21st century job hunting

Post on 13-Jan-2015

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How can we prepare young people with the skills they need for jobsearch in the 21st century? This presentation explores five themes, introducing the GROWN model: Goal Setting; Reputation Management; Opportunity Surfacing; Web skills; Networking. A range of resources and tools related to these themes is suggested. First presented at National Career Guidance Show, London 20th March 2013.

Transcript of 21st century job hunting

21st Century Job Hunting

Michael Larbalestier

Head of Research

New careers

Social Media Manager

User experience

analyst Blogger

Green Marketers

Environmental Economist

Recycling Coordinator

Distance Learning


Online Study Mentor

Robotics technician

Fibre Optics Technician

Fuel Cell Engineer

Bio fuel developer

World of work is changing

• Globalisation – a tripling of the workforce

• De-industrialisation

• Delayering

• Outsourcing

• 80% of jobs not filled by traditional methods

• Employers still complain recruits lack the skills they need

Jobs are changing

• Multi-disciplinary teams

• More graduates than graduate jobs

• Graduates taking on less skilled roles

• More flexible and part-time working

• More people in precarious employment

What do employers want?

Skills Attributes

Communication skills Honesty/Integrity

Analytical/ Research skills Flexibility/Adaptability

Computer/ Technical skills Dedication/Hard working

Flexibility/Adaptability Dependability/Reliability

Interpersonal skills Loyalty

Leadership skills Positive attitude/Motivation/Passion

Multicultural sensitivity Professionalism

Planning/Organising skills Self-confidence

Problem solving/Creativity Self-motivation

Teamwork Willingness to learn

Quintcareers: http://bit.ly/9t6Wf1






Me 2.0 By Dan Schawbel • Build a powerful brand to

achieve career success

• Gain competitive advantage in the marketplace

• You are the brand!

Johnny Bunko by Daniel H. Pink The six rules: 1. There is no plan 2. Think strengths not weaknesses 3. It’s not about you 4. Persistence trumps talent 5. Make excellent mistakes 6. Leave an impression

The One-week job project True story of Sean Aiken Q: What should I do with my life? A: Try 52 jobs in 52 weeks Oneweekjob.com

Informational Interview - sample questions 1. How many hours do you work? 2. What sort of education do you have? 3. What has been your career path from school to present? 4. What are the satisfying aspects of your work? 5. What are the greatest pressures, strains or anxieties in the work? 6. What are the major job responsibilities? 7. What are the toughest problems and decisions with which you must cope? 8. What are the dissatisfying aspects of the work? Is this typical of the field? 9. How would you describe the atmosphere/culture of the work place? 10. Do you think I left you out any important questions that would be helpful in learning about the job or occupation? 11. Can you suggest others who may be valuable sources of information?

Me Tycoon 1. Life will throw up challenges. 2. Grab any opportunities 3. Manage your money 4. Learn from other people 5. New jobs are emerging 6. Actively build your networks. 7. You’ll have more than one ‘career’ 8. Work will impact on your lifestyle/ personal happiness and fulfilment.

Micro-Tyco • Enterprise training challenge • Groups of 5 from schools,

colleges, universities, clubs and companies

• One month to turn £1 into as much money as you can

• Video mentoring from top business leaders

• Proceeds invested in global microfinance projects

• Starts in November • Micro-tyco.com

Job Boards • Most have alerts or feeds you

can sign up for • It’s important to create effective

profiles on each site

How many employers search online for talent?

80% 50% 45%

Social Networks • Keep profile up-to-date & truthful • Join and take part in groups • Connect with recruiter/employee • Understand privacy settings • Distinguish between audiences • Use photos with caution • Check how others tag you • Be careful what groups you join • Follow companies & colleges • Keep up with industry news • Connect with employees • Search tweetmyjobs.com




