2016 Annual Report - St.Paul's Ardmore2016 Annual Report Saint Paul’s Evangelical Lutheran Church...

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Transcript of 2016 Annual Report - St.Paul's Ardmore2016 Annual Report Saint Paul’s Evangelical Lutheran Church...

2016 Annual Report

2016 Annual Report Saint Paul’s Evangelical Lutheran Church

415 East Athens Avenue

Ardmore, Pennsylvania

Annual Meeting – February 12, 2017

Saint Paul’s Mission Statement In response to being loved by God and redeemed by Jesus Christ, and in faithfulness to its biblical and confessional heritage, Saint Paul’s Evangelical Lutheran Church shares the light of Jesus Christ through the Word and Sacraments; reaches out, welcoming all

people to share in the life of the gospel; and encourages all people to live as disciples in the world.

Membership Saint Paul’s Evangelical Lutheran Church is a member congregation of the Evangelical

Lutheran Church in America (Presiding Bishop Elizabeth Eaton) and of the Southeastern Pennsylvania Synod (Bishop Claire S. Burkat).

THE ANNUAL REPORT Of Saint Paul’s Evangelical Lutheran Church

415 East Athens Avenue, Ardmore, Pennsylvania 2016 CONTENTS 2016


A. Pastor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Laura M. Tancredi 3 B. Director of Music . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Andrew K. Heller 8


A. President . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Donald F. Parman 9 B. Christian Education . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Kevin A. Clouse 11

1. Saint Paul’s Youth Ministry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Laura M. Tancredi 12 2. Subcommittee on Library . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Evelyn M. Reider 14 3. Saint Paul’s Stephen Ministry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Beth Dunbar McElvenney 15

C. Evangelism . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Josephine M. Norquist 16 D. Property. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dan Dry and Barbara B. Henderson 21 E. Staff Personnel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..Paul V. DeLomba 23 F. Technology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Patrick Freestone 24 G. Worship and Music . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Linda M. Martin 25

1. Subcommittee on Altar Care . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Linda R. Burns 26 H. Stewardship . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Carol Hammarberg, William A. Henderson, Jr. 27 I. Social Ministry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Laura Bickert Ciarlello 29 J. Cemetery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Louise M. and Mark V. Pierce 32

1. Cemetery Budget & Financial Summary . . . . . Louise M. and Mark V. Pierce 35 K. Finance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Donald F. Parman 36

1. Financial Secretary Report . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Robert Ertner 38 2. Treasurer Report . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Andrew T. Horn 39 3. 2015, 2016 Budget & Actual; 2017 Proposed Budget . . . .Donald F. Parman 40 4. Benevolence Payments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Judith A. Zucker 41 5. Endowment Fund Assets vs. Disbursements . . . . William A. Henderson, Jr. 42 6. Endowment Investment and Cemetery Perpetual Care Fund Summary . . . .

William A. Henderson, Jr. 43 7. Audit Committee . . . . . . . . . . Robert Ertner, Gail Ruehr and Jim Van Horn 46 8. Ad Hoc Committee on Council Nominees. . . . . . . . . . . . Donald F. Parman and Laura M. Tancredi 47



“For surely I know the plans I have for you, says the Lord, plans for your welfare and not for harm, to give you

a future with hope.” –Jeremiah 29:11

During a time of transition, we often wonder what will happen next. What will the future bring? The prophet

Jeremiah’s words speak to times of transition, and remind us that in all things we continue forward boldly,

because we know that God goes forward with us.

I must begin by thanking Pastor Skip McDowell for his nine years of leadership at St. Paul’s. It was a joy to

serve with him for the two years we were together, and he provided me a firm foundation for my ministry. His

presence and grace will certainly be missed in the future.

I also extend my sincere gratitude to our council president, Don Parman, and the entire council for their

leadership during these seven months of transition. Their dedication and commitment allowed us to have a

smooth and quick transition process. Pastor Jack Saarela, our interim consultant, was an invaluable resource in

helping us discern a future.

I can only say how blessed and honored I am by the council’s confidence in my leadership and by the

congregation’s support and affirmation of my ministry in the call vote of January 22. It has felt like a long road

since Pastor Skip’s retirement on July 3, but this intentional time of discernment has allowed us together to

envision our future and make plans for the continued ministry of St. Paul’s.

As part of our transition process, the congregation participated in a Core Values exercise. Together, we

identified five core values for St. Paul’s, and council will be using these values to guide our goals for the next

year. One of the ways we will do this is through our Missional Assessment Profile. This began as a survey for

all members in May and June, the results of which allowed us to see where congregational energy is invested.

The MAP process will be completed this year, by creating an action plan which will address each of our core

values. I have decided to structure my report and reflections around these five categories.

Liturgical worship characterized by inspiring music and powerful preaching

Over the past year, our worship has continued to be a vibrant and sustaining part of our community.

Encountering God is word and sacrament, we find our source and purpose as Christians. Receiving the

nourishment of God’s grace present in the gathered assembly, in our prayers and praise, and in the body and

blood of Christ, we are then sent forth to be Christ’s hands and heart in the world.

I extend my heartfelt thanks and appreciation to Andy Heller for his dedicated and earnest leadership of our

music ministries. Excellent music continues to be an integral piece of worship at St. Paul’s, and I also extend

appreciation to all of our members whose participation in music ministries makes this possible.

In addition to our weekly Sunday gathering, we worshiped together on Wednesday evenings in Lent and

Advent. Lent worship was a service of Holden Evening Prayer, with stellar guest preachers. In Advent, we tried

dinner church for the second year, cooking and gathering around a meal together.

Fellowship and meaningful connections among members

Fostering meaningful connections among our members is a critical value for our community. It helps everyone

to feel more linked to the community, and it gives us the ability to support and pray for one another. We have

several great small groups at St. Paul’s—Women’s Christian Fellowship, Evening Christian Fellowship, We All

Have Questions—that serve just this purpose. At Women’s Christian Fellowship, we study a variety of topics




from Bible books to contemporary issues. One of the best parts of this ministry, though, is the fellowship and

support that the group is able to offer each other.

In 2016, I began a monthly Pub Theology group. Meeting at a local pub, we discuss a wide range of topics

related to our faith. We also had a summer book club which met once a month. 2016 also saw the beginnings of

men’s ministry, with an initial event with over 20 men from St. Paul’s!

Seeking to help foster connections, our stewardship committee organized several cottage meetings in the fall.

Hosted by members in their homes, these intimate gatherings were great opportunities to get to know folks from

St. Paul’s better.

These opportunities in 2017 will also include several educational and social events relating to the 500th

anniversary of the Protestant Reformation. These events will include a mix of movies, Bible study, and book

study, with lots of conversation and fellowship time included!

Inclusive welcome to all people

This fall it was very exciting to reveal the new logo of St. Paul’s! This is the result of several months of work by

a dedicated committee. The logo will help us with branding and presenting a consistent message. We have also

produced new brochures for our welcome center, and the newly installed TV in fellowship hall makes

announcements accessible for everyone.

This summer, using Thrivent Action Team funds, I distributed Gatorades at the three summer run series in

South Ardmore Park. Activities like this help the church be more a part of the community and are things we will

continue in the future.

While it has been on my radar for some time, with our new core values I will make the crafting of a new

welcome statement a priority in 2017. The statement would help us to publicize (on the website, Facebook, and

other areas) that St. Paul’s is a welcoming community.

Compassionate service and outreach to the community

Our Social Ministry committee continues to lead us in loving service towards others. In 2016, we continued

many beloved projects: Cooking for the Homeless, Aid for Friends, ELCA World Hunger, Souper Bowl of

Caring, and more.

We also saw the introduction of two new projects: our vegetable garden, and Stop Hunger Now. The ability to

have the garden was thanks to a generous gift. It allowed us to build six raised beds, and have one planting

season beginning in August. We donated over 60 lbs. of produce to the Ardmore Food Pantry! This year, we

will have three plantings and be able to give even more.

For our Rally Day project this year, we worked with Stop Hunger Now, and packaged 10,000 meals for those in

need. Our meals were sent to Mozambique, and will help in schools making sure children have enough nutrition

to learn. It was a great project, not only because of the results, but because everyone was able to work together

and see what we could accomplish together! We are hoping to do another event with Stop Hunger Now in 2017.




Engaged youth

We are blessed at St. Paul’s to a have a vibrant group of young people, and it is our joy and duty as a

congregation to support them as they grow. This includes providing opportunities for learning, fellowship, and

service and recognizing and celebrating the gifts our youth bring to the church.

This past year, we had a number of events which did just that. For our younger kids, E-SPY events combined

fun with learning and service. Our confirmation and high school students participated in several different

activities throughout the year, including serving at the Life Center and the synod’s Helping Hands Day.

In 2017, the E-SPY group will be going for a weekend trip to Bear Creek Camp, reviving an old tradition. Ten

of our high school youth will be participating in a week-long service project in Philadelphia.

“For surely I know the plans I have you, says the Lord.” God’s vision always exceeds our expectations. I have

been humbled and blessed by the vision, courage, and grace of this congregation. My thanks to each of you for

sharing your faith and your dedication with me as we journey together in ministry. We do not know what God’s

future holds, but I am certain that it will be far more than we can ask or imagine. I look forward to discovering

that future together.

Yours in Christ,





The pastor gives an itemized breakdown of the following events and activities to the Congregation Council in her monthly


Pastoral Acts

Baptisms: 14 Visits: 65

Weddings: 1 Meetings, Appointments, Other: 86

Funerals: 8 Hospital Visits: 20

The following statistics reflect the ministry of Pastor Tancredi.

Membership and Worship Statistics

Membership Baptized Confirmed

2016 625 453

2015 612 435

2014 613 436

Members Received Unconfirmed (children) Confirmed Total

2016 18 14 32

2015 6 2 8

2014 14 9 23

Members Removed Unconfirmed Confirmed Total

2016 0 17 17

2015 0 7 7

2014 12 24 36

*Worship Attendance Sunday Total

2016 118 118

2015 132 132

2014 137 137

*attendance numbers are calculated in a new way (not including Christmas Eve) according to

ELCA guidelines. Included in 2016 was a snow storm (attendance 18) and Christmas Day (attendance 30)

First Communion 2016

Gabriella Maria Cordon Rolando Jayden Luistro

James Aram Conybear Anna Catherine McGuire

Grant Mattheu Gale Sofia Gim Norquist

Elizabeth Anne Lieb




New Members Received 2016

Michael & Megan Ruehr Sarah Gutman

Scott Ruehr & Gail Ruehr Robert, Michele & Sydney Allman

Stephen & Jessica Soung Tim, Jennifer, Camryn & Hanna Lyons

Rob Hampson David & Kristen Simmons

New Members Received (through Baptism) 2016

Maura Rose McKeown Caroline Jean Hampson

Lillian Jessica Soung Jordan Susan Cox

Jack Francis Vettori Ariel Rose Shaw

Adelaide Ga-eul Joyce Annabelle Doris McColgan

Eliza Corinne Joyce Finnegan Thomas Annunzio

Jack Anthony Trombello Fiona Therese Annunzio

Arianna Jillian Martino Abigail Jeanne Doctor




While it is true that my work at St. Paul’s is about music, it really is more about people: specifically

those that come every week to practice, children, youth and adults, parents who drop off kids even when they

are tired, handbell ringers who stay after the 10:30 service to get the bells out and ring together, and so much


The adult choir sang again in over 40 services, extending their season into July so we could sing when Pastor

Skip McDowell retired. Sadly, when Skip retired the choir also lost Pam, his wife and a valued member of the

soprano section. The choir also said goodbye to Bob Finkenaur, our tenor section leader, who left due to

business travel conflicts. We have added Shafiq Hicks, a student at Philadelphia College of the Arts. Returning

section leaders are Renée Schulz, Jason Gagliardi and Jessica Lennick, who also gives valuable vocal

instruction to the choir.

The adult choir also participated in a service co-sponsored by the Philadelphia Chapter of the American Guild

of Organists, led by Rev. Frank Senn and his musician son Andrew, featuring music of the Reformation. This

year the choir looks forward to singing a joint concert with Ardmore and Overbrook Presbyterian Churches on

April 2, featuring the Duruflé Requiem and Mozart Vespers, at Ardmore Presbyterian Church.

The Children’s and Youth choirs were active as well, singing at a joint concert at Overbrook Presbyterian

Church in February. The children and Youth also participated in a thanksgiving concert at Main Line Reform

Temple, and our Lessons and Carols on December 11, as well as singing services throughout the year.

I would also like to thank our handbell ringers under the leadership of Gordon Downing, Joy Baxter and her

beautiful violin playing and Larry DeWarf and his expertise on the electric bass.

In 2016 St. Paul’s opened its building to host meetings of the American Guild of Organists Program committee,

and for special instruction on our organ for students learning to improvise, meeting one Saturday a month with a

teacher from the guild. And of course, we again hosted the Augsburg-Fortress clinic for hundreds of musicians

on the east coast in August, which featured a hymn festival by Kristina Langlois.

Finally, I would like to thank pastors Skip McDowell and Laura Tancredi, as well as Carisa Cantor, Dave Curry

and Judi Zucker in the office, and the worship-music committee and Linda Martin for their support.

Soli Deo Gloria!





Reorganization of the Congregation Council was held last February following the 2016 annual

congregational meeting. The officers and committee responsibilities were as follows:

Officers Title Term Expires

Don Parman President 2018

Carol Hammarberg Vice-President 2019

Andrew Horn Treasurer 2017

Patrick Freestone Secretary 2019

Robert Ertner Financial Secretary 2019

Committees Chair Term Expires

Cemetery Louise Pierce 2018

Christian Education Kevin Clouse 2017

Evangelism Josephine Norquist 2017

Finance Don Parman 2018

Property Daniel Dry 2019

Social Ministry Laura Bickert-Ciarlello 2018

Staff Personnel Paul DeLomba 2017

Stewardship Carol Hammarberg 2019

Technology Patrick Freestone 2019

Worship & Music Linda Martin 2018

The Congregation Council acts as the representative body on behalf of the congregation in ensuring that

the operation and management of staff, programs, and finances occur in accordance with our Constitution. As

you read this annual report you can appreciate the extensive range of activities that are part of St. Paul’s

ministry and evidence of the commitment of these lay leaders and the St. Paul’s community.

Pastor Skip McDowell’s announcement in January of his retirement at the end of June set the stage for

an eventful year of transition at St. Paul’s. Once more, I extend our thanks as a congregation to Pastor Skip for

his ten years’ ministry at St. Paul’s as senior pastor. Council began transition planning in August and continued

through the fall – meeting twice monthly with our transition consultant Pastor Jack Saarela – and ultimately

recommended to the congregation that Pastor Laura Tancredi be called as sole pastor. The congregation voted

in favor of that call at a special congregational meeting on January 22 and we look forward to growing together

in service to our community and our members.

Informing the decisions taken during the transition discussions was feedback from the congregation

from results of the Missional Assessment Profile, the small cottage dinners organized by the Stewardship

Committee and a core values exercise led by Pastor Saarela. What emerged from that congregational response

was an articulation of the core values that make St. Paul’s a unique place.




To keep them clearly in front of us, those core values are:

Liturgical worship characterized by inspiring music and powerful preaching

Fellowship and meaningful connections among members

Compassionate service and outreach to the community

Inclusive welcome to all people

Engaged youth

We have a wonderful record of accomplishments as a community in 2016 on which to build as we as a

body in Christ strive to make embody our core values. To the extent that we succeed, I believe that as

individuals and as a community our spiritual lives will be enriched and that we can most certainly make a

positive impact on our local and global communities.

What we do at St. Paul’s requires good stewardship – time, talents and financial contributions – from

each of us. We have had wonderful response from people volunteering their time and talents; we could use

more. We have had generous contributions of financial support; we could use more. What we can do together

is extraordinary.

I have been so impressed with the commitment of time, talent, and creativity from my fellow members

of Council and extend my sincere appreciation to all those who served St. Paul’s in 2016. On behalf of the

congregation I want particularly to recognize the dedicated service of Laura Bickert-Ciarlello, Kevin Clouse,

Paul DeLomba, Andy Horn and Josephine Norquist, all of whom are ending their terms at the annual meeting.






Our Sunday School program is run by Melissa Krissinger and Mary Lynn Kennedy, and they have been

doing a wonderful job. This year, we had a class for our three, four, and five-year olds, and there are classes for

every grade kindergarten through eighth. The children all gather in Fellowship Hall before class and practice

songs, led by Liz Cassidy. The first Sunday of every month is Family Worship Sunday, where there is no

Sunday School, and children are encouraged to attend service with their parents. There is a Children’s Sermon

at this service, and the children perform the song that they have been learning for the past month. We would

like to thank all of our Sunday School teachers for volunteering their time and energy in this most important

ministry, sharing the Good News of Jesus Christ with our children.

This year, Vacation Bible School was led by the amazing team of Missy Perry and Claudia Muller, and

had the theme of “Hometown Nazareth”. Everyone had a lot of fun with this theme, and, as always, this

program attracted some non-member families from the community. We would like to thank everyone who

participated, whether it was donating their time, their money, or any other type of support.

The youth groups at St. Paul’s had an exciting year. Families with Young Children is run by Joy Baxter,

and they had many great events this year, including their annual Breakfast with Santa that always draws a big

crowd. E-SPY, run by Claudia Muller, made some great Christmas cookies and cards, that our homebound

parishioners really enjoyed receiving. We look forward to many exciting things for our youth groups in the

coming year.

Adult Education is still going strong with many opportunities to participate in small group activities.

Evening Christian Fellowship did a series on “Making Sense of the Cross”, and has begun a deep examination

of the Gospel of John, being led by Joy Baxter and Anita Engh. With the presidential election being this year,

the We All Have Questions group discussed the church’s role in the political process. They are now reading

and discussing a biography of Dietrich Bonhoeffer. Pastor Laura still leads the Women’s Group, and has

started a new Pub Theology group.

Wrapping up the year, our Christmas pageant was a great success, and reminded us all of the true spirit

of Christmas. Many thanks go to Liz Cassidy, Melissa Krissinger, and Mary Lynn Kennedy, for all of their

patience getting the children prepared for this exciting event that we all look forward to every year. Thanks also

go to all of the children, who sang and recited so beautifully; it truly was a wonderful end to a great year.


Christian Education





In Saint Paul’s confirmation program, eighth and ninth graders study the Apostles’ Creed, the Lord’s

Prayer, the Ten Commandments, Scripture, Holy Communion and Holy Baptism, forgiveness of sins, the

ministry of Saint Paul’s Church, and other important topics. We use the Sparkhouse curriculum, “Colaborate,

Lutheran Confirmation.” In addition to the classroom activities, confirmands do service projects, participate in

worship leadership (lectors, ushers, acolytes, etc.), attend worship regularly, and participate in special events,

such as cooking for and serving the homeless.

After two years of instruction, faithful participation in the life of Saint Paul’s, and regular worship

attendance, ninth graders were confirmed on Pentecost Sunday, May 15, 2016.

Those confirmed in 2016:

Zoe Ann Bozman Anna Elizabeth Manning

Paul Richard Denman Alexa Nicole Schommer

Helena Roth Koerner Madison Grace Tintera

The current Confirmation Class is:

Eighth Grade Ninth Grade

Will Bozman Jacob Aleardi

Ben Brophy Lindsay Cannon

Brandon Foust Noah Isenberg

Aiden Gale Abigail Krissinger

Morgan Gale Abigail Lynch

Kristen June Ava Sack

Shane Leinhauser Spencer Schumacher

Reed Lukasiewicz Courtney Tintera

Andrew O’Mara Frances Wilson

We are especially grateful to the parents for their support of their children and of this program.






FAMILIES WITH YOUNG CHILDREN (children from birth through grade 2)

What an exciting year it has been for our youngest youth group!

Date Event Attendance

February 21 Family Game Night 28

March 19 Easter Egg Hunt 54

April 17 Playground Fun – South Ardmore Park 15

May 22 Closing Picnic and Moonbounce 21

Summer Family Fun Series

June 14 Summer Fun Series (Balloons & Bubbles) 25

July 12 Summer Fun Series (Wet & Wild) 5

August 10 Summer Family Fun Series (Field Day) cancelled

September 25 Welcoming Picnic & Moonbounce 25

October 23 Halloween Party 38

December 10 Breakfast with Santa 58

This group was under the capable leadership of Joy Baxter. A special thank you to Anita Engh and

Jennifer Curtis for all of their assistance this year.







Sylvia Nisenbaum continues contributing her generous gift ($200 this year) in memory of her mother, Elsie

Tymowzak which is earmarked for the children’s book collection. We also posted $263.00 in sales from the

Sparkhouse book fair.

We posted $325.00 spent with Sparkhouse for our library purchases – leaving a balance of $2,117.31.

Library Fund is as follows:

Opening balance January 1, 2016 $1,979.31

2016 Donations & Sparkhouse sales 463.00

Payment to Sparkhouse -325.00

Ending Balance December 31, 2016 $2,117.31







How lucky we are to have a Stephen Ministry program at St. Paul’s.

This ministry has the most dedicated folks who share their time and faith with others. It is

an honor to witness God’s Love in Action with this group.

We lost of our leaders, when Pastor Skip retired. He was such an important part of this

ministry especially when we first started.

One of the highlights this year was when we brought in counselors from The Center for Pastoral Counseling in

Springfield, to speak on the topic of Depression, Grief and the Holidays. Their insight was

very helpful for all who attended.

This One on One Confidential Christian Caring is here to help. Please know that you are

not alone when going through hard times. We have Stephen Ministers, who Care!

Carolyn Ashburn Barb Keyser

Helene Roth Diane Pringle

Lisa Lexa-Wilson Denette Stetler

Boofie Younkin

A special thanks to Pastor Laura and Hazel Pelletreau who are the other Stephen Minster Leaders.

If you’d like to learn more about this ministry for you, a friend or a loved one, you can contact the church office

or any Stephen Leader or Minister. We are here to be help.


Stephen Leader




The mission of the Evangelism Committee is to deepen congregational spiritual life and seek the unchurched in

order to bring them into the congregation. Duties are varied, but all are directly or indirectly focused on

spreading the word of salvation.

Ministry Fair - Sunday Feb 28, 2016

To re-emphasize and share the great work of St. Paul‘s committees, a well-attended Ministry Fair was

conducted in February.

Each committee had a table to display the activities covered by the committee. Tri-fold boards were

used by some to inform the congregation of the many activities covered by the committee

Each committee provided snacks at their own table. The table at the center of the Fellowship Hall was

removed during coffee hour to encourage and facilitate conversation between committee members and

the congregation

To facilitate conversation, each committee member was encouraged to wear a name tag that said ‘Ask

Me About….’Customized to what they wanted the congregations to ask them about

Church Logo

Several members of St Paul’s representing Evangelism, Social Ministry, Worship and Music, Christian

Education committees, and Pastor Laura worked with One Mile Creative to develop a logo for St. Paul’s. The

work extended over several months and the reveal of the logo occurred during Rally Day. 144 Mugs will the

logo on it were purchased. Each family received one on Rally Day. The rest will be used to give out to visitors.

Sample format of the logo and mug are below.



Synod-wide MAP (Ministry Assessment Profile)

St. Paul’s participated in the Synod’s “Forward Together in Faith” Capital Campaign to EQUIP, INNOVATE,

COMMUNICATE, and NETWORK together for a new era of being church. We set out on a journey to explore

what that meant for St Paul’s members. All confirmed members were asked to fill out the Synod-wide MAP

(Ministry Assessment Profile) survey throughout the month of May 2016.

A total of 103 members responded to the survey corresponding to 74% of the monthly average worship

attendance. A summary of the results is included at the end of the report. These along with other activities

occurred at St. Paul’s informed the pastoral resource needs of the church moving forward.

Outreach/New Members:

Main church events and holiday events occurred throughout the year were advertised online in the Ardmore-

Merion-Wynnewood Patch, the Main Line Times, City Suburban News and/or MommyPoppins.com, as

appropriate. The following were included in City Suburban News




Fliers for December activities were posted in businesses and libraries, where permitted, to expand the reach

beyond the church neighborhood. The outside sandwich boards and banners were updated as needed to

advertise current events. Events were also posted on the inside event bulletin board for all to see during coffee


Thanks again to Pastor Laura, all events and special worship times were also posted on St Paul’s Facebook


To advertise God’s Work, Our Hands service projects, lawn signs were displayed during the event. These signs

were purchased in 2014 and re-used to advertise this service project.

The committee continues to provide information via the Visitor’s Center. This includes brochures on the

Lutheran Church, opportunities for people to become involved with the church, and other special events. Each

new visitor receives a special mug that is delivered the day of their first visit in an effort to show appreciation

for their presence at St. Paul’s. Carisa records the contact info for each new visitor.

It is the committee’s responsibility to provide refreshments for the new member’s classes and reception, as well

as to help new members become involved in the church life. In addition, the committee chair attends each new

member’s class to share their perspective on being part of the St. Paul’s community and encourage new

members to get involved as well. A total of 12 new members joined St. Paul’s in 2016. All adult new members

received name badges.

Parish Activities Summary (submitted by Stephenie Yeung)

February: The Annual Congregational Meeting was held on February 7, and it was followed by lunch.

Members enjoyed a lunch of cider-brined pork with rosemary polenta, roasted brussel sprouts, roasted

fingerling potatoes dressed with pesto. Dessert was a cake in honor of Millie on her recent retirement. We

planned for 85 people based on 2015’s attendance of the event. There were about 70 attendees. We packed up

meals for Aid for Friends and took some food to the local women’s shelter.




Between Saturday and Sunday there were 11 helpers, including Linda Bailey, Barb Keyser, Helene Roth, Linda

Martin, Marianne Weldon, and Barbara and Don Parman.

March: The Lenten Soup Suppers before Easter was again well attended. Each Wednesday, there were about

six to eight different soups and bread varieties for the 30 or so attendees.

April: The Easter Reception was very well attended. The Evangelism Committee and Parish Activities

coordinated the Reception, and many members brought contributions to the Reception. There was a lot of food

for the Reception, and there were still food out for members to enjoy after the second service. Many members

helped with set up and clean up, which was much appreciated. On April 21, St. Paul’s hosted the Synod’s

Meeting and light snacks were served at the meeting and a meal was served thereafter. The menu included

Roasted lamb stuffed with olives and greens, Asparagus with a mustard sauce, and ice cream with a dark cherry

ganache for dessert.

September: God’s Work, Our Hands – After packing 10,000 meals for Stop Hunger Now, members of the

congregation gathered for the annual Rally Day Picnic. For the Rally Day picnic this year we again used the

online sign-up tool “Sign Up Genius” to make it easier for members to volunteer to bring food items and/or to

help with cooking. Most members who participated found it easy to use, and it certainly made it easier to

coordinate the picnic. Parish Activities provided the burgers and hot dogs. St. Paul’s members brought a variety

of salads, side dishes, and desserts. Stephenie Yeung coordinated the picnic with many volunteers’ help,

including: John Byrne, David Wilson, and David Curtin wrangling “Big John,” the grill donated by the Jones

Family; Sarah Curtin, Barbara Parman, Barb Keyser, Linda Martin, Joy Baxter, Melissa Krissinger, Emily

Hampson, Laura Bickert Ciarlello, and Gwen Lieb. About 75 members attended the event. Food leftovers were

shared with Aid For Friends and a local woman’s shelter.

December: Parish Activities held the annual "Happy Birthday Jesus” reception after the 5:00 p.m. Christmas

Eve services. The event offers cake and cookies and apple cider and hot chocolate as a way to share the love of

Baby Jesus with members and newcomers to St. Paul’s.

Linda Bailey’s family and the Baxter family assisted with the reception.

A hearty thank you to all those who served this important ministry throughout the year and specifically Dan

Dry, Brad Barron, Renee DiGuiseppe and Stephenie Yeung for being active members of the Evangelism



Evangelism Chair





The Property Committee continues to work extremely hard providing and maintaining a first class

facility for the use of our parishioners and many outside groups. As part of St. Paul’s community outreach, we

regularly open our doors to many groups that need a clean, safe and accommodating space to meet: just to name

a few: The Community Bible Study Group, Grace Covenant Church, Alcoholics Anonymous, Philadelphia

Paper Folders, The Red Cross, Ikebana flower arranging group, Mah-jongg group and Augsburg Fortress. Year

after year our small staff and committee maintain the church building, surrounding grounds, parsonage and two

rental properties. Many thanks to all those involved.

Dave Curry, our chief caretaker, continues to do an excellent job managing the building working on

special projects and maintaining strong relationships with our many contractors. We are now in our tenth year

with the same cleaning staff and we are thankful for the consistent and capable custodians we have with

Natasha and her crew.

Every year, beyond the routine maintenance like painting, snow removal, and yard work, we do many

projects on all of our properties in an attempt to avoid costly major repairs. This year’s major focus was on our

Parsonage. There has not been a major renovation at the house in over 25 years. We took advantage of an empty

parsonage and had all the windows and five storm doors replaced with energy efficient windows from Matus

Windows. The windows were also capped to make them totally maintenance free. This project was financed

with funds from our “Building on Blessings” campaign in the amount of $31,800. In addition, the master

bathroom was demolished down to the studs and a brand new bathroom was installed by Hyrig and Sons. The

master bath was enlarged a bit to provide for a more spacious shower. The space came from the original smaller

closets and as a result a new master closet was built in the bedroom. The cost of the bathroom renovation was

$19,289, of which $17,000 came from Endowment funds and the balance out of the operating budget of

property. Lastly, the interior of the house was painted (to include the inside of the closets), and new CO2/smoke

detectors and GFI outlets were installed, where needed, as part of the final inspection by the township. The

parsonage is now ready for a new occupant.

Improvements or repairs that took place in 2016 at our properties:

Large Farmhouse

*The large oak tree next to the driveway was removed by Glenn Riggs. Many thanks to Glenn for his

service to the church.

*Annual service on the furnace

*P-trap and faucet in the kitchen were replaced

*Gutters cleaned of leaves and debris

Small Farmhouse

*Annual service of the furnace

* Window replacement of second floor bedroom on the Argyle Rd side

* Gutters cleaned of leaves and debris





*Annual inspection and service on the HVAC systems, the sprinkler system, the back-up generator, the

back flow preventer

*Monthly inspection of elevator was completed

*Semiannual inspection of the ansul fire suppression system was completed

*The bell tower carillon was replaced. The old Schulmerich carillon was replaced with a digital carillon

manufactured by Verdin Group.

*Paper and cleaning products purchased two times per year for the entire church

*Quarterly maintenance of soft water and chemical treatment system completed

*Window well covers on the back side of church built by Dave Curry to help reduce water penetration

into the lower kitchen

* Church beds edged and mulched prior to Easter along with winter cleanup of leaves right before

Thanksgiving and then again prior to Christmas

*Beds for the Community Garden were built and filled with the help of Dave Curry

*PECO was called to determine the source of the strong smell of gas. It was discovered that the valve on

the oven of our Garland stove in the basement needed to be replaced.

We noted in the last several years of Annual reports that the church is in need of some major repairs including

ongoing restoration of the exterior stonewalls and bell tower, the renovation of the slate roofs (parsonage and

sanctuary), new front porch of large farmhouse to include roof. The front porch and new roof of the large

farmhouse will be addressed in 2017 as approved funds from the Endowment fund totaling $35,000 expire at

year end 2017. Property Committee has prioritized the projects and keeps Council apprised of any immediate


Special thanks to Dave Curry and all who help for the thorough and thoughtful work they do to keep St.

Paul’s a beautiful and welcoming community of worship.






2016 resulted in a number of changes in the composition of our staff. Of principal importance was the

retirement of our senior pastor, Harry “Skip” McDowell. It is however, with confidence that we have selected

and will officially call, Pastor Laura Tancredi as our successor senior Pastor. Pastor Tancredi has successfully

completed over two years as our associate Pastor and we wish her a long and successful tenure in her new


Thanks to all of our staff personnel for their excellent service in 2016. Pastors McDowell and Tancredi

were ably supported by Andy Heller, Carisa Cantor, Dave Curry, Judy Zucker and Sarah Curtin in their

respective capacities as Music Director, Parish Administrator, Sexton, Controller, and Nursery Caregiver. On

the Cemetery side serving us ably and well were Mike Dougherty, Cemetery Superintendent, and Marge

Tomarelli, Cemetery Business Manager. Sadly, we bid a fond farewell to Marge who departed from this life in

December. On behalf of the congregation we express our profound appreciation for their faithful devotion to

our service.

The Staff Personnel committee has as its principal responsibility the duty to consult with staff when and

as required and to review and recommend adjustment to salaries, wages and benefits and other conditions of

their employment. Additionally, the Committee provides salary and benefit data, which comprise approximately

one-half of the church’s total annual expenditures to the Finance Committee for inclusion in the annual budget.

The Committee, together with the President of Church Council, also is responsible to review the performance of

the Pastors. The Committee also performs a periodic review of the duties and responsibilities of other staff and

an evaluation of their individual performance. In the event of a vacancy in any of the staff positions, other than

the Pastor, the Committee is responsible to recommend to the Church Council for its approval of the

candidate(s) selected to fill the vacancy.

Respectfully submitted,

PAUL V. DeLOMBA, Sr., Chair

Staff Personnel Committee:

President of Council, Don Parman

William Henderson, Jr.

Vicki Sack

James Van Horn




In 2016, the technology committee worked to maintain our existing technology infrastructure and continued to

make incremental improvements to St. Paul’s use of technology to further our mission. Some of the key

accomplishments for the committee this year include:

1. Acquisition and installation of the new TV in fellowship hall to be used for weekly announcements,

presentations, and group activities (e.g. movie nights).

2. Acquisition and set up of a new laptop for the church to be used for storing media for presentation on the

new TV as well as for mobile activities such as classes throughout the church.

3. Acquisition and installation of a new camera for recording services. (We’re hoping to have this hooked

up to a streaming service with access from the website in early 2017)

4. Updated the website access controls and documented some update procedures to allow the office staff to

make updates to the website, such as posting the Chimes and updating service times. The hope here is

that content on the site will stay more accurate this way.

The committee would like to extend a special thanks to Bill Henderson for his critical assistance with

accomplishments #1, 2, and 3 above.

In addition to the above items, the committee continues to assist with regular administration and troubleshooting

of technology issues as needed.

In 2017, the committee is hoping to pursue some additional improvements. Some of the key priorities include:

1. Setting up video streaming using the new camera in the sanctuary so that services can be accessed via

the website and viewed from anywhere.

2. Improving the look and feel of the web site along with finding ways to keep the content of the site as up

to date as possible perhaps through the assignment of a person or a couple of people to webmaster roles

for specific aspects of the site.

3. Creating an inventory of all technology assets to assist with tracking and management.

The technology committee is always looking for new ideas and new members, so if you’re interested in

contributing in any way please reach out to Patrick Freestone (Keep in mind, you don’t need to be a very

technical person to be on this committee).






The Worship and Music Committee was blessed again this year with many opportunities to provide a

meaningful worship experience at St. Paul’s. First, many thanks to the following people whose hard work and

dedication enhance our worship experience: Andrew Heller, our talented Choir Director, under whose

leadership the members of the Children’s, Youth, Matins and Adult Choirs shared their beautiful voices; and

Gordon Downing, our talented Handbell Choir Director under whose leadership the choir enriched our services

throughout the year. Many thanks also to the Altar Guild, managed by Linda Burns; to Dottie Buchanan who

manages the altar flower dedications; and to Barbara Parman who prepares the baptismal wreaths, for the

beauty of our sanctuary on Sunday mornings and at other worship services.

The Committee participated in various activities this year including preparing the Sanctuary for Easter

and Christmas. Decorating St. Paul’s for these holy days is a large undertaking and could be accomplished only

through the time, knowledge and creativity offered by volunteers. Thank you to everyone for your service.

Thanks also to Kevin Maurer, Jim Schneider and Jane Knappe for the beautiful nativity display; to Jim, Kevin,

Mary Ellen Frey and Helene Roth whose boundless knowledge and decorating skills made an easy task of our

endeavors. Many thanks also to those whose donations for plants, wreaths, trees and additional musicians

added to the wonder and beauty of these occasions.

Other notable events this year included the continuance of Pub Theology the last Monday of the month;

the Blessing of the Animals on October 9th; the Hymn Fest on October 30th, celebrating 500 years of the

Lutheran Reformation; the Wednesday night Advent Dinners; our annual Lessons and Carols on December 11th

which involved all of our choirs. Additionally, our Youth Choir sang at two benefits: for Lutheran Charities in

February at Overbrook Presbyterian Church and for “Box Lunch and a Book” in November at Main Line

Reform Temple. Also, the Youth Choir did a “home and home” concert at Ardmore Presbyterian Church in


In addition, this year’s Talent Show, Silent Auction and Ice Cream Social, held on June 12th, was a great

success. Thank you to everyone who shared their talents and who joined us for this evening of fun and

fellowship. Special thanks to Stu Krissinger, our emcee, whose humor delighted us all. Thanks to all of you, the

Committee raised $4,000 for the music fund. These funds provide us with the opportunity to sponsor additional

music programs and to purchase additional music and instruments. Currently, we plan to purchase third octave

hand chimes for the Handbell Choir.

Thank you to the members of the Worship and Music Committee for your work: Linda Burns, Andrew

Heller, Barbara Keyser, Jane Knappe, Helene Roth, Lee Sullivan, Stephenie Yeung, Boofie Younkin and Pastor








The Altar Care Committee is a group of dedicated and dependable volunteers who worked during the past year

to set up and clean up the altar each week and for special services, prepare for baptisms, launder and iron linens

used in the liturgy, care for the communion vessels, change paraments to reflect the church seasons and

festivals, and maintain needed supplies.

Sincere thanks for these services go to:

Bob Burns Carol Henry Runa Kennedy

Barbara Curtin Libby Hoyer Belle Miller

Barbara Dieter Gwen Lieb David Miller

Jane Downing Mary Lynn Kennedy Helene Roth

Sandy Farina

In addition to these committee members, I want to thank Larry Dieter who remains such a good friend to the

committee, Belle Miller, who makes “vases” from milk/juice cartons for delivery of altar flowers to homebound

or ill members, Barbara Parman who has made the wreath for the font for baptisms, and Bob Burns who cares

for the candles. A very special thanks goes to Erika Bierschwale who baked bread for communion each month

for over ten years and who recently “retired” from that role. Erika, your dedication and service is greatly


The regular committee members listed above represents a growth in membership since last year. Our newest

members are Carol Henry, Gwen Lieb, Mary Lynn and Runa Kennedy, and Helene Roth. We are all very

grateful that you have joined this committee. Welcome Aboard! Having said that, I want to emphasize that

there is always “room” for additional committee members. We encourage individuals, husband and wife teams,

and mom/dad and teenage child duos to join us this year. Doing the work of this committee does NOT require a

huge commitment of time (most of the responsibilities occur on Saturday late mornings/early afternoons, and

Sundays after the second service). It DOES provide a wonderful and, I believe, special opportunity to serve God

and His people, our brothers and sisters in Christ.






St. Paul's Committee on Stewardship promotes the expression of Christian faith in daily living; teaches

the Christian use of money; diffuses knowledge of the congregation's local, national, and world-wide ministries;

and leads all its members to higher levels of proportionate giving for the Lord's work.

2016 was a year of transition at St. Paul's. Of course, the most significant change was the retirement of

our faithful servant Pastor Skip McDowell in June. Thankfully, we were blessed in having Pastor Laura

Tancredi as our full time Associate Pastor and business at St. Paul's continued without interruption. The Church

Council then hired an interim consultant rather than an interim pastor to work with the council in the next steps

of our pastoral services decisions. As we now know, the Church Council then unanimously approved the

recommendation to the full congregation to call Pastor Laura Tancredi as our sole full time Pastor with a vote

taking place January 22, 2017.

Regardless of all the transitions at the church, the stewardship committee charged on with its

mission. This year, we decided to place an emphasis on people getting to know each other in a more informal

way. A persistent concern among members has been how we might reach people who are not participating in

the life of the church beyond worship on Sundays. It is widely understood, that people support, financially and

spiritually, those organizations where they are involved and we wanted to provide the opportunity of greater

involvement. Plans were developed to have informal cottage meetings in member’s homes and at St. Paul’s.

Informal discussions at these meetings would offer an opportunity for members to voice their concerns and

possible solutions to move St. Paul's forward in its mission. Additionally, we want an informal setting to allow

members to simply and comfortably get to know each other better.

In September an invitation was sent to the full congregation inviting members to attend small group

gatherings in September and October. The hosts of the cottage meetings were Carolyn and Michael Ashburn,

Todd and Renee DiGuiseppe, David and Lisa Wilson, Barbara and Bill Henderson, Boofie Younkin, Don and

Barbara Parman, Carol Hammarberg, Vicki and Jason Sack and Frank and Helene Roth. Thank you to these

members for opening up their homes for these wonderful events.

To open the cottage meetings, we used this early church mission and description from Acts 2:42-

44. "They devoted themselves to the apostles teaching and fellowship to the breaking of bread and prayers.

Awe came upon everyone because many wonders and signs were being done by the apostles. All who believe

were together and had all things in common."

An outline was developed to generate conversation about what we wanted to learn from the participants

at the meetings. The areas of Christian education, fellowship, social ministry and communication were

explored. How each area was viewed now and where St. Paul’s would like to be in the future. The information

from the cottage meetings was shared with the Council and the consultant.

A positive response was felt by the participants and many expressed an interest in continuing to meet in

the future. Our hope was that we would encourage people to be more involved in the church activities.




As part of our annual Stewardship Campaign, Temple Talks were made two Sundays before

Consecration Sunday (November 20) outlining what has been happening this past year and how the

congregation can support our mission through their financial support. Our goal has always been to get full

100% participation in pledging by the membership. We are generally at 50-60% so we have some work to do to

get to that goal. For 2017, we have 74 pledges from family giving units for a total of $302,244. This is an

increase of 6 new pledging units and $27,500. We will be contacting people who have not made a pledge in the

next month for their continued support. We have already thanked each member for their pledge to our 2017


In Memorials and gifts, St. Paul's received a generous bequest of $253,513 from the estate of Paul

Moock and Bill and Barbara Henderson gave a gift to restore the Carillon in the Bell Tower to working order.

Our friends and neighbors once again can hear our Bell Tower chimes on the hour and wonderful music at noon

and 6pm. We are grateful for these gifts.

Thank you to committee members: Don Parman, Frank Roth, Jason Sack, David Wilson and Pastor







God’s Work, Our Hands

Doing the will of God through service

Thank you to the many dedicated members of our Social Ministry committee, without whom, it would not have

been nearly as enjoyable or manageable to serve as the chairperson for the past four years and represent our

programs and outreach on church council. Our active members during 2016 were Jody Betz, Lorie Foust, Ingrid

Gustafson, Emily Hampson, Lisa Lexa Wilson, Beth McElvenney, Helene Roth, Denette Stetler, and Pastor

Laura Tancredi. We were further supported by Linda and Kelsey Stanton through programming, specifically

VOSH and the Christmas Ingathering, Elisabeth Wagner, our blood drive organizer and promoter, Chris Fritton,

coordinator of the Cooking/Serving for the Hungry cooking teams, and Claudia Muller, coordinator of the

Cooking/Serving for the Hungry serving teams. Finally, we welcomed a new member, Michele Allman at the

end of the year.

Social Ministry has experienced a bit of an evolution during the last few years with programs we’ve continued,

new ones we’ve begun, and older ones we’ve retired, at least temporarily. After 2015’s year of monthly service

opportunities to commemorate our 250th Anniversary, we decided to take the committee in a new direction

going forward: we will have yearly themes and be able to spend the year focusing on a specific area of need – in

our congregation, local community, and global community.

Due to the positive response to hunger-related organizations and opportunities, and the obvious need to address

the issue of hunger, we chose to focus 2016 as a “year of hunger.” We aimed to market our programs this way

and be able to help our congregation understand this need and our responsibility to address it. Detailed below

are each of the programs, ministries, and service organizations that we supported and participated with

throughout the year:

Ardmore Food Pantry

The Ardmore Food Pantry is a great way for us to benefit the local community. The goal of the food pantry is to

“meet a real and often hidden problem in our community… The Food Pantry was intentionally named The

Ardmore Food Pantry to be known, from its founding, as a place belonging to the entire community regardless

of race, color, or religion. No one from Lower Merion is every turned away” (www.stmarysardmore.org).

We held two volunteer dates at the food pantry this year: February 8, 2016 and November 21, 2016. After

speaking with one of the coordinators, we found that toiletries are often in high demand, but not something that

they have directly solicited in the past; we will try to provide a collection of these items in the future. During

our November date, we assisted in dispersing prepared Thanksgiving bags as well as a variety of fresh

vegetables (much of which was donated by St. Paul’s community garden), donated bread and rolls, and other

perishable items. This is a service that we will continue to find regular volunteer dates to assist with and the

food pantry will continue to be the primary source for our community garden produce.

Cooking and Serving the Hungry

We continue to cook and serve meals once a month for the Life Center of Delaware County on the third Sunday

of each month. A big thank you to all of our Head Cooks and Cooking and Serving Teams who make this one

of our longest and most successful ministries.

After hosting a joint meeting with cooks and servers and recruiting new volunteers to assist with this ministry

last fall, we spent time in February revising and clarifying our processes so that all current and new volunteers

understood their roles. Claudia Muller led us in creating a new process for scheduling servers via Sign-up




Genius. We also received feedback from current cooks/servers and created a formalized process sent via letter

to all to ease the transition between cooking the meal and taking it to the Life Center to serve.

“Chick March” to support God’s Global Barnyard For our Lenten Project partnering with the Sunday School children, we revived an old-standby program called

the Chick March. Our goal was to have children/families/congregation members donate change each week in

Lent, dropping it at our paper mache chick and pen to collect. For each $1.00 donated, we posted a cut-out chick

on the wall to show the amount of chicks we were able to purchase through God’s Global Barnyard to donate to

those in developing countries. Many members of the congregation remembered and appreciated this program’s


Souper Bowl of Caring We took our annual collection in honor of the Souper Bowl of Caring, assisted by the youth of the congregation,

donating our funds to the Ardmore Food Pantry.

Baby Manna We once again participated in collecting donations via the large and small baby bottles this year to support the

Baby Manna program run through Philabundance. This project occurred in April/May, leading up to Mother’s

Day. We raised a total of $616.89 for this organization.

St. Paul’s Community Garden We had been searching for a way to have a more sustainable impact on hunger issues in our immediate

community. Pastor Laura shared information with us about Trinity Narberth’s community garden, built on their

grounds by Triskeles and maintained with the assistance of the organization and congregation volunteers. After

speaking to a representative from Triskeles, we sought to learn if our congregation had interest and there would

be volunteers to create and maintain the garden. At the ministry fair in February, we had an overwhelming

response of support from members and an interest from many to serve as volunteers in this new initiative, so we

opted to move forward with the program.

During the summer months, we coordinated with the Property Committee and other key individuals at St. Paul’s

and the Triskels organization prior to holding a few initial planning meetings to create a schedule and system

for volunteers. In August 2016, we held a building day to construct 6 raised garden beds and a subsequent

planting day to put in our crops for the fall: spinach, green beans, chard, broccoli, cauliflower, and lettuce.

Throughout the fall months, we had several successful harvests, allowing us to donate many fresh vegetables to

the Ardmore Food Pantry, serving our direct community.

We were very fortunate to have an anonymous donor cover the cost of the initial installation of the garden

beds/planting our fall crops and have received a budget increase for future years to maintain this wonderful new

ministry. We will be planting a spring, summer, and fall crop each year with the assistance of the organization

and our volunteers. Please reach out to someone on Social Ministry if you’re interested in participating for the

coming year – there are many roles you can serve, from planting to watering to weeding to delivering harvests.

IHN (Interfaith Hospitality Network)

We continued our support of this program through Beth’s leadership in coordinating volunteers four times a

year to cook and serve dinner and engage in social fellowship with families participating in the program. IHN

“is committed to helping homeless families achieve lasting independence…[their] goal is to provide the



SOCIAL MINISTRY ANNUAL REPORT (continued) ________2016

programs and services necessary to address the underlying causes of homelessness and return client families to

a self-sustaining life” (www.ihncares.org).

This is a ministry that can always use new volunteers and doesn’t require a lot of time commitment or a regular

commitment. Volunteers are emailed 2 weeks before the planned date and asked to volunteer to bring a portion

of the meal, visit with the families, or both on the volunteer night. We typically meet at St. Mary’s in Ardmore

at 6pm to prepare and greet the families.

Stop Hunger Now Stop Hunger Now is an organization we became newly aware of this year by some members of Social Ministry

who shared information from Bryn Mawr Presbyterian who participated with them in the past. “Stop Hunger

Now gets food and life-saving aid to the world’s most vulnerable people, and works to end global hunger in our

lifetime. Established in 1998, we have provided over 225 million meals in 74 countries. We are based in

Raleigh, N.C., and operate throughout the U.S. and through affiliates in developing countries”


We encouraged Church Council to consider hosting a Rally Day event that engaged all members of the

congregation from ages 1 – 100 in the same service project. This was such a success, we will look to participate

again in future years.

Aid for Friends

As is typical, we had members of our congregation contribute many meals throughout the year to keep our

freezer stocked to support this ministry. We continue to deliver frozen meals to St. Denis (larger freezer and

more active relationships) and to the main warehouse in Philadelphia, as needed. We again hosted the Friends

School to cook in our kitchen and leave meals and soups to freeze and be delivered. Including the Friends

Central kids, St. Paul’s produced 759 meals and 258 soups in 2016. Of that, FC made 503 meals and 236

soups. The total also includes 48 meals cooked and donated by Jody and her sorority.

Alternative Gift Fair After a few years’ hiatus, congregation members had expressed interest in having the original idea of the

Alternative Gift Fair – an opportunity to donate to organizations in honor of Advent and Christmas and/or use

these donations as gifts during this time of year – return. We opted to bring back a smaller version of the

Alternative Gift Fair to try out the idea again since we had also had a lack of interest in items other than the Fair

Trade items in the most recent years. We used the event to highlight the key organizations focused on hunger

that we participated with throughout the year. We also highlighted these organizations in our Advent Letter. At

the end of the event (we’re waiting for final totals after donations are received from the Advent Letter), we had

raised the following amounts for each organization through donations:

Aid for Friends - $530

Stop Hunger Now - $325

Ardmore Food Pantry - $460

God’s Global Barnyard - $360

St. Paul’s Community Garden - $145

Respectfully submitted by,


Social Ministry Chair


______________________________________ _____________ 2016 CEMETERY COMMITTEE ANNUAL REPORT 2016

The Cemetery of St. Paul’s had a good year business wise. We are on track to once again come in under

budget. This year, as usual, we took part as the end point for Ardmore’s Memorial Day parade and attendance

was very good. We’ve also started to put our records onto excell spread sheets, so we will have paper and

computer files which will not only help with retrieval and navigation but ensure longevity for our records. I’d

like to thank our superior staff, Mike Dougherty and Dave Curry for all their hard work. As you may know, our

long time business manager, Marjorie Tomarelli passed away on Dec. 20th. Marjorie had not been working for

the cemetery for the past year due to illness, but attended the Memorial Day event and still continued to show

interest and care about the property. Mike Dougherty has assumed many of the duties of the business manager

in addition to his superintendent role. In honor of her dedicated work for the Cemetery, the Pierce and

Tomarelli families are donating a granite bench in Marjorie’s honor to be placed in the Cemetery in the coming

months. Marjorie was very instrumental in the restoration and upkeep of the property and records and her

passion for honoring the patrons of our cemetery will be missed.

Thank you to Carisa Cantor, Pastor Laura, Judi Zucker and all the staff of St. Paul’s for their continued support

of the Cemetery and our mission.

Thank you,

LOUISE PIERCE, Cemetery Chair


______________________________________ ______



Pricing for Saint Paul’s Cemetery

Effective – June 1, 2012



Full Lot = 4 Graves $5300.00 $5500.00 $825.00

3 Graves $3800.00 $4000.00 $600.00

2 Graves $2300.00 $2500.00 $375.00

1 Grave $1300.00 $1500.00 $225.00

New Cremation Garden * $900.00 $1000.00 $225.00

* A 72-hour notice is required for all burials.

Burial Opening Charges Weekdays

8’ - double depth $1500.00

6’ - single depth $1200.00

Burials after 3:00 PM on a weekday – Saturday Rate applies

Burial Opening Charges Saturday

8’ - double depth $1700.00 plus overtime listed below

6’ - single depth $1400.00 plus overtime listed below

Burial Opening Charges Sundays, Legal and Religious Holidays

8’ - double depth $1900.00 plus overtime listed below

6’ - single depth $1600.00 plus overtime listed below

Burial of Cremated Remains

Weekdays $800.00

Saturdays $900.00 plus overtime listed below

Sundays, Legal and Religious Holidays $1100.00 plus overtime listed below

*As of January 1, 2010, the cemetery requires an urn vault for all cremation burials.

Overtime paid to cemetery staff

Saturday $200.00

Sundays, Legal and Religious Holidays $300.00

Memorial Company Permit Fee $50.00

(inscriptions, cleaning and stone resetting)


____________________________________________________________________________ _ CEMETERY COMMITTEE ANNUAL REPORT (continued) 2016



2’ X 1’ $288.00

2’-6” X 1’ $360.00

3’ X 1’ $432.00

3’-6” X 1’ $504.00

4’ X 1’ $576.00

4’-6” X 1’ $648.00

5’ X 1’ $720.00

*Foundations larger than the above dimensions will cost $1.00 per square inch.

VFW Markers Installed

Flush Granite or Marble 2’ X 1’ $75.00

Flush Bronze Setting Fee $110.00

*Flush Bronze markers require a concrete or granite base. The customer

must contact the monument dealer for the base.

Upright Granite or Marble Monolith $140.00

Other Charges

Deed Transfers / Replacement $75.00

Record Research (genealogy) $75.00 per hour

(minimum deposit of $75 dollars must be paid prior to the start of research)



Saint Paul’s Cemetery A COMMUNITY CEMETERY SINCE 1765

Saint Paul’s Cemetery opened its gates to the community in 1765

and has remained one of the Main Line’s most beautiful final resting places.

We remind members that cemetery lots are available for purchase in full

or on an installment plan with full payment within one year.

Prices have stayed competitively low.

For purchase or information, please call the church office at 610-642-3211.

“…for church and burial place, from children to children’s children.”


Saint Paul's Evangelical Lutheran Church Cemetery Budget 2015, 2016 and 2017












Sale of Lots 15,000

7,875 15,000 14,175 15,000

Burial Permit Charge 22,000 26,500 22,000 22,235 22,000

Foundations 2,000 2,379 2,000 3,724 2,000

Perpetual Care Receipts 2,200 2,112 2,250 0 2,250

Perpetual Care Income 17,000 13,848 17,000 13,278 17,000

Perpetual Care Fund Transfer 0 *13,020 0 0 0

Miscellaneous Cemetery 1,750 525 1,750 750 1,750

Total Revenues $60,000 $66,259 $ 60,000 $54,252 $60,000

Expenses Cemetery Salaries 24,660 15,115 23,000 9,275 23,000

Cemetery Medicare 358 219 334 135 334 Cemetery Social Security 1,527 937 1,426 575 1,426

Cemetery Insurance 0 0 0 0 0

Cemetery Pension 0 0 0 0 0

Cemetery Utilities, Sewer & Rent 900 765 800 639 800

Cemetery Telephone 900 520

550 0 550

Cemetery Gasoline & Oil 385 158 200 83 200

Excavations 252 0 0 0 0

Cemetery Repairs & Supplies 246 1,167 1200 1,719 1200

Cemetery Trash Pick Up 720 780 720 720 720

Cemetery Worker Comp Insurance 2,000 1,854 2,000 812 2,000

Perpetual Care Fund Payment 9,750 6,050 9,750 7,088 9,750

Cemetery Tree Pruning & Removing 1,000 2,575 1,912 3,120 1,912

Grounds Maintenance 17,000

17,247 17,300 15,396 17,300

Cemetery Miscellaneous 0 790 808 512 808

Cemetery Renovation 0


0 0 0

Total Expenses $60,000 $61,197 $60,000 $40,074 $60,000

Net Revenues/Expense $ 0 + $ 5,062 0 +$14,178 0

*Transfer from Perpetual Care Fund for the completion of wrought iron fence surrounding the cemetery. It was

started in 2014 and completed in 2015 for a total of $35,020.




Building on the generosity of our past and present members, we remain in good financial shape due to

and have a sizable endowment. An exceptional example of that generosity was a bequest to St. Paul’s from

Paul Moock, who named the church as the beneficiary of one-third of his estate and his IRA. In 2016 we

received a distribution of over $253,000 from that IRA, all but $5,000 of which was deposited in the

Endowment Fund. Paul’s thoughtfulness and generosity will have an impact on St. Paul’s ministries for years

to come. St. Paul’s ended 2016 with an endowment of over $1.6 million and offerings of over $447 thousand.

The Endowment Fund has been a resource for capital projects and operating expenses but it cannot be a

substitute for active financial stewardship from our current members.

Members contributed over $300 thousand to the Building on Blessing campaign which concluded with

the 250th anniversary of St. Paul’s in 2015. In 2016 Council appropriated funds from that campaign for

compensation and benefits for Pastor Laura as a second pastor, replacement of parsonage windows and

restoration of the sanctuary piano. Council transferred the remaining Building on Blessings balance to the

Endowment Fund at the end of 2016.

For the year just concluded, income exceeded expenses by nearly $79,000. This marks the first time in

10 years that we were not confronted with a shortfall at year end to be cured by a further transfer from the

Endowment Fund. To be sure there were special circumstances in 2016 that figured importantly in the overall

results. Income for the year was up nearly $50 thousand over 2015, including a $32 thousand increase in

contributions from members. Expenses for the year were $112 thousand lower than 2015, approximately two-

thirds of which were compensation savings related to Pastor Skip’s retirement at mid-year. It is worth noting

that income for 2016 included $107 thousand from the Endowment Fund (7% of the three-year average year-

end balance) and $68 thousand from the Building on Blessings fund.

The Finance Committee made an active commitment to increased transparency in 2016. We wanted to

afford structured opportunities to ask questions and make suggestions about the financial condition of the

congregation at times other than the annual meeting. Weekly and year-to-date contributions were reported in

Sunday bulletins. The committee held open meetings to discuss income and expenditures and to provide an

opportunity to discuss an outline of the 2017 budget before the committee presented a proposed budget to

Congregation Council. As a committee, we were pleased with the interaction, valued the feedback and

suggestions, and look forward to expanding those opportunities in 2017.

The proposed budget for 2017 maintains most income and expense items at the same level as 2016 but

those items that are changed are changed in significant ways. On the income side the fund transfer from

Building on Blessings ($68 thousand in 2016) is eliminated in 2017. We have reduced the percentage of the

three-year average to be transferred from the Endowment Fund from 7% to 6% and hope that we can reduce it

further in future years. On the expense side the biggest change lies in compensation and benefits. A significant

increase in Pastor Laura’s compensation pursuant to her new call as pastor for St. Paul’s and provision for

additional part-time pastoral resource is more than offset by elimination of the amount in the 2016 budget for

compensation for Pastor Skip. The only significant increases in expenses are for social ministry and

benevolence as we look to build a budget and a spending plan that hew more closely to St. Paul’s core values.

In proposing this budget for 2017 Council anticipates a further investment in benevolence if income would

otherwise exceed expense at year end. Overall this is a smaller budget but we are still counting on contributions

greater than actual receipts in 2016.



It can’t be a surprise that this report has focused on our congregation’s financial condition but St. Paul’s

would not be the place that it is were it not for the people who form this special community, sharing not just

their treasure but their time, talents, commitment and passion as well. In closing this report I want particularly

to thank the members of the Finance Committee – Bob Ertner, Gail Feustel, Bill Frey, Bill Henderson, Andy

Horn, George Koerner, Waneta Peart and Judi Zucker – for their time, dedication and support during this last

year, my first as Finance Chair. I’ve learned a lot from them and value the discussions and camaraderie that

have characterized our meetings. We earnestly try our best to manage your gifts wisely, honoring the faith from

which they are given.

Yours in Christ,


Finance Chair




2015 2016 2016 Actual Actual Budgeted

Weekly Envelope Offerings: 385,014 419,361 471,190

Plate Offering 6,205 5,488 Thrivent Choice 2,000 707 Initial Offering 438 296

Additional Offerings: 8,643 6,491 5,250

Lenten Offering 2,693 8,293 Easter Offering 3,500 3,807 Thanksgiving Offering 295 675 Christmas Offering 9,950 4,885

Church Festivals Offerings: 16,438 17,660 20,900

Flowers/Decorations: 4,828 4,152 5,200

Benevolence Offerings: 5,179 9,234 19,000

Rental Income 30,125 29,460 Interest & Gain/Loss Securities 205 1,438 Miscellaneous 3,697 6,619

Other Revenue Sources: 34,027 37,517 34,500

TOTAL - Budget Categories $454,129 $494,415 A $556,040 ADDITIONAL RECEIPTS: Memorials/Gifts/Bequests Unrestricted 1,185 14,846 Restricted 15,074 36,500 Building on Blessings 153,500 0 Cemetery 66,259 54,252

Suspense B 116,151 B 78,060

Fund Interest 0 0

TOTAL RECEIPTS $806,298 $678,073 RECEIPTS COMPARED TO BUDGET: 2014 2015 2016 Receipts (Budget Categories) $491,494 $454,129 $494,415 Budgeted Amount $560,040 $560,500 $556,040 % of Receipts to Budget 87.8% 81.0% 88.9% A: 2016 Budget also included revenue sources of $60,000 from Cemetery and $5,000 from Memorials & Gifts along with transfers of $106,700 from Endowment Fund and $65,000 from Building on Blessings for a total receipts budget of $792,740. B: Includes temporary holdings from Endowment and Building on Blessings funds.

My thanks to members of our finance committee and counting teams for their generous gift of time and also to staff members Judi Zucker and Carisa Cantor for their valuable service with financial processes and reporting to Church Council and the congregation in 2016. Robert J. Ertner, Financial Secretary




Balance Receipts Disbursements Transfer from

YTD Book



1-Jan-16 2016 2016 Endowment

General and



$133,770.22 $494,415.23 -$605,753.42 $257,140.00 -$12,031.59

Memorial and



$22,580.00 $14,846.24 -$7,879.06 $0.00 $30,547.18

Memorial and



$140,996.03 $36,499.76 -$149,798.20 $0.00 $27,697.59

Cemetery $15,089.17 $54,252.15 -$40,073.19 $0.00 $29,268.13

Suspense $5,184.21 $27,259.93 -$75,450.78 $50,800.00 $7,793.36

TOTALS $51,079.19 $627,273.31 -$878,954.65 $307,940.00 $107,337.85

Reconciliation of Endowment Fund Transfers is as follows:

2016 2015

Purpose $ Amount $ Amount

Deficit Reduction $82,000.00 $37,000.00

Operating 106,700.00 100,740.00

Building on Blessings 119,240.00 65,000.00


Total Endowment Transfers 307,940.00 202,740.00

ANDREW T. HORN, Treasurer





Saint Paul’s Evangelical Lutheran Church Proposed Budget 2017

2015 2015 2016 2016 2017 Percent

Budget Actual Budget Actual Budget Change


Offering $507,000 $414,923 $502,540 $447,665 $463,340 -0.9%

Benevolence $19,000 $5,179 $19,000 $9,234 $19,000 0.0%

Rent & Interest $34,500 $34,027 $34,500 $37,516 $34,500 0.0%

Memorials and gifts $5,000 $1,185 $5,000 $14,846 $5,000 0.0%

Endow Fund Transfer $100,740 $102,632 $106,700 $106,700 $96,400 -9.7%

BOB Fund Transfer $65,000 $65,000 $65,000 $68,440 $0 -100.0%

Cemetery $60,000 $66,259 $60,000 $54,252 $60,000 0.0%

TOTAL Income $791,240 $689,205 $792,740 $738,654 $678,240 -14.4%


Salaries & Benefits $388,000 $380,576 $389,500 $304,993 $263,000 -32.5%

Worship & Music $34,700 $33,314 $34,700 $30,270 $34,700 0.0%


Administration $12,000 $12,952 $12,000 $11,894 $12,000 0.0%

Evangelism $3,200 $1,009 $3,200 $2,152 $3,200 0.0%

Social Ministry $7,000 $6,263 $7,000 $3,875 $12,000 71.4%

Stewardship $1,540 $2,238 $1,540 $1,437 $1,540 0.0%

Technology $17,000 $19,091 $17,000 $16,605 $17,000 0.0%

Christian Education $2,400 $2,033 $2,400 $2,444 $2,800 16.7%

Property $121,000 $117,578 $121,000 $103,133 $121,000 0.0%

Benevolence $61,000 $54,563 $61,000 $57,506 $70,000 14.8%

Finance & Insurance $83,400 $80,471 $83,400 $77,449 $81,000 -2.9%

Memorials $0 $0 $0 $7,879 $0 0.0%

Cemetery $60,000 $61,194 $60,000 $40,073 $60,000 0.0%

TOTAL Expenses $791,240 $771,372 $792,740 $659,710 $678,240 -14.4%

Income Less Expenses $0 -$82,167 $0 $78,944 $0

2014 deficit was cured with an additional endowment fund transfer approved by the congregation at the annual meeting

2015 deficit was cured with an additional endowment fund transfer approved by the congregation at the annual meeting









Southeastern Pennsylvania Synod of ELCA Designated Benevolence $ 45,000

Synod and World Missions:

World Hunger $ 702

ELCA “Good Gifts” 506

Missionary Support 65

Disaster Relief (General) 2,694

Subtotal 3,967

Saint Paul’s Benevolence Ministry:

Mediator Lutheran Church $ 5,000

Feeding the Hungry 2,965

ELCA “Good Gifts” 595

Aid for Friends 1,292

Stop Hunger Now 2,944

The Ardmore Food Pantry 460

God’s Global Barnyard 360

Subtotal $ 13,616.00


The total Benevolence for 2016 is 11% of total Revenues exclusive of

transfers to Operations from the Endowment Fund.

JUDITH A. ZUCKER, Controller





Endowment Fund Disbursements

Disbursements Year End Value as a % of YE Value

1996 $ 45,513 $ 1,267,559 4%

1997 $ 21,910 $ 1,562,012 1%

1998 $ 69,217 $ 1,790,182 4%

1999 $ 79,272 $ 1,931,650 4%

2000 $ 161,006 $ 1,908,035 8%

2001 $ 58,787 $ 1,712,915 3%

2002 $ 201,334 $ 1,284,721 16%

2003 $ 533,256 $ 1,848,714 29%

2004 $ 647,247 $ 2,177,586 30%

2005 $ 199,050 $ 2,092,616 10%

2006 $ 285,567 $ 2,090,283 14%

2007 $ 162,995 $ 2,178,098 7%

2008 $ 310,029 $ 1,357,003 23%

2009 $ 167,000 $ 1,467,694 11%

2010 $ 187,425 $ 1,565,293 12%

2011 $ 257,784 $ 1,346,508 19%

2012 $ 260,540 $ 1,251,052 21%

2013 $ 117,000 $ 1,419,012 8%

2014 $ 121,720 $ 1,646,929 7%

2015 $ 139,633 $ 1,507,667 9%

2016 $ 213,407 $ 1,666,871 13%

$ 4,239,692

YE Value Includes $94,954 in ELCA MIF





Church Endowment Fund

Church Endowment Fund ELCA Mission Investment Loan Fund as of 12/31/16 $ 94.954. Total Endowment Fund Assets as of 12/31/16 $ 1,666,871.





Perpetual Care Fund




Building on Blessings Investment Account

$4,045.21 pending transaction for weekly giving BoB balance: $124,019.48




The Ad Hoc Committee on the Audit of the Financial Statements and Records of St. Paul’s Evangelical

Lutheran has completed its review of the income, expenditures, employee payroll and benefits records for the

year ending December 31, 2015. These accounting records reflect the church’s operating funds, investment

funds, cemetery funds and memorials/gifts funds. The records are consistent with the 2015 Annual Report.

Audit work is continuing on the evaluation of the church’s management and internal controls as well as

governance processes in accordance with the Audit program authorized by the Southeastern Pennsylvania

Synod of the ELCA.

Lastly, Insurance Coverage was confirmed including Workers Compensation, Property Package and

Umbrella Policies.




The following Council members have completed their terms as of February 2017:

Kevin Clouse (3 year term)

Paul DeLomba (3 year term)

Andrew Horn (3 year term)

Josephine Norquist (3 year term)

The Nominating Committee submitted to the full Congregation Council the names of the following St.

Paul’s members to serve for a three-year term:

Carolyn Ashburn

Emily Hampson

David Wilson

Stephenie Yeung

And the following name to serve a one year term, completing the term of Laura Bickert Ciarlello:

Claudia Muller

The full Congregation Council approved these nominations and the names will be placed on the ballot at

the February 12, 2017 Annual Meeting for election by the congregation.

Thanks to the members of this committee – Laura Bickert Ciarlello, Kevin Clouse, Paul DeLomba,

Patrick Freestone, Carol Hammarberg, Andrew Horn, Josephine Norquist, Donald Parman and Pastor Laura

Tancredi – for their assistance in formulating the slate of Council nominees.


