2020 - Epworth HealthCare

Post on 27-Dec-2021

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Transcript of 2020 - Epworth HealthCare

2020Philanthropy Report

• Philanthropy provides the foundation for Epworth’s COVID-19 response

• New state-of-the-art equipment to support patients requiring heart and eye surgery

• Providing care beyond our borders

In this issue:

It is with a real sense of pride that we look back on all of our achievements over the last 100 years. While Epworth’s centenary year has not shaped up in the way we expected, we’ve had real moments of pride, as our team works to ensure our patients, their families and our staff all remain safe during this global pandemic. COVID-19 has tipped all of our lives upside down. Epworth is part of the state-wide pandemic response and together with our colleagues in public hospitals we are caring for patients with COVID- 19. Over the past months, we have expanded our Intensive Care Units and set aside designated COVID-19 wards and operating theatres. Thanks to our generous donors, we’ve also been able to purchase extra equipment to care for these patients and to protect our staff.

Importantly, we’ve worked quickly to provide new ways of support. Our patients can now access information and care through telehealth and videos safely at home. This provides group and one-on-one care for our patients in mental health and rehabilitation and has been very successful. I know our maternity patients have been grateful for virtual antenatal classes too. It’s been terrific to have the technology to continue patient care and support.

Being responsive and adaptive during this challenging time has been essential. Hundreds of clinical staff have undergone additional training in case they are needed in other critical areas. All have undertaken intensive training around personal protective equipment (PPE) and others have volunteered to re-join our Intensive Care Units, should their skills be required.

We’ve been proud of the leadership role Epworth staff have taken in their secondment with the Department of Health and Human Services. More than 60 Epworth employees, mostly with nursing backgrounds, volunteered to become contact tracers and take on the essential role of tracking contacts of positive cases in the community. We’ve established our own internal contact tracing team as well, to track any contacts of positive cases within the hospital. Our staff’s dedication to these roles helps keep us all safe.

It is important to recognise that emotional support is also so vital during these times. We were able to create the Epworth Kindness Movement through donor generosity, a tangible way of showing our hardworking staff they are appreciated and admired. Thank you for helping keep our spirits high.

We’ve come a long way since the hospital first opened in February 1920 with 25 beds and we are committed to furthering our care over the next 100 years.

Thank you for being such an important part of the Epworth community. Stay safe.

Dr Lachlan HendersonGroup Chief Executive, Epworth HealthCare

[2] Epworth Medical Foundation | 2020 Philanthropy Report

You, our donors, are so important to Epworth.

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Dear Friends,

What an extraordinary time we are living through right now! Could any of us have imagined, even six months ago, that we would be facing the kinds of medical, social, emotional and financial upheaval that confront our community today? The events of the past few months are unprecedented in most of our lifetimes and, despite the undeniable difficulties of life during a pandemic, it has been wonderfully heartwarming to see our community rise to this challenge.

Indeed it is at times like this that I realise just how important the community here at Epworth truly can be. When the COVID-19 pandemic reached Australian shores, Epworth HealthCare galvanised and responded almost immediately, rapidly creating measures that protected our patients, cared for the welfare of our frontline healthcare and emergency workers, and reached out to our community - our family - to help keep them safe and connected with one another.

This was made possible directly because of our community of supporters, volunteers and donors. The generosity you have shown us in the past meant that we were already supplied with state-of-the-art equipment and emergency facilities that could quickly be adapted to respond to a pandemic.

And the generosity with which our community gave to help us respond to the medical and social difficulties created by this disease was genuinely heartwarming and has made an extraordinary difference.

Using donations made by members of our community, we were able to purchase more than $1.6 million in critical and life-saving equipment including ventilators, glidescopes to manage difficult airways, personal protective equipment for our staff, and provide rapid and essential training that readied our staff to provide the best possible response to patients who presented with coronavirus symptoms, and their families.

We were able to reach out to many thousands of women and men during lockdown with gifts of notepaper, postage stamps, and other resources that enabled them to stay connected with their loved ones, and know they were being thought of.

Donations also enabled us to send simple but powerful messages of support and gratitude to our hard-working doctors, nurses and staff. Small acts such as “free coffee for a day” or thank-you chocolates left at their desks may seem minor, but they provide moments of surprise and joy in their busy and difficult days, that show them they are valued. And with a team of nearly 10,000 to thank and encourage, it is only through donations that we have been able to show our support in this way.

Please know that all of us here at the Foundation are thinking of you. We know how difficult these past months have been, and that we are not out of the woods yet.

I encourage you to think of some ways you might be able to keep in touch with your Epworth community, and I have shared some opportunities for you in this newsletter. These include joining us for online updates via Zoom; joining me for my talk on the latest happenings at Epworth, also on Zoom; and we are even planning a one-off book-club that you might enjoy, to help keep our community engaged and connected with one another. All the details of these and other events are in this newsletter.

This is a time to look after yourself and your loved ones, and we have included some very positive health advice along with this newsletter. Care - the best possible care - will continue to be our focus at Epworth. But we are also preparing to return to ‘normal’ conditions, and I thank you for your support as you help us do this.

If there is any help you need at this time, or if you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at any time on 0407 446 000 or email scott.bulger@epworth.org.au

With my warmest regards for your health, safety and happiness,

Scott BulgerExecutive Director, Epworth Medical Foundation


[4] Epworth Medical Foundation | 2020 Philanthropy Report

Philanthropy has provided the foundation for Epworth’s COVID-19 response. It is thanks to the generosity of our community that Epworth has purchased new equipment, trained our staff and developed new models of care to ensure we are ready to respond whenever and however we are required to do so.

“COVID-19 is a very contagious virus and is capable of spreading from person to person by coming into contact with respiratory droplets from an infectious patient. You’ve helped ensure that our staff have access to personal protective equipment to ensure both they and the patient is protected.”

Nicole O’Brien, Associate Director Clinical Services –

Perioperative, Epworth Eastern

Protecting our patients and our people

Critical and life-saving equipment“You helped ensure that Epworth could purchase over $1 million of state-of-the-art equipment to ensure we are ready to treat patients requiring critical care.”

Leonie Lloyd, Director Clinical Services, Epworth Geelong

Elle Pirrie at Epworth Richmond opening the new Glidescope used for difficult airway management.


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“Without the help from our donors, the planning for a once in a lifetime occurrence would not have gone so smoothly. Knowing we had access to state-of-the-art protective equipment and the ability and time to train our staff has alleviated much of the stress associated with this pandemic.”

Stuart Shakespeare, Epworth Richmond ICU Nurse Manager

“It was imperative for Epworth to adjust our services so people could safely continue to receive mental healthcare while adhering to the social distancing guidelines. You have helped Epworth introduce Telehealth well in advance of most other services to ensure that patients could continue receiving vital support via phone and video conferencing.”

Dr Graham Wong, Epworth Medical Director of Mental Health and Psychiatrist, Epworth Clinic

Epworth Education Centres hosted training for Epworth staff including (above) nurses undertaking training in intubation techniques.

Finding new ways to care for our patients

Expansion of Geelong ICU

“It is thanks to the philanthropic support of our community that Epworth is now fitting out three new ICU rooms, representing a 50% increase in capacity of the Geelong Intensive Care Unit. We have purchased new ceiling pendants, ventilators, ICU beds and high dependency unit beds to ensure we can support our community during the COVID-19 crisis.”

A/Prof Nerina Harley, Director ICU Freemasons and Geelong, Board Member Epworth HealthCare

Training our team

• Drink water regularly to stay hydrated.

• Plan your meals and snacks each week to minimise your number of shopping trips and to ensure you’re eating a wide variety of food.

• Ensure an abundance of healthy snacks and limit purchases of sweet snacks.

• Incorporate plenty of vegetables and legumes into your meals which are perfect for soups and casseroles in our winter months.

[6] Epworth Medical Foundation | 2020 Philanthropy Report

Keeping well DURING COVID-19

• Hand hygiene is the best defence. Use hand sanitiser and wash your hands with soap and water.

• Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue when coughing and sneezing or cough into your elbow.

• Practice social distancing with anyone who does not live in your household – remember to stay 1.5 metres away.

• Stay calm and follow all the public health measures.

Practice safe hygiene

COVID-19 has changed the way we live day to day. To support you during this time, we spoke with some of our Epworth clinical team, led by Epworth’s Chief Medical Officer Associate Professor Luis Prado, for ideas on how to manage your health and wellbeing during this time.

Eat well

Associate Professor Luis Prado, Epworth HealthCare Chief Medical Officer

Ensure you have your flu vaccination this year. Getting the flu and COVID-19 at the same time can make you very ill.

If you are self-isolating, or working from home, it is easy to feel lonely. Maintain contact with family, friends, co-workers or school friends during this time.

• Pick up the phone to make a call or have a video conversation.

• Video calls can help you feel more connected to people around you, even when you’re some distance apart.

• Group chats are also a good way to have joint conversations with your network or family, friends or peers. You can use apps such as Messenger or WhatsApp to do this.

Epworth Medical Foundation | 2020 Philanthropy Report [7]

• Find time each day for physical activity – fresh air, natural light and nature are great for your mind and body.

• Try to move each waking hour.

• Incorporate incidental exercise like gardening, cleaning and using the stairs.

• Try a new exercise. There are lots of exercise videos on the internet for all levels of fitness.


Stay connected

Meditation and mindfulness practices help you reduce feelings of stress and anxiety by focusing your mind on the present moment and bringing a sense of calm to your thoughts.


Regular physical activity can improve your sleep, mood, relationships and other lifestyle factors, so it’s important to keep moving, especially if you are in self-isolation. Remember to listen to public health messages about physical distancing and wearing of masks.

State-of-the-art equipment guiding

world-class care

[8] Epworth Medical Foundation | 2020 Philanthropy Report

MiraQ Cardiac Ultrasound revolutionising cardiac careEpworth cardiac surgeons are now using the MiraQ Cardiac Ultrasound for coronary artery bypass grafts (CABG) for coronary stenosis patients. “The MiraQ C is a hand-held ultrasound probe designed to assess blood flow in newly constructed bypass grafts,” says Professor Silvana Marasco, Epworth Cardiothoracic surgeon. The benefit of this particular ultrasound is that it provides the team with immediate feedback on the quality of the surgery, and provides the quickest and most accurate assessment of success, all while the patient is still in the operating room. The MiraQ Cardiac Ultrasound represents Epworth’s commitment to ensuring patients receive treatment using the latest equipment and technology. “The MiraQ doesn’t replace any previous equipment. We really had no other way of reliably assessing graft patency in the past, and relied on the surgeon’s visualisation of the graft.“It has revolutionised our ability to check our grafts prior to chest closure. If there is any problem identified with the graft then it can be revised immediately, avoiding potentially catastrophic complications in the post-operative period.”

Thanks to your generosity, new state-of-the-art equipment has been purchased, enabling Epworth to treat our patients in new and more advanced ways.

Professor Silvana Marasco (second from right) and the Richmond theatre team welcome the arrival of the MiraQ Cardiac Ultrasound.

“The retinal equipment at Epworth is world-class. Thank you for helping to make this possible.”

State-of-the-art equipment guiding

world-class care

Epworth Medical Foundation | 2020 Philanthropy Report [9]

New microscope providing world-class visualisationEpworth is currently experiencing extraordinary demand for eye surgery, primarily due to the advances in eye health technologies that are progressing at an unprecedented rate, with treatments and interventions now available that even one generation earlier might have left a person without their sight or independence. It is thanks to the generosity of our donors, that Epworth has purchased a new 3D NGENUITY system, the most sophisticated 3D microscope on the market for eye surgery. Epworth Ophthalmologist Elvis Ojaimi explains that the 3D Ngenuity system allows exceptional resolution of fine structures in the back of the eye.

“In terms of clarity, it can be compared to the digital television resolution versus the outdated analogue. The system allows high magnification of the macula without loss of resolution and helps me manipulate tissues in a precise manner.”This provides the most advanced retinal visualisation in the world. “I have significant interest in macular surgery. A patient’s recovery and return to health is very dependent on what I can view during surgery. With the exceptional view available using this technology, I am able to confidently attempt complex cases with less risk to the patient.

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Leaving a bequest to Epworth is one of the most powerful choices a person can make in their lifetime. By making this one powerful choice, you can literally help thousands of future Epworth patients, and create a lasting legacy of care and compassion in your name for years to come.

For Diane Stenhouse, providing the best care to patients is something that deeply resonated with her. She dreamt about being a dentist since she was a young girl, giving her dolls fillings during play time. She turned this dream into reality as a dentist at the Royal Dental Hospital and in Puckapunyal caring for service men and women.

[10] Epworth Medical Foundation | 2020 Philanthropy Report

Through the Clinical Skills Training Fund, our nursing staff will have ongoing access to: • Expandtheirskillsintonewspecialisations,forexample,aspecifictrainingcourseforatheatrenursetolearnskillstosupportminimallyinvasivetechnologysuchasroboticsurgery

• EducationtoobtainahigherdegreesuchasMastersofNursing

• Dedicatedskillstrainingtoensureournurseskeepupwiththelatestinmedicalinnovation


If you, like Diane, are interested in giving or making a gift via your estate, we have a range of free resources to assist you in this important decision.

are critical in helping us provide

the best patient care possible.

Bequest gifts

Epworth Medical Foundation | 2020 Philanthropy Report [11]

For more information and a confidential discussion about leaving a bequest to Epworth, contact Vanessa Dannock on 03 9426 6572, 0408 122 599 or email vanessa.dannock@epworth.org.au

Diane decided to leave a bequest to Epworth in her Will, continuing her family’s legacy of care. Both of Diane’s parents received medical care at Epworth and subsequently became donors to the hospital. Diane was also treated at Epworth in her later years.

Diane left her entire estate to Epworth.

Diane’s gift has been used to establish the Diane Stenhouse Clinical Skills Training Fund for nursing staff to support ongoing education and training at Epworth.

These free services include: • A30-minutepersonalWillsconsultationwithaSolicitor.

• AccesstoourWillsPlanningWorkshops,runbyprofessionalEstatePlanners.

• AcopyofourBequestPlanningGuide,containingalltheinformationyouneed.

• APersonalAffairsRecordbooklettorecordasummaryofyourlifeandassets.

Diane was profiled in the local newspaper while working at the Melbourne Dental Hospital.

Sonia Paua, from Papua New Guinea has chronic osteomyelitis, an infection in the bone, that has left her with poor mobility and daily pain.

“Sonia’s deformity is the result of surgeries in PNG when she was younger to remove the diseased bone and related scarring and skin contracture,” says Professor Minoo Patel, Epworth Orthopaedic surgeon.

“Unfortunately, this all happened while she was still growing, so her limb is deformed both at the bone and the joint, and it is shorter as well.”

Epworth, in partnership with the Children’s First Foundation, is working to change Sonia’s life by providing pro-bono surgery.

“It’s a dream come true and I can’t wait,” says Sonia.

“Soon I will be walking straight, without a crutch, and I won’t be embarrassed anymore. My family will be really happy and proud of me when I arrive home, standing up straight.


The Hope and Tony Saba Family House has provided a home away from home for 15 families from regional Victoria, interstate and even as far as Papua New Guinea.

Sonia Paua’s dad Bui stayed at the house during Sonia’s first surgery, ensuring he was by her side up until the final minutes before surgery and with Sonia during recovery.

Guests at the house are predominantly families of oncology patients, with two families staying up to a month to be by their loved one’s side during treatment.

Epworth Medical Foundation is grateful to the donors who supported the purchase and redevelopment of the house. In particular, we thank the Saba Family who helped make this dream a reality, ensuring Epworth can support patients and their families during the most difficult of times.

Professor Minoo Patel (left) with Sonia Paua.

Sonia with her dad Bui Paua.

[12] Epworth Medical Foundation | 2020 Philanthropy Report

Hope and Tony Saba Family House

Providing care beyond our borders

“I can’t believe I’m going to be fixed!”

The procedures, Sonia’s hospital stay, Professor Patel’s fees as well as the equipment and prosthesis were all provided at no cost to Sonia’s family.

Sonia requires multiple surgeries, the first of which was in February 2020 when Sonia underwent a three-and-a-half-hour operation to re-align her leg, including the insertion of a cutting-edge device to gradually lengthen and regenerate the bone by millimetres every day.

Since the operation, Sonia has regained an incredible 12 centimetres in length which is exciting for both Sonia and Professor Patel.

Sonia has two further surgeries and extensive rehabilitation ahead of her, but she’s so excited at the chance to ‘walk straight up’ again.

“Sometimes, I still can’t believe it,” she said.

Epworth Medical Foundation | 2020 Philanthropy Report [13]

Above: Sonia celebrated her 19th birthday in hospital with (from left) Epworth Pastoral Care Worker Anna Tavrou, her dad Bui Paua and Marina Te Maro from Children’s First Foundation.

Sonia is recovering at the Children’s First Foundation retreat ahead of her next surgery.




Reclining Commode

For patients who cannot weight bear or sit up at 90 degrees, this specialised piece of equipment reclines and helps patients shower and use the toilet with greater ease. Patients within rehabilitation at Epworth are most likely to benefit from the use of the Reclining Commode.

Maternity care

To help care for our tiniest patients, your generosity has enabled Epworth to purchase new equipment in maternity, including recliners, jaundice monitors, breast-feeding chairs, milk warmers, neopuffs, and air and oxygen blenders.

Theatre headlamps

With the expansion of theatres at Epworth Freemasons, new cordless headlights were purchased to support increased demand for specialities including urology, gynaecological, general, and colorectal.


New humidifiers were purchased for Epworth emergency departments ensuring ventilated patients received humidified oxygen. This is especially important if patients are requiring treatment over several hours.

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Nerve monitor

Nerve monitors enable surgeons to locate, identify and protect nerve function during surgery, and monitor motor nerve function to help reduce the risk of nerve damage during procedures including ENT and general surgeries involving the removal and treatment of tumours and lesions.

Resuscitation trolleyNew resuscitation trolleys for Epworth wards ensure that the team can respond quickly to ‘code blue’ cardiac arrest scenarios, having immediate access to equipment including stethoscopes, electrocardiogram machines, blood-pressure measuring devices and pulse oximeters.

Stair Rehabilitation Unit

To support the rehabilitation of orthopaedic patients, and in particular patients who have had joint replacements, new stair units were purchased to help patients regain mobility before returning home.

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Thank you!

“Our beautiful new resus trolleys

have arrived. A heartfelt thank

you to all donors for contributing

to this. I hope you know and

understand what a difference you

make to our patients lives.

Peta Doodson, Nurse Unit Manager

Every Epworth patient benefits from the generosity of our supporters

CONTACT DETAILSIf you would like to know more about the activities of Epworth Medical Foundation, please do not hesitate to contact us, as we are always happy to help.

Epworth Medical Foundation Ph: 03 9426 613289 Bridge Road Fax: 03 9427 9253Richmond Vic 3121 Email: emfinfo@epworth.org.auABN: 59 135 483 055 Web: www.epworth.org.au/giving