2016 ANNUAL REPORTs22.q4cdn.com/957797852/files/doc_financials/annual/... · 2018. 4. 16. ·...

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Transcript of 2016 ANNUAL REPORTs22.q4cdn.com/957797852/files/doc_financials/annual/... · 2018. 4. 16. ·...


About PulteGroup, Inc.

PulteGroup, Inc. (NYSE: PHM), based in Atlanta, Georgia, is one of America’s largesthomebuilding companies with operations in approximately 50 markets throughout the country.Through its brand portfolio that includes Centex, Pulte Homes, Del Webb, DiVosta Homes andJohn Wieland Homes and Neighborhoods, the Company is one of the industry’s most versatilehomebuilders able to meet the needs of multiple buyer groups and respond to changingconsumer demand. PulteGroup conducts extensive research to provide homebuyers withinnovative solutions and consumer inspired homes and communities to make lives better.

For more information about PulteGroup, Inc. and PulteGroup brands, go to www.pultegroupinc.com;www.pulte.com; www.centex.com; www.delwebb.com; www.divosta.com and www.jwhomes.com.


Almost 70 years ago, a teenage Bill Pulte began construction of his first home, and in the process set thecornerstone of what would grow into one of the largest and most successful homebuilding companies in thecountry. In a world where less than one-third of new businesses ever get to celebrate their 10-yearanniversary, PulteGroup’s long history of success is a testament to Bill’s vision and the passionate peoplewho have worked here over the years.

In September 2016, I was honored to be tasked with carrying the banner of Bill’s legacy into the future, havingbeen named president and CEO of this outstanding organization. In the weeks following this announcement, Iwas often asked if I planned to make many changes in how we run the business. While the short answer is“no,” the longer response is that I do see opportunities to build upon the programs we have put in place todrive long-term operating and financial success at PulteGroup.

For the past six years, we have worked tirelessly to improve our fundamental business performance with thegoal of delivering higher returns on invested capital and, ultimately, creating value for PulteGroupshareholders. Our work has included implementing new initiatives and process changes to enhance grossmargin, and improve our overhead leverage and inventory turns…all of which are fundamental drivers ofROIC. Our efforts have included:

• Decreasing the years supply of land that we own by investing in smaller, faster turning projects, whileincreasing the amount of land we control via option. The combination helping to improve returns andreduce enterprise risk.

• Implementing programs to support our gross margins, including strategic pricing, should-costing, valueengineering and the development of consumer-inspired floor plans that can be commonly managed andbuilt more efficiently across multiple markets.

• Organizational changes and realignments to help increase the efficiency of our SG&A spend and supportour operating margins.

As a result of these and other efforts, PulteGroup’s operating metrics and overall business performance haverisen to be among the industry leaders. Our 2016 financial results show homebuilding revenues grew 28%over 2015 to $7.5 billion, driven primarily by a 16% increase in closings to 19,951 homes. Benefiting from theinitiatives we have advanced over the past few years, our reported 2016 gross and operating margins of25.0% and 12.2%, respectively, sit atop or are among the best in the industry. Given our starting point in thebottom half of the peer group, we are proud of the gains PulteGroup has realized.

Demonstrating the sustained path of improvement in our operating performance, reported pretax income overthe past five years increased from $184 million in 2012 to $934 million in 2016; a gain of more than 400%.What makes this expansion all the more impressive is that it was realized on only a 21% increase in thenumber of homes delivered annually.

2016 ANNUAL REPORT | PulteGroup, Inc. 1













2012 2013 2014 2015 2016

Pretax Income($ millions)


Given this type of success, you can appreciate why I don’tsee the need to make wholesale changes in how wemanage the business. While my view is that few changesare needed, I believe minor adjustments can still have ameaningful impact on our ongoing success.

First, in markets where we choose to operate, we need tohave sufficient size and scale to compete effectively. I thinkrelative market share matters when it comes to seeing thebest land deals, having leverage with our trades andproviding growth and development opportunities for ouremployees.

Over the past five years, our land investment has beenweighted toward serving move-up buyers, and for goodreason; this is where the housing recovery has been thestrongest, allowing us to generate superior returns on ourinvested capital. Consistent with our investments, 43% of our2016 closings were to move-up and luxury buyers, up from37% in 2015, while 29% of closings were among first-timebuyers and 28% were active adults.

While developing communities for move-up buyers will certainly remain a core component of our business, Iwant to make sure we are not missing growth opportunities among the other two primary buyer groups: first-time and active adults. These buyers are typically associated with the country’s two biggest demographicsegments: Millennials and Baby Boomers, and with an estimated 75 million people in each group, we want tomake sure PulteGroup takes full advantage of the opportunities.

Total home sales in any given market can be categorized into discrete buyer groups, allowing us to create anoverall market index. Similar to investors benchmarking against the S&P 500, we can assess the mix ofbuyers we serve, broadly indexed against a market’s overall composition. This type of business assessmentcan help identify additional market opportunities that I believe can put us in position to further grow ouroperations, while diversifying market risk.

We already incorporate this market analysis into our division-level strategic planning process, so I do notexpect to see a dramatic shift in our investment practices. Still, I want to make sure we are always challengingourselves and looking to identify additional consumers for us to serve within projects that can deliver highreturns on invested capital.

2 PulteGroup, Inc. | 2016 ANNUAL REPORT


Second, we can be more efficient with our landinvestments and overall asset base. In 2011, at the bottomof the last housing cycle, we owned approximately eightyears of homebuilding lots. Through a combination ofeffective asset management, the sale of non-core assetsand focusing our land investments on faster-turningprojects, we had reduced our owned lots to less than fiveyears at the end of 2016. In the future, I would like to seethe years of lots owned continuing to decrease gradually,while the years of lots controlled via option increase. Byadjusting the ratio of owned vs. optioned, the potentialexists to enhance returns while lowering portfolio risk.

Third, having worked hard to raise our operating marginsto among the industry leaders, we need to maintain thisstrong competitive position. As such, we must berelentless in our efforts to lower building costs andcapture efficiencies throughout our homebuildingoperations. In an environment where labor resources areconstrained and likely remain a source of cost pressure,lowering material costs and simplifying our constructionprocesses are critical to supporting our gross margin.


















2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016








Lots Owned Years Owned

More Efficient Land Investment

While we work to lower our house costs, we also need to be efficient in our overhead spend. In 2016, we tookdirect action to reduce overheads as we worked toward our stated goal of decreasing SG&A to an estimated12.5% of homebuilding revenues in 2017. Looking beyond 2017, I believe we can further leverage ouroverheads as we expand our operations, while remaining disciplined in controlling our spend.

And finally, underpinning all of our efforts is a desire to continue raising the bar on the quality of homes webuild and the homebuying experience we deliver. Early in this company’s history, Bill Pulte used to talk about“delighting the customer” because a delighted customer enthusiastically refers others. From a customer’s firstinteractions on our website or at a model home to the closing and post-close service we deliver, our goal is togive our customers an outstanding experience: every day, every house, and every homeowner. In today’ssocially connected world, having the passionate endorsement of our customers is more important than ever.

As my comments suggest, I see our future as very much a continuation of the work we have been pursuingfor the past six years. The significant gains we have realized in operating and financial performancedemonstrate that we are clearly on the right path; we just need to refine and recommit to ensure the ongoingsuccess of our efforts.

2016 ANNUAL REPORT | PulteGroup, Inc. 3


I also expect that the future of the housing recovery will be very similar to the trends we have beenexperiencing since 2011; a slow but sustained expansion in industry-wide sales. This is a recovery thatyielded new home sales of approximately 560,000 houses in 2016, an 84% increase from the cyclical low of2011, but still 14% below the 50 year average for this country. We expect housing demand to continue tobenefit from improving macroeconomic conditions, sustained job creation and strong consumer confidence,all of which are supportive of increasing household formations. At the same time, we expect to continue tobenefit from opportunities relating to the huge demographic bookends of Millennials and Baby Boomers whowill influence housing demand for many years to come.

Given favorable market dynamics and a very strong industry position, we are optimistic about PulteGroup’sbusiness heading into 2017. We are, however, mindful of the dynamic times we are living in, and in particularthe potential for a rising interest rate environment and any resulting impact on consumers. Assuming anyfuture rate increases are measured and executed over an extended period, and are supported by true gainsin the underlying economy, we would expect the impact on housing demand to be modest, especially in therelatively higher price points where the Company typically operates within each buyer group.

In conclusion, as an organization, we are proud of the tremendous strides we have made toward improvingthe operating and financial performance of our Company. We should, however, be equally excited about theopportunities we have to raise our performance even higher. The successes we have achieved in the past,and expect to surpass in the future, are only possible through the sustained commitment of the men andwomen who work at PulteGroup, supported by a dedicated team of trade partners and suppliers. I thank eachof you and our shareholders for your unwavering support for our Company.


Ryan MarshallPresident and Chief Executive Officer

4 PulteGroup, Inc. | 2016 ANNUAL REPORT


Washington, D.C. 20549


SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934For the fiscal year ended December 31, 2016



Commission File Number 1-9804_______________________________________________________________________

PULTEGROUP, INC.(Exact name of registrant as specified in its charter)

MICHIGAN 38-2766606(State or other jurisdiction ofincorporation or organization)

(I.R.S. EmployerIdentification No.)

3350 Peachtree Road NE, Suite 150Atlanta, Georgia 30326

(Address of principal executive offices) (Zip Code)

Registrant’s telephone number, including area code: (404) 978-6400Securities registered pursuant to Section 12(b) of the Act:

Title of each class Name of each exchange on which registeredCommon Shares, par value $0.01 New York Stock Exchange

Securities registered pursuant to Section 12(g) of the Act:NONE

Indicate by check mark if the registrant is a well-known seasoned issuer, as defined in Rule 405 of the SecuritiesAct. YES [X] NO [ ]

Indicate by check mark if the registrant is not required to file reports pursuant to Section 13 or Section 15(d) of theAct. YES [ ] NO [X]

Indicate by check mark whether the registrant (1) has filed all reports required to be filed by Section 13 or 15(d) of the SecuritiesExchange Act of 1934 during the preceding 12 months (or for such shorter period that the registrant was required to file such reports),and (2) has been subject to such filing requirements for the past 90 days. YES [X] NO [ ]

Indicate by check mark whether the registrant has submitted electronically and posted on its corporate Web site, if any, everyInteractive Data File required to be submitted and posted pursuant to Rule 405 of Regulation S-T (§ 232.405 of this chapter) duringthe preceding 12 months (or for such shorter period that the registrant was required to submit and post such files).Act. YES [X] NO [ ]

Indicate by check mark if disclosure of delinquent filers pursuant to Item 405 of Regulation S-K (§ 229.405 of this chapter) is notcontained herein, and will not be contained, to the best of registrant’s knowledge, in definitive proxy or information statementsincorporated by reference in Part III of this Form 10-K or any amendment to this Form 10-K. [X]

Indicate by check mark whether the registrant is a large accelerated filer, an accelerated filer, a non-accelerated filer, or a smallerreporting company. See the definitions of “large accelerated filer”, “accelerated filer”, and “smaller reporting company” in Rule 12b-2of the Exchange Act. (Check one):

Large accelerated filer [X] Accelerated filer [ ] Non-accelerated filer [ ] Smaller reporting company [ ]

Indicate by check mark whether the registrant is a shell company (as defined in Rule 12b-2 of the Act). YES [ ] NO [X]

The aggregate market value of the registrant’s voting shares held by nonaffiliates of the registrant as of June 30, 2016, based on theclosing sale price per share as reported by the New York Stock Exchange on such date, was $6,626,321,236.

As of January 26, 2017, the registrant had 317,833,859 shares of common shares outstanding.

Documents Incorporated by Reference

Applicable portions of the Proxy Statement for the 2017 Annual Meeting of Shareholders are incorporated by reference in Part III ofthis Form.





Part I

1 Business

1A Risk Factors

1B Unresolved Staff Comments

2 Properties

3 Legal Proceedings

4 Mine Safety Disclosures

4A Executive Officers of the Registrant

Part II

5 Market for the Registrant’s Common Equity, Related Shareholder Matters and Issuer Purchases of EquitySecurities

6 Selected Financial Data

7 Management’s Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations

7A Quantitative and Qualitative Disclosures About Market Risk

8 Financial Statements and Supplementary Data

9 Changes in and Disagreements with Accountants on Accounting and Financial Disclosure

9A Controls and Procedures

9B Other Information

Part III

10 Directors, Executive Officers and Corporate Governance

11 Executive Compensation

12 Security Ownership of Certain Beneficial Owners and Management and Related Shareholder Matters

13 Certain Relationships and Related Transactions and Director Independence

14 Principal Accountant Fees and Services

Part IV

15 Exhibits and Financial Statement Schedules



























PulteGroup, Inc.

PulteGroup, Inc. is a Michigan corporation organized in 1956. We are one of the largest homebuilders in the UnitedStates ("U.S."), and our common shares trade on the New York Stock Exchange under the ticker symbol “PHM”. Unless thecontext otherwise requires, the terms "PulteGroup", the "Company", "we", "us", and "our" used herein refer to PulteGroup, Inc.and its subsidiaries. While our subsidiaries engage primarily in the homebuilding business, we also have mortgage bankingoperations, conducted principally through Pulte Mortgage LLC (“Pulte Mortgage”), and title operations.

Homebuilding, our core business, includes the acquisition and development of land primarily for residential purposeswithin the U.S. and the construction of housing on such land. We offer a broad product line to meet the needs of homebuyers inour targeted markets. Through our brands, which include Centex, Pulte Homes, Del Webb, DiVosta Homes, and John WielandHomes and Neighborhoods, we offer a wide variety of home designs, including single-family detached, townhouses,condominiums, and duplexes at different prices and with varying levels of options and amenities to our major customer groups:first-time, move-up, and active adult. Over our history, we have delivered nearly 680,000 homes.

As of December 31, 2016, we conducted our operations in 49 markets located throughout 25 states. For reportingpurposes, our Homebuilding operations are aggregated into six reportable segments:

Northeast: Connecticut, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, VirginiaSoutheast: Georgia, North Carolina, South Carolina, TennesseeFlorida: FloridaMidwest: Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, OhioTexas: TexasWest: Arizona, California, Nevada, New Mexico, Washington

We also have a reportable segment for our financial services operations, which consist principally of mortgage bankingand title operations. Our Financial Services segment operates generally in the same geographic markets as our Homebuildingsegments.

Financial information for each of our reportable business segments is included in Note 4 to our Consolidated FinancialStatements.

Available information

Our internet website address is www.pultegroupinc.com. Our annual reports on Form 10-K, quarterly reports on Form10-Q, current reports on Form 8-K, and amendments to those reports filed or furnished pursuant to Section 13(a) or 15(d) of theExchange Act are available free of charge through our website as soon as reasonably practicable after we electronically filethem with or furnish them to the Securities and Exchange Commission. Our code of ethics for principal officers, our code ofethical business conduct, our corporate governance guidelines, and the charters of the Audit, Compensation and ManagementDevelopment, Nominating and Governance, and Finance and Investment Committees of our Board of Directors are also postedon our website and are available in print, free of charge, upon request.


Homebuilding Operations

Years Ended December 31,($000’s omitted)

2016 2015 2014 2013 2012Home sale revenues $ 7,451,315 $ 5,792,675 $ 5,662,171 $ 5,424,309 $ 4,552,412Home closings 19,951 17,127 17,196 17,766 16,505

After several years of declining sales volume, new home sales in the U.S. increased in 2012 for the first time since 2005,beginning a multi-year recovery in demand. This trend continued in 2016 as new home sales in the U.S. rose 12% toapproximately 563,000 homes, an approximate 84% increase from 2011, the bottom of the most recent housing downturn.Additionally, mortgage interest rates remain near historic lows and the overall inventory of homes available for sale, especiallynew homes, remains low. Although current industry volume remains low compared with historical levels, the improvedenvironment and actions we have taken contributed to significant increases in our income before income taxes each year in theperiod 2013 - 2016. In the long term, we continue to believe that the national publicly-traded builders will have a competitiveadvantage over local builders through their ability to leverage economies of scale, access to more reliable and lower costfinancing through the capital markets, ability to control and entitle large land positions, and greater geographic and productdiversification. Among our national publicly-traded peer group, we believe that builders with broad geographic and productdiversity and sustainable capital positions will benefit as market conditions continue to recover. In the short-term, we expectthat overall market conditions will continue to improve but that improvements will occur unevenly across our markets. Ourstrategy to enhance shareholder value is centered around the following operational objectives:

• Effectively allocating the capital we invest in our business using a risk-based portfolio approach;• Maximizing our inventory turns while maintaining an adequate supply of house and land inventory;• Enhancing revenues by: establishing clear product offerings for each of our consumer groups based on systematic,

consumer-driven input, optimizing our pricing through the use of options and lot premiums, and limiting ourreliance on speculative home sales;

• Optimizing our house costs through common house plan management, value-engineering our house plans, andworking with suppliers to reduce costs; and

• Maintaining an efficient overhead structure.

Our Homebuilding operations are geographically diverse within the U.S. As of December 31, 2016, we had 726 activecommunities spanning 49 markets across 25 states. Sales prices of unit closings during 2016 ranged from approximately$100,000 to over $1,000,000, with 80% falling within the range of $150,000 to $500,000. The average unit selling price in 2016was $373,000, compared with $338,000 in 2015, $329,000 in 2014, $305,000 in 2013, and $276,000 in 2012. The increase inaverage selling price in recent years resulted from a number of factors, including improved market conditions and a shift in oursales mix toward move-up homebuyers. Our average unit selling price in 2016 was also impacted by our acquisition in January2016 of substantially all of the assets of JW Homes ("Wieland), which are geared toward move-up buyers.

Sales of single-family detached homes, as a percentage of total unit sales, were 87% in 2016, compared with 86% in2015, 86% in 2014, 85% in 2013, and 81% in 2012. The increase in the percentage of single-family detached homes can beattributed to a shift in our business toward the move-up buyer, who tends to prefer detached homes.

Ending backlog, which represents orders for homes that have not yet closed, was $2.9 billion (7,422 units) atDecember 31, 2016 and $2.5 billion (6,731 units) at December 31, 2015. For orders in backlog, we have received a signedcustomer contract and customer deposit, which is refundable in certain instances. Of the orders in backlog at December 31,2016, substantially all are scheduled to be closed during 2017, though all orders are subject to potential cancellation by or finalnegotiations with the customer. In the event of cancellation, the majority of our sales contracts stipulate that we have the right toretain the customer’s deposit, though we may choose to refund the deposit in certain instances.


Land acquisition and development

We acquire land primarily for the construction of homes for sale to homebuyers. We select locations for development ofhomebuilding communities after completing a feasibility study, which includes, among other things, soil tests, independentenvironmental studies and other engineering work, an evaluation of necessary zoning and other governmental entitlements, andextensive market research that enables us to match the location with our product offering to meet the needs of consumers. Weconsider factors such as proximity to developed areas, population and job growth patterns, and, if applicable, estimateddevelopment costs. We frequently manage a portion of the risk of controlling our land positions through the use of land optioncontracts, which enable us to defer acquiring portions of properties owned by land sellers until we have determined whether andwhen to exercise our option. Our use of land option agreements reduces the financial risk associated with long-term landholdings. We typically acquire land with the intent to complete sales of housing units within 24 to 36 months from the date ofopening a community, except in the case of certain Del Webb active adult developments and other large master-planned projectsfor which the completion of community build-out requires a longer time period. While our overall supply of controlled land isin excess of our short-term needs in many of our markets, some of our controlled land consists of long-term positions that willnot be converted to home sales in the near term. Accordingly, we remain active in our pursuit of new land investment. We mayalso periodically sell select parcels of land to third parties for commercial or other development if we determine that they do notfit into our strategic operating plans.

Land is generally purchased after it is zoned and developed, or is ready for development for our intended use. In thenormal course of business, we periodically sell land not required by our homebuilding operations. Where we develop land, weengage directly in many phases of the development process, including: land and site planning; obtaining environmental andother regulatory approvals; and constructing roads, sewers, water and drainage facilities, and community amenities, such asparks, pools, and clubhouses. We use our staff and the services of independent engineers and consultants for land developmentactivities. Land development work is performed primarily by independent contractors and, when needed, local governmentauthorities who construct sewer and water systems in some areas. At December 31, 2016, we controlled 143,258 lots, of which99,279 were owned and 43,979 were under land option agreements.

Sales and marketing

We are dedicated to improving the quality and value of our homes through innovative architectural and communitydesigns. Analyzing various qualitative and quantitative data obtained through extensive market research, we stratify ourpotential customers into well-defined buyer groups. Such stratification provides a method for understanding the businessopportunities and risks across the full spectrum of consumer groups in each market. Once the needs of potential buyers areunderstood, we link our home design and community development efforts to the specific lifestyle of each consumer group.Through our understanding of each consumer group, we are able to provide homes that better meet the needs and wants of eachbuyer.

First-Time Move-Up Active AdultPortion of home closings:

2016 29% 43% 28%2012 41% 32% 27%

Our homes targeted to first-time buyers tend to be smaller with product offerings geared toward lower average sellingprices or higher density. Move-up buyers tend to place more of a premium on location and amenities. These communitiestypically offer larger homes at higher price points. Through our Del Webb brand, we are better able to address the needs ofactive adults, to whom we offer both destination communities and “in place” communities, for buyers who prefer to remain intheir current geographic area. Many of these communities are highly amenitized, offering a variety of features, including golfcourses, recreational centers, and educational classes, to the age fifty-five and over buyer to maintain an active lifestyle. Inorder to make the cost of these highly amenitized communities affordable to the individual homeowner, Del Webb communitiestend to be larger than first-time or move-up buyer communities. As illustrated in the above table, our sales mix has shifted inrecent years toward the move-up buyer where demand has been stronger. This shift in U.S. housing demand has occurredprimarily due to financial challenges facing the first-time buyer, including a recovering U.S. economy, the overhang ofconsumer debt, especially student loans related to higher education, and a more restrictive mortgage lending environment.


We market our homes to prospective buyers through internet listings and link placements, mobile applications, mediaadvertising, illustrated brochures, and other advertising displays. We have made significant enhancements in our tools andbusiness practices to adapt our selling efforts to today's tech-enabled customers. In addition, our websites (www.centex.com,www.pulte.com, www.delwebb.com, www.divosta.com, and www.jwhomes.com) provide tools to help users find a home thatmeets their needs, investigate financing alternatives, communicate moving plans, maintain a home, learn more about us, andcommunicate directly with us. There were approximately 10.4 million unique visits to our websites during 2016, compared withapproximately 9.6 million in 2015.

To meet the demands of our various customers, we have established design expertise for a wide array of product lines.We believe that we are an innovator in consumer-inspired home design, and we view our design capabilities as an integralaspect of our marketing strategy. Our in-house architectural services teams and management, supplemented by outsideconsultants, follow a 12-step product development process to introduce new features and technologies based on customer-validated data. Following this disciplined process results in distinctive design features, both in exterior facades and interioroptions and features. We typically offer a variety of potential options and upgrades, such as different flooring, countertop, andappliance choices, and design our base house and option packages to meet the needs of our customers as defined throughrigorous market research. Energy efficiency represents an important source of value for new homes compared with existinghomes and represents a key area of focus for our home designs, including high efficiency heating, ventilation, and airconditioning systems and insulation, low-emissivity windows, solar power in certain geographies, and other energy-efficientfeatures.

Typically, our sales teams, in some cases together with outside sales brokers, are responsible for guiding the customerthrough the sales process. We are committed to industry-leading customer service through a variety of quality initiatives,including our customer care program, which seeks to ensure that homeowners are comfortable at every stage of the buildingprocess. Fully furnished and landscaped model homes physically located in our communities, which leverage the expertise ofour interior designers, are generally used to showcase our homes and their distinctive design features.


The construction of our homes is conducted under the supervision of our on-site construction field managers.Substantially all of our construction work is performed by independent subcontractors under contracts that generally cover bothlabor and materials on a fixed-price basis. Using a selective process, we have teamed up with what we believe are premiersubcontractors and suppliers to deliver all aspects of the house construction process.

Continuous improvement in our house construction process is a key area of focus. We seek to maintain efficientconstruction operations by using standard materials and components from a variety of sources and by utilizing standardconstruction practices. We are improving our product offerings and production processes through the following programs:

• Common management of house plans in order to focus on building those house designs that customers value the mostand that can be built at the highest quality and at an efficient cost;

• Value engineering our house plans to optimize house designs in terms of material content and ease of constructionwhile still providing a clear value to the customer (value engineering eliminates items that add cost but that have littleto no value to the customer);

• Improving our usage of Pulte Construction Standards, a proprietary system of internally required constructionpractices, through development of new or revised standards, training of our field leadership and constructionpersonnel, communication with our suppliers, and auditing our compliance; and

• Working with our suppliers to establish the "should cost", a data driven, collaborative effort to reduce constructioncosts to what the associated construction activities or materials “should cost” in the market.

The ability to consistently source qualified labor at reasonable prices has become more challenging as labor supplygrowth has not kept pace with construction demand. Additionally, the cost of certain building materials, especially lumber,steel, concrete, copper, and petroleum-based materials, is influenced by changes in global commodity prices. To protect againstchanges in construction costs, the contracting and purchasing of building supplies and materials generally is negotiated at ornear the time when related sales contracts are signed with customers. In addition, we leverage our size by actively negotiatingfor certain materials on a national or regional basis to minimize costs. We are also working to establish a more integratedsystem that can effectively link suppliers, contractors, and the production schedule. However, we cannot determine the extent towhich necessary building materials and labor will be available at reasonable prices in the future.



The housing industry in the U.S. is fragmented and highly competitive. While we are one of the largest homebuilders inthe U.S., our national market share represented only approximately 4% of U.S. new home sales in 2016. In each of our localmarkets, there are numerous national, regional, and local homebuilders with whom we compete. Additionally, new home saleshave traditionally represented less than 15% of overall U.S. home sales (new and existing homes). Therefore, we also competewith sales of existing house inventory and any provider of for sale or rental housing units, including apartment operators. Wecompete primarily on the basis of location, price, quality, reputation, design, community amenities, and our customers' overallsales and homeownership experiences.


Although significant changes in market conditions have impacted our seasonal patterns in the past and could do so again,we historically experience variability in our quarterly results from operations due to the seasonal nature of the homebuildingindustry. We generally experience increases in revenues and cash flow from operations during the fourth quarter based on thetiming of home closings. This seasonal activity increases our working capital requirements in our third and fourth quarters tosupport our home production and loan origination volumes. As a result of the seasonality of our operations, our quarterly resultsof operations are not necessarily indicative of the results that may be expected for the full year.

Regulation and environmental matters

Our operations are subject to extensive regulations imposed and enforced by various federal, state, and local governingauthorities. These regulations are complex and include building codes, land zoning and other entitlement restrictions, health andsafety regulations, labor practices, marketing and sales practices, environmental regulations, rules and regulations relating tomortgage financing and title operations, and various other laws, rules, and regulations. Collectively, these regulations have asignificant impact on the site selection and development of our communities, our house design and construction techniques, ourrelationships with customers, employees, and suppliers / subcontractors, and many other aspects of our business. The applicablegoverning authorities frequently have broad discretion in administering these regulations, including inspections of our homesprior to closing with the customer in the majority of municipalities in which we operate.

Financial Services Operations

We conduct our financial services business, which includes mortgage and title operations, through Pulte Mortgage andother subsidiaries. Pulte Mortgage arranges financing through the origination of mortgage loans primarily for the benefit of ourhomebuyers. We are a lender approved by the Federal Housing Administration ("FHA") and Department of Veterans Affairs("VA") and are a seller/servicer approved by Government National Mortgage Association ("Ginnie Mae"), Federal NationalMortgage Association ("Fannie Mae"), Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation ("Freddie Mac"), and other investors. In ourconventional mortgage lending activities, we follow underwriting guidelines established by Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, andprivate investors. We believe that our customers’ use of our in-house mortgage and title operations provides us with acompetitive advantage by enabling more control over the quality of the overall home buying process for our customers, whilealso helping us align the timing of the house construction process with our customers’ financing needs.

Operating as a captive business model targeted to supporting our Homebuilding operations, the business levels of ourFinancial Services operations are highly correlated to Homebuilding. During 2016, 2015, and 2014, we originated mortgageloans for 65%, 65%, and 61%, respectively, of the homes we sold. Such originations represented substantially all of our totaloriginations in each of those years. Our capture rate, which we define as loan originations from our homebuilding business as apercentage of total loan opportunities from our homebuilding business excluding cash settlements, was 81.2% in 2016, 82.9%in 2015, and 80.2% in 2014.

In originating mortgage loans, we initially use our own funds, including funds available pursuant to credit agreementswith third parties, and subsequently sell such mortgage loans to third party investors in the secondary market. Substantially allof the loans we originate are sold in the secondary market within a short period of time after origination, generally within 30days. We also sell the servicing rights for the loans we originate through fixed price servicing sales contracts to reduce the risksand costs inherent in servicing loans. This strategy results in owning the loans and related servicing rights for only a shortperiod of time.


The mortgage industry in the U.S. is highly competitive. We compete with other mortgage companies and financialinstitutions to provide attractive mortgage financing to our homebuyers. We utilize a centralized fulfillment center for ourmortgage operations that performs underwriting, processing, and closing functions. We believe centralizing both the fulfillmentand origination of our loans improves the speed, efficiency, and quality of our mortgage operations, improving our profitabilityand allowing us to focus on providing attractive mortgage financing opportunities for our customers.

In originating and servicing mortgage loans, we are subject to the rules and regulations of the government-sponsoredinvestors and other investors that purchase the loans we originate, as well as to those of other government agencies that haveoversight of the government-sponsored investors or consumer lending rules in the U.S. In addition to being affected by changesin these programs, our mortgage banking business is also affected by many of the same factors that impact our homebuildingbusiness.

Our mortgage operations may be responsible for losses associated with mortgage loans originated and sold to investorsin the event of errors or omissions relating to representations and warranties made by us that the loans met certain requirements,including representations as to underwriting standards, the existence of primary mortgage insurance, and the validity of certainborrower representations in connection with the loan. If a loan is determined to be faulty, we either repurchase the loan from theinvestors or reimburse the investors' losses (a "make-whole" payment).

Our subsidiary title insurance companies serve as title insurance agents and underwriters in select markets by providingtitle insurance policies and examination and closing services to buyers of homes we sell. Historically, we have not experiencedsignificant claims related to our title operations.

Financial Information About Geographic Areas

Substantially all of our operations are located within the U.S. We have some non-operating foreign subsidiaries andaffiliates, which are insignificant to our consolidated financial results.


All subsidiaries and operating units operate independently with respect to daily operations. Homebuilding real estatepurchases and other significant homebuilding, mortgage banking, financing activities, and similar operating decisions must beapproved by the business unit’s management and/or corporate senior management.

At December 31, 2016, we employed 4,623 people, of which 829 people were employed in our Financial Servicesoperations. Except for a small group of employees in our St. Louis homebuilding division, our employees are not representedby any union. Contracted work, however, may be performed by union contractors. Our local and corporate managementpersonnel are paid incentive compensation based on a combination of individual performance and the performance of theapplicable business unit or the Company. Each business unit is given a level of autonomy regarding employment of personnel,subject to adherence to our established policies and procedures, and our senior corporate management acts in an advisorycapacity in the employment of subsidiary officers. We consider our employee and contractor relations to be satisfactory.



Discussion of our business and operations included in this annual report on Form 10-K should be read together with therisk factors set forth below. They describe various risks and uncertainties to which we are, or may become, subject. These risksand uncertainties, together with other factors described elsewhere in this report, have the potential to affect our business,financial condition, results of operations, cash flows, strategies, or prospects in a material and adverse manner.

The homebuilding industry is cyclical and a deterioration in industry conditions or downward changes in general economicor other business conditions could adversely affect our business or our financial results.

The residential homebuilding industry is sensitive to changes in economic conditions and other factors, such as the levelof employment, consumer confidence, consumer income, availability of financing, and interest rate levels. Adverse changes inany of these conditions generally, or in the markets where we operate, could decrease demand and pricing for new homes inthese areas or result in customer cancellations of pending contracts, which could adversely affect the number of home deliverieswe make or reduce the prices we can charge for homes, either of which could result in a decrease in our revenues and earningsthat could adversely affect our financial condition.

Beginning in 2006 and continuing through 2011, the U.S. housing market was unfavorably impacted by severe weaknessin new home sales attributable to, among other factors, weak consumer confidence, tightened mortgage standards, significantforeclosure activity, a more challenging appraisal environment, higher than normal unemployment levels, and significantuncertainty in the global economy. During this period, we incurred significant losses, including impairments of our landinventory and certain other assets. Since 2011, overall industry new home sales have increased, and we returned to profitabilitybeginning in 2012. However, the overall demand for new homes remains below historical levels. Accordingly, we can provideno assurances that the adjustments we have made in our operating strategy will be successful if the current housing market wasto deteriorate significantly.

If the market value of our land and homes drops significantly, our profits could decrease.

The market value of land, building lots, and housing inventories can fluctuate significantly as a result of changing marketconditions, and the measures we employ to manage inventory risk may not be adequate to insulate our operations from a severedrop in inventory values. We acquire land for expansion into new markets and for replacement of land inventory and expansionwithin our current markets. If housing demand decreases below what we anticipated when we acquired our inventory, we maynot be able to make profits similar to what we have made in the past, we may experience less than anticipated profits, and/or wemay not be able to recover our costs when we sell and build homes. When market conditions are such that land values are notappreciating, option arrangements previously entered into may become less desirable, at which time we may elect to foregodeposits and pre-acquisition costs and terminate the agreement. In the face of adverse market conditions, we may havesubstantial inventory carrying costs, we may have to write down our inventory to its fair value, and/or we may have to sell landor homes at a loss.

Supply shortages and other risks related to the demand for skilled labor and building materials could increase costs anddelay deliveries.

The homebuilding industry is highly competitive for skilled labor and materials. Labor shortages in certain of ourmarkets have become more acute in recent years as the supply chain adjusts to uneven industry growth. Additionally, the cost ofcertain building materials, especially lumber, steel, concrete, copper, and petroleum-based materials, is influenced by changesin local and global commodity prices. Increased costs or shortages of skilled labor and/or materials could cause increases inconstruction costs and / or construction delays. We may not be able to pass on increases in construction costs to customers andgenerally are unable to pass on any such increases to customers who have already entered into sales contracts as those salescontracts generally fix the price of the home at the time the contract is signed, which may be well in advance of the constructionof the home. Sustained increases in construction costs may, over time, erode our margins, and pricing competition may restrictour ability to pass on any such additional costs, thereby decreasing our margins.


Our success depends on our ability to acquire land suitable for residential homebuilding at reasonable prices, in accordancewith our land investment criteria.

The homebuilding industry is highly competitive for suitable land. The availability of finished and partially finisheddeveloped lots and undeveloped land for purchase that meet our internal criteria depends on a number of factors outside ourcontrol, including land availability in general, competition with other homebuilders and land buyers for desirable property,inflation in land prices, zoning, allowable housing density, and other regulatory requirements. Should suitable lots or landbecome less available, the number of homes we may be able to build and sell could be reduced, and the cost of land could beincreased, perhaps substantially, which could adversely impact our results of operations.

Our long-term ability to build homes depends on our acquiring land suitable for residential building at reasonable pricesin locations where we want to build. In the past, we experienced significant competition for suitable land as a result of landconstraints in many of our markets. As competition for suitable land increases, and as available land is developed, the cost ofacquiring suitable remaining land could rise, and the availability of suitable land at acceptable prices may decline. Any landshortages or any decrease in the supply of suitable land at reasonable prices could limit our ability to develop new communitiesor result in increased land costs. We may not be able to pass through to our customers any increased land costs, which couldadversely impact our revenues, earnings, and margins.

We are subject to claims related to mortgage loans we sold in the secondary mortgage market that may be significant.

Our mortgage operations may be responsible for losses associated with mortgage loans originated and sold to investorsin the event of errors or omissions relating to certain representations and warranties made by us that the loans met certainrequirements, including representations as to underwriting standards, the type of collateral, the existence of primary mortgageinsurance, and the validity of certain borrower representations in connection with the loan. To date, the significant majority ofthese losses relate to loans originated in 2006 and 2007, during which period inherently riskier loan products became morecommon in the origination market. We may also be required to indemnify underwriters that purchased and securitized loansoriginated by a former subsidiary of Centex Corporation ("Centex"), which we acquired in 2009, for losses incurred byinvestors in those securitized loans based on similar breaches of representations and warranties.

The resolution of claims related to alleged breaches of these representations and warranties and repurchase claims couldhave a material adverse effect on our financial condition, cash flows and results of operations. Given the ongoing volatility inthe mortgage industry, changes in values of underlying collateral over time, and other uncertainties regarding the ultimateresolution of these claims, actual costs could differ from our current estimates. Accordingly, there can be no assurance that suchreserves will not need to be increased in the future.

Future increases in interest rates, reductions in mortgage availability, or other increases in the effective costs of owning ahome could prevent potential customers from buying our homes and adversely affect our business and financial results.

A large majority of our customers finance their home purchases through mortgage loans, many through our mortgagebank. While mortgage interest rates have increased moderately, they have been near historical lows for several years, which hasmade new homes more affordable. Increases in interest rates or decreases in the availability of mortgage financing couldadversely affect the market for new homes. Potential homebuyers may be less willing or able to pay the increased monthly costsor to obtain mortgage financing. Lenders may increase the qualifications needed for mortgages or adjust their terms to addressany increased credit risk. Even if potential customers do not need financing, changes in interest rates and mortgage availabilitycould make it harder for them to sell their current homes to potential buyers who need financing. These factors could adverselyaffect the sales or pricing of our homes and could also reduce the volume or margins in our financial services business. Ourfinancial services business could also be impacted to the extent we are unable to match interest rates and amounts on loans wehave committed to originate through the various hedging strategies we employ. These developments have had, and maycontinue to have, a material adverse effect on the overall demand for new housing and thereby on the results of operations forour homebuilding business.

The liquidity provided by Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac to the mortgage industry is also critical to the housing market.The impact of the federal government’s conservatorship of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac on the short-term and long-termdemand for new housing remains unclear. Any limitations or restrictions on the availability of financing by these agencies couldadversely affect interest rates, mortgage financing, and our sales of new homes and mortgage loans. Additionally, theavailability of FHA and VA mortgage financing is an important factor in marketing some of our homes.


Mortgage interest expense and real estate taxes represent significant costs of homeownership, both of which aregenerally deductible for an individual’s federal and, in some cases, state income taxes. Any changes to income tax laws by thefederal government or a state government to eliminate or substantially reduce these income tax deductions, as has beenconsidered from time to time, would increase the after-tax cost of owning a home. Increases in real estate taxes by localgovernmental authorities also increase the cost of homeownership. Any such increases to the cost of homeownership couldadversely impact the demand for and sales prices of new homes.

Adverse capital and credit market conditions may significantly affect our access to capital and cost of capital.

The capital and credit markets can experience significant volatility. We may need credit-related liquidity for the futuredevelopment of our business and other capital needs. Without sufficient liquidity, we may not be able to purchase additionalland or develop land, which could adversely affect our financial results. At December 31, 2016, we had cash, cash equivalents,and restricted cash of $723.2 million as well as $530.9 million available under our revolving credit facility, net of outstandingletters of credit. However, our internal sources of liquidity and revolving credit facility may prove to be insufficient, and in suchcase, we may not be able to successfully obtain additional financing on terms acceptable to us, or at all.

Another source of liquidity includes our ability to use letters of credit and surety bonds pursuant to certain performance-related obligations and as security for certain land option agreements and under various insurance programs. The majority ofthese letters of credit and surety bonds are in support of our land development and construction obligations to variousmunicipalities, other government agencies, and utility companies related to the construction of roads, sewers, and otherinfrastructure. At December 31, 2016, we had outstanding letters of credit and surety bonds totaling $219.1 million and$1.1 billion, respectively. These letters of credit are issued via our unsecured revolving credit facility, which contains certainfinancial covenants and other limitations. If we are unable to obtain letters of credit or surety bonds when required, or theconditions imposed by issuers increase significantly, our financial condition and results of operations could be adverselyaffected.

Competition for homebuyers could reduce our deliveries or decrease our profitability.

The U.S. housing industry is highly competitive. We compete primarily on the basis of location, price, quality,reputation, design, community amenities, and our customers' overall sales and homeownership experiences. We compete ineach of our markets with numerous national, regional, and local homebuilders. This competition with other homebuilders couldreduce the number of homes we deliver or cause us to accept reduced margins in order to maintain sales volume.

We also compete with resales of existing or foreclosed homes, housing speculators, and available rental housing.Increased competitive conditions in the residential resale or rental market in the regions where we operate could decreasedemand for new homes or unfavorably impact pricing for new homes.

Our income tax provision and tax reserves may be insufficient if a taxing authority is successful in asserting positions thatare contrary to our interpretations and related reserves, if any.

Significant judgment is required in determining our provision for income taxes and our reserves for federal, state, andlocal taxes. In the ordinary course of business, there may be matters for which the ultimate outcome is uncertain. Our evaluationof our tax matters is based on a number of factors, including changes in facts or circumstances, changes in tax law,correspondence with tax authorities during the course of audits, and effective settlement of audit issues. Although we believeour approach to determining the tax treatment for such items is appropriate, no assurance can be given that the final taxauthority review will not be materially different than that which is reflected in our income tax provision and related taxreserves. Such differences could have a material adverse effect on our income tax provision in the period in which suchdetermination is made and, consequently, on our financial position, cash flows, or net income.

We are periodically audited by various federal, state, and local authorities regarding tax matters. Our current audits are invarious stages of completion; however, no outcome for a particular audit can be determined with certainty prior to theconclusion of the audit, appeal, and, in some cases, litigation process. As each audit is concluded, adjustments, if any, arerecorded in our financial statements in the period determined. To provide for potential tax exposures, we consider a variety offactors, including changes in facts or circumstances, changes in law, correspondence with taxing authorities, and effectivesettlement of audit issues. If these reserves are insufficient upon completion of an audit, there could be an adverse impact onour financial position, cash flows, and results of operations.


We may not realize our deferred tax assets.

As of December 31, 2016, we had deferred tax assets, net of deferred tax liabilities, of $1.1 billion, against which weprovided a valuation allowance of $64.9 million. The ultimate realization of our deferred tax assets is dependent upongenerating future taxable income. While we have recorded valuation allowances against certain of our deferred tax assets, thevaluation allowances are subject to change as facts and circumstances change.

Our ability to utilize net operating losses (“NOLs”), built-in losses (“BILs”), and tax credit carryforwards to offset ourfuture taxable income or income tax would be limited if we were to undergo an “ownership change” within the meaning ofSection 382 of the Internal Revenue Code (the “IRC”). In general, an “ownership change” occurs whenever the percentage ofthe stock of a corporation owned by “5-percent shareholders” (within the meaning of Section 382 of the IRC) increases by morethan 50 percentage points over the lowest percentage of the stock of such corporation owned by such “5-percent shareholders”at any time over the testing period.

An ownership change under Section 382 of the IRC would establish an annual limitation to the amount of NOLs, BILs,and tax credit carryforwards we could utilize to offset our taxable income or income tax in any single year. The application ofthese limitations might prevent full utilization of the deferred tax assets attributable to our NOLs, BILs, and tax creditcarryforwards. To preserve our ability to utilize NOLs, BILs, and other tax benefits in the future without a Section 382limitation, we adopted a shareholder rights plan, which is triggered upon certain transfers of our securities, and amended ourby-laws to prohibit certain transfers of our securities. Our shareholder rights plan, as amended, expires June 1, 2019, unless ourboard of directors and shareholders approve an amendment to extend the term prior thereto. Notwithstanding the foregoingmeasures, there can be no assurance that we will not undergo an ownership change within the meaning of Section 382.

Our ability to use certain of Centex's federal losses and credits is limited under Section 382 of the IRC. We do notbelieve that the Section 382 limitations will prevent us from utilizing these Centex losses and credits. We do believe that fullutilization of certain state NOL carryforwards will be limited due to Section 382.

The value of our deferred tax assets is also dependent upon the tax rates expected to be in effect at the time taxableincome is expected to be generated. A decrease in enacted corporate tax rates in our major jurisdictions, especially the U.S.federal corporate tax rate, would decrease the value of our deferred tax assets, which could be material.

We have significant intangible assets. If these assets become impaired, then our profits and shareholders’ equity may bereduced.

We have significant intangible assets related to business combinations. We evaluate the recoverability of intangible assetswhenever facts and circumstances indicate the carrying amount may not be recoverable. If the carrying value of intangibleassets is deemed impaired, the carrying value is written down to fair value. This would result in a charge to our earnings. Ifmanagement’s expectations of future results and cash flows decrease significantly, impairments of the remaining intangibleassets may occur.

Government regulations could increase the cost and limit the availability of our development and homebuilding projects oraffect our related financial services operations and adversely affect our business or financial results.

Our operations are subject to building, environmental, and other regulations imposed and enforced by various federal,state, and local governing authorities. New housing developments may also be subject to various assessments for schools,parks, streets, and other public improvements. These can cause an increase in the effective cost of our homes.

We also are subject to a variety of local, state, and federal laws and regulations concerning protection of health, safety,and the environment. The impact of environmental laws varies depending upon the prior uses of the building site or adjoiningproperties and may be greater in areas with less supply where undeveloped land or desirable alternatives are less available.These matters may result in delays, may cause us to incur substantial compliance, remediation and other costs, and can prohibitor severely restrict development and homebuilding activity in environmentally sensitive regions or areas. More stringentrequirements could be imposed in the future on homebuilders and developers, thereby increasing the cost of compliance.

Our financial services operations are also subject to numerous federal, state, and local laws and regulations. Theseinclude eligibility requirements for participation in federal loan programs and compliance with consumer lending and similarrequirements such as disclosure requirements, prohibitions against discrimination, and real estate settlement procedures. Theyalso subject our operations to examination by applicable agencies, pursuant to which those agencies may limit our ability to


provide mortgage financing or title services to potential purchasers of our homes. For our homes to qualify for FHA or VAmortgages, we must satisfy valuation standards and site, material, and construction requirements of those agencies.

Homebuilding is subject to warranty and other claims in the ordinary course of business that can be significant.

As a homebuilder, we are subject to home warranty, construction defect, and other claims arising in the ordinary courseof business. We record warranty and other reserves for the homes we sell based on historical experience in our markets and ourjudgment of the qualitative risks associated with the types of homes built. We have, and require our subcontractors to have,general liability, property, errors and omissions, workers compensation, and other business insurance. These insurance policiesprotect us against a portion of our risk of loss from claims, subject to certain self-insured per occurrence and aggregateretentions, deductibles, and available policy limits. In certain instances, we may offer our subcontractors the opportunity topurchase insurance through one of our captive insurance subsidiaries or participate in a project-specific insurance programprovided by us. Policies issued by our captive insurance subsidiaries represent self-insurance of these risks by us. We reservefor costs to cover our self-insured and deductible amounts under these policies and for any costs of claims and lawsuits basedon an analysis of our historical claims, which includes an estimate of claims incurred but not yet reported. Because of theuncertainties inherent in these matters, we cannot provide assurance that our insurance coverage, our subcontractorarrangements, and our reserves will be adequate to address all our warranty and construction defect claims in the future.Contractual indemnities can be difficult to enforce, we may be responsible for applicable self-insured retentions, and sometypes of claims may not be covered by insurance or may exceed applicable coverage limits. Additionally, the coverage offeredby and the availability of general liability insurance for construction defects are currently costly and limited. We haveresponded to increases in insurance costs and coverage limitations by increasing our self-insured retentions and claim reserves.There can be no assurance that coverage will not be further restricted or become more costly. Additionally, we are exposed tocounterparty default risk related to our subcontractors, our insurance carriers, and our subcontractors’ insurance carriers.

Natural disasters and severe weather conditions could delay deliveries, increase costs, and decrease demand for new homesin affected areas.

Our homebuilding operations are located in many areas that are subject to natural disasters and severe weather. Theoccurrence of natural disasters or severe weather conditions can delay new home deliveries, increase costs by damaginginventories, reduce the availability of materials, and negatively impact the demand for new homes in affected areas.Furthermore, if our insurance does not fully cover business interruptions or losses resulting from these events, our earnings,liquidity, or capital resources could be adversely affected.

Inflation may result in increased costs that we may not be able to recoup.

Inflation can have a long-term impact on us because increasing costs of land, materials, and labor may require us toincrease the sales prices of homes in order to maintain satisfactory margins. However, we may not be able to raise home pricessufficiently to keep up with the rate of inflation and our margins could decrease. In addition, inflation is often accompanied byhigher interest rates, which could have a negative impact on housing demand.

Information technology failures or data security breaches could harm our business.

We use information technology and other computer resources to carry out important operational activities and tomaintain our business records. Our computer systems, including our back-up systems, are subject to damage or interruptionfrom power outages, computer and telecommunications failures, computer viruses, security breaches (through cyberattacksfrom computer hackers and sophisticated organizations), catastrophic events such as fires, tornadoes and hurricanes, and usageerrors by our associates. If our computer systems and our back-up systems are damaged, breached, or cease to functionproperly, we could suffer interruptions in our operations or unintentionally allow misappropriation of proprietary or confidentialinformation (including information about our homebuyers and business partners), which could require us to incur significantcosts to remediate or otherwise resolve these issues.





Our homebuilding and corporate headquarters are located in leased office facilities at 3350 Peachtree Road NE, Suite150, Atlanta, GA 30326. Pulte Mortgage leases its primary office facilities in Englewood, Colorado. We also maintain varioussupport functions in leased facilities in Tempe, Arizona and Bloomfield Hills, Michigan. Our homebuilding divisions andfinancial services branches lease office space in the geographic locations in which they conduct their day-to-day operations.

Because of the nature of our homebuilding operations, significant amounts of property are held as inventory in theordinary course. Such properties are not included in response to this Item.


We are involved in various legal and governmental proceedings incidental to our continuing business operations, manyinvolving claims related to certain construction defects. The consequences of these matters are not presently determinable but,in our opinion, after consulting with legal counsel and taking into account insurance and reserves, the ultimate liability is notexpected to have a material adverse impact on our results of operations, financial position, or cash flows. However, to the extentthe liability arising from the ultimate resolution of any matter exceeds our estimates reflected in the recorded reserves relatingto such matter, we could incur additional charges that could be significant.


This Item is not applicable.



Set forth below is certain information with respect to our executive officers.

Name Age Position

Year BecameAn Executive

OfficerRichard J. Dugas, Jr. 51 Executive Chairman 2002Ryan R. Marshall 42 President and Chief Executive Officer 2012Robert T. O'Shaughnessy 51 Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer 2011James R. Ellinghausen 58 Executive Vice President, Human Resources 2005Harmon D. Smith 53 Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer 2011Steven M. Cook 58 Executive Vice President, Chief Legal Officer and Corporate Secretary 2006James L. Ossowski 48 Vice President, Finance and Controller 2013

The following is a brief account of the business experience of each officer during the past five years:

Mr. Dugas was appointed Chairman in August 2009 and Executive Chairman in September 2016. He served as ChiefExecutive Officer from July 2003 to September 2016 and was appointed Executive Vice President in December 2002 and ChiefOperating Officer in May 2002.

Mr. Marshall was appointed Chief Executive Officer in September 2016. Previously, he held the position of Presidentsince February 2016 and Executive Vice President, Homebuilding Operations since May 2014. He was appointed AreaPresident, Southeast in November 2012; Area President, Florida in May 2012; and Division President, South Florida in 2006.

Mr. O'Shaughnessy was appointed Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer in May 2011.

Mr. Ellinghausen was appointed Executive Vice President, Human Resources in December 2006.

Mr. Smith was appointed Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Office in February 2016 and previously held thepositions of Executive Vice President, Field Operations since May 2014 and Homebuilding Operations and Area President,Texas since May 2012. He served as an Area President over various geographical markets since 2006.

Mr. Cook was appointed Executive Vice President, Chief Legal Officer and Corporate Secretary in September 2015 andpreviously held the positions of Senior Vice President, General Counsel and Secretary since December 2008.

Mr. Ossowski was appointed Vice President, Finance and Controller in February 2013 and previously held the position ofVice President, Finance - Homebuilding Operations since August 2010.

There is no family relationship between any of the officers. Each officer serves at the pleasure of the Board of Directors.




Our common shares are listed on the New York Stock Exchange (Symbol: PHM).

Related Shareholder Matters

The table below sets forth, for the quarterly periods indicated, the range of high and low intraday sales prices for ourcommon shares and dividend per share information:

December 31, 2016 December 31, 2015

High LowDeclaredDividend High Low


1st Quarter $ 18.82 $ 14.61 $ 0.09 $ 23.24 $ 20.56 $ 0.082nd Quarter 19.80 16.60 0.09 22.78 18.85 0.083rd Quarter 22.40 19.04 0.09 22.02 18.72 0.084th Quarter 20.66 17.69 0.09 20.21 17.18 0.09

At January 26, 2017, there were 2,461 shareholders of record.

Issuer Purchases of Equity Securities

Total numberof sharespurchased

Averageprice paidper share

Total number ofshares purchasedas part of publiclyannounced plans

or programs

Approximate dollarvalue of sharesthat may yet bepurchased under

the plans orprograms

($000’s omitted)October 1, 2016 to October 31, 2016 3,963,535 $ 19.66 3,963,535 $ 1,179,181 (2)November 1, 2016 to November 30, 2016 4,743,500 18.59 4,743,500 $ 1,091,004 (2)December 1, 2016 to December 31, 2016 4,523,842 19.07 4,521,729 $ 1,004,765 (2)Total 13,230,877 $ 19.07 13,228,764

(1) During the fourth quarter of 2016, participants surrendered 2,113 shares for payment of minimum tax obligationsupon the vesting or exercise of previously granted share-based compensation awards. Such shares were notrepurchased as part of our publicly-announced share repurchase programs.

(2) The Board of Directors approved share repurchase authorizations totaling $300.0 million and $1.0 billion inDecember 2015 and July 2016, respectively, of which $1,004.8 million remained available as of December 31,2016. There are no expiration dates for these programs. During 2016, we repurchased 30.9 million shares underthese programs.

The information required by this item with respect to equity compensation plans is set forth under Item 12 of this annualreport on Form 10-K and is incorporated herein by reference.


Performance Graph

The following line graph compares for the fiscal years ended December 31, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, and 2016 (a) theyearly cumulative total shareholder return (i.e., the change in share price plus the cumulative amount of dividends, assumingdividend reinvestment, divided by the initial share price, expressed as a percentage) on PulteGroup’s common shares, with(b) the cumulative total return of the Standard & Poor’s 500 Stock Index, and with (c) the Dow Jones U.S. Select HomeConstruction Index. The Dow Jones U.S. Select Home Construction Index is a widely-recognized index comprised primarily oflarge national homebuilders. We believe comparison of our shareholder return to this index represents a meaningful analysis forinvestors.


Fiscal Year Ended December 31, 2016

2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016PULTEGROUP, INC. 100.00 287.80 325.20 346.27 292.86 307.98S&P 500 Index - Total Return 100.00 116.00 153.57 174.60 177.01 198.18Dow Jones U.S. Select Home Construction

Index 100.00 179.68 212.75 223.71 235.89 241.14

* Assumes $100 invested on December 31, 2011, and the reinvestment of dividends.



Set forth below is selected consolidated financial data for each of the past five fiscal years. The selected financial datashould be read in conjunction with Management’s Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operationsand our Consolidated Financial Statements and Notes thereto included elsewhere in this report.

Years Ended December 31,(000’s omitted, except per share data)

2016 2015 2014 2013 2012OPERATING DATA:Homebuilding:Revenues $ 7,487,350 $ 5,841,211 $ 5,696,725 $ 5,538,644 $ 4,659,110Income before income taxes $ 860,766 $ 757,317 $ 635,177 $ 479,113 $ 157,991Financial Services:Revenues $ 181,126 $ 140,753 $ 125,638 $ 140,951 $ 160,888Income before income taxes $ 73,084 $ 58,706 $ 54,581 $ 48,709 $ 25,563

Consolidated results:Revenues $ 7,668,476 $ 5,981,964 $ 5,822,363 $ 5,679,595 $ 4,819,998

Income before income taxes $ 933,850 $ 816,023 $ 689,758 $ 527,822 $ 183,554Income tax (expense) benefit (331,147) (321,933) (215,420) 2,092,294 22,591Net income $ 602,703 $ 494,090 $ 474,338 $ 2,620,116 $ 206,145

PER SHARE DATA:Net income per share:

Basic $ 1.76 $ 1.38 $ 1.27 $ 6.79 $ 0.54Diluted $ 1.75 $ 1.36 $ 1.26 $ 6.72 $ 0.54

Number of shares used in calculation:Basic 339,747 356,576 370,377 383,077 381,562Effect of dilutive securities 2,376 3,217 3,725 3,789 3,002Diluted 342,123 359,793 374,102 386,866 384,564

Shareholders’ equity $ 14.60 $ 13.63 $ 13.01 $ 12.19 $ 5.66Cash dividends declared $ 0.36 $ 0.33 $ 0.23 $ 0.15 $ —


December 31,($000’s omitted)

2016 2015 2014 2013 2012BALANCE SHEET DATA:House and land inventory $ 6,770,655 $ 5,450,058 $ 4,392,100 $ 3,978,561 $ 4,214,046Total assets (a) 10,178,200 9,189,406 8,560,187 8,719,886 6,719,093Senior notes and term loan (a) 3,110,016 2,074,505 1,809,338 2,043,910 2,494,297Shareholders’ equity 4,659,363 4,759,325 4,804,954 4,648,952 2,189,616

Years Ended December 31,

2016 2015 2014 2013 2012OTHER DATA:Markets, at year-end 49 50 49 48 58Active communities, at year-end 726 620 598 577 670Closings (units) 19,951 17,127 17,196 17,766 16,505Net new orders (units) 20,326 18,008 16,652 17,080 19,039Backlog (units), at year-end 7,422 6,731 5,850 5,772 6,458Average selling price (per unit) $ 373,000 $ 338,000 $ 329,000 $ 305,000 $ 276,000Gross margin from home sales (b) 25.0% 26.9% 26.7% 24.1% 19.6%

(a) Certain prior period amounts have been reclassified to conform to the current year presentation following theadoption of ASU 2015-03, which resulted in the reclassification of applicable unamortized debt issuance costs fromother assets to senior notes and term loan, and the reclassification of unbilled insurance receivables to other assetsfrom accrued and other liabilities. See Note 1.

(b) Homebuilding interest expense, which represents the amortization of capitalized interest, and land impairmentcharges are included in home sale cost of revenues. All periods reflect the reclassification of sales commissionsexpense from home sale cost of revenues to selling, general, and administrative expenses. See Note 1.




Improved demand conditions in the overall U.S. housing market continued in 2016, though industry-wide new homesales continue to pace below historical averages. We remain pleased with the overall demand for new homes, which continuesalong a sustained path of recovery supported by ongoing job creation, low unemployment, a supportive interest rateenvironment, and a limited supply of new homes. Within this environment, we remain focused on driving additional gains inconstruction and asset efficiency to deliver higher returns on invested capital. Consistent with our positive market view andlong-term business strategy, we expect to use our capital to support future growth while consistently returning funds toshareholders through dividends and share repurchases.

The nature of the homebuilding industry results in a lag between when investments made in land acquisition anddevelopment yield new community openings and related home closings. We have looked toward 2016 as a year where wewould begin adding volume growth to the efficiency gains we have achieved in recent years. Our prior investments areallowing us to grow the business, as evidenced by 13% growth in net new orders and a 29% increase in home sale revenues to$7.5 billion. We achieved this growth while also maintaining our focus on gross margin performance through communitylocation, strategic pricing, and construction efficiencies.

During 2016, we opened approximately 200 new communities across our local markets as a result of increased landinvestment over the last few years. Additionally, we acquired substantially all of the assets of JW Homes ("Wieland") inJanuary 2016, which also contributed to the growth in community count. This volume of new community openings can presenta challenge in today's environment where entitlement and land development delays are common. We have grown ourinvestment in the business in a disciplined manner by emphasizing smaller projects and working to shorten our years of landsupply, including the use of land option agreements when possible. We have also focused our land investments on closer-inlocations where we think demand is more sustainable when the market ultimately moderates. We have accepted the trade-off ofhaving to pay more for certain land positions where we can be more confident in future performance. Leveraging our increasedland investments, we expect to open an even higher number of new communities in 2017 than we did in 2016, which we expectwill help our volume grow in 2017.

Our financial position provided flexibility to increase our investments in future communities while also returningfunds to shareholders through dividends and expanded share repurchases. Specifically, we accomplished the following in 2016:

• Increased our land investment spending by 24% to support future growth while also acquiring the Wielandassets for $430.5 million;

• Maintained our quarterly dividend at $0.09 per share;• Repurchased $600.0 million of shares under our share repurchase plan and authorized an additional $1.0

billion for future repurchases;• Issued $2.0 billion of senior notes while also expanding and extending our unsecured revolving credit

agreement; and• Ended the year with a debt to total capitalization ratio of 40.0%, which is within our targeted range, and a

cash, cash equivalents, and restricted cash balance of $723.2 million with no borrowings outstanding underour unsecured revolving credit agreement.


The following is a summary of our operating results by line of business ($000's omitted, except per share data):

Years Ended December 31,2016 2015 2014

Income before income taxes:Homebuilding $ 860,766 $ 757,317 $ 635,177Financial Services 73,084 58,706 54,581

Income before income taxes 933,850 816,023 689,758Income tax expense (331,147) (321,933) (215,420)Net income $ 602,703 $ 494,090 $ 474,338Per share data - assuming dilution:

Net income $ 1.75 $ 1.36 $ 1.26

• Homebuilding income before income taxes improved each year from 2014 to 2016. Revenues increased each yearand SG&A leverage improved. In 2016, the revenue increase was partially offset by lower gross margins and higheroverhead costs, both of which were partially attributable to the assets acquired from Wieland in January 2016 (seeNote 1). Homebuilding income before income taxes also reflected the following significant expense (income) items($000's omitted):

2016 2015 2014Corporate office relocation (see Note 2) $ 8,284 $ 4,369 $ 16,344Other severance and lease exit related costs (see Note 1) 13,389 — —Land-related charges (see Note 3) 19,336 11,467 11,168Loss on debt retirements (see Note 6) 657 — 8,584Applecross matter (see Note 12) — 20,000 —Settlement of disputed land transaction (see Note 12) 15,000 — —Insurance reserve adjustments (see Note 12) (55,243) (62,183) 69,267

$ 1,423 $ (26,347) $ 105,363

For additional information on each of the above, see the applicable Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements.

The acquisition of certain real estate assets from Wieland in January 2016 and Dominion Homes in August 2014(see Note 1) were not material to our results of operations or financial condition.

• The increase in Financial Services income in 2016 compared with 2015 and 2014 was primarily due to an increasein mortgage origination volume. During 2015 and 2014, we reduced our loan origination liabilities by net reservereleases of $11.4 million and $18.6 million, respectively, which favorably impacted Financial Services income. SeeNote 12.

• Our effective tax rate was 35.5%, 39.5% and 31.2% for 2016, 2015, and 2014, respectively. See Note 9.


Homebuilding Operations

The following is a summary of income before income taxes for our Homebuilding operations ($000’s omitted):

Years Ended December 31,

2016FY 2016 vs.

FY 2015 2015FY 2015 vs.

FY 2014 2014Home sale revenues $ 7,451,315 29 % $ 5,792,675 2 % $ 5,662,171Land sale revenues 36,035 (26)% 48,536 40 % 34,554Total Homebuilding revenues 7,487,350 28 % 5,841,211 3 % 5,696,725Home sale cost of revenues (a) (b) (5,587,974) 32 % (4,235,945) 2 % (4,149,674)Land sale cost of revenues (32,115) (10)% (35,858) 51 % (23,748)Selling, general, and administrative expenses("SG&A") (b) (c) (957,150) 20 % (794,728) (8)% (861,390)Other expense, net (d) (49,345) 184 % (17,363) (35)% (26,736)Income before income taxes $ 860,766 14 % $ 757,317 19 % $ 635,177Supplemental data:Gross margin from home sales (a) (b) 25.0% (190) bps 26.9% 20 bps 26.7%SG&A % of home sale revenues (b) (c) 12.8% (90) bps 13.7% (150) bps 15.2%Closings (units) 19,951 16 % 17,127 — % 17,196Average selling price $ 373 10 % $ 338 3 % $ 329Net new orders (e):

Units 20,326 13 % 18,008 8 % 16,652Dollars $ 7,753,399 23 % $ 6,305,380 13 % $ 5,558,937

Cancellation rate 15% 14% 15%Active communities at December 31 726 17 % 620 4 % 598Backlog at December 31:

Units 7,422 10 % 6,731 15 % 5,850Dollars $ 2,941,512 20 % $ 2,456,565 26 % $ 1,943,861

(a) Includes the amortization of capitalized interest.(b) All periods reflect the reclassification of sales commissions expense from home sale cost of revenues to selling,

general, and administrative expenses (see Note 1).(c) Includes costs associated with the relocation of our corporate headquarters totaling $1.0 million, $2.0 million, and

$7.6 million in 2016, 2015, and 2014, respectively (see Note 2); severance costs of $9.1 million in 2016;adjustments to general liability insurance reserves relating to reserve reversals of $55.2 million in 2016 and $62.2million in 2015; and a charge of $69.3 million in 2014 (see Note 12).

(d) Includes a charge of $15.0 million in 2016 related to the settlement of a disputed land transaction and a charge of$20.0 million in 2015 resulting from the Applecross matter (see Note 12). See "Other expense, net" for a tablesummarizing other significant items.

(e) Net new orders excludes backlog acquired from Wieland in January 2016 (see Note 1). Net new order dollarsrepresent a composite of new order dollars combined with other movements of the dollars in backlog related tocancellations and change orders.


Home sale revenues

Home sale revenues for 2016 were higher than 2015 by $1.7 billion, or 29%. The increase was attributable to a 10%increase in the average selling price and a 16% increase in closings. These increases reflect the impact of communities acquiredfrom Wieland during the period, which contributed 6% to the growth in revenue, 4% to the growth in closings and 1% to theincrease in average selling price. Excluding the communities acquired from Wieland, the increase in closings reflects thesignificant investments we are making in opening new communities combined with improved demand. The higher averageselling price for 2016 reflects an ongoing shift toward move-up buyers, the inclusion of higher-priced homes offered in Wielandcommunities, and generally stable market conditions.

Home sale revenues for 2015 were higher than 2014 by $130.5 million, or 2%. The increase was attributable to a 3%increase in the average selling price while closings remained relatively flat. The increase in average selling price reflected ashift in our revenue mix toward move-up buyers. Closing volume was flat as higher net new orders were offset by productiondelays in certain communities caused by a number of factors, including tight labor resources and adverse weather conditions.

Home sale gross margins

Home sale gross margins were 25.0% in 2016, compared with 26.9% in 2015 and 26.7% in 2014. The assets acquiredfrom Wieland contributed 60 basis points to this decrease for this period, primarily as the result of required fair valueadjustments associated with the acquired homes in production and related lots. Gross margins remain strong relative tohistorical levels and reflect a combination of factors, including shifts in community mix, relatively stable pricing conditions in2016 following strong pricing conditions in 2015 and 2014, and lower amortized interest costs (1.7%, 2.4%, and 3.4% of homesale revenues in 2016, 2015, and 2014, respectively) combined with higher house construction and land costs as the supplychain has responded to the housing recovery. The lower amortized interest costs resulted from the reduction in our outstandingdebt in recent years combined with the significant increase in volume in 2016.

Land sales

We periodically elect to sell parcels of land to third parties in the event such assets no longer fit into our strategicoperating plans or are zoned for commercial or other development. Land sale revenues and their related gains or losses varybetween periods, depending on the timing of land sales and our strategic operating decisions. Land sales had margincontributions of $3.9 million, $12.7 million, and $10.8 million in 2016, 2015, and 2014, respectively.


SG&A as a percentage of home sale revenues was 12.8% and 13.7% in 2016 and 2015, respectively. The gross dollaramount of our SG&A increased $162.4 million, or 20%, in 2016 compared with 2015. SG&A included adjustments to generalliability insurance reserves relating to reversals of $55.2 million and $62.2 million in 2016 and 2015, respectively (see Note12). SG&A also reflects severance costs of $9.1 million in 2016 associated with actions taken to reduce overheads and thesubstantial completion of our corporate headquarters relocation from Michigan to Georgia, which began in 2013 (see Note 2).Excluding these items, the improvement in our year-over-year SG&A leverage was even greater. The increase in gross dollarSG&A reflects the addition of field resources and other variable costs related to increased production volumes combined withhigher costs related to healthcare and professional fees. Additionally, SG&A for 2016 reflects the impact of transaction andintegration costs associated with the assets acquired from Wieland in January 2016 (see Note 1).

SG&A as a percentage of home sale revenues was 13.7% and 15.2% in 2015 and 2014, respectively. The gross dollaramount of our SG&A decreased $66.7 million, or 8%, in 2015 compared with 2014. SG&A included reserve reversals totaling$62.2 million in 2015 and charges totaling $69.3 million to increase general liability reserves in 2014 (see Note 12).Additionally, we incurred $2.0 million and $7.6 million in 2015 and 2014, respectively, of employee severance, retention,relocation, and related costs attributable to the relocation of our corporate headquarters (see Note 2). Excluding each of theseitems, SG&A in both dollars and as a percentage of home sale revenues increased for 2015 compared with 2014. This increasein gross overhead dollars in 2015 was primarily due to investments in increased headcount and information systems along withhigher costs in conjunction with the opening of an increased number of new communities.


Other expense, net

Other expense, net includes the following ($000’s omitted):

2016 2015 2014Write-offs of deposits and pre-acquisition costs (Note 3) $ 17,157 $ 5,021 $ 6,099Loss on debt retirements (Note 6) 657 — 8,584Lease exit and related costs 11,643 2,463 9,609Amortization of intangible assets (Note 1) 13,800 12,900 13,033Interest income (3,236) (3,107) (4,632)Interest expense 686 788 849Equity in earnings of unconsolidated entities (Note 5) (8,337) (7,355) (8,226)Miscellaneous, net 16,975 6,653 1,420Total other expense, net $ 49,345 $ 17,363 $ 26,736

Lease exit and related costs for 2016 resulted from actions taken to reduce overheads and the substantial completionof our corporate headquarters relocation from Michigan to Georgia, which began in 2013 and also significantly impacted 2014(see Note 2). The increase in write-offs of deposits and pre-acquisition costs for 2016 related primarily to one project inCalifornia that we elected to not complete. Miscellaneous, net includes a charge of $15.0 million related to the settlement of adisputed land transaction in 2016 and a charge of $20.0 million resulting from the Applecross matter in 2015 (see Note 12). Foradditional information on each of the above, see the applicable Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements.

Net new orders

Net new orders increased 13% in 2016 compared with 2015. The increase resulted primarily from selling from a largernumber of active communities, which increased 17% to 726 at December 31, 2016. The communities acquired from Wielandcontributed to this growth in units by 4%. Excluding the Wieland assets, our growth in net new order units resulted from thehigher number of active communities combined with a small improvement in sales pace per community. Net new orders indollars increased by 23% compared with 2015 due to the growth in units combined with the higher average selling price. Thecancellation rate (canceled orders for the period divided by gross new orders for the period) increased slightly in 2016 from2015 at 15% and 14%, respectively. Ending backlog units, which represent orders for homes that have not yet closed, increased10% at December 31, 2016 compared with December 31, 2015 as measured in units and increased 20% over the prior yearperiod as measured in dollars. The higher average sales price also contributed to the higher backlog dollars.

Net new orders increased 8% in 2015 compared with 2014. The increase resulted from improved sales per communitycombined with selling from a larger number of active communities, which increased 4% to 620 active communities atDecember 31, 2015. The cancellation rate decreased slightly in 2015 from 2014 at 14% and 15%, respectively. Ending backlogunits increased 15% at December 31, 2015 compared with December 31, 2014 and increased 26% as measured in dollars due tothe increase in average selling price. The higher backlog resulted from higher net new order volume combined with productiondelays in certain communities in 2015 caused by a number of factors, including tight labor resources and adverse weatherconditions.

Homes in production

The following is a summary of our homes in production at December 31, 2016 and 2015:

2016 2015Sold 5,138 4,573Unsold

Under construction 1,703 1,450Completed 645 471

2,348 1,921Models 1,072 1,024Total 8,558 7,518


The number of homes in production at December 31, 2016 was 14% higher compared to December 31, 2015. Theincrease in homes under production was due to a combination of factors, including a 17% increase in active communities, a10% increase in ending backlog units, higher net new order volume, and a decision to purposefully increase the number ofunsold homes under construction ("spec homes"). The increase in spec homes reflects our intentions to achieve a more evenflow production cycle over the course of 2017 compared with recent years. As part of our inventory management strategy, wewill continue to maintain reasonable inventory levels relative to demand in each of our markets. We continue to focus onmaintaining a low level of completed specs, though inventory levels tend to fluctuate throughout the year.

Controlled lots

The following is a summary of our lots under control at December 31, 2016 and 2015:

December 31, 2016 December 31, 2015Owned Optioned Controlled Owned Optioned Controlled

Northeast 6,296 4,019 10,315 6,361 4,114 10,475Southeast 16,050 8,232 24,282 11,161 7,933 19,094Florida 22,164 8,470 30,634 21,230 9,636 30,866Midwest 11,800 8,639 20,439 13,093 6,985 20,078Texas 13,541 9,802 23,343 13,308 7,052 20,360West 29,428 4,817 34,245 30,766 6,440 37,206Total 99,279 43,979 143,258 95,919 42,160 138,079

Developed (%) 31% 19% 28% 28% 12% 23%

Of our controlled lots, 99,279 and 95,919 were owned and 43,979 and 42,160 were under land option agreements atDecember 31, 2016 and 2015, respectively. While competition for well-positioned land is robust, we continue to pursuestrategic land positions that drive appropriate returns on invested capital. The remaining purchase price under our land optionagreements totaled $2.1 billion at December 31, 2016. These land option agreements generally may be canceled at ourdiscretion and in certain cases extend over several years. Our maximum exposure related to these land option agreements isgenerally limited to our deposits and pre-acquisition costs, which totaled $195.4 million, of which $9.8 million is refundable, atDecember 31, 2016.

Homebuilding Segment Operations

Our homebuilding operations represent our core business. Homebuilding offers a broad product line to meet the needs ofhomebuyers in our targeted markets. As of December 31, 2016, we conducted our operations in 49 markets located throughout25 states. For reporting purposes, our Homebuilding operations are aggregated into six reportable segments:

Northeast: Connecticut, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, VirginiaSoutheast: Georgia, North Carolina, South Carolina, TennesseeFlorida: FloridaMidwest: Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, OhioTexas: TexasWest: Arizona, California, Nevada, New Mexico, Washington

We also have a reportable segment for our financial services operations, which consist principally of mortgage bankingand title operations. The Financial Services segment operates generally in the same markets as the Homebuilding segments.


The following table presents selected financial information for our reportable Homebuilding segments:

Operating Data by Segment ($000's omitted)Years Ended December 31,

2016FY 2016 vs.

FY 2015 2015FY 2015 vs.

FY 2014 2014Home sale revenues:

Northeast $ 696,003 2 % $ 679,082 (4)% $ 708,465Southeast (a) 1,485,809 40 % 1,058,055 11 % 949,134Florida 1,274,237 26 % 1,012,391 11 % 913,758Midwest 1,233,110 22 % 1,012,460 16 % 869,271Texas 1,033,387 23 % 840,766 (2)% 856,613West 1,728,769 45 % 1,189,921 (13)% 1,364,930

$ 7,451,315 29 % $ 5,792,675 2 % $ 5,662,171Income before income taxes:

Northeast (b) $ 81,991 (1)% $ 82,616 (20)% $ 103,865Southeast (a) 145,011 (16)% 172,330 10 % 156,513Florida 205,049 4 % 196,525 3 % 190,441Midwest 120,159 31 % 91,745 16 % 78,863Texas 152,355 26 % 121,329 (9)% 133,005West 225,771 33 % 169,394 (33)% 254,724Other homebuilding (c) (69,570) 9 % (76,622) 73 % (282,234)

$ 860,766 14 % $ 757,317 19 % $ 635,177Closings (units):

Northeast 1,418 (5)% 1,496 (5)% 1,568Southeast (a) 3,901 19 % 3,276 4 % 3,160Florida 3,441 19 % 2,896 5 % 2,752Midwest 3,418 15 % 2,961 15 % 2,581Texas 3,726 11 % 3,357 (10)% 3,750West 4,047 29 % 3,141 (7)% 3,385

19,951 16 % $ 17,127 — % 17,196Average selling price:

Northeast $ 491 8 % $ 454 — % $ 452Southeast (a) 381 18 % 323 8 % 300Florida 370 6 % 350 5 % 332Midwest 361 6 % 342 2 % 337Texas 277 11 % 250 10 % 228West 427 13 % 379 (6)% 403

$ 373 10 % $ 338 3 % $ 329

(a) Southeast includes the acquisition in January 2016 of substantially all of the assets of Wieland (see Note 1).(b) Northeast includes a charge of $15.0 million in 2016 related to the settlement of a disputed land transaction and a

charge of $20.0 million in 2015 resulting from the Applecross matter (see Note 12).(c) Other homebuilding includes the amortization of intangible assets, amortization of capitalized interest, and other

items not allocated to the operating segments, in addition to: losses on debt retirements of $0.7 million and $8.6million in 2016 and 2014, respectively (see Note 6); adjustments to general liability insurance reserves relating toreversals of $55.2 million and $62.2 million in 2016 and 2015, respectively, and a charge of $69.3 million in 2014(see Note 12); and costs associated with the relocation of our corporate headquarters totaling $8.3 million, $4.4million, and $16.3 million in 2016, 2015, and 2014, respectively (see Note 2).


The following tables present additional selected financial information for our reportable Homebuilding segments:

Operating Data by Segment ($000's omitted)Years Ended December 31,

2016FY 2016 vs.

FY 2015 2015FY 2015 vs.

FY 2014 2014Net new orders - units:

Northeast 1,361 (8)% 1,479 5 % 1,408Southeast (a) 3,810 10 % 3,454 12 % 3,075Florida 3,585 13 % 3,168 12 % 2,841Midwest 3,636 27 % 2,862 23 % 2,329Texas 3,793 11 % 3,429 (9)% 3,773West 4,141 15 % 3,616 12 % 3,226

20,326 13 % 18,008 8 % 16,652Net new orders - dollars:

Northeast $ 674,066 — % $ 674,637 4 % $ 649,202Southeast (a) 1,483,139 28 % 1,160,590 23 % 944,567Florida 1,340,181 16 % 1,152,705 21 % 954,892Midwest 1,351,828 32 % 1,024,784 26 % 815,968Texas 1,060,217 17 % 905,003 3 % 881,843West 1,843,968 33 % 1,387,661 6 % 1,312,465

$ 7,753,399 23 % $ 6,305,380 13 % $ 5,558,937Cancellation rates:

Northeast 11% 12% 12%Southeast (a) 15% 10% 12%Florida 12% 11% 10%Midwest 12% 13% 13%Texas 18% 19% 19%West 19% 18% 18%

15% 14% 15%Unit backlog:

Northeast 387 (13)% 444 (4)% 461Southeast (a) 1,371 20 % 1,146 18 % 968Florida 1,418 11 % 1,274 27 % 1,002Midwest 1,307 20 % 1,089 (8)% 1,188Texas 1,412 5 % 1,345 6 % 1,273West 1,527 7 % 1,433 50 % 958

7,422 10 % 6,731 15 % 5,850Backlog dollars:

Northeast $ 189,595 (10)% $ 211,532 (2)% $ 215,977Southeast (a) 583,760 45 % 403,568 34 % 301,033Florida 556,226 13 % 490,282 40 % 349,968Midwest 501,079 31 % 382,360 3 % 370,036Texas 402,491 7 % 375,660 21 % 311,424West 708,361 19 % 593,163 50 % 395,423

$ 2,941,512 20 % $ 2,456,565 26 % $ 1,943,861

(a) Southeast includes the acquisition of substantially all of the assets of Wieland in January 2016 (see Note 1).


The following table presents additional selected financial information for our reportable Homebuilding segments:

Operating Data by Segment ($000's omitted)Years Ended December 31,

2016FY 2016 vs.

FY 2015 2015FY 2015 vs.

FY 2014 2014Land-related charges*:

Northeast $ 2,079 (37)% $ 3,301 17 % $ 2,824Southeast 3,089 2 % 3,022 65 % 1,826Florida 715 (84)% 4,555 835 % 487Midwest 3,383 46 % 2,319 (1)% 2,347Texas 515 75 % 295 (8)% 321West 8,960 (443)% (2,615) (254)% 1,696Other homebuilding 595 1 % 590 (65)% 1,667

$ 19,336 69 % $ 11,467 3 % $ 11,168

* Land-related charges include land impairments, net realizable value adjustments for land held for sale, and write-offs of deposits and pre-acquisition costs. Other homebuilding consists primarily of write-offs of capitalized interestresulting from land-related charges. See Notes 3 and 4 to the Consolidated Financial Statements for additionaldiscussion of these charges.


The length and complexity of the entitlement process in the Northeast have led to essentially flat volumes in recentyears. For 2016, Northeast home sale revenues increased 2% compared with 2015 due to a 5% decrease in closings and an 8%increase in average selling price. The decrease in closings occurred in the Northeast Corridor and Mid-Atlantic while theincrease in average selling price occurred across all markets. The decreased income before income taxes resulted from lowermargins in the Mid-Atlantic and increased overhead expense in both the Northeast Corridor and Mid-Atlantic. Net new ordersdecreased 8%, primarily in the Northeast Corridor and Mid-Atlantic.

For 2015, Northeast home sale revenues decreased 4% compared with 2014 due to a 5% decrease in closings. Averageselling price remained flat over 2014. The decrease in closings occurred in Mid-Atlantic and New England and contributed to thelower income before income taxes. Net new orders increased 5%, primarily due to higher order levels in the Northeast Corridor.

Northeast income before income taxes also includes a charge of $15.0 million related to the settlement of a disputedland transaction in 2016 and a charge of $20.0 million resulting from the Applecross matter in 2015 (see Note 12).


In 2016, the Southeast was significantly impacted by the acquisition of substantially all of the assets of Wieland inJanuary 2016 (see Note 1). For 2016, Southeast home sale revenues increased 40% compared with 2015 due to an 18%increase in the average selling price combined with a 19% increase in closings. The increases in the average selling price andclosings occurred across all markets. These increases are primarily due to contributions from the assets acquired from Wieland.Excluding those closings, revenues still increased compared with the prior year. Income before income taxes decreased 16% asa result of lower gross margins combined with higher overhead costs, including transaction and integration costs associatedwith the assets acquired from Wieland. Net new orders increased 10%, primarily due to the assets acquired from Wieland.While demand conditions remain favorable, we have experienced some moderation in pace.

For 2015, Southeast home sale revenues increased 11% compared with 2014 due to an 8% increase in the average sellingprice combined with a 4% increase in closings. The increases in the average selling price and closings were broad-based,though Tennessee experienced declines. The increased income before income taxes resulted primarily from higher revenues.Net new orders increased 12% in 2015 mainly due to increased order levels in Raleigh and Georgia, partially offset by a declinein Tennessee.



For 2016, Florida home sale revenues increased 26% compared with 2015 due to a 6% increase in the average sellingprice combined with a 19% increase in closings. The increase in average selling price occurred across all markets. Theincreased income before income taxes for 2016 resulted primarily from higher revenues. Net new orders increased by 13% in2016 due primarily to an increase in active communities in North and West Florida.

For 2015, Florida home sale revenues increased 11% compared with 2014 due to a 5% increase in the average sellingprice combined with a 5% increase in closings. The increase in the average selling price occurred in both North and SouthFlorida. The increased income before income taxes for 2015 resulted from higher revenues. Net new orders increased by 12%in 2015 due primarily to an increase in active communities in North and West Florida.


For 2016, Midwest home sale revenues increased 22% compared with the prior year period due to a 15% increase inclosings combined with a 6% increase in the average selling price. The higher closing volume led to a 31% increase in incomebefore income taxes. The higher revenues occurred across all markets. Net new orders increased across all markets.

For 2015, Midwest home sale revenues increased 16% compared with the prior year period due to a 15% increase inclosings combined with a 2% increase in the average selling price. The increase in closing volumes was driven by ouracquisition of certain real estate assets from Dominion Homes in August 2014. Partially offsetting this were lower closings inIllinois-St Louis. The increased income before income taxes resulted from higher revenues. Net new orders increased by 23%in 2015 compared with 2014, mainly due to the acquisition of certain real estate assets from Dominion Homes combined withhigher orders in Indianapolis-Cleveland and Minnesota.


For 2016, Texas home sale revenues increased 23% compared with the prior year period due to an 11% increase inclosings combined with an 11% increase in the average selling price. The increase in average selling price was broad-basedacross all markets, while the increase in closings occurred across all markets with the exception of San Antonio. The higherrevenues and higher closings led to increased income before taxes. Net new orders increased 11% across all markets.

For 2015, Texas home sale revenues decreased by 2% compared with the prior year period due to a 10% decrease inclosings, partially offset by a 10% increase in the average selling price. These trends were broad-based, though Houston'sclosings were down 16%, in part due to the impact of lower oil prices on the local economy. In other markets, the lowerclosings resulted primarily from tight labor resources combined with delays in opening new communities, in part due tochallenging weather conditions earlier in the year. The lower revenues led to the decreased income before income taxes for2015. Net new orders decreased by 9% for 2015, led by a 19% decline in Houston.


For 2016, West home sale revenues increased 45% compared with the prior year period due to a 29% increase inclosings combined with a 13% increase in the average selling price. The increased closings and increased average selling priceoccurred across all markets. The increased income before income taxes resulted from higher revenues and gross margins in allmarkets except for Southern California. Net new orders increased by 15% in 2016 compared with 2015 due to higher orderlevels primarily in Las Vegas and Northern California, offset by a slight decrease in Arizona.

For 2015, West home sale revenues decreased 13% compared with the prior year period due to a 7% decrease in closingscombined with a 6% decrease in the average selling price. The decreased closings and decreased average selling price weredriven primarily by the Pacific Northwest, Northern California, and Southern California as the result of the timing of ourcommunity openings combined with a shift in the mix of closings toward lower priced communities. The decreased incomebefore income taxes resulted from lower revenues, lower gross margins, and higher overhead as we invested in newcommunities. Net new orders increased by 12% in 2015 compared with 2014 due to higher order levels across all divisionsexcept the Pacific Northwest and Southern California.


Financial Services Operations

We conduct our Financial Services operations, which include mortgage and title operations, through Pulte Mortgage andother subsidiaries. In originating mortgage loans, we initially use our own funds, including funds available pursuant to creditagreements with third parties. Substantially all of the loans we originate are sold in the secondary market within a short periodof time after origination, generally within 30 days. We also sell the servicing rights for the loans we originate through fixedprice servicing sales contracts to reduce the risks and costs inherent in servicing loans. This strategy results in owning the loansand related servicing rights for only a short period of time. Operating as a captive business model primarily targeted tosupporting our Homebuilding operations, the business levels of our Financial Services operations are highly correlated toHomebuilding. Our Homebuilding customers continue to account for substantially all loan production. We believe that ourcapture rate, which represents loan originations from our Homebuilding operations as a percentage of total loan opportunitiesfrom our Homebuilding operations, excluding cash closings, is an important metric in evaluating the effectiveness of ourcaptive mortgage business model. The following table presents selected financial information for our Financial Servicesoperations ($000’s omitted):

Years Ended December 31,

2016FY 2016 vs.

FY 2015 2015FY 2015 vs.

FY 2014 2014Mortgage operations revenues $ 142,262 27% $ 111,810 14% $ 97,787Title services revenues 38,864 34% 28,943 4% 27,851

Total Financial Services revenues 181,126 29% 140,753 12% 125,638Expenses (a) (108,573) 32% (82,047) 15% (71,057)Other income (expense), net 531 —% — —% —Income before income taxes $ 73,084 24% $ 58,706 8% $ 54,581Total originations:

Loans 13,373 17% 11,435 6% 10,805Principal $ 3,706,745 27% $ 2,929,531 10% $ 2,656,683

(a) Includes loan origination reserve releases of $11.4 million and $18.6 million in 2015 and 2014, respectively.

Years Ended December 31,

2016 2015 2014Supplemental data:

Capture rate 81.2% 82.9% 80.2%Average FICO score 750 749 749Loan application backlog $ 1,670,160 $ 1,310,173 $ 980,863

Funded origination breakdown:Government (FHA, VA, USDA) 23% 25% 24%Other agency 70% 69% 70%

Total agency 93% 94% 94%Non-agency 7% 6% 6%

Total funded originations 100% 100% 100%



Total Financial Services revenues during 2016 increased 29% compared with 2015. The increase resulted from a higherloan origination volume resulting from higher volumes in the Homebuilding segment combined with higher revenues per loan,which were largely attributable to a higher average loan size combined with favorable market conditions. Total FinancialServices revenues during 2015 increased 12% compared with 2014 as the result of a higher capture rate and higher revenues perloan, which were attributable to a higher average loan size combined with a modest improvement in loan pricing. Theimprovement in loan pricing in 2015 resulted primarily from a spike in mortgage industry refinancing volume in early 2015,which reduced competitive pricing pressures for new originations. Loan pricing came under more pressure in more recentmonths as industry refinancing volume receded. However, the overall pricing environment for new originations remainsfavorable.

Since 2007, the mortgage industry has experienced a significant overall tightening of lending standards and a shifttoward agency production. Adjustable rate mortgages (“ARMs”) accounted for 5% of funded loan production in 2016 comparedwith 6% and 11% in 2015 and 2014, respectively. The shifts in ARM volume contributed to the higher revenues per loan in2016 and 2015 as ARMs generally contain lower margins. Additionally, fixed rate mortgages tend to have higher servicingvalues.

Loan origination liabilities

Our mortgage operations may be responsible for losses associated with mortgage loans originated and sold to investorsin the event of errors or omissions relating to representations and warranties that the loans sold met certain requirements,including representations as to underwriting standards, the existence of primary mortgage insurance, and the validity of certainborrower representations in connection with the loan. If a loan is determined to be faulty, we either repurchase the loans fromthe investors or reimburse the investors' losses (a “make-whole” payment).

Estimating the required liability for these potential losses requires a significant level of management judgment. During2015 and 2014, we reduced our loan origination liabilities by net reserve releases of $11.4 million and $18.6 million,respectively, based on probable settlements of various repurchase requests and existing conditions. Such adjustments arereflected in Financial Services expenses. Given the ongoing volatility in the mortgage industry, changes in values of underlyingcollateral over time, and other uncertainties regarding the ultimate resolution of these claims, actual costs could differ from ourcurrent estimates. See Note 12 to the Consolidated Financial Statements.

Income before income taxes

The increased income before income taxes for 2016 as compared with 2015 is due to higher origination volume and anincrease in revenue per loan combined with better overhead leverage.

The increased income before income taxes for 2015 as compared with 2014 is due to higher origination volume and anincrease in revenue per loan. The increase in expenses over the prior period is largely a result of an increase in headcountcaused by the higher origination volume, combined with the impact of changes in loan loss reserves discussed above.

Income Taxes

Our effective tax rate was 35.5%, 39.5% and 31.2% for 2016, 2015, and 2014, respectively. The 2016 effective tax ratediffers from the federal statutory rate primarily due to state income taxes, the reversal of a portion of our valuation allowancerelated to a legal entity restructuring, the favorable resolution of certain state income tax matters, the impact on our net deferredtax assets due to changes in business operations and state tax laws, and recognition of energy efficient home credits. The 2015effective tax rate exceeds the federal statutory rate primarily due to state income taxes and the impact of changes in businessoperations and state tax laws to our net deferred tax assets. The 2014 effective tax rate is less than the federal statutory rateprimarily due to the reversal of a portion of our valuation allowance related to certain state deferred tax assets, along with thefavorable resolution of certain federal and state income tax matters.


Liquidity and Capital Resources

We finance our land acquisition, development, and construction activities and financial services operations usinginternally-generated funds supplemented by credit arrangements with third parties and capital market financing. We routinelymonitor current and expected operational requirements and financial market conditions to evaluate accessing other availablefinancing sources, including revolving bank credit and securities offerings.

At December 31, 2016, we had unrestricted cash and equivalents of $698.9 million, restricted cash balances of $24.4million, and $530.9 million available under our revolving credit facility. We follow a diversified investment approach for ourcash and equivalents by maintaining such funds with a broad portfolio of banks within our group of relationship banks in highquality, highly liquid, short-term deposits and investments.

Our ratio of debt to total capitalization, excluding our Financial Services debt and limited recourse notes payable, was40.0% at December 31, 2016.

Senior unsecured notes

In February 2016, we issued $1.0 billion of senior unsecured notes, consisting of $300.0 million of 4.25% senior notesdue March 1, 2021, and $700.0 million of 5.50% senior notes due March 1, 2026. The net proceeds from this senior notesissuance were used to fund the retirement of $465.2 million of our senior notes that matured in May 2016, with the remainingnet proceeds used for general corporate purposes. In July 2016 we issued an additional $1.0 billion of senior unsecured notes,consisting of an additional $400.0 million of the 4.25% senior notes due March 1, 2021, and $600.0 million of 5% senior notesdue January 15, 2027. The net proceeds from the July senior notes issuance were used for general corporate purposes and to paydown approximately $500.0 million of outstanding debt, including the remainder of the previously existing term loan facility.The senior notes issued in 2016 are unsecured obligations, and rank equally in right of payment with the existing and futuresenior unsecured indebtedness of the Company and each of the guarantors, respectively. The notes are redeemable at our optionat any time up to the date of maturity. We retired outstanding debt totaling $965.2 million, $238.0 million, and $245.7 millionduring 2016, 2015, and 2014, respectively.

Revolving credit facility

In June 2016, we entered into an amended and restated senior unsecured revolving credit facility (the “Revolving CreditFacility”) that provided for an increase in our maximum borrowings from $500.0 million to $750.0 million and extended thematurity date from July 2017 to June 2019. The Revolving Credit Facility contains an uncommitted accordion feature that couldincrease the size of the Revolving Credit Facility to $1.25 billion, subject to certain conditions and availability of additionalbank commitments. The Revolving Credit Facility also provides for the issuance of letters of credit that reduce the availableborrowing capacity under the Revolving Credit Facility with a sublimit of $375.0 million at December 31, 2016. The interestrate on borrowings under the Revolving Credit Facility may be based on either the London Interbank Offered Rate ("LIBOR")or Base Rate plus an applicable margin, as defined therein. We had no borrowings outstanding and $219.1 million and $191.3million of letters of credit issued under the Revolving Credit Facility at December 31, 2016 and 2015, respectively.

The Revolving Credit Facility contains financial covenants that require us to maintain a minimum Tangible Net Worth, aminimum Interest Coverage Ratio, and a maximum Debt-to-Capitalization Ratio (as each term is defined in the RevolvingCredit Facility). As of December 31, 2016, we were in compliance with all covenants. Outstanding balances under theRevolving Credit Facility are guaranteed by certain of our wholly-owned subsidiaries. Our available and unused borrowingsunder the Revolving Credit Facility, net of outstanding letters of credit, amounted to $530.9 million and $308.7 million as ofDecember 31, 2016 and 2015, respectively.

Limited recourse notes payable

Certain of our local homebuilding operations maintain limited recourse collateralized notes payable with third partiestotaling $19.3 million at December 31, 2016. These notes have maturities ranging up to four years, are collateralized by theapplicable land positions to which they relate, have no recourse to any other assets, and are classified within accrued and otherliabilities. The stated interest rates on these notes range up to 5.00%.


Pulte Mortgage

Pulte Mortgage provides mortgage financing for the majority of our home closings by utilizing its own funds and fundsmade available pursuant to credit agreements with third parties. Pulte Mortgage uses these resources to finance its lendingactivities until the loans are sold in the secondary market, which generally occurs within 30 days.

Pulte Mortgage maintains a master repurchase agreement (the “Repurchase Agreement”) with third party lenders. InAugust 2016, Pulte amended its Repurchase Agreement to extend the effective date to August 2017, and adjusted the maximumaggregate commitment amount according to seasonal borrowing capacity needs. In December 2016, Pulte Mortgage againamended its Repurchase Agreement to increase the maximum aggregate commitment amount to cover seasonal borrowingcapacity needs. The maximum aggregate commitment was $360.0 million during the seasonally high borrowing period fromDecember 27, 2016 through January 12, 2017. At all other times, the maximum aggregate commitment ranges from $175.0million to $200.0 million. The purpose of the changes in capacity during the term of the agreement is to lower associated feesduring seasonally lower volume periods of mortgage origination activity. Borrowings under the Repurchase Agreement aresecured by residential mortgage loans available-for-sale. The Repurchase Agreement contains various affirmative and negativecovenants applicable to Pulte Mortgage, including quantitative thresholds related to net worth, net income, and liquidity. PulteMortgage had $331.6 million and $267.9 million outstanding under the Repurchase Agreement at December 31, 2016, and2015, respectively, and was in compliance with its covenants and requirements as of such dates.

Share repurchase programs

In previous years, our Board of Directors authorized and announced a share repurchase program. In July 2016, our Boardof Directors approved an increase of $1.0 billion to such authorization. We repurchased 30.9 million, 21.2 million, and 12.9million shares in 2016, 2015, and 2014, respectively, for a total of $600.0 million, $433.7 million, and $245.8 million in 2016,2015, and 2014, respectively. At December 31, 2016, we had remaining authorization to repurchase $1.0 billion of commonshares.


Our declared quarterly cash dividends totaled $122.2 million, $117.9 million, and $86.4 million in 2016, 2015, and 2014,respectively.

Cash flows

Operating activities

Our net cash provided by operating activities in 2016 was $68.3 million, compared with net cash used in operatingactivities of $337.6 million in 2015 and net cash provided by operating activities of $307.9 million in 2014. Generally, theprimary drivers of our cash flow from operations are profitability and changes in inventory levels. Our positive cash flow fromoperations for 2016 was primarily due to income before income taxes of $933.9 million, which was largely offset by a netincrease in inventories of $897.1 million as the result of land acquisition and development investment to support futureoperations as well as more homes under construction as the result of higher production levels. Additionally, residentialmortgage loans available-for-sale increased $99.5 million as the result of an increase in loan originations in the month ofDecember compared with the prior year.

Our negative cash flow from operations for 2015 was primarily due to a net increase in inventories of $917.3 millionresulting from increased land investment, combined with a net increase in residential mortgage loans available-for-sale of$104.6 million, partially offset by our income before income taxes of $816.0 million.

Our positive cash flow from operations for 2014 was primarily due to our income before income taxes of $689.8 million,offset by a net increase in inventories of $337.9 million and an increase in residential mortgage loans available-for-sale of $53.7million.


Investing activities

Net cash used in investing activities totaled $471.2 million in 2016, compared with $34.6 million in 2015 and $122.6million in 2014. The use of cash from investing activities in 2016 was primarily due to the acquisition of certain real estateassets from Wieland (see Note 1).

The use of cash from investing activities in 2015 was primarily due to $45.4 million of capital expenditures and an $8.6million increase in residential mortgage loans held for investment.

The use of cash from investing activities in 2014 was primarily due to the acquisition of certain real estate assets fromDominion Homes (see Note 1) and $48.8 million of capital expenditures related primarily to new community openings and therelocation of our corporate headquarters.

Financing activities

Net cash provided by financing activities was $350.7 million in 2016, compared with $161.6 million and $529.1 millionof net cash used in financing during 2015 and 2014, respectively. The net cash provided by financing activities for 2016resulted primarily from the proceeds of the February and July senior unsecured notes issuances for $2.0 billion, offset by theretirement of debt totaling $986.9 million, which included $465.2 million of our senior notes that matured in May 2016 andrepayment of our previously outstanding term loan. During 2016, we repurchased 30.9 million common shares for $600.0million under our repurchase authorization, made payments of $124.7 million for cash dividends, and had net borrowings of$63.7 million under the Repurchase Agreement related to a seasonal increase in residential mortgage loans available-for-sale.

Repayments of debt were $239.2 million and $250.6 million in 2015 and 2014, respectively, offset by incrementalborrowings of $127.6 million and $34.6 million under the Repurchase Agreement during 2015 and 2014, respectively. Cashused in financing activities for 2015 was offset by $498.1 million of proceeds from the Term Loan executed in September 2015,and also includes dividend payments of $116.0 million and the repurchase of common shares under our share repurchaseauthorization for $442.7 million. Cash used in financing activities in 2014 reflects dividend payments of $75.6 million, and therepurchase of common shares under our share repurchase authorization for $253.0 million.


We, and the homebuilding industry in general, may be adversely affected during periods of inflation because of higherland and construction costs. Inflation may also increase our financing costs. In addition, higher mortgage interest rates affect theaffordability of our products to prospective homebuyers. While we attempt to pass on to our customers increases in our coststhrough increased sales prices, market forces may limit our ability to do so. If we are unable to raise sales prices enough tocompensate for higher costs, or if mortgage interest rates increase significantly, our revenues, gross margins, and net incomecould be adversely affected.


Although significant changes in market conditions have impacted our seasonal patterns in the past and could do so again,we historically experience variability in our quarterly results from operations due to the seasonal nature of the homebuildingindustry. We generally experience increases in revenues and cash flow from operations during the fourth quarter based on thetiming of home closings. This seasonal activity increases our working capital requirements in our third and fourth quarters tosupport our home production and loan origination volumes. As a result of the seasonality of our operations, our quarterly resultsof operations are not necessarily indicative of the results that may be expected for the full year.


Contractual Obligations and Commercial Commitments

The following table summarizes our payments under contractual obligations as of December 31, 2016:

Payments Due by Period($000’s omitted)

Total 2017 2018-2019 2020-2021 After 2021Contractual obligations:

Long-term debt (a) $ 5,066,941 $ 296,587 $ 330,750 $ 1,015,875 $ 3,423,729Operating lease obligations 122,924 25,349 42,546 22,747 32,282Other long-term liabilities (b) 21,037 12,359 4,485 4,193 —

Total contractual obligations (c) $ 5,210,902 $ 334,295 $ 377,781 $ 1,042,815 $ 3,456,011

(a) Represents principal and interest payments related to our senior notes.(b) Represents limited recourse collateralized financing arrangements and related interest payments.(c) We do not have any payments due in connection with capital lease or long-term purchase obligations.

We are subject to certain obligations associated with entering into contracts (including land option contracts) for thepurchase, development, and sale of real estate in the routine conduct of our business. Option contracts for the purchase of landenable us to defer acquiring portions of properties owned by third parties and unconsolidated entities until we have determinedwhether to exercise our option, which may serve to reduce our financial risks associated with long-term land holdings. AtDecember 31, 2016, we had $195.4 million of deposits and pre-acquisition costs, of which $9.8 million is refundable, relatingto option agreements to acquire 43,979 lots with a remaining purchase price of $2.1 billion. We expect to acquire the majorityof such land within the next two years and the remainder thereafter.

At December 31, 2016, we had $21.5 million of gross unrecognized tax benefits and $12.2 million of related accruedinterest and penalties. We are currently under examination by various taxing jurisdictions and anticipate finalizing theexaminations with certain jurisdictions within the next twelve months. The final outcome of these examinations is not yetdeterminable. The statute of limitations for our major tax jurisdictions remains open for examination for tax years 2005 - 2016.

The following table summarizes our other commercial commitments as of December 31, 2016:

Amount of Commitment Expiration by Period($000’s omitted)

Total 2017 2018-2019 2020-2021 After 2021Other commercial commitments:

Guarantor credit facilities (a) $ 750,000 $ — $ 750,000 $ — $ —Non-guarantor credit facilities (b) 360,000 360,000 — — —

Total commercial commitments (c) $ 1,110,000 $ 360,000 $ 750,000 $ — $ —

(a) The $750.0 million in 2018-2019 represents the capacity of our unsecured revolving credit facility, under which noborrowings were outstanding, and $219.1 million of letters of credit were issued at December 31, 2016.

(b) Represents the capacity of the Repurchase Agreement, of which $331.6 million was outstanding at December 31,2016. The capacity of $360.0 million is effective through January 12, 2017 after which it ranges from $175.0 millionto $200.0 million until its expiration in August 2017.

(c) The above table excludes an aggregate $1.1 billion of surety bonds, which typically do not have stated expirationdates.


Off-Balance Sheet Arrangements

We use letters of credit and surety bonds to guarantee our performance under various contracts, principally in connectionwith the development of our homebuilding projects. The expiration dates of the letter of credit contracts coincide with theexpected completion date of the related homebuilding projects. If the obligations related to a project are ongoing, annualextensions of the letters of credit are typically granted on a year-to-year basis. At December 31, 2016, we had outstandingletters of credit of $219.1 million. Our surety bonds generally do not have stated expiration dates; rather, we are released fromthe bonds as the contractual performance is completed. These bonds, which approximated $1.1 billion at December 31, 2016,are typically outstanding over a period of approximately three to five years. Because significant construction and developmentwork has been performed related to the applicable projects but has not yet received final acceptance by the respectivecounterparties, the aggregate amount of surety bonds outstanding is in excess of the projected cost of the remaining work to beperformed.

In the ordinary course of business, we enter into land option agreements in order to procure land for the construction ofhouses in the future. At December 31, 2016, these agreements had an aggregate remaining purchase price of $2.1 billion.Pursuant to these land option agreements, we provide a deposit to the seller as consideration for the right to purchase land atdifferent times in the future, usually at predetermined prices.

At December 31, 2016, aggregate outstanding debt of unconsolidated joint ventures was $4.6 million, of which ourproportionate share was $1.3 million. See Note 5 to the Consolidated Financial Statements for additional information.


Critical Accounting Policies and Estimates

The accompanying consolidated financial statements were prepared in conformity with U.S. generally acceptedaccounting principles. When more than one accounting principle, or the method of its application, is generally accepted, weselect the principle or method that is appropriate in our specific circumstances (see Note 1 to our Consolidated FinancialStatements). Application of these accounting principles requires us to make estimates about the future resolution of existinguncertainties; as a result, actual results could differ from these estimates. In preparing these consolidated financial statements,we have made our best estimates and judgments of the amounts and disclosures included in the consolidated financialstatements, giving due regard to materiality.

Revenue recognition

Homebuilding – Homebuilding revenue and related profit are generally recognized when title to and possession of theproperty are transferred to the buyer. In situations where the buyer’s financing is originated by Pulte Mortgage, our wholly-owned mortgage subsidiary, and the buyer has not made an adequate initial or continuing investment, the profit on such sale isdeferred until the sale of the related mortgage loan to a third-party investor has been completed. If there is a loss on the sale ofthe property, the loss on such sale is recognized at the time of closing.

Financial Services –Mortgage servicing fees represent fees earned for servicing loans for various investors. Servicingfees are based on a contractual percentage of the outstanding principal balance, or a contracted set fee in the case of certain sub-servicing arrangements, and are credited to income when related mortgage payments are received or the sub-servicing fees areearned. Loan origination fees, commitment fees, and certain direct loan origination costs are recognized as incurred. Expectedgains and losses from the sale of residential mortgage loans and their related servicing rights are included in the measurementof written loan commitments that are accounted for at fair value through Financial Services revenues at the time ofcommitment. Subsequent changes in the fair value of these loans are reflected in Financial Services revenues as they occur.Interest income is accrued from the date a mortgage loan is originated until the loan is sold. Loans are placed on non-accrualstatus once they become greater than 90 days past due their contractual terms. Subsequent payments received are appliedaccording to the contractual terms of the loan.

Inventory and cost of revenues

Inventory is stated at cost unless the carrying value is determined to not be recoverable, in which case the affectedinventory is written down to fair value. Cost includes land acquisition, land development, and home construction costs,including interest, real estate taxes, and certain direct and indirect overhead costs related to development and construction. Forthose communities for which construction and development activities have been idled, applicable interest and real estate taxesare expensed as incurred. Land acquisition and development costs are allocated to individual lots using an average lot costdetermined based on the total expected land acquisition and development costs and the total expected home closings for thecommunity. The specific identification method is used to accumulate home construction costs.

We capitalize interest cost into homebuilding inventories. Each layer of capitalized interest is amortized over a periodthat approximates the average life of communities under development. Interest expense is allocated over the period based on thetiming of home closings.

Cost of revenues includes the construction cost, average lot cost, estimated warranty costs, and closing costs applicableto the home. Sales commissions are classified within selling, general, and administrative expenses. The construction cost of thehome includes amounts paid through the closing date of the home, plus an accrual for costs incurred but not yet paid, based onan analysis of budgeted construction costs. This accrual is reviewed for accuracy based on actual payments made after closingcompared with the amount accrued, and adjustments are made if needed. Total community land acquisition and developmentcosts are based on an analysis of budgeted costs compared with actual costs incurred to date and estimates to complete. Thedevelopment cycles for our communities range from under one year to in excess of ten years for certain master plannedcommunities. Adjustments to estimated total land acquisition and development costs for the community affect the amountscosted for the community’s remaining lots.

We test inventory for impairment when events and circumstances indicate that the cash flows estimated to be generatedby the community are less than its carrying amount. Such indicators include gross margins or sales paces significantly belowexpectations, construction costs or land development costs significantly in excess of budgeted amounts, significant delays orchanges in the planned development for the community, and other known qualitative factors. Communities that demonstratepotential impairment indicators are tested for impairment by comparing the expected undiscounted cash flows for the


community to its carrying value. For those communities whose carrying values exceed the expected undiscounted cash flows,we determine the fair value of the community and impairment charges are recorded if the fair value of the community’sinventory is less than its carrying value.

We generally determine the fair value of each community’s inventory using a combination of discounted cash flowmodels and market comparable transactions, where available. These estimated cash flows are significantly impacted byestimates related to expected average selling prices and sale incentives, expected sales paces, expected land development andconstruction timelines, and anticipated land development, construction, and overhead costs. The assumptions used in thediscounted cash flow models are specific to each community. Due to uncertainties in the estimation process, the significantvolatility in demand for new housing, the long life cycles of many communities, and potential changes in our strategy related tocertain communities, actual results could differ significantly from such estimates.

Residential mortgage loans available-for-sale

In accordance with ASC 825, “Financial Instruments” (“ASC 825”), we use the fair value option for our residentialmortgage loans available-for-sale. Election of the fair value option for residential mortgage loans available-for-sale allows abetter offset of the changes in fair values of the loans and the derivative instruments used to economically hedge them withouthaving to apply complex hedge accounting provisions. Changes in the fair value of these loans are reflected in revenues as theyoccur.

Loan origination liabilities

Our mortgage operations may be responsible for losses associated with mortgage loans originated and sold to investorsin the event of errors or omissions relating to representations and warranties made by us that the loans met certain requirements,including representations as to underwriting standards, the existence of primary mortgage insurance, and the validity of certainborrower representations in connection with the loan. If a loan is determined to be faulty, we either repurchase the loan from theinvestors or reimburse the investors' losses (a “make-whole” payment).

Estimating the required liability for these potential losses requires a significant level of management judgment. During2015 and 2014, we reduced our loan origination liabilities by net reserve releases of $11.4 million and $18.6 million,respectively, based on probable settlements of various repurchase requests and existing conditions. Reserves provided(released) are reflected in Financial Services expenses. Given the ongoing volatility in the mortgage industry, changes in valuesof underlying collateral over time, and other uncertainties regarding the ultimate resolution of these claims, actual costs coulddiffer from our current estimates.

Allowance for warranties

Home purchasers are provided with a limited warranty against certain building defects, including a one-yearcomprehensive limited warranty and coverage for certain other aspects of the home’s construction and operating systems forperiods of up to ten years. We estimate the costs to be incurred under these warranties and record a liability in the amount ofsuch costs at the time revenue is recognized. Factors that affect our warranty liability include the number of homes sold,historical and anticipated rates of warranty claims, and the cost per claim. We periodically assess the adequacy of our recordedwarranty liability for each geographic market in which we operate and adjust the amounts as necessary. Actual warranty costs inthe future could differ from our estimates.

Income taxes

We evaluate our deferred tax assets each period to determine if a valuation allowance is required based on whether it is"more likely than not" that some portion of the deferred tax assets would not be realized. The ultimate realization of thesedeferred tax assets is dependent upon the generation of sufficient taxable income during future periods. We conduct ourevaluation by considering all available positive and negative evidence. This evaluation considers, among other factors,historical operating results, forecasts of future profitability, the duration of statutory carryforward periods, and the outlooks forthe U.S. housing industry and broader economy. The accounting for deferred taxes is based upon estimates of futureresults. Differences between estimated and actual results could result in changes in the valuation of our deferred tax assets thatcould have a material impact on our consolidated results of operations or financial position. Changes in existing tax laws couldalso affect actual tax results and the realization of deferred tax assets over time.


Unrecognized tax benefits represent the difference between tax positions taken or expected to be taken in a tax return andthe benefits recognized for financial statement purposes. We follow the provisions of ASC 740, “Income Taxes” (“ASC 740”),which prescribes a minimum recognition threshold a tax position is required to meet before being recognized in the financialstatements. Significant judgment is required to evaluate uncertain tax positions. Our evaluations of tax positions consider avariety of factors, including changes in facts or circumstances, changes in law, correspondence with taxing authorities, andeffective settlements of audit issues. Changes in the recognition or measurement of uncertain tax positions could result inmaterial increases or decreases in income tax expense (benefit) in the period in which the change is made. Interest and penaltiesrelated to unrecognized tax benefits are recognized as a component of income tax expense (benefit).

Self-insured risks

At any point in time, we are managing over 1,000 individual claims related to general liability, property, errors andomission, workers compensation, and other business insurance coverage. We reserve for costs associated with such claims(including expected claims management expenses) on an undiscounted basis at the time product revenue is recognized for eachhome closing and periodically evaluate the recorded liabilities based on actuarial analyses of our historical claims. The actuarialanalyses calculate estimates of the ultimate cost of all unpaid losses, including estimates for incurred but not reported losses("IBNR"). IBNR represents losses related to claims incurred but not yet reported plus development on reported claims.

Housing market conditions have been volatile across most of our markets over the past ten years, and we believe suchconditions can affect the frequency and cost of construction defect claims. Additionally, IBNR estimates comprise the majorityof our liability and are subject to a high degree of uncertainty due to a variety of factors, including changes in claims reportingand resolution patterns, third party recoveries, insurance industry practices, the regulatory environment, and legal precedent.State regulations vary, but construction defect claims are reported and resolved over an extended period often exceeding tenyears. Changes in the frequency and timing of reported claims and estimates of specific claim values can impact the underlyinginputs and trends utilized in the actuarial analyses, which could have a material impact on the recorded reserves. Additionally,the amount of insurance coverage available for each policy period also impacts our recorded reserves. Because of the inherentuncertainty in estimating future losses and the timing of such losses related to these claims, actual costs could differsignificantly from estimated costs.

Adjustments to reserves are recorded in the period in which the change in estimate occurs. During 2016 and 2015, wereduced general liability reserves by $55.2 million and $29.6 million, respectively, as a result of changes in estimates resultingfrom actual claim experience observed being less than anticipated in previous actuarial projections. During 2015, we alsorecorded a general liability reserve reversal of $32.6 million, resulting from a legal settlement relating to plumbing claimsinitially reported to us in 2008 and for which our recorded liabilities were adjusted over time based on changes in facts andcircumstances. These claims ultimately resulted in a class action lawsuit involving a national vendor and numerous otherhomebuilders, homebuyers, and insurance companies. In 2015, a global settlement was reached, pursuant to which we fundedour agreed upon share of settlement costs, which were significantly lower than our previously estimated exposure. During 2014,we increased general liability insurance reserves by $69.3 million, which was primarily driven by estimated costs associatedwith siding repairs in certain previously completed communities.

The changes in actuarial estimates in 2016, 2015, and 2014 were driven by changes in actual claims experience that, inturn, impacted actuarial estimates for potential future claims. These changes in actuarial estimates did not involve any changesin actuarial methodology but did impact the development of estimates for future periods, which resulted in adjustments to theIBNR portion of our recorded liabilities.

Our recorded reserves for all such claims totaled $831.1 million and $924.6 million at December 31, 2016 and 2015,respectively, the vast majority of which relate to general liability claims. The recorded reserves include loss estimates related toboth (i) existing claims and related claim expenses and (ii) IBNR and related claim expenses. Liabilities related to IBNR andrelated claim expenses represented approximately 70% and 74% of the total general liability reserves at December 31, 2016 and2015, respectively. The actuarial analyses that determine the IBNR portion of reserves consider a variety of factors, includingthe frequency and severity of losses, which are based on our historical claims experience supplemented by industry data. Theactuarial analyses of the reserves also consider historical third party recovery rates and claims management expenses. Becauseof the inherent uncertainty in estimating future losses related to these claims, actual costs could differ significantly fromestimated costs. Based on the actuarial analyses performed, we believe the range of reasonably possible losses related to theseclaims is $750 million to $975 million. While this range represents our best estimate of our ultimate liability related to theseclaims, due to a variety of factors, including those factors described above, there can be no assurance that the ultimate costsrealized by us will fall within this range.


In certain instances, we have the ability to recover a portion of our costs under various insurance policies. Estimates ofsuch amounts are recorded when recovery is considered probable. Our receivables from insurance carriers totaled $307.3million and $362.7 million at December 31, 2016 and 2015, respectively. The insurance receivables relate to costs incurred orto be incurred to perform corrective repairs, settle claims with customers, and other costs related to the continued progression ofboth known and anticipated future construction defect claims that we believe to be insured related to previously closed homes.We believe collection of these insurance receivables is probable based on the legal merits of our positions after review by legalcounsel, favorable legal rulings received to date, the credit quality of our carriers, and our long history of collecting significantamounts of insurance reimbursements under similar insurance policies related to similar claims, including significant amountsfunded by the above carriers under different policies. While the outcome of these matters cannot be predicted with certainty, wedo not believe that the resolution of such matters will have a material adverse impact on our results of operations, financialposition, or cash flows.



We are subject to market risk on our debt instruments primarily due to fluctuations in interest rates. We utilize bothfixed-rate and variable-rate debt. For fixed-rate debt, changes in interest rates generally affect the fair value of the debtinstrument but not our earnings or cash flows. Conversely, for variable-rate debt, changes in interest rates generally do notaffect the fair value of the debt instrument but could affect our earnings and cash flows. Except in very limited circumstances,we do not have an obligation to prepay our debt prior to maturity. As a result, interest rate risk and changes in fair value shouldnot have a significant impact on our fixed-rate debt until we are required or elect to refinance or repurchase such debt.

The following tables set forth the principal cash flows by scheduled maturity, weighted-average interest rates, andestimated fair value of our debt obligations as of December 31, 2016 and 2015 ($000’s omitted).

As of December 31, 2016 for theYears ending December 31,

2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Thereafter TotalFair

ValueRate-sensitive liabilities:Fixed rate debt $ 134,482 $ — $ 3,900 $ 3,900 $ 700,000 $ 2,300,000 $3,142,282 $ 3,131,579Average interest rate 7.12% —% 5.00% 5.00% 4.25% 7.19% 5.58%

Variable rate debt (a) $ 331,621 $ — $ — $ — $ — $ — $ 331,621 $ 331,621Average interest rate 2.89% —% —% —% —% —% 2.89%

As of December 31, 2015 for theYears ending December 31,

2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 Thereafter TotalFair

ValueRate-sensitive liabilities:Fixed rate debt

$ 487,485 $ 128,296 $ — $ 3,900 $ 3,900 $ 1,000,000 $1,623,581 $ 1,678,987Average interest rate 6.24% 7.00% —% 5.00% 5.00% 6.71% 6.57%

Variable rate debt (a) $ 267,877 $ 500,000 $ — $ — $ — $ — $ 767,877 $ 767,877Average interest rate 2.65% 1.42% —% —% —% —% 1.85%

(a) Includes the Pulte Mortgage Repurchase Agreement and the Term Loan, which was retired in 2016. Does not include our Revolving Credit Facility, underwhich there were no borrowings outstanding at either December 31, 2016 or 2015.

Derivative instruments and hedging activities

Pulte Mortgage is exposed to market risks from commitments to lend, movements in interest rates, and canceled ormodified commitments to lend. A commitment to lend at a specific interest rate (an interest rate lock commitment) is aderivative financial instrument (interest rate is locked to the borrower). The interest rate risk continues through the loan closingand until the loan is sold to an investor. We are generally not exposed to variability in cash flows of derivative instruments formore than approximately 90 days. In periods of rising interest rates, the length of exposure will generally increase due tocustomers locking in an interest rate sooner as opposed to letting the interest rate float. In periods of low or decreasing interestrates, the length of exposure will also generally increase as customers desire to lock before the possibility of rising rates.

In order to reduce these risks, we use other derivative financial instruments, principally cash forward placementcontracts on mortgage-backed securities and whole loan investor commitments, to economically hedge the interest rate lockcommitment. We generally enter into one of the aforementioned derivative financial instruments upon accepting interest ratelock commitments. Changes in the fair value of interest rate lock commitments and the other derivative financial instrumentsare recognized in Financial Services revenues. We do not use any derivative financial instruments for trading purposes.

At December 31, 2016 and 2015, residential mortgage loans available-for-sale had an aggregate fair value of $539.5million and $442.7 million, respectively. At December 31, 2016 and 2015, we had aggregate interest rate lock commitments of$273.9 million and $208.2 million, respectively, which were originated at interest rates prevailing at the date of commitment.Unexpired forward contracts totaled $610.0 million and $525.0 million at December 31, 2016 and 2015, respectively, and


whole loan investor commitments totaled $157.6 million and $77.6 million, respectively, at such dates. Hypothetical changes inthe fair values of our financial instruments arising from immediate parallel shifts in long-term mortgage rates would not bematerial to our financial results due to the offsetting nature in the movements in fair value of our financial instruments.


As a cautionary note, except for the historical information contained herein, certain matters discussed in Item 2,Management's Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations, and Item 3, Quantitative andQualitative Disclosures About Market Risk, are “forward-looking” statements within the meaning of the Private SecuritiesLitigation Reform Act of 1995. Such forward-looking statements are subject to a number of risks, uncertainties and otherfactors that could cause our actual results, performance, prospects or opportunities, as well as those of the markets we serve orintend to serve, to differ materially from those expressed in, or implied by, these statements. You can identify these statementsby the fact that they do not relate to matters of a strictly factual or historical nature and generally discuss or relate to forecasts,estimates or other expectations regarding future events. Generally, the words “believe,” “expect,” “intend,” “estimate,”“anticipate,” “plan,” “project,” “may,” “can,” “could,” “might,” "should", “will” and similar expressions identify forward-looking statements, including statements related to expected operating and performing results, planned transactions, plannedobjectives of management, future developments or conditions in the industries in which we participate and other trends,developments and uncertainties that may affect our business in the future.

Such risks, uncertainties and other factors include, among other things: interest rate changes and the availability ofmortgage financing; competition within the industries in which we operate; the availability and cost of land and other rawmaterials used by us in our homebuilding operations; the impact of any changes to our strategy in responding to the cyclicalnature of the industry, including any changes regarding our land positions and the levels of our land spend; the availability andcost of insurance covering risks associated with our businesses; shortages and the cost of labor; weather related slowdowns;slow growth initiatives and/or local building moratoria; governmental regulation directed at or affecting the housing market, thehomebuilding industry or construction activities; uncertainty in the mortgage lending industry, including revisions tounderwriting standards and repurchase requirements associated with the sale of mortgage loans; the interpretation of or changesto tax, labor and environmental laws; economic changes nationally or in our local markets, including inflation, deflation,changes in consumer confidence and preferences and the state of the market for homes in general; legal or regulatoryproceedings or claims; our ability to generate sufficient cash flow in order to successfully implement our capital allocationpriorities; required accounting changes; terrorist acts and other acts of war; and other factors of national, regional and globalscale, including those of a political, economic, business and competitive nature. See Item 1A – Risk Factors for a furtherdiscussion of these and other risks and uncertainties applicable to our businesses. We undertake no duty to update any forward-looking statement, whether as a result of new information, future events or changes in our expectations.




December 31, 2016 and 2015($000’s omitted, except per share data)

2016 2015ASSETS

Cash and equivalents $ 698,882 $ 754,161Restricted cash 24,366 21,274

Total cash, cash equivalents, and restricted cash 723,248 775,435House and land inventory 6,770,655 5,450,058Land held for sale 31,728 81,492Residential mortgage loans available-for-sale 539,496 442,715Investments in unconsolidated entities 51,447 41,267Other assets 857,426 893,345Intangible assets 154,792 110,215Deferred tax assets, net 1,049,408 1,394,879


Liabilities:Accounts payable, including book overdrafts of $99,690 and $60,547in 2016 and 2015, respectively $ 405,455 $ 327,725Customer deposits 187,891 186,141Accrued and other liabilities 1,448,994 1,516,783Income tax liabilities 34,860 57,050Financial Services debt 331,621 267,877Term loan — 498,423Senior notes 3,110,016 1,576,082

Total liabilities 5,518,837 4,430,081Shareholders’ equity:

Preferred shares, $0.01 par value; 25,000,000 shares authorized, none issued $ — $ —Common shares, $0.01 par value; 500,000,000 shares authorized,

319,089,720 and 349,148,351 shares issued and outstanding atDecember 31, 2016 and 2015, respectively 3,191 3,491

Additional paid-in capital 3,116,490 3,093,802Accumulated other comprehensive loss (526) (609)Retained earnings 1,540,208 1,662,641

Total shareholders’ equity 4,659,363 4,759,325$ 10,178,200 $ 9,189,406

See Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements.


PULTEGROUP, INC.CONSOLIDATED STATEMENTS OF OPERATIONSFor the years ended December 31, 2016, 2015, and 2014

(000’s omitted, except per share data)

2016 2015 2014Revenues:

HomebuildingHome sale revenues $ 7,451,315 $ 5,792,675 $ 5,662,171Land sale revenues 36,035 48,536 34,554

7,487,350 5,841,211 5,696,725Financial Services 181,126 140,753 125,638

Total revenues 7,668,476 5,981,964 5,822,363

Homebuilding Cost of Revenues:Home sale cost of revenues (5,587,974) (4,235,945) (4,149,674)Land sale cost of revenues (32,115) (35,858) (23,748)

(5,620,089) (4,271,803) (4,173,422)

Financial Services expenses (108,573) (82,047) (71,057)Selling, general, and administrative expenses (957,150) (794,728) (861,390)Other expense, net (48,814) (17,363) (26,736)Income before income taxes 933,850 816,023 689,758Income tax expense (331,147) (321,933) (215,420)Net income $ 602,703 $ 494,090 $ 474,338

Net income per share:Basic $ 1.76 $ 1.38 $ 1.27Diluted $ 1.75 $ 1.36 $ 1.26Cash dividends declared $ 0.36 $ 0.33 $ 0.23

Number of shares used in calculation:Basic 339,747 356,576 370,377Effect of dilutive securities 2,376 3,217 3,725Diluted 342,123 359,793 374,102

See Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements.



For the years ended December 31, 2016, 2015, and 2014(000’s omitted)

2016 2015 2014Net income $ 602,703 $ 494,090 $ 474,338

Other comprehensive income, net of tax:Change in value of derivatives 83 81 105

Other comprehensive income 83 81 105

Comprehensive income $ 602,786 $ 494,171 $ 474,443

See Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements.











































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































PULTEGROUP, INC.CONSOLIDATED STATEMENTS OF CASH FLOWSFor the years ended December 31, 2016, 2015, and 2014

($000’s omitted)

2016 2015 2014Cash flows from operating activities:

Net income $ 602,703 $ 494,090 $ 474,338Adjustments to reconcile net income to net cash from operating activities:

Deferred income tax expense 334,787 311,699 223,769Write-down of land and deposits and pre-acquisition costs 19,357 11,467 11,168Depreciation and amortization 54,007 46,222 39,864Share-based compensation expense 22,228 24,752 29,292Loss on debt retirements 657 — 8,584Other, net 1,614 (4,865) (2,566)Increase (decrease) in cash due to:

Inventories (897,092) (917,298) (337,939)Residential mortgage loans available-for-sale (99,527) (104,609) (53,734)Other assets (45,721) (175,150) (46,249)Accounts payable, accrued and other liabilities 75,257 (23,898) (38,646)

Net cash provided by (used in) operating activities 68,270 (337,590) 307,881Cash flows from investing activities:

Capital expenditures (39,295) (45,440) (48,790)Investment in unconsolidated subsidiaries (14,539) (454) (9)Cash used for business acquisition (430,458) — (82,419)Other investing activities, net 13,100 11,330 8,605

Net cash used in investing activities (471,192) (34,564) (122,613)Cash flows from financing activities:

Proceeds from debt issuance 1,995,937 498,087 —Repayments of debt (986,919) (239,193) (250,631)Borrowings under revolving credit facility 619,000 125,000 —Repayments under revolving credit facility (619,000) (125,000) —Financial Services borrowings 63,744 127,636 34,577Stock option exercises 5,845 10,535 15,627Share repurchases (603,206) (442,738) (253,019)Dividends paid (124,666) (115,958) (75,646)

Net cash provided by (used in) financing activities 350,735 (161,631) (529,092)Net increase (decrease) (52,187) (533,785) (343,824)Cash, cash equivalents, and restricted cash at beginning of period 775,435 1,309,220 1,653,044Cash, cash equivalents, and restricted cash at end of period $ 723,248 $ 775,435 $ 1,309,220

Supplemental Cash Flow Information:Interest paid (capitalized), net $ (26,538) $ (4,193) $ (4,561)Income taxes paid (refunded), net $ 2,743 $ (5,654) $ 1,030

See Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements.



1. Summary of significant accounting policies

Basis of presentation

PulteGroup, Inc. is one of the largest homebuilders in the U.S., and our common shares trade on the New YorkStock Exchange under the ticker symbol “PHM”. Unless the context otherwise requires, the terms "PulteGroup", the"Company", "we", "us", and "our" used herein refer to PulteGroup, Inc. and its subsidiaries. While our subsidiaries engageprimarily in the homebuilding business, we also have mortgage banking operations, conducted principally through PulteMortgage LLC (“Pulte Mortgage”), and title operations.

The consolidated financial statements have been prepared in accordance with U.S. generally accepted accountingprinciples and include the accounts of PulteGroup, Inc. and all of its direct and indirect subsidiaries and variable interestentities in which PulteGroup, Inc. is deemed to be the primary beneficiary. All significant intercompany accounts,transactions, and balances have been eliminated in consolidation.

Business acquisitions

We acquired substantially all of the assets of JW Homes ("Wieland") in January 2016, for $430.5 million in cash andthe assumption of certain payables related to such assets. The acquired net assets were located in Atlanta, Charleston,Charlotte, Nashville, and Raleigh, and included approximately 7,000 lots, including 375 homes in inventory, and control ofapproximately 1,300 lots through land option contracts. We also assumed a sales order backlog of 317 homes. The acquirednet assets were recorded at their estimated fair values and resulted in goodwill of $40.4 million and separately identifiableintangible assets of $18.0 million comprised of the John Wieland Homes and Neighborhoods tradename, which is beingamortized over a 20-year life. The acquisition of these assets was not material to our results of operations or financialcondition.

We acquired certain real estate assets from Dominion Homes in August 2014 for $82.4 million in cash and theassumption of certain payables related to such assets. The net assets acquired were located primarily in Columbus, Ohio,and Louisville, Kentucky, and included approximately 8,200 lots, including approximately 400 homes in inventory andcontrol of approximately 900 lots through land option contracts. We also assumed a sales order backlog of 622 homes. Theacquired net assets were recorded at their estimated fair values. The acquisition of these assets was not material to ourresults of operations or financial condition.

Use of estimates

The preparation of financial statements in conformity with U.S. generally accepted accounting principles requiresmanagement to make estimates and assumptions that affect the amounts reported in the financial statements andaccompanying notes. Actual results could differ from those estimates.


In January 2016, we adopted Accounting Standards Update ("ASU") 2015-03, “Interest - Imputation of Interest,”which changes the presentation of debt issuance costs in the balance sheet from an asset to a direct reduction of thecarrying amount of the related debt. The adoption of this guidance resulted in the reclassification of applicableunamortized debt issuance costs from other assets to senior notes and term loan. See Note 6.

In December 2016, we early adopted ASU 2016-18, “Statement of Cash Flows (Topic 230): Restricted Cash” thatrequires the statement of cash flows to explain the change during the period in the total of cash, cash equivalents, andamounts described as restricted cash or restricted cash equivalents. Restricted cash and restricted cash equivalents areincluded with cash and cash equivalents when reconciling the beginning-of-period and end-of-period total amounts shownon the statement of cash flows.

Effective with our fourth quarter 2016 reporting, we reclassified our unbilled insurance receivables to other assetsfrom accrued and other liabilities. Additionally, we reclassified sales commissions expense from home sale cost ofrevenues to selling, general, and administrative expenses in order to be more consistent with a majority of our peers. This



had the effect of reducing home sale cost of revenues while increasing selling, general, and administrative expenses by theamount of sales commissions, which totaled $268.3 million, $204.9 million, and $193.6 million, or 3.6 percent,3.5 percent, and 3.4 percent of home sale revenues, for the years ended December 31, 2016, 2015, and 2014, respectively.

All prior period amounts have been reclassified to conform to the current presentation.

Subsequent events

We evaluated subsequent events up until the time the financial statements were filed with the Securities andExchange Commission ("SEC").

Cash and equivalents

Cash and equivalents include institutional money market investments and time deposits with a maturity of threemonths or less when acquired. Cash and equivalents at December 31, 2016 and 2015 also included $66.5 million and$27.5 million, respectively, of cash from home closings held in escrow for our benefit, typically for less than five days,which are considered deposits in-transit.

Restricted cash

We maintain certain cash balances that are restricted as to their use, including customer deposits on home sales thatare temporarily restricted by regulatory requirements until title transfers to the homebuyer. Total cash, cash equivalents,and restricted cash includes restricted cash balances of $24.4 million and $21.3 million at December 31, 2016 and 2015,respectively.

Investments in unconsolidated entities

We have investments in a number of unconsolidated entities, including joint ventures, with independent thirdparties. The equity method of accounting is used for unconsolidated entities over which we have significant influence;generally this represents ownership interests of at least 20% and not more than 50%. Under the equity method ofaccounting, we recognize our proportionate share of the earnings and losses of these entities. Certain of these entities sellland to us. We defer the recognition of profits from such activities until the time we ultimately sell the related land.

We evaluate our investments in unconsolidated entities for recoverability in accordance with Accounting StandardsCodification (“ASC”) 323, “Investments – Equity Method and Joint Ventures” (“ASC 323”). If we determine that a loss inthe value of the investment is other than temporary, we write down the investment to its estimated fair value. Any suchlosses are recorded to equity in (earnings) loss of unconsolidated entities. Due to uncertainties in the estimation processand the significant volatility in demand for new housing, actual results could differ significantly from such estimates. SeeNote 5.

Intangible assets

Goodwill, which represents the cost of acquired businesses in excess of the fair value of the net assets of suchbusinesses at the acquisition date, was recorded as the result of the Wieland acquisition and totaled $40.4 million atDecember 31, 2016. We assess goodwill for impairment annually in the fourth quarter and if events or changes incircumstances indicate the carrying amount may not be recoverable.

Intangible assets also includes tradenames acquired in connection with the 2016 acquisition of Wieland, the 2009acquisition of Centex Corporation ("Centex"), and the 2001 acquisition of Del Webb Corporation, all of which are beingamortized over 20-year lives. The acquired cost and accumulated amortization of our tradenames were $277.0 million and$162.6 million, respectively, at December 31, 2016, and $259.0 million and $148.8 million, respectively, at December 31,2015. Amortization expense totaled $13.8 million, $12.9 million and $13.0 million in 2016, 2015, and 2014, respectively,and is expected to be $13.8 million in each of the next five years. The ultimate realization of these assets is dependent uponthe future cash flows and benefits that we expect to generate from their use. We assess tradenames for impairment if eventsor changes in circumstances indicate the carrying amount may not be recoverable.



Property and equipment, net, and depreciation

Property and equipment are recorded at cost. Maintenance and repair costs are expensed as incurred. Depreciation iscomputed by the straight-line method based upon estimated useful lives as follows: model home furniture - two years;office furniture and equipment - three to ten years; and leasehold improvements - life of the lease. Property and equipmentare included in other assets and totaled $77.4 million net of accumulated depreciation of $192.9 million at December 31,2016 and $86.3 million net of accumulated depreciation of $185.8 million at December 31, 2015. Depreciation expensetotaled $40.2 million, $33.3 million, and $26.8 million in 2016, 2015, and 2014, respectively.

Advertising costs

Advertising costs are expensed to selling, general, and administrative expense as incurred and totaled $50.7 million,$45.3 million, and $41.8 million, in 2016, 2015, and 2014, respectively.

Employee benefits

We maintain defined contribution retirement plans that cover substantially all of our employees. Companycontributions to the plans totaled $14.6 million, $12.6 million, and $12.1 million in 2016, 2015, and 2014, respectively.

Other expense, net

Other expense, net consists of the following ($000’s omitted):

2016 2015 2014Write-offs of deposits and pre-acquisition costs (Note 3) $ 17,157 $ 5,021 $ 6,099Loss on debt retirements (Note 6) 657 — 8,584Lease exit and related costs (a) 11,643 2,463 9,609Amortization of intangible assets (Note 1) 13,800 12,900 13,033Equity in (earnings) loss of unconsolidated entities (Note 5) (8,337) (7,355) (8,226)Interest income (3,236) (3,107) (4,632)Interest expense 686 788 849Miscellaneous, net (b) 16,444 6,653 1,420Total other expense, net $ 48,814 $ 17,363 $ 26,736

(a) Lease exit and related costs for 2016 resulted from actions taken to reduce overheads and the substantial completionof our corporate headquarters relocation from Michigan to Georgia, which began in 2013 (see Note 2). Costs for2015 and 2014 are primarily attributable to those same relocation efforts.

(b) Miscellaneous, net includes a charge of $15.0 million in 2016 related to the settlement of a disputed landtransaction and a charge of $20.0 million in 2015 resulting from the Applecross matter (see Note 12).

Earnings per share

Basic earnings per share is computed by dividing income available to common shareholders (the “Numerator”) bythe weighted-average number of common shares, adjusted for unvested shares, (the “Denominator”) for the period.Computing diluted earnings per share is similar to computing basic earnings per share, except that the Denominator isincreased to include the dilutive effects of stock options, unvested restricted shares and share units, and other potentiallydilutive instruments. Any stock options that have an exercise price greater than the average market price of our commonshares are considered anti-dilutive and excluded from the diluted earnings per share calculation. Our earnings per shareexcluded 1.8 million, 3.9 million, and 6.6 million potentially dilutive instruments in 2016, 2015, and 2014, respectively.

In accordance with ASC 260 "Earnings Per Share" ("ASC 260"), the two-class method determines earnings pershare for each class of common share and participating securities according to an earnings allocation formula that adjuststhe Numerator for dividends or dividend equivalents and participation rights in undistributed earnings. Unvested share-based payment awards that contain non-forfeitable rights to dividends or dividend equivalents are participating securitiesand, therefore, are included in computing earnings per share pursuant to the two-class method. Our outstanding restricted



share awards, restricted share units, and deferred shares are considered participating securities. The following tablepresents the earnings per common share (000's omitted, except per share data):

December 31,2016

December 31,2015

December 31,2014

Numerator:Net income $ 602,703 $ 494,090 $ 474,338

Less: earnings distributed to participating securities (1,100) (755) (583)Less: undistributed earnings allocated to participatingsecurities (3,622) (2,448) (2,668)

Numerator for basic earnings per share $ 597,981 $ 490,887 $ 471,087Add back: undistributed earnings allocated to participatingsecurities 3,622 2,448 2,668Less: undistributed earnings reallocated to participatingsecurities (3,602) (2,429) (2,643)

Numerator for diluted earnings per share $ 598,001 $ 490,906 $ 471,112

Denominator:Basic shares outstanding 339,747 356,576 370,377Effect of dilutive securities 2,376 3,217 3,725Diluted shares outstanding 342,123 359,793 374,102

Earnings per share:Basic $ 1.76 $ 1.38 $ 1.27Diluted $ 1.75 $ 1.36 $ 1.26

Share-based compensation

We measure compensation cost for restricted shares and restricted share units at fair value on the grant date. Fairvalue is determined based on the quoted price of our common shares on the grant date. We recognize compensationexpense for restricted shares and restricted share units, the majority of which cliff vest at the end of three years, ratablyover the vesting period. For share-based awards containing performance conditions, we recognize compensation expenseratably over the vesting period when it is probable that the stated performance targets will be achieved and recordcumulative adjustments in the period in which estimates change. Compensation expense related to our share-based awardsis included in selling, general, and administrative expense, except for a small portion recognized in Financial Servicesexpenses. See Note 8.

Income taxes

The provision for income taxes is calculated using the asset and liability method, under which deferred tax assetsand liabilities are recognized by identifying the temporary differences arising from the different treatment of items for taxand accounting purposes. In assessing the realizability of deferred tax assets, we consider whether it is more likely than notthat some portion or all of the deferred tax assets will not be realized. The ultimate realization of deferred tax assets isprimarily dependent upon the generation of future taxable income. In determining the future tax consequences of eventsthat have been recognized in the financial statements or tax returns, judgment is required. Differences between theanticipated and actual outcomes of these future tax consequences could have a material impact on our consolidated resultsof operations or financial position.

Unrecognized tax benefits represent the difference between tax positions taken or expected to be taken in a taxreturn and the benefits recognized for financial statement purposes. We follow the provisions of ASC 740, “IncomeTaxes” (“ASC 740”), which prescribes a minimum recognition threshold a tax position is required to meet before beingrecognized in the financial statements. Significant judgment is required to evaluate uncertain tax positions. Our evaluations



of tax positions consider a variety of factors, including changes in facts or circumstances, changes in law, correspondencewith taxing authorities, and effective settlements of audit issues. Changes in the recognition or measurement of uncertaintax positions could result in material increases or decreases in income tax expense (benefit) in the period in which thechange is made. Interest and penalties related to unrecognized tax benefits are recognized as a component of income taxexpense (benefit). See Note 9.

Homebuilding revenue recognition

Homebuilding revenue and related profit are generally recognized when title to and possession of the property aretransferred to the buyer. In situations where the buyer’s financing is originated by Pulte Mortgage and the buyer has notmade an adequate initial or continuing investment, the profit on such sale is deferred until the sale of the related loan to athird-party investor has been completed. If there is a loss on the sale of the property, the loss on such sale is recognized atthe time of closing. The amount of such deferred profits was not material at either December 31, 2016 or 2015.

Sales incentives

When sales incentives involve a discount on the selling price of the home, we record the discount as a reduction ofrevenue at the time of house closing. If the sales incentive requires us to provide a free product or service to the customer,the cost of the free product or service is recorded as cost of revenues at the time of house closing. This includes the costrelated to optional upgrades and seller-paid financing costs, closing costs, homeowners’ association fees, or merchandise.

Inventory and cost of revenues

Inventory is stated at cost unless the carrying value is determined to not be recoverable, in which case the affectedinventory is written down to fair value. Cost includes land acquisition, land development, and home construction costs,including interest, real estate taxes, and certain direct and indirect overhead costs related to development and construction.For those communities for which construction and development activities have been idled, applicable interest and realestate taxes are expensed as incurred. Land acquisition and development costs are allocated to individual lots using anaverage lot cost determined based on the total expected land acquisition and development costs and the total expectedhome closings for the community. The specific identification method is used to accumulate home construction costs.

We capitalize interest cost into homebuilding inventories. Each layer of capitalized interest is amortized over aperiod that approximates the average life of communities under development. Interest expense is allocated over the periodbased on the timing of home closings.

Cost of revenues includes the construction cost, average lot cost, estimated warranty costs, and closing costsapplicable to the home. Sales commissions are classified within selling, general, and administrative expenses. Theconstruction cost of the home includes amounts paid through the closing date of the home, plus an accrual for costsincurred but not yet paid. Total community land acquisition and development costs are based on an analysis of budgetedcosts compared with actual costs incurred to date and estimates to complete. The development cycles for our communitiesrange from under one year to in excess of ten years for certain master planned communities. Adjustments to estimated totalland acquisition and development costs for the community affect the amounts costed for the community’s remaining lots.

We test inventory for impairment when events and circumstances indicate that the cash flows estimated to begenerated by the community are less than its carrying amount. Such indicators include gross margins or sales pacessignificantly below expectations, construction costs or land development costs significantly in excess of budgeted amounts,significant delays or changes in the planned development for the community, and other known qualitative factors.Communities that demonstrate potential impairment indicators are tested for impairment by comparing the expectedundiscounted cash flows for the community to its carrying value. For those communities whose carrying values exceed theexpected undiscounted cash flows, we estimate the fair value of the community, and impairment charges are recorded if thefair value of the community's inventory is less than its carrying value.

We generally determine the fair value of a community's inventory using a combination of discounted cash flow modelsand market comparable transactions, where available. These estimated cash flows are significantly impacted by estimatesrelated to expected average selling prices, expected sales paces, expected land development and construction timelines, andanticipated land development, construction, and overhead costs. The assumptions used in the discounted cash flow modelsare specific to each community. Our evaluations for impairments are based on our best estimates of the future cash flows



for our communities. Due to uncertainties in the estimation process, the significant volatility in demand for new housing,the long life cycles of many communities, and potential changes in our strategy related to certain communities, actualresults could differ significantly from such estimates. See Note 3.

Land held for sale

We periodically elect to sell parcels of land to third parties in the event such assets no longer fit into our strategicoperating plans or are zoned for commercial or other development. Land held for sale is recorded at the lower of cost orfair value less costs to sell. In determining the value of land held for sale, we consider recent offers received, prices forland in recent comparable sales transactions, and other factors. We record net realizable value adjustments for land held forsale within Homebuilding land sale cost of revenues. See Note 3.

Land option agreements

We enter into land option agreements in order to procure land for the construction of homes in the future. Pursuantto these land option agreements, we generally provide a deposit to the seller as consideration for the right to purchase landat different times in the future, usually at predetermined prices. Such contracts enable us to defer acquiring portions ofproperties owned by third parties or unconsolidated entities until we have determined whether and when to exercise ouroption, which reduces our financial risks associated with long-term land holdings. Option deposits and pre-acquisitioncosts (such as environmental testing, surveys, engineering, and entitlement costs) are capitalized if the costs are directlyidentifiable with the land under option, the costs would be capitalized if we owned the land, and acquisition of the propertyis probable. Such costs are reflected in other assets and are reclassified to inventory upon taking title to the land. We writeoff deposits and pre-acquisition costs when it becomes probable that we will not go forward with the project or recover thecapitalized costs. Such decisions take into consideration changes in local market conditions, the timing of required landpurchases, the availability and best use of necessary incremental capital, and other factors. We record any such write-offsof deposits and pre-acquisition costs within other expense, net. See Note 3.

If an entity holding the land under option is a variable interest entity (“VIE”), our deposit represents a variableinterest in that entity. No VIEs required consolidation at either December 31, 2016 or 2015 because we determined that wewere not the primary beneficiary. Our maximum exposure to loss related to these VIEs is generally limited to our depositsand pre-acquisition costs under the applicable land option agreements. The following provides a summary of our interestsin land option agreements ($000’s omitted):

December 31, 2016 December 31, 2015

Deposits andPre-




Deposits andPre-



PriceLand options with VIEs $ 68,527 $ 849,901 $ 77,641 $ 1,064,506Other land options 126,909 1,252,662 84,478 981,687

$ 195,436 $ 2,102,563 $ 162,119 $ 2,046,193

Start-up costs

Costs and expenses associated with opening new communities are expensed to selling, general, and administrativeexpenses as incurred.

Allowance for warranties

Home purchasers are provided with a limited warranty against certain building defects, including a one-yearcomprehensive limited warranty and coverage for certain other aspects of the home's construction and operating systemsfor periods of up to 10 years. We estimate the costs to be incurred under these warranties and record a liability in theamount of such costs at the time revenue is recognized.



Self-insured risks

We maintain, and require the majority of our subcontractors to maintain, general liability insurance coverage,including coverage for certain construction defects. We also maintain builders' risk, property, errors and omissions,workers compensation, and other business insurance coverage. These insurance policies protect us against a portion of therisk of loss from claims, subject to certain self-insured per occurrence and aggregate retentions, deductibles, and availablepolicy limits. However, we retain a significant portion of the overall risk for such claims. We reserve for these costs on anundiscounted basis at the time revenue is recognized for each home closing and evaluate the recorded liabilities based onactuarial analyses of our historical claims, which include estimates of claims incurred but not yet reported. Adjustments toestimated reserves are recorded in the period in which the change in estimate occurs. In certain instances, we have theability to recover a portion of our costs under various insurance policies or from our subcontractors or other third parties.Estimates of such amounts are recorded when recovery is considered probable. See Note 12.

Residential mortgage loans available-for-sale

Substantially all of the loans originated by us and their related servicing rights are sold in the secondary mortgagemarket within a short period of time after origination, generally within 30 days. In accordance with ASC 825, “FinancialInstruments” (“ASC 825”), we use the fair value option to record residential mortgage loans available-for-sale. Election ofthe fair value option for these loans allows a better offset of the changes in fair values of the loans and the derivativeinstruments used to economically hedge them without having to apply complex hedge accounting provisions. We do notdesignate any derivative instruments as hedges or apply the hedge accounting provisions of ASC 815, “Derivatives andHedging.” See Note 12 for discussion of the risks retained related to mortgage loan originations.

Expected gains and losses from the sale of residential mortgage loans and their related servicing rights are includedin the measurement of written loan commitments that are accounted for at fair value through Financial Services revenues atthe time of commitment. Subsequent changes in the fair value of these loans are reflected in Financial Services revenuesas they occur. At December 31, 2016 and 2015, residential mortgage loans available-for-sale had an aggregate fair value of$539.5 million and $442.7 million, respectively, and an aggregate outstanding principal balance of $529.7 million and$429.6 million, respectively. The net gain (loss) resulting from changes in fair value of these loans totaled $2.8 million and$(0.3) million for the years ended December 31, 2016 and 2015, respectively. These changes in fair value weresubstantially offset by changes in fair value of the corresponding hedging instruments. Net gains from the sale ofmortgages during 2016, 2015, and 2014 were $109.6 million, $80.8 million, and $67.2 million, respectively, and have beenincluded in Financial Services revenues.

Mortgage servicing rights

We sell the servicing rights for the loans we originate through fixed price servicing sales contracts to reduce therisks and costs inherent in servicing loans. This strategy results in owning the servicing rights for only a short period oftime. We recognize the fair value of our rights to service a loan as revenue at the time of entering into an interest rate lockcommitment with a borrower. Due to the short period of time the servicing rights are held, we do not amortize theservicing asset. The servicing sales contracts provide for the reimbursement of payments made by the purchaser if loansprepay within specified periods of time, generally within 90 to 120 days after sale. We establish reserves for this liability atthe time the sale is recorded. Such reserves were immaterial at December 31, 2016 and 2015.

Loans held for investment

We maintain a portfolio of loans that either have been repurchased from investors or were not saleable upon closing.We have the intent and ability to hold these loans for the foreseeable future or until maturity or payoff. These loans arereviewed annually for impairment, or when recoverability becomes doubtful. Loans held for investment are included inother assets and totaled $8.4 million and $7.6 million at December 31, 2016 and 2015, respectively.

Interest income on mortgage loans

Interest income on mortgage loans is recorded in Financial Services revenues, accrued from the date a mortgageloan is originated until the loan is sold, and totaled $8.0 million, $6.9 million, and $7.2 million in 2016, 2015, and 2014,respectively. Loans are placed on non-accrual status once they become greater than 90 days past due their contractual



terms. Subsequent payments received are applied according to the contractual terms of the loan. Mortgage discounts arenot amortized as interest income due to the short period the loans are held until sale to third party investors.

Mortgage servicing, origination, and commitment fees

Mortgage servicing fees represent fees earned for servicing loans for various investors. Servicing fees are based on acontractual percentage of the outstanding principal balance, or a contracted set fee in the case of certain sub-servicingarrangements, and are credited to income when related mortgage payments are received or the sub-servicing fees areearned. Loan origination costs related to residential mortgage loans available-for-sale are recognized as incurred inFinancial Services expenses while the associated mortgage origination fees are recognized in Financial Services revenuesas earned, generally upon loan closing.

Title services

Revenues associated with our title operations are recognized within Financial Services revenues as closing servicesare rendered and title insurance policies are issued, both of which generally occur as each home is closed.

Derivative instruments and hedging activities

We are party to interest rate lock commitments ("IRLCs") with customers resulting from our mortgage originationoperations. At December 31, 2016 and 2015, we had aggregate IRLCs of $273.9 million and $208.2 million, respectively,which were originated at interest rates prevailing at the date of commitment. Since we can terminate a loan commitment ifthe borrower does not comply with the terms of the contract, and some loan commitments may expire without being drawnupon, these commitments do not necessarily represent future cash requirements. We evaluate the creditworthiness of thesetransactions through our normal credit policies.

We hedge our exposure to interest rate market risk relating to residential mortgage loans available-for-sale andIRLCs using forward contracts on mortgage-backed securities, which are commitments to either purchase or sell aspecified financial instrument at a specified future date for a specified price, and whole loan investor commitments, whichare obligations of an investor to buy loans at a specified price within a specified time period. Forward contracts onmortgage-backed securities are the predominant derivative financial instruments we use to minimize market risk during theperiod from the time we extend an interest rate lock to a loan applicant until the time the loan is sold to an investor. AtDecember 31, 2016 and 2015, we had unexpired forward contracts of $610.0 million and $525.0 million, respectively, andwhole loan investor commitments of $157.6 million and $77.6 million, respectively. Changes in the fair value of IRLCsand other derivative financial instruments are recognized in Financial Services revenues, and the fair values are reflected inother assets or other liabilities, as applicable.

There are no credit-risk-related contingent features within our derivative agreements, and counterparty risk isconsidered minimal. Gains and losses on IRLCs are substantially offset by corresponding gains or losses on forwardcontracts on mortgage-backed securities and whole loan investor commitments. We are generally not exposed to variabilityin cash flows of derivative instruments for more than approximately 90 days.

The fair values of derivative instruments and their location in the Consolidated Balance Sheets are summarizedbelow ($000’s omitted):

December 31, 2016 December 31, 2015Other Assets Other Liabilities Other Assets Other Liabilities

Interest rate lock commitments $ 9,194 $ 501 $ 5,854 $ 280Forward contracts 8,085 1,004 1,178 840Whole loan commitments 1,135 863 358 345

$ 18,414 $ 2,368 $ 7,390 $ 1,465



New accounting pronouncements

In May 2014, the Financial Accounting Standards Board ("FASB") issued ASU No. 2014-09, "Revenue fromContracts with Customers". The standard is a comprehensive new revenue recognition model that requires revenue to berecognized in a manner depicting the transfer of goods or services to a customer at an amount that reflects theconsideration expected to be received in exchange for those goods or services. The FASB has also issued a number ofupdates to this standard. The standard is effective for us for annual and interim periods beginning January 1, 2018, and, atthat time, we expect to apply the modified retrospective method of adoption. We continue to evaluate the impact that thestandard will have on our financial statements.

In August 2014, the FASB issued ASU No. 2014-15, “Disclosure of Uncertainties About an Entity’s Ability toContinue as a Going Concern” (“ASU 2014-15”), which requires management to evaluate, at each annual and interimreporting period, whether there are conditions or events that raise substantial doubt about the entity’s ability to continue asa going concern and provide related disclosures. Adoption of ASU 2014-15 as of December 31, 2016, did not impact ourfinancial statements or disclosures.

In February 2016, the FASB issued ASU No. 2016-02, "Leases (Topic 842)" ("ASU 2016-02"), which amends theexisting accounting standards for lease accounting, including requiring lessees to recognize most leases on their balancesheets. ASU 2016-02 is effective for us for annual and interim periods beginning January 1, 2019, and early adoption ispermitted. The standard requires a modified retrospective transition approach for all leases existing at, or entered into after,the date of initial application, with an option to use certain transition relief. We are currently evaluating the impact that thestandard will have on our financial statements.

In March 2016, the FASB issued ASU No. 2016-09, "Compensation - Stock Compensation (Topic 718):Improvements to Employee Share-Based Payment Accounting" ("ASU 2016-09"), which includes multiple amendmentsintended to simplify aspects of share-based payment accounting. ASU 2016-09 will be effective for us for annual andinterim periods beginning after January 1, 2017. Amendments to the presentation of employee taxes on the statement ofcash flows will be applied retrospectively, and amendments requiring the recognition of excess tax benefits and taxdeficiencies in the income statement are to be applied prospectively. Amendments to the timing of when excess tax benefitsare recognized, and forfeitures will be applied using a modified retrospective transition method through a cumulative-effect adjustment to equity as of the beginning of the period of adoption. Preliminarily, we expect the cumulative-effectadjustment to increase the January 1, 2017, opening retained earnings and deferred tax assets by $18.6 million frompreviously unrecognized excess tax benefits (see Note 9). We do not expect the remaining aspects of adopting ASU2016-09 to have a material impact on our financial statements.

In June 2016, the FASB issued ASU No. 2016-13, "Financial Instruments - Credit Losses (Topic 326): Measurementof Credit Losses on Financial Instruments" ("ASU 2016-13"), which changes the impairment model for most financialassets and certain other instruments from an "incurred loss" approach to a new "expected credit loss" methodology and alsorequires that credit losses from available-for-sale debt securities be presented as an allowance instead of a write-down.ASU 2016-13 is effective for us for annual and interim periods beginning January 1, 2020, with early adoption permitted,and requires full retrospective application on adoption. We are currently evaluating the impact the standard will have onour financial statements.

In August 2016, the FASB issued ASU No. 2016-15, "Statement of Cash Flows (Topic 230): Classification ofCertain Cash Receipts and Cash Payments" ("ASU 2016-15"), which addresses several specific cash flow issues. ASU2016-15 is effective for us for annual and interim periods beginning January 1, 2018, with early adoption permitted, andrequires full retrospective application on adoption. We do not expect ASU 2016-15 to have a material impact on ourfinancial statements.

In January 2017, the FASB issued ASU No. 2017-04, "Intangibles - Goodwill and Other (Topic 350): Simplifyingthe Accounting for Goodwill Impairment." ("ASU 2017-04"), which removes the requirement to perform a hypotheticalpurchase price allocation to measure goodwill impairment. A goodwill impairment will now be the amount by which areporting unit’s carrying value exceeds its fair value, not to exceed the carrying amount of goodwill. ASU 2017-04 iseffective for us for annual and interim periods beginning January 1, 2020, with early adoption permitted, and appliedprospectively. We do not expect ASU 2017-04 to have a material impact on our financial statements.



2. Corporate office relocation

In May 2013, we announced our plan to relocate our corporate offices to Atlanta, Georgia, from the previouslocation in Bloomfield Hills, Michigan. The relocation of operations occurred in phases over time and was substantiallycomplete in 2016. We recorded employee severance, retention, relocation, and related expenses of $1.0 million, $2.0million, and $7.6 million in 2016, 2015, and 2014, respectively. We also recorded lease exit and asset impairment expensestotaling $7.3 million, $2.3 million, and $8.7 million in 2016, 2015, and 2014, respectively. Severance, retention, relocation,and related expenses are recorded within selling, general, and administrative expense, while lease exit and assetimpairment expenses are included in other expense, net.

3. Inventory and land held for sale

Major components of inventory at December 31, 2016 and 2015 were ($000’s omitted):

2016 2015Homes under construction $ 1,921,259 $ 1,408,260Land under development 4,072,109 3,259,066Raw land 777,287 782,732

$ 6,770,655 $ 5,450,058

In all periods presented, we capitalized all Homebuilding interest costs into inventory because the level of our activeinventory exceeded our debt levels. Activity related to interest capitalized into inventory is as follows ($000’s omitted):

Years Ended December 31,2016 2015 2014

Interest in inventory, beginning of period $ 149,498 $ 167,638 $ 230,922Interest capitalized 160,506 120,001 131,444Interest expensed (123,907) (138,141) (194,728)

Interest in inventory, end of period $ 186,097 $ 149,498 $ 167,638

Land-related charges

We recorded the following land-related charges ($000's omitted):

2016 2015 2014Land impairments $ 1,074 $ 7,347 $ 3,911Net realizable value adjustments ("NRV") -land held for sale

1,105 (901) 1,158

Write-offs of deposits and pre-acquisition costs 17,157 5,021 6,099Total land-related charges $ 19,336 $ 11,467 $ 11,168

Land held for sale

Land held for sale at December 31, 2016 and 2015 was as follows ($000’s omitted):

2016 2015Land held for sale, gross $ 38,157 $ 86,913Net realizable value reserves (6,429) (5,421)Land held for sale, net $ 31,728 $ 81,492



4. Segment information

Our Homebuilding operations are engaged in the acquisition and development of land primarily for residentialpurposes within the U.S. and the construction of housing on such land. Home sale revenues for detached and attachedhomes were $6.5 billion and $996.4 million in 2016, $5.0 billion and $841.5 million in 2015, and $4.8 billion and$885.8 million in 2014, respectively. For reporting purposes, our Homebuilding operations are aggregated into sixreportable segments:

Northeast: Connecticut, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, VirginiaSoutheast: Georgia, North Carolina, South Carolina, TennesseeFlorida: FloridaMidwest: Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, OhioTexas: TexasWest: Arizona, California, Nevada, New Mexico, Washington

We also have a reportable segment for our Financial Services operations, which consist principally of mortgagebanking and title operations. The Financial Services segment operates generally in the same markets as the Homebuildingsegments. Evaluation of segment performance is generally based on income before income taxes. Each reportable segmentgenerally follows the same accounting policies described in Note 1.



Operating Data by Segment ($000’s omitted)Years Ended December 31,

2016 2015 2014Revenues:

Northeast $ 696,463 $ 682,112 $ 710,859Southeast (a) 1,491,270 1,058,089 949,635Florida 1,284,753 1,019,733 917,956Midwest 1,234,650 1,020,691 872,241Texas 1,034,673 845,772 859,165West 1,745,541 1,214,814 1,386,869

7,487,350 5,841,211 5,696,725Financial Services 181,126 140,753 125,638

Consolidated revenues $ 7,668,476 $ 5,981,964 $ 5,822,363

Income before income taxes:Northeast (b) $ 81,991 $ 82,616 $ 103,865Southeast (a) 145,011 172,330 156,513Florida 205,049 196,525 190,441Midwest 120,159 91,745 78,863Texas 152,355 121,329 133,005West 225,771 169,394 254,724Other homebuilding (c) (69,570) (76,622) (282,234)

860,766 757,317 635,177Financial Services (d) 73,084 58,706 54,581

Consolidated income before income taxes $ 933,850 $ 816,023 $ 689,758

(a) Southeast includes the acquisition in January 2016 of substantially all of the assets of Wieland (see Note 1).(b) Northeast includes a charge of $15.0 million in 2016 related to the settlement of a disputed land transaction and a

charge of $20.0 million in 2015 resulting from the Applecross matter (see Note 12).(c) Other homebuilding includes the amortization of intangible assets, amortization of capitalized interest, and other

items not allocated to the operating segments, in addition to: losses on debt retirements of $0.7 million and $8.6million in 2016 and 2014, respectively (see Note 6); adjustments to insurance reserves relating to a reversal of$55.2 million in 2016, reversals totaling $62.2 million in 2015, and a charge of $69.3 million in 2014 (see Note 12);and costs associated with the relocation of our corporate headquarters totaling $8.3 million, $4.4 million, and$16.3 million in 2016, 2015, and 2014, respectively (see Note 2).

(d) Financial Services included reductions in loan origination liabilities totaling $11.8 million and $18.6 million in2015 and 2014, respectively (see Note 12).



Operating Data by Segment ($000's omitted)Years Ended December 31,

2016 2015 2014Land-related charges*:

Northeast $ 2,079 $ 3,301 $ 2,824Southeast 3,089 3,022 1,826Florida 715 4,555 487Midwest 3,383 2,319 2,347Texas 515 295 321West 8,960 (2,615) 1,696Other homebuilding 595 590 1,667

$ 19,336 $ 11,467 $ 11,168

* Land-related charges include land impairments, net realizable value adjustments for land held for sale, and write-offs of deposits and pre-acquisition costs for land option contracts we elected not to pursue. Other homebuildingconsists primarily of write-offs of capitalized interest related to such land-related charges. See Note 1 for additionaldiscussion of these charges.

Operating Data by Segment ($000's omitted)Years Ended December 31,

2016 2015 2014Depreciation and amortization:

Northeast $ 2,133 $ 1,682 $ 1,852Southeast 5,350 3,492 2,666Florida 4,955 3,536 2,150Midwest 5,099 5,019 3,153Texas 3,673 2,928 1,698West 6,739 5,995 5,263Other homebuilding (a) 22,467 20,254 19,548

50,416 42,906 36,330Financial Services 3,591 3,316 3,534

$ 54,007 $ 46,222 $ 39,864(a) Other homebuilding includes amortization of intangible assets.

Operating Data by Segment ($000's omitted)Years Ended December 31,

2016 2015 2014Equity in (earnings) loss of unconsolidated entities:

Northeast $ 2 $ 2 $ (4,733)Southeast — — —Florida (10) 2 (7)Midwest 78 (337) (481)Texas — — —West (6,759) (5,107) (2,422)Other homebuilding (1,117) (1,915) (583)

(7,806) (7,355) (8,226)Financial Services (531) — (182)

$ (8,337) $ (7,355) $ (8,408)



Operating Data by Segment($000's omitted)

December 31, 2016Homes UnderConstruction

Land UnderDevelopment Raw Land



Northeast $ 175,253 $ 375,899 $ 135,447 $ 686,599 $ 798,369Southeast (a) 354,047 650,805 148,793 1,153,645 1,243,188Florida 309,525 683,376 183,168 1,176,069 1,330,847Midwest 256,649 474,287 50,302 781,238 851,457Texas 219,606 413,312 74,750 707,668 793,917West 580,082 1,226,190 159,387 1,965,659 2,200,058Other homebuilding (b) 26,097 248,240 25,440 299,777 2,351,082

1,921,259 4,072,109 777,287 6,770,655 9,568,918Financial Services — — — — 609,282

$ 1,921,259 $ 4,072,109 $ 777,287 $ 6,770,655 $ 10,178,200

December 31, 2015Homes UnderConstruction

Land UnderDevelopment Raw Land



Northeast $ 163,173 $ 292,631 $ 121,522 $ 577,326 $ 688,610Southeast 196,456 367,577 139,246 703,279 765,933Florida 227,910 574,092 97,185 899,187 1,013,543Midwest 197,738 414,386 68,918 681,042 734,834Texas 191,424 317,702 107,737 616,863 691,342West 413,208 1,094,112 222,920 1,730,240 1,924,958Other homebuilding (b) 18,351 198,566 25,204 242,121 2,861,197

1,408,260 3,259,066 782,732 5,450,058 8,680,417Financial Services — — — — 508,989

$ 1,408,260 $ 3,259,066 $ 782,732 $ 5,450,058 $ 9,189,406

December 31, 2014Homes UnderConstruction

Land UnderDevelopment Raw Land



Northeast $ 184,974 $ 266,229 $ 106,077 $ 557,280 $ 659,224Southeast 147,506 304,762 117,981 570,249 605,067Florida 150,743 350,016 112,225 612,984 717,531Midwest 176,966 326,549 70,266 573,781 624,815Texas 134,873 250,102 91,765 476,740 528,392West 270,060 850,629 230,199 1,350,888 1,485,685Other homebuilding (b) 19,015 196,762 34,401 250,178 3,518,508

1,084,137 2,545,049 762,914 4,392,100 8,139,222Financial Services — — — — 420,965

$ 1,084,137 $ 2,545,049 $ 762,914 $ 4,392,100 $ 8,560,187

(a) Southeast includes the acquisition in January 2016 of substantially all of the assets of Wieland (see Note 1).(b) Other homebuilding primarily includes cash and equivalents, capitalized interest, intangibles, deferred tax assets,

and other corporate items that are not allocated to the operating segments.



5. Investments in unconsolidated entities

We participate in a number of joint ventures with independent third parties. These joint ventures generally purchase,develop, and sell land, including selling land to us for use in our homebuilding operations. A summary of our joint venturesis presented below ($000’s omitted):

December 31,2016 2015

Investments in joint ventures with debt non-recourse to PulteGroup $ 33,436 $ 23,236Investments in other active joint ventures 18,011 18,031Total investments in unconsolidated entities $ 51,447 $ 41,267

Total joint venture debt $ 4,605 $ 16,369

PulteGroup proportionate share of joint venture debt:Joint venture debt with limited recourse guaranties $ — $ 226Joint venture debt non-recourse to PulteGroup 1,349 6,744PulteGroup's total proportionate share of joint venture debt $ 1,349 $ 6,970

In 2016, 2015, and 2014, we recognized income from unconsolidated joint ventures of $8.3 million, $7.4 million,and $8.4 million, respectively (of which $0.2 million related to Financial Services in 2014). We made capital contributionsof $14.5 million during the year, and received distributions from our unconsolidated joint ventures of $10.9 million, $6.0million, and $13.1 million, in 2016, 2015, and 2014, respectively. No significant capital contributions occurred during2015, and 2014.

The timing of cash flows related to a joint venture and any related financing agreements varies by agreement. Ifadditional capital contributions are required and approved by the joint venture, we would need to contribute our pro rataportion of those capital needs in order to not dilute our ownership in the joint ventures. While future capital contributionsmay be required, we believe the total amount of such contributions will be limited. Our maximum financial exposurerelated to joint ventures is unlikely to exceed the combined investment and limited recourse guaranty totals.



6. Debt

Our senior notes are summarized as follows ($000’s omitted):

December 31,2016 2015

6.500% unsecured senior notes due May 2016 (a) $ — $ 465,2457.625% unsecured senior notes due October 2017 (b) 123,000 123,0004.250% unsecured senior notes due March 2021 (a) 700,000 —5.500% unsecured senior notes due March 2026 (a) 700,000 —5.000% unsecured senior notes due January 2027 (a) 600,000 —7.875% unsecured senior notes due June 2032 (a) 300,000 300,0006.375% unsecured senior notes due May 2033 (a) 400,000 400,0006.000% unsecured senior notes due February 2035 (a) 300,000 300,000Net premiums, discounts, and issuance costs (c) (12,984) (12,163)Total senior notes $ 3,110,016 $ 1,576,082Estimated fair value $ 3,112,297 $ 1,643,651

(a) Redeemable prior to maturity; guaranteed on a senior basis by certain wholly-owned subsidiaries.(b) Not redeemable prior to maturity; guaranteed on a senior basis by certain wholly-owned subsidiaries.(c) The carrying value of senior notes reflects the impact of premiums, discounts, and issuance costs that are amortized

to interest cost over the respective terms of the senior notes. As discussed in Note 1, we adopted ASU 2015-03 inJanuary 2016. We applied the new guidance retrospectively to all prior periods presented in the financial statementsto conform to the 2016 presentation. As a result, $10.3 million of debt issuance costs at December 31, 2015, werereclassified from other assets to a reduction in senior notes.

The indentures governing the senior notes impose certain restrictions on the incurrence of additional debt along withother limitations. At December 31, 2016, we were in compliance with all of the covenants and requirements under thesenior notes. Our senior note principal maturities are as follows: 2017 - $123.0 million; 2018 through 2020 - $0.0 million;2021 - $700.0 million; and thereafter - $2.3 billion. Refer to Note 13 for supplemental consolidating financial informationof the Company.

In February 2016, we issued $1.0 billion of senior unsecured notes, consisting of $300.0 million of 4.25% seniornotes due March 1, 2021, and $700.0 million of 5.50% senior notes due March 1, 2026. The net proceeds from this seniornotes issuance were used to fund the retirement of $465.2 million of our senior notes that matured in May 2016, with theremaining net proceeds used for general corporate purposes. In July 2016, we issued an additional $1.0 billion of seniorunsecured notes, consisting of an additional $400.0 million of the 4.25% senior notes due March 1, 2021, and $600.0million of 5.00% senior notes due January 15, 2027. The net proceeds from the July senior notes issuance were used forgeneral corporate purposes and to pay down approximately $500.0 million of outstanding debt, including the remainder ofthe previously existing term loan facility, which resulted in a write-off of $0.7 million of remaining debt issuance costs.The senior notes issued in 2016 are unsecured obligations, and rank equally in right of payment with the existing and futuresenior unsecured indebtedness of the Company and each of the guarantors, respectively. The notes are redeemable at ouroption at any time up to the date of maturity.

We retired outstanding debt totaling $965.2 million, $238.0 million, and $245.7 million during 2016, 2015, and2014, respectively. Certain debt retirements occurred prior to the stated maturity dates and resulted in losses totaling $0.7million and $8.6 million in 2016 and 2014, respectively. Losses on debt repurchase transactions include the write-off ofunamortized discounts, premiums, and transaction fees related to the repurchased debt and are reflected in other expense,net.



Revolving credit facility

In June 2016, we entered into an amended and restated senior unsecured revolving credit facility (the “RevolvingCredit Facility”) that provided for an increase in our maximum borrowings from $500.0 million to $750.0 million andextended the maturity date from July 2017 to June 2019. The Revolving Credit Facility contains an uncommitted accordionfeature that could increase the size of the Revolving Credit Facility to $1.25 billion, subject to certain conditions andavailability of additional bank commitments. The Revolving Credit Facility also provides for the issuance of letters ofcredit that reduce the available borrowing capacity under the Revolving Credit Facility with a sublimit of $375.0 million atDecember 31, 2016. The interest rate on borrowings under the Revolving Credit Facility may be based on either theLIBOR or Base Rate plus an applicable margin, as defined therein. We had no borrowings outstanding and $219.1 millionand $191.3 million of letters of credit issued under the Revolving Credit Facility at December 31, 2016 and 2015,respectively.

The Revolving Credit Facility contains financial covenants that require us to maintain a minimum Tangible NetWorth, a minimum Interest Coverage Ratio, and a maximum Debt-to-Capitalization Ratio (as each term is defined in theRevolving Credit Facility). As of December 31, 2016, we were in compliance with all covenants. Outstanding balancesunder the Revolving Credit Facility are guaranteed by certain of our wholly-owned subsidiaries. Our available and unusedborrowings under the Revolving Credit Facility, net of outstanding letters of credit, amounted to $530.9 million and $308.7million as of December 31, 2016 and 2015, respectively.

Limited recourse notes payable

Certain of our local homebuilding operations maintain limited recourse collateralized notes payable with third partiesthat totaled $19.3 million and $35.3 million at December 31, 2016 and 2015, respectively. These notes have maturitiesranging up to four years, are collateralized by the applicable land positions to which they relate, have no recourse to anyother assets, and are classified within accrued and other liabilities. The stated interest rates on these notes range up to5.00%.

Pulte Mortgage

Pulte Mortgage maintains a master repurchase agreement (the “Repurchase Agreement”) with third party lenders. InAugust 2016, Pulte amended the Repurchase Agreement to extend the effective date to August 2017, and adjusted themaximum aggregate commitment amount according to seasonal borrowing capacity needs. In December 2016, PulteMortgage again amended its Repurchase Agreement to increase the maximum aggregate commitment amount to coverseasonal borrowing capacity needs. The maximum aggregate commitment was $360.0 million during the seasonally highborrowing period from December 27, 2016 through January 12, 2017. At all other times, the maximum aggregatecommitment ranges from $175.0 million to $200.0 million. The purpose of the changes in capacity during the term of theagreement is to lower associated fees during seasonally lower volume periods of mortgage origination activity. Borrowingsunder the Repurchase Agreement are secured by residential mortgage loans available-for-sale. The Repurchase Agreementcontains various affirmative and negative covenants applicable to Pulte Mortgage, including quantitative thresholds relatedto net worth, net income, and liquidity. Pulte Mortgage had $331.6 million and $267.9 million outstanding under theRepurchase Agreement at December 31, 2016, and 2015, respectively, and was in compliance with its covenants andrequirements as of such dates.

The following is aggregate borrowing information for our mortgage operations ($000’s omitted):

December 31,2016 2015

Available credit lines $ 360,000 $ 310,000Unused credit lines $ 28,379 $ 42,123Weighted-average interest rate 2.89% 2.65%



7. Shareholders’ equity

Our declared quarterly cash dividends totaled $122.2 million, $117.9 million, and $86.4 million in 2016, 2015, and2014, respectively. Under the share repurchase program authorized by our Board of Directors, we repurchased 30.9million, 21.2 million, and 12.9 million shares in 2016, 2015, and 2014, respectively, for a total of $600.0 million, $433.7million, and $245.8 million in 2016, 2015, and 2014, respectively. At December 31, 2016, we had remaining authorizationto repurchase $1.0 billion of common shares.

Under our stock-based compensation plans, we accept shares as payment under certain conditions related to stockoption exercises and vesting of restricted shares and share units, generally related to the payment of tax obligations. During2016, 2015, and 2014, employees surrendered shares valued at $3.2 million, $9.0 million, and $7.2 million, respectively,under these plans. Such share transactions are excluded from the above noted share repurchase authorization.

8. Stock compensation plans

We maintain a stock award plan for both employees and non-employee directors. The plan provides for the grant ofa variety of equity awards, including options (generally non-qualified options), restricted shares, performance shares, andrestricted share units ("RSUs") to key employees (as determined by the Compensation and Management DevelopmentCommittee of the Board of Directors) for periods not to exceed ten years. Non-employee directors are entitled to an annualdistribution of stock options, common shares, or RSUs. All options granted to non-employee directors vest immediatelyand are exercisable for ten years from the grant date. Options granted to employees generally vest incrementally over fouryears and are generally exercisable for ten years from the vest date. Restricted shares and RSUs generally cliff vest afterthree years. Restricted share holders have voting rights during the vesting period and both restricted share and RSU holdersreceive cash dividends during the vesting period. Performance shares vest upon attainment of the stated performancetargets and minimum service requirements and are converted into common shares upon distribution. RSUs represent theright to receive an equal number of common shares and are converted into common shares upon distribution. As ofDecember 31, 2016, there were 26.0 million shares that remained available for grant under the plan. Our stockcompensation expense for the three years ended December 31, 2016, is presented below ($000's omitted):

2016 2015 2014Stock options $ — $ 37 $ 121Restricted shares (including RSUs andperformance shares)

18,626 16,852 13,690

Long-term incentive plans 3,602 7,863 15,481$ 22,228 $ 24,752 $ 29,292

Stock options

A summary of stock option activity for the three years ended December 31, 2016, is presented below (000’s omitted,except per share data):

2016 2015 2014



Per ShareExercise

Price Shares


Per ShareExercise

Price Shares


Per ShareExercise

PriceOutstanding, beginning of year 6,040 $ 19 9,370 $ 23 12,887 $ 23Granted — — — — — —Exercised (498) 12 (904) 12 (1,422) 11Forfeited (1,919) 34 (2,426) 37 (2,095) 29Outstanding, end of year 3,623 $ 12 6,040 $ 19 9,370 $ 23Options exercisable at year end 3,623 $ 12 6,040 $ 19 9,265 $ 23Weighted-average per share fair value of

options granted during the year $ — $ — $ —



The following table summarizes information about our options outstanding at December 31, 2016:

Options Outstanding Options Exercisable


(000's omitted)


RemainingContract Life

(in years)


Per ShareExercise Price


(000's omitted)

Weighted-Average Per

ShareExercise Price

$0.01 to $10.00 320 3.8 $ 8 320 $ 8$10.01 to $20.00 3,205 2.5 12 3,205 12$20.01 to $30.00 82 0.4 27 82 27$30.01 to $40.00 16 0.1 35 16 35

3,623 2.6 $ 12 3,623 $ 12

We did not issue any stock options during 2016, 2015, or 2014. As a result, there is no unrecognized compensationcost related to stock option awards at December 31, 2016. The intrinsic value of a stock option is the amount by which themarket value of the underlying stock exceeds the exercise price of the option. The aggregate intrinsic value of stockoptions that were exercised during 2016, 2015, and 2014 was $4.5 million, $9.4 million, and $14.1 million, respectively.As of December 31, 2016, options outstanding, all of which were exercisable, had an intrinsic value of $24.3 million.

Restricted shares (including RSUs and performance shares)

A summary of restricted share activity, including RSUs and performance shares, for the three years endedDecember 31, 2016, is presented below (000’s omitted, except per share data):

2016 2015 2014



Per ShareGrant DateFair Value Shares


Per ShareGrant DateFair Value Shares


Per ShareGrant DateFair Value

Outstanding, beginning ofyear 2,576 $ 18 2,890 $ 15 3,211 $ 11

Granted 1,853 17 932 22 974 19Distributed (546) 20 (1,090) 10 (1,019) 10Forfeited (909) 12 (156) 19 (276) 15Outstanding, end of year 2,974 $ 19 2,576 $ 18 2,890 $ 15Vested, end of year 123 $ 15 89 $ 14 75 $ 13

During 2016, 2015, and 2014, the total fair value of shares vested during the year was $11.0 million, $10.2 million,and $8.1 million, respectively. Unamortized compensation cost related to restricted share awards was $18.4 million atDecember 31, 2016. These costs will be expensed over a weighted-average period of approximately 2 years. Additionally,there were 122,611 RSUs outstanding at December 31, 2016, that had vested but had not yet been paid out because thepayout date had been deferred by the holder.

Long-term incentive plans

We maintain long-term incentive plans for senior management and other employees that provide awards based onthe achievement of stated performance targets over three-year periods. Awards are stated in dollars but are settled incommon shares based on the stock price at the end of the performance period. If the share price falls below a floor of $5.00per share at the end of the performance period or we do not have a sufficient number of shares available under our stockincentive plans at the time of settlement, then a portion of each award will be paid in cash. We adjust the liabilities andrecognize the expense associated with the awards based on the probability of achieving the stated performance targets ateach reporting period. Liabilities for these awards totaled $11.2 million and $23.2 million at December 31, 2016 and 2015,respectively.



9. Income taxes

Components of current and deferred income tax expense (benefit) are as follows ($000’s omitted):

2016 2015 2014Current expense (benefit)

Federal $ 9,464 $ 8,760 $ 5,619State and other (13,104) 1,474 (13,968)

$ (3,640) $ 10,234 $ (8,349)Deferred expense (benefit)

Federal $ 312,288 $ 277,895 $ 232,969State and other 22,499 33,804 (9,200)

$ 334,787 $ 311,699 $ 223,769Income tax expense (benefit) $ 331,147 $ 321,933 $ 215,420

The following table reconciles the statutory federal income tax rate to the effective income tax rate:

2016 2015 2014Income taxes at federal statutory rate 35.0% 35.0% 35.0%State and local income taxes, net of federal tax 3.3 2.8 3.0Deferred tax asset valuation allowance (2.2) 0.4 (6.6)Tax contingencies (1.3) 0.1 (1.4)Other 0.7 1.2 1.2Effective rate 35.5% 39.5% 31.2%

Our effective tax rate was 35.5%, 39.5% and 31.2% for 2016, 2015, and 2014 respectively. The 2016 effective taxrate differs from the federal statutory rate primarily due to state income taxes, the reversal of a portion of our valuationallowance related to a legal entity restructuring, the favorable resolution of certain state income tax matters, the impact onour net deferred tax assets due to changes in business operations and state tax laws, and recognition of energy efficienthome credits. The 2015 effective tax rate exceeds the federal statutory rate primarily due to state income taxes and theimpact of changes in business operations and state tax laws to our net deferred tax assets. The 2014 effective tax rate is lessthan the federal statutory rate primarily due to the reversal of a portion of our valuation allowance related to certain statedeferred tax assets, along with the favorable resolution of certain federal and state income tax matters.



Deferred tax assets and liabilities reflect temporary differences arising from the different treatment of items for taxand accounting purposes. Components of our net deferred tax asset are as follows ($000’s omitted):

At December 31,2016 2015

Deferred tax assets:Accrued insurance $ 220,823 $ 237,836Non-deductible reserves and other 140,987 155,488Inventory valuation reserves 359,964 476,673Net operating loss ("NOL") carryforwards:

Federal 187,817 367,302State 224,316 274,686

Alternative minimum tax credit carryforwards 53,917 44,161Energy and other credit carryforwards 45,673 28,669

1,233,497 1,584,815Deferred tax liabilities:

Capitalized items, including real estate basis differences,deducted for tax, net (82,445) (39,220)

Trademarks and tradenames (36,781) (41,664)(119,226) (80,884)

Valuation allowance (64,863) (109,052)Net deferred tax asset $ 1,049,408 $ 1,394,879

Our gross federal NOL carryforward is approximately $536.6 million and expires between 2030 and 2032. We alsohave state NOLs in various jurisdictions which may generally be carried forward from 5 to 20 years, depending on thejurisdiction. The $44.2 million reduction in the valuation allowance includes a reduction of $23.6 million for NOLcarryforwards expiring in 2016. There was no income statement or tax rate impact from the NOL carryforward expirationsbecause there was a corresponding reduction to the state NOL deferred tax asset. The remaining state NOL carryforwardsexpire if unused at various dates as follows: of the total state deferred tax assets, $13.4 million from 2017 to 2021 and$210.9 million from 2022 and thereafter. In addition, we have federal energy credit carryforwards that expire, if unused,between 2026 and 2036 and alternative minimum tax credits that can be carried forward indefinitely.

We evaluate our deferred tax assets each period to determine if a valuation allowance is required based on whether itis "more likely than not" that some portion of the deferred tax assets would not be realized. The ultimate realization ofthese deferred tax assets is dependent upon the generation of sufficient taxable income during future periods. We conductour evaluation by considering all available positive and negative evidence. This evaluation considers, among other factors,historical operating results, forecasts of future profitability, the duration of statutory carryforward periods, and the outlooksfor the U.S. housing industry and broader economy.

Our ability to use certain of Centex’s federal losses and credits is limited by Section 382 of the Internal RevenueCode. We do not believe that this limitation will prevent the Company from utilizing these Centex losses and credits. Wedo believe that full utilization of certain state NOL carryforwards will be limited due to Section 382.

The accounting for deferred taxes is based upon estimates of future results. Differences between estimated andactual results could result in changes in the valuation of our deferred tax assets that could have a material impact on ourconsolidated results of operations or financial position. Changes in existing tax laws could also affect actual tax results andthe realization of deferred tax assets over time.

As a result of certain realization requirements of ASC 718, the table of deferred tax assets and liabilities does notinclude $18.6 million of deferred tax assets as of December 31, 2016 that arose directly from tax deductions related toequity compensation greater than compensation recognized for financial reporting. As a result of the adoption of ASU No.2016-09, we expect the cumulative-effect adjustment to increase the January 1, 2017, opening retained earnings anddeferred tax assets by $18.6 million from these previously unrecognized excess tax benefits.



Unrecognized tax benefits represent the difference between tax positions taken or expected to be taken in a taxreturn and the benefits recognized for financial statement purposes. We had $21.5 million and $39.0 million of grossunrecognized tax benefits at December 31, 2016 and 2015, respectively. If recognized, $14.0 million and $25.5 million,respectively, of these amounts would impact our effective tax rate. Additionally, we had accrued interest and penalties of$12.2 million and $17.2 million at December 31, 2016 and 2015, respectively.

It is reasonably possible within the next twelve months that our gross unrecognized tax benefits may decrease by upto $17.4 million, excluding interest and penalties, primarily due to potential settlements. A reconciliation of the change inthe unrecognized tax benefits is as follows ($000’s omitted):

2016 2015 2014Unrecognized tax benefits, beginning of period $ 38,992 $ 32,911 $ 173,310Increases related to tax positions taken during a prior period 224 5,763 —Decreases related to tax positions taken during a prior period (13,218) — (133,883)Increases related to tax positions taken during the current

period 114 318 237Decreases related to settlements with taxing authorities (707) — (6,753)Reductions as a result of a lapse of the applicable statute of

limitations (3,903) — —Unrecognized tax benefits, end of period $ 21,502 $ 38,992 $ 32,911

We continue to participate in the Compliance Assurance Process (“CAP”) with the IRS as an alternative to thetraditional IRS examination process. As a result of our participation in CAP, federal tax years 2014 and prior are closed.Tax year 2015 is expected to close by the second quarter of 2017. We are also currently under examination by various statetaxing jurisdictions and anticipate finalizing certain of the examinations within the next twelve months. The final outcomeof these examinations is not yet determinable. The statute of limitations for our major tax jurisdictions remains open forexamination for tax years 2005 to 2016.



10. Fair value disclosures

ASC 820, “Fair Value Measurements and Disclosures,” provides a framework for measuring fair value in generallyaccepted accounting principles and establishes a fair value hierarchy which requires an entity to maximize the use ofobservable inputs and minimize the use of unobservable inputs when measuring fair value. The fair value hierarchy can besummarized as follows:

Level 1 Fair value determined based on quoted prices in active markets for identical assets or liabilities.

Level 2 Fair value determined using significant observable inputs, generally either quoted prices in active markets forsimilar assets or liabilities or quoted prices in markets that are not active.

Level 3 Fair value determined using significant unobservable inputs, such as pricing models, discounted cash flows, orsimilar techniques

Our assets and liabilities measured or disclosed at fair value are summarized below ($000’s omitted):

Financial InstrumentFair ValueHierarchy

Fair ValueDecember 31,

2016December 31,


Measured at fair value on a recurring basis:Residential mortgage loans available-for-sale Level 2 $ 539,496 $ 442,715Interest rate lock commitments Level 2 8,693 5,574Forward contracts Level 2 7,081 338Whole loan commitments Level 2 272 13

Measured at fair value on a non-recurring basis:House and land inventory Level 3 $ 8,920 $ 11,052

Disclosed at fair value:Cash and equivalents (including restricted cash) Level 1 $ 723,248 $ 775,435Financial Services debt Level 2 331,621 267,877Term loan Level 2 — 500,000Senior notes Level 2 3,112,297 1,643,651

Fair values for agency residential mortgage loans available-for-sale are determined based on quoted market pricesfor comparable instruments. Fair values for non-agency residential mortgage loans available-for-sale are determined basedon purchase commitments from whole loan investors and other relevant market information available to management. Fairvalues for interest rate lock commitments, including the value of servicing rights, are based on market prices for similarinstruments. Forward contracts on mortgage-backed securities are valued based on market prices for similar instruments.Fair values for whole loan investor commitments are based on market prices for similar instruments from the specificwhole loan investor.

Certain assets are required to be recorded at fair value on a non-recurring basis when events and circumstancesindicate that the carrying value may not be recoverable. The non-recurring fair value included in the above table representonly those assets whose carrying values were adjusted to fair value as of the respective balance sheet dates. See Note 1 fora more detailed discussion of the valuation methods used for inventory.

The carrying amounts of cash and equivalents, Financial Services debt, the Term Loan, and the Revolving CreditFacility approximate their fair values due to their short-term nature and floating interest rate terms. The fair values ofsenior notes are based on quoted market prices, when available. If quoted market prices are not available, fair values arebased on quoted market prices of similar issues. The carrying value of senior notes was $3.1 billion and $1.6 billion, atDecember 31, 2016 and 2015, respectively.



11. Other assets and accrued and other liabilities

Other assets are presented below ($000’s omitted):

December 31,2016 2015

Accounts and notes receivable:Insurance receivables (Note 12) $ 307,344 $ 362,680Notes receivable 29,111 28,288Other receivables 90,714 81,581

427,169 472,549Prepaid expenses 106,748 109,113Deposits and pre-acquisition costs (Note 1) 195,436 162,119Property and equipment, net (Note 1) 77,444 86,312Income taxes receivable (Note 9) 9,272 25,080Other 41,357 38,172

$ 857,426 $ 893,345

We record receivables from various parties in the normal course of business, including amounts due from insurancecompanies (see Note 12), municipalities, and vendors. In certain instances, we may accept consideration for land sales orother transactions in the form of a note receivable.

Accrued and other liabilities are presented below ($000’s omitted):

December 31,2016 2015

Self-insurance liabilities (Note 12) $ 831,058 $ 924,563Loan origination liabilities (Note 12) 35,114 46,381Compensation-related liabilities 123,730 124,798Warranty liabilities (Note 12) 66,134 61,179Community development district obligations (Note 12) 8,875 11,964Accrued interest 50,793 20,541Limited recourse notes payable 19,282 35,336Dividends payable 29,102 31,568Other 284,906 260,453

$ 1,448,994 $ 1,516,783



12. Commitments and contingencies


We lease certain property and equipment under non-cancelable operating leases. The future minimum leasepayments required under operating leases that have initial or remaining non-cancelable terms in excess of one year as ofDecember 31, 2016, are as follows ($000’s omitted):

Years Ending December 31,2017 $ 25,3492018 22,2802019 20,2662020 13,5592021 9,188Thereafter 32,282

Total minimum lease payments $ 122,924

Net rental expense for 2016, 2015, and 2014 was $33.0 million, $27.7 million, and $25.3 million, respectively.Certain leases contain renewal or purchase options and generally provide that we pay for insurance, taxes, andmaintenance.

Loan origination liabilities

Our mortgage operations may be responsible for losses associated with mortgage loans originated and sold toinvestors in the event of errors or omissions relating to representations and warranties made by us that the loans met certainrequirements, including representations as to underwriting standards, the existence of primary mortgage insurance, and thevalidity of certain borrower representations in connection with the loan. If a loan is determined to be faulty, we eitherrepurchase the loans from the investors or reimburse the investors' losses (a “make-whole” payment).

Estimating the required liability for these potential losses requires a significant level of management judgment.During 2015 and 2014, we reduced our loan origination liabilities by net reserve releases of $11.4 million and $18.6million, respectively, based on probable settlements of various repurchase requests and existing conditions. Reservesprovided (released) are reflected in Financial Services expenses. Given the ongoing volatility in the mortgage industry,changes in values of underlying collateral over time, and other uncertainties regarding the ultimate resolution of theseclaims, actual costs could differ from our current estimates.

Changes in these liabilities were as follows ($000's omitted):

2016 2015 2014Liabilities, beginning of period $ 46,381 $ 58,222 $ 124,956

Reserves provided (released), net 506 (11,433) (18,604)Payments (11,773) (408) (48,130)

Liabilities, end of period $ 35,114 $ 46,381 $ 58,222



Community development and other special district obligations

A community development district or similar development authority (“CDD”) is a unit of local government createdunder various state statutes that utilizes the proceeds from the sale of bonds to finance the construction or acquisition ofinfrastructure assets of a development. A portion of the liability associated with the bonds, including principal and interest,is assigned to each parcel of land within the development. This debt is typically paid by subsequent special assessmentslevied by the CDD on the landowners. Generally, we are only responsible for paying the special assessments for the periodduring which we are the landowner of the applicable parcels. However, in certain limited instances we record a liability forfuture assessments. At December 31, 2016 and 2015, we had $8.9 million and $12.0 million, respectively, in accruedliabilities for outstanding CDD obligations.

Letters of credit and surety bonds

In the normal course of business, we post letters of credit and surety bonds pursuant to certain performance-relatedobligations, as security for certain land option agreements, and under various insurance programs. The majority of theseletters of credit and surety bonds are in support of our land development and construction obligations to variousmunicipalities, other government agencies, and utility companies related to the construction of roads, sewers, and otherinfrastructure. We had outstanding letters of credit and surety bonds totaling $219.1 million and $1.1 billion, respectively,at December 31, 2016, and $191.3 million and $1.0 billion, respectively, at December 31, 2015. In the event any such letterof credit or surety bonds is drawn, we would be obligated to reimburse the issuer of the letter of credit or surety bond. Wedo not believe that a material amount, if any, of the letters of credit or surety bonds will be drawn. Our surety bondsgenerally do not have stated expiration dates; rather we are released from the surety bonds as the underlying contractualperformance is completed. Because significant construction and development work has been performed related to theapplicable projects but has not yet received final acceptance by the respective counterparties, the aggregate amount ofsurety bonds outstanding is in excess of the projected cost of the remaining work to be performed.

Litigation and regulatory matters

We are involved in various litigation and legal claims in the normal course of our business operations, includingactions brought on behalf of various classes of claimants. We are also subject to a variety of local, state, and federal lawsand regulations related to land development activities, house construction standards, sales practices, mortgage lendingoperations, employment practices, and protection of the environment. As a result, we are subject to periodic examination orinquiry by various governmental agencies that administer these laws and regulations.

We establish liabilities for legal claims and regulatory matters when such matters are both probable of occurring andany potential loss is reasonably estimable. We accrue for such matters based on the facts and circumstances specific to eachmatter and revise these estimates as the matters evolve. In such cases, there may exist an exposure to loss in excess of anyamounts currently accrued. In view of the inherent difficulty of predicting the outcome of these legal and regulatorymatters, we generally cannot predict the ultimate resolution of the pending matters, the related timing, or the eventual loss.While the outcome of such contingencies cannot be predicted with certainty, we do not believe that the resolution of suchmatters will have a material adverse impact on our results of operations, financial position, or cash flows. However, to theextent the liability arising from the ultimate resolution of any matter exceeds the estimates reflected in the recordedreserves relating to such matter, we could incur additional charges that could be significant. During 2016, we settled acontract dispute related to a land transaction that we terminated approximately ten years ago in response to a collapse inhousing demand. As a result of the settlement, we recorded a charge of $15.0 million, which is reflected in other expense,net.

In September 2012, Applecross Club Operations ("Applecross") filed a complaint for breach of contract andpromissory estoppel in Applecross v. Pulte Homes of PA, et al. The complaint alleged that we induced Applecross topurchase a golf course from us in 2010 by promising to build over 1,000 residential units in a planned community locatedoutside Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. In September 2015, the jury in the case found in favor of Applecross and awardeddamages in the amount of $20.0 million. We have appealed the award. However, in light of the jury’s verdict, we recordeda reserve of $20.0 million in 2015, which is reflected in other expense, net.



Allowance for warranties

Home purchasers are provided with a limited warranty against certain building defects, including a one-yearcomprehensive limited warranty and coverage for certain other aspects of the home’s construction and operating systemsfor periods of up to and in limited instances exceeding 10 years. We estimate the costs to be incurred under these warrantiesand record liabilities in the amount of such costs at the time product revenue is recognized. Factors that affect our warrantyliabilities include the number of homes sold, historical and anticipated rates of warranty claims, and the cost per claim. Weperiodically assess the adequacy of the warranty liabilities for each geographic market in which we operate and adjust theamounts as necessary. Actual warranty costs in the future could differ from the current estimates. Changes to warrantyliabilities were as follows ($000’s omitted):

2016 2015 2014Warranty liabilities, beginning of period $ 61,179 $ 65,389 $ 63,992

Reserves provided 67,169 52,684 51,348Payments (55,892) (60,968) (47,968)Other adjustments (6,322) 4,074 (1,983)

Warranty liabilities, end of period $ 66,134 $ 61,179 $ 65,389

Self-insured risks

We maintain, and require our subcontractors to maintain, general liability insurance coverage. We also maintainbuilders' risk, property, errors and omissions, workers compensation, and other business insurance coverage. Theseinsurance policies protect us against a portion of the risk of loss from claims. However, we retain a significant portion ofthe overall risk for such claims either through policies issued by our captive insurance subsidiaries or through our own self-insured per occurrence and aggregate retentions, deductibles, and claims in excess of available insurance policy limits.

Our general liability insurance includes coverage for certain construction defects. While construction defect claimscan relate to a variety of circumstances, the majority of our claims relate to alleged problems with siding, plumbing,foundations and other concrete work, windows, roofing, and heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems. Theavailability of general liability insurance for the homebuilding industry and its subcontractors has become increasinglylimited, and the insurance policies available require companies to maintain significant per occurrence and aggregateretention levels. In certain instances, we may offer our subcontractors the opportunity to purchase insurance through one ofour captive insurance subsidiaries or participate in a project-specific insurance program provided by us. Policies issued bythe captive insurance subsidiaries represent self-insurance of these risks by us. This self-insured exposure is limited byreinsurance policies that we purchase. General liability coverage for the homebuilding industry is complex, and ourcoverage varies from policy year to policy year. Our insurance coverage requires a per occurrence deductible up to anoverall aggregate retention level. Beginning with the first dollar, amounts paid to satisfy insured claims apply to our peroccurrence and aggregate retention obligations. Any amounts incurred in excess of the occurrence or aggregate retentionlevels are covered by insurance up to our purchased coverage levels. Our insurance policies, including the captiveinsurance subsidiaries' reinsurance policies, are maintained with highly-rated underwriters for whom we believecounterparty default risk is not significant.

At any point in time, we are managing over 1,000 individual claims related to general liability, property, errors andomission, workers compensation, and other business insurance coverage. We reserve for costs associated with such claims(including expected claims management expenses) on an undiscounted basis at the time revenue is recognized for eachhome closing and evaluate the recorded liabilities based on actuarial analyses of our historical claims. The actuarialanalyses calculate estimates of the ultimate cost of all unpaid losses, including estimates for incurred but not reportedlosses ("IBNR"). IBNR represents losses related to claims incurred but not yet reported plus development on reportedclaims.

Housing market conditions have been volatile across most of our markets over the past ten years, and we believesuch conditions can affect the frequency and cost of construction defect claims. Additionally, IBNR estimates comprise themajority of our liability and are subject to a high degree of uncertainty due to a variety of factors, including changes inclaims reporting and resolution patterns, third party recoveries, insurance industry practices, the regulatory environment,and legal precedent. State regulations vary, but construction defect claims are reported and resolved over an extendedperiod often exceeding ten years. Changes in the frequency and timing of reported claims and estimates of specific claim



values can impact the underlying inputs and trends utilized in the actuarial analyses, which could have a material impact onthe recorded reserves. Additionally, the amount of insurance coverage available for each policy period also impacts ourrecorded reserves. Because of the inherent uncertainty in estimating future losses and the timing of such losses related tothese claims, actual costs could differ significantly from estimated costs.

Adjustments to reserves are recorded in the period in which the change in estimate occurs. During 2016 and 2015,we reduced general liability reserves by $55.2 million and $29.6 million, respectively, as a result of changes in estimatesresulting from actual claim experience observed being less than anticipated in previous actuarial projections. During 2015,we also recorded a general liability reserve reversal of $32.6 million, resulting from a legal settlement relating to plumbingclaims initially reported to us in 2008 and for which our recorded liabilities were adjusted over time based on changes infacts and circumstances. These claims ultimately resulted in a class action lawsuit involving a national vendor andnumerous other homebuilders, homebuyers, and insurance companies. In 2015, a global settlement was reached, pursuantto which we funded our agreed upon share of settlement costs, which were significantly lower than our previouslyestimated exposure. During 2014, we increased general liability insurance reserves by $69.3 million, which was primarilydriven by estimated costs associated with siding repairs in certain previously completed communities.

The changes in actuarial estimates in 2016, 2015, and 2014 were driven by changes in actual claims experience that,in turn, impacted actuarial estimates for potential future claims. These changes in actuarial estimates did not involve anychanges in actuarial methodology but did impact the development of estimates for future periods, which resulted inadjustments to the IBNR portion of our recorded liabilities.

Our recorded reserves for all such claims totaled $831.1 million and $924.6 million at December 31, 2016 and 2015,respectively, the vast majority of which relate to general liability claims. The recorded reserves include loss estimatesrelated to both (i) existing claims and related claim expenses and (ii) IBNR and related claim expenses. Liabilities relatedto IBNR and related claim expenses represented approximately 70% and 74% of the total general liability reserves atDecember 31, 2016 and 2015, respectively. The actuarial analyses we use in the determination of the IBNR portion ofreserves consider a variety of factors, including the frequency and severity of losses, which are based on our historicalclaims experience supplemented by relevant industry data. The actuarial analyses of the reserves also consider historicalthird party recovery rates and claims management expenses. Costs associated with our insurance programs are classifiedwithin selling, general, and administrative expenses. Changes in these liabilities were as follows ($000's omitted):

2016 2015Balance, beginning of period $ 924,563 $ 995,692

Net reserves provided 40,784 16,085Payments, net (a) (134,289) (87,214)

Balance, end of period $ 831,058 $ 924,563

(a) Includes net changes in amounts expected to be recovered from our insurance carriers, which are recorded toother assets (see below).

In certain instances, we have the ability to recover a portion of our costs under various insurance policies. Estimatesof such amounts are recorded when recovery is considered probable. As reflected in Note 11, our receivables frominsurance carriers totaled $307.3 million and $362.7 million at December 31, 2016 and 2015, respectively. The insurancereceivables relate to costs incurred or to be incurred to perform corrective repairs, settle claims with customers, and othercosts related to the continued progression of both known and anticipated future construction defect claims that we believeto be insured related to previously closed homes. Given the complexity inherent with resolving construction defect claimsin the homebuilding industry as described above, there generally exists a significant lag between our payment of claimsand our reimbursements from applicable insurance carriers. In addition, disputes between homebuilders and carriers overcoverage positions relating to construction defect claims are common. Resolution of claims with carriers involves theexchange of significant amounts of information and frequently involves legal action. Currently, we are the plaintiff inlitigation with certain of our insurance carriers in regard to $113.6 million of recorded insurance receivables relating to theapplicability of coverage to such costs under their policies.

We believe collection of these insurance receivables, including those in litigation, is probable based on the legalmerits of our positions after review by legal counsel, favorable legal rulings received to date, the credit quality of ourcarriers, and our long history of collecting significant amounts of insurance reimbursements under similar insurance



policies related to similar claims, including significant amounts funded by the above carriers under different policies.While the outcome of these matters cannot be predicted with certainty, we do not believe that the resolution of such matterswill have a material adverse impact on our results of operations, financial position, or cash flows.

13. Supplemental Guarantor information

All of our senior notes are guaranteed jointly and severally on a senior basis by certain of our wholly-ownedHomebuilding subsidiaries and certain other wholly-owned subsidiaries (collectively, the “Guarantors”). Such guarantiesare full and unconditional. Our subsidiaries comprising the Financial Services segment along with certain othersubsidiaries (collectively, the "Non-Guarantor Subsidiaries") do not guarantee the senior notes. In accordance with Rule3-10 of Regulation S-X, supplemental consolidating financial information of the Company, including such information forthe Guarantors, is presented below. Investments in subsidiaries are presented using the equity method of accounting.




($000’s omitted)







SubsidiariesASSETSCash and equivalents $ — $ 588,353 $ 110,529 $ — $ 698,882Restricted cash — 22,832 1,534 — 24,366Total cash, cash equivalents, and

restricted cash — 611,185 112,063 — 723,248House and land inventory — 6,707,392 63,263 — 6,770,655Land held for sale — 31,218 510 — 31,728Residential mortgage loans available-

for-sale — — 539,496 — 539,496Investments in unconsolidated entities 105 46,248 5,094 — 51,447Other assets 12,364 716,923 128,139 — 857,426Intangible assets — 154,792 — — 154,792Deferred tax assets, net 1,051,351 — (1,943) — 1,049,408Investments in subsidiaries and

intercompany accounts, net 6,835,075 (376,748) 6,845,781 (13,304,108) —$ 7,898,895 $ 7,891,010 $ 7,692,403 $ (13,304,108) $ 10,178,200

LIABILITIES ANDSHAREHOLDERS' EQUITYLiabilities:Accounts payable, customer deposits,

accrued and other liabilities $ 94,656 $ 1,755,756 $ 191,928 $ — $ 2,042,340Income tax liabilities 34,860 — — — 34,860Financial Services debt — — 331,621 — 331,621Senior notes 3,110,016 — — — 3,110,016

Total liabilities 3,239,532 1,755,756 523,549 — 5,518,837Total shareholders’ equity 4,659,363 6,135,254 7,168,854 (13,304,108) 4,659,363

$ 7,898,895 $ 7,891,010 $ 7,692,403 $ (13,304,108) $ 10,178,200




($000’s omitted)







SubsidiariesASSETSCash and equivalents $ — $ 638,602 $ 115,559 $ — $ 754,161Restricted cash — 20,274 1,000 — 21,274Total cash, cash equivalents, and

restricted cash — 658,876 116,559 — 775,435House and land inventory — 5,450,058 — — 5,450,058Land held for sale — 80,458 1,034 — 81,492Residential mortgage loans available-

for-sale — — 442,715 — 442,715Investments in unconsolidated entities 93 36,499 4,675 — 41,267Other assets 38,991 763,630 90,724 — 893,345Intangible assets — 110,215 — — 110,215Deferred tax assets, net 1,392,251 11 2,617 — 1,394,879Investments in subsidiaries and

intercompany accounts, net 5,529,606 465,644 6,293,018 (12,288,268) —$ 6,960,941 $ 7,565,391 $ 6,951,342 $(12,288,268) $ 9,189,406

LIABILITIES ANDSHAREHOLDERS' EQUITYLiabilities:Accounts payable, customer deposits,

accrued and other liabilities $ 70,061 $ 1,791,395 $ 169,193 $ — $ 2,030,649Income tax liabilities 57,050 — — — 57,050Financial Services debt — — 267,877 — 267,877Term loan 498,423 — — — 498,423Senior notes 1,576,082 — — — 1,576,082

Total liabilities 2,201,616 1,791,395 437,070 — 4,430,081Total shareholders’ equity 4,759,325 5,773,996 6,514,272 (12,288,268) 4,759,325

$ 6,960,941 $ 7,565,391 $ 6,951,342 $(12,288,268) $ 9,189,406




($000’s omitted)

Unconsolidated ConsolidatedPulteGroup,






HomebuildingHome sale revenues $ — $ 7,427,757 $ 23,558 $ — $ 7,451,315Land sale revenues — 33,598 2,437 — 36,035

— 7,461,355 25,995 — 7,487,350Financial Services — — 181,126 — 181,126

— 7,461,355 207,121 — 7,668,476Homebuilding Cost of Revenues:

Home sale cost of revenues — (5,566,653) (21,321) — (5,587,974)Land sale cost of revenues — (30,156) (1,959) — (32,115)

— (5,596,809) (23,280) — (5,620,089)Financial Services expenses — (533) (108,040) — (108,573)Selling, general, and administrative

expenses — (907,748) (49,402) — (957,150)Other expense, net (1,321) (69,345) 21,852 — (48,814)Intercompany interest (1,980) — 1,980 — —Income (loss) before income taxes and

equity in income (loss) ofsubsidiaries (3,301) 886,920 50,231 — 933,850

Income tax (expense) benefit 1,254 (312,486) (19,915) — (331,147)Income (loss) before equity in income

(loss) of subsidiaries (2,047) 574,434 30,316 — 602,703Equity in income (loss) of subsidiaries 604,750 58,078 457,716 (1,120,544) —Net income (loss) 602,703 632,512 488,032 (1,120,544) 602,703Other comprehensive income (loss) 83 — — — 83Comprehensive income (loss) $ 602,786 $ 632,512 $ 488,032 $ (1,120,544) $ 602,786




($000’s omitted)

Unconsolidated ConsolidatedPulteGroup,






HomebuildingHome sale revenues $ — $ 5,792,675 $ — $ — $ 5,792,675Land sale revenues — 48,536 — — 48,536

— 5,841,211 — — 5,841,211Financial Services — 1 140,752 — 140,753

— 5,841,212 140,752 — 5,981,964Homebuilding Cost of Revenues:

Home sale cost of revenues — (4,235,945) — — (4,235,945)Land sale cost of revenues — (35,858) — — (35,858)

— (4,271,803) — — (4,271,803)Financial Services expenses (313) 276 (82,010) — (82,047)Selling, general, and administrative

expenses (3) (790,818) (3,907) — (794,728)Other expense, net (760) (17,424) 821 — (17,363)Intercompany interest (2,110) (7,922) 10,032 — —Income (loss) before income taxes and

equity in income (loss) ofsubsidiaries (3,186) 753,521 65,688 — 816,023

Income tax (expense) benefit 1,210 (297,485) (25,658) — (321,933)Income (loss) before equity in income

(loss) of subsidiaries (1,976) 456,036 40,030 — 494,090Equity in income (loss) of subsidiaries 496,066 40,484 411,699 (948,249) —Net income (loss) 494,090 496,520 451,729 (948,249) 494,090Other comprehensive income (loss) 81 — — — 81Comprehensive income (loss) $ 494,171 $ 496,520 $ 451,729 $ (948,249) $ 494,171




($000’s omitted)








HomebuildingHome sale revenues $ — $ 5,662,171 $ — $ — $ 5,662,171Land sale revenues — 34,554 — — 34,554

— 5,696,725 — — 5,696,725Financial Services — 889 124,749 — 125,638

— 5,697,614 124,749 — 5,822,363Homebuilding Cost of Revenues:

Home sale cost of revenues — (4,149,674) — — (4,149,674)Land sale cost of revenues — (23,748) — — (23,748)

— (4,173,422) — — (4,173,422)Financial Services expenses (784) 130 (70,403) — (71,057)Selling, general, and administrative

expenses — (854,883) (6,507) — (861,390)Other expense, net (9,026) (16,847) (863) — (26,736)Intercompany interest (9,800) 90 9,710 — —Income (loss) before income taxes and

equity in income (loss) ofsubsidiaries (19,610) 652,682 56,686 — 689,758

Income tax (expense) benefit 7,473 (201,332) (21,561) — (215,420)Income (loss) before equity in income

(loss) of subsidiaries (12,137) 451,350 35,125 — 474,338Equity in income (loss) of subsidiaries 486,475 38,534 403,505 (928,514) —Net income (loss) 474,338 489,884 438,630 (928,514) 474,338Other comprehensive income (loss) 105 — — — 105Comprehensive income (loss) $ 474,443 $ 489,884 $ 438,630 $ (928,514) $ 474,443



CONSOLIDATING STATEMENT OF CASH FLOWSFor the year ended December 31, 2016

($000’s omitted)

Unconsolidated ConsolidatedPulteGroup,





EntriesNet cash provided by (used in)

operating activities $ 256,722 $ (102,054) $ (86,398) $ — $ 68,270Cash flows from investing activities:

Capital expenditures — (36,297) (2,998) — (39,295)Investment in unconsolidatedsubsidiaries — (14,539) — — (14,539)Cash used for business acquisition — (430,458) — — (430,458)Other investing activities, net — 11,189 1,911 — 13,100

Net cash provided by (used in) investingactivities — (470,105) (1,087) — (471,192)

Cash flows from financing activities:Financial Services borrowings

(repayments) — — 63,744 — 63,744Proceeds from debt issuance 1,991,937 4,000 — — 1,995,937Repayments of debt (965,245) (21,235) (439) — (986,919)Borrowings under revolving creditfacility 619,000 — — — 619,000Repayments under revolving creditfacility (619,000) — — — (619,000)Stock option exercises 5,845 — — — 5,845Share repurchases (603,206) — — — (603,206)Dividends paid (124,666) — — — (124,666)Intercompany activities, net (561,387) 541,703 19,684 — —

Net cash provided by (used in)financing activities (256,722) 524,468 82,989 — 350,735

Net increase (decrease) — (47,691) (4,496) — (52,187)Cash, cash equivalents, and restricted cash

at beginning of year — 658,876 116,559 — 775,435Cash, cash equivalents, and restricted cash

at end of year $ — $ 611,185 $ 112,063 $ — $ 723,248



CONSOLIDATING STATEMENT OF CASH FLOWSFor the year ended December 31, 2015

($000’s omitted)

Unconsolidated ConsolidatedPulteGroup,





EntriesNet cash provided by (used in)

operating activities $ 185,946 $ (430,940) $ (92,596) $ — $ (337,590)Cash flows from investing activities:

Capital expenditures — (41,857) (3,583) — (45,440)Investment in unconsolidatedsubsidiaries — (454) — — (454)Cash used for business acquisitions — — — — —Other investing activities, net — 2,391 8,939 — 11,330

Net cash provided by (used in) investingactivities — (39,920) 5,356 — (34,564)

Cash flows from financing activities:Financial Services borrowings

(repayments) — — 127,636 — 127,636Proceeds from debt issuance 498,087 — — — 498,087Repayments of debt (237,995) (1,198) — — (239,193)Borrowings under revolving creditfacility 125,000 — — — 125,000Repayments under revolving creditfacility (125,000) — — — (125,000)Stock option exercises 10,535 — — — 10,535Share repurchases (442,738) — — — (442,738)Dividends paid (115,958) — — — (115,958)Intercompany activities, net 90,959 (27,886) (63,073) — —

Net cash provided by (used in)financing activities (197,110) (29,084) 64,563 — (161,631)

Net increase (decrease) (11,164) (499,944) (22,677) — (533,785)Cash, cash equivalents, and restricted cash

at beginning of year 11,164 1,158,820 139,236 — 1,309,220Cash, cash equivalents, and restricted cash

at end of year $ — $ 658,876 $ 116,559 $ — $ 775,435



CONSOLIDATING STATEMENT OF CASH FLOWSFor the year ended December 31, 2014

($000’s omitted)

Unconsolidated ConsolidatedPulteGroup,





EntriesNet cash provided by (used in)

operating activities $ 206,485 $ 174,293 $ (72,897) $ — $ 307,881Cash flows from investing activities:

Capital expenditures — (44,956) (3,834) — (48,790)Investment in unconsolidatedsubsidiaries — — (9) — (9)Cash used for business acquisitions — (82,419) — — (82,419)Other investing activities, net — 8,274 331 — 8,605

Net cash provided by (used in)investing activities — (119,101) (3,512) — (122,613)

Cash flows from financing activities:Financial Services borrowings(repayments) — — 34,577 — 34,577Repayments of debt (249,765) (866) — — (250,631)Stock option exercises 15,627 — — — 15,627Share repurchases (253,019) — — — (253,019)Dividends paid (75,646) — — — (75,646)Intercompany activities, net 46,419 (87,140) 40,721 — —

Net cash provided by (used in)financing activities (516,384) (88,006) 75,298 — (529,092)

Net increase (decrease) (309,899) (32,814) (1,111) — (343,824)Cash, cash equivalents, and restricted cash

at beginning of year 321,063 1,191,634 140,347 — 1,653,044Cash, cash equivalents, and restricted cash

at end of year $ 11,164 $ 1,158,820 $ 139,236 $ — $ 1,309,220



14. Quarterly results (unaudited)

UNAUDITED QUARTERLY INFORMATION(000’s omitted, except per share data)




4thQuarter Total (a)

2016Homebuilding:Revenues $ 1,396,730 $ 1,756,832 $ 1,894,885 $ 2,438,903 $ 7,487,350Cost of revenues (1,040,056) (1,314,972) (1,429,133) (1,835,928) (5,620,089)Income before income taxes (b) 108,433 172,546 191,063 388,724 860,766Financial Services:Revenues $ 35,848 $ 43,082 $ 48,020 $ 54,175 $ 181,126Income before income taxes 9,780 17,034 21,272 24,997 73,084Consolidated results:Revenues $ 1,432,578 $ 1,799,914 $ 1,942,905 $ 2,493,078 $ 7,668,476Income before income taxes 118,213 189,580 212,335 413,721 933,850Income tax expense (34,913) (71,820) (83,865) (140,549) (331,147)Net income $ 83,300 $ 117,760 $ 128,470 $ 273,172 $ 602,703Net income per share:

Basic $ 0.24 $ 0.34 $ 0.37 $ 0.83 $ 1.76Diluted $ 0.24 $ 0.34 $ 0.37 $ 0.83 $ 1.75

Number of shares used in calculation:Basic 347,815 345,240 340,171 325,975 339,747Effect of dilutive securities 2,662 2,759 2,250 1,834 2,376Diluted 350,477 347,999 342,421 327,809 342,123

(a) Due to rounding, the sum of quarterly results may not equal the total for the year. Additionally, quarterly and year-to-date computations of per share amounts are made independently.

(b) Homebuilding income before income taxes includes a charge of $15.0 million in the 3rd Quarter related to thesettlement of a disputed land transaction (see Note 12) and an adjustment to general liability insurance reservesrelating to a reserve reversal of $55.2 million in the 4th Quarter.



UNAUDITED QUARTERLY INFORMATION(000’s omitted, except per share data)




4thQuarter Total (a)

2015Homebuilding:Revenues $ 1,105,700 $ 1,249,537 $ 1,467,780 $ 2,018,194 $ 5,841,211Cost of revenues (816,368) (915,151) (1,070,231) (1,470,053) (4,271,803)Income before income taxes (b) 90,748 157,640 164,911 344,019 757,317Financial Services:Revenues $ 27,598 $ 30,754 $ 38,967 $ 43,434 $ 140,753Income before income taxes (c) 5,057 9,987 14,365 29,296 58,706Consolidated results:Revenues $ 1,133,298 $ 1,280,291 $ 1,506,747 $ 2,061,628 $ 5,981,964Income before income taxes 95,805 167,627 179,276 373,315 816,023Income tax expense (40,834) (64,303) (71,507) (145,288) (321,933)Net income $ 54,971 $ 103,324 $ 107,769 $ 228,027 $ 494,090Net income per share:

Basic $ 0.15 $ 0.28 $ 0.31 $ 0.65 $ 1.38Diluted $ 0.15 $ 0.28 $ 0.30 $ 0.64 $ 1.36

Number of shares used in calculation:Basic 366,748 361,009 350,147 348,699 356,576Effect of dilutive securities 3,362 3,232 3,225 3,047 3,217Diluted 370,110 364,241 353,372 351,746 359,793

(a) Due to rounding, the sum of quarterly results may not equal the total for the year. Additionally, quarterly and year-to-date computations of per share amounts are made independently.

(b) Homebuilding income before income taxes includes reserve reversals resulting from a legal settlement (see Note 12)of $26.9 million and $5.7 million in the 2nd and 3rd Quarters, respectively; a charge of $20.0 million in the 3rdQuarter related to the Applecross matter (see Note 12); and a reversal of $29.6 million relating to decreasedgeneral liability insurance reserves in the 4th Quarter.

(c) Financial Services expenses in the 1st Quarter includes a reduction in loan origination liabilities totaling $11.4million.


Report of Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm

The Board of Directors and Shareholders of PulteGroup, Inc.

We have audited the accompanying consolidated balance sheets of PulteGroup, Inc. (the “Company”) as of December 31, 2016and 2015, and the related consolidated statements of operations, comprehensive income, shareholders’ equity, and cash flowsfor each of the three years in the period ended December 31, 2016. These financial statements are the responsibility of theCompany’s management. Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial statements based on our audits.

We conducted our audits in accordance with the standards of the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (United States).Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financialstatements are free of material misstatement. An audit includes examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting the amounts anddisclosures in the financial statements. An audit also includes assessing the accounting principles used and significant estimatesmade by management, as well as evaluating the overall financial statement presentation. We believe that our audits provide areasonable basis for our opinion.

In our opinion, the financial statements referred to above present fairly, in all material respects, the consolidated financialposition of PulteGroup, Inc. at December 31, 2016 and 2015, and the consolidated results of its operations and its cash flowsfor each of the three years in the period ended December 31, 2016, in conformity with U.S. generally accepted accountingprinciples.

We also have audited, in accordance with the standards of the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (United States),PulteGroup, Inc.’s internal control over financial reporting as of December 31, 2016, based on criteria established in InternalControl-Integrated Framework issued by the Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway Commission (2013Framework) and our report dated February 1, 2017 expressed an unqualified opinion thereon.

/s/ Ernst & Young LLP

Atlanta, GeorgiaFebruary 1, 2017



This Item is not applicable.


Disclosure Controls and Procedures

Management, including our President and Chief Executive Officer and Executive Vice President and Chief FinancialOfficer, evaluated the effectiveness of the design and operation of our disclosure controls and procedures as of December 31,2016. Based upon, and as of the date of that evaluation, our President and Chief Executive Officer and Executive Vice Presidentand Chief Financial Officer concluded that the disclosure controls and procedures were effective as of December 31, 2016.

Internal Control Over Financial Reporting

(a) Management’s Annual Report on Internal Control Over Financial Reporting

Management is responsible for the preparation and fair presentation of the consolidated financial statements included inthis annual report. The consolidated financial statements have been prepared in conformity with U.S. generally acceptedaccounting principles and reflect management’s judgments and estimates concerning events and transactions that are accountedfor or disclosed.

Management is also responsible for establishing and maintaining effective internal control over financial reporting, assuch term is defined in Exchange Act Rule 13a-15(f). Management recognizes that there are inherent limitations in theeffectiveness of any internal control and effective internal control over financial reporting can provide only reasonableassurance with respect to financial statement preparation. Additionally, because of changes in conditions, the effectiveness ofinternal control over financial reporting may vary over time.

In order to ensure that the Company’s internal control over financial reporting is effective, management regularlyassesses such controls and did so most recently for its financial reporting as of December 31, 2016. Management’s assessmentwas based on criteria for effective internal control over financial reporting described in Internal Control – IntegratedFramework issued by the Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway Commission (2013 Framework). Based onthis assessment, management asserts that the Company has maintained effective internal control over financial reporting as ofDecember 31, 2016.

Ernst & Young LLP, the independent registered public accounting firm that audited the Company’s consolidated financialstatements included in this annual report, has issued its report on the effectiveness of the Company’s internal control overfinancial reporting as of December 31, 2016.


(b) Report of Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm

The Board of Directors and Shareholders of PulteGroup, Inc.

We have audited PulteGroup, Inc.’s internal control over financial reporting as of December 31, 2016, based on criteriaestablished in Internal Control—Integrated Framework issued by the Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the TreadwayCommission (2013 Framework) (the COSO criteria). PulteGroup, Inc.’s management is responsible for maintaining effectiveinternal control over financial reporting, and for its assessment of the effectiveness of internal control over financial reportingincluded in the accompanying Management’s Annual Report on Internal Control Over Financial Reporting. Our responsibilityis to express an opinion on the company’s internal control over financial reporting based on our audit.

We conducted our audit in accordance with the standards of the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (United States).Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether effective internalcontrol over financial reporting was maintained in all material respects. Our audit included obtaining an understanding ofinternal control over financial reporting, assessing the risk that a material weakness exists, testing and evaluating the design andoperating effectiveness of internal control based on the assessed risk, and performing such other procedures as we considerednecessary in the circumstances. We believe that our audit provides a reasonable basis for our opinion.

A company’s internal control over financial reporting is a process designed to provide reasonable assurance regarding thereliability of financial reporting and the preparation of financial statements for external purposes in accordance with generallyaccepted accounting principles. A company’s internal control over financial reporting includes those policies and proceduresthat (1) pertain to the maintenance of records that, in reasonable detail, accurately and fairly reflect the transactions anddispositions of the assets of the company; (2) provide reasonable assurance that transactions are recorded as necessary to permitpreparation of financial statements in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles, and that receipts andexpenditures of the company are being made only in accordance with authorizations of management and directors of thecompany; and (3) provide reasonable assurance regarding prevention or timely detection of unauthorized acquisition, use ordisposition of the company’s assets that could have a material effect on the financial statements.

Because of its inherent limitations, internal control over financial reporting may not prevent or detect misstatements. Also,projections of any evaluation of effectiveness to future periods are subject to the risk that controls may become inadequatebecause of changes in conditions, or that the degree of compliance with the policies or procedures may deteriorate.

In our opinion, PulteGroup, Inc. maintained, in all material respects, effective internal control over financial reporting as ofDecember 31, 2016, based on the COSO criteria.

We also have audited, in accordance with the standards of the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (United States), theconsolidated balance sheets of PulteGroup, Inc. as of December 31, 2016 and 2015, and the related consolidated statements ofoperations, comprehensive income, shareholders’ equity, and cash flows for each of the three years in the period endedDecember 31, 2016 and our report dated February 1, 2017 expressed an unqualified opinion thereon.

/s/ Ernst & Young LLP

Atlanta, GeorgiaFebruary 1, 2017


(c) Changes in Internal Control Over Financial Reporting

There has been no change in our internal control over financial reporting during the quarter ended December 31, 2016that has materially affected, or is reasonably likely to materially affect, our internal control over financial reporting.


This Item is not applicable.PART III


Information required by this Item with respect to our executive officers is set forth in Item 4A of this Annual Report onForm 10-K. Information required by this Item with respect to members of our Board of Directors and with respect to our auditcommittee will be contained in the Proxy Statement for the 2017 Annual Meeting of Shareholders (“2017 Proxy Statement”),which will be filed no later than 120 days after December 31, 2016, under the captions “Election of Directors” and“Committees of the Board of Directors - Audit Committee” and in the chart disclosing Audit Committee membership and isincorporated herein by this reference. Information required by this Item with respect to compliance with Section 16(a) of theSecurities Exchange Act of 1934 will be contained in the 2017 Proxy Statement under the caption “Beneficial SecurityOwnership - Section 16(a) Beneficial Ownership Reporting Compliance,” and is incorporated herein by this reference.Information required by this Item with respect to our code of ethics will be contained in the 2017 Proxy Statement under thecaption “Corporate Governance - Governance Guidelines; Code of Ethical Business Conduct; Code of Ethics” and isincorporated herein by this reference.

Our code of ethics for principal officers, our code of ethical business conduct, our corporate governance guidelines, andthe charters of the Audit, Compensation and Management Development, Nominating and Governance, and Finance andInvestment committees of our Board of Directors are also posted on our website and are available in print, free of charge, uponrequest.


Information required by this Item will be contained in the 2017 Proxy Statement under the captions “2016 ExecutiveCompensation” and “2016 Director Compensation” and is incorporated herein by this reference, provided that theCompensation and Management Development Committee Report shall not be deemed to be “filed” with this Annual Report onForm 10-K.


Information required by this Item will be contained in the 2017 Proxy Statement under the captions “Beneficial SecurityOwnership” and “Equity Compensation Plan Information” and is incorporated herein by this reference.


Information required by this Item will be contained in the 2017 Proxy Statement under the captions “CertainRelationships and Related Transactions” and “Election of Directors - Independence” and is incorporated herein by thisreference.


Information required by this Item will be contained in the 2017 Proxy Statement under the captions “Audit and Non-Audit Fees” and “Audit Committee Preapproval Policies” and is incorporated herein by reference.




(a) The following documents are filed as part of this Annual Report on Form 10-K:

(1) Financial Statements

Consolidated Balance Sheets at December 31, 2016 and 2015Consolidated Statements of Operations for the years ended December 31, 2016, 2015, and 2014Consolidated Statements of Comprehensive Income for the years ended December 31, 2016,2015, and 2014Consolidated Statements of Shareholders' Equity for the years ended December 31, 2016, 2015,and 2014Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows for the years ended December 31, 2016, 2015, and 2014Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements

(2) Financial Statement Schedules

All schedules are omitted because the required information is not present, is not present in amounts sufficientto require submission of the schedule, or because the required information is included in the financialstatements or notes thereto.

(3) Exhibits

The following exhibits are filed with this Annual Report on Form 10-K or are incorporated herein byreference:

Exhibit Number and Description

(3) (a) Restated Articles of Incorporation, of PulteGroup, Inc. (Incorporated by reference to Exhibit 3.1 of ourCurrent Report on Form 8-K, filed with the SEC on August 18, 2009)

(b) Certificate of Amendment to the Articles of Incorporation, dated March 18, 2010 (Incorporated byreference to Exhibit 3(b) of our Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q for the quarter ended March 31, 2010)

(c) Certificate of Amendment to the Articles of Incorporation, dated May 21, 2010 (Incorporated by referenceto Exhibit 3(c) of our Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q for the quarter ended September 30, 2010)

(d) By-laws, as amended, of PulteGroup, Inc. (Incorporated by reference to Exhibit 3.2 of our Current Reporton Form 8-K, filed with the SEC on May 6, 2016)

(e) Certificate of Designation of Series A Junior Participating Preferred Shares, dated August 6, 2009(Incorporated by reference to Exhibit 3(b) of our Registration Statement on Form 8-A, filed with the SECon August 18, 2009)

(4) (a) Any instrument with respect to long-term debt, where the securities authorized thereunder do not exceed10% of the total assets of PulteGroup, Inc. and its subsidiaries, has not been filed. The Company agrees tofurnish a copy of such instruments to the SEC upon request.

(b) Amended and Restated Section 382 Rights Agreement, dated as of March 18, 2010, between PulteGroup,Inc. and Computershare Trust Company, N.A., as rights agent, which includes the Form of RightsCertificate as Exhibit B thereto (Incorporated by reference to Exhibit 4 of PulteGroup, Inc.’s RegistrationStatement on Form 8-A/A filed with the SEC on March 23, 2010)

(c) First Amendment to Amended and Restated Section 382 Rights Agreement, dated as of March 14, 2013,between PulteGroup, Inc. and Computershare Trust Company, N.A., as rights agent (Incorporated byreference to Exhibit 4.1 of PulteGroup, Inc.’s Current Report on Form 8-K, filed with the SEC on March15, 2013)

(d) Second Amendment to Amended and Restated Section 382 Rights Agreement, dated as of March 10, 2016,between PulteGroup, Inc. and Computershare Trust Company, N.A., as rights agent (Incorporated byreference to Exhibit 4.1 of PulteGroup, Inc.’s Current Report on Form 8-K, filed with the SEC on March10, 2016)





(10) (a) PulteGroup, Inc. 401(k) Plan (Incorporated by reference to Exhibit 4.3 of our Registration Statement onForm S-8, No. 333-115570)

(b) PulteGroup, Inc. 2002 Stock Incentive Plan (Incorporated by reference to our Proxy Statement dated April3, 2002 and as Exhibit 4.3 of our Registration Statement on Form S-8, No. 333-123223)

(c) PulteGroup, Inc. 2008 Senior Management Incentive Plan (Incorporated by reference to our ProxyStatement dated April 7, 2008)

(d) PulteGroup, Inc. 2013 Senior Management Incentive Plan (Incorporated by reference to Exhibit 10.2 ofour Current Report on Form 8-K, filed with the SEC on May 13, 2013)

(e) PulteGroup, Inc. Long-Term Incentive Program (Incorporated by reference to Exhibit 10.2 of our CurrentReport on Form 8-K, filed with the SEC on May 20, 2008)

(f) Form of PulteGroup, Inc. Long Term Incentive Award Agreement (Incorporated by reference to Exhibit10.3 of our Current Report on Form 8-K, filed with the SEC on May 20, 2008)

(g) Form of PulteGroup, Inc. 2008-2010 Grant Acceptance Agreement - Company Performance Measures(Incorporated by reference to Exhibit 10.4 of our Current Report on Form 8-K, filed with the SEC on May20, 2008)

(h) Form of PulteGroup, Inc. 2008-2010 Grant Acceptance Agreement - Individual Performance Measures(Incorporated by reference to Exhibit 10.5 of our Current Report on Form 8-K, filed with the SEC on May20, 2008)

(i) PulteGroup, Inc. 2013 Stock Incentive Plan (Incorporated by reference to Exhibit 10.1 of our CurrentReport on Form 8-K, filed with the SEC on May 13, 2013)

(j) PulteGroup, Inc. 2004 Stock Incentive Plan (as Amended and Restated as of July 9, 2009) (Incorporatedby reference to Exhibit 10(a) of our Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q for the quarter ended September 30,2009)

(k) Form of Restricted Stock Unit Award Agreement under PulteGroup, Inc. 2013 Stock Incentive Plan(Incorporated by reference to Exhibit 10(c) of our Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q for the quarter endedMarch 31, 2014)

(l) Form of Restricted Stock Award Agreement (as amended) under PulteGroup, Inc. 2004 Stock IncentivePlan (Incorporated by reference to Exhibit 10(p) of our Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year endedDecember 31, 2013)

(m) Form of Stock Option Agreement under PulteGroup, Inc. 2002 and 2004 Stock Incentive Plans(Incorporated by reference to Exhibit 10(s) of our Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year endedDecember 31, 2007)

(n) Form of Stock Option Agreement (as amended) under PulteGroup, Inc. 2002 and 2004 Stock IncentivePlans (Incorporated by reference to Exhibit 10(t) of our Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year endedDecember 31, 2007)

(o) Form of Performance Share Award Agreement under PulteGroup, Inc. 2004 Stock Incentive Plan(Incorporated by reference to Exhibit 10(w) of our Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year endedDecember 31, 2011 )

(p) PulteGroup, Inc. Long Term Compensation Deferral Plan (As Amended and Restated Effective January 1,2004) (Incorporated by reference to Exhibit 10(a) of our Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q for the quarterended March 31, 2006)

(q) PulteGroup, Inc. Deferred Compensation Plan for Non-Employee Directors (as Amended and RestatedEffective December 8, 2009) (Incorporated by reference to Exhibit 10(al) of our Annual Report on Form10-K for the year ended December 31, 2009)

(r) Assignment and Assumption Agreement dated as of August 18, 2009 between PulteGroup, Inc. and CentexCorporation (Incorporated by reference to Exhibit 10.2 of our Current Report on Form 8-K, filed with theSEC on August 20, 2009)

(s) Form of Performance Award Agreement under PulteGroup, Inc. 2008 Senior Management Incentive Plan(Incorporated by reference to Exhibit 10(a) of our Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q for the quarter endedMarch 31, 2012)


(t) PulteGroup, Inc. Executive Severance Policy (Incorporated by reference to Exhibit 10.1 of our CurrentReport on Form 8-K, filed with the SEC on February 12, 2013)

(u) PulteGroup, Inc. Amended Retirement Policy (Incorporated by reference to Exhibit 10(a) of our QuarterlyReport on Form 10-Q for the quarter ended June 30, 2015)

(v) Amended and Restated Credit Agreement dated as of June 30, 2016 among PulteGroup, Inc., as Borrower,Bank of America, N.A., as Administrative Agent, Swing Line Lender and an L/C Issuer, and the otherLenders party thereto (Incorporated by reference to Exhibit 10.1 of PulteGroup, Inc.'s Current Report onForm 8-K, filed with the SEC on July 1, 2016)

(w) Amended and Restated Master Repurchase Agreement dated September 4, 2015, among Comerica Bank,as Agent, Lead Arranger and a Buyer, the other Buyers party hereto and Pulte Mortgage LLC, as Seller(Incorporated by reference to Exhibit 10.1 of our Current Report on Form 8-K, filed with the SEC onSeptember 8, 2015)

(x) Second Amendment to Amended and Restated Master Repurchase Agreement dated June 24, 2016(Incorporated by reference to Exhibit 10.1 of PulteGroup, Inc.'s Current Report on Form 8-K, filed withthe SEC on June 29, 2016)

(y) Third Amendment to Amended and Restated Master Repurchase Agreement dated August 15, 2016(Incorporated by reference to Exhibit 10.1 of PulteGroup, Inc.'s Current Report on Form 8-K, filed withthe SEC on August 17, 2016)

(z) Fourth Amendment to Amended and Restated Master Repurchase Agreement dated December 27, 2016(Incorporated by reference to Exhibit 10.1 of PulteGroup, Inc.'s Current Report on Form 8-K, filed withthe SEC on December 29, 2016)

(aa) Letter Agreement, dated July 20, 2016, by and between Elliott Associates, L.P., Elliott International, L.P.and PulteGroup, Inc. (Incorporated by reference to Exhibit 10(d) of PulteGroup, Inc.'s Form 10-Q, filedwith the SEC on July 21, 2016)

(ab) Letter Agreement by and among William J. Pulte (grandson of the founder), William J. Pulte (founder),William J. Pulte Trust dtd 01/26/90, Joan B. Pulte Trust dtd 01/26/90 and PulteGroup, Inc., datedSeptember 8, 2016 (Incorporated by reference to Exhibit 10.1 of PulteGroup, Inc.'s Current Report onForm 8-K, filed with the SEC on September 8, 2016)

(ac) Transition Agreement by and between PulteGroup, Inc. and Richard J. Dugas, Jr., dated September 8, 2016(Incorporated by reference to Exhibit 10.2 of PulteGroup, Inc.'s Current Report on Form 8-K, filed withthe SEC on September 8, 2016)

(12) Ratio of Earnings to Fixed Charges at December 31, 2016 (Filed herewith)

(21) Subsidiaries of the Registrant (Filed herewith)

(23) Consent of Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm (Filed herewith)

(24) Power of Attorney (filed herewith)

(31) (a) Rule 13a-14(a) Certification by Ryan R. Marshall, President and Chief Executive Officer (Filed herewith)

(b) Rule 13a-14(a) Certification by Robert T. O'Shaughnessy, Executive Vice President and Chief FinancialOfficer (Filed herewith)

(32) Certification Pursuant to 18 United States Code § 1350 and Rule 13a-14(b) of the Securities Exchange Actof 1934 (Filed herewith)

101.INS XBRL Instance Document

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101.PRE XBRL Taxonomy Extension Presentation Linkbase Document



Pursuant to the requirements of Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the Registrant has dulycaused this report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned, thereunto duly authorized.

PULTEGROUP, INC.(Registrant)

February 1, 2017 By: /s/ Robert T. O'ShaughnessyRobert T. O'Shaughnessy

Executive Vice Presidentand Chief Financial Officer

Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, this report has been signed below by the followingpersons on behalf of the Registrant and in the capacities and on the date indicated:

February 1, 2017

/s/ Ryan R. Marshall /s/ Robert T. O'Shaughnessy /s/ James L. OssowskiRyan R. Marshall

Robert T. O'Shaughnessy James L. OssowskiPresident and Chief Executive Officer

(Principal Executive Officer)Executive Vice President and

Chief Financial Officer(Principal Financial Officer)

Vice President, Finance and Controller(Principal Accounting Officer)

Brian P. Anderson Member of Board of Directors }

Bryce Blair Member of Board of Directors }

Richard W. Dreiling Member of Board of Directors }

Richard J. Dugas, Jr. Executive Chairman of the Board ofDirectors


/s/ Robert T. O'ShaughnessyThomas J. Folliard Member of Board of Directors } Robert T. O'Shaughnessy

Joshua Gotbaum Member of Board of Directors } Executive Vice President andChief Financial Officer

Cheryl W. Grisé Member of Board of Directors }

André J. Hawaux Member of Board of Directors }

Patrick J. O’Leary Member of Board of Directors }

John R. Peshkin Member of Board of Directors }

James J. Postl Member of Board of Directors }

Scott F. Powers Member of Board of Directors }

William J. Pulte Member of Board of Directors }



($000’s omitted)

Years Ended December 31,2016 2015 2014 2013 2012

Earnings:Income (loss) from continuing operations before

income taxes $ 933,850 $ 816,023 $ 689,758 $ 527,822 $ 183,554Fixed charges 173,753 130,814 139,422 162,418 210,394Amortization of capitalized interest 123,907 138,141 194,728 255,065 224,291Capitalized interest (160,506) (120,001) (131,444) (154,107) (201,103)Distributions in excess (less than) earnings of

affiliates (3,326) (6,185) (3,476) 767 3,324Income as adjusted $ 1,067,678 $ 958,792 $ 888,988 $ 791,965 $ 420,460Fixed charges:Interest expensed and capitalized $ 162,861 $ 121,672 $ 131,069 $ 154,819 $ 202,395Portion of rents representative of interest factor 10,892 9,142 8,353 7,599 7,999Fixed charges $ 173,753 $ 130,814 $ 139,422 $ 162,418 $ 210,394Ratio of earnings to fixed charges 6.1 7.3 6.4 4.9 2.0

Note: The ratios of earnings to fixed charges set forth above are computed on a consolidated basis. Fixed charges arecomprised of interest incurred, which includes imputed interest associated with the guaranteed debt of our 50% or less ownedaffiliates, as well as a portion of rent expense, which represents the estimated interest factor and amortization of debt expense.



Company Name Jurisdiction of FormationCentex LLC NevadaCentex Construction of New Mexico, LLC DelawareCentex Development Company, L.P. DelawareCentex Homes NevadaCentex Homes Realty Company NevadaCentex Hospitality Group, LLC DelawareCentex International II, LLC NevadaCentex Real Estate Construction Company NevadaCentex Real Estate Company, LLC NevadaContractors Insurance Company of North America, Inc., a Risk Retention Group HawaiiDel Webb California Corp. ArizonaDel Webb Communities, Inc. ArizonaDel Webb Communities of Illinois, Inc. ArizonaDel Webb Corporation DelawareDel Webb Home Construction, Inc. ArizonaDel Webb Texas Limited Partnership ArizonaDel Webb’s Coventry Homes, Inc. ArizonaDel Webb’s Spruce Creek Communities, Inc. ArizonaDiVosta Building, LLC MichiganDiVosta Homes, L.P. DelawareDiVosta Homes Holdings, LLC DelawareGI Development Business Trust MassachusettsNomas LLC NevadaNorth American Builders Indemnity Company HawaiiPH 19 Corporation MichiganPH 43 LLC MichiganPH 55 LLC MichiganPH1 Corporation MichiganPHNE Business Trust MassachusettsPN II, Inc. NevadaPotomac Yard Development LLC DelawarePreserve I, Inc. MichiganPreserve II, Inc. MichiganPulte Arizona Services, Inc. MichiganPulte Aviation I LLC MichiganPulte Development Corporation MichiganPulte Development New Mexico, Inc. MichiganPulte Home Company, LLC MichiganPulte Home Corporation of The Delaware Valley MichiganPulte Homes of California, Inc. MichiganPulte Homes of Greater Kansas City, Inc. MichiganPulte Homes of Indiana, LLC IndianaPulte Homes of Michigan LLC MichiganPulte Homes of Minnesota LLC MinnesotaPulte Homes of New England LLC MichiganPulte Homes of New Mexico, Inc. MichiganPulte Homes of New York LLC Delaware

Pulte Homes of NJ, Limited Partnership MichiganPulte Homes of Ohio LLC MichiganPulte Homes of PA, Limited Partnership MichiganPulte Homes of St. Louis, LLC NevadaPulte Homes of Texas, L.P. TexasPulte Homes of Washington, Inc. MichiganPulte Homes Tennessee Limited Partnership NevadaPulte Land Company, LLC MichiganPulte Mortgage LLC DelawarePulte Nevada I LLC DelawarePulte Payroll Corporation MichiganPulte Purchasing Corporation MichiganPulte RC, LLC MichiganPulte Realty Holding Company, LLC MichiganPulte Realty Limited Partnership MichiganPulte Texas Holdings, LLC MichiganPulte/BP Murrieta Hills, LLC CaliforniaPulte Homes Tennessee, Inc. MichiganRN Acquisition 2 Corp. NevadaStone Creek Golf Club LLC FloridaTerravita Home Construction Co. ArizonaThe Jones Company Building Services, LLC Nevada

Certain subsidiaries have been omitted from this list. These subsidiaries, when considered in the aggregate as a singlesubsidiary, do not constitute a significant subsidiary as defined in Rule 1-02(w) of Regulation S-X.



We consent to the incorporation by reference in the Registration Statements (Form S-3 No. 333-209598, Form S-8 No. 333-115570,Form S-8 No. 333-123223, Form S-8 No. 333-150961, Form S-8 No. 333-161441 and Form S-8 No. 333-188986) of PulteGroup,Inc. and in the related Prospectuses of our reports dated February 1, 2017, with respect to the consolidated financial statementsof PulteGroup, Inc., and the effectiveness of internal control over financial reporting of PulteGroup, Inc., included in this AnnualReport (Form 10-K) of PulteGroup, Inc. for the year ended December 31, 2016.

/s/ Ernst & Young LLP

Atlanta, GeorgiaFebruary 1, 2017



KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, that the undersigned hereby constitutes and appoints each of Ryan R. Marshall,Robert O’Shaughnessy, Steven M. Cook, and James Ossowski, signing singly, his true and lawful attorney-in-fact to:

1. Execute for and on behalf of the undersigned, in the undersigned’s capacity as a director of PulteGroup, Inc. (the “Company”), the2017 Annual Report on Form 10-K in accordance with the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended, and the rulesthereunder; and,

2. Do and perform any and all acts for and on behalf of the undersigned which may be necessary or desirable to complete andexecute any such 2017 Annual Report on Form 10-K, complete and execute any amendment or amendments thereto, and timelyfile such documents with the Unites States Securities and Exchange Commission and any stock exchange, stock market or similarauthority; and,

3. Take any other action of any type whatsoever in connection with the foregoing which, in the opinion of such attorney-in-fact, maybe of benefit to, and in the best interest of, or legally required by, the undersigned, it being understood that the documentsexecuted by such attorney-in-fact on behalf of the undersigned pursuant to this Power of Attorney shall be in such form and shallcontain such terms and conditions as such attorney-in-fact may approve in such attorney-in-fact’s discretion.

The undersigned hereby grants to each such attorney-in-fact full power and authority to do and perform any and every act andthing whatsoever requisite, necessary, or proper to be done in the exercise of any of the rights and powers herein granted, as fully to allintents and purposes as the undersigned might or could do if personally present, with full power of substitution or revocation, herebyratifying and confirming all that such attorney-in-fact, or such attorney-in-fact’s substitute or substitutes, shall lawfully do or cause tobe done by virtue of this power of attorney and the rights and powers herein granted. The undersigned acknowledges that theforegoing attorneys-in-fact, in serving in such capacity at the request of the undersigned, are not assuming, nor is the Companyassuming, any of the undersigned’s responsibilities to comply with any rule of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended.

This Power of Attorney shall remain in full force and effect until the undersigned is no longer required to sign the AnnualReport on Form 10-K with respect to the undersigned’s role as a director of the Company, unless earlier revoked by the undersignedin a signed writing delivered to the foregoing attorneys-in-fact.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned has caused this Power of Attorney to be executed as of this 31st day of January,2017.

/s/ Brian P. Anderson /s/ André J. HawauxBrian P. Anderson André J. Hawaux

/s/ Bryce Blair /s/ Patrick J. O’LearyBryce Blair Patrick J. O’Leary

/s/ Richard W. Dreiling /s/ John R. PeshkinRichard W. Dreiling John R. Peshkin

/s/ Richard J. Dugas, Jr. /s/ James J. PostlRichard J. Dugas, Jr. James J. Postl

/s/ Thomas J. Folliard /s/ Scott F. PowersThomas J. Folliard Scott F. Powers

/s/ Joshua Gotbaum /s/ William J. PulteJoshua Gotbaum William J. Pulte

/s/ Cheryl W. GriséCheryl W. Grisé



I, Ryan R. Marshall, certify that:

1. I have reviewed this annual report on Form 10-K of PulteGroup, Inc.;

2. Based on my knowledge, this report does not contain any untrue statement of a material fact or omit to state amaterial fact necessary to make the statements made, in light of the circumstances under which such statementswere made, not misleading with respect to the period covered by this report;

3. Based on my knowledge, the financial statements, and other financial information included in this report, fairlypresent in all material respects the financial condition, results of operations and cash flows of the registrant as of,and for, the periods presented in this report;

4. The registrant's other certifying officer(s) and I are responsible for establishing and maintaining disclosurecontrols and procedures (as defined in Exchange Act Rules 13a-15(e) and 15d-15(e)) and internal control overfinancial reporting (as defined in Exchange Act Rules 13a-15(f) and 15d-15(f)) for the registrant and have:

a. Designed such disclosure controls and procedures, or caused such disclosure controls and procedures tobe designed under our supervision, to ensure that material information relating to the registrant,including its consolidated subsidiaries, is made known to us by others within those entities, particularlyduring the period in which this report is being prepared;

b. Designed such internal control over financial reporting, or caused such internal control over financialreporting to be designed under our supervision, to provide reasonable assurance regarding the reliabilityof financial reporting and the preparation of financial statements for external purposes in accordancewith generally accepted accounting principles;

c. Evaluated the effectiveness of the registrant's disclosure controls and procedures and presented in thisreport our conclusions about the effectiveness of the disclosure controls and procedures, as of the end ofthe period covered by this report based on such evaluation; and

d. Disclosed in this report any change in the registrant's internal control over financial reporting thatoccurred during the registrant's most recent fiscal quarter (the registrant's fourth fiscal quarter in the caseof an annual report) that has materially affected, or is reasonably likely to materially affect, theregistrant's internal control over financial reporting; and

5. The registrant's other certifying officer(s) and I have disclosed, based on our most recent evaluation of internalcontrol over financial reporting, to the registrant's auditors and the audit committee of registrant's board ofdirectors (or persons performing the equivalent functions):

a. All significant deficiencies and material weaknesses in the design or operation of internal control overfinancial reporting which are reasonably likely to adversely affect the registrant's ability to record,process, summarize and report financial information; and

b. Any fraud, whether or not material, that involves management or other employees who have a significantrole in the registrant's internal control over financial reporting.

Date: February 1, 2017 /s/ Ryan R. MarshallRyan R. MarshallPresident and Chief Executive Officer



I, Robert T. O'Shaughnessy, certify that:

1. I have reviewed this annual report on Form 10-K of PulteGroup, Inc.;

2. Based on my knowledge, this report does not contain any untrue statement of a material fact or omit to state amaterial fact necessary to make the statements made, in light of the circumstances under which such statementswere made, not misleading with respect to the period covered by this report;

3. Based on my knowledge, the financial statements, and other financial information included in this report, fairlypresent in all material respects the financial condition, results of operations and cash flows of the registrant as of,and for, the periods presented in this report;

4. The registrant's other certifying officer(s) and I are responsible for establishing and maintaining disclosurecontrols and procedures (as defined in Exchange Act Rules 13a-15(e) and 15d-15(e)) and internal control overfinancial reporting (as defined in Exchange Act Rules 13a-15(f) and 15d-15(f)) for the registrant and have:

a. Designed such disclosure controls and procedures, or caused such disclosure controls and procedures tobe designed under our supervision, to ensure that material information relating to the registrant,including its consolidated subsidiaries, is made known to us by others within those entities, particularlyduring the period in which this report is being prepared;

b. Designed such internal control over financial reporting, or caused such internal control over financialreporting to be designed under our supervision, to provide reasonable assurance regarding the reliabilityof financial reporting and the preparation of financial statements for external purposes in accordancewith generally accepted accounting principles;

c. Evaluated the effectiveness of the registrant's disclosure controls and procedures and presented in thisreport our conclusions about the effectiveness of the disclosure controls and procedures, as of the end ofthe period covered by this report based on such evaluation; and

d. Disclosed in this report any change in the registrant's internal control over financial reporting thatoccurred during the registrant's most recent fiscal quarter (the registrant's fourth fiscal quarter in the caseof an annual report) that has materially affected, or is reasonably likely to materially affect, theregistrant's internal control over financial reporting; and

5. The registrant's other certifying officer(s) and I have disclosed, based on our most recent evaluation of internalcontrol over financial reporting, to the registrant's auditors and the audit committee of registrant's board ofdirectors (or persons performing the equivalent functions):

a. All significant deficiencies and material weaknesses in the design or operation of internal control overfinancial reporting which are reasonably likely to adversely affect the registrant's ability to record,process, summarize and report financial information; and

b. Any fraud, whether or not material, that involves management or other employees who have a significantrole in the registrant's internal control over financial reporting.

Date: February 1, 2017 /s/ Robert T. O'ShaughnessyRobert T. O'ShaughnessyExecutive Vice President andChief Financial Officer

EXHIBIT 32Certification

Pursuant to 18 United States Code § 1350 andRule 13a-14(b) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934

In connection with the Annual Report of PulteGroup, Inc. (the “Company”) on Form 10-K for the period ended December 31,2016, as filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission on the date hereof (the “Report”), the undersigned hereby certifiesthat to his knowledge:

(1) The Report fully complies with the requirements of section 13(a) or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934;and

(2) The information contained in the Report fairly presents, in all material respects, the financial condition and resultsof operations of the Company.

Date: February 1, 2017

/s/ Ryan R. MarshallRyan R. MarshallPresident and Chief Executive Officer

/s/ Robert T. O'ShaughnessyRobert T. O'ShaughnessyExecutive Vice President andChief Financial Officer



Brian P. Anderson (1)(3)Former Chief Financial OfficerOfficeMax, Inc.

Bryce Blair (2)(4)Former Chairman of the Boardand Chief Executive OfficerAvalonBay Communities, Inc.

Richard W. Dreiling (2)(3)Former Chairman of the Boardand Chief Executive OfficerDollar General Corporation

Richard J. Dugas, Jr.Executive ChairmanPulteGroup, Inc.

Thomas J. Folliard (1)(4)Former President andChief Executive OfficerCarMax, Inc.

Joshua Gotbaum (1)(4)Guest ScholarEconomics Studies Programat Brookings Institution

Cheryl W. Grise (2)(3)Former ExecutiveVice PresidentNortheast Utilities(now Eversource Energy)

Andre J. Hawaux (1)(4)Executive Vice Presidentand Chief Operating OfficerDick’s Sporting Goods, Inc.

Ryan R. Marshall (4)President and ChiefExecutive OfficerPulteGroup, Inc.

Patrick J. O’Leary (2)(4)Former Executive VicePresident andChief Financial OfficerSPX Corporation

John R. Peshkin (1)(4)Founder and ManagingPartnerVanguard Land, LLC.

James J. Postl (2)(3)(5)Former President andChief Executive OfficerPennzoil-Quaker StateCompany

Scott F. Powers (2)(3)Former President andChief Executive OfficerState Street Global Advisors

William J. Pulte (2)(3)Chief Executive OfficerPulte Capital Partners, LLC.

(1) Audit Committee Member(2) Compensation and

ManagementDevelopment CommitteeMember

(3) Nominating andGovernance CommitteeMember

(4) Finance and InvestmentCommittee Member

(5) Lead Director


Ryan R. MarshallPresident and Chief ExecutiveOfficer

James R. EllinghausenExecutive Vice President,Human Resources

Robert T. O’ShaughnessyExecutive Vice President andChief Financial Officer

Todd N. SheldonExecutive Vice President,General Counsel andCorporate Secretary

Harmon D. SmithExecutive Vice President andChief Operating Officer

William N. CutlerSenior Vice President,National HomebuildingOperations

James L. OssowskiSenior Vice President,Finance

Anthony W. BarbeeArea President, MidwestArea

John J. ChadwickArea President, West Area

Gregory W. HuffArea President, SoutheastArea

Peter J. KeaneArea President, Florida Area

Stephen P. SchlageterArea President, East Area

Stephen V. TeodeckiArea President, Texas Area

Joseph L. DrouinVice President, ChiefInformation Officer

Kimberly M. HillVice President, Tax andAssistant Secretary

D. Bryce LangenVice President and Treasurer

Brien P. O’MearaVice President and Controller

Manish M. ShrivastavaVice President, ChiefMarketing Officer

James P. ZeumerVice President, InvestorRelations and CorporateCommunications


East AreaStephen P. SchlageterArea PresidentMid-AtlanticJarod BlaneyNew EnglandJames R. McCabeNortheast CorridorStephen P. Schlageter

Southeast AreaGregory W. HuffArea PresidentCharlotteJon R. CherryCoastal CarolinasCharles J. TiptonGeorgiaBrent L. LandryRaleighDavid C. CarrierTennesseeGregory W. Huff

Florida AreaPeter J. KeaneArea President

North FloridaPeter J. Keane

West FloridaSean C. Strickler

Southeast FloridaBrent R. Baker

Southwest FloridaRichard H. McCormick

Midwest AreaAnthony W. BarbeeArea President

Columbus / ClevelandJames J. Marcero

Illinois / St. LouisGreg A. Salinas

Indianapolis/LouisvilleScott M. Mairn

MichiganBrandon K. Jones

MinnesotaAnthony W. Barbee

Texas AreaStephen V. TeodeckiArea President

Central TexasStephen V. Teodecki

DallasBryan K. Swindell

HoustonLindy S. Oliva

San AntonioV. Lee Darnold

West AreaJohn J. ChadwickArea President

ArizonaScott R. Wright

Las VegasRyan T. Breen

New MexicoWilliam J. Gillilan IV

Northern CaliforniaJ. Steven Kalmbach

Pacific NorthwestGraham F. Epperson

Southern CaliforniaChristopher A. Edgar

Pulte FinancialServicesDebra W. StillPresident andChief Executive Officer

Information Requests

The Company’s annual report to shareholders and proxy statement together contain substantially all theinformation presented in the Form 10-K report filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission.Individuals interested in receiving the annual report, Form 10-K, Form 10-Qs or other printed corporateliterature should email the Investor Relations Department at InvestorRelations@PulteGroup.com.

Investor Inquiries

Shareholders, securities analysts, portfolio managers and others with inquiries about theCompany should contact James P. Zeumer, Vice President of Investor Relations and CorporateCommunications, at the corporate office or call (800) 777-8583. Shareholders with inquiriesrelating to shareholder records, stock transfers, change of ownership, and change of address ordividend payments should contact:

Computershare Trust Company N.A.P.O. Box 30170College Station, TX 77842-3170(877) 282-1168www.computershare.com

Internet Address

Additional information about PulteGroup may be obtained by visiting our website atwww.pultegroupinc.com.

Annual Meeting of the Shareholders

The annual meeting of shareholders of PulteGroup, Inc., will be held at the corporate offices at8:30 a.m. (EDT), Wednesday, May 3, 2017, at 3350 Peachtree Rd NE, Atlanta, Georgia 30326.

Common Stock Information

Ticker Symbol: PHM

PulteGroup, Inc., is a component of the S&P 500 Composite Stock Price Index. Common stockof PulteGroup, Inc. is listed and traded on the New York Stock Exchange, which is the principalmarket for the common stock. Option trading in PulteGroup, Inc. is conducted on the ChicagoBoard of Exchange.

PulteGroup, Inc.3350 Peachtree Road N.E.Suite 150Atlanta, GA 30326

www.pultegroupinc.com :: www.pulte.com :: www.centex.com :: www.delwebb.com :: www.divosta.com :: www.jwhomes.com