25 Employee Engagement Ideas

Post on 21-Oct-2014

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Employee engagement is not an exact science. So far, the whole concept has been built on HR experience, positive phycology and business models that engage a company’s talent towards a productive culture of success. At the core of employee engagement, similar to any company’s foundation, are some values. These values determine the why, how and what of that company, presumably. In today’s economy, you’re building your company brand both through external as well as internal efforts. Playing two battlefields at the same time can prove to be tricky, that’s why some companies decide to focus their resources only on the external branding front. Meanwhile, they neglect their internal environment, failing to provide an engaging, challenging and appealing workplace. Enters talent management. A grey area where an HR manager meets a Talent Manager/Chief Happiness Officer. Confusing? Yes. And if it’s confusing for the person actually holding that position, imagine what it does to the employees he or she is supposed to be engaging. So, we came up with 25 ideas that can save a manager in need of some inspiration. Enjoy!

Transcript of 25 Employee Engagement Ideas

Employee engagement is not an exact science.

So far, the whole concept has been built on HR

experience, positive phycology and business

models that engage a company’s talent towards

a productive culture of success.

That’s why we came up with 25 ideas that can

save a manager in need of some inspiration.


Assign one of your company’s values to the

employee who best represented it in the

last month, based on a peer-voting process.

Assign company values1.

Designing your own game rules makes playing

a lot more fun. Having a team set of values can

help increase synergy and productivity.

Have teams create their own set of values


Give employees a 1-2 h/ day window to pursue

their own projects. It can trigger a creativity and

energy flow that would only benefit the rest of

the working hours.

Encourage personal projects3.

An important part of the onboarding process is

having some really important questions answered.

Questions that someone would be hesitant to

simply ask a manager.

Assign a buddy/mentor for every newcomer


For the more open-minded companies, this

initiative can bring a lot of fun and increase

employee loyalty.

Bring your [insert object/person here] to work

or Chocolate [insert day here].

Have themed office days5.

Have photos of your team on a wall, or frame

them around the office. Group photos, funny

photos, events photos or random photos

snapped when people weren’t watching.

Have team photos6.

You can personalize your own company gift

card and reward employees by allowing them

to make a charitable donation to an organization

of their choice.

Encourage charity7.

Give your employees a couple of days a month

to volunteer for a cause they support.

Better yet, set a team volunteering day, as

a group activity.

Encourage volunteering8.

In 2009, AT&T Mobility reduced costs,

increased revenues and improved the

customer experience by inspiring and

engaging their employees.

They saved millions in attrition costs.

Raise salaries9.

People need to be reminded of why they are

doing what they’re doing.

Remind people your company’s mission and values


Reward your creative team members. Give them a friendly “Good job!” and recognize them publicly for going the extra mile.

Recognize and encourage innovation


Big or small, they are the solid proof that the

work people are putting in has meaning.

Refill their energy tanks with some recognition

and celebrate their hard work.

Celebrate achievements12.

Birthdays, promotions, retirements, newcomers

welcoming, there are plenty of important

moments where people can be put at the front

of the company. Show them they matter!

Celebrate people13.

Keep it simple. Offer a framework or a system

that employees can use with confidence and

honesty. Let them know you value their opinion

and, most importantly, act on that feedback.

Give and receive feedback14.

It’s the small things that can sometime make a

difference. Like having colored mugs at work or

an awesome air freshener.

Try some unusual employee engagement ideas


25 is a big number, hope you’re not bored yet.

Just to make sure you make it, we’ve hid a surprise for you

somewhere in this presentation.

This should be the cornerstone for every office

interaction. Especially when it comes to people

in different hierarchies.

Show respect16.

Nothing creates a greater sense of responsibility

and ownership like having the decision power.

Don’t be afraid to let people be their own leader.

Empower your employees17.

Hire enthusiastic people. Encourage people to

actively manifest joy and positive emotions.

Support enthusiasm in the workplace


Challenge and support employees in learning

and developing their skills.

Encourage learning19.

Go out, have fun, have teambuildings and

weekend competitions! Join sports competitions

and encourage team playing activities.

Get social20.

Equip your employees with the tools and systems

that will make their job easier. This way, you’ll get

them to invest their energy into doing great work,

instead of wasting precious time.

Make sure that people have all the resources they need


Being as this is a fairly new business component,

you should trust the experts. Consult the right

people and build a solid strategy.

Ask the people who really know employee engagement


Monitor and analyze your employees, your

teams and the overall workspace. You’ll get some

essential pointers into what works and what you

can improve.

Get answers from your employees as well


Don’t settle for a quick fix. Develop a long-term

employee engagement strategy with clear

objectives and action steps for more than a year,

then re-evaluate and build on it.

Build long-term engagement24.

We’ve based this advice on our experience and

the experience of others that we’ve worked it.

However, what works for one company might not

work for another. It’s important that you try and


Try and try again25.

Here’s your well-deserved surprise!A free white paper on Employee Engagement!


The basic HR processes leave little or no time for employee happiness or employee engagement.

We recommend that you have an HRsystem in place, to track and implement your employee engagement strategy.

What’s the idea that workedbest for your employee

engagement efforts?

Tweet us at @gethppy!

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