curnow Nasser Kaviani Nayer Kaviani Chris Thomsen

Ray Milton Phil Moore

Denis O’Brien Lloyd Yelland Jim Hawkins

John Curr Malcolm Daviess

Rob Domican Keith Hawton Noel Hodges

Russ Hutchison Tina Rambaldini

Bob Jordan Alex Jorden

Raffle: $0 Fines: $0

Copper Pot: $0

George Mansell John Monks Phil Moore Vicky Nicoll

Kevin O’Brien Uwe Seifert Peter Sutton

Chris Thomsen Grahame Werrell

Lloyd Yelland

President’s report 34 From all indications those who were able to attend the restaurant outing at Donto Sapporo had another great

night of fine food and fellowship last Tuesday evening.

I was in Auckland for the past week at the annual McDonald’s Australasian Owner Operators convention. The event was held at the Sky City Convention centre, the weather was fantastic (NZ is currently experiencing a

quite severe drought ) and hundreds of McD franchisees, partners, supervisors and suppliers such as my business were in attendance.

In relation to the Hinde St project - we have just received quotes for the supply & erection of a brand new

Shed from two local suppliers following the difficulties that arose in relation to the wind rating of the old shed. John Monks has now circulated these new quotes to the project committee and we are expecting to consider their recommendation during the board meeting to be held after our next club meeting on Tuesday evening.

I’m sorry that I don’t really have any good news in respect to the condition of Phil Moore.

There is no improvement from what I advised last week. Phil is resting at home but is getting weaker and unable to have visitors or take phone calls as he is suffering from severely diminished immune systems and

ability to fight even any slight infection.

As such the family has expressed their desire to maintain privacy with no calls or visits to the Moore residence. Grahame Werrell remains as contact person for club members. Grahame will give us an update on Tuesday


Our next meeting on Tuesday is once again a designated partners night – as we are fortunate to have secured one of the keynote speakers from this weekend’s Sunshine Coast District conference from D9630 (north of


We are thus expecting a fascinating insight into the Philippines world of medicine with the visit of Dr. Gay Ardanas who will be on the Gold Coast for a few days before returning to the Philippines later in the week.

Dr. Gay presently works as the Municipal Health Officer (MHO) of Talisayan, Misamis Oriental. There is a

population of approximately 25000 with Gay as the only medical practitioner. As MHO, she works as a public

health physician. During her 2nd

year as MHO of Talisayan, this town was awarded the Red Orchid Award, an award given to government office or town that implements a 100% Tobacco-Free Environment following the

World Health Organization MPOWER initiative.

Another big night is expected with some visitors from other GC clubs expected. Please ensure you have registered yours and partners attendance as soon as you have read this and at latest by 4pm Monday


See you on Tuesday evening ……



Meet at Movie World Car Park at 08.15am for an 8.45am departure

This run will be relatively short (about 100km) with full emphasis on friendship and fellowship, similar to last year, where members of both clubs integrated so well that both Presidents declared the run an Annual event. Last year the Rotarians arrived in MG, hand built car, Mercedes SLK and Oldsmobile Cutlass and daily drivers and Pony Car Club Members arrived in their classics, so any vehicle will be most welcome on this run. We will commence with a short scenic drive for a picnic morning tea in the country with a brief stop in a Village to enable those without food to purchase morning tea. We will then proceed on another short drive to Country Paradise Parklands (Pre-booked) for a picnic lunch. Lunch purchases will be available nearby for those members without picnic lunches.

We hope to have a large raffle similar to last year with proceeds divided equally amongst both clubs, so the donation of raffle prizes will be greatly appreciated to achieve this end. BYO morning tea and picnic lunch and chairs for the morning tea stop.

(Members may wish to bring some games equipment for some light entertainment and fun.) RSVP John on 0417749554 or coastalvaluations@bigpond.com by 01 May 2013 please

The Broadbeach Joker

Today the Australian cricket team visited an orphanage in Mumbai, India. " The hopeless look on their faces was sad to see" said Gaurav, aged 6.


A man and a woman were having a quiet, romantic dinner in a fine restaurant. They were gazing lovingly at each other and holding hands. The waitress, taking another order at a table a few steps away, suddenly noticed the man slowly sliding down his chair and under the table, but the woman acted unconcerned. The waitress watched as the man slid all the way down his chair and out of sight under the table. Still, the woman appeared calm and unruffled, apparently unaware her dining companion had disappeared. The waitress, thinking this was a bit too risqué behaviour that might offend other diners, went over to the table and tactfully, began by saying to the woman "Pardon me, ma’am, but I think your husband just slid under the table." The woman calmly looked up at her and said, "No, he didn't. He just walked in the door."

................................... Little Jill sits watching grandpa all through the meal and finally says, "Grandpa, can you make a noise like a frog?"

"Why would I do that Jill?"

"Cause Dad says that when you croak we're going to be rich"........

........................... A young jackaroo from outback Queensland goes off to university, but halfway through the semester he has squandered all of his money. He calls home. 'Dad,' he says, 'you won't believe what modern education is developing...they actually have a program here in Brisbane that will teach our dog Ol' Blue how to talk.' 'That's amazing!' his Dad says. 'How do I get Ol' Blue in that program?' 'Just send him down here with $2,000,' the young jackaroo says, 'I'll get him in the course.' So his father sends the dog and $2,000. About two-thirds through the semester, the money again runs out. The boy calls home. 'So how's Ol' Blue doing, son?' his father wants to know.'Awesome! Dad, he's talking up a storm... But you just won't believe this. They've had such good results with talking, they've begun to teach the animals how to read. 'Read?' exclaims his father. 'No kidding! How do we get Ol' Blue in that program?' 'Just send $4,500. I'll get him in the class.' The money promptly arrives. But our hero has a problem. At the end of the year, his father will find out the dog can neither talk nor read. So he shoots the dog. When he arrives home at the end of the year, his father is all excited. 'Where's Ol' Blue? I just can't wait to talk with him, and see him read something!' 'Dad,' the boy says, 'I have some grim news. Yesterday morning, just before we left to drive home, Ol' Blue was in the living room, kicked back in the recliner, reading the Wall Street Journal. Then he suddenly turned to me and asked, 'So, is your daddy still bonking that little redhead barmaid at the pub?''

The father groans and whispers, 'I hope you shot that b*stard before he talks to your Mother!' 'I sure did, Dad!' 'That's my boy!' The kid went on to be a successful lawyer with Slater and Gordon.


Eradicate Polio

When we finally succeed, this will never be seen again

Polio Report

So far in the nearly 3 months of 2013, only new 9 cases of Polio have occurred globally, all of these in endemic countries. Pakistan 5, Afghanistan 1, Nigeria 3. There have been 0 new cases in non endemic countries, each reduction in new cases means the limitation of this scourge to spread – we are winning the battle

Let’s finish the job once and for all time.