2020 暑期興趣班課程 Summer Class ProgrammeBox, Japanese Pastel Painting, Masquerade Mask,...

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Transcript of 2020 暑期興趣班課程 Summer Class ProgrammeBox, Japanese Pastel Painting, Masquerade Mask,...

2020 暑期興趣班課程 Summer Class Programme

12/6 前報名即享早鳥優惠

Enrol by 12/6 to enjoy our early bird discounts

12/6 前報名即享早鳥優惠

Enrol by 12/6 to enjoy early bird discounts!

1. 凡於 6 月 12 日前報讀任何課程 10 堂以上可享早鳥優惠


Enrol for more than 10 classes by 12 June to enjoy an

additional 10% discount.

2. 新生適應班只限即將入讀本校學生報讀。

Only children joining Sophie for the new school year may

apply for the Bridging Course.


Course Code


新生適應班 Bridging Course 課堂將由幼兒班老師任教,目的為訓練幼兒的自理能力和學習投入群體生活,幫助幼兒更快適應學校環境,並融入幼兒園的生活。 This course will be taught by our pre-nursery teachers with the aim of promoting children’s self-care and social skills and helping them to settle in and adapt to kindergarten school life.

對象 Ages:1½ - 3歲(即將入讀學生 For students joining Sophie in the new

school year)

費用 Course Fee:本校生 Sophie Students: $4,950 (20 小時 hours)

上課日期 Days: 星期一至星期五 Monday to Friday

第一週 Week 1* 10, 11, 12, 13, 14/8 第二週 Week 2 17, 18, 19, 20, 21/8

第三週 Week 3 24, 25, 26, 27, 28/8 上課時間 Time: 第一週 Week 1 09:00 am - 10:00 am 第二週 Week 2 09:00 am - 10:00 am 第三週 Week 3 09:00 am - 11:00 am *第一週之課堂須由一位成人陪同, 第二週之課堂可自由選擇是否由成 人陪同。 It is compulsory for one parent/caregiver to accompany the student in week 1. In week 2, parent/caregiver accompaniment is optional.


Course Code


綜合運動發展班 General Sports Class 本課程旨在透過有趣互動的活動,讓幼兒學習足球和籃球的基本技術,並增強幼兒的平衡、反應和身體協調能力。此外,幼兒更可於團隊的訓練中,對隊伍中的角色及責任有初步的了解。本課程由 Adventure Sports Academy 教練擔任導師。 The programme aims to teach children basic soccer and basketball skills through stimulating and interactive games. The classes will also improve children’s balance, reflexes and physical coordination. In addition, through taking part in team sports, children will learn about their roles and responsibilities within a team. This course will be taught by the professional instructors from Adventure Sports Academy. 對象 Ages:2½ - 6 歲

費用 Course Fee:$5940 (18 堂 lessons) 本校生 Sophie Students: $5580

上課日期 Days: 星期一、三、五 Monday, Wednesday, Friday

第一週 Week 1 20, 22, 24/7 第二週 Week 2 27, 29, 31/7 第三週 Week 3 3, 5, 7/8 第四週 Week 4 10, 12, 14/8 第五週 Week 5 17, 19, 21/8 第六週 Week 6 24, 26, 28/8

上課時間 Time: ECA20-S-02(a) 2:00 pm - 3:00 pm

ECA20-S-02(b) 3:00 pm - 4:00 pm :00 nn-1:00 pm


Course Code


蔚思音樂園地 Sophie Musicland

本課程旨在透過有趣的音樂活動引發幼兒對音樂的興趣。幼兒將於唱遊經典兒歌之同時學習以不同的樂器伴奏。幼兒更會認識基本音樂知識如節奏、音色、拍子及音調。課程之最後一堂將舉行小型表演,歡迎家長/監護人參加。 The course aims to arouse children’s interest towards music through musical instruments as they sing along to favourite nursery rhymes and jingles. They will also be exposed to some of the basic fundamentals of music, including rhythm, dynamics, tempo and pitch. The children will complete this course by having a mini-performance on the last day. Parents/guardians are cordially welcomed to attend. 對象 Ages:3 - 6 歲

費用 Course Fee:$4080 (12 堂 lessons) 本校生 Sophie Students: $3720

上課日期 Days: 星期二、四 Tuesday, Thursday

第一週 Week 1 21, 23/7 第二週 Week 2 28, 30/7 第三週 Week 3 4, 6/8 第四週 Week 4 11, 13/8 第五週 Week 5 18, 20/8 第六週 Week 6 25, 27/8

上課時間 Time: 2:15 pm - 3:15 pm


Course Code


蔚思廚房 Sophie’s Kitchen 課程將教導幼兒製作特色的健康包點及美食,如:燕麥提子曲奇、公仔麵包、菜肉雲吞、鬆餅、蔬菜烤肉卷、薄餅、彩虹炒飯,過程中讓幼兒接觸及認識不同的食材和簡易烹調的程序,透過製作食物,令幼兒明白健康飲食的重要,加強幼兒的獨立處事能力,並發掘他們的廚藝天份。 This programme guides children to create unique, healthy snacks and appetizers, such as: Oatmeal raisin cookies, Cute animal steamed buns, Pork and vegetable wonton, Scone, Vegetable and meat roll, Pizza, Rainbow fried rice. During the cooking process, children will explore the different ingredients and learn how to follow a recipe step by step. Students will understand the importance of a healthy diet and strengthen their self-help abilities, while displaying their cooking talents. 對象 Ages:4 - 6 歲

費用 Course Fee:$2870 (7 堂 lessons) 本校生 Sophie Students: $2660

上課日期 Days: 星期二、四 Tuesday, Thursday

第一週Week 1 6/8 第二週Week 2 11, 13/8 第三週Week 3 18, 20/8 第四週Week 4 25, 27/8



1:00 pm - 2:15 pm

*請自備食物盒(存放製成品)。 *請自備食物盒(存放製成品) 費用已包括課堂所需之材料。

Please provide your child with an empty food container.

The course fee is inclusive of all materials needed .


Course Code


創意視藝班 Arts & Crafts 課程讓幼兒在輕鬆愉快的課堂上發揮美術創意。老師會透過不同的物料及技巧,啟發幼兒的想像力和創作力。創作內容包括﹕精緻小寶盒、日式粉彩畫、威尼斯面譜、魔幻水晶球、立體黏土、水果水墨畫製作。 This fun and relaxing course allows children to exert their creativity in Art. Teacher will introduce various materials and techniques to ignite children’s imagination and creativity. Activities include: Tiny Treasure Box, Japanese Pastel Painting, Masquerade Mask, Magical Crystal Ball, 3-D Clay Molding, Painting Fruit (Chinese Calligraphy Style). 對象 Ages:3 - 6 歲

費用 Course Fee:$3630(11 堂 lessons) 本校生 Sophie Students: $3410

上課日期 Days: 星期一、三、五 Monday, Wednesday, Friday

第一週 Week 1 5,7/8 第二週 Week 2 10,12,14/8 第三週 Week 3 17,19,21/8 第四週 Week 4 24,26,28/8

上課時間 Time: 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm

*請自備圍裙、手袖。 費用已包括課堂所需之材料。 Please provide your child with an art apron with sleeves.

The course fee is inclusive of all materials needed .


Course Code


智力寶盒 Jelic Jelic 多元智能寶盒是一套完整及系統化的腦力開發學習工具,全套包括 450 個寶盒,分為 7 級,超過 3,000 個多元智能遊戲,目的為激發 2 歲半至 6 歲兒童的全腦潛能。課程主要培養幼兒獨立性、專注力、秩序、協調性,經訓練後可提升幼兒多角度思考、解決問題能力、創造力,從而讓幼兒建立自信。 JELIC is a set of learning tools for children aged 2.5 to 6 to develop both hemispheres of the brain. It consists of 450 learning boxes divided into 7 levels, with over 3,000 multiple intelligence games. The programme cultivates children’s independence in learning, widens concentration span and enhances multi-faceted thinking, problem-solving ability and creativity so that children become confident individuals.

對象 Ages:3 - 6 歲

費用 Course Fee:$2310 (7 堂 lessons) 本校生 Sophie Students: $2170

上課日期 Days: 星期二、四 Tuesday, Thursday

第一週 Week 1 6/8 第二週 Week 2 11, 13/8 第三週 Week 3 18, 20/8 第四週 Week 4 25, 27/8 上課時間 Time: 3:00 pm - 4:00 pm


Course Code


小一啟迪班 Stepping Stones for Primary One 本校特別為準 K2 & K3 學生編制「小一啟迪班」課程。內容將模擬小一面試,例如:邏輯思考遊戲,棋類活動,排圖卡講故事等,為幼兒於小一面試及升讀小學做好充足準備。 Our school has specially design ‘Stepping Stones to Primary One’ for our newly promoted K2 & K3 students with the aim of preparing children for P1 admission interviews and ensuring a smooth transition from kindergarten to primary education. The course will include Primary One interview tasks such as logical thinking games, board games and story-telling with the use of tools such as sequence cards.

對象 Ages:4 - 6 歲

費用 Course Fee:本校生 Sophie Students: $3630 (11 堂 lessons)

上課日期 Days: 星期一、三、五 Monday, Wednesday, Friday

第一週 Week 1 5, 7/8 第二週 Week 2 10, 12, 14/8 第三週 Week 3 17, 19, 21/8 第四週 Week 4 24, 26, 28/8

上課時間 Time: 2:00 pm - 3:00 pm

Terms and Conditions-Summer Class Programme 1. Once enrolment is confirmed, no refunds will be issued and tuition is not


2. There will be no make-up lessons for the programme.

3. All our materials are strictly limited to current students at Sophie Education

Institution. Parents and students must not reproduce or distribute them without

the consent of Sophie Education Institution.

4. Photographs, videos and audio recordings may be taken during class time by a

member of our staff. Students and participants agree to be photographed or taped.

We reserve the right to use these photos, videos and /or audio recordings and

students’ work for teaching, training and/or promotional purposes. If you object to

this term, kindly inform us in writing.

5. All classes will be cancelled when a Tropical Cyclone Warning Signal No. 8 or higher

or Black Rainstorm Signal is issued. If the warning/signal is cancelled before 1pm,

afternoon classes will resume as usual. If the warning /signal is not cancelled by

1pm, all classes will be cancelled.

6. Classes that are cancelled due to adverse weather or a school suspension

announcement issued by the HKSAR Government will not be refunded or


7. Please look after your belongings at all times and avoid bringing valuable items.

Sophie Education Institution will not be held liable for any lost, stolen or damaged

items, or injury to any participants. However, we shall provide our best assistance.

8. In case of emergency or injury, if the parent cannot be reached immediately,

Sophie Education Institution staffs are authorized to send the child to the nearest

public hospital. Parents agree to be responsible for all treatment costs.

9. Sophie Education Institution reserves the right to make the final decision in case of

disputes and to make changes to our policy.


Published by Sophie Education Institution

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All rights reserved. This book may not be reproduced in whole or in part by any means

without the permission of Sophie Education Institution.