21 Elisabetta Errani Emaldi's Poetries for a Better World

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Transcript of 21 Elisabetta Errani Emaldi's Poetries for a Better World

  • 8/14/2019 21 Elisabetta Errani Emaldi's Poetries for a Better World


    21 poetries and biography

    in English by

    Elisabetta Errani Emaldi



    The forces of evil

    Universal Mandala

    Pagodas of the Universe

    We must wake up, brothers!

    The demons of paedophilias

    The guardians of the revolution

    Architect of a new dawn

    Aung San Suu Kyi, nightingale of Love!

    Rainbows of love and peace

    The soul of our Mother Earth

    The colour of illumination

    You dictator

    Two drops of light in the desert

    The power of love

    The Angel of Peace

    Three white doves

    Lotus of divine light

    Mandala of lights

    And hunger dances

    Curriculum vitae


  • 8/14/2019 21 Elisabetta Errani Emaldi's Poetries for a Better World


    Elisabetta Errani Emaldi, nata ad Alfonsine il 18/03/1952, ha studiato a Parigi e aLondra, ha lavorato per molti anni sulle navi da crociera con la qualifica d'assistentedirettore di crociera, shop manager, interprete ed ispettrice. Viaggiando tutto il mondoha acquisito la conoscenza di quattro lingue.

    Di lei nel 1992 si occupata la stampa nazionale a proposito del suo romanzo IVolgari artigiani dellamore, scritto in collaborazione con Ivana Tarroni.

    Nel 1998 ha illustrato i libri dello scrittore Pietro Seddio: Mafia e Politica nelle Operedi Leonardo Sciascia e La Bellezza della Morte nel Teatro di F.Garcia Lorca.

    Nella prima settimana del mese di luglio 1998, con il gruppo degli artisti di Spazio Artedi Alfonsine, ha dipinto il suo primo Murales a Nagykata in Ungheria.

    Nel mese di settembre 1998, Elisabetta, con lo stesso gruppo di artisti ha portato atermine il suo secondo Murales nella sua citt, in Via Mameli ad Alfonsine.

    Elisabetta ha scritto 4 romanzi e 8 sceneggiature. I titoli:"La Strega Regina del Sole d'Oriente", "Lhundrup Dhechen (Grande Benedizione)",

    "Nel Tunnel della Morte il Labirinto della Vita", "I Volgari Artigiani dell'Amore", Suonodel PiantoLa Dottoressa di Bosco Fiorito, La Dottoressa Mesed di Gounou-Gayaand Il Paese dalle mille colline

    Premi Letterari internazionali

    Elisabetta ha conseguito il secondo premio internazionale Miguel de Cervantes, conil romanzo: La Strega Regina del Sole doriente, il Superpremio Selezione Europea,Omaggio a Dante Alighieri, per il romanzo Nel Tunnel della morte, il labirinto della

    vita e il premio internazionale I protagonisti del 1998 per il suo libro di poesie "Io,chi sono io? Voi, chi siete voi?". I candidati di questultimo premio (solo venti), sonostati accuratamente selezionati tra un centinaio di scrittori ugualmente meritevoli diricevere un riconoscimento di tale livello.

    Elisabetta ha ottenuto una Segnalazione Speciale nel secondo Concorso Nazionale diNarrativa "Fascino e Mistero" organizzato dal Comune di Sassello per il racconto"Quando il sogno diventa fonte di luce e premonizione".

    Il 22 Aprile 2001 ha conseguito il Premio Letterario Internazionale Omaggio aManzoni, Edizioni Passaporto Duemila per il romanzo I Volgari Artigiani dellAmore

    scritto in collaborazione con Ivana Tarroni. Dei menzionati romanzi Elisabetta hascritto anche la sceneggiatura.

    Il suo dipinto "L'Angelo dell'Amore" stato scelto per far parte della prestigiosaantologia "Il Convivio" e premiato a Giardini Naxos (Messina) il 16 ottobre 2005. Anchela sua poesia "Mandala di luci" stata selezionata per far parte della notevoleantologia "Il Convivio" e premiata a Motta Camastra (Messina) il 3 gennaio 2006.

    Il 20 maggio 2006, a Mattinata (Foggia), la giuria del Premio "Santa Maria della Luce"nella sezione "Tema libero italiano" ha conferito ad Elisabetta il Premio InternazionaleMenzione d'onore per la poesia "Il Giardino del Tempo".

    Il 6 Maggio 2009 a Parigi la giuria del THE ENCHANTING VERSES INTERNATIONALpoetry journal ha conferito a Elisabetta il secondo premio Internazionale Editor'sChoice -II certificationLetteratura per la Pace.

    Pubblicazioni e altro.


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    Nel 2003 ha scritto il cortometraggio " Il famigerato Re degli imbecilli e i tre idioti enel 2004 "Il volo di un usignolo verso la luce interiore". L'ultimo romanzo e la relativasceneggiatura da lei scritti, dal titolo "Lhundrup Dhechen" (Grande Benedizione), sibasano sulla sua esperienza vissuta in Nepal nel Monastero di Kopan a contatto con iMonaci Buddisti. Nel mese d'agosto del 2005 ha scritto un cortometraggio dal titolo"Suono del Pianto", per aiutare i giovani depressi a capire gli ingranaggi della loromente malata.

    Disegni e poesie di Elisabetta sono stati pubblicati sulla rivista: LEredit Dantesca,nel mese novembre 1997. Altre poesie sono state lette da Patrizia Rossetti a RadioItalia musica italiana.

    "Il cuore di Dio" un libro di massime, sentenze, aforismi, pensieri dei Grandi delpassato e del presente, raccolti e ordinati da Elisabetta. Nel libro ci sono anche 32massime e 12 disegni suoi.

    Durante gli anni 2003, 2004 e 2005, Elisabetta ha letto quasi tutti i pensieri contenutinel libro "Il cuore di Dio" a Radio Italia Anni Sessanta.

    Le poesie "Castelli di Nebbia", "Giorni di Primavera", "Il Giardino del Tempo", "Cielid'Oriente"e LAngelo della Pace sono state scelte dalla giuria del Premio"Poetaonline" e lette da Luana Trabuio e Giancarlo Bruschini ad Artescrittura Live Tv,durante i mesi di maggio e giugno 2008.

    La raccolta di massime e pensieri, di Elisabetta, dal titolo "Sorriso di Dio", statapubblicata nei forum di Quotidiano.Net, Il Resto del Carlino, La Nazione, Il Giorno,restando tra gli argomenti pi letti e discussi del mese. La discussione "Sorriso di Dio" stata pubblicata anche nel Forum della Community Rai, dove in poco tempo sono

    state registrate circa 7000 visite.

    Disegni e poesie di Elisabetta sono stati pubblicati sull'Antologia "La Agonia delNirvana" in Per e Argentina nel Novembre 2008.

    Il 15 di Marzo 2009, 10 poesie di Elisabetta sono state pubblicate sulla rivista spagnolan16 Palabras Diversas in Letteratura per la Pace

    A Pisa il 30 Maggio 2009, allHotel San Ranieri, durante lincontro di poesia organizzatoda Giancarlo Bruschini ComunicArteEstro-verso, lattore Vincenzo De Caro ha lettodue poesie di Elisabetta, LAnima di nostra Madre Terra e Arcobaleni di amore e

    pace. A quello stesso evento culturale, Giancarlo Bruschini ha letto Aung San SuuKyi usignolo dellAmore! poesia che Elisabetta ha scritto per il Premio Nobel per laPace birmano.

    Disegni e poesie di Elisabetta sono stati pubblicati nellAntologia En la Calle, nelmese di Luglio 2009 a Quertaro-Mxico, pubblicata da Alejandro Uribe y la UtopiaAmbulante. Poesie e disegni di Elisabetta sono stati pubblicati nella rivista AmericanaEnchanted Forest magazinenel mese di novembre 2009Poesie di Elisabetta sono state pubblicate dalleditore Estro-verso, nei mesi disettembre e novembre 2009, sulle antologie POESIA ROMANTICA e Poetica a tema"LA DONNA".

    Le poesie e le sinossi delle sceneggiature di Elisabetta sono pubblicate in migliaia dipagine di siti webs in tutto il mondo. Eanche regolarmente iscritta al Sindacato LiberoScrittori Italiani.


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    Elisabetta, durante la sua straordinaria esperienza a bordo della nave "Orient Sun", haspedito da Singapore i suoi sogni premonitori e una cassetta con le testimonianzedegli ufficiali al famoso scienziato americano Dottor David Ryback d'Atlanta.

    Nei suoi romanzi e sceneggiature Elisabetta si ispirata a quel mondo misterioso estraordinario del paranormale che la coinvolge direttamente. Fra laltro anche ilcompianto Dottor Massimo Inardi, parlando dellautrice e della sua produzioneletteraria, aveva detto: Elisabetta vive da molti anni situazioni paranormali sottoforma telepatica, chiaroveggente e soprattutto precognitiva. Grazie a queste doti sidedica da molti anni allo studio delloniromanzia. Come esperta di questo argomentoha partecipato a diversi programmi televisivi di emittenti private e ha tenutoconferenze.

    Sito Internet: www.errani-emaldi-sceneggiature.it


    My profile link: http://person.yasni.com/elisabetta-errani-emaldi-231464.htmwww.sanesociety.org/it/www.sole.org

    Sane Society: http://www.sanesociety.org/links4.php?idioma=5Talent Seekers: http://www.talentseekers.net/linkus.php


  • 8/14/2019 21 Elisabetta Errani Emaldi's Poetries for a Better World



    Peace is a sea of tranquillitythat can only be built with love.

    Our negative actions lead onlyto pain for ourselves and for the world around us.

    An unhappy man is a bomb that rolls on thestreets of world, sowing death and destruction.

    Peace is a precious seed thatblooms in a heart overflowing with love.

    Sadness and suffering are seedsthat arise in a heart full of resentment

    Inner peace is a diamondof light that each of us earns

    with positive thoughts and actions.

    Hey you, brothers who are still crossingthe ways of destruction,

    check your minds out of control,eliminate the darkness that consumes you

    with the power of love and transform yourselvesinto angels who sow and harvest only peace.


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    Love is the light that brings peace into thehearts of human beings and in the world.

    Peace is a rare diamond, fruitof the energy of pure love.

    Peace will never enterin mans impure heart.

    Divine love is a powerful infusion of energythat gives life, light, and lets nature grow.Warming the heart of the Earth and humanity.

    Love is the energy of the great Architect

    who uses it to continue creatingthe infinite Universe.

    Man is the little Divine Creator,but when he forgets to be so, he loses himself

    in the blinds alleys of his sick mind and

    becomes the architect of darkness,transforming himself into a demon

    sowing suffering and death.

    Love is the light that brings peace into thehearts of human beings and in the world.


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    The forces of evil.

    The sun shines in the illuminatedminds by the universal love.

    The sun dies in the obscuredminds poisoned by arrogance,

    violence and hatred.

    We are the only responsiblefor our misfortune

    when we choose with free

    will the forces of evil.

    We deserve our luckwhen with free will,

    we choose the universal love.


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    Architect of a new dawn

    Humanity, entity of the universe,glorious fragment of God, wire of energy fed with

    the infinite love of the Prince of Light.

    The evolved humanity will be the architectof a new dawn and the smile of God

    The divinity of humanity reflectsin the eyes of innocent children, in the look of light,

    love and peace of wises, in the flourished meadows of truthin the born day that smiles at the world.

    Humanity, rainbow of auras,which pulse of green, electric blue,

    and orange waterfalls, the colour of illumination.

    Humanity, the architect of a new dawnflourished of hope.

    Life, a hourglass that lets slowly slipping the goldenergy of knowledge and that measures

    over time the experience flowingbetween the wings of wind, at the tolls

    of the Divine Heart.

    Humanity, anchored to the great earth sea,at the end of time will fly free between the planets

    of the revelation of the infinite Universeand reach the great energy of love.

    Humanity, architect of a new dawnflourished of hope.


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    The guardians of the revolution

    The eyes of the world watching horrifiedthe guardians of the revolution, while

    shoot from the rooftops to the angels of freedom.

    The spiritual guards of madnessfight their battle

    against the light, believing of sealingin the casket of silence their crimes.

    From the invisible wires of the eater thereports of torture and massacres fly to the world,

    crushing the masksof clay of the demons of the dark valley.

    You! fragments of obscurity blinded by the darkness of yourgluttony, dont you see? you are dragging your soul

    to atone in the labyrinth of suffering.

    "Spiritual" guards of madness observe the evildancing in your ballerinas minds,

    controlled by the demons warriors of hell.

    In big squares crowded by angelsof protest against the corruption at the power,

    the demons of the valley of darkness, dressed in black,

    as fast as wind, on their horses of metal,mercilessly kill the doves of freedom.

    The "Spiritual" guides at the power tremble offear to lose their castle of sand, then

    shoot at the crowd and at the heart of the innocent girlsthat claim the freedom.

    The eyes of the world look shocked,but the guardians of the revolution

    continue to fight against love.

    Do not delude your minds controlled bythe black pawing stallions of death,

    your actions will bring youto defeat, unchangeable fate, created by your

    animals ego concentrated on personal interests.Your crimes will not continue forever.

    The dawn of freedom will lead yourpeople in triumph and you will be disarmed

    by your destructive madness

    that will chain you to your crimes


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    The demons of paedophilias

    Paedophiles are voracious Lucifer who robthe lives of the children of the world

    without realizing that they slide inthe stench of their mental latrine.

    Paedophiles are snakes thatcrawl slowly towards the pure heart

    of the innocent child.

    The men, sons of theSatanists of the paedophilias have abandoned

    any dignity and are sunk inthe stench of their uncontrolled mind,

    now chained to the will and wild pleasureof the devils.

    The mental illness strikes without mercythe innocence of angels

    blossomed in the sunshine.

    The demons of paedophiliaviolate the privacy of butterflies

    flying on the lawns of our mother earth.

    Paedophiles are voracious Lucifer who robthe lives of the children of the world

    without realizing that they slidein the stench of their mental latrine.

    We must wake up, brothers!

    The Knights of the gold brain and the skull of crystal


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    fly into the mystery of death to defeat it.

    Fluctuate with the mind the Knights of the invention,in the universal tank of Creation

    and generate new machines on Earth to save the sickbodies of people from suffering and death.

    We must wake up from the sleep of ignorance,brothers, let us not being terrorized

    from the fear of death.

    The soul is eternalonly our bodies will fall into dust.

    Our essence of light will go back in the other dimensionand at the sound of other lyrics, so to have the opportunity

    of different experiences.

    The new machines should not serve to condemnsouls in their casings to vegetate.

    We must wake up, men. For ignorancewe commit brutal crimes

    and this is another injusticethat lacks the spirit of its freedom.

    We must wake up, from the sleep of indifference, men,ignorance and prejudices

    must be abandonedbecause they are the evils that condemn humanity

    to other cruel and unnecessary suffering.

    When the body of a creature is condemnedto his bedside without the hope to rise, the machines

    should not and can not be used to extendthe agony and imprisonment of the soul on Earth.

    We nourish the body, but we must leave soulfree to return quickly to the Celestial Temple,

    to the arms of the Father, in the universe.

    We must wake up, men, do not prolong the agony

    to whom has finished his earthly experience,for our great ignorance.

    Fly into the mystery of Death theKnights of the gold brain and of the crystal of skull,but only to save the lives of human beings who must

    continue their mission on Earth.

    We must wake up, people, we must not condemn suffering ina housing plant the spirit of one of our similar

    at the time of his release,when he has finished his earthly mission.

    We must wake up, brothers, and letfly into the mystery of Death the


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    Knights of the gold brain and of the skull of crystal,but only to restore life to those who are still destined

    to continue his mission on Earth without vegetate.

    Pagodas of the Universe

    Mysterious lyricsvibrating of foreign emotions played by

    magical instruments of the white angels whodance and sing around the pagodas of the Universe.

    Surrounded by the green sea of infinityand butterflies of light,the pagodas of the Universe sowenergy in mens sleeping hearts .

    The magic lid of the sea of time diffusesitself in the field of the Universal mind.

    From the dawn of time mankind discovers theGods footsteps and his trail of wisdom.

    From the pagodas of the Universemelodies are spreading in the wind that makes

    the lotus flowers blooming vibrating of energy;while they are performing in a dance of love.

    The pagodas of the Universe shinesurrounded by a green sea of infinity,

    set of emeralds, born from a play of light, springingby a solar Mandala.

    Mysterious lyricsvibrating of foreign emotions played by

    magical instruments of the white angels who

    dance and sing around the pagodas of the Universe.


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    Universal Mandala

    Reflected lights fall on the earth from the Universal. Mandala

    Bringing enlightenment to the evolved soulsand dropping wisdom in mens confused minds

    in the oblivion ground.

    There wont be any short or easy way for the son of man,that will dig into the rock step by step,

    in order to climb the ladderthat leads to knowledge.

    Reflected lights fall on the earth from the Universal Mandala.

    The Divine Wisdom of light water her childrenstruggling against their mental hell.

    There wont be peace, but sorrow for the man whohave not abandoned the hatred, the desire and ignorance.

    The Divine aid flows always from distant timesof the past at the Universal mind of man that fights

    to come up at the sunshine.

    No one is alone on earth, no one is left

    in his mental darkness, the angels oflight are ready to pour the gold of the universal wisdom

    on anyone desiring to leave the hell createdfrom corrupted minds.

    Reflected lights fall on the earth from the Universal Mandala.

    Aung San Suu Kyi, nightingale of Love!

    Mother of peace who weeps bitter tearsbecause of the insanity

    that inhabits the gilded palaces of power.

    White dove in which the warriors of injustice


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    stole the hope of flyingon the meadows of freedom.To you I sing a song of love!

    To you I play the notes of Liberty!To you I give the Triumph!

    Nightingale of love,your glow shines

    on the universal mind of man.Your example warms the heart of Humanity.

    The ego of powerful people is poisoned by the power of demonsthat persecute the innocent and do not know

    that the law of cause and effect condemn their soulsto expiate their cruel actions in the storm.

    The negative telepathic thought inculcated by the princes of evil

    subdues and blinds the polluted and uncontrolled mindsof those involved with power.

    Your tears shine likediamonds of light in front the world,

    who admires and supports you with his energy of love.

    Aung San Suu Kyi,your jailers will fall

    in shame and defeat, in front of the community.

    Inexorable fate created by their negativeenergy and uncontrolled mind

    Your heart pierced by ignoranceand betrayed by your own government is fed

    from Humanity shocked by the madness of dictatorship.

    Angel of human rights, you will fly in thefreedom of days flowered with the sun.

    To you I sing a song of love!To you I play the notes of Liberty!

    To you I give the Triumph!

    Rainbows of love and peace

    From the infinity of the Universerainbows of love and peace arrive to us,

    invisible wiresof the Divine creative energy.


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    From The Planet Earth,balls of destructive human energyare expanding into the Universe,created by ignorance which flares

    wars, crimes, hatred, and evil.

    We are small creators!!!The thought is energy that creates!!!Our uncontrolled minds are polluted

    from the dark energy of evil.

    The thought is invisible energy that transmitour aggressive inner world to the collectivity.

    We are the good and evil in the world!!!

    Our imbalance leads to our destructionand our planet one.

    We are the architects of our destiny,unaware of having created our universe

    of suffering and disease.

    We can control our minds,heal our ills and cover the whole planet

    with love and peace.

    A collective and balancedthought will throw millions of rainbows on earth and

    in the universe, illuminating the darkness.

    We are divine collaborators, we must abandonignorance, stupidity, drugs, vices and become

    responsible creators of love and peace,worthy of being Gods children.

    The colour of illumination

    Back in the far away time of the universe,a pearl of sensual pleasure falls between two parentheses

    and closes the gate of the earthy deceit

    leaving grow in my summer garden,under the olive tree of peace, a sea

    of orange flowers,


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    the colour of illumination.

    Universal love to the beat of the heart that awakens.

    The refrain from selfish and individualearthly pleasure,

    to collect the fruits of the universal love.

    The refrain from selfish and individualearthly pleasure,,

    to give love to the whole Humanity.

    Sensuality flies away from me and runs between thegrey - silver leaves dancing

    with their arms out of my unlimited field.

    The light returns in the hidden alleys of my mind

    that echoes to the awakening of universal love.Light of infinite that comes back to illuminate the blind

    latent alleys of my soul.

    Universal love to the beat of the heart that awakens.

    Back in the far away time of the universe,a pearl of sensual pleasure falls between two parentheses

    and closes the gate of the earthy deceitleaving grow in my summer garden,under the olive tree of peace, a sea

    of orange flowers,

    the colour of illumination.

    The soul of our Mother Earth

    Love doesnt triumph whenstupidity of man contained in his ignorance

    does not respect our Mother Earth.


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    Humanity suffocates, slowly,very slowly, in its total indifference.

    Our Mother Earth, the great alive soulwarms us on her heart and

    nourishes us, but we are enveloped by ignorancewe are blind and deaf to her appeal.

    Maybe, are we waiting for the ill fruits of ourMother Earth poisoning us?

    Let us not being suffocated by her, we must cureour Mother Earth with devotion, because she

    nourishes us with love and energy.

    I feel my spirit tremble,

    while her great sick soul is suffering anddesperate because her children are ungrateful,

    they havent respect for themselves and not even for her.

    While she dies slowly and in silentI feel her sorrow, her suffering and her tears

    falling on my anguished heart.

    Love triumphs only whenwe respect ourselves and our Mother Earth.

    Life will continue only if we wake up from the sleep of


    I feel her suffering breath, acid rainthat falls on me and

    consumes my members, while she implores usto listen to her echo of pain that flies

    to our deaf ears and to our mindsaway from heart.

    You dictator

    So I will come back to the gleam of dawn,


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    leaving prints of love and peaceon the suffering man, in the fields, villages and cities,

    because you, dictator, condemned by your actionswill be defeated by the power of love.

    You, with your thoughts blinded by hate,pride and ignorance,

    you have wet a nation with blood,burnt villages,

    deported old people and children,raped women, and killed people

    without mercy.

    You dictator without soul,you closed the door of your heart to the divine

    inspiration, warrior of evil againstthe world you will be defeated by love.

    You, black soul, spat from the prince of darkness,you will not destroy the human spirit and the divine laws,

    but you will be dragged from the turbines of sufferingin the labyrinth of expiation.

    So I will come back to the gleam of dawnleaving prints of love and

    Peace on beaches,fields, villages and nations of the world and you,

    inexorable dictator, willwalk the streets of despair

    pierced by the divine truth.

    Two drops of light in the desert

    Palestine, Israel,wake up your sleeping hearts, scroll

    your uncontrolled minds.Let the sun of peace bright upon your souls.

    Cut the chains of aggressionand you will discover that you are victims of your own resentment.

    Two people, two drops of light in the desert!Two people, two stars switched off by hatred!

    Israel, Palestine,collect the blood that you have sown


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    in the wind, and pour it into the precious goblet of peace.

    Do not let angerextinguish that sparkle

    that still Light your sick hearts.

    Palestine, Israel,sown light, forgive, destroy animosity

    that consumes you, with gestures of love and reconciliation.Brothers, water the olive trees thirsty of peace

    and love, because they want to grow in your deserts.

    Two people, two drops of light in the desert!Two people, two stars switched off by hatred!

    Israel, Palestine,turn on your suns and be guided by love!

    Purify your polluted heart!

    Quiet the sand stormsin your arid minds and your sorrows

    will become a garden of light and peace.

    Your deformed fruits,have brought pain and destructionon your stone hills thirsty of love.

    The Almighty has not drawn boundaries.Love has no colour or race.

    Hatred is the direct line leading to the self-destruction.

    Palestine, Israel,turn on your sun and warm the fossilized and

    suffering heart of your brothers.

    Love has no colour or race.Hatred is the direct line leading to the self-destruction.

    Love is the sun of peace

    The power of love

    Israel, Palestine,let the sunlight illuminate

    your mental universe and cure it.

    Israel, Palestine,abandon your rustling grudges and let the

    power of love riding the future events.

    Palestine, Israel,destroy hatred and the power of love will fall upon you!


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    Brothers, let your inner desert flourish with light

    People thirsty for peace, let the spark ofcompassion light your hearts.

    Let the rays of Justice illuminatethe incomprehension that

    obscures your minds.

    Let the sunlight warm the ice that come from your hearts.Let the truth illuminate you eyes blinded

    by the atrocities of war.

    Palestine, Israel,borders are only human limitations.

    The walls that divide grow onlyin the poisoned minds of men.

    Brothers, do not let the tears of Godwet the corpses of the innocents, killed by criminals

    who do not believe in the power of love.

    Israel, Palestine,let the sunlight illuminate

    you mental universe end cure it,for the horrible cancer of evil created by hatred.

    The Angel of Peace

    Go Angel of Peace, flies,rests with your whitedoves over the ruins,

    on the lifeless bodiesof the innocents.


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    Go Angel of Peace, flies andblasts your intense light of love

    on the heart of stoneof the dictators of Earth.

    Go Angel of Peace,with the crucifix of light on your forehead,

    your golden hair in the windblue eyes horrified

    by the terrible lands events

    Go Angel, pushed by the divine force,flies on the conscience of the powerful men

    to inspire peace, to wake upthe sleepy reason on the dictators 's sick minds

    of the world.

    Lotus of divine light

    I sow love in desert fields,and here

    as if by magic,from my heart bloomsa lotus of divine light,

    that vibrates of Universal love


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    Three white doves

    Three white dovesfly away

    against the sun,while you work in fields

    watered by honourflowered of


    Mandala of lights

    From the stellar ocean, among waves ofmemories a Mandala of fire appears:unconscious esoteric signs, messages,

    that sow illuminationon the ploughed fields

    of the mental Universe

    And hunger dances

    The sick heart of humanity andthe uncontrolled men's mind

    whirling indifferentto the crying of the hungry Africans.

    The ears of the powerful are deafto the suffering of the children of anyone.

    The sun rises, but the food does not arriveamong the dunes of the desert.


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    And hunger dances.

    While their soulsfluctuate between the

    arms of the angels of death,we sail

    in the sea of indifference.And hunger dances.

    The eyes of the powerfuldo not want to see the

    hunger dancing in childrens empty belliesundernourished.

    The sun rises, but the food does not arriveamong the dunes of the desert.

    And hunger dances.

    Our tables are filled with abundance whileAfricans are dying

    in silence because of humans 'insensibilitywatered of selfishness.And hunger dances.


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