2016 camp anderson brochure (nxpowerlite copy)

Post on 24-Jul-2016

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This is the 2016 Camp Anderson Christian Camp and Retreat brochure.

Transcript of 2016 camp anderson brochure (nxpowerlite copy)

“Be strong and of good courage, and do it; do not fear nor be dismayed, for the Lord God, my God, will be with you. He will not leave you nor forsake you, until you have finished all the work for the service of the house of the Lord.” 1 Chronicles 28:20


Vision To build a Christian Youth Camp ministry in which thousands of young people will come to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ that will make a difference in our community and in our Nation.

Master Plan

Camp Anderson GoalsExcellent Fun! To provide a camp and retreat experience that is so excellent and so fun that people from all walks of life will be motivated to come. We plan to be relentless in making this camp the best there is, insuring that people will be attracted to this camp for years to come.

Unconditional Love! To unconditionally love every person that comes on our campus, so they will understand by experience what it means to be loved by Jesus. When young people are confronted with true unconditional love, it melts away the walls of resistance and opens their heart to hear God speak.

Spiritual Focus! To look for opportunities to engage each camperon a personal level to find out where they are in their spiritual walk and to encourage them to make the decision to give their lives to Jesus and to be ‘Sold Out’ to His leading and purpose for their lives. We have found that when we make a personal connection, show genuine love, and communicate the Gospel in the power of the Holy Spirit, lives are changed.

God’s Word! To make sure that every camper has a Bible and leaves camp with an understanding of the importance of cultivating their new found relationship with God through a daily walk in His Word.

On Mission! To engage each church to see their week of camp as a ‘Mission Trip’. To challenge the youth group students and staff to invite their un-churched friends to come to camp with their youth group. This approach engages the students as ‘missionaries’ and it provides the needed discipleship of new Christians through the structure of the church.

Spiritual Partnership! To develop a culture of spiritual partnership with the churches and groups that we serve. We want to become your spiritual partner to help meet the needs of your church through camps and retreats.