2016.7.10 主恩典.馨香晚祭.雲上太陽

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Transcript of 2016.7.10 主恩典.馨香晚祭.雲上太陽

我要向山舉目 ( 詩 121:1)我的幫助從何而來 我的幫助從造天地的耶和華而來I look up to the hills. Where does my help come from?  My help comes from the Lord. He is the Maker of heaven and earth.

請安靜預備心來崇拜 聚會時請設定手機為震動或關機 Please switch your mobile phone into silent

mode; keep silent and prepare your heart to


主恩典 Grace of God主恩典何等美好比海深也比山高過去現在和未來主恩豐富奇妙How wonderful the grace of God. Deeper

than Hill and higher than the mountains. Past, present, and future.

Wonderful grace of Lord.

過去現在和未來主恩豐富奇妙Past, present, and future. Wonderful

grace of Lord.

主的恩典大大小小主的恩典從頭到腳Lord's grace, large and small, the

Lord's grace from head to toe.

白白得來不能忘掉感謝湧出如浪潮Lord's grace, large and small, the

Lord's grace from head to toe. Come not forget in vain, as the

wave of gratitude gushed through it.

啦啦啦啦啦 我要讚美啦啦啦啦啦 我還要讚美啦啦啦啦啦 我一生讚美一生要來讚美主La la la la la, I want to praise

  La la la la la, I would also like to praise  La la la la la I will praise thee with my

whole lifeCome to praise Lord with whole life

雲上太陽 The Sun Above the Clouds 無論是住在美麗的高山 或是躺臥在陰暗的幽谷

When you soar on high in the sunny sky

Or walk through the valley far below the sky

當你抬起頭你將會發現 主已為你我而預備Wherever you are, you will see a star

God prepared it for you and me

雲上太陽它總不改變 雖然小雨灑在臉上High above the rain the sun stays

the sameTearful raindrops will be dried away

雲上太陽它總不改變哈 它不改變High above the rain the sun stays

the sameAh It stays the same

馨香晚祭 The Evening Sacrifice耶和華我的避難所 求祢留心聽我的聲音

Jehovah is my refuge. Hear my voice when I call to you

願我的禱告如香 陳列祢面前 我舉手祈求如獻晚祭May my prayers be set before you like incense. May the lifting of my

hands be like the evening sacrafice

耶和華我的力量啊 求祢賜給我正直的心Oh Lord, you are my strength. Lord give me an upright heart

不教我陷入那世間誘惑 救我脫離惡人網羅So I will not be tempted by this world. Save me from the snare of

the enemy

求祢指教我如何遵行你旨意 因為祢的名將我救活Teach me how to follow your will.

I was saved by your name

因祢是我神 . 將我藏在羽翼中 . 我的心將一生仰望祢Because you are my Lord. Hide my

underneath your wing. I will look upon you my whole life.

我們愛 We will love你和我是天父愛的創造每個人有最美的夢想You and I were made to love each other.

Every dream will complete His plan.

一路上彼此照亮 扶持擁抱 我們的愛讓世界不一樣We will carry each other. When hopes are gone. So we can make a difference

in this world.

我們愛 因神先愛我們雖你我不一樣我們一路唱 走往祝福的方向We will love, because He loved us

first.God made us not the same, but we’re together. To sing a song

of love

我們愛 因神先愛我們 心再堅強也不要獨自飛翔We will love, because He loved us first. No matter what we’ll choose

to stay together

只要微笑只要原諒有祢愛的地方就是天堂So we will smile, and we’ll forgive. For Your love will bring us heaven

on earth.

使徒信經 The Apostles' Creed我信上帝 全能的父I Believe in God, the Father Almighty創造天地的主

Creator of Heaven and Earth我信我主耶穌基督I believe in Jesus Christ,


上帝的獨生子His only Son, our Lord因著聖靈感孕從童貞女馬利亞所生

He was conceived by the power of the Holy Spirit and born of the Virgin Mary


在本丟彼拉多手下受難 被釘在十字架上 受死 埋葬He suffered under Pontius Pilate, was

crucified, died, and was buried.降在陰間 第三天從死裏復活後升天He descended to the dead. On the third

day he rose again. 3-6-5

坐在全能父上帝的右邊He ascended into heaven and is seated

at the right hand of the Father將來要從那裏降臨審判活人 死人He will come again to judge the living

and the dead


我信聖靈I believe in the Holy Spirit我信聖而公之教會

I believe in the Holy Catholic Church我信聖徒相通I believe in the communion of saints我信罪得赦免I believe in the forgiveness of sins,


我信身體復活我信永生 阿們I believe in the resurrection of the body,

and the life everlasting. Amen


都歸耶穌 All for Jesus 獻給耶穌 獻給耶穌All for Jesus, All for Jesus獻得贖的整個人

All my being’s ransomed powers獻我意念以及動作All my thoughts and words and doings

獻我光陰 獻一生All my days and all my hours

(副 )都歸耶穌 都歸耶穌(Refrain ) All for Jesus! All for Jesus! 獻我全身事奉主 x2

All my days and all my hours

願我手來作祂聖工 Let my hands perform His bidding 願我耳朵聽祂話

Let my ear hear in His words願我腳步走祂道路Let my feet run in His ways

願我口常讚美祂Let my lips speak forth His praise

(副 )都歸耶穌 都歸耶穌 (Refrain) All for Jesus, all for Jesus 獻我全身事奉 x2

Offered my whole body to serve the Lord

自我眼向耶穌注目Since my eyes were fixed on Jesus 世上富貴不在心

I’ve lost sight of all beside 丟棄萬事看作糞土So enchained my spirit’s vision 為要得著受膏君

Looking at the Crucified

(副 )都歸耶穌 都歸耶穌 (Refrain) All for Jesus, all for Jesus 獻我全身事奉主 x2

Offered my whole body to serve the Lord

讚美一神 Doxology

讚美一神萬福之源Praise God, from Whom all blessings

flow; 天下生靈都當頌言Praise Him, all creatures here below

天上萬軍也讚主名Praise Him above, ye heav’nly host同心讚美父子聖靈Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost


主禱文我們在天上的父Our Father in Heaven, 願人都尊祢的名為聖Hallowed be Your name願祢的國降臨Your Kingdom come

願祢的旨意行在地上 如同行在天上Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven 我們日用的飲食 今日賜給我們Give us today our daily bread

免我們的債 Forgive our debts如同我們免了人的債As we also have forgiven our debtors不叫我們遇見試探And lead us not into temptation救我們脫離兇惡 But deliver us from the evil one

因為國度 權柄 榮耀全是祢的直到永遠阿們For the Kingdom

The power

And the glory are Yours

Now and forever, Amen

願耶和華賜福給你God Bless You