Immunology · 2017-11-06 · Immunology exam 1. Proper Immunology should deal with the fields of...

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Transcript of Immunology · 2017-11-06 · Immunology exam 1. Proper Immunology should deal with the fields of...


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Video Lessons:

What to do for Influenza and Immune building


George Carlin says Broccoli cures cancer Vaccinations

Go to to get the Books Required –

1-- 978-615-5169-27-4 Immune Stimulation (the immune system and natural ways to defeat flu)



Immunology exam

1. Proper Immunology should deal with the fields of epidemiology (Causes of Disease) and

medicine. T/F

2. Immunology is the branch of biomedical science that deals with the response of an organism to

antigenic micro-organisms challenge and its recognition of what is proper self and what is not

proper healthy. It deals with the defence mechanisms including all physical, chemical and

biological properties of the organism that help it to combat its susceptibility to foreign

organisms, material, etc. T/F

3. Immunology deals with physiological functioning of the immune system in states of both health

and disease as well as malfunctions of the immune system in immunological disorders like

allergies, hypersensitivities, immune deficiency, exogenous and endogenous (external and

Internal) toxicity transplant rejection and autoimmune disorders. T/F

4. The Immune system works solely in the Lymph and never goes into the blood stream and other

areas when needed. T/F

5. The key primary lymphoid organs of the immune system are thymus and bone marrow, and

secondary lymphatic tissues such as spleen, tonsils, appendix, lymph vessels, lymph nodes, peyer

patches and adenoids. T/F

6. Reference to immunology and immunity has been seen in ancient literature as well. One of the

earliest written mention of immunity can be traced back to the plague of Athens in 430 BCE. It

was Thucydides who noted that people who had recovered from a previous bout of the

infectious disease could nurse the sick without contracting the illness a second time. It was in the

19th and 20th centuries that the concepts of immunology finally were developed as a scientific

theory and were understood in greater detail. T/F

7. The study of infectious disease and the body’s response to them has a major role for the

development of immunology and its study T/F

8. In 1879, gonococcus was isolated by Neisser. This preceded the age of germ theory T/F

9. Autoimmunity – this occurs when the immune system attacks its own host's body. T/F

10. Hypersensitivities and allergic reactions are also a part of immune system disorders. Here the

system responds inappropriately to seemingly harmless compounds for example in asthma and

allergies or may respond too aggressively for example in anaphylaxis reactions. T/F

11. You can be allergic to a compound you have never been exposed to. T/F

12. Allergies form when the person feels threatened and in deep stress and the Immune system

makes excess antibodies T/F

13. The body’s capability to react properly to antigen depends on how many and which vaccinations

a person has received. T/F


Detail the Zap technology

Detail Electro TVEP immunology stimulation

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