21 Hot Tips For Google AdWords Campaign Optimization

Post on 21-Feb-2017

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Transcript of 21 Hot Tips For Google AdWords Campaign Optimization


21 Hot Tips for Google AdWords

Campaign Optimization

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Define Your Targets


Is $1 a click cheap or expensive?Is a CTR of 20% good or bad?

It all depends on the goals you are trying to achieve, because only after you have defined some goals will you be able to compare your

advertising campaigns.


Check The Auto-Tagging

This is the checkbox that enables AdWords to pass the Google Click ID (GCLID) through to Google Analytics.


Set Ad Rotation To "Rotate Indefinitely "Set your ad rotation to "rotate indefinitely" so that AdWords will

display multipe ads equally. Your CTR will also be more meaningful.


Never start A New Campaign On Friday

Thoroughly review your campaigns 24 hours after you enabled them. You won’t

be able to do this if you started a new campaign on Friday.


Make Sure Everything Is Approved

Often you'll be able to find disapproved ads that you missed. As a result, the entire

ad group might be inactive.



Find out how different devices are performing individually. If you recognize

that tablets or phones are perfomring poorly, implement a negative bid

adjustment to turn them off.


Networks - Search Partners

Did you know that not all of your clicks come from Google's search


There are other search engines and other

Google products that have Google's search engine built in. Your ad can also appear


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Search Lost IS (Budget)

A metric that you must pay attention to at the campaign level is the Search Lost IS (Impression Share) column. This metric will

show you the percentage of impressions that you lost due to a

budget shortfall.


Dimensions for Hour of Day

You can decrease bids within hours that spend a lot but aren't bringing

in good enough results. You can create a separate campaign for

hours that suffer from an insufficient budget.


If you don't have the option of increasing your budget, but you still want your ads shown

throughout the entire day, make sure you have selected "Standard" under "delivery Method" in

the campaign settings, and Google will attempt to spread your budget equally throughout the day.

Accelerated vs. Standard Delivery

Search Lost IS (Rank)

This statistic shows you which campaign's are loosing impressions

due to low ad rank. This may not indicate something is wrong with

the campaign's settings, but what it will do is point out which

campaigns have a problem their keywords.



Optimize at the Ad Level

If you have 2 ads, one of which has 10 clicks and a 20% CTR while the other has 20 clicks with a 25% CTR, don't rush to conclusions. A good rule of thing is to wait until

you have 100 clicks and only make an assessment.

25% CTR 15%



Re-Write Your Ad

Make significant changes or rephrase your ad completely.

Get out of your “comfort zone” and

write something completely new.


Check Differences Between The Keywords

Your ad group will generally consist of more than one keyword, and statistics of

the ad that you eventually see are the averages of all the keywords.


Add Negative Keyword List

Think of all the phrases you don't want to appear under, and ad them as negative keywords.

Click-Through-RateTake immediate care of keywords with low CTR.

This statistic affects keywords Quality Score. Ads with a low CTR will certainly be shown

LESS often.



Say “NO” to Automatic Bidding

Make sure you are not running automatic bidding. If nobody is steering the boat,

then you are paying double for your leads and sales.


Split Test Pay-Per-Click Ads

Keywords that receive 100 or more impressions in a given month should have an active

split test. Split testing will increase your click-through-rate

on high value keywords.


Mobile Device Bidding

AdWords provides device specific bidding, which allows you to run ads on mobile devices without

having to run them on desktop. Tweak your budget even further by applying more spend to the best

performing devices.



Ad Copy Position Testing

“Position test” your top performing ads so as not to pay more than you should. Is there any difference in appearing at

position 2 or 3 or 4?

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Verify Ad Positions

Check the Campaigns tab in the AdWords dashboard to see if ads are being displayed in the position you

are expecting. Your “average position” should not be greater than 3.5.

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